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      1 //===-- FileSpec.cpp --------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     11 #include <dirent.h>
     12 #include <fcntl.h>
     13 #include <libgen.h>
     14 #include <sys/stat.h>
     15 #include <set>
     16 #include <string.h>
     17 #include <fstream>
     19 #include "lldb/Host/Config.h" // Have to include this before we test the define...
     21 #include <pwd.h>
     22 #endif
     24 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
     25 #include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
     26 #include "llvm/Support/Program.h"
     28 #include "lldb/Host/File.h"
     29 #include "lldb/Host/FileSpec.h"
     30 #include "lldb/Core/DataBufferHeap.h"
     31 #include "lldb/Core/DataBufferMemoryMap.h"
     32 #include "lldb/Core/RegularExpression.h"
     33 #include "lldb/Core/Stream.h"
     34 #include "lldb/Host/Host.h"
     35 #include "lldb/Utility/CleanUp.h"
     37 using namespace lldb;
     38 using namespace lldb_private;
     40 static bool
     41 GetFileStats (const FileSpec *file_spec, struct stat *stats_ptr)
     42 {
     43     char resolved_path[PATH_MAX];
     44     if (file_spec->GetPath (resolved_path, sizeof(resolved_path)))
     45         return ::stat (resolved_path, stats_ptr) == 0;
     46     return false;
     47 }
     51 static const char*
     52 GetCachedGlobTildeSlash()
     53 {
     54     static std::string g_tilde;
     55     if (g_tilde.empty())
     56     {
     57         struct passwd *user_entry;
     58         user_entry = getpwuid(geteuid());
     59         if (user_entry != NULL)
     60             g_tilde = user_entry->pw_dir;
     62         if (g_tilde.empty())
     63             return NULL;
     64     }
     65     return g_tilde.c_str();
     66 }
     68 #endif // #ifdef LLDB_CONFIG_TILDE_RESOLVES_TO_USER
     70 // Resolves the username part of a path of the form ~user/other/directories, and
     71 // writes the result into dst_path.
     72 // Returns 0 if there WAS a ~ in the path but the username couldn't be resolved.
     73 // Otherwise returns the number of characters copied into dst_path.  If the return
     74 // is >= dst_len, then the resolved path is too long...
     75 size_t
     76 FileSpec::ResolveUsername (const char *src_path, char *dst_path, size_t dst_len)
     77 {
     78     if (src_path == NULL || src_path[0] == '\0')
     79         return 0;
     83     char user_home[PATH_MAX];
     84     const char *user_name;
     87     // If there's no ~, then just copy src_path straight to dst_path (they may be the same string...)
     88     if (src_path[0] != '~')
     89     {
     90         size_t len = strlen (src_path);
     91         if (len >= dst_len)
     92         {
     93             ::bcopy (src_path, dst_path, dst_len - 1);
     94             dst_path[dst_len] = '\0';
     95         }
     96         else
     97             ::bcopy (src_path, dst_path, len + 1);
     99         return len;
    100     }
    102     const char *first_slash = ::strchr (src_path, '/');
    103     char remainder[PATH_MAX];
    105     if (first_slash == NULL)
    106     {
    107         // The whole name is the username (minus the ~):
    108         user_name = src_path + 1;
    109         remainder[0] = '\0';
    110     }
    111     else
    112     {
    113         size_t user_name_len = first_slash - src_path - 1;
    114         ::memcpy (user_home, src_path + 1, user_name_len);
    115         user_home[user_name_len] = '\0';
    116         user_name = user_home;
    118         ::strcpy (remainder, first_slash);
    119     }
    121     if (user_name == NULL)
    122         return 0;
    123     // User name of "" means the current user...
    125     struct passwd *user_entry;
    126     const char *home_dir = NULL;
    128     if (user_name[0] == '\0')
    129     {
    130         home_dir = GetCachedGlobTildeSlash();
    131     }
    132     else
    133     {
    134         user_entry = ::getpwnam (user_name);
    135         if (user_entry != NULL)
    136             home_dir = user_entry->pw_dir;
    137     }
    139     if (home_dir == NULL)
    140         return 0;
    141     else
    142         return ::snprintf (dst_path, dst_len, "%s%s", home_dir, remainder);
    143 #else
    144     // Resolving home directories is not supported, just copy the path...
