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      1 /*
      2  *  Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3  *
      4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
      5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
      6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
      7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
      8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
      9  */
     14 #include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/interface/audio_coding_module_typedefs.h"
     15 #include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/acm2/acm_common_defs.h"
     16 #include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/interface/neteq.h"
     17 #include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/interface/audio_decoder.h"
     18 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/rw_lock_wrapper.h"
     19 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/thread_annotations.h"
     20 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/trace.h"
     22 #define MAX_FRAME_SIZE_10MSEC 6
     24 // forward declaration
     25 struct WebRtcVadInst;
     26 struct WebRtcCngEncInst;
     28 namespace webrtc {
     30 struct WebRtcACMCodecParams;
     31 struct CodecInst;
     33 namespace acm2 {
     35 // forward declaration
     36 class AcmReceiver;
     38 class ACMGenericCodec {
     39  public:
     40   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     41   // Constructor of the class
     42   //
     43   ACMGenericCodec();
     45   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     46   // Destructor of the class.
     47   //
     48   virtual ~ACMGenericCodec();
     50   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     51   // ACMGenericCodec* CreateInstance();
     52   // The function will be used for FEC. It is not implemented yet.
     53   //
     54   virtual ACMGenericCodec* CreateInstance() = 0;
     56   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     57   // int16_t Encode()
     58   // The function is called to perform an encoding of the audio stored in
     59   // audio buffer. An encoding is performed only if enough audio, i.e. equal
     60   // to the frame-size of the codec, exist. The audio frame will be processed
     61   // by VAD and CN/DTX if required. There are few different cases.
     62   //
     63   // A) Neither VAD nor DTX is active; the frame is encoded by the encoder.
     64   //
     65   // B) VAD is enabled but not DTX; in this case the audio is processed by VAD
     66   //    and encoded by the encoder. The "*encoding_type" will be either
     67   //    "kActiveNormalEncode" or "kPassiveNormalEncode" if frame is active or
     68   //    passive, respectively.
     69   //
     70   // C) DTX is enabled; if the codec has internal VAD/DTX we just encode the
     71   //    frame by the encoder. Otherwise, the frame is passed through VAD and
     72   //    if identified as passive, then it will be processed by CN/DTX. If the
     73   //    frame is active it will be encoded by the encoder.
     74   //
     75   // This function acquires the appropriate locks and calls EncodeSafe() for
     76   // the actual processing.
     77   //
     78   // Outputs:
     79   //   -bitstream          : a buffer where bit-stream will be written to.
     80   //   -bitstream_len_byte : contains the length of the bit-stream in
     81   //                         bytes.
     82   //   -timestamp          : contains the RTP timestamp, this is the
     83   //                         sampling time of the first sample encoded
     84   //                         (measured in number of samples).
     85   //   -encoding_type       : contains the type of encoding applied on the
     86   //                         audio samples. The alternatives are
     87   //                         (c.f. acm_common_types.h)
     88   //                         -kNoEncoding:
     89   //                            there was not enough data to encode. or
     90   //                            some error has happened that we could
     91   //                            not do encoding.
     92   //                         -kActiveNormalEncoded:
     93   //                            the audio frame is active and encoded by
     94   //                            the given codec.
     95   //                         -kPassiveNormalEncoded:
     96   //                            the audio frame is passive but coded with
     97   //                            the given codec (NO DTX).
     98   //                         -kPassiveDTXWB:
     99   //                            The audio frame is passive and used
    100   //                            wide-band CN to encode.
    101   //                         -kPassiveDTXNB:
    102   //                            The audio frame is passive and used
    103   //                            narrow-band CN to encode.
    104   //
    105   // Return value:
    106   //   -1 if error is occurred, otherwise the length of the bit-stream in
    107   //      bytes.
    108   //
    109   int16_t Encode(uint8_t* bitstream,
    110                  int16_t* bitstream_len_byte,
    111                  uint32_t* timestamp,
    112                  WebRtcACMEncodingType* encoding_type);
    114   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    115   // bool EncoderInitialized();
    116   //
    117   // Return value:
    118   //   True if the encoder is successfully initialized,
    119   //   false otherwise.
    120   //
    121   bool EncoderInitialized();
    123   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    124   // int16_t EncoderParams()
    125   // It is called to get encoder parameters. It will call
    126   // EncoderParamsSafe() in turn.
    127   //
    128   // Output:
    129   //   -enc_params         : a buffer where the encoder parameters is
    130   //                         written to. If the encoder is not
    131   //                         initialized this buffer is filled with
    132   //                         invalid values
    133   // Return value:
    134   //   -1 if the encoder is not initialized,
    135   //    0 otherwise.
