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      1 <?php
      3 require('config.php');
      5 $params = split("/", $_SERVER["PATH_INFO"], 3);
      6 $realm = $params[1];
      7 $cmd = $params[2];
      8 $method = $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"];
     10 unset($user);
     11 unset($rowid);
     13 if (!empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST'])) {
     14   $needed = array('nonce'=>1, 'nc'=>1, 'cnonce'=>1, 'qop'=>1, 'username'=>1,
     15 		  'uri'=>1, 'response'=>1);
     16   $data = array();
     17   $keys = implode('|', array_keys($needed));
     18   preg_match_all('@(' . $keys . ')=(?:([\'"])([^\2]+?)\2|([^\s,]+))@',
     19 		 $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST'], $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
     20   foreach ($matches as $m) {
     21     $data[$m[1]] = $m[3] ? $m[3] : $m[4];
     22     unset($needed[$m[1]]);
     23   }
     24   if ($needed) {
     25     error_log("EST: Missing auth parameter");
     26     die('Authentication failed');
     27   }
     28   $user = $data['username'];
     29   if (strlen($user) < 1) {
     30     error_log("EST: Empty username");
     31     die('Authentication failed');
     32   }
     34   $db = new PDO($osu_db);
     35   if (!$db) {
     36     error_log("EST: Could not access database");
     37     die("Could not access database");
     38   }
     40   $sql = "SELECT rowid,password,operation FROM sessions " .
     41     "WHERE user='$user' AND realm='$realm'";
     42   $q = $db->query($sql);
     43   if (!$q) {
     44     error_log("EST: Session not found for user=$user realm=$realm");
     45     die("Session not found");
     46   }
     47   $row = $q->fetch();
     48   if (!$row) {
     49     error_log("EST: Session fetch failed for user=$user realm=$realm");
     50     die('Session not found');
     51   }
     52   $rowid = $row['rowid'];
     54   $oper = $row['operation'];
     55   if ($oper != '5') {
     56     error_log("EST: Unexpected operation $oper for user=$user realm=$realm");
     57     die("Session not found");
     58   }
     59   $pw = $row['password'];
     60   if (strlen($pw) < 1) {
     61     error_log("EST: Empty password for user=$user realm=$realm");
     62     die('Authentication failed');
     63   }
     65   $A1 = md5($user . ':' . $realm . ':' . $pw);
     66   $A2 = md5($method . ':' . $data['uri']);
     67   $resp = md5($A1 . ':' . $data['nonce'] . ':' . $data['nc'] . ':' .
     68 	      $data['cnonce'] . ':' . $data['qop'] . ':' . $A2);
     69   if ($data['response'] != $resp) {
     70     error_log("EST: Incorrect authentication response for user=$user realm=$realm");
     71     die('Authentication failed');
     72   }
     73 }
     76 if ($method == "GET" && $cmd == "cacerts") {
     77   $fname = "$osu_root/est/$realm-cacerts.pkcs7";
     78   if (!file_exists($fname)) {
     79     error_log("EST: cacerts - unknown realm $realm");
     80     die("Unknown realm");
     81   }
     83   header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64");
     84   header("Content-Type: application/pkcs7-mime");
     86   $data = file_get_contents($fname);
     87   echo wordwrap(base64_encode($data), 72, "\n", true);
     88   echo "\n";
     89   error_log("EST: cacerts");
     90 } else if ($method == "GET" && $cmd == "csrattrs") {
     91   header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64");
     92   header("Content-Type: application/csrattrs");
     93   readfile("$osu_root/est/est-attrs.b64");
     94   error_log("EST: csrattrs");
     95 } else if ($method == "POST" && $cmd == "simpleenroll") {
     96   if (!isset($user) || strlen($user) == 0) {
     97     header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized');
     98     header('WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="'.$realm.
     99 	   '",qop="auth",nonce="'.uniqid().'",opaque="'.md5($realm).'"');
    100     error_log("EST: simpleenroll - require authentication");
    101     die('Authentication required');
    102   }
    103   if (!isset($_SERVER["CONTENT_TYPE"])) {
    104     error_log("EST: simpleenroll without Content-Type");
    105     die("Missing Content-Type");
    106   }
    107   if (!stristr($_SERVER["CONTENT_TYPE"], "application/pkcs10")) {
    108     error_log("EST: simpleenroll - unexpected Content-Type: " .