    145     return ::snprintf (dst_path, dst_len, "%s", src_path);
    146 #endif // #ifdef LLDB_CONFIG_TILDE_RESOLVES_TO_USER
    147 }
    149 size_t
    150 FileSpec::ResolvePartialUsername (const char *partial_name, StringList &matches)
    151 {
    153     size_t extant_entries = matches.GetSize();
    155     setpwent();
    156     struct passwd *user_entry;
    157     const char *name_start = partial_name + 1;
    158     std::set<std::string> name_list;
    160     while ((user_entry = getpwent()) != NULL)
    161     {
    162         if (strstr(user_entry->pw_name, name_start) == user_entry->pw_name)
    163         {
    164             std::string tmp_buf("~");
    165             tmp_buf.append(user_entry->pw_name);
    166             tmp_buf.push_back('/');
    167             name_list.insert(tmp_buf);
    168         }
    169     }
    170     std::set<std::string>::iterator pos, end = name_list.end();
    171     for (pos = name_list.begin(); pos != end; pos++)
    172     {
    173         matches.AppendString((*pos).c_str());
    174     }
    175     return matches.GetSize() - extant_entries;
    176 #else
    177     // Resolving home directories is not supported, just copy the path...
    178     return 0;
    179 #endif // #ifdef LLDB_CONFIG_TILDE_RESOLVES_TO_USER
    180 }
    184 size_t
    185 FileSpec::Resolve (const char *src_path, char *dst_path, size_t dst_len)
    186 {
    187     if (src_path == NULL || src_path[0] == '\0')
    188         return 0;
    190     // Glob if needed for ~/, otherwise copy in case src_path is same as dst_path...
    191     char unglobbed_path[PATH_MAX];
    193     if (src_path[0] == '~')
    194     {
    195         size_t return_count = ResolveUsername(src_path, unglobbed_path, sizeof(unglobbed_path));
    197         // If we couldn't find the user referred to, or the resultant path was too long,
    198         // then just copy over the src_path.
    199         if (return_count == 0 || return_count >= sizeof(unglobbed_path))
    200             ::snprintf (unglobbed_path, sizeof(unglobbed_path), "%s", src_path);
    201     }
    202     else
    203 #endif // #ifdef LLDB_CONFIG_TILDE_RESOLVES_TO_USER
    204     {
    205     	::snprintf(unglobbed_path, sizeof(unglobbed_path), "%s", src_path);
    206     }
    208     // Now resolve the path if needed
    209     char resolved_path[PATH_MAX];
    210     if (::realpath (unglobbed_path, resolved_path))
    211     {
    212         // Success, copy the resolved path
    213         return ::snprintf(dst_path, dst_len, "%s", resolved_path);
    214     }
    215     else
    216     {
    217         // Failed, just copy the unglobbed path
    218         return ::snprintf(dst_path, dst_len, "%s", unglobbed_path);
    219     }
    220 }
    222 FileSpec::FileSpec() :
    223     m_directory(),
    224     m_filename()
    225 {
    226 }
    228 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    229 // Default constructor that can take an optional full path to a
    230 // file on disk.
    231 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    232 FileSpec::FileSpec(const char *pathname, bool resolve_path) :
    233     m_directory(),
    234     m_filename(),
    235     m_is_resolved(false)
    236 {
    237     if (pathname && pathname[0])
    238         SetFile(pathname, resolve_path);
    239 }
    241 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    242 // Copy constructor
    243 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    244 FileSpec::FileSpec(const FileSpec& rhs) :
    245     m_directory (rhs.m_directory),
    246     m_filename (rhs.m_filename),
    247     m_is_resolved (rhs.m_is_resolved)
    248 {
    249 }
    251 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    252 // Copy constructor
    253 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    254 FileSpec::FileSpec(const FileSpec* rhs) :
    255     m_directory(),
    256     m_filename()
    257 {
    258     if (rhs)
    259         *this = *rhs;
    260 }
    262 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    263 // Virtual destrcuctor in case anyone inherits from this class.
    264 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    265 FileSpec::~FileSpec()
    266 {
    267 }
    269 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    270 // Assignment operator.
