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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2012-2014, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
      3  * Not a Contribution, Apache license notifications and license are retained
      4  * for attribution purposes only.
      5  *
      6  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      7  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      8  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      9  *
     10  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     11  *
     12  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     13  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     14  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     15  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     16  * limitations under the License.
     17  */
     19 #include <math.h>
     20 #include "hwc_mdpcomp.h"
     21 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
     22 #include "external.h"
     23 #include "virtual.h"
     24 #include "qdMetaData.h"
     25 #include "mdp_version.h"
     26 #include "hwc_fbupdate.h"
     27 #include "hwc_ad.h"
     28 #include <overlayRotator.h>
     30 using namespace overlay;
     31 using namespace qdutils;
     32 using namespace overlay::utils;
     33 namespace ovutils = overlay::utils;
     35 namespace qhwc {
     37 //==============MDPComp========================================================
     39 IdleInvalidator *MDPComp::idleInvalidator = NULL;
     40 bool MDPComp::sIdleFallBack = false;
     41 bool MDPComp::sHandleTimeout = false;
     42 bool MDPComp::sDebugLogs = false;
     43 bool MDPComp::sEnabled = false;
     44 bool MDPComp::sEnableMixedMode = true;
     45 int MDPComp::sSimulationFlags = 0;
     46 int MDPComp::sMaxPipesPerMixer = MAX_PIPES_PER_MIXER;
     47 bool MDPComp::sEnable4k2kYUVSplit = false;
     48 bool MDPComp::sSrcSplitEnabled = false;
     49 MDPComp* MDPComp::getObject(hwc_context_t *ctx, const int& dpy) {
     50     if(qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().isSrcSplit()) {
     51         sSrcSplitEnabled = true;
     52         return new MDPCompSrcSplit(dpy);
     53     } else if(isDisplaySplit(ctx, dpy)) {
     54         return new MDPCompSplit(dpy);
     55     }
     56     return new MDPCompNonSplit(dpy);
     57 }
     59 MDPComp::MDPComp(int dpy):mDpy(dpy){};
     61 void MDPComp::dump(android::String8& buf, hwc_context_t *ctx)
     62 {
     63     if(mCurrentFrame.layerCount > MAX_NUM_APP_LAYERS)
     64         return;
     66     dumpsys_log(buf,"HWC Map for Dpy: %s \n",
     67                 (mDpy == 0) ? "\"PRIMARY\"" :
     68                 (mDpy == 1) ? "\"EXTERNAL\"" : "\"VIRTUAL\"");
     69     dumpsys_log(buf,"CURR_FRAME: layerCount:%2d mdpCount:%2d "
     70                 "fbCount:%2d \n", mCurrentFrame.layerCount,
     71                 mCurrentFrame.mdpCount, mCurrentFrame.fbCount);
     72     dumpsys_log(buf,"needsFBRedraw:%3s  pipesUsed:%2d  MaxPipesPerMixer: %d \n",
     73                 (mCurrentFrame.needsRedraw? "YES" : "NO"),
     74                 mCurrentFrame.mdpCount, sMaxPipesPerMixer);
     75     if(isDisplaySplit(ctx, mDpy)) {
     76         dumpsys_log(buf, "Programmed ROI's: Left: [%d, %d, %d, %d] "
     77                 "Right: [%d, %d, %d, %d] \n",
     78                 ctx->listStats[mDpy].lRoi.left, ctx->listStats[mDpy].lRoi.top,
     79                 ctx->listStats[mDpy].lRoi.right,
     80                 ctx->listStats[mDpy].lRoi.bottom,
     81                 ctx->listStats[mDpy].rRoi.left,ctx->listStats[mDpy].rRoi.top,
     82                 ctx->listStats[mDpy].rRoi.right,
     83                 ctx->listStats[mDpy].rRoi.bottom);
     84     } else {
     85         dumpsys_log(buf, "Programmed ROI: [%d, %d, %d, %d] \n",
     86                 ctx->listStats[mDpy].lRoi.left,ctx->listStats[mDpy].lRoi.top,
     87                 ctx->listStats[mDpy].lRoi.right,
     88                 ctx->listStats[mDpy].lRoi.bottom);
     89     }
     90     dumpsys_log(buf," ---------------------------------------------  \n");
     91     dumpsys_log(buf," listIdx | cached? | mdpIndex | comptype  |  Z  \n");
     92     dumpsys_log(buf," ---------------------------------------------  \n");
     93     for(int index = 0; index < mCurrentFrame.layerCount; index++ )
     94         dumpsys_log(buf," %7d | %7s | %8d | %9s | %2d \n",
     95                     index,
     96                     (mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[index] ? "YES" : "NO"),
     97                      mCurrentFrame.layerToMDP[index],
     98                     (mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[index] ?
     99                     (mCurrentFrame.drop[index] ? "DROP" :
    100                     (mCurrentFrame.needsRedraw ? "GLES" : "CACHE")) : "MDP"),
    101                     (mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[index] ? mCurrentFrame.fbZ :
    102     mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mCurrentFrame.layerToMDP[index]].pipeInfo->zOrder));
    103     dumpsys_log(buf,"\n");
    104 }
    106 bool MDPComp::init(hwc_context_t *ctx) {
    108     if(!ctx) {
    109         ALOGE("%s: Invalid hwc context!!",__FUNCTION__);
    110         return false;
    111     }
    113     char property[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
    115     sEnabled = false;
    116     if((property_get("persist.hwc.mdpcomp.enable", property, NULL) > 0) &&
    117        (!strncmp(property, "1", PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX ) ||
    118         (!strncasecmp(property,"true", PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX )))) {
    119         sEnabled = true;
    120     }
    122     sEnableMixedMode = true;
    123     if((property_get("debug.mdpcomp.mixedmode.disable", property, NULL) > 0) &&
    124        (!strncmp(property, "1", PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX ) ||
    125         (!strncasecmp(property,"true", PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX )))) {
    126         sEnableMixedMode = false;
    127     }
    129     if(property_get("debug.mdpcomp.logs", property, NULL) > 0) {
    130         if(atoi(property) != 0)
    131             sDebugLogs = true;
    132     }
    134     sMaxPipesPerMixer = MAX_PIPES_PER_MIXER;
    135     if(property_get("debug.mdpcomp.maxpermixer", property, "-1") > 0) {
    136         int val = atoi(property);
    137         if(val >= 0)
    138             sMaxPipesPerMixer = min(val, MAX_PIPES_PER_MIXER);
    139     }
    141     if(ctx->mMDP.panel != MIPI_CMD_PANEL) {
    142         // Idle invalidation is not necessary on command mode panels
    143         long idle_timeout = DEFAULT_IDLE_TIME;
    144         if(property_get("debug.mdpcomp.idletime", property, NULL) > 0) {
    145             if(atoi(property) != 0)
    146                 idle_timeout = atoi(property);
    147         }
    149         //create Idle Invalidator only when not disabled through property
    150         if(idle_timeout != -1)
    151             idleInvalidator = IdleInvalidator::getInstance();
    153         if(idleInvalidator == NULL) {
    154             ALOGE("%s: failed to instantiate idleInvalidator object",
    155                   __FUNCTION__);
    156         } else {
    157             idleInvalidator->init(timeout_handler, ctx,
    158                                   (unsigned int)idle_timeout);
    159         }
    160     }
    162     if(!qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().isSrcSplit() &&
    163             property_get("persist.mdpcomp.4k2kSplit", property, "0") > 0 &&
    164             (!strncmp(property, "1", PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX) ||
    165             !strncasecmp(property,"true", PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX))) {
    166         sEnable4k2kYUVSplit = true;
    167     }
    168     return true;
    169 }
    171 void MDPComp::reset(hwc_context_t *ctx) {
    172     const int numLayers = ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers;
    173     mCurrentFrame.reset(numLayers);
    174     ctx->mOverlay->clear(mDpy);
    175     ctx->mLayerRotMap[mDpy]->clear();
    176 }
    178 void MDPComp::timeout_handler(void *udata) {
    179     struct hwc_context_t* ctx = (struct hwc_context_t*)(udata);
    181     if(!ctx) {
    182         ALOGE("%s: received empty data in timer callback", __FUNCTION__);
    183         return;
    184     }
    185     Locker::Autolock _l(ctx->mDrawLock);
    186     // Handle timeout event only if the previous composition is MDP or MIXED.
    187     if(!sHandleTimeout) {
    188         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s:Do not handle this timeout", __FUNCTION__);
    189         return;
    190     }
    191     if(!ctx->proc) {
    192         ALOGE("%s: HWC proc not registered", __FUNCTION__);
    193         return;
    194     }
    195     sIdleFallBack = true;
    196     /* Trigger SF to redraw the current frame */
    197     ctx->proc->invalidate(ctx->proc);
    198 }
    200 void MDPComp::setMDPCompLayerFlags(hwc_context_t *ctx,
    201                                    hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
    202     LayerProp *layerProp = ctx->layerProp[mDpy];
    204     for(int index = 0; index < ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers; index++) {
    205         hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &(list->hwLayers[index]);
    206         if(!mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[index]) {
    207             layerProp[index].mFlags |= HWC_MDPCOMP;
    208             layer->compositionType = HWC_OVERLAY;
    209             layer->hints |= HWC_HINT_CLEAR_FB;
    210         } else {
    211             /* Drop the layer when its already present in FB OR when it lies
    212              * outside frame's ROI */
    213             if(!mCurrentFrame.needsRedraw || mCurrentFrame.drop[index]) {
    214                 layer->compositionType = HWC_OVERLAY;
    215             }
    216         }
    217     }
    218 }
    220 void MDPComp::setRedraw(hwc_context_t *ctx,
    221         hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
    222     mCurrentFrame.needsRedraw = false;
    223     if(!mCachedFrame.isSameFrame(mCurrentFrame, list) ||
    224             (list->flags & HWC_GEOMETRY_CHANGED) ||
    225             isSkipPresent(ctx, mDpy)) {
    226         mCurrentFrame.needsRedraw = true;
    227     }
    228 }
    230 MDPComp::FrameInfo::FrameInfo() {
    231     memset(&mdpToLayer, 0, sizeof(mdpToLayer));
    232     reset(0);
    233 }
    235 void MDPComp::FrameInfo::reset(const int& numLayers) {
    236     for(int i = 0 ; i < MAX_PIPES_PER_MIXER; i++ ) {
    237         if(mdpToLayer[i].pipeInfo) {
    238             delete mdpToLayer[i].pipeInfo;
    239             mdpToLayer[i].pipeInfo = NULL;
    240             //We dont own the rotator
    241             mdpToLayer[i].rot = NULL;
    242         }
    243     }
    245     memset(&mdpToLayer, 0, sizeof(mdpToLayer));
    246     memset(&layerToMDP, -1, sizeof(layerToMDP));
    247     memset(&isFBComposed, 1, sizeof(isFBComposed));
    249     layerCount = numLayers;
    250     fbCount = numLayers;
    251     mdpCount = 0;
    252     needsRedraw = true;
    253     fbZ = -1;
    254 }
    256 void MDPComp::FrameInfo::map() {
    257     // populate layer and MDP maps
    258     int mdpIdx = 0;
    259     for(int idx = 0; idx < layerCount; idx++) {
    260         if(!isFBComposed[idx]) {
    261             mdpToLayer[mdpIdx].listIndex = idx;
    262             layerToMDP[idx] = mdpIdx++;
    263         }
    264     }
    265 }
    267 MDPComp::LayerCache::LayerCache() {
    268     reset();
    269 }
    271 void MDPComp::LayerCache::reset() {
    272     memset(&hnd, 0, sizeof(hnd));
    273     memset(&isFBComposed, true, sizeof(isFBComposed));
    274     memset(&drop, false, sizeof(drop));
    275     layerCount = 0;
    276 }
    278 void MDPComp::LayerCache::cacheAll(hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
    279     const int numAppLayers = (int)list->numHwLayers - 1;
    280     for(int i = 0; i < numAppLayers; i++) {
    281         hnd[i] = list->hwLayers[i].handle;
    282     }
    283 }
    285 void MDPComp::LayerCache::updateCounts(const FrameInfo& curFrame) {
    286     layerCount = curFrame.layerCount;
    287     memcpy(&isFBComposed, &curFrame.isFBComposed, sizeof(isFBComposed));
    288     memcpy(&drop, &curFrame.drop, sizeof(drop));
    289 }
    291 bool MDPComp::LayerCache::isSameFrame(const FrameInfo& curFrame,
    292                                       hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
    293     if(layerCount != curFrame.layerCount)
    294         return false;
    295     for(int i = 0; i < curFrame.layerCount; i++) {
    296         if((curFrame.isFBComposed[i] != isFBComposed[i]) ||
    297                 (curFrame.drop[i] != drop[i])) {
    298             return false;
    299         }
    300         if(curFrame.isFBComposed[i] &&
    301            (hnd[i] != list->hwLayers[i].handle)){
    302             return false;
    303         }
    304     }
    305     return true;
    306 }
    308 bool MDPComp::isSupportedForMDPComp(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_layer_1_t* layer) {
    309     private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer->handle;
    310     if((not isYuvBuffer(hnd) and has90Transform(layer)) or
    311         (not isValidDimension(ctx,layer))
    312         //More conditions here, SKIP, sRGB+Blend etc
    313         ) {
    314         return false;
    315     }
    316     return true;
    317 }
    319 bool MDPComp::isValidDimension(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_layer_1_t *layer) {
    320     private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer->handle;
    322     if(!hnd) {
    323         if (layer->flags & HWC_COLOR_FILL) {
    324             // Color layer
    325             return true;
    326         }
    327         ALOGE("%s: layer handle is NULL", __FUNCTION__);
    328         return false;
    329     }
    331     //XXX: Investigate doing this with pixel phase on MDSS
    332     if(!isSecureBuffer(hnd) && isNonIntegralSourceCrop(layer->sourceCropf))
    333         return false;
    335     hwc_rect_t crop = integerizeSourceCrop(layer->sourceCropf);
    336     hwc_rect_t dst = layer->displayFrame;
    337     int crop_w = crop.right - crop.left;
    338     int crop_h = crop.bottom - crop.top;
    339     int dst_w = dst.right - dst.left;
    340     int dst_h = dst.bottom - dst.top;
    341     float w_scale = ((float)crop_w / (float)dst_w);
    342     float h_scale = ((float)crop_h / (float)dst_h);
    344     /* Workaround for MDP HW limitation in DSI command mode panels where
    345      * FPS will not go beyond 30 if buffers on RGB pipes are of width or height
    346      * less than 5 pixels
    347      * There also is a HW limilation in MDP, minimum block size is 2x2
    348      * Fallback to GPU if height is less than 2.
