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      1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      2 <!--
      3 /**
      4  * Copyright (c) 2009, The Android Open Source Project
      5  *
      6  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      7  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      8  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      9  *
     10  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     11  *
     12  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     13  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     14  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     15  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     16  * limitations under the License.
     17  */
     18 -->
     19 <resources>
     20     <bool name="def_dim_screen">true</bool>
     21     <integer name="def_screen_off_timeout">60000</integer>
     22     <integer name="def_sleep_timeout">-1</integer>
     23     <bool name="def_airplane_mode_on">false</bool>
     24     <!-- Comma-separated list of bluetooth, wifi, and cell. -->
     25     <string name="def_airplane_mode_radios" translatable="false">cell,bluetooth,wifi,nfc,wimax</string>
     26     <string name="airplane_mode_toggleable_radios" translatable="false">bluetooth,wifi,nfc</string>
     27     <bool name="def_auto_time">true</bool>
     28     <bool name="def_auto_time_zone">true</bool>
     29     <bool name="def_accelerometer_rotation">true</bool>
     30     <!-- Default screen brightness, from 0 to 255.  102 is 40%. -->
     31     <integer name="def_screen_brightness">102</integer>
     32     <bool name="def_screen_brightness_automatic_mode">false</bool>
     33     <fraction name="def_window_animation_scale">100%</fraction>
     34     <fraction name="def_window_transition_scale">100%</fraction>
     35     <bool name="def_haptic_feedback">true</bool>
     37     <bool name="def_bluetooth_on">false</bool>
     38     <bool name="def_wifi_display_on">false</bool>
     39     <bool name="def_install_non_market_apps">false</bool>
     40     <bool name="def_package_verifier_enable">true</bool>
     41     <!-- Comma-separated list of location providers.
     42          Network location is off by default because it requires
     43          user opt-in via Setup Wizard or Settings.
     44     -->
     45     <string name="def_location_providers_allowed" translatable="false">gps</string>
     46     <bool name="assisted_gps_enabled">true</bool>
     47     <bool name="def_netstats_enabled">true</bool>
     48     <bool name="def_usb_mass_storage_enabled">true</bool>
     49     <bool name="def_wifi_on">false</bool>
     50     <!-- 0 == never, 1 == only when plugged in, 2 == always -->
     51     <integer name="def_wifi_sleep_policy">2</integer>
     52     <bool name="def_networks_available_notification_on">true</bool>
     54     <bool name="def_backup_enabled">false</bool>
     55     <string name="def_backup_transport" translatable="false">android/com.android.internal.backup.LocalTransport</string>
     57     <!-- Default value for whether or not to pulse the notification LED when there is a
     58          pending notification -->
     59     <bool name="def_notification_pulse">true</bool>
     61     <bool name="def_mount_play_notification_snd">true</bool>
     62     <bool name="def_mount_ums_autostart">false</bool>
     63     <bool name="def_mount_ums_prompt">true</bool>
     64     <bool name="def_mount_ums_notify_enabled">true</bool>
     66     <!-- user interface sound effects -->
     67     <integer name="def_power_sounds_enabled">1</integer>
     68     <string name="def_low_battery_sound" translatable="false">/system/media/audio/ui/LowBattery.ogg</string>
     69     <integer name="def_dock_sounds_enabled">0</integer>
     70     <string name="def_desk_dock_sound" translatable="false">/system/media/audio/ui/Dock.ogg</string>
     71     <string name="def_desk_undock_sound" translatable="false">/system/media/audio/ui/Undock.ogg</string>