    271 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    272 const FileSpec&
    273 FileSpec::operator= (const FileSpec& rhs)
    274 {
    275     if (this != &rhs)
    276     {
    277         m_directory = rhs.m_directory;
    278         m_filename = rhs.m_filename;
    279         m_is_resolved = rhs.m_is_resolved;
    280     }
    281     return *this;
    282 }
    284 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    285 // Update the contents of this object with a new path. The path will
    286 // be split up into a directory and filename and stored as uniqued
    287 // string values for quick comparison and efficient memory usage.
    288 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    289 void
    290 FileSpec::SetFile (const char *pathname, bool resolve)
    291 {
    292     m_filename.Clear();
    293     m_directory.Clear();
    294     m_is_resolved = false;
    295     if (pathname == NULL || pathname[0] == '\0')
    296         return;
    298     char resolved_path[PATH_MAX];
    299     bool path_fit = true;
    301     if (resolve)
    302     {
    303         path_fit = (FileSpec::Resolve (pathname, resolved_path, sizeof(resolved_path)) < sizeof(resolved_path) - 1);
    304         m_is_resolved = path_fit;
    305     }
    306     else
    307     {
    308         // Copy the path because "basename" and "dirname" want to muck with the
    309         // path buffer
    310         if (::strlen (pathname) > sizeof(resolved_path) - 1)
    311             path_fit = false;
    312         else
    313             ::strcpy (resolved_path, pathname);
    314     }
    317     if (path_fit)
    318     {
    319         char *filename = ::basename (resolved_path);
    320         if (filename)
    321         {
    322             m_filename.SetCString (filename);
    323             // Truncate the basename off the end of the resolved path
    325             // Only attempt to get the dirname if it looks like we have a path
    326             if (strchr(resolved_path, '/'))
    327             {
    328                 char *directory = ::dirname (resolved_path);
    330                 // Make sure we didn't get our directory resolved to "." without having
    331                 // specified
    332                 if (directory)
    333                     m_directory.SetCString(directory);
    334                 else
    335                 {
    336                     char *last_resolved_path_slash = strrchr(resolved_path, '/');
    337                     if (last_resolved_path_slash)
    338                     {
    339                         *last_resolved_path_slash = '\0';
    340                         m_directory.SetCString(resolved_path);
    341                     }
    342                 }
    343             }
    344         }
    345         else
    346             m_directory.SetCString(resolved_path);
    347     }
    348 }
    350 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    351 // Convert to pointer operator. This allows code to check any FileSpec
    352 // objects to see if they contain anything valid using code such as:
    353 //
    354 //  if (file_spec)
    355 //  {}
    356 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    357 FileSpec::operator bool() const
    358 {
    359     return m_filename || m_directory;
    360 }
    362 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    363 // Logical NOT operator. This allows code to check any FileSpec
    364 // objects to see if they are invalid using code such as:
    365 //
    366 //  if (!file_spec)
    367 //  {}
    368 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    369 bool
    370 FileSpec::operator!() const
    371 {
    372     return !m_directory && !m_filename;
    373 }
    375 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    376 // Equal to operator
    377 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    378 bool
    379 FileSpec::operator== (const FileSpec& rhs) const
    380 {
    381     if (m_filename == rhs.m_filename)
    382     {
    383         if (m_directory == rhs.m_directory)
    384             return true;
    386         // TODO: determine if we want to keep this code in here.
    387         // The code below was added to handle a case where we were
    388         // trying to set a file and line breakpoint and one path
    389         // was resolved, and the other not and the directory was
    390         // in a mount point that resolved to a more complete path:
    391         // "/tmp/a.c" == "/private/tmp/a.c". I might end up pulling
    392         // this out...
    393         if (IsResolved() && rhs.IsResolved())
    394         {
    395             // Both paths are resolved, no need to look further...
    396             return false;
    397         }
    399         FileSpec resolved_lhs(*this);
    401         // If "this" isn't resolved, resolve it
    402         if (!IsResolved())
    403         {
    404             if (resolved_lhs.ResolvePath())
    405             {
    406                 // This path wasn't resolved but now it is. Check if the resolved
    407                 // directory is the same as our unresolved directory, and if so,
    408                 // we can mark this object as resolved to avoid more future resolves
    409                 m_is_resolved = (m_directory == resolved_lhs.m_directory);
    410             }
    411             else
    412                 return false;
    413         }
    415         FileSpec resolved_rhs(rhs);
    416         if (!rhs.IsResolved())
    417         {
    418             if (resolved_rhs.ResolvePath())
    419             {
    420                 // rhs's path wasn't resolved but now it is. Check if the resolved
    421                 // directory is the same as rhs's unresolved directory, and if so,
    422                 // we can mark this object as resolved to avoid more future resolves
    423                 rhs.m_is_resolved = (rhs.m_directory == resolved_rhs.m_directory);
    424             }
    425             else
    426                 return false;
    427         }
    429         // If we reach this point in the code we were able to resolve both paths
    430         // and since we only resolve the paths if the basenames are equal, then
    431         // we can just check if both directories are equal...
