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      1 /*
      2  *  Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3  *
      4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
      5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
      6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
      7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
      8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
      9  */
     11 #include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/main/source/media_optimization.h"
     13 #include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/main/source/content_metrics_processing.h"
     14 #include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/main/source/qm_select.h"
     15 #include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/utility/include/frame_dropper.h"
     16 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/clock.h"
     17 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/logging.h"
     19 namespace webrtc {
     20 namespace media_optimization {
     21 namespace {
     22 void UpdateProtectionCallback(
     23     VCMProtectionMethod* selected_method,
     24     uint32_t* video_rate_bps,
     25     uint32_t* nack_overhead_rate_bps,
     26     uint32_t* fec_overhead_rate_bps,
     27     VCMProtectionCallback* video_protection_callback) {
     28   FecProtectionParams delta_fec_params;
     29   FecProtectionParams key_fec_params;
     30   // Get the FEC code rate for Key frames (set to 0 when NA).
     31   key_fec_params.fec_rate = selected_method->RequiredProtectionFactorK();
     33   // Get the FEC code rate for Delta frames (set to 0 when NA).
     34   delta_fec_params.fec_rate = selected_method->RequiredProtectionFactorD();
     36   // Get the FEC-UEP protection status for Key frames: UEP on/off.
     37   key_fec_params.use_uep_protection = selected_method->RequiredUepProtectionK();
     39   // Get the FEC-UEP protection status for Delta frames: UEP on/off.
     40   delta_fec_params.use_uep_protection =
     41       selected_method->RequiredUepProtectionD();
     43   // The RTP module currently requires the same |max_fec_frames| for both
     44   // key and delta frames.
     45   delta_fec_params.max_fec_frames = selected_method->MaxFramesFec();
     46   key_fec_params.max_fec_frames = selected_method->MaxFramesFec();
     48   // Set the FEC packet mask type. |kFecMaskBursty| is more effective for
     49   // consecutive losses and little/no packet re-ordering. As we currently
     50   // do not have feedback data on the degree of correlated losses and packet
     51   // re-ordering, we keep default setting to |kFecMaskRandom| for now.
     52   delta_fec_params.fec_mask_type = kFecMaskRandom;
     53   key_fec_params.fec_mask_type = kFecMaskRandom;
     55   // TODO(Marco): Pass FEC protection values per layer.
     56   video_protection_callback->ProtectionRequest(&delta_fec_params,
     57                                                &key_fec_params,
     58                                                video_rate_bps,
     59                                                nack_overhead_rate_bps,
     60                                                fec_overhead_rate_bps);
     61 }
     62 }  // namespace
     64 struct MediaOptimization::EncodedFrameSample {
     65   EncodedFrameSample(int size_bytes,
     66                      uint32_t timestamp,
     67                      int64_t time_complete_ms)
     68       : size_bytes(size_bytes),
     69         timestamp(timestamp),
     70         time_complete_ms(time_complete_ms) {}
     72   uint32_t size_bytes;
     73   uint32_t timestamp;
     74   int64_t time_complete_ms;
     75 };
     77 MediaOptimization::MediaOptimization(Clock* clock)
     78     : clock_(clock),
     79       max_bit_rate_(0),
     80       send_codec_type_(kVideoCodecUnknown),
     81       codec_width_(0),
     82       codec_height_(0),
     83       user_frame_rate_(0),
     84       frame_dropper_(new FrameDropper),
     85       loss_prot_logic_(
     86           new VCMLossProtectionLogic(clock_->TimeInMilliseconds())),
     87       fraction_lost_(0),
     88       send_statistics_zero_encode_(0),
     89       max_payload_size_(1460),
     90       target_bit_rate_(0),
     91       incoming_frame_rate_(0),
     92       enable_qm_(false),
     93       encoded_frame_samples_(),
     94       avg_sent_bit_rate_bps_(0),
     95       avg_sent_framerate_(0),
     96       key_frame_cnt_(0),
     97       delta_frame_cnt_(0),
     98       content_(new VCMContentMetricsProcessing()),
     99       qm_resolution_(new VCMQmResolution()),
