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      1 /*
      2  *******************************************************************************
      3  * Copyright (C) 2003-2014, International Business Machines Corporation and
      4  * others. All Rights Reserved.
      5  *******************************************************************************
      6  */
      8 #include "unicode/utypes.h"
     12 #include "svccoll.h"
     13 #include "unicode/coll.h"
     14 #include "unicode/strenum.h"
     15 #include "hash.h"
     16 #include "uassert.h"
     18 #include "cstring.h" // internal api used to compare locale strings
     20 void CollationServiceTest::runIndexedTest(int32_t index, UBool exec, const char* &name, char* /*par */)
     21 {
     22     if (exec) logln("TestSuite CollationServiceTest: ");
     23     switch (index) {
     24         TESTCASE(0, TestRegister);
     25         TESTCASE(1, TestRegisterFactory);
     26         TESTCASE(2, TestSeparateTree);
     27     default: name = ""; break;
     28     }
     29 }
     31 void CollationServiceTest::TestRegister()
     32 {
     34     // register a singleton
     35     const Locale& FR = Locale::getFrance();
     36     const Locale& US = Locale::getUS();
     37     const Locale US_FOO("en", "US", "FOO");
     39     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
     41     Collator* frcol = Collator::createInstance(FR, status);
     42     Collator* uscol = Collator::createInstance(US, status);
     43     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
     44         errcheckln(status, "Failed to create collators with %s", u_errorName(status));
     45         delete frcol;
     46         delete uscol;
     47         return;
     48     }
     50     { // try override en_US collator
     51         Collator *clone = frcol->clone();
     52         URegistryKey key = Collator::registerInstance(frcol, US, status);
     53         // frcol has been adopted. We must not use it any more, nor rely on its attributes.
     54         frcol = NULL;
     56         Collator* ncol = Collator::createInstance(US_FOO, status);
     57         if (*clone != *ncol) {
     58             errln("register of french collator for en_US failed on request for en_US_FOO");
     59         }
     60         delete clone;
     62         // The requested locale may be the same as the valid locale,
     63         // or may not be supported at all. See ticket #10477.
     64         Locale loc = ncol->getLocale(ULOC_REQUESTED_LOCALE, status);
     65         if (loc != US_FOO && loc != US) {
     66             errln(UnicodeString("requested locale for en_US_FOO is not en_US_FOO nor en_US but ") + loc.getName());
     67         }
     68         loc = ncol->getLocale(ULOC_VALID_LOCALE, status);
     69         if (loc != US) {
     70             errln(UnicodeString("valid locale for en_US_FOO is not en_US but ") + loc.getName());
     71         }
     72         loc = ncol->getLocale(ULOC_ACTUAL_LOCALE, status);
     73         if (loc != US) {
     74             errln(UnicodeString("actual locale for en_US_FOO is not en_US but ") + loc.getName());
     75         }
     76         delete ncol; ncol = NULL;
     78         if (!Collator::unregister(key, status)) {
     79             errln("failed to unregister french collator");
     80         }
     82         ncol = Collator::createInstance(US, status);
     83         if (*uscol != *ncol) {
     84             errln("collator after unregister does not match original");
     85         }
     86         delete ncol; ncol = NULL;
     87     }
     89     // recreate frcol
     90     frcol = Collator::createInstance(FR, status);
     92     LocalUCollatorPointer frFR(ucol_open("fr_FR", &status));
     94     { // try create collator for new locale
     95         Locale fu_FU_FOO("fu", "FU", "FOO");
     96         Locale fu_FU("fu", "FU", "");
     98         Collator* fucol = Collator::createInstance(fu_FU, status);
     99         Collator *clone = frcol->clone();
    100         URegistryKey key = Collator::registerInstance(frcol, fu_FU, status);
    101         frcol = NULL;  // frcol has been adopted.