    432         return resolved_lhs.GetDirectory() == resolved_rhs.GetDirectory();
    433     }
    434     return false;
    435 }
    437 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    438 // Not equal to operator
    439 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    440 bool
    441 FileSpec::operator!= (const FileSpec& rhs) const
    442 {
    443     return !(*this == rhs);
    444 }
    446 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    447 // Less than operator
    448 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    449 bool
    450 FileSpec::operator< (const FileSpec& rhs) const
    451 {
    452     return FileSpec::Compare(*this, rhs, true) < 0;
    453 }
    455 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    456 // Dump a FileSpec object to a stream
    457 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    458 Stream&
    459 lldb_private::operator << (Stream &s, const FileSpec& f)
    460 {
    461     f.Dump(&s);
    462     return s;
    463 }
    465 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    466 // Clear this object by releasing both the directory and filename
    467 // string values and making them both the empty string.
    468 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    469 void
    470 FileSpec::Clear()
    471 {
    472     m_directory.Clear();
    473     m_filename.Clear();
    474 }
    476 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    477 // Compare two FileSpec objects. If "full" is true, then both
    478 // the directory and the filename must match. If "full" is false,
    479 // then the directory names for "a" and "b" are only compared if
    480 // they are both non-empty. This allows a FileSpec object to only
    481 // contain a filename and it can match FileSpec objects that have
    482 // matching filenames with different paths.
    483 //
    484 // Return -1 if the "a" is less than "b", 0 if "a" is equal to "b"
    485 // and "1" if "a" is greater than "b".
    486 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    487 int
    488 FileSpec::Compare(const FileSpec& a, const FileSpec& b, bool full)
    489 {
    490     int result = 0;
    492     // If full is true, then we must compare both the directory and filename.
    494     // If full is false, then if either directory is empty, then we match on
    495     // the basename only, and if both directories have valid values, we still
    496     // do a full compare. This allows for matching when we just have a filename
    497     // in one of the FileSpec objects.
    499     if (full || (a.m_directory && b.m_directory))
    500     {
    501         result = ConstString::Compare(a.m_directory, b.m_directory);
    502         if (result)
    503             return result;
    504     }
    505     return ConstString::Compare (a.m_filename, b.m_filename);
    506 }
    508 bool
    509 FileSpec::Equal (const FileSpec& a, const FileSpec& b, bool full)
    510 {
    511     if (!full && (a.GetDirectory().IsEmpty() || b.GetDirectory().IsEmpty()))
    512         return a.m_filename == b.m_filename;
    513     else
    514         return a == b;
    515 }
    519 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    520 // Dump the object to the supplied stream. If the object contains
    521 // a valid directory name, it will be displayed followed by a
    522 // directory delimiter, and the filename.
    523 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    524 void
    525 FileSpec::Dump(Stream *s) const
    526 {
    527     static ConstString g_slash_only ("/");
    528     if (s)
    529     {
    530         m_directory.Dump(s);
    531         if (m_directory && m_directory != g_slash_only)
    532             s->PutChar('/');
    533         m_filename.Dump(s);
    534     }
    535 }
    537 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    538 // Returns true if the file exists.
    539 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    540 bool
    541 FileSpec::Exists () const
    542 {
    543     struct stat file_stats;
    544     return GetFileStats (this, &file_stats);
    545 }
    547 bool
    548 FileSpec::ResolveExecutableLocation ()
    549 {
    550     if (!m_directory)
    551     {
    552         const char *file_cstr = m_filename.GetCString();
    553         if (file_cstr)
    554         {
    555             const std::string file_str (file_cstr);
    556             std::string path = llvm::sys::FindProgramByName (file_str);
    557             llvm::StringRef dir_ref = llvm::sys::path::parent_path(path);
    558             //llvm::StringRef dir_ref = path.getDirname();
    559             if (! dir_ref.empty())
    560             {
    561                 // FindProgramByName returns "." if it can't find the file.