    136   //
    137   int16_t EncoderParams(WebRtcACMCodecParams* enc_params);
    139   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    140   // int16_t InitEncoder(...)
    141   // This function is called to initialize the encoder with the given
    142   // parameters.
    143   //
    144   // Input:
    145   //   -codec_params        : parameters of encoder.
    146   //   -force_initialization: if false the initialization is invoked only if
    147   //                          the encoder is not initialized. If true the
    148   //                          encoder is forced to (re)initialize.
    149   //
    150   // Return value:
    151   //   0 if could initialize successfully,
    152   //  -1 if failed to initialize.
    153   //
    154   //
    155   int16_t InitEncoder(WebRtcACMCodecParams* codec_params,
    156                       bool force_initialization);
    158   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    159   // int32_t Add10MsData(...)
    160   // This function is called to add 10 ms of audio to the audio buffer of
    161   // the codec.
    162   //
    163   // Inputs:
    164   //   -timestamp          : the timestamp of the 10 ms audio. the timestamp
    165   //                         is the sampling time of the
    166   //                         first sample measured in number of samples.
    167   //   -data               : a buffer that contains the audio. The codec
    168   //                         expects to get the audio in correct sampling
    169   //                         frequency
    170   //   -length             : the length of the audio buffer
    171   //   -audio_channel      : 0 for mono, 1 for stereo (not supported yet)
    172   //
    173   // Return values:
    174   //   -1 if failed
    175   //    0 otherwise.
    176   //
    177   int32_t Add10MsData(const uint32_t timestamp,
    178                       const int16_t* data,
    179                       const uint16_t length,
    180                       const uint8_t audio_channel);
    182   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    183   // uint32_t NoMissedSamples()
    184   // This function returns the number of samples which are overwritten in
    185   // the audio buffer. The audio samples are overwritten if the input audio
    186   // buffer is full, but Add10MsData() is called. (We might remove this
    187   // function if it is not used)
    188   //
    189   // Return Value:
    190   //   Number of samples which are overwritten.
    191   //
    192   uint32_t NoMissedSamples() const;
    194   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    195   // void ResetNoMissedSamples()
    196   // This function resets the number of overwritten samples to zero.
    197   // (We might remove this function if we remove NoMissedSamples())
    198   //
    199   void ResetNoMissedSamples();
    201   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    202   // int16_t SetBitRate()
    203   // The function is called to set the encoding rate.
    204   //
    205   // Input:
    206   //   -bitrate_bps        : encoding rate in bits per second
    207   //
    208   // Return value:
    209   //   -1 if failed to set the rate, due to invalid input or given
    210   //      codec is not rate-adjustable.
    211   //    0 if the rate is adjusted successfully
    212   //
    213   int16_t SetBitRate(const int32_t bitrate_bps);
    215   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    216   // DestructEncoderInst()
    217   // This API is used in conferencing. It will free the memory that is pointed
    218   // by |ptr_inst|. |ptr_inst| is a pointer to encoder instance, created and
    219   // filled up by calling EncoderInst(...).
    220   //
    221   // Inputs:
    222   //   -ptr_inst            : pointer to an encoder instance to be deleted.
    223   //
    224   //
    225   void DestructEncoderInst(void* ptr_inst);
    227   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    228   // uint32_t EarliestTimestamp()
    229   // Returns the timestamp of the first 10 ms in audio buffer. This is used
    230   // to identify if a synchronization of two encoders is required.
    231   //
    232   // Return value:
    233   //   timestamp of the first 10 ms audio in the audio buffer.
    234   //
    235   uint32_t EarliestTimestamp() const;
    237   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    238   // int16_t SetVAD()
    239   // This is called to set VAD & DTX. If the codec has internal DTX, it will
    240   // be used. If DTX is enabled and the codec does not have internal DTX,
    241   // WebRtc-VAD will be used to decide if the frame is active. If DTX is
    242   // disabled but VAD is enabled, the audio is passed through VAD to label it
    243   // as active or passive, but the frame is  encoded normally. However the
    244   // bit-stream is labeled properly so that ACM::Process() can use this
    245   // information. In case of failure, the previous states of the VAD & DTX
    246   // are kept.
    247   //
    248   // Inputs/Output:
    249   //   -enable_dtx         : if true DTX will be enabled otherwise the DTX is
    250   //                         disabled. If codec has internal DTX that will be
    251   //                         used, otherwise WebRtc-CNG is used. In the latter
    252   //                         case VAD is automatically activated.