    349      */
    350     if((crop_w < 5)||(crop_h < 5))
    351         return false;
    353     if((w_scale > 1.0f) || (h_scale > 1.0f)) {
    354         const uint32_t maxMDPDownscale =
    355             qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().getMaxMDPDownscale();
    356         const float w_dscale = w_scale;
    357         const float h_dscale = h_scale;
    359         if(ctx->mMDP.version >= qdutils::MDSS_V5) {
    361             if(!qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().supportsDecimation()) {
    362                 /* On targets that doesnt support Decimation (eg.,8x26)
    363                  * maximum downscale support is overlay pipe downscale.
    364                  */
    365                 if(crop_w > MAX_DISPLAY_DIM || w_dscale > maxMDPDownscale ||
    366                         h_dscale > maxMDPDownscale)
    367                     return false;
    368             } else {
    369                 // Decimation on macrotile format layers is not supported.
    370                 if(isTileRendered(hnd)) {
    371                     /* MDP can read maximum MAX_DISPLAY_DIM width.
    372                      * Bail out if
    373                      *      1. Src crop > MAX_DISPLAY_DIM on nonsplit MDPComp
    374                      *      2. exceeds maximum downscale limit
    375                      */
    376                     if(((crop_w > MAX_DISPLAY_DIM) && !sSrcSplitEnabled) ||
    377                             w_dscale > maxMDPDownscale ||
    378                             h_dscale > maxMDPDownscale) {
    379                         return false;
    380                     }
    381                 } else if(w_dscale > 64 || h_dscale > 64)
    382                     return false;
    383             }
    384         } else { //A-family
    385             if(w_dscale > maxMDPDownscale || h_dscale > maxMDPDownscale)
    386                 return false;
    387         }
    388     }
    390     if((w_scale < 1.0f) || (h_scale < 1.0f)) {
    391         const uint32_t upscale =
    392             qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().getMaxMDPUpscale();
    393         const float w_uscale = 1.0f / w_scale;
    394         const float h_uscale = 1.0f / h_scale;
    396         if(w_uscale > upscale || h_uscale > upscale)
    397             return false;
    398     }
    400     return true;
    401 }
    403 bool MDPComp::isFrameDoable(hwc_context_t *ctx) {
    404     bool ret = true;
    406     if(!isEnabled()) {
    407         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: MDP Comp. not enabled.", __FUNCTION__);
    408         ret = false;
    409     } else if(qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().is8x26() &&
    410             ctx->mVideoTransFlag &&
    411             isSecondaryConnected(ctx)) {
    412         //1 Padding round to shift pipes across mixers
    413         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: MDP Comp. video transition padding round",
    414                 __FUNCTION__);
    415         ret = false;
    416     } else if(isSecondaryConfiguring(ctx)) {
    417         ALOGD_IF( isDebug(),"%s: External Display connection is pending",
    418                   __FUNCTION__);
    419         ret = false;
    420     } else if(ctx->isPaddingRound) {
    421         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: padding round invoked for dpy %d",
    422                  __FUNCTION__,mDpy);
    423         ret = false;
    424     }
    425     return ret;
    426 }
    428 void MDPCompNonSplit::trimAgainstROI(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_rect_t& fbRect) {
    429     hwc_rect_t roi = ctx->listStats[mDpy].lRoi;
    430     fbRect = getIntersection(fbRect, roi);
    431 }
    433 /* 1) Identify layers that are not visible or lying outside the updating ROI and
    434  *    drop them from composition.
    435  * 2) If we have a scaling layer which needs cropping against generated
    436  *    ROI, reset ROI to full resolution. */
    437 bool MDPCompNonSplit::validateAndApplyROI(hwc_context_t *ctx,
    438         hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
    439     int numAppLayers = ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers;
    440     hwc_rect_t visibleRect = ctx->listStats[mDpy].lRoi;
    442     for(int i = numAppLayers - 1; i >= 0; i--){
    443         if(!isValidRect(visibleRect)) {
    444             mCurrentFrame.drop[i] = true;
    445             mCurrentFrame.dropCount++;
    446             continue;
    447         }
    449         const hwc_layer_1_t* layer =  &list->hwLayers[i];
    450         hwc_rect_t dstRect = layer->displayFrame;
    451         hwc_rect_t res  = getIntersection(visibleRect, dstRect);
    453         if(!isValidRect(res)) {
    454             mCurrentFrame.drop[i] = true;
    455             mCurrentFrame.dropCount++;
    456         } else {
    457             /* Reset frame ROI when any layer which needs scaling also needs ROI
    458              * cropping */
    459             if(!isSameRect(res, dstRect) && needsScaling (layer)) {
    460                 ALOGI("%s: Resetting ROI due to scaling", __FUNCTION__);
    461                 memset(&mCurrentFrame.drop, 0, sizeof(mCurrentFrame.drop));
    462                 mCurrentFrame.dropCount = 0;
    463                 return false;
    464             }
    466             /* deduct any opaque region from visibleRect */
    467             if (layer->blending == HWC_BLENDING_NONE)
    468                 visibleRect = deductRect(visibleRect, res);
    469         }
    470     }
    471     return true;
    472 }
    474 /* Calculate ROI for the frame by accounting all the layer's dispalyFrame which
    475  * are updating. If DirtyRegion is applicable, calculate it by accounting all
    476  * the changing layer's dirtyRegion. */
    477 void MDPCompNonSplit::generateROI(hwc_context_t *ctx,
    478         hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
    479     int numAppLayers = ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers;
    480     if(!canPartialUpdate(ctx, list))
    481         return;
    483     struct hwc_rect roi = (struct hwc_rect){0, 0, 0, 0};
    484     hwc_rect fullFrame = (struct hwc_rect) {0, 0,(int)ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].xres,
    485         (int)ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].yres};
    487     for(int index = 0; index < numAppLayers; index++ ) {
    488         hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &list->hwLayers[index];
    489         if ((mCachedFrame.hnd[index] != layer->handle) ||
    490                 isYuvBuffer((private_handle_t *)layer->handle)) {
    491             hwc_rect_t dst = layer->displayFrame;
    492             hwc_rect_t updatingRect = dst;
    494 #ifdef QCOM_BSP
    495             if(!needsScaling(layer) && !layer->transform)
    496             {
    497                 hwc_rect_t src = integerizeSourceCrop(layer->sourceCropf);
    498                 int x_off = dst.left - src.left;
    499                 int y_off = dst.top - src.top;
    500                 updatingRect = moveRect(layer->dirtyRect, x_off, y_off);
    501             }
    502 #endif
    504             roi = getUnion(roi, updatingRect);
    505         }
    506     }
    508     /* No layer is updating. Still SF wants a refresh.*/
    509     if(!isValidRect(roi))
    510         return;
    512     // Align ROI coordinates to panel restrictions
    513     roi = getSanitizeROI(roi, fullFrame);
    515     ctx->listStats[mDpy].lRoi = roi;
    516     if(!validateAndApplyROI(ctx, list))
    517         resetROI(ctx, mDpy);
    519     ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: generated ROI: [%d, %d, %d, %d]", __FUNCTION__,
    520             ctx->listStats[mDpy].lRoi.left, ctx->listStats[mDpy].lRoi.top,
    521             ctx->listStats[mDpy].lRoi.right, ctx->listStats[mDpy].lRoi.bottom);
    522 }
    524 void MDPCompSplit::trimAgainstROI(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_rect_t& fbRect) {
    525     hwc_rect l_roi = ctx->listStats[mDpy].lRoi;
    526     hwc_rect r_roi = ctx->listStats[mDpy].rRoi;
    528     hwc_rect_t l_fbRect = getIntersection(fbRect, l_roi);
    529     hwc_rect_t r_fbRect = getIntersection(fbRect, r_roi);
    530     fbRect = getUnion(l_fbRect, r_fbRect);
    531 }
    532 /* 1) Identify layers that are not visible or lying outside BOTH the updating
    533  *    ROI's and drop them from composition. If a layer is spanning across both
    534  *    the halves of the screen but needed by only ROI, the non-contributing
    535  *    half will not be programmed for MDP.