    562                 if (strcmp (".", dir_ref.data()) == 0)
    563                     return false;
    565                 m_directory.SetCString (dir_ref.data());
    566                 if (Exists())
    567                     return true;
    568                 else
    569                 {
    570                     // If FindProgramByName found the file, it returns the directory + filename in its return results.
    571                     // We need to separate them.
    572                     FileSpec tmp_file (dir_ref.data(), false);
    573                     if (tmp_file.Exists())
    574                     {
    575                         m_directory = tmp_file.m_directory;
    576                         return true;
    577                     }
    578                 }
    579             }
    580         }
    581     }
    583     return false;
    584 }
    586 bool
    587 FileSpec::ResolvePath ()
    588 {
    589     if (m_is_resolved)
    590         return true;    // We have already resolved this path
    592     char path_buf[PATH_MAX];
    593     if (!GetPath (path_buf, PATH_MAX))
    594         return false;
    595     // SetFile(...) will set m_is_resolved correctly if it can resolve the path
    596     SetFile (path_buf, true);
    597     return m_is_resolved;
    598 }
    600 uint64_t
    601 FileSpec::GetByteSize() const
    602 {
    603     struct stat file_stats;
    604     if (GetFileStats (this, &file_stats))
    605         return file_stats.st_size;
    606     return 0;
    607 }
    609 FileSpec::FileType
    610 FileSpec::GetFileType () const
    611 {
    612     struct stat file_stats;
    613     if (GetFileStats (this, &file_stats))
    614     {
    615         mode_t file_type = file_stats.st_mode & S_IFMT;
    616         switch (file_type)
    617         {
    618         case S_IFDIR:   return eFileTypeDirectory;
    619         case S_IFIFO:   return eFileTypePipe;
    620         case S_IFREG:   return eFileTypeRegular;
    621         case S_IFSOCK:  return eFileTypeSocket;
    622         case S_IFLNK:   return eFileTypeSymbolicLink;
    623         default:
    624             break;
    625         }
    626         return eFileTypeUnknown;
    627     }
    628     return eFileTypeInvalid;
    629 }
    631 TimeValue
    632 FileSpec::GetModificationTime () const
    633 {
    634     TimeValue mod_time;
    635     struct stat file_stats;
    636     if (GetFileStats (this, &file_stats))
    637         mod_time.OffsetWithSeconds(file_stats.st_mtime);
    638     return mod_time;
    639 }
    641 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    642 // Directory string get accessor.
    643 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    644 ConstString &
    645 FileSpec::GetDirectory()
    646 {
    647     return m_directory;
    648 }
    650 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    651 // Directory string const get accessor.
    652 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    653 const ConstString &
    654 FileSpec::GetDirectory() const
    655 {
    656     return m_directory;
    657 }
    659 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    660 // Filename string get accessor.
    661 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    662 ConstString &
    663 FileSpec::GetFilename()
    664 {
    665     return m_filename;
    666 }
    668 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    669 // Filename string const get accessor.
    670 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    671 const ConstString &
    672 FileSpec::GetFilename() const
    673 {
    674     return m_filename;
    675 }
    677 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    678 // Extract the directory and path into a fixed buffer. This is
    679 // needed as the directory and path are stored in separate string
    680 // values.