    100       last_qm_update_time_(0),
    101       last_change_time_(0),
    102       num_layers_(0),
    103       suspension_enabled_(false),
    104       video_suspended_(false),
    105       suspension_threshold_bps_(0),
    106       suspension_window_bps_(0) {
    107   memset(send_statistics_, 0, sizeof(send_statistics_));
    108   memset(incoming_frame_times_, -1, sizeof(incoming_frame_times_));
    109 }
    111 MediaOptimization::~MediaOptimization(void) {
    112   loss_prot_logic_->Release();
    113 }
    115 void MediaOptimization::Reset() {
    116   SetEncodingData(kVideoCodecUnknown, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, max_payload_size_);
    117   memset(incoming_frame_times_, -1, sizeof(incoming_frame_times_));
    118   incoming_frame_rate_ = 0.0;
    119   frame_dropper_->Reset();
    120   loss_prot_logic_->Reset(clock_->TimeInMilliseconds());
    121   frame_dropper_->SetRates(0, 0);
    122   content_->Reset();
    123   qm_resolution_->Reset();
    124   loss_prot_logic_->UpdateFrameRate(incoming_frame_rate_);
    125   loss_prot_logic_->Reset(clock_->TimeInMilliseconds());
    126   send_statistics_zero_encode_ = 0;
    127   target_bit_rate_ = 0;
    128   codec_width_ = 0;
    129   codec_height_ = 0;
    130   user_frame_rate_ = 0;
    131   key_frame_cnt_ = 0;
    132   delta_frame_cnt_ = 0;
    133   last_qm_update_time_ = 0;
    134   last_change_time_ = 0;
    135   encoded_frame_samples_.clear();
    136   avg_sent_bit_rate_bps_ = 0;
    137   num_layers_ = 1;
    138 }
    140 void MediaOptimization::SetEncodingData(VideoCodecType send_codec_type,
    141                                         int32_t max_bit_rate,
    142                                         uint32_t frame_rate,
    143                                         uint32_t target_bitrate,
    144                                         uint16_t width,
    145                                         uint16_t height,
    146                                         int num_layers,
    147                                         int32_t mtu) {
    148   // Everything codec specific should be reset here since this means the codec
    149   // has changed. If native dimension values have changed, then either user
    150   // initiated change, or QM initiated change. Will be able to determine only
    151   // after the processing of the first frame.
    152   last_change_time_ = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
    153   content_->Reset();
    154   content_->UpdateFrameRate(frame_rate);
    156   max_bit_rate_ = max_bit_rate;
    157   send_codec_type_ = send_codec_type;
    158   target_bit_rate_ = target_bitrate;
    159   float target_bitrate_kbps = static_cast<float>(target_bitrate) / 1000.0f;
    160   loss_prot_logic_->UpdateBitRate(target_bitrate_kbps);
    161   loss_prot_logic_->UpdateFrameRate(static_cast<float>(frame_rate));
    162   loss_prot_logic_->UpdateFrameSize(width, height);
    163   loss_prot_logic_->UpdateNumLayers(num_layers);
    164   frame_dropper_->Reset();
    165   frame_dropper_->SetRates(target_bitrate_kbps, static_cast<float>(frame_rate));
    166   user_frame_rate_ = static_cast<float>(frame_rate);
    167   codec_width_ = width;
    168   codec_height_ = height;
    169   num_layers_ = (num_layers <= 1) ? 1 : num_layers;  // Can also be zero.
    170   max_payload_size_ = mtu;
    171   qm_resolution_->Initialize(target_bitrate_kbps,
    172                              user_frame_rate_,
    173                              codec_width_,
    174                              codec_height_,
    175                              num_layers_);
    176 }
    178 uint32_t MediaOptimization::SetTargetRates(
    179     uint32_t target_bitrate,
    180     uint8_t fraction_lost,
    181     uint32_t round_trip_time_ms,
    182     VCMProtectionCallback* protection_callback,
    183     VCMQMSettingsCallback* qmsettings_callback) {
    184   // TODO(holmer): Consider putting this threshold only on the video bitrate,
    185   // and not on protection.
    186   if (max_bit_rate_ > 0 &&
    187       target_bitrate > static_cast<uint32_t>(max_bit_rate_)) {
    188     target_bitrate = max_bit_rate_;
    189   }
    190   VCMProtectionMethod* selected_method = loss_prot_logic_->SelectedMethod();
    191   float target_bitrate_kbps = static_cast<float>(target_bitrate) / 1000.0f;
    192   loss_prot_logic_->UpdateBitRate(target_bitrate_kbps);
    193   loss_prot_logic_->UpdateRtt(round_trip_time_ms);
    194   loss_prot_logic_->UpdateResidualPacketLoss(static_cast<float>(fraction_lost));
    196   // Get frame rate for encoder: this is the actual/sent frame rate.