    536  * 2) If we have a scaling layer which needs cropping against generated
    537  *    ROI, reset ROI to full resolution. */
    538 bool MDPCompSplit::validateAndApplyROI(hwc_context_t *ctx,
    539         hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
    541     int numAppLayers = ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers;
    543     hwc_rect_t visibleRectL = ctx->listStats[mDpy].lRoi;
    544     hwc_rect_t visibleRectR = ctx->listStats[mDpy].rRoi;
    546     for(int i = numAppLayers - 1; i >= 0; i--){
    547         if(!isValidRect(visibleRectL) && !isValidRect(visibleRectR))
    548         {
    549             mCurrentFrame.drop[i] = true;
    550             mCurrentFrame.dropCount++;
    551             continue;
    552         }
    554         const hwc_layer_1_t* layer =  &list->hwLayers[i];
    555         hwc_rect_t dstRect = layer->displayFrame;
    557         hwc_rect_t l_res  = getIntersection(visibleRectL, dstRect);
    558         hwc_rect_t r_res  = getIntersection(visibleRectR, dstRect);
    559         hwc_rect_t res = getUnion(l_res, r_res);
    561         if(!isValidRect(l_res) && !isValidRect(r_res)) {
    562             mCurrentFrame.drop[i] = true;
    563             mCurrentFrame.dropCount++;
    564         } else {
    565             /* Reset frame ROI when any layer which needs scaling also needs ROI
    566              * cropping */
    567             if(!isSameRect(res, dstRect) && needsScaling (layer)) {
    568                 memset(&mCurrentFrame.drop, 0, sizeof(mCurrentFrame.drop));
    569                 mCurrentFrame.dropCount = 0;
    570                 return false;
    571             }
    573             if (layer->blending == HWC_BLENDING_NONE) {
    574                 visibleRectL = deductRect(visibleRectL, l_res);
    575                 visibleRectR = deductRect(visibleRectR, r_res);
    576             }
    577         }
    578     }
    579     return true;
    580 }
    581 /* Calculate ROI for the frame by accounting all the layer's dispalyFrame which
    582  * are updating. If DirtyRegion is applicable, calculate it by accounting all
    583  * the changing layer's dirtyRegion. */
    584 void MDPCompSplit::generateROI(hwc_context_t *ctx,
    585         hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
    586     if(!canPartialUpdate(ctx, list))
    587         return;
    589     int numAppLayers = ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers;
    590     int lSplit = getLeftSplit(ctx, mDpy);
    592     int hw_h = (int)ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].yres;
    593     int hw_w = (int)ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].xres;
    595     struct hwc_rect l_frame = (struct hwc_rect){0, 0, lSplit, hw_h};
    596     struct hwc_rect r_frame = (struct hwc_rect){lSplit, 0, hw_w, hw_h};
    598     struct hwc_rect l_roi = (struct hwc_rect){0, 0, 0, 0};
    599     struct hwc_rect r_roi = (struct hwc_rect){0, 0, 0, 0};
    601     for(int index = 0; index < numAppLayers; index++ ) {
    602         hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &list->hwLayers[index];
    603         if ((mCachedFrame.hnd[index] != layer->handle) ||
    604                 isYuvBuffer((private_handle_t *)layer->handle)) {
    605             hwc_rect_t dst = layer->displayFrame;
    606             hwc_rect_t updatingRect = dst;
    608 #ifdef QCOM_BSP
    609             if(!needsScaling(layer) && !layer->transform)
    610             {
    611                 hwc_rect_t src = integerizeSourceCrop(layer->sourceCropf);
    612                 int x_off = dst.left - src.left;
    613                 int y_off = dst.top - src.top;
    614                 updatingRect = moveRect(layer->dirtyRect, x_off, y_off);
    615             }
    616 #endif
    618             hwc_rect_t l_dst  = getIntersection(l_frame, updatingRect);
    619             if(isValidRect(l_dst))
    620                 l_roi = getUnion(l_roi, l_dst);
    622             hwc_rect_t r_dst  = getIntersection(r_frame, updatingRect);
    623             if(isValidRect(r_dst))
    624                 r_roi = getUnion(r_roi, r_dst);
    625         }
    626     }
    628     /* For panels that cannot accept commands in both the interfaces, we cannot
    629      * send two ROI's (for each half). We merge them into single ROI and split
    630      * them across lSplit for MDP mixer use. The ROI's will be merged again
    631      * finally before udpating the panel in the driver. */
    632     if(qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().needsROIMerge()) {
    633         hwc_rect_t temp_roi = getUnion(l_roi, r_roi);
    634         l_roi = getIntersection(temp_roi, l_frame);
    635         r_roi = getIntersection(temp_roi, r_frame);
    636     }
    638     /* No layer is updating. Still SF wants a refresh. */
    639     if(!isValidRect(l_roi) && !isValidRect(r_roi))
    640         return;
    642     l_roi = getSanitizeROI(l_roi, l_frame);
    643     r_roi = getSanitizeROI(r_roi, r_frame);
    645     ctx->listStats[mDpy].lRoi = l_roi;
    646     ctx->listStats[mDpy].rRoi = r_roi;
    648     if(!validateAndApplyROI(ctx, list))
    649         resetROI(ctx, mDpy);
    651     ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: generated L_ROI: [%d, %d, %d, %d]"
    652             "R_ROI: [%d, %d, %d, %d]", __FUNCTION__,
    653             ctx->listStats[mDpy].lRoi.left, ctx->listStats[mDpy].lRoi.top,
    654             ctx->listStats[mDpy].lRoi.right, ctx->listStats[mDpy].lRoi.bottom,
    655             ctx->listStats[mDpy].rRoi.left, ctx->listStats[mDpy].rRoi.top,
    656             ctx->listStats[mDpy].rRoi.right, ctx->listStats[mDpy].rRoi.bottom);
    657 }
    659 /* Checks for conditions where all the layers marked for MDP comp cannot be
    660  * bypassed. On such conditions we try to bypass atleast YUV layers */
    661 bool MDPComp::tryFullFrame(hwc_context_t *ctx,
    662                                 hwc_display_contents_1_t* list){
    664     const int numAppLayers = ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers;
    665     int priDispW = ctx->dpyAttr[HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY].xres;
    667     if(sIdleFallBack && !ctx->listStats[mDpy].secureUI) {
    668         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Idle fallback dpy %d",__FUNCTION__, mDpy);
    669         return false;
    670     }
    672     if(isSkipPresent(ctx, mDpy)) {
    673         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: SKIP present: %d",
    674                 __FUNCTION__,
    675                 isSkipPresent(ctx, mDpy));
    676         return false;
    677     }
    679     if(mDpy > HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY && (priDispW > MAX_DISPLAY_DIM) &&
    680                               (ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].xres < MAX_DISPLAY_DIM)) {
    681         // Disable MDP comp on Secondary when the primary is highres panel and
    682         // the secondary is a normal 1080p, because, MDP comp on secondary under
    683         // in such usecase, decimation gets used for downscale and there will be
    684         // a quality mismatch when there will be a fallback to GPU comp
    685         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Disable MDP Compositon for Secondary Disp",
    686               __FUNCTION__);
    687         return false;
    688     }
    690     // check for action safe flag and downscale mode which requires scaling.
    691     if(ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].mActionSafePresent
    692             || ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].mDownScaleMode) {
    693         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Scaling needed for this frame",__FUNCTION__);
    694         return false;
    695     }
    697     for(int i = 0; i < numAppLayers; ++i) {
    698         hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &list->hwLayers[i];
    699         private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer->handle;
    701         if(isYuvBuffer(hnd) && has90Transform(layer)) {
    702             if(!canUseRotator(ctx, mDpy)) {
    703                 ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Can't use rotator for dpy %d",
    704                         __FUNCTION__, mDpy);
    705                 return false;
    706             }
    707         }
    709         //For 8x26 with panel width>1k, if RGB layer needs HFLIP fail mdp comp
    710         // may not need it if Gfx pre-rotation can handle all flips & rotations
    711         if(qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().is8x26() &&
    712                                 (ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].xres > 1024) &&
    713                                 (layer->transform & HWC_TRANSFORM_FLIP_H) &&
    714                                 (!isYuvBuffer(hnd)))
    715                    return false;
    716     }
    718     if(ctx->mAD->isDoable()) {
    719         return false;
    720     }
    722     //If all above hard conditions are met we can do full or partial MDP comp.
    723     bool ret = false;
    724     if(fullMDPComp(ctx, list)) {
    725         ret = true;
    726     } else if(partialMDPComp(ctx, list)) {
    727         ret = true;
    728     }
    730     return ret;
    731 }
    733 bool MDPComp::fullMDPComp(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
    735     if(sSimulationFlags & MDPCOMP_AVOID_FULL_MDP)
    736         return false;
    738     //Will benefit presentation / secondary-only layer.
    739     if((mDpy > HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY) &&
    740             (list->numHwLayers - 1) > MAX_SEC_LAYERS) {
    741         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Exceeds max secondary pipes",__FUNCTION__);
    742         return false;
    743     }
    745     const int numAppLayers = ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers;
    746     for(int i = 0; i < numAppLayers; i++) {
    747         hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &list->hwLayers[i];
    748         if(not mCurrentFrame.drop[i] and
    749            not isSupportedForMDPComp(ctx, layer)) {
    750             ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Unsupported layer in list",__FUNCTION__);
    751             return false;
    752         }
    754         //For 8x26, if there is only one layer which needs scale for secondary
    755         //while no scale for primary display, DMA pipe is occupied by primary.
    756         //If need to fall back to GLES composition, virtual display lacks DMA
    757         //pipe and error is reported.
    758         if(qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().is8x26() &&
    759                                 mDpy >= HWC_DISPLAY_EXTERNAL &&
    760                                 qhwc::needsScaling(layer))
    761             return false;
    762     }
    764     mCurrentFrame.fbCount = 0;
    765     memcpy(&mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed, &mCurrentFrame.drop,
    766            sizeof(mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed));
    767     mCurrentFrame.mdpCount = mCurrentFrame.layerCount - mCurrentFrame.fbCount -
    768         mCurrentFrame.dropCount;
    770     if(sEnable4k2kYUVSplit){
    771         adjustForSourceSplit(ctx, list);
    772     }
    774     if(!postHeuristicsHandling(ctx, list)) {
    775         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "post heuristic handling failed");
    776         reset(ctx);
    777         return false;
    778     }
    779     ALOGD_IF(sSimulationFlags,"%s: FULL_MDP_COMP SUCCEEDED",
    780              __FUNCTION__);
    781     return true;
    782 }
    784 bool MDPComp::partialMDPComp(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1_t* list)
    785 {
    786     if(!sEnableMixedMode) {
    787         //Mixed mode is disabled. No need to even try caching.
    788         return false;
    789     }
    791     bool ret = false;
    792     if(list->flags & HWC_GEOMETRY_CHANGED) { //Try load based first
    793         ret =   loadBasedComp(ctx, list) or
    794                 cacheBasedComp(ctx, list);
    795     } else {
    796         ret =   cacheBasedComp(ctx, list) or
    797                 loadBasedComp(ctx, list);
    798     }
    800     return ret;
    801 }
    803 bool MDPComp::cacheBasedComp(hwc_context_t *ctx,
    804         hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
    805     if(sSimulationFlags & MDPCOMP_AVOID_CACHE_MDP)
    806         return false;
    808     int numAppLayers = ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers;
    809     mCurrentFrame.reset(numAppLayers);
    810     updateLayerCache(ctx, list);
    812     //If an MDP marked layer is unsupported cannot do partial MDP Comp
    813     for(int i = 0; i < numAppLayers; i++) {
    814         if(!mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[i]) {
    815             hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &list->hwLayers[i];
    816             if(not isSupportedForMDPComp(ctx, layer)) {
    817                 ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Unsupported layer in list",
    818                         __FUNCTION__);
    819                 reset(ctx);
    820                 return false;
    821             }
    822         }
    823     }
    825     updateYUV(ctx, list, false /*secure only*/);
    826     bool ret = markLayersForCaching(ctx, list); //sets up fbZ also
    827     if(!ret) {
    828         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: batching failed, dpy %d",__FUNCTION__, mDpy);
    829         reset(ctx);
    830         return false;
    831     }
    833     int mdpCount = mCurrentFrame.mdpCount;
    835     if(sEnable4k2kYUVSplit){
    836         adjustForSourceSplit(ctx, list);
    837     }
    839     //Will benefit cases where a video has non-updating background.