    253   //   -enable_vad         : if true WebRtc-VAD is enabled, otherwise VAD is
    254   //                         disabled, except for the case that DTX is enabled
    255   //                         but codec doesn't have internal DTX. In this case
    256   //                         VAD is enabled regardless of the value of
    257   //                         |enable_vad|.
    258   //   -mode               : this specifies the aggressiveness of VAD.
    259   //
    260   // Return value
    261   //   -1 if failed to set DTX & VAD as specified,
    262   //    0 if succeeded.
    263   //
    264   int16_t SetVAD(bool* enable_dtx, bool* enable_vad, ACMVADMode* mode);
    266   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    267   // int32_t ReplaceInternalDTX()
    268   // This is called to replace the codec internal DTX with WebRtc DTX.
    269   // This is only valid for G729 where the user has possibility to replace
    270   // AnnexB with WebRtc DTX. For other codecs this function has no effect.
    271   //
    272   // Input:
    273   //   -replace_internal_dtx : if true the internal DTX is replaced with WebRtc.
    274   //
    275   // Return value
    276   //   -1 if failed to replace internal DTX,
    277   //    0 if succeeded.
    278   //
    279   int32_t ReplaceInternalDTX(const bool replace_internal_dtx);
    281   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    282   // int32_t IsInternalDTXReplaced()
    283   // This is called to check if the codec internal DTX is replaced by WebRtc
    284   // DTX. This is only valid for G729 where the user has possibility to replace
    285   // AnnexB with WebRtc DTX. For other codecs this function has no effect.
    286   //
    287   // Output:
    288   //   -internal_dtx_replaced: if true the internal DTX is replaced with WebRtc.
    289   //
    290   // Return value
    291   //   -1 if failed to check
    292   //    0 if succeeded.
    293   //
    294   int32_t IsInternalDTXReplaced(bool* internal_dtx_replaced);
    296   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    297   // void SetNetEqDecodeLock()
    298   // Passes the NetEq lock to the codec.
    299   //
    300   // Input:
    301   //   -neteq_decode_lock  : pointer to the lock associated with NetEQ of ACM.
    302   //
    303   void SetNetEqDecodeLock(RWLockWrapper* neteq_decode_lock) {
    304     neteq_decode_lock_ = neteq_decode_lock;
    305   }
    307   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    308   // bool HasInternalDTX()
    309   // Used to check if the codec has internal DTX.
    310   //
    311   // Return value:
    312   //   true if the codec has an internal DTX, e.g. G729,
    313   //   false otherwise.
    314   //
    315   bool HasInternalDTX() const { return has_internal_dtx_; }
    317   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    318   // int32_t GetEstimatedBandwidth()
    319   // Used to get decoder estimated bandwidth. Only iSAC will provide a value.
    320   //
    321   //
    322   // Return value:
    323   //   -1 if fails to get decoder estimated bandwidth,
    324   //    >0 estimated bandwidth in bits/sec.
    325   //
    326   int32_t GetEstimatedBandwidth();
    328   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    329   // int32_t SetEstimatedBandwidth()
    330   // Used to set estiamted bandwidth sent out of band from other side. Only
    331   // iSAC will have use for the value.
    332   //
    333   // Input:
    334   //       -estimated_bandwidth:    estimated bandwidth in bits/sec
    335   //
    336   // Return value:
    337   //   -1 if fails to set estimated bandwidth,
    338   //    0 on success.
    339   //
    340   int32_t SetEstimatedBandwidth(int32_t estimated_bandwidth);
    342   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    343   // int32_t GetRedPayload()
    344   // Used to get codec specific RED payload (if such is implemented).
    345   // Currently only done in iSAC.
    346   //
    347   // Outputs:
    348   //   -red_payload       : a pointer to the data for RED payload.
    349   //   -payload_bytes     : number of bytes in RED payload.
    350   //
    351   // Return value:
    352   //   -1 if fails to get codec specific RED,
    353   //    0 if succeeded.
    354   //
    355   int32_t GetRedPayload(uint8_t* red_payload, int16_t* payload_bytes);
    357   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    358   // int16_t ResetEncoder()
    359   // By calling this function you would re-initialize the encoder with the
    360   // current parameters. All the settings, e.g. VAD/DTX, frame-size... should
    361   // remain unchanged. (In case of iSAC we don't want to lose BWE history.)
    362   //
    363   // Return value
    364   //   -1 if failed,
    365   //    0 if succeeded.
    366   //
    367   int16_t ResetEncoder();
    369   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    370   // void DestructEncoder()
    371   // This function is called to delete the encoder instance, if possible, to
    372   // have a fresh start. For codecs where encoder and decoder share the same
    373   // instance we cannot delete the encoder and instead we will initialize the
    374   // encoder. We also delete VAD and DTX if they have been created.
