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      1 // Copyright (C) 2013 Google Inc.
      2 //
      3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
      6 //
      7 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      8 //
      9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 // limitations under the License.
     15 #include "retriever.h"
     17 #include <libaddressinput/callback.h>
     18 #include <libaddressinput/downloader.h>
     19 #include <libaddressinput/storage.h>
     20 #include <libaddressinput/util/basictypes.h>
     21 #include <libaddressinput/util/scoped_ptr.h>
     23 #include <cassert>
     24 #include <cstddef>
     25 #include <cstdlib>
     26 #include <ctime>
     27 #include <map>
     28 #include <string>
     30 #include "fallback_data_store.h"
     31 #include "util/md5.h"
     32 #include "util/stl_util.h"
     33 #include "util/string_util.h"
     35 namespace i18n {
     36 namespace addressinput {
     38 namespace {
     40 // The number of seconds after which data is considered stale. The staleness
     41 // threshold is 30 days:
     42 //    30 days *
     43 //    24 hours per day *
     44 //    60 minutes per hour *
     45 //    60 seconds per minute.
     46 static const double kStaleDataAgeInSeconds = 30.0 * 24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0;
     48 // The prefix for the timestamp line in the footer.
     49 const char kTimestampPrefix[] = "timestamp=";
     51 // The prefix for the checksum line in the footer.
     52 const char kChecksumPrefix[] = "checksum=";
     54 // The separator between lines of footer and data.
     55 const char kSeparator = '\n';
     57 // Returns |data| with attached checksum and current timestamp. Format:
     58 //
     59 //    <data>
     60 //    checksum=<checksum>
     61 //    timestamp=<timestamp>
     62 //
     63 // The timestamp is the time_t that was returned from time(NULL) function. The
     64 // timestamp does not need to be portable because it is written and read only by
     65 // Retriever. The value is somewhat human-readable: it is the number of seconds
     66 // since the epoch.
     67 //
     68 // The checksum is the 32-character hexadecimal MD5 checksum of <data>. It is
     69 // meant to protect from random file changes on disk.
     70 void AppendTimestamp(std::string* data) {
     71   std::string md5 = MD5String(*data);
     73   data->push_back(kSeparator);
     74   data->append(kChecksumPrefix);
     75   data->append(md5);
     77   data->push_back(kSeparator);
     78   data->append(kTimestampPrefix);
     79   data->append(TimeToString(time(NULL)));
     80 }
     82 // Places the footer value into |footer_value| parameter and the rest of the
     83 // data into |data| parameter. Returns |true| if the footer format is valid.
     84 bool ExtractFooter(scoped_ptr<std::string> data_and_footer,
     85                    const std::string& footer_prefix,
     86                    std::string* footer_value,
     87                    scoped_ptr<std::string>* data) {
     88   assert(footer_value != NULL);
     89   assert(data != NULL);
     91   std::string::size_type separator_position =
     92       data_and_footer->rfind(kSeparator);
     93   if (separator_position == std::string::npos) {
     94     return false;
     95   }
     97   std::string::size_type footer_start = separator_position + 1;
     98   if (data_and_footer->compare(footer_start,
     99                                footer_prefix.length(),
    100                                footer_prefix) != 0) {
    101     return false;
    102   }
    104   *footer_value =
    105       data_and_footer->substr(footer_start + footer_prefix.length());
    106   *data = data_and_footer.Pass();
    107   (*data)->resize(separator_position);
    108   return true;
    109 }
    111 // Strips out the timestamp and checksum from |data_and_footer|. Validates the
    112 // checksum. Saves the footer-less data into |data|. Compares the parsed
    113 // timestamp with current time and saves the difference into |age_in_seconds|.
    114 //
    115 // The parameters should not be NULL.
    116 //
    117 // Returns |true| if |data_and_footer| is correctly formatted and has the
    118 // correct checksum.
