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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2012-2014, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
      3  * Not a Contribution, Apache license notifications and license are retained
      4  * for attribution purposes only.
      5  *
      6  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      7  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      8  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      9  *
     10  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     11  *
     12  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     13  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     14  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     15  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     16  * limitations under the License.
     17  */
     19 #include <math.h>
     20 #include "hwc_mdpcomp.h"
     21 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
     22 #include "external.h"
     23 #include "virtual.h"
     24 #include "qdMetaData.h"
     25 #include "mdp_version.h"
     26 #include "hwc_fbupdate.h"
     27 #include "hwc_ad.h"
     28 #include <overlayRotator.h>
     30 using namespace overlay;
     31 using namespace qdutils;
     32 using namespace overlay::utils;
     33 namespace ovutils = overlay::utils;
     35 namespace qhwc {
     37 //==============MDPComp========================================================
     39 IdleInvalidator *MDPComp::idleInvalidator = NULL;
     40 bool MDPComp::sIdleFallBack = false;
     41 bool MDPComp::sHandleTimeout = false;
     42 bool MDPComp::sDebugLogs = false;
     43 bool MDPComp::sEnabled = false;
     44 bool MDPComp::sEnableMixedMode = true;
     45 bool MDPComp::sEnablePartialFrameUpdate = false;
     46 int MDPComp::sMaxPipesPerMixer = MAX_PIPES_PER_MIXER;
     47 bool MDPComp::sEnable4k2kYUVSplit = false;
     48 bool MDPComp::sSrcSplitEnabled = false;
     49 MDPComp* MDPComp::getObject(hwc_context_t *ctx, const int& dpy) {
     51     if(isDisplaySplit(ctx, dpy)) {
     52         if(qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().isSrcSplit()) {
     53             sSrcSplitEnabled = true;
     54             return new MDPCompSrcSplit(dpy);
     55         }
     56         return new MDPCompSplit(dpy);
     57     }
     58     return new MDPCompNonSplit(dpy);
     59 }
     61 MDPComp::MDPComp(int dpy):mDpy(dpy){};
     63 void MDPComp::dump(android::String8& buf)
     64 {
     65     if(mCurrentFrame.layerCount > MAX_NUM_APP_LAYERS)
     66         return;
     68     dumpsys_log(buf,"HWC Map for Dpy: %s \n",
     69                 (mDpy == 0) ? "\"PRIMARY\"" :
     70                 (mDpy == 1) ? "\"EXTERNAL\"" : "\"VIRTUAL\"");
     71     dumpsys_log(buf,"CURR_FRAME: layerCount:%2d mdpCount:%2d "
     72                 "fbCount:%2d \n", mCurrentFrame.layerCount,
     73                 mCurrentFrame.mdpCount, mCurrentFrame.fbCount);
     74     dumpsys_log(buf,"needsFBRedraw:%3s  pipesUsed:%2d  MaxPipesPerMixer: %d \n",
     75                 (mCurrentFrame.needsRedraw? "YES" : "NO"),
     76                 mCurrentFrame.mdpCount, sMaxPipesPerMixer);
     77     dumpsys_log(buf," ---------------------------------------------  \n");
     78     dumpsys_log(buf," listIdx | cached? | mdpIndex | comptype  |  Z  \n");
     79     dumpsys_log(buf," ---------------------------------------------  \n");
     80     for(int index = 0; index < mCurrentFrame.layerCount; index++ )
     81         dumpsys_log(buf," %7d | %7s | %8d | %9s | %2d \n",
     82                     index,
     83                     (mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[index] ? "YES" : "NO"),
     84                      mCurrentFrame.layerToMDP[index],
     85                     (mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[index] ?
     86                     (mCurrentFrame.drop[index] ? "DROP" :
     87                     (mCurrentFrame.needsRedraw ? "GLES" : "CACHE")) : "MDP"),
     88                     (mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[index] ? mCurrentFrame.fbZ :
     89     mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mCurrentFrame.layerToMDP[index]].pipeInfo->zOrder));
     90     dumpsys_log(buf,"\n");
     91 }
     93 bool MDPComp::init(hwc_context_t *ctx) {
     95     if(!ctx) {
     96         ALOGE("%s: Invalid hwc context!!",__FUNCTION__);
     97         return false;
     98     }
    100     char property[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
    102     sEnabled = false;
    103     if((property_get("persist.hwc.mdpcomp.enable", property, NULL) > 0) &&
    104        (!strncmp(property, "1", PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX ) ||
    105         (!strncasecmp(property,"true", PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX )))) {
    106         sEnabled = true;
    107     }
    109     sEnableMixedMode = true;
    110     if((property_get("debug.mdpcomp.mixedmode.disable", property, NULL) > 0) &&
    111        (!strncmp(property, "1", PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX ) ||
    112         (!strncasecmp(property,"true", PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX )))) {
    113         sEnableMixedMode = false;
    114     }
    116     if(property_get("debug.mdpcomp.logs", property, NULL) > 0) {
    117         if(atoi(property) != 0)
    118             sDebugLogs = true;
    119     }
    121     if(property_get("persist.hwc.partialupdate", property, NULL) > 0) {
    122         if((atoi(property) != 0) && ctx->mMDP.panel == MIPI_CMD_PANEL &&
    123            qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().is8x74v2())
    124             sEnablePartialFrameUpdate = true;
    125     }
    126     ALOGE_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Partial Update applicable?: %d",__FUNCTION__,
    127                                                     sEnablePartialFrameUpdate);
    129     sMaxPipesPerMixer = MAX_PIPES_PER_MIXER;
    130     if(property_get("debug.mdpcomp.maxpermixer", property, "-1") > 0) {
    131         int val = atoi(property);
    132         if(val >= 0)
    133             sMaxPipesPerMixer = min(val, MAX_PIPES_PER_MIXER);
    134     }
    136     if(ctx->mMDP.panel != MIPI_CMD_PANEL) {
    137         // Idle invalidation is not necessary on command mode panels
    138         long idle_timeout = DEFAULT_IDLE_TIME;
    139         if(property_get("debug.mdpcomp.idletime", property, NULL) > 0) {
    140             if(atoi(property) != 0)
    141                 idle_timeout = atoi(property);
    142         }
    144         //create Idle Invalidator only when not disabled through property
    145         if(idle_timeout != -1)
    146             idleInvalidator = IdleInvalidator::getInstance();
    148         if(idleInvalidator == NULL) {
    149             ALOGE("%s: failed to instantiate idleInvalidator object",
    150                   __FUNCTION__);
    151         } else {
    152             idleInvalidator->init(timeout_handler, ctx, idle_timeout);
    153         }
    154     }
    156     if((property_get("debug.mdpcomp.4k2kSplit", property, "0") > 0) &&
    157             (!strncmp(property, "1", PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX ) ||
    158              (!strncasecmp(property,"true", PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX )))) {
    159         sEnable4k2kYUVSplit = true;
    160     }
    161     return true;
    162 }
    164 void MDPComp::reset(hwc_context_t *ctx) {
    165     const int numLayers = ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers;
    166     mCurrentFrame.reset(numLayers);
    167     ctx->mOverlay->clear(mDpy);
    168     ctx->mLayerRotMap[mDpy]->clear();
    169 }
    171 void MDPComp::timeout_handler(void *udata) {
    172     struct hwc_context_t* ctx = (struct hwc_context_t*)(udata);
    174     if(!ctx) {
    175         ALOGE("%s: received empty data in timer callback", __FUNCTION__);
    176         return;
    177     }
    178     Locker::Autolock _l(ctx->mDrawLock);
    179     // Handle timeout event only if the previous composition is MDP or MIXED.