    681 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    682 size_t
    683 FileSpec::GetPath(char *path, size_t path_max_len) const
    684 {
    685     if (path_max_len)
    686     {
    687         const char *dirname = m_directory.GetCString();
    688         const char *filename = m_filename.GetCString();
    689         if (dirname)
    690         {
    691             if (filename)
    692                 return ::snprintf (path, path_max_len, "%s/%s", dirname, filename);
    693             else
    694                 return ::snprintf (path, path_max_len, "%s", dirname);
    695         }
    696         else if (filename)
    697         {
    698             return ::snprintf (path, path_max_len, "%s", filename);
    699         }
    700     }
    701     if (path)
    702         path[0] = '\0';
    703     return 0;
    704 }
    706 std::string
    707 FileSpec::GetPath (void) const
    708 {
    709     static ConstString g_slash_only ("/");
    710     std::string path;
    711     const char *dirname = m_directory.GetCString();
    712     const char *filename = m_filename.GetCString();
    713     if (dirname)
    714     {
    715         path.append (dirname);
    716         if (filename && m_directory != g_slash_only)
    717             path.append ("/");
    718     }
    719     if (filename)
    720         path.append (filename);
    721     return path;
    722 }
    724 ConstString
    725 FileSpec::GetFileNameExtension () const
    726 {
    727     if (m_filename)
    728     {
    729         const char *filename = m_filename.GetCString();
    730         const char* dot_pos = strrchr(filename, '.');
    731         if (dot_pos && dot_pos[1] != '\0')
    732             return ConstString(dot_pos+1);
    733     }
    734     return ConstString();
    735 }
    737 ConstString
    738 FileSpec::GetFileNameStrippingExtension () const
    739 {
    740     const char *filename = m_filename.GetCString();
    741     if (filename == NULL)
    742         return ConstString();
    744     const char* dot_pos = strrchr(filename, '.');
    745     if (dot_pos == NULL)
    746         return m_filename;
    748     return ConstString(filename, dot_pos-filename);
    749 }
    751 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    752 // Returns a shared pointer to a data buffer that contains all or
    753 // part of the contents of a file. The data is memory mapped and
    754 // will lazily page in data from the file as memory is accessed.
    755 // The data that is mappped will start "file_offset" bytes into the
    756 // file, and "file_size" bytes will be mapped. If "file_size" is
    757 // greater than the number of bytes available in the file starting
    758 // at "file_offset", the number of bytes will be appropriately
    759 // truncated. The final number of bytes that get mapped can be
    760 // verified using the DataBuffer::GetByteSize() function.
    761 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    762 DataBufferSP
    763 FileSpec::MemoryMapFileContents(off_t file_offset, size_t file_size) const
    764 {
    765     DataBufferSP data_sp;
    766     std::unique_ptr<DataBufferMemoryMap> mmap_data(new DataBufferMemoryMap());
    767     if (mmap_data.get())
    768     {
    769         const size_t mapped_length = mmap_data->MemoryMapFromFileSpec (this, file_offset, file_size);
    770         if (((file_size == SIZE_MAX) && (mapped_length > 0)) || (mapped_length >= file_size))
    771             data_sp.reset(mmap_data.release());
    772     }
    773     return data_sp;
    774 }
    777 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    778 // Return the size in bytes that this object takes in memory. This
    779 // returns the size in bytes of this object, not any shared string
    780 // values it may refer to.
    781 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    782 size_t
    783 FileSpec::MemorySize() const
    784 {
    785     return m_filename.MemorySize() + m_directory.MemorySize();
    786 }
    789 size_t
    790 FileSpec::ReadFileContents (off_t file_offset, void *dst, size_t dst_len, Error *error_ptr) const
    791 {
    792     Error error;
    793     size_t bytes_read = 0;
    794     char resolved_path[PATH_MAX];
    795     if (GetPath(resolved_path, sizeof(resolved_path)))
    796     {
    797         File file;
    798         error = file.Open(resolved_path, File::eOpenOptionRead);
    799         if (error.Success())
    800         {
    801             off_t file_offset_after_seek = file_offset;
    802             bytes_read = dst_len;
    803             error = file.Read(dst, bytes_read, file_offset_after_seek);
    804         }
    805     }
    806     else
    807     {
    808         error.SetErrorString("invalid file specification");
    809     }
    810     if (error_ptr)
    811         *error_ptr = error;
    812     return bytes_read;
    813 }
    815 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    816 // Returns a shared pointer to a data buffer that contains all or
    817 // part of the contents of a file. The data copies into a heap based
    818 // buffer that lives in the DataBuffer shared pointer object returned.
    819 // The data that is cached will start "file_offset" bytes into the
    820 // file, and "file_size" bytes will be mapped. If "file_size" is
    821 // greater than the number of bytes available in the file starting
    822 // at "file_offset", the number of bytes will be appropriately
    823 // truncated. The final number of bytes that get mapped can be
    824 // verified using the DataBuffer::GetByteSize() function.