    102         Collator* ncol = Collator::createInstance(fu_FU_FOO, status);
    103         if (*clone != *ncol) {
    104             errln("register of fr collator for fu_FU failed");
    105         }
    106         delete clone;
    108         UnicodeString locName = fu_FU.getName();
    109         StringEnumeration* localeEnum = Collator::getAvailableLocales();
    110         UBool found = FALSE;
    111         const UnicodeString* locStr, *ls2;
    112         for (locStr = localeEnum->snext(status);
    113         !found && locStr != NULL;
    114         locStr = localeEnum->snext(status)) {
    115             //
    116             if (locName == *locStr) {
    117                 found = TRUE;
    118             }
    119         }
    121         StringEnumeration *le2 = NULL;
    122         localeEnum->reset(status);
    123         int32_t i, count;
    124         count = localeEnum->count(status);
    125         for(i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
    126             if(i == count / 2) {
    127                 le2 = localeEnum->clone();
    128                 if(le2 == NULL || count != le2->count(status)) {
    129                     errln("ServiceEnumeration.clone() failed");
    130                     break;
    131                 }
    132             }
    133             if(i >= count / 2) {
    134                 locStr = localeEnum->snext(status);
    135                 ls2 = le2->snext(status);
    136                 if(*locStr != *ls2) {
    137                     errln("ServiceEnumeration.clone() failed for item %d", i);
    138                 }
    139             } else {
    140                 localeEnum->snext(status);
    141             }
    142         }
    144         delete localeEnum;
    145         delete le2;
    147         if (!found) {
    148             errln("new locale fu_FU not reported as supported locale");
    149         }
    151         UnicodeString displayName;
    152         Collator::getDisplayName(fu_FU, displayName);
    153         /* The locale display pattern for the locale ja, ko, and zh are different. */
    154         const UChar zh_fuFU_Array[] = { 0x0066, 0x0075, 0xff08, 0x0046, 0x0055, 0xff09, 0 };
    155         const UnicodeString zh_fuFU(zh_fuFU_Array);
    156         const Locale& defaultLocale = Locale::getDefault();
    157         if (displayName != "fu (FU)" &&
    158            ((defaultLocale == Locale::getKorean() && defaultLocale == Locale::getJapanese()) && displayName == "fu(FU)") &&
    159            ((defaultLocale == Locale::getChinese()) && displayName != zh_fuFU)) {
    160             errln(UnicodeString("found ") + displayName + " for fu_FU");
    161         }
    163         Collator::getDisplayName(fu_FU, fu_FU, displayName);
    164         if (displayName != "fu (FU)" &&
    165            ((defaultLocale == Locale::getKorean() && defaultLocale == Locale::getJapanese()) && displayName == "fu(FU)") &&
    166            ((defaultLocale == Locale::getChinese()) && displayName != zh_fuFU)) {
    167             errln(UnicodeString("found ") + displayName + " for fu_FU");
    168         }
    170         // test ucol_open
    171         LocalUCollatorPointer fufu(ucol_open("fu_FU_FOO", &status));
    172         if (fufu.isNull()) {
    173             errln("could not open fu_FU_FOO with ucol_open");
    174         } else {
    175             if (*Collator::fromUCollator(fufu.getAlias()) !=
    176                     *Collator::fromUCollator(frFR.getAlias())) {
    177                 errln("collator fufu != collator frFR");
    178             }
    179         }
    181         if (!Collator::unregister(key, status)) {
    182             errln("failed to unregister french collator");
    183         }
    184         // !!! note frcoll invalid again, but we're no longer using it