    180     if(!sHandleTimeout) {
    181         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s:Do not handle this timeout", __FUNCTION__);
    182         return;
    183     }
    184     if(!ctx->proc) {
    185         ALOGE("%s: HWC proc not registered", __FUNCTION__);
    186         return;
    187     }
    188     sIdleFallBack = true;
    189     /* Trigger SF to redraw the current frame */
    190     ctx->proc->invalidate(ctx->proc);
    191 }
    193 void MDPComp::setMDPCompLayerFlags(hwc_context_t *ctx,
    194                                    hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
    195     LayerProp *layerProp = ctx->layerProp[mDpy];
    197     for(int index = 0; index < ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers; index++) {
    198         hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &(list->hwLayers[index]);
    199         if(!mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[index]) {
    200             layerProp[index].mFlags |= HWC_MDPCOMP;
    201             layer->compositionType = HWC_OVERLAY;
    202             layer->hints |= HWC_HINT_CLEAR_FB;
    203         } else {
    204             /* Drop the layer when its already present in FB OR when it lies
    205              * outside frame's ROI */
    206             if(!mCurrentFrame.needsRedraw || mCurrentFrame.drop[index]) {
    207                 layer->compositionType = HWC_OVERLAY;
    208             }
    209         }
    210     }
    211 }
    213 void MDPComp::setRedraw(hwc_context_t *ctx,
    214         hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
    215     mCurrentFrame.needsRedraw = false;
    216     if(!mCachedFrame.isSameFrame(mCurrentFrame, list) ||
    217             (list->flags & HWC_GEOMETRY_CHANGED) ||
    218             isSkipPresent(ctx, mDpy)) {
    219         mCurrentFrame.needsRedraw = true;
    220     }
    221 }
    223 MDPComp::FrameInfo::FrameInfo() {
    224     memset(&mdpToLayer, 0, sizeof(mdpToLayer));
    225     reset(0);
    226 }
    228 void MDPComp::FrameInfo::reset(const int& numLayers) {
    229     for(int i = 0 ; i < MAX_PIPES_PER_MIXER; i++ ) {
    230         if(mdpToLayer[i].pipeInfo) {
    231             delete mdpToLayer[i].pipeInfo;
    232             mdpToLayer[i].pipeInfo = NULL;
    233             //We dont own the rotator
    234             mdpToLayer[i].rot = NULL;
    235         }
    236     }
    238     memset(&mdpToLayer, 0, sizeof(mdpToLayer));
    239     memset(&layerToMDP, -1, sizeof(layerToMDP));
    240     memset(&isFBComposed, 1, sizeof(isFBComposed));
    242     layerCount = numLayers;
    243     fbCount = numLayers;
    244     mdpCount = 0;
    245     needsRedraw = true;
    246     fbZ = -1;
    247 }
    249 void MDPComp::FrameInfo::map() {
    250     // populate layer and MDP maps
    251     int mdpIdx = 0;
    252     for(int idx = 0; idx < layerCount; idx++) {
    253         if(!isFBComposed[idx]) {
    254             mdpToLayer[mdpIdx].listIndex = idx;
    255             layerToMDP[idx] = mdpIdx++;
    256         }
    257     }
    258 }
    260 MDPComp::LayerCache::LayerCache() {
    261     reset();
    262 }
    264 void MDPComp::LayerCache::reset() {
    265     memset(&hnd, 0, sizeof(hnd));
    266     memset(&isFBComposed, true, sizeof(isFBComposed));
    267     memset(&drop, false, sizeof(drop));
    268     layerCount = 0;
    269 }
    271 void MDPComp::LayerCache::cacheAll(hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
    272     const int numAppLayers = list->numHwLayers - 1;
    273     for(int i = 0; i < numAppLayers; i++) {
    274         hnd[i] = list->hwLayers[i].handle;
    275     }
    276 }
    278 void MDPComp::LayerCache::updateCounts(const FrameInfo& curFrame) {
    279     layerCount = curFrame.layerCount;
    280     memcpy(&isFBComposed, &curFrame.isFBComposed, sizeof(isFBComposed));
    281     memcpy(&drop, &curFrame.drop, sizeof(drop));
    282 }
    284 bool MDPComp::LayerCache::isSameFrame(const FrameInfo& curFrame,
    285                                       hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
    286     if(layerCount != curFrame.layerCount)
    287         return false;
    288     for(int i = 0; i < curFrame.layerCount; i++) {
    289         if((curFrame.isFBComposed[i] != isFBComposed[i]) ||
    290                 (curFrame.drop[i] != drop[i])) {
    291             return false;
    292         }
    293         if(curFrame.isFBComposed[i] &&
    294            (hnd[i] != list->hwLayers[i].handle)){
    295             return false;
    296         }
    297     }
    298     return true;
    299 }
    301 bool MDPComp::isSupportedForMDPComp(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_layer_1_t* layer) {
    302     private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer->handle;
    303     if((not isYuvBuffer(hnd) and has90Transform(layer)) or
    304         (not isValidDimension(ctx,layer))
    305         //More conditions here, SKIP, sRGB+Blend etc
    306         ) {
    307         return false;
    308     }
    309     return true;
    310 }
    312 bool MDPComp::isValidDimension(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_layer_1_t *layer) {
    313     private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer->handle;
    315     if(!hnd) {
    316         if (layer->flags & HWC_COLOR_FILL) {
    317             // Color layer
    318             return true;
    319         }
    320         ALOGE("%s: layer handle is NULL", __FUNCTION__);
    321         return false;
    322     }
    324     //XXX: Investigate doing this with pixel phase on MDSS
    325     if(!isSecureBuffer(hnd) && isNonIntegralSourceCrop(layer->sourceCropf))
    326         return false;
    328     hwc_rect_t crop = integerizeSourceCrop(layer->sourceCropf);
    329     hwc_rect_t dst = layer->displayFrame;
    330     int crop_w = crop.right - crop.left;
    331     int crop_h = crop.bottom - crop.top;
    332     int dst_w = dst.right - dst.left;
    333     int dst_h = dst.bottom - dst.top;
    334     float w_scale = ((float)crop_w / (float)dst_w);
    335     float h_scale = ((float)crop_h / (float)dst_h);
    337     /* Workaround for MDP HW limitation in DSI command mode panels where
    338      * FPS will not go beyond 30 if buffers on RGB pipes are of width or height
    339      * less than 5 pixels
    340      * There also is a HW limilation in MDP, minimum block size is 2x2
    341      * Fallback to GPU if height is less than 2.
    342      */
    343     if((crop_w < 5)||(crop_h < 5))
    344         return false;
    346     if((w_scale > 1.0f) || (h_scale > 1.0f)) {
    347         const uint32_t maxMDPDownscale =
    348             qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().getMaxMDPDownscale();
    349         const float w_dscale = w_scale;
    350         const float h_dscale = h_scale;
    352         if(ctx->mMDP.version >= qdutils::MDSS_V5) {
    354             if(!qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().supportsDecimation()) {
    355                 /* On targets that doesnt support Decimation (eg.,8x26)
    356                  * maximum downscale support is overlay pipe downscale.
    357                  */
    358                 if(crop_w > MAX_DISPLAY_DIM || w_dscale > maxMDPDownscale ||
    359                         h_dscale > maxMDPDownscale)
    360                     return false;
    361             } else {
    362                 // Decimation on macrotile format layers is not supported.
    363                 if(isTileRendered(hnd)) {
    364                     /* MDP can read maximum MAX_DISPLAY_DIM width.