    825 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    826 DataBufferSP
    827 FileSpec::ReadFileContents (off_t file_offset, size_t file_size, Error *error_ptr) const
    828 {
    829     Error error;
    830     DataBufferSP data_sp;
    831     char resolved_path[PATH_MAX];
    832     if (GetPath(resolved_path, sizeof(resolved_path)))
    833     {
    834         File file;
    835         error = file.Open(resolved_path, File::eOpenOptionRead);
    836         if (error.Success())
    837         {
    838             const bool null_terminate = false;
    839             error = file.Read (file_size, file_offset, null_terminate, data_sp);
    840         }
    841     }
    842     else
    843     {
    844         error.SetErrorString("invalid file specification");
    845     }
    846     if (error_ptr)
    847         *error_ptr = error;
    848     return data_sp;
    849 }
    851 DataBufferSP
    852 FileSpec::ReadFileContentsAsCString(Error *error_ptr)
    853 {
    854     Error error;
    855     DataBufferSP data_sp;
    856     char resolved_path[PATH_MAX];
    857     if (GetPath(resolved_path, sizeof(resolved_path)))
    858     {
    859         File file;
    860         error = file.Open(resolved_path, File::eOpenOptionRead);
    861         if (error.Success())
    862         {
    863             off_t offset = 0;
    864             size_t length = SIZE_MAX;
    865             const bool null_terminate = true;
    866             error = file.Read (length, offset, null_terminate, data_sp);
    867         }
    868     }
    869     else
    870     {
    871         error.SetErrorString("invalid file specification");
    872     }
    873     if (error_ptr)
    874         *error_ptr = error;
    875     return data_sp;
    876 }
    878 size_t
    879 FileSpec::ReadFileLines (STLStringArray &lines)
    880 {
    881     lines.clear();
    882     char path[PATH_MAX];
    883     if (GetPath(path, sizeof(path)))
    884     {
    885         std::ifstream file_stream (path);
    887         if (file_stream)
    888         {
    889             std::string line;
    890             while (getline (file_stream, line))
    891                 lines.push_back (line);
    892         }
    893     }
    894     return lines.size();
    895 }
    897 FileSpec::EnumerateDirectoryResult
    898 FileSpec::EnumerateDirectory
    899 (
    900     const char *dir_path,
    901     bool find_directories,
    902     bool find_files,
    903     bool find_other,
    904     EnumerateDirectoryCallbackType callback,
    905     void *callback_baton
    906 )
    907 {
    908     if (dir_path && dir_path[0])
    909     {
    910         lldb_utility::CleanUp <DIR *, int> dir_path_dir (opendir(dir_path), NULL, closedir);
    911         if (dir_path_dir.is_valid())
    912         {
    913             long path_max = fpathconf (dirfd (dir_path_dir.get()), _PC_NAME_MAX);
    914 #if defined (__APPLE_) && defined (__DARWIN_MAXPATHLEN)
    915             if (path_max < __DARWIN_MAXPATHLEN)
    916                 path_max = __DARWIN_MAXPATHLEN;
    917 #endif
    918             struct dirent *buf, *dp;
    919             buf = (struct dirent *) malloc (offsetof (struct dirent, d_name) + path_max + 1);
    921             while (buf && readdir_r(dir_path_dir.get(), buf, &dp) == 0 && dp)
    922             {
    923                 // Only search directories
    924                 if (dp->d_type == DT_DIR || dp->d_type == DT_UNKNOWN)
    925                 {
    926                     size_t len = strlen(dp->d_name);
    928                     if (len == 1 && dp->d_name[0] == '.')
    929                         continue;
    931                     if (len == 2 && dp->d_name[0] == '.' && dp->d_name[1] == '.')