    840     if((mDpy > HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY) and
    841             (mdpCount > MAX_SEC_LAYERS)) {
    842         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Exceeds max secondary pipes",__FUNCTION__);
    843         reset(ctx);
    844         return false;
    845     }
    847     if(!postHeuristicsHandling(ctx, list)) {
    848         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "post heuristic handling failed");
    849         reset(ctx);
    850         return false;
    851     }
    852     ALOGD_IF(sSimulationFlags,"%s: CACHE_MDP_COMP SUCCEEDED",
    853              __FUNCTION__);
    855     return true;
    856 }
    858 bool MDPComp::loadBasedComp(hwc_context_t *ctx,
    859         hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
    860     if(sSimulationFlags & MDPCOMP_AVOID_LOAD_MDP)
    861         return false;
    863     if(not isLoadBasedCompDoable(ctx)) {
    864         return false;
    865     }
    867     const int numAppLayers = ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers;
    868     const int numNonDroppedLayers = numAppLayers - mCurrentFrame.dropCount;
    869     const int stagesForMDP = min(sMaxPipesPerMixer,
    870             ctx->mOverlay->availablePipes(mDpy, Overlay::MIXER_DEFAULT));
    872     int mdpBatchSize = stagesForMDP - 1; //1 stage for FB
    873     int fbBatchSize = numNonDroppedLayers - mdpBatchSize;
    874     int lastMDPSupportedIndex = numAppLayers;
    875     int dropCount = 0;
    877     //Find the minimum MDP batch size
    878     for(int i = 0; i < numAppLayers;i++) {
    879         if(mCurrentFrame.drop[i]) {
    880             dropCount++;
    881             continue;
    882         }
    883         hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &list->hwLayers[i];
    884         if(not isSupportedForMDPComp(ctx, layer)) {
    885             lastMDPSupportedIndex = i;
    886             mdpBatchSize = min(i - dropCount, stagesForMDP - 1);
    887             fbBatchSize = numNonDroppedLayers - mdpBatchSize;
    888             break;
    889         }
    890     }
    892     ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s:Before optimizing fbBatch, mdpbatch %d, fbbatch %d "
    893             "dropped %d", __FUNCTION__, mdpBatchSize, fbBatchSize,
    894             mCurrentFrame.dropCount);
    896     //Start at a point where the fb batch should at least have 2 layers, for
    897     //this mode to be justified.
    898     while(fbBatchSize < 2) {
    899         ++fbBatchSize;
    900         --mdpBatchSize;
    901     }
    903     //If there are no layers for MDP, this mode doesnt make sense.
    904     if(mdpBatchSize < 1) {
    905         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: No MDP layers after optimizing for fbBatch",
    906                 __FUNCTION__);
    907         return false;
    908     }
    910     mCurrentFrame.reset(numAppLayers);
    912     //Try with successively smaller mdp batch sizes until we succeed or reach 1
    913     while(mdpBatchSize > 0) {
    914         //Mark layers for MDP comp
    915         int mdpBatchLeft = mdpBatchSize;
    916         for(int i = 0; i < lastMDPSupportedIndex and mdpBatchLeft; i++) {
    917             if(mCurrentFrame.drop[i]) {
    918                 continue;
    919             }
    920             mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[i] = false;
    921             --mdpBatchLeft;
    922         }
    924         mCurrentFrame.fbZ = mdpBatchSize;
    925         mCurrentFrame.fbCount = fbBatchSize;
    926         mCurrentFrame.mdpCount = mdpBatchSize;
    928         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s:Trying with: mdpbatch %d fbbatch %d dropped %d",
    929                 __FUNCTION__, mdpBatchSize, fbBatchSize,
    930                 mCurrentFrame.dropCount);
    932         if(postHeuristicsHandling(ctx, list)) {
    933             ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Postheuristics handling succeeded",
    934                      __FUNCTION__);
    935             ALOGD_IF(sSimulationFlags,"%s: LOAD_MDP_COMP SUCCEEDED",
    936                      __FUNCTION__);
    937             return true;
    938         }
    940         reset(ctx);
    941         --mdpBatchSize;
    942         ++fbBatchSize;
    943     }
    945     return false;
    946 }
    948 bool MDPComp::isLoadBasedCompDoable(hwc_context_t *ctx) {
    949     if(mDpy or isSecurePresent(ctx, mDpy) or
    950             isYuvPresent(ctx, mDpy)) {
    951         return false;
    952     }
    953     return true;
    954 }
    956 bool MDPComp::canPartialUpdate(hwc_context_t *ctx,
    957         hwc_display_contents_1_t* list){
    958     if(!qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().isPartialUpdateEnabled() ||
    959             isSkipPresent(ctx, mDpy) || (list->flags & HWC_GEOMETRY_CHANGED) ||
    960             mDpy ) {
    961         return false;
    962     }
    963     return true;
    964 }
    966 bool MDPComp::tryVideoOnly(hwc_context_t *ctx,
    967         hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
    968     const bool secureOnly = true;
    969     return videoOnlyComp(ctx, list, not secureOnly) or
    970             videoOnlyComp(ctx, list, secureOnly);
    971 }
    973 bool MDPComp::videoOnlyComp(hwc_context_t *ctx,
    974         hwc_display_contents_1_t* list, bool secureOnly) {
    975     if(sSimulationFlags & MDPCOMP_AVOID_VIDEO_ONLY)
    976         return false;
    977     int numAppLayers = ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers;
    979     mCurrentFrame.reset(numAppLayers);
    980     mCurrentFrame.fbCount -= mCurrentFrame.dropCount;
    981     updateYUV(ctx, list, secureOnly);
    982     int mdpCount = mCurrentFrame.mdpCount;
    984     if(!isYuvPresent(ctx, mDpy) or (mdpCount == 0)) {
    985         reset(ctx);
    986         return false;
    987     }
    989     /* Bail out if we are processing only secured video layers
    990      * and we dont have any */
    991     if(!isSecurePresent(ctx, mDpy) && secureOnly){
    992         reset(ctx);
    993         return false;
    994     }
    996     if(mCurrentFrame.fbCount)
    997         mCurrentFrame.fbZ = mCurrentFrame.mdpCount;
    999     if(sEnable4k2kYUVSplit){
   1000         adjustForSourceSplit(ctx, list);
   1001     }
   1003     if(!postHeuristicsHandling(ctx, list)) {
   1004         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "post heuristic handling failed");
   1005         reset(ctx);
   1006         return false;
   1007     }
   1009     ALOGD_IF(sSimulationFlags,"%s: VIDEO_ONLY_COMP SUCCEEDED",
   1010              __FUNCTION__);
   1011     return true;
   1012 }
   1014 /* Checks for conditions where YUV layers cannot be bypassed */
   1015 bool MDPComp::isYUVDoable(hwc_context_t* ctx, hwc_layer_1_t* layer) {
   1016     if(isSkipLayer(layer)) {
   1017         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Video marked SKIP dpy %d", __FUNCTION__, mDpy);
   1018         return false;
   1019     }
   1021     if(layer->transform & HWC_TRANSFORM_ROT_90 && !canUseRotator(ctx,mDpy)) {
   1022         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: no free DMA pipe",__FUNCTION__);
   1023         return false;
   1024     }
   1026     if(isSecuring(ctx, layer)) {
   1027         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: MDP securing is active", __FUNCTION__);
   1028         return false;
   1029     }
   1031     if(!isValidDimension(ctx, layer)) {
   1032         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Buffer is of invalid width",
   1033             __FUNCTION__);
   1034         return false;
   1035     }
   1037     if(layer->planeAlpha < 0xFF) {
   1038         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Cannot handle YUV layer with plane alpha\
   1039                  in video only mode",
   1040                  __FUNCTION__);
   1041         return false;
   1042     }
   1044     return true;
   1045 }
   1047 /* starts at fromIndex and check for each layer to find
   1048  * if it it has overlapping with any Updating layer above it in zorder
   1049  * till the end of the batch. returns true if it finds any intersection */
   1050 bool MDPComp::canPushBatchToTop(const hwc_display_contents_1_t* list,
   1051         int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
   1052     for(int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
   1053         if(mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[i] && !mCurrentFrame.drop[i]) {
   1054             if(intersectingUpdatingLayers(list, i+1, toIndex, i)) {
   1055                 return false;
   1056             }
   1057         }
   1058     }
   1059     return true;
   1060 }
   1062 /* Checks if given layer at targetLayerIndex has any
   1063  * intersection with all the updating layers in beween
   1064  * fromIndex and toIndex. Returns true if it finds intersectiion */
   1065 bool MDPComp::intersectingUpdatingLayers(const hwc_display_contents_1_t* list,
   1066         int fromIndex, int toIndex, int targetLayerIndex) {
   1067     for(int i = fromIndex; i <= toIndex; i++) {
   1068         if(!mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[i]) {
   1069             if(areLayersIntersecting(&list->hwLayers[i],
   1070                         &list->hwLayers[targetLayerIndex]))  {
   1071                 return true;
   1072             }
   1073         }
   1074     }
   1075     return false;
   1076 }
   1078 int MDPComp::getBatch(hwc_display_contents_1_t* list,
   1079         int& maxBatchStart, int& maxBatchEnd,
   1080         int& maxBatchCount) {
   1081     int i = 0;
   1082     int fbZOrder =-1;
   1083     int droppedLayerCt = 0;
   1084     while (i < mCurrentFrame.layerCount) {
   1085         int batchCount = 0;
   1086         int batchStart = i;
   1087         int batchEnd = i;
   1088         /* Adjust batch Z order with the dropped layers so far */
   1089         int fbZ = batchStart - droppedLayerCt;
   1090         int firstZReverseIndex = -1;
   1091         int updatingLayersAbove = 0;//Updating layer count in middle of batch
   1092         while(i < mCurrentFrame.layerCount) {
   1093             if(!mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[i]) {
   1094                 if(!batchCount) {
   1095                     i++;
   1096                     break;
   1097                 }
   1098                 updatingLayersAbove++;
   1099                 i++;
   1100                 continue;
   1101             } else {
   1102                 if(mCurrentFrame.drop[i]) {
   1103                     i++;
   1104                     droppedLayerCt++;
   1105                     continue;
   1106                 } else if(updatingLayersAbove <= 0) {
   1107                     batchCount++;
   1108                     batchEnd = i;
   1109                     i++;
   1110                     continue;
   1111                 } else { //Layer is FBComposed, not a drop & updatingLayer > 0
   1113                     // We have a valid updating layer already. If layer-i not
   1114                     // have overlapping with all updating layers in between
   1115                     // batch-start and i, then we can add layer i to batch.
   1116                     if(!intersectingUpdatingLayers(list, batchStart, i-1, i)) {
   1117                         batchCount++;
   1118                         batchEnd = i;
   1119                         i++;
   1120                         continue;
   1121                     } else if(canPushBatchToTop(list, batchStart, i)) {
   1122                         //If All the non-updating layers with in this batch
   1123                         //does not have intersection with the updating layers
   1124                         //above in z-order, then we can safely move the batch to
   1125                         //higher z-order. Increment fbZ as it is moving up.
   1126                         if( firstZReverseIndex < 0) {
   1127                             firstZReverseIndex = i;
   1128                         }
   1129                         batchCount++;
   1130                         batchEnd = i;
   1131                         fbZ += updatingLayersAbove;
   1132                         i++;
   1133                         updatingLayersAbove = 0;
   1134                         continue;
   1135                     } else {
   1136                         //both failed.start the loop again from here.