     72     <string name="def_car_dock_sound" translatable="false">/system/media/audio/ui/Dock.ogg</string>
     73     <string name="def_car_undock_sound" translatable="false">/system/media/audio/ui/Undock.ogg</string>
     74     <integer name="def_lockscreen_sounds_enabled">1</integer>
     75     <string name="def_lock_sound" translatable="false">/system/media/audio/ui/Lock.ogg</string>
     76     <string name="def_unlock_sound" translatable="false">/system/media/audio/ui/Unlock.ogg</string>
     77     <string name="def_trusted_sound" translatable="false">/system/media/audio/ui/Trusted.ogg</string>
     78     <string name="def_wireless_charging_started_sound" translatable="false">/system/media/audio/ui/WirelessChargingStarted.ogg</string>
     80     <bool name="def_lockscreen_disabled">false</bool>
     81     <bool name="def_device_provisioned">false</bool>
     82     <integer name="def_dock_audio_media_enabled">1</integer>
     84     <!-- Notifications use ringer volume -->
     85     <bool name="def_notifications_use_ring_volume">true</bool>
     87     <!-- Default for Settings.System.VIBRATE_IN_SILENT -->
     88     <bool name="def_vibrate_in_silent">true</bool>
     90     <!-- Default for Settings.Secure.ACCESSIBILITY_SCRIPT_INJECTION -->
     91     <bool name="def_accessibility_script_injection">false</bool>
     93     <!-- Default for Settings.Secure.ACCESSIBILITY_SPEAK_PASSWORD -->
     94     <bool name="def_accessibility_speak_password">false</bool>
     96     <!-- Default for Settings.Secure.ACCESSIBILITY_WEB_CONTENT_KEY_BINDINGS -->
     97     <string name="def_accessibility_web_content_key_bindings" translatable="false">
     98             <!-- DPAD/Trackball UP - traverse previous on current axis and send an event. -->
     99             0x13=0x01000100;
    100             <!-- DPAD/Trackball DOWN - traverse next on current axis and send an event. -->
    101             0x14=0x01010100;
    102             <!-- DPAD/Trackball LEFT - traverse previous on the character navigation axis and send event. -->
    103             0x15=0x02000001;
    104             <!-- DPAD/Trackball RIGHT - traverse next on the character navigation axis end send event. -->
    105             0x16=0x02010001;
    106             <!-- Alt+DPAD/Trackball UP - go to the top of the document. -->
    107             0x200000013=0x02000601;
    108             <!-- Alt+DPAD/Trackball DOWN - go to the bottom of the document. -->
    109             0x200000014=0x02010601;
    110             <!-- Alt+DPAD/Trackball LEFT - transition from an axis to another and sends an event.-->
    111             <!-- Axis transitions: 2 -> 1; -->
    112             0x200000015=0x03020101;
    113             <!-- Alt+DPAD/Trackball RIGHT - transition from an axis to another and sends an event. -->
    114             <!-- Axis transitions:  1 -> 2; -->
    115             0x200000016=0x03010201;
    116             <!-- Alt+g - go to the previous heading and send an event. -->
    117             0x200000023=0x02000301;
    118             <!-- Alt+h - go to the next heading and send an event. -->
    119             0x200000024=0x02010301;
    120             <!-- Alt+COMMA - transition to sentence navigation axis and send an event. -->
    121             <!-- Axis transitions:  7 -> 2; -->
    122             0x200000037=0x03070201;
    123             <!-- Alt+PERIOD - transition to default web view behavior axis and send an event. -->
    124             <!-- Axis transitions:  0 -> 7; 1 - > 7; 2 -> 7; -->
    125             0x200000038=0x03000701:0x03010701:0x03020701;
    126     </string>
    128     <!-- Default for Settings.Secure.ACCESSIBILITY_SCRIPT_INJECTION_URL -->
    129     <string name="def_accessibility_screen_reader_url" translatable="false">
    130         https://ssl.gstatic.com/accessibility/javascript/android/AndroidVox_v1.js
    131     </string>
    133     <!-- Default for Settings.Secure.TOUCH_EXPLORATION_ENABLED -->