    932                         continue;
    933                 }
    935                 bool call_callback = false;
    936                 FileSpec::FileType file_type = eFileTypeUnknown;
    938                 switch (dp->d_type)
    939                 {
    940                 default:
    941                 case DT_UNKNOWN:    file_type = eFileTypeUnknown;       call_callback = true;               break;
    942                 case DT_FIFO:       file_type = eFileTypePipe;          call_callback = find_other;         break;
    943                 case DT_CHR:        file_type = eFileTypeOther;         call_callback = find_other;         break;
    944                 case DT_DIR:        file_type = eFileTypeDirectory;     call_callback = find_directories;   break;
    945                 case DT_BLK:        file_type = eFileTypeOther;         call_callback = find_other;         break;
    946                 case DT_REG:        file_type = eFileTypeRegular;       call_callback = find_files;         break;
    947                 case DT_LNK:        file_type = eFileTypeSymbolicLink;  call_callback = find_other;         break;
    948                 case DT_SOCK:       file_type = eFileTypeSocket;        call_callback = find_other;         break;
    949 #if !defined(__OpenBSD__)
    950                 case DT_WHT:        file_type = eFileTypeOther;         call_callback = find_other;         break;
    951 #endif
    952                 }
    954                 if (call_callback)
    955                 {
    956                     char child_path[PATH_MAX];
    957                     const int child_path_len = ::snprintf (child_path, sizeof(child_path), "%s/%s", dir_path, dp->d_name);
    958                     if (child_path_len < (int)(sizeof(child_path) - 1))
    959                     {
    960                         // Don't resolve the file type or path
    961                         FileSpec child_path_spec (child_path, false);
    963                         EnumerateDirectoryResult result = callback (callback_baton, file_type, child_path_spec);
    965                         switch (result)
    966                         {
    967                         case eEnumerateDirectoryResultNext:
    968                             // Enumerate next entry in the current directory. We just
    969                             // exit this switch and will continue enumerating the
    970                             // current directory as we currently are...
    971                             break;
    973                         case eEnumerateDirectoryResultEnter: // Recurse into the current entry if it is a directory or symlink, or next if not
    974                             if (FileSpec::EnumerateDirectory (child_path,
    975                                                               find_directories,
    976                                                               find_files,
    977                                                               find_other,
    978                                                               callback,
    979                                                               callback_baton) == eEnumerateDirectoryResultQuit)
    980                             {
    981                                 // The subdirectory returned Quit, which means to
    982                                 // stop all directory enumerations at all levels.
    983                                 if (buf)
    984                                     free (buf);
    985                                 return eEnumerateDirectoryResultQuit;
    986                             }
    987                             break;
    989                         case eEnumerateDirectoryResultExit:  // Exit from the current directory at the current level.
    990                             // Exit from this directory level and tell parent to
    991                             // keep enumerating.
    992                             if (buf)
    993                                 free (buf);
    994                             return eEnumerateDirectoryResultNext;
    996                         case eEnumerateDirectoryResultQuit:  // Stop directory enumerations at any level
    997                             if (buf)
    998                                 free (buf);
    999                             return eEnumerateDirectoryResultQuit;
   1000                         }
   1001                     }
   1002                 }
   1003             }
   1004             if (buf)
   1005             {
   1006                 free (buf);
   1007             }
   1008         }
   1009     }
   1010     // By default when exiting a directory, we tell the parent enumeration
   1011     // to continue enumerating.
   1012     return eEnumerateDirectoryResultNext;
   1013 }
   1015 //------------------------------------------------------------------
   1016 /// Returns true if the filespec represents an implementation source
   1017 /// file (files with a ".c", ".cpp", ".m", ".mm" (many more)
   1018 /// extension).
   1019 ///
   1020 /// @return
   1021 ///     \b true if the filespec represents an implementation source
   1022 ///     file, \b false otherwise.
   1023 //------------------------------------------------------------------
   1024 bool
   1025 FileSpec::IsSourceImplementationFile () const
   1026 {
   1027     ConstString extension (GetFileNameExtension());
   1028     if (extension)
   1029     {
   1030         static RegularExpression g_source_file_regex ("^(c|m|mm|cpp|c\\+\\+|cxx|cc|cp|s|asm|f|f77|f90|f95|f03|for|ftn|fpp|ada|adb|ads)$",
   1031                                                       REG_EXTENDED | REG_ICASE);
   1032         return g_source_file_regex.Execute (extension.GetCString());
   1033     }
   1034     return false;
   1035 }
   1037 bool
   1038 FileSpec::IsRelativeToCurrentWorkingDirectory () const
   1039 {
   1040     const char *directory = m_directory.GetCString();
   1041     if (directory && directory[0])
   1042     {
   1043         // If the path doesn't start with '/' or '~', return true
   1044         switch (directory[0])
   1045         {
   1046         case '/':
   1047         case '~':
   1048             return false;
   1049         default:
   1050             return true;
   1051         }
   1052     }
   1053     else if (m_filename)
   1054     {
   1055         // No directory, just a basename, return true
   1056         return true;
   1057     }
   1058     return false;
   1059 }