    119 bool VerifyAndExtractTimestamp(const std::string& data_and_footer,
    120                                scoped_ptr<std::string>* data,
    121                                double* age_in_seconds) {
    122   assert(data != NULL);
    123   assert(age_in_seconds != NULL);
    125   std::string timestamp_string;
    126   scoped_ptr<std::string> checksum_and_data;
    127   if (!ExtractFooter(make_scoped_ptr(new std::string(data_and_footer)),
    128                      kTimestampPrefix, &timestamp_string, &checksum_and_data)) {
    129     return false;
    130   }
    132   time_t timestamp = atol(timestamp_string.c_str());
    133   if (timestamp < 0) {
    134     return false;
    135   }
    137   *age_in_seconds = difftime(time(NULL), timestamp);
    138   if (*age_in_seconds < 0.0) {
    139     return false;
    140   }
    142   std::string checksum;
    143   if (!ExtractFooter(checksum_and_data.Pass(),
    144                      kChecksumPrefix, &checksum, data)) {
    145     return false;
    146   }
    148   return checksum == MD5String(**data);
    149 }
    151 }  // namespace
    153 Retriever::Retriever(const std::string& validation_data_url,
    154                      scoped_ptr<Downloader> downloader,
    155                      scoped_ptr<Storage> storage)
    156     : validation_data_url_(validation_data_url),
    157       downloader_(downloader.Pass()),
    158       storage_(storage.Pass()),
    159       stale_data_() {
    160   assert(validation_data_url_.length() > 0);
    161   assert(validation_data_url_[validation_data_url_.length() - 1] == '/');
    162   assert(storage_ != NULL);
    163   assert(downloader_ != NULL);
    164 }
    166 Retriever::~Retriever() {
    167   STLDeleteValues(&requests_);
    168 }
    170 void Retriever::Retrieve(const std::string& key,
    171                          scoped_ptr<Callback> retrieved) {
    172   std::map<std::string, Callback*>::iterator request_it =
    173       requests_.find(key);
    174   if (request_it != requests_.end()) {
    175     // Abandon a previous request.
    176     delete request_it->second;
    177     requests_.erase(request_it);
    178   }
    180   requests_[key] = retrieved.release();
    181   storage_->Get(key,
    182                 BuildCallback(this, &Retriever::OnDataRetrievedFromStorage));
    183 }
    185 void Retriever::OnDataRetrievedFromStorage(bool success,
    186                                            const std::string& key,
    187                                            const std::string& stored_data) {
    188   scoped_ptr<std::string> unwrapped;
    189   double age_in_seconds = 0.0;
    190   if (success &&
    191       VerifyAndExtractTimestamp(stored_data, &unwrapped, &age_in_seconds)) {
    192     if (age_in_seconds < kStaleDataAgeInSeconds) {
    193       if (InvokeCallbackForKey(key, success, *unwrapped)) {
    194         return;
    195       }
    196     } else {
    197       stale_data_[key].swap(*unwrapped);
    198     }
    199   }
    201   downloader_->Download(GetUrlForKey(key),
    202                         BuildScopedPtrCallback(this, &Retriever::OnDownloaded));
    203 }
    205 void Retriever::OnDownloaded(bool success,
    206                              const std::string& url,
    207                              scoped_ptr<std::string> downloaded_data) {
    208   const std::string& key = GetKeyForUrl(url);
    209   std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator stale_data_it =
    210       stale_data_.find(key);
    212   // This variable tracks whether the client "likes" the data we return. For
    213   // example, it could be corrupt --- in this case, we won't place it in
    214   // storage.
    215   bool data_is_good = false;
    216   if (success) {
    217     data_is_good = InvokeCallbackForKey(key, success, *downloaded_data);
    218     if (data_is_good) {
    219       AppendTimestamp(downloaded_data.get());
    220       storage_->Put(key, downloaded_data.Pass());
    221     }
    222   } else if (stale_data_it != stale_data_.end()) {
    223     data_is_good = InvokeCallbackForKey(key, true, stale_data_it->second);
    224   }
    226   if (!success || !data_is_good) {
    227     std::string fallback;
    228     success = FallbackDataStore::Get(key, &fallback);
    229     InvokeCallbackForKey(key, success, fallback);
    230   }
    232   if (stale_data_it != stale_data_.end()) {
    233     stale_data_.erase(stale_data_it);
    234   }
    235 }
    237 std::string Retriever::GetUrlForKey(const std::string& key) const {
    238   return validation_data_url_ + key;
    239 }
    241 std::string Retriever::GetKeyForUrl(const std::string& url) const {
    242   return
    243       url.compare(0, validation_data_url_.length(), validation_data_url_) == 0
    244           ? url.substr(validation_data_url_.length())
    245           : std::string();
    246 }
    248 bool Retriever::IsValidationDataUrl(const std::string& url) const {
    249   return
    250       url.compare(0, validation_data_url_.length(), validation_data_url_) == 0;
    251 }
    253 bool Retriever::InvokeCallbackForKey(const std::string& key,
    254                                      bool success,
    255                                      const std::string& data) {
    256   std::map<std::string, Callback*>::iterator iter =
    257       requests_.find(key);
    258   if (iter == requests_.end()) {
    259     // An abandoned request.
    260     return true;
    261   }
    263   scoped_ptr<Callback> callback(iter->second);
    264   // If the data is no good, put the request back.
    265   if (callback != NULL && !(*callback)(success, key, data)) {
    266     requests_[key] = callback.release();
    267     return false;
    268   }
    270   requests_.erase(iter);
    271   return true;
    272 }
    274 }  // namespace addressinput
    275 }  // namespace i18n