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      1 /*
      2 *******************************************************************************
      3 * Copyright (C) 2011-2014, International Business Machines Corporation and
      4 * others. All Rights Reserved.
      5 *******************************************************************************
      6 */
      7 #ifndef __TZNAMES_H
      8 #define __TZNAMES_H
     10 /**
     11  * \file
     12  * \brief C++ API: TimeZoneNames
     13  */
     14 #include "unicode/utypes.h"
     18 #include "unicode/uloc.h"
     19 #include "unicode/unistr.h"
     23 /**
     24  * Constants for time zone display name types.
     25  * @stable ICU 50
     26  */
     27 typedef enum UTimeZoneNameType {
     28     /**
     29      * Unknown display name type.
     30      * @stable ICU 50
     31      */
     32     UTZNM_UNKNOWN           = 0x00,
     33     /**
     34      * Long display name, such as "Eastern Time".
     35      * @stable ICU 50
     36      */
     37     UTZNM_LONG_GENERIC      = 0x01,
     38     /**
     39      * Long display name for standard time, such as "Eastern Standard Time".
     40      * @stable ICU 50
     41      */
     42     UTZNM_LONG_STANDARD     = 0x02,
     43     /**
     44      * Long display name for daylight saving time, such as "Eastern Daylight Time".
     45      * @stable ICU 50
     46      */
     47     UTZNM_LONG_DAYLIGHT     = 0x04,
     48     /**
     49      * Short display name, such as "ET".
     50      * @stable ICU 50
     51      */
     52     UTZNM_SHORT_GENERIC     = 0x08,
     53     /**
     54      * Short display name for standard time, such as "EST".
     55      * @stable ICU 50
     56      */
     57     UTZNM_SHORT_STANDARD    = 0x10,
     58     /**
     59      * Short display name for daylight saving time, such as "EDT".
     60      * @stable ICU 50
     61      */
     62     UTZNM_SHORT_DAYLIGHT    = 0x20,
     63     /**
     64      * Exemplar location name, such as "Los Angeles".
     65      * @stable ICU 51
     66      */
     67     UTZNM_EXEMPLAR_LOCATION = 0x40
     68 } UTimeZoneNameType;
     70 U_CDECL_END
     74 class UVector;
     75 struct MatchInfo;
     77 /**
     78  * <code>TimeZoneNames</code> is an abstract class representing the time zone display name data model defined
     79  * by <a href="http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/">UTS#35 Unicode Locale Data Markup Language (LDML)</a>.
     80  * The model defines meta zone, which is used for storing a set of display names. A meta zone can be shared
     81  * by multiple time zones. Also a time zone may have multiple meta zone historic mappings.
     82  * <p>
     83  * For example, people in the United States refer the zone used by the east part of North America as "Eastern Time".
     84  * The tz database contains multiple time zones "America/New_York", "America/Detroit", "America/Montreal" and some
     85  * others that belong to "Eastern Time". However, assigning different display names to these time zones does not make
     86  * much sense for most of people.
     87  * <p>
     88  * In <a href="http://cldr.unicode.org/">CLDR</a> (which uses LDML for representing locale data), the display name
     89  * "Eastern Time" is stored as long generic display name of a meta zone identified by the ID "America_Eastern".
     90  * Then, there is another table maintaining the historic mapping to meta zones for each time zone. The time zones in
     91  * the above example ("America/New_York", "America/Detroit"...) are mapped to the meta zone "America_Eastern".
     92  * <p>
     93  * Sometimes, a time zone is mapped to a different time zone in the past. For example, "America/Indiana/Knox"
     94  * had been moving "Eastern Time" and "Central Time" back and forth. Therefore, it is necessary that time zone
     95  * to meta zones mapping data are stored by date range.
     96  *
     97  * <p><b>Note:</b>
     98  * The methods in this class assume that time zone IDs are already canonicalized. For example, you may not get proper
     99  * result returned by a method with time zone ID "America/Indiana/Indianapolis", because it's not a canonical time zone
    100  * ID (the canonical time zone ID for the time zone is "America/Indianapolis". See
    101  * {@link TimeZone#getCanonicalID(const UnicodeString& id, UnicodeString& canonicalID, UErrorCode& status)} about ICU
    102  * canonical time zone IDs.