    134     <bool name="def_touch_exploration_enabled">false</bool>
    136     <!-- Default value for Settings.Secure.ACCESSIBILITY_DISPLAY_MAGNIFICATION_SCALE -->
    137     <fraction name="def_accessibility_display_magnification_scale">200%</fraction>
    139     <!-- Default value for Settings.Secure.ACCESSIBILITY_DISPLAY_MAGNIFICATION_ENABLED -->
    140     <bool name="def_accessibility_display_magnification_enabled">false</bool>
    142     <!-- Default value for Settings.Secure.ACCESSIBILITY_DISPLAY_MAGNIFICATION_AUTO_UPDATE -->
    143     <bool name="def_accessibility_display_magnification_auto_update">true</bool>
    145     <!-- Default for Settings.System.USER_ROTATION -->
    146     <integer name="def_user_rotation">0</integer>
    148     <!-- Default for Settings.Secure.DOWNLOAD_MAX_BYTES_OVER_MOBILE. <=0 if no limit -->
    149     <integer name="def_download_manager_max_bytes_over_mobile">-1</integer>
    150     <!-- Default for Settings.Secure.DOWNLOAD_RECOMMENDED_MAX_BYTES_OVER_MOBILE. <=0 if no limit -->
    151     <integer name="def_download_manager_recommended_max_bytes_over_mobile">-1</integer>
    153     <!-- Default for Settings.Secure.LONG_PRESS_TIMEOUT_MILLIS -->
    154     <integer name="def_long_press_timeout_millis">500</integer>
    156     <!-- Default for Settings.System.POINTER_SPEED -->
    157     <integer name="def_pointer_speed">0</integer>
    159     <!-- Default for DTMF tones enabled -->
    160     <bool name="def_dtmf_tones_enabled">true</bool>
    161     <!-- Default for UI touch sounds enabled -->
    162     <bool name="def_sound_effects_enabled">true</bool>
    164     <!-- Development settings -->
    165     <bool name="def_stay_on_while_plugged_in">false</bool>
    167     <!-- Number of retries for connecting to DHCP.
    168          Value here is the same as WifiStateMachine.DEFAULT_MAX_DHCP_RETRIES -->
    169     <integer name="def_max_dhcp_retries">9</integer>
    171     <!-- Default for Settings.Secure.USER_SETUP_COMPLETE -->
    172     <bool name="def_user_setup_complete">false</bool>
    174     <!-- Default for Settings.Global.LOW_BATTERY_SOUND_TIMEOUT.
    175          0 means no timeout; battery sounds will always play
    176          >0 is milliseconds of screen-off time after which battery sounds will not play -->
    177     <integer name="def_low_battery_sound_timeout">0</integer>
    179     <!-- Initial value for the Settings.Secure.IMMERSIVE_MODE_CONFIRMATIONS setting,
    180          which is a comma separated list of packages that no longer need confirmation
    181          for immersive mode.
    182          Override to disable immersive mode confirmation for certain packages. -->
    183     <string name="def_immersive_mode_confirmations" translatable="false"></string>
    185     <!-- Default for Settings.Global.WIFI_SCAN_ALWAYS_AVAILABLE -->
    186     <integer name="def_wifi_scan_always_available">0</integer>
    188     <!-- Default for Settings.Secure.LOCK_SCREEN_SHOW_NOTIFICATIONS, 1==on -->
    189     <integer name="def_lock_screen_show_notifications">1</integer>
    191     <!-- Default for Settings.Secure.LOCK_SCREEN_ALLOW_PRIVATE_NOTIFICATIONS -->
    192     <bool name="def_lock_screen_allow_private_notifications">true</bool>
    194     <!-- Default for Settings.Global.HEADS_UP_NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED, 1==on -->
    195     <integer name="def_heads_up_enabled">1</integer>
    197     <!-- Default for Settings.Global.DEVICE_NAME $1=MANUFACTURER $2=MODEL-->
    198     <string name="def_device_name">%1$s %2$s</string>
    200     <!-- Default for Settings.Global.DEVICE_NAME $1=MODEL-->
    201     <string name="def_device_name_simple">%1$s</string>
    203     <!-- Default for Settings.Secure.WAKE_GESTURE_ENABLED -->
    204     <bool name="def_wake_gesture_enabled">true</bool>
    206     <!-- Default for Settings.Global.GUEST_USER_ENABLED -->
    207     <bool name="def_guest_user_enabled">true</bool>
    209 </resources>