    375   //
    376   void DestructEncoder();
    378   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    379   // int16_t SamplesLeftToEncode()
    380   // Returns the number of samples required to be able to do encoding.
    381   //
    382   // Return value:
    383   //   Number of samples.
    384   //
    385   int16_t SamplesLeftToEncode();
    387   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    388   // SetUniqueID()
    389   // Set a unique ID for the codec to be used for tracing and debugging
    390   //
    391   // Input
    392   //   -id                 : A number to identify the codec.
    393   //
    394   void SetUniqueID(const uint32_t id);
    396   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    397   // UpdateDecoderSampFreq()
    398   // For most of the codecs this function does nothing. It must be
    399   // implemented for those codecs that one codec instance serves as the
    400   // decoder for different flavors of the codec. One example is iSAC. there,
    401   // iSAC 16 kHz and iSAC 32 kHz are treated as two different codecs with
    402   // different payload types, however, there is only one iSAC instance to
    403   // decode. The reason for that is we would like to decode and encode with
    404   // the same codec instance for bandwidth estimator to work.
    405   //
    406   // Each time that we receive a new payload type, we call this function to
    407   // prepare the decoder associated with the new payload. Normally, decoders
    408   // doesn't have to do anything. For iSAC the decoder has to change it's
    409   // sampling rate. The input parameter specifies the current flavor of the
    410   // codec in codec database. For instance, if we just got a SWB payload then
    411   // the input parameter is ACMCodecDB::isacswb.
    412   //
    413   // Input:
    414   //   -codec_id           : the ID of the codec associated with the
    415   //                         payload type that we just received.
    416   //
    417   // Return value:
    418   //    0 if succeeded in updating the decoder.
    419   //   -1 if failed to update.
    420   //
    421   virtual int16_t UpdateDecoderSampFreq(int16_t /* codec_id */) { return 0; }
    423   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    424   // UpdateEncoderSampFreq()
    425   // Call this function to update the encoder sampling frequency. This
    426   // is for codecs where one payload-name supports several encoder sampling
    427   // frequencies. Otherwise, to change the sampling frequency we need to
    428   // register new codec. ACM will consider that as registration of a new
    429   // codec, not a change in parameter. For iSAC, switching from WB to SWB
    430   // is treated as a change in parameter. Therefore, we need this function.
    431   //
    432   // Input:
    433   //   -samp_freq_hz        : encoder sampling frequency.
    434   //
    435   // Return value:
    436   //   -1 if failed, or if this is meaningless for the given codec.
    437   //    0 if succeeded.
    438   //
    439   virtual int16_t UpdateEncoderSampFreq(uint16_t samp_freq_hz);
    441   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    442   // EncoderSampFreq()
    443   // Get the sampling frequency that the encoder (WebRtc wrapper) expects.
    444   //
    445   // Output:
    446   //   -samp_freq_hz       : sampling frequency, in Hertz, which the encoder
    447   //                         should be fed with.
    448   //
    449   // Return value:
    450   //   -1 if failed to output sampling rate.
    451   //    0 if the sample rate is returned successfully.
    452   //
    453   virtual int16_t EncoderSampFreq(uint16_t* samp_freq_hz);
    455   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    456   // int32_t ConfigISACBandwidthEstimator()
    457   // Call this function to configure the bandwidth estimator of ISAC.
    458   // During the adaptation of bit-rate, iSAC automatically adjusts the
    459   // frame-size (either 30 or 60 ms) to save on RTP header. The initial
    460   // frame-size can be specified by the first argument. The configuration also
    461   // regards the initial estimate of bandwidths. The estimator starts from
    462   // this point and converges to the actual bottleneck. This is given by the
    463   // second parameter. Furthermore, it is also possible to control the
    464   // adaptation of frame-size. This is specified by the last parameter.
    465   //
    466   // Input:
    467   //   -init_frame_fize_ms : initial frame-size in milliseconds. For iSAC-wb
    468   //                         30 ms and 60 ms (default) are acceptable values,
    469   //                         and for iSAC-swb 30 ms is the only acceptable
    470   //                         value. Zero indicates default value.
    471   //   -init_rate_bps      : initial estimate of the bandwidth. Values
    472   //                         between 10000 and 58000 are acceptable.
    473   //   -enforce_frame_size : if true, the frame-size will not be adapted.
    474   //
    475   // Return value:
    476   //   -1 if failed to configure the bandwidth estimator,
    477   //    0 if the configuration was successfully applied.