    103  *
    104  * <p>
    105  * In CLDR, most of time zone display names except location names are provided through meta zones. But a time zone may
    106  * have a specific name that is not shared with other time zones.
    107  *
    108  * For example, time zone "Europe/London" has English long name for standard time "Greenwich Mean Time", which is also
    109  * shared with other time zones. However, the long name for daylight saving time is "British Summer Time", which is only
    110  * used for "Europe/London".
    111  *
    112  * <p>
    113  * {@link #getTimeZoneDisplayName} is designed for accessing a name only used by a single time zone.
    114  * But is not necessarily mean that a subclass implementation use the same model with CLDR. A subclass implementation
    115  * may provide time zone names only through {@link #getTimeZoneDisplayName}, or only through {@link #getMetaZoneDisplayName},
    116  * or both.
    117  *
    118  * <p>
    119  * The default <code>TimeZoneNames</code> implementation returned by {@link #createInstance}
    120  * uses the locale data imported from CLDR. In CLDR, set of meta zone IDs and mappings between zone IDs and meta zone
    121  * IDs are shared by all locales. Therefore, the behavior of {@link #getAvailableMetaZoneIDs},
    122  * {@link #getMetaZoneID}, and {@link #getReferenceZoneID} won't be changed no matter
    123  * what locale is used for getting an instance of <code>TimeZoneNames</code>.
    124  *
    125  * @stable ICU 50
    126  */
    127 class U_I18N_API TimeZoneNames : public UObject {
    128 public:
    129     /**
    130      * Destructor.
    131      * @stable ICU 50
    132      */
    133     virtual ~TimeZoneNames();
    135     /**
    136      * Return true if the given TimeZoneNames objects are emantically equal.
    137      * @param other the object to be compared with.
    138      * @return Return TRUE if the given Format objects are semantically equal.
    139      * @stable ICU 50
    140      */
    141     virtual UBool operator==(const TimeZoneNames& other) const = 0;
    143     /**
    144      * Return true if the given TimeZoneNames objects are not semantically
    145      * equal.
    146      * @param other the object to be compared with.
    147      * @return Return TRUE if the given Format objects are not semantically equal.
    148      * @stable ICU 50
    149      */
    150     UBool operator!=(const TimeZoneNames& other) const { return !operator==(other); }
    152     /**
    153      * Clone this object polymorphically.  The caller is responsible
    154      * for deleting the result when done.
    155      * @return A copy of the object
    156      * @stable ICU 50
    157      */
    158     virtual TimeZoneNames* clone() const = 0;
    160     /**
    161      * Returns an instance of <code>TimeZoneDisplayNames</code> for the specified locale.
    162      *
    163      * @param locale The locale.
    164      * @param status Receives the status.
    165      * @return An instance of <code>TimeZoneDisplayNames</code>
    166      * @stable ICU 50
    167      */
    168     static TimeZoneNames* U_EXPORT2 createInstance(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
    170     /**
    171      * Returns an enumeration of all available meta zone IDs.
    172      * @param status Receives the status.
    173      * @return an enumeration object, owned by the caller.
    174      * @stable ICU 50
    175      */
    176     virtual StringEnumeration* getAvailableMetaZoneIDs(UErrorCode& status) const = 0;
    178     /**
    179      * Returns an enumeration of all available meta zone IDs used by the given time zone.
    180      * @param tzID The canoical tiem zone ID.
    181      * @param status Receives the status.
    182      * @return an enumeration object, owned by the caller.
    183      * @stable ICU 50
    184      */
    185     virtual StringEnumeration* getAvailableMetaZoneIDs(const UnicodeString& tzID, UErrorCode& status) const = 0;
    187     /**
    188      * Returns the meta zone ID for the given canonical time zone ID at the given date.
    189      * @param tzID The canonical time zone ID.
    190      * @param date The date.
    191      * @param mzID Receives the meta zone ID for the given time zone ID at the given date. If the time zone does not have a
    192      *          corresponding meta zone at the given date or the implementation does not support meta zones, "bogus" state
    193      *          is set.
