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      1 /*
      2  *  Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3  *
      4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
      5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
      6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
      7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
      8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
      9  */
     11 #include "webrtc/video_engine/vie_encoder.h"
     13 #include <assert.h>
     15 #include <algorithm>
     17 #include "webrtc/common_video/interface/video_image.h"
     18 #include "webrtc/common_video/libyuv/include/webrtc_libyuv.h"
     19 #include "webrtc/modules/pacing/include/paced_sender.h"
     20 #include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/interface/rtp_rtcp.h"
     21 #include "webrtc/modules/utility/interface/process_thread.h"
     22 #include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/codecs/interface/video_codec_interface.h"
     23 #include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/main/interface/video_coding.h"
     24 #include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/main/interface/video_coding_defines.h"
     25 #include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/main/source/encoded_frame.h"
     26 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/critical_section_wrapper.h"
     27 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/logging.h"
     28 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/tick_util.h"
     29 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/trace_event.h"
     30 #include "webrtc/video_engine/include/vie_codec.h"
     31 #include "webrtc/video_engine/include/vie_image_process.h"
     32 #include "webrtc/frame_callback.h"
     33 #include "webrtc/video_engine/vie_defines.h"
     35 namespace webrtc {
     37 // Pace in kbits/s until we receive first estimate.
     38 static const int kInitialPace = 2000;
     40 // Pacing-rate relative to our target send rate.
     41 // Multiplicative factor that is applied to the target bitrate to calculate the
     42 // number of bytes that can be transmitted per interval.
     43 // Increasing this factor will result in lower delays in cases of bitrate
     44 // overshoots from the encoder.
     45 static const float kPaceMultiplier = 2.5f;
     47 // Margin on when we pause the encoder when the pacing buffer overflows relative
     48 // to the configured buffer delay.
     49 static const float kEncoderPausePacerMargin = 2.0f;
     51 // Don't stop the encoder unless the delay is above this configured value.
     52 static const int kMinPacingDelayMs = 200;
     54 // Allow packets to be transmitted in up to 2 times max video bitrate if the
     55 // bandwidth estimate allows it.
     56 // TODO(holmer): Expose transmission start, min and max bitrates in the
     57 // VideoEngine API and remove the kTransmissionMaxBitrateMultiplier.
     58 static const int kTransmissionMaxBitrateMultiplier = 2;
     60 static const float kStopPaddingThresholdMs = 2000;
     62 std::vector<uint32_t> AllocateStreamBitrates(
     63     uint32_t total_bitrate,
     64     const SimulcastStream* stream_configs,
     65     size_t number_of_streams) {
     66   if (number_of_streams == 0) {
     67     std::vector<uint32_t> stream_bitrates(1, 0);
     68     stream_bitrates[0] = total_bitrate;
     69     return stream_bitrates;
     70   }
     71   std::vector<uint32_t> stream_bitrates(number_of_streams, 0);
     72   uint32_t bitrate_remainder = total_bitrate;
     73   for (size_t i = 0; i < stream_bitrates.size() && bitrate_remainder > 0; ++i) {
     74     if (stream_configs[i].maxBitrate * 1000 > bitrate_remainder) {
     75       stream_bitrates[i] = bitrate_remainder;
     76     } else {
     77       stream_bitrates[i] = stream_configs[i].maxBitrate * 1000;
     78     }
     79     bitrate_remainder -= stream_bitrates[i];
     80   }
     81   return stream_bitrates;
     82 }
     84 class QMVideoSettingsCallback : public VCMQMSettingsCallback {
     85  public:
     86   explicit QMVideoSettingsCallback(VideoProcessingModule* vpm);
     88   ~QMVideoSettingsCallback();
     90   // Update VPM with QM (quality modes: frame size & frame rate) settings.
     91   int32_t SetVideoQMSettings(const uint32_t frame_rate,
     92                              const uint32_t width,
     93                              const uint32_t height);
     95  private:
     96   VideoProcessingModule* vpm_;
     97 };
     99 class ViEBitrateObserver : public BitrateObserver {
    100  public:
    101   explicit ViEBitrateObserver(ViEEncoder* owner)
    102       : owner_(owner) {
    103   }
    104   virtual ~ViEBitrateObserver() {}
    105   // Implements BitrateObserver.