    186         // other collators should still work ok
    187         Locale nloc = ncol->getLocale(ULOC_VALID_LOCALE, status);
    188         if (nloc != fu_FU) {
    189             errln(UnicodeString("asked for nloc valid locale after close and got") + nloc.getName());
    190         }
    191         delete ncol; ncol = NULL;
    193         if (fufu.isValid()) {
    194             const char* nlocstr = ucol_getLocaleByType(fufu.getAlias(), ULOC_VALID_LOCALE, &status);
    195             if (uprv_strcmp(nlocstr, "fu_FU") != 0) {
    196                 errln(UnicodeString("asked for uloc valid locale after close and got ") + nlocstr);
    197             }
    198         }
    200         ncol = Collator::createInstance(fu_FU, status);
    201         if (*fucol != *ncol) {
    202             errln("collator after unregister does not match original fu_FU");
    203         }
    204         delete uscol; uscol = NULL;
    205         delete ncol; ncol = NULL;
    206         delete fucol; fucol = NULL;
    207     }
    208 #endif
    209 }
    211 // ------------------
    214 struct CollatorInfo {
    215   Locale locale;
    216   Collator* collator;
    217   Hashtable* displayNames; // locale name -> string
    219   CollatorInfo(const Locale& locale, Collator* collatorToAdopt, Hashtable* displayNamesToAdopt);
    220   ~CollatorInfo();
    221   UnicodeString& getDisplayName(const Locale& displayLocale, UnicodeString& name) const;
    222 };
    224 CollatorInfo::CollatorInfo(const Locale& _locale, Collator* _collator, Hashtable* _displayNames)
    225   : locale(_locale)
    226   , collator(_collator)
    227   , displayNames(_displayNames)
    228 {
    229   collator->setLocales(locale, locale, locale);
    230 }
    232 CollatorInfo::~CollatorInfo() {
    233   delete collator;
    234   delete displayNames;
    235 }
    237 UnicodeString&
    238 CollatorInfo::getDisplayName(const Locale& displayLocale, UnicodeString& name) const {
    239   if (displayNames) {
    240     UnicodeString* val = (UnicodeString*)displayNames->get(displayLocale.getName());
    241     if (val) {
    242       name = *val;
    243       return name;
    244     }
    245   }
    247   return locale.getDisplayName(displayLocale, name);
    248 }
    250 // ---------------
    252 class TestFactory : public CollatorFactory {
    253   CollatorInfo** info;
    254   int32_t count;
    255   UnicodeString* ids;
    257   const CollatorInfo* getInfo(const Locale& loc) const {
    258     for (CollatorInfo** p = info; *p; ++p) {
    259       if (loc == (**p).locale) {
    260         return *p;
    261       }
    262     }
    263     return NULL;
    264   }
    266 public:
    267   TestFactory(CollatorInfo** _info)
    268     : info(_info)
    269     , count(0)
    270     , ids(NULL)
    271   {
    272     CollatorInfo** p;
    273     for (p = info; *p; ++p) {}
    274     count = (int32_t)(p - info);
    275   }
    277   ~TestFactory() {
    278     for (CollatorInfo** p = info; *p; ++p) {
    279       delete *p;
    280     }
    281     delete[] info;
    282     delete[] ids;
    283   }
    285   virtual Collator* createCollator(const Locale& loc) {
    286     const CollatorInfo* ci = getInfo(loc);
    287     if (ci) {
    288       return ci->collator->clone();
    289     }
    290     return NULL;
    291   }
    293   virtual UnicodeString& getDisplayName(const Locale& objectLocale,
    294                                         const Locale& displayLocale,
    295                                         UnicodeString& result)
    296   {
    297     const CollatorInfo* ci = getInfo(objectLocale);
    298     if (ci) {
    299       ci->getDisplayName(displayLocale, result);
    300     } else {
    301       result.setToBogus();
    302     }
    303     return result;
    304   }
    306   const UnicodeString* getSupportedIDs(int32_t& _count, UErrorCode& status) {