    109 	      $_SERVER["CONTENT_TYPE"]);
    110     die("Unexpected Content-Type");
    111   }
    113   $data = file_get_contents("php://input");
    114   error_log("EST: simpleenroll - POST data from php://input: " . $data);
    115   $req = base64_decode($data);
    116   if ($req == FALSE) {
    117     error_log("EST: simpleenroll - Invalid base64-encoded PKCS#10 data");
    118     die("Invalid base64-encoded PKCS#10 data");
    119   }
    120   $cadir = "$osu_root/est";
    121   $reqfile = "$cadir/tmp/cert-req.pkcs10";
    122   $f = fopen($reqfile, "wb");
    123   fwrite($f, $req);
    124   fclose($f);
    126   $req_pem = "$reqfile.pem";
    127   if (file_exists($req_pem))
    128     unlink($req_pem);
    129   exec("openssl req -in $reqfile -inform DER -out $req_pem -outform PEM");
    130   if (!file_exists($req_pem)) {
    131     error_log("EST: simpleenroll - Failed to parse certificate request");
    132     die("Failed to parse certificate request");
    133   }
    135   /* FIX: validate request and add HS 2.0 extensions to cert */
    136   $cert_pem = "$cadir/tmp/req-signed.pem";
    137   if (file_exists($cert_pem))
    138     unlink($cert_pem);
    139   exec("openssl x509 -req -in $req_pem -CAkey $cadir/cakey.pem -out $cert_pem -CA $cadir/cacert.pem -CAserial $cadir/serial -days 365 -text");
    140   if (!file_exists($cert_pem)) {
    141     error_log("EST: simpleenroll - Failed to sign certificate");
    142     die("Failed to sign certificate");
    143   }
    145   $cert = file_get_contents($cert_pem);
    146   $handle = popen("openssl x509 -in $cert_pem -serial -noout", "r");
    147   $serial = fread($handle, 200);
    148   pclose($handle);
    149   $pattern = "/serial=(?P<snhex>[0-9a-fA-F:]*)/m";
    150   preg_match($pattern, $serial, $matches);
    151   if (!isset($matches['snhex']) || strlen($matches['snhex']) < 1) {
    152     error_log("EST: simpleenroll - Could not get serial number");
    153     die("Could not get serial number");
    154   }
    155   $sn = str_replace(":", "", strtoupper($matches['snhex']));
    157   $user = "cert-$sn";
    158   error_log("EST: user = $user");
    160   $cert_der = "$cadir/tmp/req-signed.der";
    161   if (file_exists($cert_der))
    162     unlink($cert_der);
    163   exec("openssl x509 -in $cert_pem -inform PEM -out $cert_der -outform DER");
    164   if (!file_exists($cert_der)) {
    165     error_log("EST: simpleenroll - Failed to convert certificate");
    166     die("Failed to convert certificate");
    167   }
    168   $der = file_get_contents($cert_der);
    169   $fingerprint = hash("sha256", $der);
    171   $pkcs7 = "$cadir/tmp/est-client.pkcs7";
    172   if (file_exists($pkcs7))
    173     unlink($pkcs7);
    174   exec("openssl crl2pkcs7 -nocrl -certfile $cert_pem -out $pkcs7 -outform DER");
    175   if (!file_exists($pkcs7)) {
    176     error_log("EST: simpleenroll - Failed to prepare PKCS#7 file");
    177     die("Failed to prepare PKCS#7 file");
    178   }
    180   if (!$db->exec("UPDATE sessions SET user='$user', cert='$fingerprint', cert_pem='$cert' WHERE rowid=$rowid")) {
    181     error_log("EST: simpleenroll - Failed to update session database");
    182     die("Failed to update session database");
    183   }
    185   header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64");
    186   header("Content-Type: application/pkcs7-mime");
    188   $data = file_get_contents($pkcs7);
    189   $resp = wordwrap(base64_encode($data), 72, "\n", true);
    190   echo $resp . "\n";
    191   error_log("EST: simpleenroll - PKCS#7 response: " . $resp);
    192 } else {
    193   header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
    194   error_log("EST: Unexpected method or path");
    195   die("Unexpected method or path");
    196 }
    198 ?>