    106   virtual void OnNetworkChanged(const uint32_t bitrate_bps,
    107                                 const uint8_t fraction_lost,
    108                                 const uint32_t rtt) {
    109     owner_->OnNetworkChanged(bitrate_bps, fraction_lost, rtt);
    110   }
    111  private:
    112   ViEEncoder* owner_;
    113 };
    115 class ViEPacedSenderCallback : public PacedSender::Callback {
    116  public:
    117   explicit ViEPacedSenderCallback(ViEEncoder* owner)
    118       : owner_(owner) {
    119   }
    120   virtual ~ViEPacedSenderCallback() {}
    121   virtual bool TimeToSendPacket(uint32_t ssrc, uint16_t sequence_number,
    122                                 int64_t capture_time_ms, bool retransmission) {
    123     return owner_->TimeToSendPacket(ssrc, sequence_number, capture_time_ms,
    124                                     retransmission);
    125   }
    126   virtual int TimeToSendPadding(int bytes) {
    127     return owner_->TimeToSendPadding(bytes);
    128   }
    129  private:
    130   ViEEncoder* owner_;
    131 };
    133 ViEEncoder::ViEEncoder(int32_t engine_id,
    134                        int32_t channel_id,
    135                        uint32_t number_of_cores,
    136                        const Config& config,
    137                        ProcessThread& module_process_thread,
    138                        BitrateController* bitrate_controller)
    139   : engine_id_(engine_id),
    140     channel_id_(channel_id),
    141     number_of_cores_(number_of_cores),
    142     vcm_(*webrtc::VideoCodingModule::Create()),
    143     vpm_(*webrtc::VideoProcessingModule::Create(ViEModuleId(engine_id,
    144                                                             channel_id))),
    145     callback_cs_(CriticalSectionWrapper::CreateCriticalSection()),
    146     data_cs_(CriticalSectionWrapper::CreateCriticalSection()),
    147     bitrate_controller_(bitrate_controller),
    148     time_of_last_incoming_frame_ms_(0),
    149     send_padding_(false),
    150     min_transmit_bitrate_kbps_(0),
    151     target_delay_ms_(0),
    152     network_is_transmitting_(true),
    153     encoder_paused_(false),
    154     encoder_paused_and_dropped_frame_(false),
    155     fec_enabled_(false),
    156     nack_enabled_(false),
    157     codec_observer_(NULL),
    158     effect_filter_(NULL),
    159     module_process_thread_(module_process_thread),
    160     has_received_sli_(false),
    161     picture_id_sli_(0),
    162     has_received_rpsi_(false),
    163     picture_id_rpsi_(0),
    164     qm_callback_(NULL),
    165     video_suspended_(false),
    166     pre_encode_callback_(NULL) {
    167   RtpRtcp::Configuration configuration;
    168   configuration.id = ViEModuleId(engine_id_, channel_id_);
    169   configuration.audio = false;  // Video.
    171   default_rtp_rtcp_.reset(RtpRtcp::CreateRtpRtcp(configuration));
    172   bitrate_observer_.reset(new ViEBitrateObserver(this));
    173   pacing_callback_.reset(new ViEPacedSenderCallback(this));
    174   paced_sender_.reset(
    175       new PacedSender(pacing_callback_.get(), kInitialPace, kPaceMultiplier));
    176 }
    178 bool ViEEncoder::Init() {
    179   if (vcm_.InitializeSender() != 0) {
    180     return false;
    181   }
    182   vpm_.EnableTemporalDecimation(true);
    184   // Enable/disable content analysis: off by default for now.
    185   vpm_.EnableContentAnalysis(false);
    187   if (module_process_thread_.RegisterModule(&vcm_) != 0 ||
    188       module_process_thread_.RegisterModule(default_rtp_rtcp_.get()) != 0 ||
    189       module_process_thread_.RegisterModule(paced_sender_.get()) != 0) {
    190     return false;
    191   }
    192   if (qm_callback_) {
    193     delete qm_callback_;
    194   }
    195   qm_callback_ = new QMVideoSettingsCallback(&vpm_);
    197 #ifdef VIDEOCODEC_VP8
    198   VideoCodec video_codec;
    199   if (vcm_.Codec(webrtc::kVideoCodecVP8, &video_codec) != VCM_OK) {
    200     return false;
    201   }
    202   {
    203     CriticalSectionScoped cs(data_cs_.get());
    204     send_padding_ = video_codec.numberOfSimulcastStreams > 1;
    205   }
    206   if (vcm_.RegisterSendCodec(&video_codec, number_of_cores_,
    207                              default_rtp_rtcp_->MaxDataPayloadLength()) != 0) {
    208     return false;
    209   }
    210   if (default_rtp_rtcp_->RegisterSendPayload(video_codec) != 0) {
    211     return false;
    212   }
    213 #else
    214   VideoCodec video_codec;
    215   if (vcm_.Codec(webrtc::kVideoCodecI420, &video_codec) == VCM_OK) {
    216     {
    217       CriticalSectionScoped cs(data_cs_.get());
    218       send_padding_ = video_codec.numberOfSimulcastStreams > 1;
    219     }
    220     vcm_.RegisterSendCodec(&video_codec, number_of_cores_,
    221                            default_rtp_rtcp_->MaxDataPayloadLength());
    222     default_rtp_rtcp_->RegisterSendPayload(video_codec);
    223   } else {
    224     return false;
    225   }
    226 #endif
    228   if (vcm_.RegisterTransportCallback(this) != 0) {
    229     return false;
    230   }
    231   if (vcm_.RegisterSendStatisticsCallback(this) != 0) {