    365                      * Bail out if
    366                      *      1. Src crop > MAX_DISPLAY_DIM on nonsplit MDPComp
    367                      *      2. exceeds maximum downscale limit
    368                      */
    369                     if(((crop_w > MAX_DISPLAY_DIM) && !sSrcSplitEnabled) ||
    370                             w_dscale > maxMDPDownscale ||
    371                             h_dscale > maxMDPDownscale) {
    372                         return false;
    373                     }
    374                 } else if(w_dscale > 64 || h_dscale > 64)
    375                     return false;
    376             }
    377         } else { //A-family
    378             if(w_dscale > maxMDPDownscale || h_dscale > maxMDPDownscale)
    379                 return false;
    380         }
    381     }
    383     if((w_scale < 1.0f) || (h_scale < 1.0f)) {
    384         const uint32_t upscale =
    385             qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().getMaxMDPUpscale();
    386         const float w_uscale = 1.0f / w_scale;
    387         const float h_uscale = 1.0f / h_scale;
    389         if(w_uscale > upscale || h_uscale > upscale)
    390             return false;
    391     }
    393     return true;
    394 }
    396 ovutils::eDest MDPComp::getMdpPipe(hwc_context_t *ctx, ePipeType type,
    397         int mixer) {
    398     overlay::Overlay& ov = *ctx->mOverlay;
    399     ovutils::eDest mdp_pipe = ovutils::OV_INVALID;
    401     switch(type) {
    402     case MDPCOMP_OV_DMA:
    403         mdp_pipe = ov.nextPipe(ovutils::OV_MDP_PIPE_DMA, mDpy, mixer);
    404         if(mdp_pipe != ovutils::OV_INVALID) {
    405             return mdp_pipe;
    406         }
    407     case MDPCOMP_OV_ANY:
    408     case MDPCOMP_OV_RGB:
    409         mdp_pipe = ov.nextPipe(ovutils::OV_MDP_PIPE_RGB, mDpy, mixer);
    410         if(mdp_pipe != ovutils::OV_INVALID) {
    411             return mdp_pipe;
    412         }
    414         if(type == MDPCOMP_OV_RGB) {
    415             //Requested only for RGB pipe
    416             break;
    417         }
    418     case  MDPCOMP_OV_VG:
    419         return ov.nextPipe(ovutils::OV_MDP_PIPE_VG, mDpy, mixer);
    420     default:
    421         ALOGE("%s: Invalid pipe type",__FUNCTION__);
    422         return ovutils::OV_INVALID;
    423     };
    424     return ovutils::OV_INVALID;
    425 }
    427 bool MDPComp::isFrameDoable(hwc_context_t *ctx) {
    428     bool ret = true;
    430     if(!isEnabled()) {
    431         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: MDP Comp. not enabled.", __FUNCTION__);
    432         ret = false;
    433     } else if(qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().is8x26() &&
    434             ctx->mVideoTransFlag &&
    435             isSecondaryConnected(ctx)) {
    436         //1 Padding round to shift pipes across mixers
    437         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: MDP Comp. video transition padding round",
    438                 __FUNCTION__);
    439         ret = false;
    440     } else if(isSecondaryConfiguring(ctx)) {
    441         ALOGD_IF( isDebug(),"%s: External Display connection is pending",
    442                   __FUNCTION__);
    443         ret = false;
    444     } else if(ctx->isPaddingRound) {
    445         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: padding round invoked for dpy %d",
    446                  __FUNCTION__,mDpy);
    447         ret = false;
    448     }
    449     return ret;
    450 }
    452 /*
    453  * 1) Identify layers that are not visible in the updating ROI and drop them
    454  * from composition.
    455  * 2) If we have a scaling layers which needs cropping against generated ROI.
    456  * Reset ROI to full resolution.
    457  */
    458 bool MDPComp::validateAndApplyROI(hwc_context_t *ctx,
    459                                hwc_display_contents_1_t* list, hwc_rect_t roi) {
    460     int numAppLayers = ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers;
    462     if(!isValidRect(roi))
    463         return false;
    465     hwc_rect_t visibleRect = roi;
    467     for(int i = numAppLayers - 1; i >= 0; i--){
    469         if(!isValidRect(visibleRect)) {
    470             mCurrentFrame.drop[i] = true;
    471             mCurrentFrame.dropCount++;
    472             continue;
    473         }
    475         const hwc_layer_1_t* layer =  &list->hwLayers[i];
    477         hwc_rect_t dstRect = layer->displayFrame;
    478         hwc_rect_t srcRect = integerizeSourceCrop(layer->sourceCropf);
    480         hwc_rect_t res  = getIntersection(visibleRect, dstRect);
    482         int res_w = res.right - res.left;
    483         int res_h = res.bottom - res.top;
    484         int dst_w = dstRect.right - dstRect.left;
    485         int dst_h = dstRect.bottom - dstRect.top;
    487         if(!isValidRect(res)) {
    488             mCurrentFrame.drop[i] = true;
    489             mCurrentFrame.dropCount++;
    490         }else {
    491             /* Reset frame ROI when any layer which needs scaling also needs ROI
    492              * cropping */
    493             if((res_w != dst_w || res_h != dst_h) && needsScaling (layer)) {
    494                 ALOGI("%s: Resetting ROI due to scaling", __FUNCTION__);
    495                 memset(&mCurrentFrame.drop, 0, sizeof(mCurrentFrame.drop));
    496                 mCurrentFrame.dropCount = 0;
    497                 return false;
    498             }
    500             /* deduct any opaque region from visibleRect */
    501             if (layer->blending == HWC_BLENDING_NONE)
    502                 visibleRect = deductRect(visibleRect, res);
    503         }
    504     }
    505     return true;
    506 }
    508 void MDPComp::generateROI(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
    509     int numAppLayers = ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers;
    511     if(!sEnablePartialFrameUpdate) {
    512         return;
    513     }
    515     if(mDpy || isDisplaySplit(ctx, mDpy)){
    516         ALOGE_IF(isDebug(), "%s: ROI not supported for"
    517                  "the (1) external / virtual display's (2) dual DSI displays",
    518                  __FUNCTION__);
    519         return;
    520     }
    522     if(isSkipPresent(ctx, mDpy))
    523         return;
    525     if(list->flags & HWC_GEOMETRY_CHANGED)
    526         return;
    528     struct hwc_rect roi = (struct hwc_rect){0, 0, 0, 0};
    529     for(int index = 0; index < numAppLayers; index++ ) {
    530         if ((mCachedFrame.hnd[index] != list->hwLayers[index].handle) ||
    531             isYuvBuffer((private_handle_t *)list->hwLayers[index].handle)) {
    532             hwc_rect_t dstRect = list->hwLayers[index].displayFrame;
    533             hwc_rect_t srcRect = integerizeSourceCrop(
    534                                         list->hwLayers[index].sourceCropf);
    536             /* Intersect against display boundaries */
    537             roi = getUnion(roi, dstRect);
    538         }
    539     }
    541     if(!validateAndApplyROI(ctx, list, roi)){
    542         roi = (struct hwc_rect) {0, 0,
    543                     (int)ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].xres, (int)ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].yres};
    544     }
    546     ctx->listStats[mDpy].roi.x = roi.left;
    547     ctx->listStats[mDpy].roi.y = roi.top;
    548     ctx->listStats[mDpy].roi.w = roi.right - roi.left;
    549     ctx->listStats[mDpy].roi.h = roi.bottom - roi.top;
    551     ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: generated ROI: [%d, %d, %d, %d]", __FUNCTION__,
    552                                roi.left, roi.top, roi.right, roi.bottom);
    553 }
    555 /* Checks for conditions where all the layers marked for MDP comp cannot be
    556  * bypassed. On such conditions we try to bypass atleast YUV layers */
    557 bool MDPComp::tryFullFrame(hwc_context_t *ctx,
    558                                 hwc_display_contents_1_t* list){
    560     const int numAppLayers = ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers;
    561     int priDispW = ctx->dpyAttr[HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY].xres;
    563     if(sIdleFallBack && !ctx->listStats[mDpy].secureUI) {
    564         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Idle fallback dpy %d",__FUNCTION__, mDpy);
    565         return false;
    566     }
    568     if(isSkipPresent(ctx, mDpy)) {
    569         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: SKIP present: %d",
    570                 __FUNCTION__,
    571                 isSkipPresent(ctx, mDpy));
    572         return false;
    573     }
    575     if(mDpy > HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY && (priDispW > MAX_DISPLAY_DIM) &&
    576                               (ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].xres < MAX_DISPLAY_DIM)) {
    577         // Disable MDP comp on Secondary when the primary is highres panel and
    578         // the secondary is a normal 1080p, because, MDP comp on secondary under
    579         // in such usecase, decimation gets used for downscale and there will be
    580         // a quality mismatch when there will be a fallback to GPU comp
    581         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Disable MDP Compositon for Secondary Disp",
    582               __FUNCTION__);
    583         return false;
    584     }
    586     // check for action safe flag and downscale mode which requires scaling.