   1137                         if(firstZReverseIndex >= 0) {
   1138                             i = firstZReverseIndex;
   1139                         }
   1140                         break;
   1141                     }
   1142                 }
   1143             }
   1144         }
   1145         if(batchCount > maxBatchCount) {
   1146             maxBatchCount = batchCount;
   1147             maxBatchStart = batchStart;
   1148             maxBatchEnd = batchEnd;
   1149             fbZOrder = fbZ;
   1150         }
   1151     }
   1152     return fbZOrder;
   1153 }
   1155 bool  MDPComp::markLayersForCaching(hwc_context_t* ctx,
   1156         hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
   1157     /* Idea is to keep as many non-updating(cached) layers in FB and
   1158      * send rest of them through MDP. This is done in 2 steps.
   1159      *   1. Find the maximum contiguous batch of non-updating layers.
   1160      *   2. See if we can improve this batch size for caching by adding
   1161      *      opaque layers around the batch, if they don't have
   1162      *      any overlapping with the updating layers in between.
   1163      * NEVER mark an updating layer for caching.
   1164      * But cached ones can be marked for MDP */
   1166     int maxBatchStart = -1;
   1167     int maxBatchEnd = -1;
   1168     int maxBatchCount = 0;
   1169     int fbZ = -1;
   1171     /* Nothing is cached. No batching needed */
   1172     if(mCurrentFrame.fbCount == 0) {
   1173         return true;
   1174     }
   1176     /* No MDP comp layers, try to use other comp modes */
   1177     if(mCurrentFrame.mdpCount == 0) {
   1178         return false;
   1179     }
   1181     fbZ = getBatch(list, maxBatchStart, maxBatchEnd, maxBatchCount);
   1183     /* reset rest of the layers lying inside ROI for MDP comp */
   1184     for(int i = 0; i < mCurrentFrame.layerCount; i++) {
   1185         hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &list->hwLayers[i];
   1186         if((i < maxBatchStart || i > maxBatchEnd) &&
   1187                 mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[i]){
   1188             if(!mCurrentFrame.drop[i]){
   1189                 //If an unsupported layer is being attempted to
   1190                 //be pulled out we should fail
   1191                 if(not isSupportedForMDPComp(ctx, layer)) {
   1192                     return false;
   1193                 }
   1194                 mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[i] = false;
   1195             }
   1196         }
   1197     }
   1199     // update the frame data
   1200     mCurrentFrame.fbZ = fbZ;
   1201     mCurrentFrame.fbCount = maxBatchCount;
   1202     mCurrentFrame.mdpCount = mCurrentFrame.layerCount -
   1203             mCurrentFrame.fbCount - mCurrentFrame.dropCount;
   1205     ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: cached count: %d",__FUNCTION__,
   1206             mCurrentFrame.fbCount);
   1208     return true;
   1209 }
   1211 void MDPComp::updateLayerCache(hwc_context_t* ctx,
   1212         hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
   1213     int numAppLayers = ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers;
   1214     int fbCount = 0;
   1216     for(int i = 0; i < numAppLayers; i++) {
   1217         if (mCachedFrame.hnd[i] == list->hwLayers[i].handle) {
   1218             if(!mCurrentFrame.drop[i])
   1219                 fbCount++;
   1220             mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[i] = true;
   1221         } else {
   1222             mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[i] = false;
   1223         }
   1224     }
   1226     mCurrentFrame.fbCount = fbCount;
   1227     mCurrentFrame.mdpCount = mCurrentFrame.layerCount - mCurrentFrame.fbCount
   1228                                                     - mCurrentFrame.dropCount;
   1230     ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: MDP count: %d FB count %d drop count: %d"
   1231              ,__FUNCTION__, mCurrentFrame.mdpCount, mCurrentFrame.fbCount,
   1232             mCurrentFrame.dropCount);
   1233 }
   1235 void MDPComp::updateYUV(hwc_context_t* ctx, hwc_display_contents_1_t* list,
   1236         bool secureOnly) {
   1237     int nYuvCount = ctx->listStats[mDpy].yuvCount;
   1238     for(int index = 0;index < nYuvCount; index++){
   1239         int nYuvIndex = ctx->listStats[mDpy].yuvIndices[index];
   1240         hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &list->hwLayers[nYuvIndex];
   1242         if(!isYUVDoable(ctx, layer)) {
   1243             if(!mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[nYuvIndex]) {
   1244                 mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[nYuvIndex] = true;
   1245                 mCurrentFrame.fbCount++;
   1246             }
   1247         } else {
   1248             if(mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[nYuvIndex]) {
   1249                 private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer->handle;
   1250                 if(!secureOnly || isSecureBuffer(hnd)) {
   1251                     mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[nYuvIndex] = false;
   1252                     mCurrentFrame.fbCount--;
   1253                 }
   1254             }
   1255         }
   1256     }
   1258     mCurrentFrame.mdpCount = mCurrentFrame.layerCount -
   1259             mCurrentFrame.fbCount - mCurrentFrame.dropCount;
   1260     ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: fb count: %d",__FUNCTION__,
   1261              mCurrentFrame.fbCount);
   1262 }
   1264 hwc_rect_t MDPComp::getUpdatingFBRect(hwc_context_t *ctx,
   1265         hwc_display_contents_1_t* list){
   1266     hwc_rect_t fbRect = (struct hwc_rect){0, 0, 0, 0};
   1268     /* Update only the region of FB needed for composition */
   1269     for(int i = 0; i < mCurrentFrame.layerCount; i++ ) {
   1270         if(mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[i] && !mCurrentFrame.drop[i]) {
   1271             hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &list->hwLayers[i];
   1272             hwc_rect_t dst = layer->displayFrame;
   1273             fbRect = getUnion(fbRect, dst);
   1274         }
   1275     }
   1276     trimAgainstROI(ctx, fbRect);
   1277     return fbRect;
   1278 }
   1280 bool MDPComp::postHeuristicsHandling(hwc_context_t *ctx,
   1281         hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
   1283     //Capability checks
   1284     if(!resourceCheck()) {
   1285         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: resource check failed", __FUNCTION__);
   1286         return false;
   1287     }
   1289     //Limitations checks
   1290     if(!hwLimitationsCheck(ctx, list)) {
   1291         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: HW limitations",__FUNCTION__);
   1292         return false;
   1293     }
   1295     //Configure framebuffer first if applicable
   1296     if(mCurrentFrame.fbZ >= 0) {
   1297         hwc_rect_t fbRect = getUpdatingFBRect(ctx, list);
   1298         if(!ctx->mFBUpdate[mDpy]->prepare(ctx, list, fbRect, mCurrentFrame.fbZ))
   1299         {
   1300             ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s configure framebuffer failed",
   1301                     __FUNCTION__);
   1302             return false;
   1303         }
   1304     }
   1306     mCurrentFrame.map();
   1308     if(!allocLayerPipes(ctx, list)) {
   1309         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Unable to allocate MDP pipes", __FUNCTION__);
   1310         return false;
   1311     }
   1313     for (int index = 0, mdpNextZOrder = 0; index < mCurrentFrame.layerCount;
   1314             index++) {
   1315         if(!mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[index]) {
   1316             int mdpIndex = mCurrentFrame.layerToMDP[index];
   1317             hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &list->hwLayers[index];
   1319             //Leave fbZ for framebuffer. CACHE/GLES layers go here.
   1320             if(mdpNextZOrder == mCurrentFrame.fbZ) {
   1321                 mdpNextZOrder++;
   1322             }
   1323             MdpPipeInfo* cur_pipe = mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex].pipeInfo;
   1324             cur_pipe->zOrder = mdpNextZOrder++;
   1326             private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer->handle;
   1327             if(is4kx2kYuvBuffer(hnd) && sEnable4k2kYUVSplit){
   1328                 if(configure4k2kYuv(ctx, layer,
   1329                             mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex])
   1330                         != 0 ){
   1331                     ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Failed to configure split pipes \
   1332                             for layer %d",__FUNCTION__, index);
   1333                     return false;
   1334                 }
   1335                 else{
   1336                     mdpNextZOrder++;
   1337                 }
   1338                 continue;
   1339             }
   1340             if(configure(ctx, layer, mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex]) != 0 ){
   1341                 ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Failed to configure overlay for \
   1342                         layer %d",__FUNCTION__, index);
   1343                 return false;
   1344             }
   1345         }
   1346     }
   1348     if(!ctx->mOverlay->validateAndSet(mDpy, ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].fd)) {
   1349         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Failed to validate and set overlay for dpy %d"
   1350                 ,__FUNCTION__, mDpy);
   1351         return false;
   1352     }
   1354     setRedraw(ctx, list);
   1355     return true;
   1356 }
   1358 bool MDPComp::resourceCheck() {
   1359     const bool fbUsed = mCurrentFrame.fbCount;
   1360     if(mCurrentFrame.mdpCount > sMaxPipesPerMixer - fbUsed) {
   1361         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Exceeds MAX_PIPES_PER_MIXER",__FUNCTION__);
   1362         return false;
   1363     }
   1364     return true;
   1365 }
   1367 bool MDPComp::hwLimitationsCheck(hwc_context_t* ctx,
   1368         hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
   1370     //A-family hw limitation:
   1371     //If a layer need alpha scaling, MDP can not support.
   1372     if(ctx->mMDP.version < qdutils::MDSS_V5) {
   1373         for(int i = 0; i < mCurrentFrame.layerCount; ++i) {
   1374             if(!mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[i] &&
   1375                     isAlphaScaled( &list->hwLayers[i])) {
   1376                 ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s:frame needs alphaScaling",__FUNCTION__);
   1377                 return false;
   1378             }
   1379         }
   1380     }
   1382     // On 8x26 & 8974 hw, we have a limitation of downscaling+blending.
   1383     //If multiple layers requires downscaling and also they are overlapping
   1384     //fall back to GPU since MDSS can not handle it.
   1385     if(qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().is8x74v2() ||
   1386             qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().is8x26()) {
   1387         for(int i = 0; i < mCurrentFrame.layerCount-1; ++i) {
   1388             hwc_layer_1_t* botLayer = &list->hwLayers[i];
   1389             if(!mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[i] &&
   1390                     isDownscaleRequired(botLayer)) {
   1391                 //if layer-i is marked for MDP and needs downscaling
   1392                 //check if any MDP layer on top of i & overlaps with layer-i
   1393                 for(int j = i+1; j < mCurrentFrame.layerCount; ++j) {
   1394                     hwc_layer_1_t* topLayer = &list->hwLayers[j];
   1395                     if(!mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[j] &&
   1396                             isDownscaleRequired(topLayer)) {
   1397                         hwc_rect_t r = getIntersection(botLayer->displayFrame,
   1398                                 topLayer->displayFrame);
   1399                         if(isValidRect(r))
   1400                             return false;
   1401                     }
   1402                 }
   1403             }
   1404         }
   1405     }
   1406     return true;
   1407 }
   1409 int MDPComp::prepare(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
   1410     int ret = 0;
   1411     const int numLayers = ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers;
   1412     char property[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
   1414     if(property_get("debug.hwc.simulate", property, NULL) > 0) {
   1415         int currentFlags = atoi(property);
   1416         if(currentFlags != sSimulationFlags) {
   1417             sSimulationFlags = currentFlags;
   1418             ALOGE("%s: Simulation Flag read: 0x%x (%d)", __FUNCTION__,
   1419                     sSimulationFlags, sSimulationFlags);
   1420         }
   1421     }
   1423     //Do not cache the information for next draw cycle.