    232     return false;
    233   }
    234   if (vcm_.RegisterVideoQMCallback(qm_callback_) != 0) {
    235     return false;
    236   }
    237   return true;
    238 }
    240 ViEEncoder::~ViEEncoder() {
    241   if (bitrate_controller_) {
    242     bitrate_controller_->RemoveBitrateObserver(bitrate_observer_.get());
    243   }
    244   module_process_thread_.DeRegisterModule(&vcm_);
    245   module_process_thread_.DeRegisterModule(&vpm_);
    246   module_process_thread_.DeRegisterModule(default_rtp_rtcp_.get());
    247   module_process_thread_.DeRegisterModule(paced_sender_.get());
    248   VideoCodingModule::Destroy(&vcm_);
    249   VideoProcessingModule::Destroy(&vpm_);
    250   delete qm_callback_;
    251 }
    253 int ViEEncoder::Owner() const {
    254   return channel_id_;
    255 }
    257 void ViEEncoder::SetNetworkTransmissionState(bool is_transmitting) {
    258   {
    259     CriticalSectionScoped cs(data_cs_.get());
    260     network_is_transmitting_ = is_transmitting;
    261   }
    262   if (is_transmitting) {
    263     paced_sender_->Resume();
    264   } else {
    265     paced_sender_->Pause();
    266   }
    267 }
    269 void ViEEncoder::Pause() {
    270   CriticalSectionScoped cs(data_cs_.get());
    271   encoder_paused_ = true;
    272 }
    274 void ViEEncoder::Restart() {
    275   CriticalSectionScoped cs(data_cs_.get());
    276   encoder_paused_ = false;
    277 }
    279 uint8_t ViEEncoder::NumberOfCodecs() {
    280   return vcm_.NumberOfCodecs();
    281 }
    283 int32_t ViEEncoder::GetCodec(uint8_t list_index, VideoCodec* video_codec) {
    284   if (vcm_.Codec(list_index, video_codec) != 0) {
    285     return -1;
    286   }
    287   return 0;
    288 }
    290 int32_t ViEEncoder::RegisterExternalEncoder(webrtc::VideoEncoder* encoder,
    291                                             uint8_t pl_type,
    292                                             bool internal_source) {
    293   if (encoder == NULL)
    294     return -1;
    296   if (vcm_.RegisterExternalEncoder(encoder, pl_type, internal_source) !=
    297       VCM_OK) {
    298     return -1;
    299   }
    300   return 0;
    301 }
    303 int32_t ViEEncoder::DeRegisterExternalEncoder(uint8_t pl_type) {
    304   webrtc::VideoCodec current_send_codec;
    305   if (vcm_.SendCodec(&current_send_codec) == VCM_OK) {
    306     uint32_t current_bitrate_bps = 0;
    307     if (vcm_.Bitrate(&current_bitrate_bps) != 0) {
    308       LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Failed to get the current encoder target bitrate.";
    309     }
    310     current_send_codec.startBitrate = (current_bitrate_bps + 500) / 1000;
    311   }
    313   if (vcm_.RegisterExternalEncoder(NULL, pl_type) != VCM_OK) {
    314     return -1;
    315   }
    317   // If the external encoder is the current send codec, use vcm internal
    318   // encoder.
    319   if (current_send_codec.plType == pl_type) {
    320     uint16_t max_data_payload_length =
    321         default_rtp_rtcp_->MaxDataPayloadLength();
    322     {
    323       CriticalSectionScoped cs(data_cs_.get());
    324       send_padding_ = current_send_codec.numberOfSimulcastStreams > 1;
    325     }
    326     // TODO(mflodman): Unfortunately the VideoCodec that VCM has cached a
    327     // raw pointer to an |extra_options| that's long gone.  Clearing it here is
    328     // a hack to prevent the following code from crashing.  This should be fixed
    329     // for realz.  https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=348222
    330     current_send_codec.extra_options = NULL;
    331     if (vcm_.RegisterSendCodec(&current_send_codec, number_of_cores_,
    332                                max_data_payload_length) != VCM_OK) {
    333       return -1;
    334     }
    335   }
    336   return 0;
    337 }
    339 int32_t ViEEncoder::SetEncoder(const webrtc::VideoCodec& video_codec) {
    340   // Setting target width and height for VPM.
    341   if (vpm_.SetTargetResolution(video_codec.width, video_codec.height,
    342                                video_codec.maxFramerate) != VPM_OK) {
    343     return -1;
    344   }
    346   if (default_rtp_rtcp_->RegisterSendPayload(video_codec) != 0) {
    347     return -1;
    348   }
    349   // Convert from kbps to bps.
    350   std::vector<uint32_t> stream_bitrates = AllocateStreamBitrates(
    351       video_codec.startBitrate * 1000,
    352       video_codec.simulcastStream,
    353       video_codec.numberOfSimulcastStreams);
    354   default_rtp_rtcp_->SetTargetSendBitrate(stream_bitrates);
    356   uint16_t max_data_payload_length =
    357       default_rtp_rtcp_->MaxDataPayloadLength();
    359   {
    360     CriticalSectionScoped cs(data_cs_.get());
    361     send_padding_ = video_codec.numberOfSimulcastStreams > 1;
    362   }
    363   if (vcm_.RegisterSendCodec(&video_codec, number_of_cores_,
    364                              max_data_payload_length) != VCM_OK) {
    365     return -1;
    366   }
    368   // Set this module as sending right away, let the slave module in the channel
    369   // start and stop sending.