    587     if(ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].mActionSafePresent
    588             || ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].mDownScaleMode) {
    589         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Scaling needed for this frame",__FUNCTION__);
    590         return false;
    591     }
    593     for(int i = 0; i < numAppLayers; ++i) {
    594         hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &list->hwLayers[i];
    595         private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer->handle;
    597         if(isYuvBuffer(hnd) && has90Transform(layer)) {
    598             if(!canUseRotator(ctx, mDpy)) {
    599                 ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Can't use rotator for dpy %d",
    600                         __FUNCTION__, mDpy);
    601                 return false;
    602             }
    603         }
    605         //For 8x26 with panel width>1k, if RGB layer needs HFLIP fail mdp comp
    606         // may not need it if Gfx pre-rotation can handle all flips & rotations
    607         if(qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().is8x26() &&
    608                                 (ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].xres > 1024) &&
    609                                 (layer->transform & HWC_TRANSFORM_FLIP_H) &&
    610                                 (!isYuvBuffer(hnd)))
    611                    return false;
    612     }
    614     if(ctx->mAD->isDoable()) {
    615         return false;
    616     }
    618     //If all above hard conditions are met we can do full or partial MDP comp.
    619     bool ret = false;
    620     if(fullMDPComp(ctx, list)) {
    621         ret = true;
    622     } else if(partialMDPComp(ctx, list)) {
    623         ret = true;
    624     }
    626     return ret;
    627 }
    629 bool MDPComp::fullMDPComp(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
    630     //Will benefit presentation / secondary-only layer.
    631     if((mDpy > HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY) &&
    632             (list->numHwLayers - 1) > MAX_SEC_LAYERS) {
    633         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Exceeds max secondary pipes",__FUNCTION__);
    634         return false;
    635     }
    637     const int numAppLayers = ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers;
    638     for(int i = 0; i < numAppLayers; i++) {
    639         hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &list->hwLayers[i];
    640         if(not isSupportedForMDPComp(ctx, layer)) {
    641             ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Unsupported layer in list",__FUNCTION__);
    642             return false;
    643         }
    645         //For 8x26, if there is only one layer which needs scale for secondary
    646         //while no scale for primary display, DMA pipe is occupied by primary.
    647         //If need to fall back to GLES composition, virtual display lacks DMA
    648         //pipe and error is reported.
    649         if(qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().is8x26() &&
    650                                 mDpy >= HWC_DISPLAY_EXTERNAL &&
    651                                 qhwc::needsScaling(layer))
    652             return false;
    653     }
    655     mCurrentFrame.fbCount = 0;
    656     memcpy(&mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed, &mCurrentFrame.drop,
    657            sizeof(mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed));
    658     mCurrentFrame.mdpCount = mCurrentFrame.layerCount - mCurrentFrame.fbCount -
    659         mCurrentFrame.dropCount;
    661     if(sEnable4k2kYUVSplit){
    662         adjustForSourceSplit(ctx, list);
    663     }
    665     if(!postHeuristicsHandling(ctx, list)) {
    666         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "post heuristic handling failed");
    667         reset(ctx);
    668         return false;
    669     }
    671     return true;
    672 }
    674 bool MDPComp::partialMDPComp(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1_t* list)
    675 {
    676     if(!sEnableMixedMode) {
    677         //Mixed mode is disabled. No need to even try caching.
    678         return false;
    679     }
    681     bool ret = false;
    682     if(list->flags & HWC_GEOMETRY_CHANGED) { //Try load based first
    683         ret =   loadBasedComp(ctx, list) or
    684                 cacheBasedComp(ctx, list);
    685     } else {
    686         ret =   cacheBasedComp(ctx, list) or
    687                 loadBasedComp(ctx, list);
    688     }
    690     return ret;
    691 }
    693 bool MDPComp::cacheBasedComp(hwc_context_t *ctx,
    694         hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
    695     int numAppLayers = ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers;
    696     mCurrentFrame.reset(numAppLayers);
    697     updateLayerCache(ctx, list);
    699     //If an MDP marked layer is unsupported cannot do partial MDP Comp
    700     for(int i = 0; i < numAppLayers; i++) {
    701         if(!mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[i]) {
    702             hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &list->hwLayers[i];
    703             if(not isSupportedForMDPComp(ctx, layer)) {
    704                 ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Unsupported layer in list",
    705                         __FUNCTION__);
    706                 reset(ctx);
    707                 return false;
    708             }
    709         }
    710     }
    712     updateYUV(ctx, list, false /*secure only*/);
    713     bool ret = markLayersForCaching(ctx, list); //sets up fbZ also
    714     if(!ret) {
    715         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: batching failed, dpy %d",__FUNCTION__, mDpy);
    716         reset(ctx);
    717         return false;
    718     }
    720     int mdpCount = mCurrentFrame.mdpCount;
    722     if(sEnable4k2kYUVSplit){
    723         adjustForSourceSplit(ctx, list);
    724     }
    726     //Will benefit cases where a video has non-updating background.