   1424     if(numLayers > MAX_NUM_APP_LAYERS or (!numLayers)) {
   1425         ALOGI("%s: Unsupported layer count for mdp composition",
   1426                 __FUNCTION__);
   1427         mCachedFrame.reset();
   1428         return -1;
   1429     }
   1431     //reset old data
   1432     mCurrentFrame.reset(numLayers);
   1433     memset(&mCurrentFrame.drop, 0, sizeof(mCurrentFrame.drop));
   1434     mCurrentFrame.dropCount = 0;
   1436     // Detect the start of animation and fall back to GPU only once to cache
   1437     // all the layers in FB and display FB content untill animation completes.
   1438     if(ctx->listStats[mDpy].isDisplayAnimating) {
   1439         mCurrentFrame.needsRedraw = false;
   1440         if(ctx->mAnimationState[mDpy] == ANIMATION_STOPPED) {
   1441             mCurrentFrame.needsRedraw = true;
   1442             ctx->mAnimationState[mDpy] = ANIMATION_STARTED;
   1443         }
   1444         setMDPCompLayerFlags(ctx, list);
   1445         mCachedFrame.updateCounts(mCurrentFrame);
   1446         ret = -1;
   1447         return ret;
   1448     } else {
   1449         ctx->mAnimationState[mDpy] = ANIMATION_STOPPED;
   1450     }
   1452     //Hard conditions, if not met, cannot do MDP comp
   1453     if(isFrameDoable(ctx)) {
   1454         generateROI(ctx, list);
   1456         if(tryFullFrame(ctx, list) || tryVideoOnly(ctx, list)) {
   1457             setMDPCompLayerFlags(ctx, list);
   1458         } else {
   1459             resetROI(ctx, mDpy);
   1460             reset(ctx);
   1461             memset(&mCurrentFrame.drop, 0, sizeof(mCurrentFrame.drop));
   1462             mCurrentFrame.dropCount = 0;
   1463             ret = -1;
   1464         }
   1465     } else {
   1466         ALOGD_IF( isDebug(),"%s: MDP Comp not possible for this frame",
   1467                 __FUNCTION__);
   1468         ret = -1;
   1469     }
   1471     if(isDebug()) {
   1472         ALOGD("GEOMETRY change: %d",
   1473                 (list->flags & HWC_GEOMETRY_CHANGED));
   1474         android::String8 sDump("");
   1475         dump(sDump, ctx);
   1476         ALOGD("%s",sDump.string());
   1477     }
   1479     mCachedFrame.cacheAll(list);
   1480     mCachedFrame.updateCounts(mCurrentFrame);
   1481     return ret;
   1482 }
   1484 bool MDPComp::allocSplitVGPipesfor4k2k(hwc_context_t *ctx, int index) {
   1486     bool bRet = true;
   1487     int mdpIndex = mCurrentFrame.layerToMDP[index];
   1488     PipeLayerPair& info = mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex];
   1489     info.pipeInfo = new MdpYUVPipeInfo;
   1490     info.rot = NULL;
   1491     MdpYUVPipeInfo& pipe_info = *(MdpYUVPipeInfo*)info.pipeInfo;
   1493     pipe_info.lIndex = ovutils::OV_INVALID;
   1494     pipe_info.rIndex = ovutils::OV_INVALID;
   1496     Overlay::PipeSpecs pipeSpecs;
   1497     pipeSpecs.formatClass = Overlay::FORMAT_YUV;
   1498     pipeSpecs.needsScaling = true;
   1499     pipeSpecs.dpy = mDpy;
   1500     pipeSpecs.fb = false;
   1502     pipe_info.lIndex = ctx->mOverlay->getPipe(pipeSpecs);
   1503     if(pipe_info.lIndex == ovutils::OV_INVALID){
   1504         bRet = false;
   1505         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: allocating first VG pipe failed",
   1506                 __FUNCTION__);
   1507     }
   1508     pipe_info.rIndex = ctx->mOverlay->getPipe(pipeSpecs);
   1509     if(pipe_info.rIndex == ovutils::OV_INVALID){
   1510         bRet = false;
   1511         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: allocating second VG pipe failed",
   1512                 __FUNCTION__);
   1513     }
   1514     return bRet;
   1515 }
   1516 //=============MDPCompNonSplit==================================================
   1518 void MDPCompNonSplit::adjustForSourceSplit(hwc_context_t *ctx,
   1519         hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
   1520     //If 4k2k Yuv layer split is possible,  and if
   1521     //fbz is above 4k2k layer, increment fb zorder by 1
   1522     //as we split 4k2k layer and increment zorder for right half
   1523     //of the layer
   1524     if(mCurrentFrame.fbZ >= 0) {
   1525         for (int index = 0, mdpNextZOrder = 0; index < mCurrentFrame.layerCount;
   1526                 index++) {
   1527             if(!mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[index]) {
   1528                 if(mdpNextZOrder == mCurrentFrame.fbZ) {
   1529                     mdpNextZOrder++;
   1530                 }
   1531                 mdpNextZOrder++;
   1532                 hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &list->hwLayers[index];
   1533                 private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer->handle;
   1534                 if(is4kx2kYuvBuffer(hnd)) {
   1535                     if(mdpNextZOrder <= mCurrentFrame.fbZ)
   1536                         mCurrentFrame.fbZ += 1;
   1537                     mdpNextZOrder++;
   1538                     //As we split 4kx2k yuv layer and program to 2 VG pipes
   1539                     //(if available) increase mdpcount by 1.
   1540                     mCurrentFrame.mdpCount++;
   1541                 }
   1542             }
   1543         }
   1544     }
   1545 }
   1547 /*
   1548  * Configures pipe(s) for MDP composition
   1549  */
   1550 int MDPCompNonSplit::configure(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_layer_1_t *layer,
   1551                              PipeLayerPair& PipeLayerPair) {
   1552     MdpPipeInfoNonSplit& mdp_info =
   1553         *(static_cast<MdpPipeInfoNonSplit*>(PipeLayerPair.pipeInfo));
   1554     eMdpFlags mdpFlags = OV_MDP_BACKEND_COMPOSITION;
   1555     eZorder zOrder = static_cast<eZorder>(mdp_info.zOrder);
   1556     eIsFg isFg = IS_FG_OFF;
   1557     eDest dest = mdp_info.index;
   1559     ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: configuring: layer: %p z_order: %d dest_pipe: %d",
   1560              __FUNCTION__, layer, zOrder, dest);
   1562     return configureNonSplit(ctx, layer, mDpy, mdpFlags, zOrder, isFg, dest,
   1563                            &PipeLayerPair.rot);
   1564 }
   1566 bool MDPCompNonSplit::allocLayerPipes(hwc_context_t *ctx,
   1567         hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
   1568     for(int index = 0; index < mCurrentFrame.layerCount; index++) {
   1570         if(mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[index]) continue;
   1572         hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &list->hwLayers[index];
   1573         private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer->handle;
   1574         if(is4kx2kYuvBuffer(hnd) && sEnable4k2kYUVSplit){
   1575             if(allocSplitVGPipesfor4k2k(ctx, index)){
   1576                 continue;
   1577             }
   1578         }
   1580         int mdpIndex = mCurrentFrame.layerToMDP[index];
   1581         PipeLayerPair& info = mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex];
   1582         info.pipeInfo = new MdpPipeInfoNonSplit;
   1583         info.rot = NULL;
   1584         MdpPipeInfoNonSplit& pipe_info = *(MdpPipeInfoNonSplit*)info.pipeInfo;
   1586         Overlay::PipeSpecs pipeSpecs;
   1587         pipeSpecs.formatClass = isYuvBuffer(hnd) ?
   1588                 Overlay::FORMAT_YUV : Overlay::FORMAT_RGB;
   1589         pipeSpecs.needsScaling = qhwc::needsScaling(layer) or
   1590                 (qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().is8x26() and
   1591                 ctx->dpyAttr[HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY].xres > 1024);
   1592         pipeSpecs.dpy = mDpy;
   1593         pipeSpecs.fb = false;
   1595         pipe_info.index = ctx->mOverlay->getPipe(pipeSpecs);
   1597         if(pipe_info.index == ovutils::OV_INVALID) {
   1598             ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Unable to get pipe", __FUNCTION__);
   1599             return false;
   1600         }
   1601     }
   1602     return true;
   1603 }
   1605 int MDPCompNonSplit::configure4k2kYuv(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_layer_1_t *layer,
   1606         PipeLayerPair& PipeLayerPair) {
   1607     MdpYUVPipeInfo& mdp_info =
   1608             *(static_cast<MdpYUVPipeInfo*>(PipeLayerPair.pipeInfo));
   1609     eZorder zOrder = static_cast<eZorder>(mdp_info.zOrder);
   1610     eIsFg isFg = IS_FG_OFF;
   1611     eMdpFlags mdpFlagsL = OV_MDP_BACKEND_COMPOSITION;
   1612     eDest lDest = mdp_info.lIndex;
   1613     eDest rDest = mdp_info.rIndex;
   1615     return configureSourceSplit(ctx, layer, mDpy, mdpFlagsL, zOrder, isFg,
   1616             lDest, rDest, &PipeLayerPair.rot);
   1617 }
   1619 bool MDPCompNonSplit::draw(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
   1621     if(!isEnabled()) {
   1622         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: MDP Comp not configured", __FUNCTION__);
   1623         return true;
   1624     }
   1626     if(!ctx || !list) {
   1627         ALOGE("%s: invalid contxt or list",__FUNCTION__);
   1628         return false;
   1629     }
   1631     if(ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers > MAX_NUM_APP_LAYERS) {
   1632         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: Exceeding max layer count", __FUNCTION__);
   1633         return true;
   1634     }
   1636     // Set the Handle timeout to true for MDP or MIXED composition.