    370   if (default_rtp_rtcp_->Sending() == false) {
    371     if (default_rtp_rtcp_->SetSendingStatus(true) != 0) {
    372       return -1;
    373     }
    374   }
    375   bitrate_controller_->SetBitrateObserver(bitrate_observer_.get(),
    376                                           video_codec.startBitrate * 1000,
    377                                           video_codec.minBitrate * 1000,
    378                                           kTransmissionMaxBitrateMultiplier *
    379                                           video_codec.maxBitrate * 1000);
    381   CriticalSectionScoped crit(data_cs_.get());
    382   int pad_up_to_bitrate_kbps = video_codec.startBitrate;
    383   if (pad_up_to_bitrate_kbps < min_transmit_bitrate_kbps_)
    384     pad_up_to_bitrate_kbps = min_transmit_bitrate_kbps_;
    386   paced_sender_->UpdateBitrate(kPaceMultiplier * video_codec.startBitrate,
    387                                pad_up_to_bitrate_kbps);
    389   return 0;
    390 }
    392 int32_t ViEEncoder::GetEncoder(VideoCodec* video_codec) {
    393   if (vcm_.SendCodec(video_codec) != 0) {
    394     return -1;
    395   }
    396   return 0;
    397 }
    399 int32_t ViEEncoder::GetCodecConfigParameters(
    400     unsigned char config_parameters[kConfigParameterSize],
    401     unsigned char& config_parameters_size) {
    402   int32_t num_parameters =
    403       vcm_.CodecConfigParameters(config_parameters, kConfigParameterSize);
    404   if (num_parameters <= 0) {
    405     config_parameters_size = 0;
    406     return -1;
    407   }
    408   config_parameters_size = static_cast<unsigned char>(num_parameters);
    409   return 0;
    410 }
    412 int32_t ViEEncoder::ScaleInputImage(bool enable) {
    413   VideoFrameResampling resampling_mode = kFastRescaling;
    414   // TODO(mflodman) What?
    415   if (enable) {
    416     // kInterpolation is currently not supported.
    417     LOG_F(LS_ERROR) << "Not supported.";
    418     return -1;
    419   }
    420   vpm_.SetInputFrameResampleMode(resampling_mode);
    422   return 0;
    423 }
    425 bool ViEEncoder::TimeToSendPacket(uint32_t ssrc,
    426                                   uint16_t sequence_number,
    427                                   int64_t capture_time_ms,
    428                                   bool retransmission) {
    429   return default_rtp_rtcp_->TimeToSendPacket(ssrc, sequence_number,
    430                                              capture_time_ms, retransmission);
    431 }
    433 int ViEEncoder::TimeToSendPadding(int bytes) {
    434   bool send_padding;
    435   {
    436     CriticalSectionScoped cs(data_cs_.get());
    437     send_padding =
    438         send_padding_ || video_suspended_ || min_transmit_bitrate_kbps_ > 0;
    439   }
    440   if (send_padding) {
    441     return default_rtp_rtcp_->TimeToSendPadding(bytes);
    442   }
    443   return 0;
    444 }
    446 bool ViEEncoder::EncoderPaused() const {
    447   // Pause video if paused by caller or as long as the network is down or the
    448   // pacer queue has grown too large in buffered mode.
    449   if (encoder_paused_) {
    450     return true;
    451   }
    452   if (target_delay_ms_ > 0) {
    453     // Buffered mode.
    454     // TODO(pwestin): Workaround until nack is configured as a time and not
    455     // number of packets.
    456     return paced_sender_->QueueInMs() >=
    457         std::max(static_cast<int>(target_delay_ms_ * kEncoderPausePacerMargin),
    458                  kMinPacingDelayMs);
    459   }
    460   return !network_is_transmitting_;
    461 }
    463 RtpRtcp* ViEEncoder::SendRtpRtcpModule() {
    464   return default_rtp_rtcp_.get();
    465 }
    467 void ViEEncoder::DeliverFrame(int id,
    468                               I420VideoFrame* video_frame,
    469                               int num_csrcs,
    470                               const uint32_t CSRC[kRtpCsrcSize]) {
    471   if (default_rtp_rtcp_->SendingMedia() == false) {
    472     // We've paused or we have no channels attached, don't encode.
    473     return;
    474   }
    475   {
    476     CriticalSectionScoped cs(data_cs_.get());
    477     time_of_last_incoming_frame_ms_ = TickTime::MillisecondTimestamp();
    478     if (EncoderPaused()) {
    479       if (!encoder_paused_and_dropped_frame_) {
    480         TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_BEGIN0("webrtc", "EncoderPaused", this);
    481       }
    482       encoder_paused_and_dropped_frame_ = true;
    483       return;
    484     }
    485     if (encoder_paused_and_dropped_frame_) {
    486       TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_END0("webrtc", "EncoderPaused", this);
    487     }
    488     encoder_paused_and_dropped_frame_ = false;
    489   }
    490   if (video_frame->native_handle() != NULL) {
    491     // TODO(wuchengli): add texture support. http://crbug.com/362437
    492     return;
    493   }
    495   // Convert render time, in ms, to RTP timestamp.