    727     if((mDpy > HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY) and
    728             (mdpCount > MAX_SEC_LAYERS)) {
    729         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Exceeds max secondary pipes",__FUNCTION__);
    730         reset(ctx);
    731         return false;
    732     }
    734     if(!postHeuristicsHandling(ctx, list)) {
    735         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "post heuristic handling failed");
    736         reset(ctx);
    737         return false;
    738     }
    740     return true;
    741 }
    743 bool MDPComp::loadBasedComp(hwc_context_t *ctx,
    744         hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
    745     if(not isLoadBasedCompDoable(ctx)) {
    746         return false;
    747     }
    749     const int numAppLayers = ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers;
    750     const int numNonDroppedLayers = numAppLayers - mCurrentFrame.dropCount;
    751     const int stagesForMDP = min(sMaxPipesPerMixer,
    752             ctx->mOverlay->availablePipes(mDpy, Overlay::MIXER_DEFAULT));
    754     int mdpBatchSize = stagesForMDP - 1; //1 stage for FB
    755     int fbBatchSize = numNonDroppedLayers - mdpBatchSize;
    756     int lastMDPSupportedIndex = numAppLayers;
    757     int dropCount = 0;
    759     //Find the minimum MDP batch size
    760     for(int i = 0; i < numAppLayers;i++) {
    761         if(mCurrentFrame.drop[i]) {
    762             dropCount++;
    763             continue;
    764         }
    765         hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &list->hwLayers[i];
    766         if(not isSupportedForMDPComp(ctx, layer)) {
    767             lastMDPSupportedIndex = i;
    768             mdpBatchSize = min(i - dropCount, stagesForMDP - 1);
    769             fbBatchSize = numNonDroppedLayers - mdpBatchSize;
    770             break;
    771         }
    772     }
    774     ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s:Before optimizing fbBatch, mdpbatch %d, fbbatch %d "
    775             "dropped %d", __FUNCTION__, mdpBatchSize, fbBatchSize,
    776             mCurrentFrame.dropCount);
    778     //Start at a point where the fb batch should at least have 2 layers, for
    779     //this mode to be justified.
    780     while(fbBatchSize < 2) {
    781         ++fbBatchSize;
    782         --mdpBatchSize;
    783     }
    785     //If there are no layers for MDP, this mode doesnt make sense.
    786     if(mdpBatchSize < 1) {
    787         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: No MDP layers after optimizing for fbBatch",
    788                 __FUNCTION__);
    789         return false;
    790     }
    792     mCurrentFrame.reset(numAppLayers);
    794     //Try with successively smaller mdp batch sizes until we succeed or reach 1
    795     while(mdpBatchSize > 0) {
    796         //Mark layers for MDP comp
    797         int mdpBatchLeft = mdpBatchSize;
    798         for(int i = 0; i < lastMDPSupportedIndex and mdpBatchLeft; i++) {
    799             if(mCurrentFrame.drop[i]) {
    800                 continue;
    801             }
    802             mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[i] = false;
    803             --mdpBatchLeft;
    804         }
    806         mCurrentFrame.fbZ = mdpBatchSize;
    807         mCurrentFrame.fbCount = fbBatchSize;
    808         mCurrentFrame.mdpCount = mdpBatchSize;
    810         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s:Trying with: mdpbatch %d fbbatch %d dropped %d",
    811                 __FUNCTION__, mdpBatchSize, fbBatchSize,
    812                 mCurrentFrame.dropCount);
    814         if(postHeuristicsHandling(ctx, list)) {
    815             ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Postheuristics handling succeeded",
    816                     __FUNCTION__);
    817             return true;
    818         }
    820         reset(ctx);
    821         --mdpBatchSize;
    822         ++fbBatchSize;
    823     }
    825     return false;
    826 }
    828 bool MDPComp::isLoadBasedCompDoable(hwc_context_t *ctx) {
    829     if(mDpy or isSecurePresent(ctx, mDpy) or
    830             isYuvPresent(ctx, mDpy)) {
    831         return false;
    832     }
    833     return true;
    834 }
    836 bool MDPComp::tryVideoOnly(hwc_context_t *ctx,
    837         hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
    838     const bool secureOnly = true;
    839     return videoOnlyComp(ctx, list, not secureOnly) or
    840             videoOnlyComp(ctx, list, secureOnly);
    841 }
    843 bool MDPComp::videoOnlyComp(hwc_context_t *ctx,
    844         hwc_display_contents_1_t* list, bool secureOnly) {
    845     int numAppLayers = ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers;
    847     mCurrentFrame.reset(numAppLayers);
    848     updateYUV(ctx, list, secureOnly);
    849     int mdpCount = mCurrentFrame.mdpCount;
    851     if(!isYuvPresent(ctx, mDpy) or (mdpCount == 0)) {
    852         reset(ctx);
    853         return false;
    854     }
    856     /* Bail out if we are processing only secured video layers
    857      * and we dont have any */
    858     if(!isSecurePresent(ctx, mDpy) && secureOnly){
    859         reset(ctx);
    860         return false;
    861     }
    863     if(mCurrentFrame.fbCount)
    864         mCurrentFrame.fbZ = mCurrentFrame.mdpCount;
    866     if(sEnable4k2kYUVSplit){
    867         adjustForSourceSplit(ctx, list);
    868     }
    870     if(!postHeuristicsHandling(ctx, list)) {
    871         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "post heuristic handling failed");
    872         reset(ctx);
    873         return false;
    874     }
    876     return true;
    877 }
    879 /* Checks for conditions where YUV layers cannot be bypassed */
    880 bool MDPComp::isYUVDoable(hwc_context_t* ctx, hwc_layer_1_t* layer) {
    881     if(isSkipLayer(layer)) {
    882         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Video marked SKIP dpy %d", __FUNCTION__, mDpy);
    883         return false;
    884     }
    886     if(layer->transform & HWC_TRANSFORM_ROT_90 && !canUseRotator(ctx,mDpy)) {
    887         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: no free DMA pipe",__FUNCTION__);
    888         return false;
    889     }
    891     if(isSecuring(ctx, layer)) {
    892         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: MDP securing is active", __FUNCTION__);
    893         return false;
    894     }
    896     if(!isValidDimension(ctx, layer)) {
    897         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Buffer is of invalid width",
    898             __FUNCTION__);
    899         return false;
    900     }
    902     if(layer->planeAlpha < 0xFF) {
    903         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Cannot handle YUV layer with plane alpha\
    904                  in video only mode",
    905                  __FUNCTION__);
    906         return false;
    907     }
    909     return true;
    910 }
    912 /* starts at fromIndex and check for each layer to find
    913  * if it it has overlapping with any Updating layer above it in zorder
    914  * till the end of the batch. returns true if it finds any intersection */
    915 bool MDPComp::canPushBatchToTop(const hwc_display_contents_1_t* list,
    916         int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
    917     for(int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
    918         if(mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[i] && !mCurrentFrame.drop[i]) {
    919             if(intersectingUpdatingLayers(list, i+1, toIndex, i)) {
    920                 return false;
    921             }
    922         }
    923     }
    924     return true;
    925 }
    927 /* Checks if given layer at targetLayerIndex has any
    928  * intersection with all the updating layers in beween
    929  * fromIndex and toIndex. Returns true if it finds intersectiion */
    930 bool MDPComp::intersectingUpdatingLayers(const hwc_display_contents_1_t* list,
    931         int fromIndex, int toIndex, int targetLayerIndex) {
    932     for(int i = fromIndex; i <= toIndex; i++) {
    933         if(!mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[i]) {
    934             if(areLayersIntersecting(&list->hwLayers[i],
    935                         &list->hwLayers[targetLayerIndex]))  {
    936                 return true;
    937             }
    938         }
    939     }
    940     return false;
    941 }
    943 int MDPComp::getBatch(hwc_display_contents_1_t* list,
    944         int& maxBatchStart, int& maxBatchEnd,
    945         int& maxBatchCount) {
    946     int i = 0;
    947     int fbZOrder =-1;
    948     int droppedLayerCt = 0;
    949     while (i < mCurrentFrame.layerCount) {
    950         int batchCount = 0;
    951         int batchStart = i;
    952         int batchEnd = i;
    953         /* Adjust batch Z order with the dropped layers so far */
    954         int fbZ = batchStart - droppedLayerCt;
    955         int firstZReverseIndex = -1;
    956         int updatingLayersAbove = 0;//Updating layer count in middle of batch
    957         while(i < mCurrentFrame.layerCount) {
    958             if(!mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[i]) {
    959                 if(!batchCount) {
    960                     i++;
    961                     break;
    962                 }
    963                 updatingLayersAbove++;
    964                 i++;
    965                 continue;
    966             } else {
    967                 if(mCurrentFrame.drop[i]) {
    968                     i++;
    969                     droppedLayerCt++;
    970                     continue;
    971                 } else if(updatingLayersAbove <= 0) {
    972                     batchCount++;
    973                     batchEnd = i;
    974                     i++;
    975                     continue;
    976                 } else { //Layer is FBComposed, not a drop & updatingLayer > 0
    978                     // We have a valid updating layer already. If layer-i not
    979                     // have overlapping with all updating layers in between
    980                     // batch-start and i, then we can add layer i to batch.