    307     if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
    308       if (!ids) {
    309         ids = new UnicodeString[count];
    310         if (!ids) {
    311           status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
    312           _count = 0;
    313           return NULL;
    314         }
    316         for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
    317           ids[i] = info[i]->locale.getName();
    318         }
    319       }
    321       _count = count;
    322       return ids;
    323     }
    324     return NULL;
    325   }
    327   virtual inline UClassID getDynamicClassID() const {
    328     return (UClassID)&gClassID;
    329   }
    331   static UClassID getStaticClassID() {
    332     return (UClassID)&gClassID;
    333   }
    335 private:
    336   static char gClassID;
    337 };
    339 char TestFactory::gClassID = 0;
    340 #endif
    342 void CollationServiceTest::TestRegisterFactory(void)
    343 {
    345     int32_t n1, n2, n3;
    346     Locale fu_FU("fu", "FU", "");
    347     Locale fu_FU_FOO("fu", "FU", "FOO");
    349     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    351     Hashtable* fuFUNames = new Hashtable(FALSE, status);
    352     if (!fuFUNames) {
    353         errln("memory allocation error");
    354         return;
    355     }
    356     fuFUNames->setValueDeleter(uprv_deleteUObject);
    358     fuFUNames->put(fu_FU.getName(), new UnicodeString("ze leetle bunny Fu-Fu"), status);
    359     fuFUNames->put(fu_FU_FOO.getName(), new UnicodeString("zee leetel bunny Foo-Foo"), status);
    360     fuFUNames->put(Locale::getDefault().getName(), new UnicodeString("little bunny Foo Foo"), status);
    362     Collator* frcol = Collator::createInstance(Locale::getFrance(), status);
    363     Collator* gecol = Collator::createInstance(Locale::getGermany(), status);
    364     Collator* jpcol = Collator::createInstance(Locale::getJapan(), status);
    365     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
    366       errcheckln(status, "Failed to create collators with %s", u_errorName(status));
    367       delete frcol;
    368       delete gecol;
    369       delete jpcol;
    370       delete fuFUNames;
    371       return;
    372     }
    374     CollatorInfo** info = new CollatorInfo*[4];
    375     if (!info) {
    376         errln("memory allocation error");
    377         return;
    378     }
    380     info[0] = new CollatorInfo(Locale::getUS(), frcol, NULL);
    381     info[1] = new CollatorInfo(Locale::getFrance(), gecol, NULL);
    382     info[2] = new CollatorInfo(fu_FU, jpcol, fuFUNames);
    383     info[3] = NULL;
    385     TestFactory* factory = new TestFactory(info);
    386     if (!factory) {
    387         errln("memory allocation error");
    388         return;
    389     }
    391     Collator* uscol = Collator::createInstance(Locale::getUS(), status);
    392     Collator* fucol = Collator::createInstance(fu_FU, status);
    394     {
    395         n1 = checkAvailable("before registerFactory");
    397         URegistryKey key = Collator::registerFactory(factory, status);
    399         n2 = checkAvailable("after registerFactory");
    400         assertTrue("count after > count before", n2 > n1);
    402         Collator* ncol = Collator::createInstance(Locale::getUS(), status);
    403         if (*frcol != *ncol) {
    404             errln("frcoll for en_US failed");
    405         }
    406         delete ncol; ncol = NULL;
    408         ncol = Collator::createInstance(fu_FU_FOO, status);
    409         if (*jpcol != *ncol) {
    410             errln("jpcol for fu_FU_FOO failed");
    411         }
    413         // The requested locale may be the same as the valid locale,
    414         // or may not be supported at all. See ticket #10477.