    496   const int kMsToRtpTimestamp = 90;
    497   const uint32_t time_stamp =
    498       kMsToRtpTimestamp *
    499       static_cast<uint32_t>(video_frame->render_time_ms());
    501   TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_STEP0("webrtc", "Video", video_frame->render_time_ms(),
    502                           "Encode");
    503   video_frame->set_timestamp(time_stamp);
    504   {
    505     CriticalSectionScoped cs(callback_cs_.get());
    506     if (effect_filter_) {
    507       unsigned int length = CalcBufferSize(kI420,
    508                                            video_frame->width(),
    509                                            video_frame->height());
    510       scoped_ptr<uint8_t[]> video_buffer(new uint8_t[length]);
    511       ExtractBuffer(*video_frame, length, video_buffer.get());
    512       effect_filter_->Transform(length,
    513                                 video_buffer.get(),
    514                                 video_frame->ntp_time_ms(),
    515                                 video_frame->timestamp(),
    516                                 video_frame->width(),
    517                                 video_frame->height());
    518     }
    519   }
    521   // Make sure the CSRC list is correct.
    522   if (num_csrcs > 0) {
    523     uint32_t tempCSRC[kRtpCsrcSize];
    524     for (int i = 0; i < num_csrcs; i++) {
    525       if (CSRC[i] == 1) {
    526         tempCSRC[i] = default_rtp_rtcp_->SSRC();
    527       } else {
    528         tempCSRC[i] = CSRC[i];
    529       }
    530     }
    531     default_rtp_rtcp_->SetCSRCs(tempCSRC, (uint8_t) num_csrcs);
    532   }
    533   // Pass frame via preprocessor.
    534   I420VideoFrame* decimated_frame = NULL;
    535   const int ret = vpm_.PreprocessFrame(*video_frame, &decimated_frame);
    536   if (ret == 1) {
    537     // Drop this frame.
    538     return;
    539   }
    540   if (ret != VPM_OK) {
    541     return;
    542   }
    543   // Frame was not sampled => use original.
    544   if (decimated_frame == NULL)  {
    545     decimated_frame = video_frame;
    546   }
    548   {
    549     CriticalSectionScoped cs(callback_cs_.get());
    550     if (pre_encode_callback_)
    551       pre_encode_callback_->FrameCallback(decimated_frame);
    552   }
    554 #ifdef VIDEOCODEC_VP8
    555   if (vcm_.SendCodec() == webrtc::kVideoCodecVP8) {
    556     webrtc::CodecSpecificInfo codec_specific_info;
    557     codec_specific_info.codecType = webrtc::kVideoCodecVP8;
    558     codec_specific_info.codecSpecific.VP8.hasReceivedRPSI =
    559         has_received_rpsi_;
    560     codec_specific_info.codecSpecific.VP8.hasReceivedSLI =
    561         has_received_sli_;
    562     codec_specific_info.codecSpecific.VP8.pictureIdRPSI =
    563         picture_id_rpsi_;
    564     codec_specific_info.codecSpecific.VP8.pictureIdSLI  =
    565         picture_id_sli_;
    566     has_received_sli_ = false;
    567     has_received_rpsi_ = false;
    569     vcm_.AddVideoFrame(*decimated_frame, vpm_.ContentMetrics(),
    570                        &codec_specific_info);
    571     return;
    572   }
    573 #endif
    574   vcm_.AddVideoFrame(*decimated_frame);
    575 }
    577 void ViEEncoder::DelayChanged(int id, int frame_delay) {
    578   default_rtp_rtcp_->SetCameraDelay(frame_delay);
    579 }
    581 int ViEEncoder::GetPreferedFrameSettings(int* width,
    582                                          int* height,
    583                                          int* frame_rate) {
    584   webrtc::VideoCodec video_codec;
    585   memset(&video_codec, 0, sizeof(video_codec));
    586   if (vcm_.SendCodec(&video_codec) != VCM_OK) {
    587     return -1;
    588   }
    590   *width = video_codec.width;
    591   *height = video_codec.height;
    592   *frame_rate = video_codec.maxFramerate;
    593   return 0;
    594 }
    596 int ViEEncoder::SendKeyFrame() {
    597   return vcm_.IntraFrameRequest(0);
    598 }
    600 int32_t ViEEncoder::SendCodecStatistics(
    601     uint32_t* num_key_frames, uint32_t* num_delta_frames) {
    602   webrtc::VCMFrameCount sent_frames;
    603   if (vcm_.SentFrameCount(sent_frames) != VCM_OK) {
    604     return -1;
    605   }
    606   *num_key_frames = sent_frames.numKeyFrames;
    607   *num_delta_frames = sent_frames.numDeltaFrames;
    608   return 0;
    609 }
    611 int32_t ViEEncoder::PacerQueuingDelayMs() const {
    612   return paced_sender_->QueueInMs();
    613 }
    615 int ViEEncoder::CodecTargetBitrate(uint32_t* bitrate) const {
    616   if (vcm_.Bitrate(bitrate) != 0)
    617     return -1;
    618   return 0;
    619 }
    621 int32_t ViEEncoder::UpdateProtectionMethod(bool enable_nack) {
    622   bool fec_enabled = false;
    623   uint8_t dummy_ptype_red = 0;
    624   uint8_t dummy_ptypeFEC = 0;
    626   // Updated protection method to VCM to get correct packetization sizes.