    197   float actual_frame_rate = SentFrameRate();
    199   // Sanity check.
    200   if (actual_frame_rate < 1.0) {
    201     actual_frame_rate = 1.0;
    202   }
    204   // Update frame rate for the loss protection logic class: frame rate should
    205   // be the actual/sent rate.
    206   loss_prot_logic_->UpdateFrameRate(actual_frame_rate);
    208   fraction_lost_ = fraction_lost;
    210   // Returns the filtered packet loss, used for the protection setting.
    211   // The filtered loss may be the received loss (no filter), or some
    212   // filtered value (average or max window filter).
    213   // Use max window filter for now.
    214   FilterPacketLossMode filter_mode = kMaxFilter;
    215   uint8_t packet_loss_enc = loss_prot_logic_->FilteredLoss(
    216       clock_->TimeInMilliseconds(), filter_mode, fraction_lost);
    218   // For now use the filtered loss for computing the robustness settings.
    219   loss_prot_logic_->UpdateFilteredLossPr(packet_loss_enc);
    221   // Rate cost of the protection methods.
    222   uint32_t protection_overhead_bps = 0;
    224   // Update protection settings, when applicable.
    225   float sent_video_rate_kbps = 0.0f;
    226   if (selected_method) {
    227     // Update protection method with content metrics.
    228     selected_method->UpdateContentMetrics(content_->ShortTermAvgData());
    230     // Update method will compute the robustness settings for the given
    231     // protection method and the overhead cost
    232     // the protection method is set by the user via SetVideoProtection.
    233     loss_prot_logic_->UpdateMethod();
    235     // Update protection callback with protection settings.
    236     uint32_t sent_video_rate_bps = 0;
    237     uint32_t sent_nack_rate_bps = 0;
    238     uint32_t sent_fec_rate_bps = 0;
    239     // Get the bit cost of protection method, based on the amount of
    240     // overhead data actually transmitted (including headers) the last
    241     // second.
    242     if (protection_callback) {
    243       UpdateProtectionCallback(selected_method,
    244                                &sent_video_rate_bps,
    245                                &sent_nack_rate_bps,
    246                                &sent_fec_rate_bps,
    247                                protection_callback);
    248     }
    249     uint32_t sent_total_rate_bps =
    250         sent_video_rate_bps + sent_nack_rate_bps + sent_fec_rate_bps;
    251     // Estimate the overhead costs of the next second as staying the same
    252     // wrt the source bitrate.
    253     if (sent_total_rate_bps > 0) {
    254       protection_overhead_bps = static_cast<uint32_t>(
    255           target_bitrate *
    256               static_cast<double>(sent_nack_rate_bps + sent_fec_rate_bps) /
    257               sent_total_rate_bps +
    258           0.5);
    259     }
    260     // Cap the overhead estimate to 50%.
    261     if (protection_overhead_bps > target_bitrate / 2)
    262       protection_overhead_bps = target_bitrate / 2;
    264     // Get the effective packet loss for encoder ER when applicable. Should be
    265     // passed to encoder via fraction_lost.
    266     packet_loss_enc = selected_method->RequiredPacketLossER();
    267     sent_video_rate_kbps = static_cast<float>(sent_video_rate_bps) / 1000.0f;
    268   }
    270   // Source coding rate: total rate - protection overhead.
    271   target_bit_rate_ = target_bitrate - protection_overhead_bps;
    273   // Update encoding rates following protection settings.
    274   float target_video_bitrate_kbps =
    275       static_cast<float>(target_bit_rate_) / 1000.0f;
    276   frame_dropper_->SetRates(target_video_bitrate_kbps, incoming_frame_rate_);
    278   if (enable_qm_ && qmsettings_callback) {
    279     // Update QM with rates.
    280     qm_resolution_->UpdateRates(target_video_bitrate_kbps,
    281                                 sent_video_rate_kbps,
    282                                 incoming_frame_rate_,
    283                                 fraction_lost_);
    284     // Check for QM selection.
    285     bool select_qm = CheckStatusForQMchange();
    286     if (select_qm) {
    287       SelectQuality(qmsettings_callback);
    288     }
    289     // Reset the short-term averaged content data.