    194      * @return A reference to the result.
    195      * @stable ICU 50
    196      */
    197     virtual UnicodeString& getMetaZoneID(const UnicodeString& tzID, UDate date, UnicodeString& mzID) const = 0;
    199     /**
    200      * Returns the reference zone ID for the given meta zone ID for the region.
    201      *
    202      * Note: Each meta zone must have a reference zone associated with a special region "001" (world).
    203      * Some meta zones may have region specific reference zone IDs other than the special region
    204      * "001". When a meta zone does not have any region specific reference zone IDs, this method
    205      * return the reference zone ID for the special region "001" (world).
    206      *
    207      * @param mzID The meta zone ID.
    208      * @param region The region.
    209      * @param tzID Receives the reference zone ID ("golden zone" in the LDML specification) for the given time zone ID for the
    210      *          region. If the meta zone is unknown or the implementation does not support meta zones, "bogus" state
    211      *          is set.
    212      * @return A reference to the result.
    213      * @stable ICU 50
    214      */
    215     virtual UnicodeString& getReferenceZoneID(const UnicodeString& mzID, const char* region, UnicodeString& tzID) const = 0;
    217     /**
    218      * Returns the display name of the meta zone.
    219      * @param mzID The meta zone ID.
    220      * @param type The display name type. See {@link #UTimeZoneNameType}.
    221      * @param name Receives the display name of the meta zone. When this object does not have a localized display name for the given
    222      *         meta zone with the specified type or the implementation does not provide any display names associated
    223      *         with meta zones, "bogus" state is set.
    224      * @return A reference to the result.
    225      * @stable ICU 50
    226      */
    227     virtual UnicodeString& getMetaZoneDisplayName(const UnicodeString& mzID, UTimeZoneNameType type, UnicodeString& name) const = 0;
    229     /**
    230      * Returns the display name of the time zone. Unlike {@link #getDisplayName},
    231      * this method does not get a name from a meta zone used by the time zone.
    232      * @param tzID The canonical time zone ID.
    233      * @param type The display name type. See {@link #UTimeZoneNameType}.
    234      * @param name Receives the display name for the time zone. When this object does not have a localized display name for the given
    235      *         time zone with the specified type, "bogus" state is set.
    236      * @return A reference to the result.
    237      * @stable ICU 50
    238      */
    239     virtual UnicodeString& getTimeZoneDisplayName(const UnicodeString& tzID, UTimeZoneNameType type, UnicodeString& name) const = 0;
    241     /**
    242      * Returns the exemplar location name for the given time zone. When this object does not have a localized location
    243      * name, the default implementation may still returns a programmatically generated name with the logic described
    244      * below.
    245      * <ol>
    246      * <li>Check if the ID contains "/". If not, return null.
    247      * <li>Check if the ID does not start with "Etc/" or "SystemV/". If it does, return null.
    248      * <li>Extract a substring after the last occurrence of "/".
    249      * <li>Replace "_" with " ".
    250      * </ol>
    251      * For example, "New York" is returned for the time zone ID "America/New_York" when this object does not have the
    252      * localized location name.
    253      *
    254      * @param tzID The canonical time zone ID
    255      * @param name Receives the exemplar location name for the given time zone, or "bogus" state is set when a localized
    256      *          location name is not available and the fallback logic described above cannot extract location from the ID.
    257      * @return A reference to the result.
    258      * @stable ICU 50
    259      */
    260     virtual UnicodeString& getExemplarLocationName(const UnicodeString& tzID, UnicodeString& name) const;
    262     /**
    263      * Returns the display name of the time zone at the given date.
    264      * <p>
    265      * <b>Note:</b> This method calls the subclass's {@link #getTimeZoneDisplayName} first. When the
    266      * result is bogus, this method calls {@link #getMetaZoneID} to get the meta zone ID mapped from the
    267      * time zone, then calls {@link #getMetaZoneDisplayName}.
    268      *
    269      * @param tzID The canonical time zone ID.
    270      * @param type The display name type. See {@link #UTimeZoneNameType}.
