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      1 * Get heap-profile-table.cc using DeleteMatchingFiles
      2 * Get heap-profile-table.cc using FillProcSelfMaps, DumpProcSelfMaps
      3 * Play around with ExperimentalGetStackTrace
      4 * Support the windows-level memory-allocation functions?  See
      5     /home/build/googleclient/earth/client/tools/memorytracking/client/memorytrace/src/memorytrace.cpp
      6     /home/build/googleclient/total_recall/common/sitestep/*
      7     http://www.internals.com/articles/apispy/apispy.htm
      8     http://www.wheaty.net/APISPY32.zip
      9 * Verify /proc/xxx/maps:
     10     http://www.geocities.com/wah_java_dotnet/procmap/index.html
     11 * Figure out how to edit the executable IAT so tcmalloc.dll is loaded first
     12 * Use QueryPerformanceCounter instead of GetTickCount() (also for sparsehash)
     14 ----
     15 More info on windows-level memory-allocation functions:
     16    C runtime malloc
     17    LocalAlloc
     18    GlobalAlloc
     19    HeapAlloc
     20    VirtualAlloc
     21    mmap stuff
     23 malloc, LocalAlloc and GlobalAlloc call HeapAlloc, which calls
     24 VirtualAlloc when needed, which calls VirtualAllocEx (the __sbrk equiv?)
     26 siggi sez: If you want to do a generic job, you probably need to
     27 preserve the semantics of all of these Win32 calls:
     28    Heap32First
     29    Heap32ListFirst
     30    Heap32ListNext
     31    Heap32Next
     32    HeapAlloc
     33    HeapCompact
     34    HeapCreate
     35    HeapCreateTagsW
     36    HeapDestroy
     37    HeapExtend
     38    HeapFree
     39    HeapLock
     40    HeapQueryInformation
     41    HeapQueryTagW
     42    HeapReAlloc
     43    HeapSetInformation
     44    HeapSize
     45    HeapSummary
     46    HeapUnlock
     47    HeapUsage
     48    HeapValidate
     49    HeapWalk
     51 kernel32.dll export functions and nt.dll export functions:
     52    http://www.shorthike.com/svn/trunk/tools_win32/dm/lib/kernel32.def
     53    http://undocumented.ntinternals.net/
     55 You can edit the executable IAT to have the patching DLL be the
     56 first one loaded.
     58 Most complete way to intercept system calls is patch the functions
     59 (not the IAT).
     61 Microsoft has somee built-in routines for heap-checking:
     62    http://support.microsoft.com/kb/268343
     64 ----
     65 Itimer replacement:
     66    http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms712713.aspx
     68 ----
     69 Changes I've had to make to the project file:
     71 0) When creating the project file, click on "no autogenerated files"
     73 --- For each project:
     74 1) Alt-F7 -> General -> [pulldown "all configurations" ] -> Output Directory -> $(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)
     75 2) Alt-F7 -> General -> [pulldown "all configurations" ] -> Intermediate Directory -> $(ConfigurationName)
     77 --- For each .cc file:
     78 1) Alt-F7 -> C/C++ -> General -> [pulldown "all configurations"] -> Additional Include Directives --> src/windows + src/
     79 2) Alt-F7 -> C/C++ -> Code Generation -> Runtime Library -> Multi-threaded, debug/release, DLL or not
     81 --- For DLL:
     82 3) Alt-F7 -> Linker -> Input -> [pulldown "all configurations" ] -> Module Definition File -> src\windows\vc7and8.def
     83 --- For binaries depending on a DLL:
     84 3) Right-click on project -> Project Dependencies -> [add dll]
     85 --- For static binaries (not depending on a DLL)
     86 3) Alt-F7 -> C/C++ -> Command Line -> [pulldown "all configurations"] -> /D PERFTOOLS_DLL_DECL=