    290     content_->ResetShortTermAvgData();
    291   }
    293   CheckSuspendConditions();
    295   return target_bit_rate_;
    296 }
    298 void MediaOptimization::EnableProtectionMethod(bool enable,
    299                                                VCMProtectionMethodEnum method) {
    300   bool updated = false;
    301   if (enable) {
    302     updated = loss_prot_logic_->SetMethod(method);
    303   } else {
    304     loss_prot_logic_->RemoveMethod(method);
    305   }
    306   if (updated) {
    307     loss_prot_logic_->UpdateMethod();
    308   }
    309 }
    311 uint32_t MediaOptimization::InputFrameRate() {
    312   ProcessIncomingFrameRate(clock_->TimeInMilliseconds());
    313   return uint32_t(incoming_frame_rate_ + 0.5f);
    314 }
    316 uint32_t MediaOptimization::SentFrameRate() {
    317   PurgeOldFrameSamples(clock_->TimeInMilliseconds());
    318   UpdateSentFramerate();
    319   return avg_sent_framerate_;
    320 }
    322 uint32_t MediaOptimization::SentBitRate() {
    323   const int64_t now_ms = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
    324   PurgeOldFrameSamples(now_ms);
    325   UpdateSentBitrate(now_ms);
    326   return avg_sent_bit_rate_bps_;
    327 }
    329 VCMFrameCount MediaOptimization::SentFrameCount() {
    330   VCMFrameCount count;
    331   count.numDeltaFrames = delta_frame_cnt_;
    332   count.numKeyFrames = key_frame_cnt_;
    333   return count;
    334 }
    336 int32_t MediaOptimization::UpdateWithEncodedData(int encoded_length,
    337                                                  uint32_t timestamp,
    338                                                  FrameType encoded_frame_type) {
    339   const int64_t now_ms = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
    340   PurgeOldFrameSamples(now_ms);
    341   if (encoded_frame_samples_.size() > 0 &&
    342       encoded_frame_samples_.back().timestamp == timestamp) {
    343     // Frames having the same timestamp are generated from the same input
    344     // frame. We don't want to double count them, but only increment the
    345     // size_bytes.
    346     encoded_frame_samples_.back().size_bytes += encoded_length;
    347     encoded_frame_samples_.back().time_complete_ms = now_ms;
    348   } else {
    349     encoded_frame_samples_.push_back(
    350         EncodedFrameSample(encoded_length, timestamp, now_ms));
    351   }
    352   UpdateSentBitrate(now_ms);
    353   UpdateSentFramerate();
    354   if (encoded_length > 0) {
    355     const bool delta_frame = (encoded_frame_type != kVideoFrameKey);
    357     frame_dropper_->Fill(encoded_length, delta_frame);
    358     if (max_payload_size_ > 0 && encoded_length > 0) {
    359       const float min_packets_per_frame =
    360           encoded_length / static_cast<float>(max_payload_size_);
    361       if (delta_frame) {
    362         loss_prot_logic_->UpdatePacketsPerFrame(min_packets_per_frame,
    363                                                 clock_->TimeInMilliseconds());
    364       } else {
    365         loss_prot_logic_->UpdatePacketsPerFrameKey(
    366             min_packets_per_frame, clock_->TimeInMilliseconds());
    367       }
    369       if (enable_qm_) {
    370         // Update quality select with encoded length.
    371         qm_resolution_->UpdateEncodedSize(encoded_length, encoded_frame_type);
    372       }
    373     }
    374     if (!delta_frame && encoded_length > 0) {
    375       loss_prot_logic_->UpdateKeyFrameSize(static_cast<float>(encoded_length));
    376     }
    378     // Updating counters.
    379     if (delta_frame) {
    380       delta_frame_cnt_++;
    381     } else {
    382       key_frame_cnt_++;
    383     }
    384   }
    386   return VCM_OK;
    387 }
    389 void MediaOptimization::EnableQM(bool enable) { enable_qm_ = enable; }
    391 void MediaOptimization::EnableFrameDropper(bool enable) {
    392   frame_dropper_->Enable(enable);
    393 }
    395 bool MediaOptimization::DropFrame() {
    396   UpdateIncomingFrameRate();
    397   // Leak appropriate number of bytes.