    627   // FEC has larger overhead than NACK -> set FEC if used.
    628   int32_t error = default_rtp_rtcp_->GenericFECStatus(fec_enabled,
    629                                                       dummy_ptype_red,
    630                                                       dummy_ptypeFEC);
    631   if (error) {
    632     return -1;
    633   }
    634   if (fec_enabled_ == fec_enabled && nack_enabled_ == enable_nack) {
    635     // No change needed, we're already in correct state.
    636     return 0;
    637   }
    638   fec_enabled_ = fec_enabled;
    639   nack_enabled_ = enable_nack;
    641   // Set Video Protection for VCM.
    642   if (fec_enabled && nack_enabled_) {
    643     vcm_.SetVideoProtection(webrtc::kProtectionNackFEC, true);
    644   } else {
    645     vcm_.SetVideoProtection(webrtc::kProtectionFEC, fec_enabled_);
    646     vcm_.SetVideoProtection(webrtc::kProtectionNackSender, nack_enabled_);
    647     vcm_.SetVideoProtection(webrtc::kProtectionNackFEC, false);
    648   }
    650   if (fec_enabled_ || nack_enabled_) {
    651     vcm_.RegisterProtectionCallback(this);
    652     // The send codec must be registered to set correct MTU.
    653     webrtc::VideoCodec codec;
    654     if (vcm_.SendCodec(&codec) == 0) {
    655       uint16_t max_pay_load = default_rtp_rtcp_->MaxDataPayloadLength();
    656       uint32_t current_bitrate_bps = 0;
    657       if (vcm_.Bitrate(&current_bitrate_bps) != 0) {
    658         LOG_F(LS_WARNING) <<
    659             "Failed to get the current encoder target bitrate.";
    660       }
    661       // Convert to start bitrate in kbps.
    662       codec.startBitrate = (current_bitrate_bps + 500) / 1000;
    663       if (vcm_.RegisterSendCodec(&codec, number_of_cores_, max_pay_load) != 0) {
    664         return -1;
    665       }
    666     }
    667     return 0;
    668   } else {
    669     // FEC and NACK are disabled.
    670     vcm_.RegisterProtectionCallback(NULL);
    671   }
    672   return 0;
    673 }
    675 void ViEEncoder::SetSenderBufferingMode(int target_delay_ms) {
    676   {
    677     CriticalSectionScoped cs(data_cs_.get());
    678     target_delay_ms_ = target_delay_ms;
    679   }
    680   if (target_delay_ms > 0) {
    681     // Disable external frame-droppers.
    682     vcm_.EnableFrameDropper(false);
    683     vpm_.EnableTemporalDecimation(false);
    684     // We don't put any limits on the pacer queue when running in buffered mode
    685     // since the encoder will be paused if the queue grow too large.
    686     paced_sender_->set_max_queue_length_ms(-1);
    687   } else {
    688     // Real-time mode - enable frame droppers.
    689     vpm_.EnableTemporalDecimation(true);
    690     vcm_.EnableFrameDropper(true);
    691     paced_sender_->set_max_queue_length_ms(
    692         PacedSender::kDefaultMaxQueueLengthMs);
    693   }
    694 }
    696 int32_t ViEEncoder::SendData(
    697     const FrameType frame_type,
    698     const uint8_t payload_type,
    699     const uint32_t time_stamp,
    700     int64_t capture_time_ms,
    701     const uint8_t* payload_data,
    702     const uint32_t payload_size,
    703     const webrtc::RTPFragmentationHeader& fragmentation_header,
    704     const RTPVideoHeader* rtp_video_hdr) {
    705   // New encoded data, hand over to the rtp module.
    706   return default_rtp_rtcp_->SendOutgoingData(frame_type,
    707                                              payload_type,
    708                                              time_stamp,
    709                                              capture_time_ms,
    710                                              payload_data,
    711                                              payload_size,
    712                                              &fragmentation_header,
    713                                              rtp_video_hdr);
    714 }
    716 int32_t ViEEncoder::ProtectionRequest(
    717     const FecProtectionParams* delta_fec_params,
    718     const FecProtectionParams* key_fec_params,
    719     uint32_t* sent_video_rate_bps,
    720     uint32_t* sent_nack_rate_bps,
    721     uint32_t* sent_fec_rate_bps) {
    722   default_rtp_rtcp_->SetFecParameters(delta_fec_params, key_fec_params);
    723   default_rtp_rtcp_->BitrateSent(NULL, sent_video_rate_bps, sent_fec_rate_bps,
    724                                 sent_nack_rate_bps);
    725   return 0;
    726 }
    728 int32_t ViEEncoder::SendStatistics(const uint32_t bit_rate,
    729                                    const uint32_t frame_rate) {
    730   CriticalSectionScoped cs(callback_cs_.get());
    731   if (codec_observer_) {
    732     codec_observer_->OutgoingRate(channel_id_, frame_rate, bit_rate);
    733   }
    734   return 0;
    735 }
    737 int32_t ViEEncoder::RegisterCodecObserver(ViEEncoderObserver* observer) {
    738   CriticalSectionScoped cs(callback_cs_.get());
    739   if (observer && codec_observer_) {
    740     LOG_F(LS_ERROR) << "Observer already set.";
    741     return -1;
    742   }
    743   codec_observer_ = observer;
    744   return 0;
    745 }
    747 void ViEEncoder::OnReceivedSLI(uint32_t /*ssrc*/,
    748                                uint8_t picture_id) {
    749   picture_id_sli_ = picture_id;
    750   has_received_sli_ = true;
    751 }
    753 void ViEEncoder::OnReceivedRPSI(uint32_t /*ssrc*/,
    754                                 uint64_t picture_id) {
    755   picture_id_rpsi_ = picture_id;
    756   has_received_rpsi_ = true;
    757 }
    759 void ViEEncoder::OnReceivedIntraFrameRequest(uint32_t ssrc) {
    760   // Key frame request from remote side, signal to VCM.