    981                     if(!intersectingUpdatingLayers(list, batchStart, i-1, i)) {
    982                         batchCount++;
    983                         batchEnd = i;
    984                         i++;
    985                         continue;
    986                     } else if(canPushBatchToTop(list, batchStart, i)) {
    987                         //If All the non-updating layers with in this batch
    988                         //does not have intersection with the updating layers
    989                         //above in z-order, then we can safely move the batch to
    990                         //higher z-order. Increment fbZ as it is moving up.
    991                         if( firstZReverseIndex < 0) {
    992                             firstZReverseIndex = i;
    993                         }
    994                         batchCount++;
    995                         batchEnd = i;
    996                         fbZ += updatingLayersAbove;
    997                         i++;
    998                         updatingLayersAbove = 0;
    999                         continue;
   1000                     } else {
   1001                         //both failed.start the loop again from here.
   1002                         if(firstZReverseIndex >= 0) {
   1003                             i = firstZReverseIndex;
   1004                         }
   1005                         break;
   1006                     }
   1007                 }
   1008             }
   1009         }
   1010         if(batchCount > maxBatchCount) {
   1011             maxBatchCount = batchCount;
   1012             maxBatchStart = batchStart;
   1013             maxBatchEnd = batchEnd;
   1014             fbZOrder = fbZ;
   1015         }
   1016     }
   1017     return fbZOrder;
   1018 }
   1020 bool  MDPComp::markLayersForCaching(hwc_context_t* ctx,
   1021         hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
   1022     /* Idea is to keep as many non-updating(cached) layers in FB and
   1023      * send rest of them through MDP. This is done in 2 steps.
   1024      *   1. Find the maximum contiguous batch of non-updating layers.
   1025      *   2. See if we can improve this batch size for caching by adding
   1026      *      opaque layers around the batch, if they don't have
   1027      *      any overlapping with the updating layers in between.
   1028      * NEVER mark an updating layer for caching.
   1029      * But cached ones can be marked for MDP */
   1031     int maxBatchStart = -1;
   1032     int maxBatchEnd = -1;
   1033     int maxBatchCount = 0;
   1034     int fbZ = -1;
   1036     /* Nothing is cached. No batching needed */
   1037     if(mCurrentFrame.fbCount == 0) {
   1038         return true;
   1039     }
   1041     /* No MDP comp layers, try to use other comp modes */
   1042     if(mCurrentFrame.mdpCount == 0) {
   1043         return false;
   1044     }
   1046     fbZ = getBatch(list, maxBatchStart, maxBatchEnd, maxBatchCount);
   1048     /* reset rest of the layers lying inside ROI for MDP comp */
   1049     for(int i = 0; i < mCurrentFrame.layerCount; i++) {
   1050         hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &list->hwLayers[i];
   1051         if((i < maxBatchStart || i > maxBatchEnd) &&
   1052                 mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[i]){
   1053             if(!mCurrentFrame.drop[i]){
   1054                 //If an unsupported layer is being attempted to
   1055                 //be pulled out we should fail
   1056                 if(not isSupportedForMDPComp(ctx, layer)) {
   1057                     return false;
   1058                 }
   1059                 mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[i] = false;
   1060             }
   1061         }
   1062     }
   1064     // update the frame data
   1065     mCurrentFrame.fbZ = fbZ;
   1066     mCurrentFrame.fbCount = maxBatchCount;
   1067     mCurrentFrame.mdpCount = mCurrentFrame.layerCount -
   1068             mCurrentFrame.fbCount - mCurrentFrame.dropCount;
   1070     ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: cached count: %d",__FUNCTION__,
   1071             mCurrentFrame.fbCount);
   1073     return true;
   1074 }
   1076 void MDPComp::updateLayerCache(hwc_context_t* ctx,
   1077         hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
   1078     int numAppLayers = ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers;
   1079     int fbCount = 0;
   1081     for(int i = 0; i < numAppLayers; i++) {
   1082         if (mCachedFrame.hnd[i] == list->hwLayers[i].handle) {
   1083             if(!mCurrentFrame.drop[i])
   1084                 fbCount++;
   1085             mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[i] = true;
   1086         } else {
   1087             mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[i] = false;
   1088         }
   1089     }
   1091     mCurrentFrame.fbCount = fbCount;
   1092     mCurrentFrame.mdpCount = mCurrentFrame.layerCount - mCurrentFrame.fbCount
   1093                                                     - mCurrentFrame.dropCount;
   1095     ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: MDP count: %d FB count %d drop count: %d"
   1096              ,__FUNCTION__, mCurrentFrame.mdpCount, mCurrentFrame.fbCount,
   1097             mCurrentFrame.dropCount);
   1098 }
   1100 void MDPComp::updateYUV(hwc_context_t* ctx, hwc_display_contents_1_t* list,
   1101         bool secureOnly) {
   1102     int nYuvCount = ctx->listStats[mDpy].yuvCount;
   1103     for(int index = 0;index < nYuvCount; index++){
   1104         int nYuvIndex = ctx->listStats[mDpy].yuvIndices[index];
   1105         hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &list->hwLayers[nYuvIndex];
   1107         if(!isYUVDoable(ctx, layer)) {
   1108             if(!mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[nYuvIndex]) {
   1109                 mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[nYuvIndex] = true;
   1110                 mCurrentFrame.fbCount++;
   1111             }
   1112         } else {
   1113             if(mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[nYuvIndex]) {
   1114                 private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer->handle;
   1115                 if(!secureOnly || isSecureBuffer(hnd)) {
   1116                     mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[nYuvIndex] = false;
   1117                     mCurrentFrame.fbCount--;
   1118                 }
   1119             }
   1120         }
   1121     }
   1123     mCurrentFrame.mdpCount = mCurrentFrame.layerCount -
   1124             mCurrentFrame.fbCount - mCurrentFrame.dropCount;
   1125     ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: fb count: %d",__FUNCTION__,
   1126              mCurrentFrame.fbCount);
   1127 }
   1129 hwc_rect_t MDPComp::getUpdatingFBRect(hwc_context_t *ctx,
   1130         hwc_display_contents_1_t* list){
   1131     hwc_rect_t fbRect = (struct hwc_rect){0, 0, 0, 0};
   1132     hwc_layer_1_t *fbLayer = &list->hwLayers[mCurrentFrame.layerCount];
   1134     /* Update only the region of FB needed for composition */
   1135     for(int i = 0; i < mCurrentFrame.layerCount; i++ ) {
   1136         if(mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[i] && !mCurrentFrame.drop[i]) {
   1137             hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &list->hwLayers[i];
   1138             hwc_rect_t dst = layer->displayFrame;
   1139             fbRect = getUnion(fbRect, dst);
   1140         }
   1141     }
   1142     return fbRect;
   1143 }
   1145 bool MDPComp::postHeuristicsHandling(hwc_context_t *ctx,
   1146         hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
   1148     //Capability checks
   1149     if(!resourceCheck(ctx, list)) {
   1150         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: resource check failed", __FUNCTION__);
   1151         return false;
   1152     }
   1154     //Limitations checks
   1155     if(!hwLimitationsCheck(ctx, list)) {
   1156         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: HW limitations",__FUNCTION__);
   1157         return false;
   1158     }
   1160     //Configure framebuffer first if applicable
   1161     if(mCurrentFrame.fbZ >= 0) {
   1162         hwc_rect_t fbRect = getUpdatingFBRect(ctx, list);
   1163         if(!ctx->mFBUpdate[mDpy]->prepare(ctx, list, fbRect, mCurrentFrame.fbZ))
   1164         {
   1165             ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s configure framebuffer failed",
   1166                     __FUNCTION__);
   1167             return false;
   1168         }
   1169     }
   1171     mCurrentFrame.map();
   1173     if(!allocLayerPipes(ctx, list)) {
   1174         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Unable to allocate MDP pipes", __FUNCTION__);
   1175         return false;
   1176     }
   1178     for (int index = 0, mdpNextZOrder = 0; index < mCurrentFrame.layerCount;
   1179             index++) {
   1180         if(!mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[index]) {
   1181             int mdpIndex = mCurrentFrame.layerToMDP[index];
   1182             hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &list->hwLayers[index];
   1184             //Leave fbZ for framebuffer. CACHE/GLES layers go here.