    398   frame_dropper_->Leak((uint32_t)(InputFrameRate() + 0.5f));
    399   if (video_suspended_) {
    400     return true;  // Drop all frames when muted.
    401   }
    402   return frame_dropper_->DropFrame();
    403 }
    405 void MediaOptimization::UpdateIncomingFrameRate() {
    406   int64_t now = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
    407   if (incoming_frame_times_[0] == 0) {
    408     // No shifting if this is the first time.
    409   } else {
    410     // Shift all times one step.
    411     for (int32_t i = (kFrameCountHistorySize - 2); i >= 0; i--) {
    412       incoming_frame_times_[i + 1] = incoming_frame_times_[i];
    413     }
    414   }
    415   incoming_frame_times_[0] = now;
    416   ProcessIncomingFrameRate(now);
    417 }
    419 void MediaOptimization::UpdateContentData(
    420     const VideoContentMetrics* content_metrics) {
    421   // Updating content metrics.
    422   if (content_metrics == NULL) {
    423     // Disable QM if metrics are NULL.
    424     enable_qm_ = false;
    425     qm_resolution_->Reset();
    426   } else {
    427     content_->UpdateContentData(content_metrics);
    428   }
    429 }
    431 int32_t MediaOptimization::SelectQuality(
    432     VCMQMSettingsCallback* video_qmsettings_callback) {
    433   // Reset quantities for QM select.
    434   qm_resolution_->ResetQM();
    436   // Update QM will long-term averaged content metrics.
    437   qm_resolution_->UpdateContent(content_->LongTermAvgData());
    439   // Select quality mode.
    440   VCMResolutionScale* qm = NULL;
    441   int32_t ret = qm_resolution_->SelectResolution(&qm);
    442   if (ret < 0) {
    443     return ret;
    444   }
    446   // Check for updates to spatial/temporal modes.
    447   QMUpdate(qm, video_qmsettings_callback);
    449   // Reset all the rate and related frame counters quantities.
    450   qm_resolution_->ResetRates();
    452   // Reset counters.
    453   last_qm_update_time_ = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
    455   // Reset content metrics.
    456   content_->Reset();
    458   return VCM_OK;
    459 }
    461 void MediaOptimization::SuspendBelowMinBitrate(int threshold_bps,
    462                                                int window_bps) {
    463   assert(threshold_bps > 0 && window_bps >= 0);
    464   suspension_threshold_bps_ = threshold_bps;
    465   suspension_window_bps_ = window_bps;
    466   suspension_enabled_ = true;
    467   video_suspended_ = false;
    468 }
    470 bool MediaOptimization::IsVideoSuspended() const { return video_suspended_; }
    472 void MediaOptimization::PurgeOldFrameSamples(int64_t now_ms) {
    473   while (!encoded_frame_samples_.empty()) {
    474     if (now_ms - encoded_frame_samples_.front().time_complete_ms >
    475         kBitrateAverageWinMs) {
    476       encoded_frame_samples_.pop_front();
    477     } else {
    478       break;
    479     }
    480   }
    481 }
    483 void MediaOptimization::UpdateSentBitrate(int64_t now_ms) {
    484   if (encoded_frame_samples_.empty()) {
    485     avg_sent_bit_rate_bps_ = 0;
    486     return;
    487   }
    488   int framesize_sum = 0;
    489   for (FrameSampleList::iterator it = encoded_frame_samples_.begin();
    490        it != encoded_frame_samples_.end();
    491        ++it) {
    492     framesize_sum += it->size_bytes;
    493   }
    494   float denom = static_cast<float>(
    495       now_ms - encoded_frame_samples_.front().time_complete_ms);
    496   if (denom >= 1.0f) {
    497     avg_sent_bit_rate_bps_ =
    498         static_cast<uint32_t>(framesize_sum * 8 * 1000 / denom + 0.5f);
    499   } else {
    500     avg_sent_bit_rate_bps_ = framesize_sum * 8;
    501   }
    502 }
    504 void MediaOptimization::UpdateSentFramerate() {
    505   if (encoded_frame_samples_.size() <= 1) {
    506     avg_sent_framerate_ = encoded_frame_samples_.size();
    507     return;
    508   }
    509   int denom = encoded_frame_samples_.back().timestamp -
    510               encoded_frame_samples_.front().timestamp;
    511   if (denom > 0) {
    512     avg_sent_framerate_ =
    513         (90000 * (encoded_frame_samples_.size() - 1) + denom / 2) / denom;
    514   } else {
    515     avg_sent_framerate_ = encoded_frame_samples_.size();
    516   }
    517 }
    519 bool MediaOptimization::QMUpdate(
    520     VCMResolutionScale* qm,
    521     VCMQMSettingsCallback* video_qmsettings_callback) {
    522   // Check for no change.
