1 # test the memcheck watchpoint functionality 2 # Note: we need --vgdb=full to stop at the instruction following the watchpoint. 3 # We need a non buggy gdb.step as watchpoints are placed after a "step". 4 prereq: test -e gdb -a -f gdb.step 5 prog: watchpoints 6 vgopts: --tool=memcheck --vgdb=full --vgdb-error=0 --vgdb-prefix=./vgdb-prefix-mcwatchpoints 7 stdout_filter: filter_make_empty 8 stderr_filter: filter_memcheck_monitor 9 progB: gdb 10 argsB: --quiet -l 60 --nx ./watchpoints 11 stdinB: mcwatchpoints.stdinB.gdb 12 stdoutB_filter: filter_gdb 13 stderrB_filter: filter_make_empty 14 15