   1185             if(mdpNextZOrder == mCurrentFrame.fbZ) {
   1186                 mdpNextZOrder++;
   1187             }
   1188             MdpPipeInfo* cur_pipe = mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex].pipeInfo;
   1189             cur_pipe->zOrder = mdpNextZOrder++;
   1191             private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer->handle;
   1192             if(is4kx2kYuvBuffer(hnd) && sEnable4k2kYUVSplit){
   1193                 if(configure4k2kYuv(ctx, layer,
   1194                             mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex])
   1195                         != 0 ){
   1196                     ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Failed to configure split pipes \
   1197                             for layer %d",__FUNCTION__, index);
   1198                     return false;
   1199                 }
   1200                 else{
   1201                     mdpNextZOrder++;
   1202                 }
   1203                 continue;
   1204             }
   1205             if(configure(ctx, layer, mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex]) != 0 ){
   1206                 ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Failed to configure overlay for \
   1207                         layer %d",__FUNCTION__, index);
   1208                 return false;
   1209             }
   1210         }
   1211     }
   1213     if(!ctx->mOverlay->validateAndSet(mDpy, ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].fd)) {
   1214         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Failed to validate and set overlay for dpy %d"
   1215                 ,__FUNCTION__, mDpy);
   1216         return false;
   1217     }
   1219     setRedraw(ctx, list);
   1220     return true;
   1221 }
   1223 bool MDPComp::resourceCheck(hwc_context_t *ctx,
   1224         hwc_display_contents_1_t *list) {
   1225     const bool fbUsed = mCurrentFrame.fbCount;
   1226     if(mCurrentFrame.mdpCount > sMaxPipesPerMixer - fbUsed) {
   1227         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Exceeds MAX_PIPES_PER_MIXER",__FUNCTION__);
   1228         return false;
   1229     }
   1230     return true;
   1231 }
   1233 bool MDPComp::hwLimitationsCheck(hwc_context_t* ctx,
   1234         hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
   1236     //A-family hw limitation:
   1237     //If a layer need alpha scaling, MDP can not support.
   1238     if(ctx->mMDP.version < qdutils::MDSS_V5) {
   1239         for(int i = 0; i < mCurrentFrame.layerCount; ++i) {
   1240             if(!mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[i] &&
   1241                     isAlphaScaled( &list->hwLayers[i])) {
   1242                 ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s:frame needs alphaScaling",__FUNCTION__);
   1243                 return false;
   1244             }
   1245         }
   1246     }
   1248     // On 8x26 & 8974 hw, we have a limitation of downscaling+blending.
   1249     //If multiple layers requires downscaling and also they are overlapping
   1250     //fall back to GPU since MDSS can not handle it.
   1251     if(qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().is8x74v2() ||
   1252             qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().is8x26()) {
   1253         for(int i = 0; i < mCurrentFrame.layerCount-1; ++i) {
   1254             hwc_layer_1_t* botLayer = &list->hwLayers[i];
   1255             if(!mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[i] &&
   1256                     isDownscaleRequired(botLayer)) {
   1257                 //if layer-i is marked for MDP and needs downscaling
   1258                 //check if any MDP layer on top of i & overlaps with layer-i
   1259                 for(int j = i+1; j < mCurrentFrame.layerCount; ++j) {
   1260                     hwc_layer_1_t* topLayer = &list->hwLayers[j];
   1261                     if(!mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[j] &&
   1262                             isDownscaleRequired(topLayer)) {
   1263                         hwc_rect_t r = getIntersection(botLayer->displayFrame,
   1264                                 topLayer->displayFrame);
   1265                         if(isValidRect(r))
   1266                             return false;
   1267                     }
   1268                 }
   1269             }
   1270         }
   1271     }
   1272     return true;
   1273 }
   1275 int MDPComp::prepare(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
   1276     int ret = 0;
   1277     const int numLayers = ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers;
   1278     MDPVersion& mdpVersion = qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance();
   1280     //Do not cache the information for next draw cycle.
   1281     if(numLayers > MAX_NUM_APP_LAYERS or (!numLayers)) {
   1282         ALOGI("%s: Unsupported layer count for mdp composition",
   1283                 __FUNCTION__);
   1284         mCachedFrame.reset();
   1285         return -1;
   1286     }
   1288     //reset old data
   1289     mCurrentFrame.reset(numLayers);
   1290     memset(&mCurrentFrame.drop, 0, sizeof(mCurrentFrame.drop));
   1291     mCurrentFrame.dropCount = 0;
   1293     // Detect the start of animation and fall back to GPU only once to cache
   1294     // all the layers in FB and display FB content untill animation completes.