    478   //
    479   virtual int32_t ConfigISACBandwidthEstimator(
    480       const uint8_t init_frame_size_msec,
    481       const uint16_t init_rate_bps,
    482       const bool enforce_frame_size);
    484   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    485   // SetISACMaxPayloadSize()
    486   // Set the maximum payload size of iSAC packets. No iSAC payload,
    487   // regardless of its frame-size, may exceed the given limit. For
    488   // an iSAC payload of size B bits and frame-size T sec we have;
    489   // (B < max_payload_len_bytes * 8) and (B/T < max_rate_bit_per_sec), c.f.
    490   // SetISACMaxRate().
    491   //
    492   // Input:
    493   //   -max_payload_len_bytes : maximum payload size in bytes.
    494   //
    495   // Return value:
    496   //   -1 if failed to set the maximum  payload-size.
    497   //    0 if the given length is set successfully.
    498   //
    499   virtual int32_t SetISACMaxPayloadSize(const uint16_t max_payload_len_bytes);
    501   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    502   // SetISACMaxRate()
    503   // Set the maximum instantaneous rate of iSAC. For a payload of B bits
    504   // with a frame-size of T sec the instantaneous rate is B/T bits per
    505   // second. Therefore, (B/T < max_rate_bit_per_sec) and
    506   // (B < max_payload_len_bytes * 8) are always satisfied for iSAC payloads,
    507   // c.f SetISACMaxPayloadSize().
    508   //
    509   // Input:
    510   //   -max_rate_bps       : maximum instantaneous bit-rate given in bits/sec.
    511   //
    512   // Return value:
    513   //   -1 if failed to set the maximum rate.
    514   //    0 if the maximum rate is set successfully.
    515   //
    516   virtual int32_t SetISACMaxRate(const uint32_t max_rate_bps);
    518   int32_t FrameSize() { return frame_len_smpl_; }
    520   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    521   // REDPayloadISAC()
    522   // This is an iSAC-specific function. The function is called to get RED
    523   // payload from a default-encoder.
    524   //
    525   // Inputs:
    526   //   -isac_rate          : the target rate of the main payload. A RED
    527   //                         payload is generated according to the rate of
    528   //                         main payload. Note that we are not specifying the
    529   //                         rate of RED payload, but the main payload.
    530   //   -isac_bw_estimate   : bandwidth information should be inserted in
    531   //                         RED payload.
    532   //
    533   // Output:
    534   //   -payload            : pointer to a buffer where the RED payload will
    535   //                         written to.
    536   //   -payload_len_bytes  : a place-holder to write the length of the RED
    537   //                         payload in Bytes.
    538   //
    539   // Return value:
    540   //   -1 if an error occurs, otherwise the length of the payload (in Bytes)
    541   //   is returned.
    542   //
    543   virtual int16_t REDPayloadISAC(const int32_t isac_rate,
    544                                  const int16_t isac_bw_estimate,
    545                                  uint8_t* payload,
    546                                  int16_t* payload_len_bytes);
    548   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    549   // HasFrameToEncode()
    550   // Returns true if there is enough audio buffered for encoding, such that
    551   // calling Encode() will return a payload.
    552   //
    553   bool HasFrameToEncode() const;
    555   //
    556   // Returns pointer to the AudioDecoder class of this codec. A codec which
    557   // should own its own decoder (e.g. iSAC which need same instance for encoding
    558   // and decoding, or a codec which should access decoder instance for specific
    559   // decoder setting) should implement this method. This method is called if
    560   // and only if the ACMCodecDB::codec_settings[codec_id].owns_decoder is true.
    561   //
    562   virtual AudioDecoder* Decoder(int /* codec_id */) { return NULL; }
    564   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    565   // bool HasInternalFEC()
    566   // Used to check if the codec has internal FEC.
    567   //
    568   // Return value:
    569   //   true if the codec has an internal FEC, e.g. Opus.
    570   //   false otherwise.
    571   //
    572   bool HasInternalFEC() const { return has_internal_fec_; }
    574   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    575   // int SetFEC();
    576   // Sets the codec internal FEC. No effects on codecs that do not provide
    577   // internal FEC.
    578   //
    579   // Input:
    580   //   -enable_fec         : if true FEC will be enabled otherwise the FEC is
    581   //                         disabled.
    582   //
    583   // Return value:
    584   //   -1 if failed, or the codec does not support FEC
    585   //    0 if succeeded.
    586   //
    587   virtual int SetFEC(bool /* enable_fec */) { return -1; }
    589   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    590   // int SetPacketLossRate()
    591   // Sets expected packet loss rate for encoding. Some encoders provide packet
    592   // loss gnostic encoding to make stream less sensitive to packet losses,
    593   // through e.g., FEC. No effects on codecs that do not provide such encoding.