    761   TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "OnKeyFrameRequest");
    763   int idx = 0;
    764   {
    765     CriticalSectionScoped cs(data_cs_.get());
    766     std::map<unsigned int, int>::iterator stream_it = ssrc_streams_.find(ssrc);
    767     if (stream_it == ssrc_streams_.end()) {
    768       LOG_F(LS_WARNING) << "ssrc not found: " << ssrc << ", map size "
    769                         << ssrc_streams_.size();
    770       return;
    771     }
    772     std::map<unsigned int, int64_t>::iterator time_it =
    773         time_last_intra_request_ms_.find(ssrc);
    774     if (time_it == time_last_intra_request_ms_.end()) {
    775       time_last_intra_request_ms_[ssrc] = 0;
    776     }
    778     int64_t now = TickTime::MillisecondTimestamp();
    779     if (time_last_intra_request_ms_[ssrc] + kViEMinKeyRequestIntervalMs > now) {
    780       return;
    781     }
    782     time_last_intra_request_ms_[ssrc] = now;
    783     idx = stream_it->second;
    784   }
    785   // Release the critsect before triggering key frame.
    786   vcm_.IntraFrameRequest(idx);
    787 }
    789 void ViEEncoder::OnLocalSsrcChanged(uint32_t old_ssrc, uint32_t new_ssrc) {
    790   CriticalSectionScoped cs(data_cs_.get());
    791   std::map<unsigned int, int>::iterator it = ssrc_streams_.find(old_ssrc);
    792   if (it == ssrc_streams_.end()) {
    793     return;
    794   }
    796   ssrc_streams_[new_ssrc] = it->second;
    797   ssrc_streams_.erase(it);
    799   std::map<unsigned int, int64_t>::iterator time_it =
    800       time_last_intra_request_ms_.find(old_ssrc);
    801   int64_t last_intra_request_ms = 0;
    802   if (time_it != time_last_intra_request_ms_.end()) {
    803     last_intra_request_ms = time_it->second;
    804     time_last_intra_request_ms_.erase(time_it);
    805   }
    806   time_last_intra_request_ms_[new_ssrc] = last_intra_request_ms;
    807 }
    809 bool ViEEncoder::SetSsrcs(const std::list<unsigned int>& ssrcs) {
    810   VideoCodec codec;
    811   if (vcm_.SendCodec(&codec) != 0)
    812     return false;
    814   if (codec.numberOfSimulcastStreams > 0 &&
    815       ssrcs.size() != codec.numberOfSimulcastStreams) {
    816     return false;
    817   }
    819   CriticalSectionScoped cs(data_cs_.get());
    820   ssrc_streams_.clear();
    821   time_last_intra_request_ms_.clear();
    822   int idx = 0;
    823   for (std::list<unsigned int>::const_iterator it = ssrcs.begin();
    824        it != ssrcs.end(); ++it, ++idx) {
    825     unsigned int ssrc = *it;
    826     ssrc_streams_[ssrc] = idx;
    827   }
    828   return true;
    829 }
    831 void ViEEncoder::SetMinTransmitBitrate(int min_transmit_bitrate_kbps) {
    832   assert(min_transmit_bitrate_kbps >= 0);
    833   CriticalSectionScoped crit(data_cs_.get());
    834   min_transmit_bitrate_kbps_ = min_transmit_bitrate_kbps;
    835 }
    837 // Called from ViEBitrateObserver.
    838 void ViEEncoder::OnNetworkChanged(const uint32_t bitrate_bps,
    839                                   const uint8_t fraction_lost,
    840                                   const uint32_t round_trip_time_ms) {
    841   LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "OnNetworkChanged, bitrate" << bitrate_bps
    842                   << " packet loss " << fraction_lost
    843                   << " rtt " << round_trip_time_ms;
    844   vcm_.SetChannelParameters(bitrate_bps, fraction_lost, round_trip_time_ms);
    845   bool video_is_suspended = vcm_.VideoSuspended();
    846   int bitrate_kbps = bitrate_bps / 1000;
    847   VideoCodec send_codec;
    848   if (vcm_.SendCodec(&send_codec) != 0) {
    849     return;
    850   }
    851   SimulcastStream* stream_configs = send_codec.simulcastStream;
    852   // Allocate the bandwidth between the streams.