    523   if (!qm->change_resolution_spatial && !qm->change_resolution_temporal) {
    524     return false;
    525   }
    527   // Check for change in frame rate.
    528   if (qm->change_resolution_temporal) {
    529     incoming_frame_rate_ = qm->frame_rate;
    530     // Reset frame rate estimate.
    531     memset(incoming_frame_times_, -1, sizeof(incoming_frame_times_));
    532   }
    534   // Check for change in frame size.
    535   if (qm->change_resolution_spatial) {
    536     codec_width_ = qm->codec_width;
    537     codec_height_ = qm->codec_height;
    538   }
    540   LOG(LS_INFO) << "Media optimizer requests the video resolution to be changed "
    541                   "to " << qm->codec_width << "x" << qm->codec_height << "@"
    542                << qm->frame_rate;
    544   // Update VPM with new target frame rate and frame size.
    545   // Note: use |qm->frame_rate| instead of |_incoming_frame_rate| for updating
    546   // target frame rate in VPM frame dropper. The quantity |_incoming_frame_rate|
    547   // will vary/fluctuate, and since we don't want to change the state of the
    548   // VPM frame dropper, unless a temporal action was selected, we use the
    549   // quantity |qm->frame_rate| for updating.
    550   video_qmsettings_callback->SetVideoQMSettings(
    551       qm->frame_rate, codec_width_, codec_height_);
    552   content_->UpdateFrameRate(qm->frame_rate);
    553   qm_resolution_->UpdateCodecParameters(
    554       qm->frame_rate, codec_width_, codec_height_);
    555   return true;
    556 }
    558 // Check timing constraints and look for significant change in:
    559 // (1) scene content,
    560 // (2) target bit rate.
    561 bool MediaOptimization::CheckStatusForQMchange() {
    562   bool status = true;
    564   // Check that we do not call QMSelect too often, and that we waited some time
    565   // (to sample the metrics) from the event last_change_time
    566   // last_change_time is the time where user changed the size/rate/frame rate
    567   // (via SetEncodingData).
    568   int64_t now = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
    569   if ((now - last_qm_update_time_) < kQmMinIntervalMs ||
    570       (now - last_change_time_) < kQmMinIntervalMs) {
    571     status = false;
    572   }
    574   return status;
    575 }
    577 // Allowing VCM to keep track of incoming frame rate.
    578 void MediaOptimization::ProcessIncomingFrameRate(int64_t now) {
    579   int32_t num = 0;
    580   int32_t nr_of_frames = 0;
    581   for (num = 1; num < (kFrameCountHistorySize - 1); ++num) {
    582     if (incoming_frame_times_[num] <= 0 ||
    583         // don't use data older than 2 s
    584         now - incoming_frame_times_[num] > kFrameHistoryWinMs) {
    585       break;
    586     } else {
    587       nr_of_frames++;
    588     }
    589   }
    590   if (num > 1) {
    591     const int64_t diff = now - incoming_frame_times_[num - 1];
    592     incoming_frame_rate_ = 1.0;
    593     if (diff > 0) {
    594       incoming_frame_rate_ = nr_of_frames * 1000.0f / static_cast<float>(diff);
    595     }
    596   }
    597 }
    599 void MediaOptimization::CheckSuspendConditions() {
    600   // Check conditions for SuspendBelowMinBitrate. |target_bit_rate_| is in bps.
    601   if (suspension_enabled_) {
    602     if (!video_suspended_) {
    603       // Check if we just went below the threshold.
    604       if (target_bit_rate_ < suspension_threshold_bps_) {
    605         video_suspended_ = true;
    606       }
    607     } else {
    608       // Video is already suspended. Check if we just went over the threshold
    609       // with a margin.
    610       if (target_bit_rate_ >
    611           suspension_threshold_bps_ + suspension_window_bps_) {
    612         video_suspended_ = false;
    613       }
    614     }
    615   }
    616 }
    618 }  // namespace media_optimization
    619 }  // namespace webrtc