    594   //
    595   // Input:
    596   //   -loss_rate          : expected packet loss rate (0 -- 100 inclusive).
    597   //
    598   // Return value:
    599   //   -1 if failed,
    600   //    0 if succeeded or packet loss rate is ignored.
    601   //
    602   virtual int SetPacketLossRate(int /* loss_rate */) { return 0; }
    604  protected:
    605   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    606   // All the functions with FunctionNameSafe(...) contain the actual
    607   // implementation of FunctionName(...). FunctionName() acquires an
    608   // appropriate lock and calls FunctionNameSafe() to do the actual work.
    609   // Therefore, for the description of functionality, input/output arguments
    610   // and return value we refer to FunctionName()
    611   //
    613   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    614   // See Add10MsSafe() for the description of function, input(s)/output(s)
    615   // and return value.
    616   //
    617   virtual int32_t Add10MsDataSafe(const uint32_t timestamp,
    618                                   const int16_t* data,
    619                                   const uint16_t length,
    620                                   const uint8_t audio_channel)
    621       EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(codec_wrapper_lock_);
    623   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    624   // See EncoderParam() for the description of function, input(s)/output(s)
    625   // and return value.
    626   //
    627   int16_t EncoderParamsSafe(WebRtcACMCodecParams* enc_params);
    629   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    630   // See ResetEncoder() for the description of function, input(s)/output(s)
    631   // and return value.
    632   //
    633   int16_t ResetEncoderSafe() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(codec_wrapper_lock_);
    635   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    636   // See InitEncoder() for the description of function, input(s)/output(s)
    637   // and return value.
    638   //
    639   int16_t InitEncoderSafe(WebRtcACMCodecParams* codec_params,
    640                           bool force_initialization)
    641       EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(codec_wrapper_lock_);
    643   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    644   // See InitDecoder() for the description of function, input(s)/output(s)
    645   // and return value.
    646   //
    647   int16_t InitDecoderSafe(WebRtcACMCodecParams* codec_params,
    648                           bool force_initialization);
    650   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    651   // See DestructEncoder() for the description of function,
    652   // input(s)/output(s) and return value.
    653   //
    654   virtual void DestructEncoderSafe() = 0;
    656   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    657   // See SetBitRate() for the description of function, input(s)/output(s)
    658   // and return value.
    659   //
    660   // Any codec that can change the bit-rate has to implement this.
    661   //
    662   virtual int16_t SetBitRateSafe(const int32_t bitrate_bps);
    664   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    665   // See GetEstimatedBandwidth() for the description of function,
    666   // input(s)/output(s) and return value.
    667   //
    668   virtual int32_t GetEstimatedBandwidthSafe();
    670   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    671   // See SetEstimatedBandwidth() for the description of function,
    672   // input(s)/output(s) and return value.
    673   //
    674   virtual int32_t SetEstimatedBandwidthSafe(int32_t estimated_bandwidth);
    676   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    677   // See GetRedPayload() for the description of function, input(s)/output(s)
    678   // and return value.
    679   //
    680   virtual int32_t GetRedPayloadSafe(uint8_t* red_payload,
    681                                     int16_t* payload_bytes);
    683   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    684   // See SetVAD() for the description of function, input(s)/output(s) and
    685   // return value.
    686   //
    687   int16_t SetVADSafe(bool* enable_dtx, bool* enable_vad, ACMVADMode* mode)
    688       EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(codec_wrapper_lock_);
    690   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    691   // See ReplaceInternalDTX() for the description of function, input and
    692   // return value.
    693   //
    694   virtual int32_t ReplaceInternalDTXSafe(const bool replace_internal_dtx);
    696   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    697   // See IsInternalDTXReplaced() for the description of function, input and
    698   // return value.
    699   //
    700   virtual int32_t IsInternalDTXReplacedSafe(bool* internal_dtx_replaced);
    702   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    703   // int16_t CreateEncoder()
    704   // Creates the encoder instance.
    705   //
    706   // Return value:
    707   //   -1 if failed,
    708   //    0 if succeeded.
    709   //
    710   int16_t CreateEncoder();
    712   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    713   // int16_t EnableVAD();
    714   // Enables VAD with the given mode. The VAD instance will be created if
    715   // it does not exists.
    716   //
    717   // Input:
    718   //   -mode               : VAD mode c.f. audio_coding_module_typedefs.h for
    719   //                         the options.
    720   //
    721   // Return value:
    722   //   -1 if failed,
    723   //    0 if succeeded.