   1637     if(idleInvalidator && !sIdleFallBack && mCurrentFrame.mdpCount) {
   1638         sHandleTimeout = true;
   1639     }
   1641     overlay::Overlay& ov = *ctx->mOverlay;
   1642     LayerProp *layerProp = ctx->layerProp[mDpy];
   1644     int numHwLayers = ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers;
   1645     for(int i = 0; i < numHwLayers && mCurrentFrame.mdpCount; i++ )
   1646     {
   1647         if(mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[i]) continue;
   1649         hwc_layer_1_t *layer = &list->hwLayers[i];
   1650         private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer->handle;
   1651         if(!hnd) {
   1652             if (!(layer->flags & HWC_COLOR_FILL)) {
   1653                 ALOGE("%s handle null", __FUNCTION__);
   1654                 return false;
   1655             }
   1656             // No PLAY for Color layer
   1657             layerProp[i].mFlags &= ~HWC_MDPCOMP;
   1658             continue;
   1659         }
   1661         int mdpIndex = mCurrentFrame.layerToMDP[i];
   1663         if(is4kx2kYuvBuffer(hnd) && sEnable4k2kYUVSplit)
   1664         {
   1665             MdpYUVPipeInfo& pipe_info =
   1666                 *(MdpYUVPipeInfo*)mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex].pipeInfo;
   1667             Rotator *rot = mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex].rot;
   1668             ovutils::eDest indexL = pipe_info.lIndex;
   1669             ovutils::eDest indexR = pipe_info.rIndex;
   1670             int fd = hnd->fd;
   1671             uint32_t offset = (uint32_t)hnd->offset;
   1672             if(rot) {
   1673                 rot->queueBuffer(fd, offset);
   1674                 fd = rot->getDstMemId();
   1675                 offset = rot->getDstOffset();
   1676             }
   1677             if(indexL != ovutils::OV_INVALID) {
   1678                 ovutils::eDest destL = (ovutils::eDest)indexL;
   1679                 ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: MDP Comp: Drawing layer: %p hnd: %p \
   1680                         using  pipe: %d", __FUNCTION__, layer, hnd, indexL );
   1681                 if (!ov.queueBuffer(fd, offset, destL)) {
   1682                     ALOGE("%s: queueBuffer failed for display:%d",
   1683                             __FUNCTION__, mDpy);
   1684                     return false;
   1685                 }
   1686             }
   1688             if(indexR != ovutils::OV_INVALID) {
   1689                 ovutils::eDest destR = (ovutils::eDest)indexR;
   1690                 ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: MDP Comp: Drawing layer: %p hnd: %p \
   1691                         using  pipe: %d", __FUNCTION__, layer, hnd, indexR );
   1692                 if (!ov.queueBuffer(fd, offset, destR)) {
   1693                     ALOGE("%s: queueBuffer failed for display:%d",
   1694                             __FUNCTION__, mDpy);
   1695                     return false;
   1696                 }
   1697             }
   1698         }
   1699         else{
   1700             MdpPipeInfoNonSplit& pipe_info =
   1701             *(MdpPipeInfoNonSplit*)mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex].pipeInfo;
   1702             ovutils::eDest dest = pipe_info.index;
   1703             if(dest == ovutils::OV_INVALID) {
   1704                 ALOGE("%s: Invalid pipe index (%d)", __FUNCTION__, dest);
   1705                 return false;
   1706             }
   1708             if(!(layerProp[i].mFlags & HWC_MDPCOMP)) {
   1709                 continue;
   1710             }
   1712             ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: MDP Comp: Drawing layer: %p hnd: %p \
   1713                     using  pipe: %d", __FUNCTION__, layer,
   1714                     hnd, dest );
   1716             int fd = hnd->fd;
   1717             uint32_t offset = (uint32_t)hnd->offset;
   1719             Rotator *rot = mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex].rot;
   1720             if(rot) {
   1721                 if(!rot->queueBuffer(fd, offset))
   1722                     return false;
   1723                 fd = rot->getDstMemId();
   1724                 offset = rot->getDstOffset();
   1725             }
   1727             if (!ov.queueBuffer(fd, offset, dest)) {
   1728                 ALOGE("%s: queueBuffer failed for display:%d ",
   1729                         __FUNCTION__, mDpy);
   1730                 return false;
   1731             }
   1732         }
   1734         layerProp[i].mFlags &= ~HWC_MDPCOMP;
   1735     }
   1736     return true;
   1737 }
   1739 //=============MDPCompSplit===================================================
   1741 void MDPCompSplit::adjustForSourceSplit(hwc_context_t *ctx,
   1742          hwc_display_contents_1_t* list){
   1743     //if 4kx2k yuv layer is totally present in either in left half
   1744     //or right half then try splitting the yuv layer to avoid decimation
   1745     const int lSplit = getLeftSplit(ctx, mDpy);
   1746     if(mCurrentFrame.fbZ >= 0) {
   1747         for (int index = 0, mdpNextZOrder = 0; index < mCurrentFrame.layerCount;
   1748                 index++) {
   1749             if(!mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[index]) {
   1750                 if(mdpNextZOrder == mCurrentFrame.fbZ) {
   1751                     mdpNextZOrder++;
   1752                 }
   1753                 mdpNextZOrder++;
   1754                 hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &list->hwLayers[index];
   1755                 private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer->handle;
   1756                 if(is4kx2kYuvBuffer(hnd)) {
   1757                     hwc_rect_t dst = layer->displayFrame;
   1758                     if((dst.left > lSplit) || (dst.right < lSplit)) {
   1759                         mCurrentFrame.mdpCount += 1;
   1760                     }
   1761                     if(mdpNextZOrder <= mCurrentFrame.fbZ)
   1762                         mCurrentFrame.fbZ += 1;
   1763                     mdpNextZOrder++;
   1764                 }
   1765             }
   1766         }
   1767     }
   1768 }
   1770 bool MDPCompSplit::acquireMDPPipes(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_layer_1_t* layer,
   1771         MdpPipeInfoSplit& pipe_info) {
   1773     const int lSplit = getLeftSplit(ctx, mDpy);
   1774     private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer->handle;
   1775     hwc_rect_t dst = layer->displayFrame;
   1776     pipe_info.lIndex = ovutils::OV_INVALID;
   1777     pipe_info.rIndex = ovutils::OV_INVALID;
   1779     Overlay::PipeSpecs pipeSpecs;
   1780     pipeSpecs.formatClass = isYuvBuffer(hnd) ?
   1781             Overlay::FORMAT_YUV : Overlay::FORMAT_RGB;
   1782     pipeSpecs.needsScaling = qhwc::needsScalingWithSplit(ctx, layer, mDpy);
   1783     pipeSpecs.dpy = mDpy;
   1784     pipeSpecs.mixer = Overlay::MIXER_LEFT;
   1785     pipeSpecs.fb = false;
   1787     // Acquire pipe only for the updating half
   1788     hwc_rect_t l_roi = ctx->listStats[mDpy].lRoi;
   1789     hwc_rect_t r_roi = ctx->listStats[mDpy].rRoi;
   1791     if (dst.left < lSplit && isValidRect(getIntersection(dst, l_roi))) {
   1792         pipe_info.lIndex = ctx->mOverlay->getPipe(pipeSpecs);
   1793         if(pipe_info.lIndex == ovutils::OV_INVALID)
   1794             return false;
   1795     }
   1797     if(dst.right > lSplit && isValidRect(getIntersection(dst, r_roi))) {
   1798         pipeSpecs.mixer = Overlay::MIXER_RIGHT;
   1799         pipe_info.rIndex = ctx->mOverlay->getPipe(pipeSpecs);
   1800         if(pipe_info.rIndex == ovutils::OV_INVALID)
   1801             return false;
   1802     }
   1804     return true;
   1805 }
   1807 bool MDPCompSplit::allocLayerPipes(hwc_context_t *ctx,
   1808         hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
   1809     for(int index = 0 ; index < mCurrentFrame.layerCount; index++) {
   1811         if(mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[index]) continue;
   1813         hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &list->hwLayers[index];
   1814         private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer->handle;
   1815         hwc_rect_t dst = layer->displayFrame;
   1816         const int lSplit = getLeftSplit(ctx, mDpy);
   1817         if(is4kx2kYuvBuffer(hnd) && sEnable4k2kYUVSplit){
   1818             if((dst.left > lSplit)||(dst.right < lSplit)){
   1819                 if(allocSplitVGPipesfor4k2k(ctx, index)){
   1820                     continue;
   1821                 }
   1822             }
   1823         }
   1824         int mdpIndex = mCurrentFrame.layerToMDP[index];
   1825         PipeLayerPair& info = mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex];
   1826         info.pipeInfo = new MdpPipeInfoSplit;
   1827         info.rot = NULL;
   1828         MdpPipeInfoSplit& pipe_info = *(MdpPipeInfoSplit*)info.pipeInfo;
   1830         if(!acquireMDPPipes(ctx, layer, pipe_info)) {
   1831             ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Unable to get pipe for type",
   1832                     __FUNCTION__);
   1833             return false;
   1834         }
   1835     }
   1836     return true;
   1837 }
   1839 int MDPCompSplit::configure4k2kYuv(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_layer_1_t *layer,
   1840         PipeLayerPair& PipeLayerPair) {
   1841     const int lSplit = getLeftSplit(ctx, mDpy);
   1842     hwc_rect_t dst = layer->displayFrame;
   1843     if((dst.left > lSplit)||(dst.right < lSplit)){
   1844         MdpYUVPipeInfo& mdp_info =
   1845                 *(static_cast<MdpYUVPipeInfo*>(PipeLayerPair.pipeInfo));
   1846         eZorder zOrder = static_cast<eZorder>(mdp_info.zOrder);
   1847         eIsFg isFg = IS_FG_OFF;
   1848         eMdpFlags mdpFlagsL = OV_MDP_BACKEND_COMPOSITION;
   1849         eDest lDest = mdp_info.lIndex;
   1850         eDest rDest = mdp_info.rIndex;
   1852         return configureSourceSplit(ctx, layer, mDpy, mdpFlagsL, zOrder, isFg,
   1853                 lDest, rDest, &PipeLayerPair.rot);
   1854     }
   1855     else{
   1856         return configure(ctx, layer, PipeLayerPair);
   1857     }
   1858 }
   1860 /*
   1861  * Configures pipe(s) for MDP composition
   1862  */
   1863 int MDPCompSplit::configure(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_layer_1_t *layer,
   1864         PipeLayerPair& PipeLayerPair) {
   1865     MdpPipeInfoSplit& mdp_info =
   1866         *(static_cast<MdpPipeInfoSplit*>(PipeLayerPair.pipeInfo));
   1867     eZorder zOrder = static_cast<eZorder>(mdp_info.zOrder);
   1868     eIsFg isFg = IS_FG_OFF;
   1869     eMdpFlags mdpFlagsL = OV_MDP_BACKEND_COMPOSITION;
   1870     eDest lDest = mdp_info.lIndex;
   1871     eDest rDest = mdp_info.rIndex;
   1873     ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: configuring: layer: %p z_order: %d dest_pipeL: %d"
   1874              "dest_pipeR: %d",__FUNCTION__, layer, zOrder, lDest, rDest);
   1876     return configureSplit(ctx, layer, mDpy, mdpFlagsL, zOrder, isFg, lDest,
   1877                             rDest, &PipeLayerPair.rot);
   1878 }
   1880 bool MDPCompSplit::draw(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
   1882     if(!isEnabled()) {
   1883         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: MDP Comp not configured", __FUNCTION__);
   1884         return true;
   1885     }
   1887     if(!ctx || !list) {
   1888         ALOGE("%s: invalid contxt or list",__FUNCTION__);
   1889         return false;
   1890     }
   1892     if(ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers > MAX_NUM_APP_LAYERS) {
   1893         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: Exceeding max layer count", __FUNCTION__);
   1894         return true;
   1895     }
   1897     // Set the Handle timeout to true for MDP or MIXED composition.