    853   std::vector<uint32_t> stream_bitrates = AllocateStreamBitrates(
    854       bitrate_bps,
    855       stream_configs,
    856       send_codec.numberOfSimulcastStreams);
    857   // Find the max amount of padding we can allow ourselves to send at this
    858   // point, based on which streams are currently active and what our current
    859   // available bandwidth is.
    860   int pad_up_to_bitrate_kbps = 0;
    861   if (send_codec.numberOfSimulcastStreams == 0) {
    862     pad_up_to_bitrate_kbps = send_codec.minBitrate;
    863   } else {
    864     pad_up_to_bitrate_kbps =
    865         stream_configs[send_codec.numberOfSimulcastStreams - 1].minBitrate;
    866     for (int i = 0; i < send_codec.numberOfSimulcastStreams - 1; ++i) {
    867       pad_up_to_bitrate_kbps += stream_configs[i].targetBitrate;
    868     }
    869   }
    871   // Disable padding if only sending one stream and video isn't suspended and
    872   // min-transmit bitrate isn't used (applied later).
    873   if (!video_is_suspended && send_codec.numberOfSimulcastStreams <= 1)
    874     pad_up_to_bitrate_kbps = 0;
    876   {
    877     CriticalSectionScoped cs(data_cs_.get());
    878     // The amount of padding should decay to zero if no frames are being
    879     // captured unless a min-transmit bitrate is used.
    880     int64_t now_ms = TickTime::MillisecondTimestamp();
    881     if (now_ms - time_of_last_incoming_frame_ms_ > kStopPaddingThresholdMs)
    882       pad_up_to_bitrate_kbps = 0;
    884     // Pad up to min bitrate.
    885     if (pad_up_to_bitrate_kbps < min_transmit_bitrate_kbps_)
    886       pad_up_to_bitrate_kbps = min_transmit_bitrate_kbps_;
    888     // Padding may never exceed bitrate estimate.
    889     if (pad_up_to_bitrate_kbps > bitrate_kbps)
    890       pad_up_to_bitrate_kbps = bitrate_kbps;
    892     paced_sender_->UpdateBitrate(kPaceMultiplier * bitrate_kbps,
    893                                  pad_up_to_bitrate_kbps);
    894     default_rtp_rtcp_->SetTargetSendBitrate(stream_bitrates);
    895     if (video_suspended_ == video_is_suspended)
    896       return;
    897     video_suspended_ = video_is_suspended;
    898   }
    900   // Video suspend-state changed, inform codec observer.
    901   CriticalSectionScoped crit(callback_cs_.get());
    902   if (codec_observer_) {
    903     LOG(LS_INFO) << "Video suspended " << video_is_suspended
    904                  << " for channel " << channel_id_;
    905     codec_observer_->SuspendChange(channel_id_, video_is_suspended);
    906   }
    907 }
    909 PacedSender* ViEEncoder::GetPacedSender() {
    910   return paced_sender_.get();
    911 }
    913 int32_t ViEEncoder::RegisterEffectFilter(ViEEffectFilter* effect_filter) {
    914   CriticalSectionScoped cs(callback_cs_.get());
    915   if (effect_filter != NULL && effect_filter_ != NULL) {
    916     LOG_F(LS_ERROR) << "Filter already set.";
    917     return -1;
    918   }
    919   effect_filter_ = effect_filter;
    920   return 0;
    921 }
    923 int ViEEncoder::StartDebugRecording(const char* fileNameUTF8) {
    924   return vcm_.StartDebugRecording(fileNameUTF8);
    925 }
    927 int ViEEncoder::StopDebugRecording() {
    928   return vcm_.StopDebugRecording();
    929 }
    931 void ViEEncoder::SuspendBelowMinBitrate() {
    932   vcm_.SuspendBelowMinBitrate();
    933   bitrate_controller_->EnforceMinBitrate(false);
    934 }
    936 void ViEEncoder::RegisterPreEncodeCallback(
    937     I420FrameCallback* pre_encode_callback) {
    938   CriticalSectionScoped cs(callback_cs_.get());
    939   pre_encode_callback_ = pre_encode_callback;
    940 }
    942 void ViEEncoder::DeRegisterPreEncodeCallback() {
    943   CriticalSectionScoped cs(callback_cs_.get());
    944   pre_encode_callback_ = NULL;
    945 }
    947 void ViEEncoder::RegisterPostEncodeImageCallback(
    948       EncodedImageCallback* post_encode_callback) {
    949   vcm_.RegisterPostEncodeImageCallback(post_encode_callback);
    950 }
    952 void ViEEncoder::DeRegisterPostEncodeImageCallback() {
    953   vcm_.RegisterPostEncodeImageCallback(NULL);
    954 }
    956 QMVideoSettingsCallback::QMVideoSettingsCallback(VideoProcessingModule* vpm)
    957     : vpm_(vpm) {
    958 }
    960 QMVideoSettingsCallback::~QMVideoSettingsCallback() {
    961 }
    963 int32_t QMVideoSettingsCallback::SetVideoQMSettings(
    964     const uint32_t frame_rate,
    965     const uint32_t width,
    966     const uint32_t height) {
    967   return vpm_->SetTargetResolution(width, height, frame_rate);
    968 }
    970 }  // namespace webrtc