    724   //
    725   int16_t EnableVAD(ACMVADMode mode)
    726       EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(codec_wrapper_lock_);
    728   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    729   // int16_t DisableVAD()
    730   // Disables VAD.
    731   //
    732   // Return value:
    733   //   -1 if failed,
    734   //    0 if succeeded.
    735   //
    736   int16_t DisableVAD() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(codec_wrapper_lock_);
    738   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    739   // int16_t EnableDTX()
    740   // Enables DTX. This method should be overwritten for codecs which have
    741   // internal DTX.
    742   //
    743   // Return value:
    744   //   -1 if failed,
    745   //    0 if succeeded.
    746   //
    747   virtual int16_t EnableDTX() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(codec_wrapper_lock_);
    749   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    750   // int16_t DisableDTX()
    751   // Disables usage of DTX. This method should be overwritten for codecs which
    752   // have internal DTX.
    753   //
    754   // Return value:
    755   //   -1 if failed,
    756   //    0 if succeeded.
    757   //
    758   virtual int16_t DisableDTX() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(codec_wrapper_lock_);
    760   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    761   // int16_t InternalEncode()
    762   // This is a codec-specific function called in EncodeSafe() to actually
    763   // encode a frame of audio.
    764   //
    765   // Outputs:
    766   //   -bitstream          : pointer to a buffer where the bit-stream is
    767   //                         written to.
    768   //   -bitstream_len_byte : the length of the bit-stream in bytes,
    769   //                         a negative value indicates error.
    770   //
    771   // Return value:
    772   //   -1 if failed,
    773   //   otherwise the length of the bit-stream is returned.
    774   //
    775   virtual int16_t InternalEncode(uint8_t* bitstream,
    776                                  int16_t* bitstream_len_byte) = 0;
    778   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    779   // int16_t InternalInitEncoder()
    780   // This is a codec-specific function called in InitEncoderSafe(), it has to
    781   // do all codec-specific operation to initialize the encoder given the
    782   // encoder parameters.
    783   //
    784   // Input:
    785   //   -codec_params       : pointer to a structure that contains parameters to
    786   //                         initialize encoder.
    787   //                         Set codec_params->codec_inst.rate to -1 for
    788   //                         iSAC to operate in adaptive mode.
    789   //                         (to do: if frame-length is -1 frame-length will be
    790   //                         automatically adjusted, otherwise, given
    791   //                         frame-length is forced)
    792   //
    793   // Return value:
    794   //   -1 if failed,
    795   //    0 if succeeded.
    796   //
    797   virtual int16_t InternalInitEncoder(WebRtcACMCodecParams* codec_params) = 0;
    799   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    800   // void IncreaseNoMissedSamples()
    801   // This method is called to increase the number of samples that are
    802   // overwritten in the audio buffer.
    803   //
    804   // Input:
    805   //   -num_samples        : the number of overwritten samples is incremented
    806   //                         by this value.
    807   //
    808   void IncreaseNoMissedSamples(const int16_t num_samples);
    810   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    811   // int16_t InternalCreateEncoder()
    812   // This is a codec-specific method called in CreateEncoderSafe() it is
    813   // supposed to perform all codec-specific operations to create encoder
    814   // instance.
    815   //
    816   // Return value:
    817   //   -1 if failed,
    818   //    0 if succeeded.
    819   //
    820   virtual int16_t InternalCreateEncoder() = 0;
    822   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    823   // void InternalDestructEncoderInst()
    824   // This is a codec-specific method, used in conferencing, called from
    825   // DestructEncoderInst(). The input argument is pointer to encoder instance
    826   // (codec instance for codecs that encoder and decoder share the same
    827   // instance). This method is called to free the memory that |ptr_inst| is
    828   // pointing to.
    829   //
    830   // Input:
    831   //   -ptr_inst           : pointer to encoder instance.
    832   //
    833   // Return value:
    834   //   -1 if failed,
    835   //    0 if succeeded.
    836   //
    837   virtual void InternalDestructEncoderInst(void* ptr_inst) = 0;
    839   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    840   // int16_t InternalResetEncoder()
    841   // This method is called to reset the states of encoder. However, the
    842   // current parameters, e.g. frame-length, should remain as they are. For
    843   // most of the codecs a re-initialization of the encoder is what needs to
    844   // be down. But for iSAC we like to keep the BWE history so we cannot
    845   // re-initialize. As soon as such an API is implemented in iSAC this method
    846   // has to be overwritten in ACMISAC class.
    847   //
    848   // Return value:
    849   //   -1 if failed,
    850   //    0 if succeeded.