    415         Locale loc = ncol->getLocale(ULOC_REQUESTED_LOCALE, status);
    416         if (loc != fu_FU_FOO && loc != fu_FU) {
    417             errln(UnicodeString("requested locale for fu_FU_FOO is not fu_FU_FOO nor fu_FU but ") + loc.getName());
    418         }
    419         loc = ncol->getLocale(ULOC_VALID_LOCALE, status);
    420         if (loc != fu_FU) {
    421             errln(UnicodeString("valid locale for fu_FU_FOO is not fu_FU but ") + loc.getName());
    422         }
    423         delete ncol; ncol = NULL;
    425         UnicodeString locName = fu_FU.getName();
    426         StringEnumeration* localeEnum = Collator::getAvailableLocales();
    427         UBool found = FALSE;
    428         const UnicodeString* locStr;
    429         for (locStr = localeEnum->snext(status);
    430             !found && locStr != NULL;
    431             locStr = localeEnum->snext(status))
    432         {
    433             if (locName == *locStr) {
    434                 found = TRUE;
    435             }
    436         }
    437         delete localeEnum;
    439         if (!found) {
    440             errln("new locale fu_FU not reported as supported locale");
    441         }
    443         UnicodeString name;
    444         Collator::getDisplayName(fu_FU, name);
    445         if (name != "little bunny Foo Foo") {
    446             errln(UnicodeString("found ") + name + " for fu_FU");
    447         }
    449         Collator::getDisplayName(fu_FU, fu_FU_FOO, name);
    450         if (name != "zee leetel bunny Foo-Foo") {
    451             errln(UnicodeString("found ") + name + " for fu_FU in fu_FU_FOO");
    452         }
    454         if (!Collator::unregister(key, status)) {
    455             errln("failed to unregister factory");
    456         }
    457         // ja, fr, ge collators no longer valid
    459         ncol = Collator::createInstance(fu_FU, status);
    460         if (*fucol != *ncol) {
    461             errln("collator after unregister does not match original fu_FU");
    462         }
    463         delete ncol;
    465         n3 = checkAvailable("after unregister");
    466         assertTrue("count after unregister == count before register", n3 == n1);
    467     }
    469     delete fucol;
    470     delete uscol;
    471 #endif
    472 }
    474 /**
    475  * Iterate through the given iterator, checking to see that all the strings
    476  * in the expected array are present.
    477  * @param expected array of strings we expect to see, or NULL
    478  * @param expectedCount number of elements of expected, or 0
    479  */
    480 int32_t CollationServiceTest::checkStringEnumeration(const char* msg,
    481                                                      StringEnumeration& iter,
    482                                                      const char** expected,
    483                                                      int32_t expectedCount) {
    484     UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    485     U_ASSERT(expectedCount >= 0 && expectedCount < 31); // [sic] 31 not 32
    486     int32_t i = 0, idxAfterReset = 0, n = iter.count(ec);
    487     assertSuccess("count", ec);
    488     UnicodeString buf, buffAfterReset;
    489     int32_t seenMask = 0;
    490     for (;; ++i) {
    491         const UnicodeString* s = iter.snext(ec);
    492         if (!assertSuccess("snext", ec) || s == NULL)
    493             break;
    494         if (i != 0)
    495             buf.append(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE(", "));
    496         buf.append(*s);
    497         // check expected list
    498         for (int32_t j=0, bit=1; j<expectedCount; ++j, bit<<=1) {
    499             if ((seenMask&bit)==0) {
    500                 UnicodeString exp(expected[j], (char*)NULL);
    501                 if (*s == exp) {
    502                     seenMask |= bit;
    503                     logln((UnicodeString)"Ok: \"" + exp + "\" seen");
    504                 }
    505             }
    506         }
    507     }
    508     // can't get pesky operator+(const US&, foo) to cooperate; use toString
    510     logln(UnicodeString() + msg + " = [" + buf + "] (" + toString(i) + ")");
    511 #else
    512     logln(UnicodeString() + msg + " = [" + buf + "] (??? NO_FORMATTING)");
    513 #endif
    514     assertTrue("count verified", i==n);
    515     iter.reset(ec);
    516     for (;; ++idxAfterReset) {
    517         const UChar *s = iter.unext(NULL, ec);
    518         if (!assertSuccess("unext", ec) || s == NULL)
    519             break;
    520         if (idxAfterReset != 0)
    521             buffAfterReset.append(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE(", "));
    522         buffAfterReset.append(s);
    523     }
    524     assertTrue("idxAfterReset verified", idxAfterReset==n);
    525     assertTrue("buffAfterReset verified", buffAfterReset==buf);
    526     // did we see all expected strings?