   1898     if(idleInvalidator && !sIdleFallBack && mCurrentFrame.mdpCount) {
   1899         sHandleTimeout = true;
   1900     }
   1902     overlay::Overlay& ov = *ctx->mOverlay;
   1903     LayerProp *layerProp = ctx->layerProp[mDpy];
   1905     int numHwLayers = ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers;
   1906     for(int i = 0; i < numHwLayers && mCurrentFrame.mdpCount; i++ )
   1907     {
   1908         if(mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[i]) continue;
   1910         hwc_layer_1_t *layer = &list->hwLayers[i];
   1911         private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer->handle;
   1912         if(!hnd) {
   1913             ALOGE("%s handle null", __FUNCTION__);
   1914             return false;
   1915         }
   1917         if(!(layerProp[i].mFlags & HWC_MDPCOMP)) {
   1918             continue;
   1919         }
   1921         int mdpIndex = mCurrentFrame.layerToMDP[i];
   1923         if(is4kx2kYuvBuffer(hnd) && sEnable4k2kYUVSplit)
   1924         {
   1925             MdpYUVPipeInfo& pipe_info =
   1926                 *(MdpYUVPipeInfo*)mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex].pipeInfo;
   1927             Rotator *rot = mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex].rot;
   1928             ovutils::eDest indexL = pipe_info.lIndex;
   1929             ovutils::eDest indexR = pipe_info.rIndex;
   1930             int fd = hnd->fd;
   1931             uint32_t offset = (uint32_t)hnd->offset;
   1932             if(rot) {
   1933                 rot->queueBuffer(fd, offset);
   1934                 fd = rot->getDstMemId();
   1935                 offset = rot->getDstOffset();
   1936             }
   1937             if(indexL != ovutils::OV_INVALID) {
   1938                 ovutils::eDest destL = (ovutils::eDest)indexL;
   1939                 ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: MDP Comp: Drawing layer: %p hnd: %p \
   1940                         using  pipe: %d", __FUNCTION__, layer, hnd, indexL );
   1941                 if (!ov.queueBuffer(fd, offset, destL)) {
   1942                     ALOGE("%s: queueBuffer failed for display:%d",
   1943                             __FUNCTION__, mDpy);
   1944                     return false;
   1945                 }
   1946             }
   1948             if(indexR != ovutils::OV_INVALID) {
   1949                 ovutils::eDest destR = (ovutils::eDest)indexR;
   1950                 ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: MDP Comp: Drawing layer: %p hnd: %p \
   1951                         using  pipe: %d", __FUNCTION__, layer, hnd, indexR );
   1952                 if (!ov.queueBuffer(fd, offset, destR)) {
   1953                     ALOGE("%s: queueBuffer failed for display:%d",
   1954                             __FUNCTION__, mDpy);
   1955                     return false;
   1956                 }
   1957             }
   1958         }
   1959         else{
   1960             MdpPipeInfoSplit& pipe_info =
   1961                 *(MdpPipeInfoSplit*)mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex].pipeInfo;
   1962             Rotator *rot = mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex].rot;
   1964             ovutils::eDest indexL = pipe_info.lIndex;
   1965             ovutils::eDest indexR = pipe_info.rIndex;
   1967             int fd = hnd->fd;
   1968             int offset = (uint32_t)hnd->offset;
   1970             if(ctx->mAD->isModeOn()) {
   1971                 if(ctx->mAD->draw(ctx, fd, offset)) {
   1972                     fd = ctx->mAD->getDstFd();
   1973                     offset = ctx->mAD->getDstOffset();
   1974                 }
   1975             }
   1977             if(rot) {
   1978                 rot->queueBuffer(fd, offset);
   1979                 fd = rot->getDstMemId();
   1980                 offset = rot->getDstOffset();
   1981             }
   1983             //************* play left mixer **********
   1984             if(indexL != ovutils::OV_INVALID) {
   1985                 ovutils::eDest destL = (ovutils::eDest)indexL;
   1986                 ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: MDP Comp: Drawing layer: %p hnd: %p \
   1987                         using  pipe: %d", __FUNCTION__, layer, hnd, indexL );
   1988                 if (!ov.queueBuffer(fd, offset, destL)) {
   1989                     ALOGE("%s: queueBuffer failed for left mixer",
   1990                             __FUNCTION__);
   1991                     return false;
   1992                 }
   1993             }
   1995             //************* play right mixer **********
   1996             if(indexR != ovutils::OV_INVALID) {
   1997                 ovutils::eDest destR = (ovutils::eDest)indexR;
   1998                 ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: MDP Comp: Drawing layer: %p hnd: %p \
   1999                         using  pipe: %d", __FUNCTION__, layer, hnd, indexR );
   2000                 if (!ov.queueBuffer(fd, offset, destR)) {
   2001                     ALOGE("%s: queueBuffer failed for right mixer",
   2002                             __FUNCTION__);
   2003                     return false;
   2004                 }
   2005             }
   2006         }
   2008         layerProp[i].mFlags &= ~HWC_MDPCOMP;
   2009     }
   2011     return true;
   2012 }
   2014 //================MDPCompSrcSplit==============================================
   2015 bool MDPCompSrcSplit::acquireMDPPipes(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_layer_1_t* layer,
   2016         MdpPipeInfoSplit& pipe_info) {
   2017     private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer->handle;
   2018     hwc_rect_t dst = layer->displayFrame;
   2019     hwc_rect_t crop = integerizeSourceCrop(layer->sourceCropf);
   2020     pipe_info.lIndex = ovutils::OV_INVALID;
   2021     pipe_info.rIndex = ovutils::OV_INVALID;
   2023     //If 2 pipes are staged on a single stage of a mixer, then the left pipe
   2024     //should have a higher priority than the right one. Pipe priorities are
   2025     //starting with VG0, VG1 ... , RGB0 ..., DMA1
   2027     Overlay::PipeSpecs pipeSpecs;
   2028     pipeSpecs.formatClass = isYuvBuffer(hnd) ?
   2029             Overlay::FORMAT_YUV : Overlay::FORMAT_RGB;
   2030     pipeSpecs.needsScaling = qhwc::needsScaling(layer);
   2031     pipeSpecs.dpy = mDpy;
   2032     pipeSpecs.fb = false;
   2034     //1 pipe by default for a layer
   2035     pipe_info.lIndex = ctx->mOverlay->getPipe(pipeSpecs);
   2036     if(pipe_info.lIndex == ovutils::OV_INVALID) {
   2037         return false;
   2038     }
   2040     /* Use 2 pipes IF
   2041         a) Layer's crop width is > 2048 or
   2042         b) Layer's dest width > 2048 or
   2043         c) On primary, driver has indicated with caps to split always. This is
   2044            based on an empirically derived value of panel height. Applied only
   2045            if the layer's width is > mixer's width
   2046     */
   2048     bool primarySplitAlways = (mDpy == HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY) and
   2049             qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().isSrcSplitAlways();
   2050     int lSplit = getLeftSplit(ctx, mDpy);
   2051     int dstWidth = dst.right - dst.left;
   2052     int cropWidth = crop.right - crop.left;
   2054     if(dstWidth > qdutils::MAX_DISPLAY_DIM or
   2055             cropWidth > qdutils::MAX_DISPLAY_DIM or
   2056             (primarySplitAlways and (cropWidth > lSplit))) {
   2057         pipe_info.rIndex = ctx->mOverlay->getPipe(pipeSpecs);
   2058         if(pipe_info.rIndex == ovutils::OV_INVALID) {
   2059             return false;
   2060         }
   2062         // Return values
   2063         // 1  Left pipe is higher priority, do nothing.
   2064         // 0  Pipes of same priority.
   2065         //-1  Right pipe is of higher priority, needs swap.
   2066         if(ctx->mOverlay->comparePipePriority(pipe_info.lIndex,
   2067                 pipe_info.rIndex) == -1) {
   2068             qhwc::swap(pipe_info.lIndex, pipe_info.rIndex);
   2069         }
   2070     }
   2072     return true;
   2073 }
   2075 int MDPCompSrcSplit::configure(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_layer_1_t *layer,
   2076         PipeLayerPair& PipeLayerPair) {
   2077     private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer->handle;
   2078     if(!hnd) {
   2079         ALOGE("%s: layer handle is NULL", __FUNCTION__);
   2080         return -1;
   2081     }
   2082     MetaData_t *metadata = (MetaData_t *)hnd->base_metadata;
   2083     MdpPipeInfoSplit& mdp_info =
   2084         *(static_cast<MdpPipeInfoSplit*>(PipeLayerPair.pipeInfo));
   2085     Rotator **rot = &PipeLayerPair.rot;
   2086     eZorder z = static_cast<eZorder>(mdp_info.zOrder);
   2087     eIsFg isFg = IS_FG_OFF;
   2088     eDest lDest = mdp_info.lIndex;
   2089     eDest rDest = mdp_info.rIndex;
   2090     hwc_rect_t crop = integerizeSourceCrop(layer->sourceCropf);
   2091     hwc_rect_t dst = layer->displayFrame;
   2092     int transform = layer->transform;
   2093     eTransform orient = static_cast<eTransform>(transform);
   2094     const int downscale = 0;
   2095     int rotFlags = ROT_FLAGS_NONE;
   2096     uint32_t format = ovutils::getMdpFormat(hnd->format, isTileRendered(hnd));
   2097     Whf whf(getWidth(hnd), getHeight(hnd), format, hnd->size);
   2099     ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: configuring: layer: %p z_order: %d dest_pipeL: %d"
   2100              "dest_pipeR: %d",__FUNCTION__, layer, z, lDest, rDest);
   2102     // Handle R/B swap
   2103     if (layer->flags & HWC_FORMAT_RB_SWAP) {
   2104         if (hnd->format == HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888)
   2105             whf.format = getMdpFormat(HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA_8888);
   2106         else if (hnd->format == HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBX_8888)
   2107             whf.format = getMdpFormat(HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRX_8888);
   2108     }
   2110     eMdpFlags mdpFlags = OV_MDP_BACKEND_COMPOSITION;
   2111     setMdpFlags(layer, mdpFlags, 0, transform);
   2113     if(lDest != OV_INVALID && rDest != OV_INVALID) {
   2114         //Enable overfetch
   2115         setMdpFlags(mdpFlags, OV_MDSS_MDP_DUAL_PIPE);
   2116     }
   2118     if(isYuvBuffer(hnd) && (transform & HWC_TRANSFORM_ROT_90)) {
   2119         (*rot) = ctx->mRotMgr->getNext();
   2120         if((*rot) == NULL) return -1;
   2121         ctx->mLayerRotMap[mDpy]->add(layer, *rot);
   2122         //If the video is using a single pipe, enable BWC
   2123         if(rDest == OV_INVALID) {
   2124             BwcPM::setBwc(crop, dst, transform, mdpFlags);
   2125         }
   2126         //Configure rotator for pre-rotation
   2127         if(configRotator(*rot, whf, crop, mdpFlags, orient, downscale) < 0) {
   2128             ALOGE("%s: configRotator failed!", __FUNCTION__);
   2129             return -1;
   2130         }
   2131         whf.format = (*rot)->getDstFormat();
   2132         updateSource(orient, whf, crop);
   2133         rotFlags |= ROT_PREROTATED;
   2134     }
   2136     //If 2 pipes being used, divide layer into half, crop and dst
   2137     hwc_rect_t cropL = crop;
   2138     hwc_rect_t cropR = crop;
   2139     hwc_rect_t dstL = dst;
   2140     hwc_rect_t dstR = dst;
   2141     if(lDest != OV_INVALID && rDest != OV_INVALID) {
   2142         cropL.right = (crop.right + crop.left) / 2;
   2143         cropR.left = cropL.right;
   2144         sanitizeSourceCrop(cropL, cropR, hnd);
   2146         //Swap crops on H flip since 2 pipes are being used
   2147         if((orient & OVERLAY_TRANSFORM_FLIP_H) && (*rot) == NULL) {
   2148             hwc_rect_t tmp = cropL;
   2149             cropL = cropR;
   2150             cropR = tmp;
   2151         }
   2153         dstL.right = (dst.right + dst.left) / 2;
   2154         dstR.left = dstL.right;
   2155     }
   2157     //For the mdp, since either we are pre-rotating or MDP does flips
   2158     orient = OVERLAY_TRANSFORM_0;
   2159     transform = 0;
   2161     //configure left pipe
   2162     if(lDest != OV_INVALID) {
   2163         PipeArgs pargL(mdpFlags, whf, z, isFg,
   2164                 static_cast<eRotFlags>(rotFlags), layer->planeAlpha,
   2165                 (ovutils::eBlending) getBlending(layer->blending));
   2167         if(configMdp(ctx->mOverlay, pargL, orient,
   2168                     cropL, dstL, metadata, lDest) < 0) {
   2169             ALOGE("%s: commit failed for left mixer config", __FUNCTION__);
   2170             return -1;
   2171         }
   2172     }
   2174     //configure right pipe
   2175     if(rDest != OV_INVALID) {
   2176         PipeArgs pargR(mdpFlags, whf, z, isFg,
   2177                 static_cast<eRotFlags>(rotFlags),
   2178                 layer->planeAlpha,
   2179                 (ovutils::eBlending) getBlending(layer->blending));
   2180         if(configMdp(ctx->mOverlay, pargR, orient,
   2181                     cropR, dstR, metadata, rDest) < 0) {
   2182             ALOGE("%s: commit failed for right mixer config", __FUNCTION__);
   2183             return -1;
   2184         }
   2185     }
   2187     return 0;
   2188 }
   2190 }; //namespace