    851   //
    852   virtual int16_t InternalResetEncoder();
    854   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    855   // int16_t ProcessFrameVADDTX()
    856   // This function is called when a full frame of audio is available. It will
    857   // break the audio frame into blocks such that each block could be processed
    858   // by VAD & CN/DTX. If a frame is divided into two blocks then there are two
    859   // cases. First, the first block is active, the second block will not be
    860   // processed by CN/DTX but only by VAD and return to caller with
    861   // '*samples_processed' set to zero. There, the audio frame will be encoded
    862   // by the encoder. Second, the first block is inactive and is processed by
    863   // CN/DTX, then we stop processing the next block and return to the caller
    864   // which is EncodeSafe(), with "*samples_processed" equal to the number of
    865   // samples in first block.
    866   //
    867   // Output:
    868   //   -bitstream          : pointer to a buffer where DTX frame, if
    869   //                         generated, will be written to.
    870   //   -bitstream_len_byte : contains the length of bit-stream in bytes, if
    871   //                         generated. Zero if no bit-stream is generated.
    872   //   -samples_processed  : contains no of samples that actually CN has
    873   //                         processed. Those samples processed by CN will not
    874   //                         be encoded by the encoder, obviously. If
    875   //                         contains zero, it means that the frame has been
    876   //                         identified as active by VAD. Note that
    877   //                         "*samples_processed" might be non-zero but
    878   //                         "*bitstream_len_byte" be zero.
    879   //
    880   // Return value:
    881   //   -1 if failed,
    882   //    0 if succeeded.
    883   //
    884   int16_t ProcessFrameVADDTX(uint8_t* bitstream,
    885                              int16_t* bitstream_len_byte,
    886                              int16_t* samples_processed)
    887       EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(codec_wrapper_lock_);
    889   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    890   // CurrentRate()
    891   // Call to get the current encoding rate of the encoder. This function
    892   // should be overwritten for codecs which automatically change their
    893   // target rate. One example is iSAC. The output of the function is the
    894   // current target rate.
    895   //
    896   // Output:
    897   //   -rate_bps           : the current target rate of the codec.
    898   //
    899   virtual void CurrentRate(int32_t* /* rate_bps */) {}
    901   // &in_audio_[in_audio_ix_write_] always point to where new audio can be
    902   // written to
    903   int16_t in_audio_ix_write_;
    905   // &in_audio_[in_audio_ix_read_] points to where audio has to be read from
    906   int16_t in_audio_ix_read_;
    908   int16_t in_timestamp_ix_write_;
    910   // Where the audio is stored before encoding,
    911   // To save memory the following buffer can be allocated
    912   // dynamically for 80 ms depending on the sampling frequency
    913   // of the codec.
    914   int16_t* in_audio_;
    915   uint32_t* in_timestamp_;
    917   int16_t frame_len_smpl_;
    918   uint16_t num_channels_;
    920   // This will point to a static database of the supported codecs
    921   int16_t codec_id_;
    923   // This will account for the number of samples  were not encoded
    924   // the case is rare, either samples are missed due to overwrite
    925   // at input buffer or due to encoding error
    926   uint32_t num_missed_samples_;
    928   // True if the encoder instance created
    929   bool encoder_exist_;
    931   // True if the encoder instance initialized
    932   bool encoder_initialized_;
    934   const bool registered_in_neteq_;  // TODO(henrik.lundin) Remove?
    936   // VAD/DTX
    937   bool has_internal_dtx_;
    938   WebRtcVadInst* ptr_vad_inst_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
    939   bool vad_enabled_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
    940   ACMVADMode vad_mode_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
    941   int16_t vad_label_[MAX_FRAME_SIZE_10MSEC] GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
    942   bool dtx_enabled_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
    943   WebRtcCngEncInst* ptr_dtx_inst_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
    944   uint8_t num_lpc_params_               // TODO(henrik.lundin) Delete and
    945       GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);  // replace with kNewCNGNumLPCParams.
    946   bool sent_cn_previous_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
    947   int16_t prev_frame_cng_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
    949   // FEC.
    950   bool has_internal_fec_;
    952   WebRtcACMCodecParams encoder_params_;
    954   // Used as a global lock for all available decoders
    955   // so that no decoder is used when NetEQ decodes.
    956   RWLockWrapper* neteq_decode_lock_;
    958   // Used to lock wrapper internal data
    959   // such as buffers and state variables.
    960   RWLockWrapper& codec_wrapper_lock_;
    962   uint32_t last_timestamp_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
    963   uint32_t unique_id_;
    964 };
    966 }  // namespace acm2
    968 }  // namespace webrtc