    527     if (((1<<expectedCount)-1) != seenMask) {
    528         for (int32_t j=0, bit=1; j<expectedCount; ++j, bit<<=1) {
    529             if ((seenMask&bit)==0) {
    530                 errln((UnicodeString)"FAIL: \"" + expected[j] + "\" not seen");
    531             }
    532         }
    533     }
    534     return n;
    535 }
    537 /**
    538  * Check the integrity of the results of Collator::getAvailableLocales().
    539  * Return the number of items returned.
    540  */
    542 int32_t CollationServiceTest::checkAvailable(const char* msg) {
    543     StringEnumeration *iter = Collator::getAvailableLocales();
    544     if (!assertTrue("getAvailableLocales != NULL", iter!=NULL)) return -1;
    545     int32_t n = checkStringEnumeration(msg, *iter, NULL, 0);
    546     delete iter;
    547     return n;
    548 }
    549 #endif
    551 static const char* KW[] = {
    552     "collation"
    553 };
    554 static const int32_t KW_COUNT = sizeof(KW)/sizeof(KW[0]);
    556 static const char* KWVAL[] = {
    557     "phonebook",
    558     "stroke"
    559 };
    560 static const int32_t KWVAL_COUNT = sizeof(KWVAL)/sizeof(KWVAL[0]);
    562 void CollationServiceTest::TestSeparateTree() {
    563     UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    564     StringEnumeration *iter = Collator::getKeywords(ec);
    565     if (!assertTrue("getKeywords != NULL", iter!=NULL)) return;
    566     if (!assertSuccess("getKeywords", ec)) return;
    567     checkStringEnumeration("getKeywords", *iter, KW, KW_COUNT);
    568     delete iter;
    570     iter = Collator::getKeywordValues(KW[0], ec);
    571     if (!assertTrue("getKeywordValues != NULL", iter!=NULL, FALSE, TRUE)) return;
    572     if (!assertSuccess("getKeywordValues", ec)) return;
    573     checkStringEnumeration("getKeywordValues", *iter, KWVAL, KWVAL_COUNT);
    574     delete iter;
    576     UBool isAvailable;
    577     Locale equiv = Collator::getFunctionalEquivalent("collation",
    578                                                      Locale::createFromName("de"),
    579                                                      isAvailable, ec);
    580     assertSuccess("getFunctionalEquivalent", ec);
    581     assertEquals("getFunctionalEquivalent(de)", "root", equiv.getName());
    582     assertTrue("getFunctionalEquivalent(de).isAvailable==TRUE",
    583                isAvailable == TRUE);
    585     equiv = Collator::getFunctionalEquivalent("collation",
    586                                               Locale::createFromName("de_DE"),
    587                                               isAvailable, ec);
    588     assertSuccess("getFunctionalEquivalent", ec);
    589     assertEquals("getFunctionalEquivalent(de_DE)", "root", equiv.getName());
    590     assertTrue("getFunctionalEquivalent(de_DE).isAvailable==FALSE",
    591                isAvailable == FALSE);
    593     equiv = Collator::getFunctionalEquivalent("collation",
    594                                                      Locale::createFromName("sv"),
    595                                                      isAvailable, ec);
    596     assertSuccess("getFunctionalEquivalent", ec);
    597     assertEquals("getFunctionalEquivalent(sv)", "sv", equiv.getName());
    598     assertTrue("getFunctionalEquivalent(sv).isAvailable==TRUE",
    599                isAvailable == TRUE);
    601     equiv = Collator::getFunctionalEquivalent("collation",
    602                                               Locale::createFromName("sv_SE"),
    603                                               isAvailable, ec);
    604     assertSuccess("getFunctionalEquivalent", ec);
    605     assertEquals("getFunctionalEquivalent(sv_SE)", "sv", equiv.getName());
    606     assertTrue("getFunctionalEquivalent(sv_SE).isAvailable==FALSE",
    607                isAvailable == FALSE);
    608 }
    610 #endif