    271      * @param date The date.
    272      * @param name Receives the display name for the time zone at the given date. When this object does not have a localized display
    273      *          name for the time zone with the specified type and date, "bogus" state is set.
    274      * @return A reference to the result.
    275      * @stable ICU 50
    276      */
    277     virtual UnicodeString& getDisplayName(const UnicodeString& tzID, UTimeZoneNameType type, UDate date, UnicodeString& name) const;
    279     /**
    280      * <code>MatchInfoCollection</code> represents a collection of time zone name matches used by
    281      * {@link TimeZoneNames#find}.
    282      * @internal
    283      */
    284     class U_I18N_API MatchInfoCollection : public UMemory {
    285     public:
    286         /**
    287          * Constructor.
    288          * @internal
    289          */
    290         MatchInfoCollection();
    291         /**
    292          * Destructor.
    293          * @internal
    294          */
    295         virtual ~MatchInfoCollection();
    297 #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API
    298         /**
    299          * Adds a zone match.
    300          * @param nameType The name type.
    301          * @param matchLength The match length.
    302          * @param tzID The time zone ID.
    303          * @param status Receives the status
    304          * @internal
    305          */
    306         void addZone(UTimeZoneNameType nameType, int32_t matchLength,
    307             const UnicodeString& tzID, UErrorCode& status);
    309         /**
    310          * Adds a meata zone match.
    311          * @param nameType The name type.
    312          * @param matchLength The match length.
    313          * @param mzID The metazone ID.
    314          * @param status Receives the status
    315          * @internal
    316          */
    317         void addMetaZone(UTimeZoneNameType nameType, int32_t matchLength,
    318             const UnicodeString& mzID, UErrorCode& status);
    320         /**
    321          * Returns the number of entries available in this object.
    322          * @return The number of entries.
    323          * @internal
    324          */
    325         int32_t size() const;
    327         /**
    328          * Returns the time zone name type of a match at the specified index.
    329          * @param idx The index
    330          * @return The time zone name type. If the specified idx is out of range,
    331          *      it returns UTZNM_UNKNOWN.
    332          * @see UTimeZoneNameType
    333          * @internal
    334          */
    335         UTimeZoneNameType getNameTypeAt(int32_t idx) const;
    337         /**
    338          * Returns the match length of a match at the specified index.
    339          * @param idx The index
    340          * @return The match length. If the specified idx is out of range,
    341          *      it returns 0.
    342          * @internal
    343          */
    344         int32_t getMatchLengthAt(int32_t idx) const;
    346         /**
    347          * Gets the zone ID of a match at the specified index.
    348          * @param idx The index
    349          * @param tzID Receives the zone ID.
    350          * @return TRUE if the zone ID was set to tzID.
    351          * @internal
    352          */
    353         UBool getTimeZoneIDAt(int32_t idx, UnicodeString& tzID) const;
    355         /**
    356          * Gets the metazone ID of a match at the specified index.
    357          * @param idx The index
    358          * @param mzID Receives the metazone ID
    359          * @return TRUE if the meta zone ID was set to mzID.
    360          * @internal
    361          */
    362         UBool getMetaZoneIDAt(int32_t idx, UnicodeString& mzID) const;
    363 #endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
    365     private:
    366         UVector* fMatches;  // vector of MatchEntry
    368         UVector* matches(UErrorCode& status);
    369     };
    371     /**
    372      * Finds time zone name prefix matches for the input text at the
    373      * given offset and returns a collection of the matches.
    374      * @param text The text.
    375      * @param start The starting offset within the text.
    376      * @param types The set of name types represented by bitwise flags of UTimeZoneNameType enums,
    377      *              or UTZNM_UNKNOWN for all name types.
    378      * @param status Receives the status.
    379      * @return A collection of matches (owned by the caller), or NULL if no matches are found.
    380      * @see UTimeZoneNameType
    381      * @see MatchInfoCollection
    382      * @internal
    383      */
    384     virtual MatchInfoCollection* find(const UnicodeString& text, int32_t start, uint32_t types, UErrorCode& status) const = 0;
    385 };
    389 #endif
    390 #endif