   1295     if(ctx->listStats[mDpy].isDisplayAnimating) {
   1296         mCurrentFrame.needsRedraw = false;
   1297         if(ctx->mAnimationState[mDpy] == ANIMATION_STOPPED) {
   1298             mCurrentFrame.needsRedraw = true;
   1299             ctx->mAnimationState[mDpy] = ANIMATION_STARTED;
   1300         }
   1301         setMDPCompLayerFlags(ctx, list);
   1302         mCachedFrame.updateCounts(mCurrentFrame);
   1303         ret = -1;
   1304         return ret;
   1305     } else {
   1306         ctx->mAnimationState[mDpy] = ANIMATION_STOPPED;
   1307     }
   1309     //Hard conditions, if not met, cannot do MDP comp
   1310     if(isFrameDoable(ctx)) {
   1311         generateROI(ctx, list);
   1313         if(tryFullFrame(ctx, list) || tryVideoOnly(ctx, list)) {
   1314             setMDPCompLayerFlags(ctx, list);
   1315         } else {
   1316             reset(ctx);
   1317             memset(&mCurrentFrame.drop, 0, sizeof(mCurrentFrame.drop));
   1318             mCurrentFrame.dropCount = 0;
   1319             ret = -1;
   1320         }
   1321     } else {
   1322         ALOGD_IF( isDebug(),"%s: MDP Comp not possible for this frame",
   1323                 __FUNCTION__);
   1324         ret = -1;
   1325     }
   1327     if(isDebug()) {
   1328         ALOGD("GEOMETRY change: %d",
   1329                 (list->flags & HWC_GEOMETRY_CHANGED));
   1330         android::String8 sDump("");
   1331         dump(sDump);
   1332         ALOGD("%s",sDump.string());
   1333     }
   1335     mCachedFrame.cacheAll(list);
   1336     mCachedFrame.updateCounts(mCurrentFrame);
   1337     return ret;
   1338 }
   1340 bool MDPComp::allocSplitVGPipesfor4k2k(hwc_context_t *ctx, int index) {
   1342     bool bRet = true;
   1343     int mdpIndex = mCurrentFrame.layerToMDP[index];
   1344     PipeLayerPair& info = mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex];
   1345     info.pipeInfo = new MdpYUVPipeInfo;
   1346     info.rot = NULL;
   1347     MdpYUVPipeInfo& pipe_info = *(MdpYUVPipeInfo*)info.pipeInfo;
   1348     ePipeType type =  MDPCOMP_OV_VG;
   1350     pipe_info.lIndex = ovutils::OV_INVALID;
   1351     pipe_info.rIndex = ovutils::OV_INVALID;
   1353     pipe_info.lIndex = getMdpPipe(ctx, type, Overlay::MIXER_DEFAULT);
   1354     if(pipe_info.lIndex == ovutils::OV_INVALID){
   1355         bRet = false;
   1356         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: allocating first VG pipe failed",
   1357                 __FUNCTION__);
   1358     }
   1359     pipe_info.rIndex = getMdpPipe(ctx, type, Overlay::MIXER_DEFAULT);
   1360     if(pipe_info.rIndex == ovutils::OV_INVALID){
   1361         bRet = false;
   1362         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: allocating second VG pipe failed",
   1363                 __FUNCTION__);
   1364     }
   1365     return bRet;
   1366 }
   1367 //=============MDPCompNonSplit==================================================
   1369 void MDPCompNonSplit::adjustForSourceSplit(hwc_context_t *ctx,
   1370         hwc_display_contents_1_t*) {
   1371     //As we split 4kx2k yuv layer and program to 2 VG pipes
   1372     //(if available) increase mdpcount accordingly
   1373     mCurrentFrame.mdpCount += ctx->listStats[mDpy].yuv4k2kCount;
   1375     //If 4k2k Yuv layer split is possible,  and if
   1376     //fbz is above 4k2k layer, increment fb zorder by 1
   1377     //as we split 4k2k layer and increment zorder for right half
   1378     //of the layer
   1379     if(mCurrentFrame.fbZ >= 0) {
   1380         int n4k2kYuvCount = ctx->listStats[mDpy].yuv4k2kCount;
   1381         for(int index = 0; index < n4k2kYuvCount; index++){
   1382             int n4k2kYuvIndex =
   1383                     ctx->listStats[mDpy].yuv4k2kIndices[index];
   1384             if(mCurrentFrame.fbZ > n4k2kYuvIndex){
   1385                 mCurrentFrame.fbZ += 1;
   1386             }
   1387         }
   1388     }
   1389 }
   1391 /*
   1392  * Configures pipe(s) for MDP composition
   1393  */
   1394 int MDPCompNonSplit::configure(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_layer_1_t *layer,
   1395                              PipeLayerPair& PipeLayerPair) {
   1396     MdpPipeInfoNonSplit& mdp_info =
   1397         *(static_cast<MdpPipeInfoNonSplit*>(PipeLayerPair.pipeInfo));
   1398     eMdpFlags mdpFlags = OV_MDP_BACKEND_COMPOSITION;
   1399     eZorder zOrder = static_cast<eZorder>(mdp_info.zOrder);
   1400     eIsFg isFg = IS_FG_OFF;
   1401     eDest dest = mdp_info.index;
   1403     ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: configuring: layer: %p z_order: %d dest_pipe: %d",
   1404              __FUNCTION__, layer, zOrder, dest);
   1406     return configureNonSplit(ctx, layer, mDpy, mdpFlags, zOrder, isFg, dest,
   1407                            &PipeLayerPair.rot);
   1408 }
   1410 bool MDPCompNonSplit::allocLayerPipes(hwc_context_t *ctx,
   1411         hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
   1412     for(int index = 0; index < mCurrentFrame.layerCount; index++) {
   1414         if(mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[index]) continue;
   1416         hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &list->hwLayers[index];
   1417         private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer->handle;
   1418         if(is4kx2kYuvBuffer(hnd) && sEnable4k2kYUVSplit){
   1419             if(allocSplitVGPipesfor4k2k(ctx, index)){
   1420                 continue;
   1421             }
   1422         }
   1424         int mdpIndex = mCurrentFrame.layerToMDP[index];
   1425         PipeLayerPair& info = mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex];
   1426         info.pipeInfo = new MdpPipeInfoNonSplit;
   1427         info.rot = NULL;
   1428         MdpPipeInfoNonSplit& pipe_info = *(MdpPipeInfoNonSplit*)info.pipeInfo;
   1429         ePipeType type = MDPCOMP_OV_ANY;
   1431         if(isYuvBuffer(hnd)) {
   1432             type = MDPCOMP_OV_VG;
   1433         } else if(qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().is8x26() &&
   1434                 (ctx->dpyAttr[HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY].xres > 1024)) {
   1435             if(qhwc::needsScaling(layer))
   1436                 type = MDPCOMP_OV_RGB;
   1437         } else if(!qhwc::needsScaling(layer)
   1438             && Overlay::getDMAMode() != Overlay::DMA_BLOCK_MODE
   1439             && ctx->mMDP.version >= qdutils::MDSS_V5) {
   1440             type = MDPCOMP_OV_DMA;
   1441         } else if(qhwc::needsScaling(layer) &&
   1442                 !(ctx->listStats[mDpy].yuvCount) &&
   1443                 ! qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().isRGBScalarSupported()){
   1444             type = MDPCOMP_OV_VG;
   1445         }
   1447         pipe_info.index = getMdpPipe(ctx, type, Overlay::MIXER_DEFAULT);
   1448         if(pipe_info.index == ovutils::OV_INVALID) {
   1449             ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Unable to get pipe type = %d",
   1450                 __FUNCTION__, (int) type);
   1451             return false;
   1452         }
   1453     }
   1454     return true;
   1455 }
   1457 int MDPCompNonSplit::configure4k2kYuv(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_layer_1_t *layer,
   1458         PipeLayerPair& PipeLayerPair) {
   1459     MdpYUVPipeInfo& mdp_info =
   1460             *(static_cast<MdpYUVPipeInfo*>(PipeLayerPair.pipeInfo));
   1461     eZorder zOrder = static_cast<eZorder>(mdp_info.zOrder);
   1462     eIsFg isFg = IS_FG_OFF;
   1463     eMdpFlags mdpFlagsL = OV_MDP_BACKEND_COMPOSITION;
   1464     eDest lDest = mdp_info.lIndex;
   1465     eDest rDest = mdp_info.rIndex;
   1467     return configureSourceSplit(ctx, layer, mDpy, mdpFlagsL, zOrder, isFg,
   1468             lDest, rDest, &PipeLayerPair.rot);
   1469 }
   1471 bool MDPCompNonSplit::draw(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
   1473     if(!isEnabled()) {
   1474         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: MDP Comp not configured", __FUNCTION__);
   1475         return true;
   1476     }
   1478     if(!ctx || !list) {
   1479         ALOGE("%s: invalid contxt or list",__FUNCTION__);
   1480         return false;
   1481     }
   1483     if(ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers > MAX_NUM_APP_LAYERS) {
   1484         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: Exceeding max layer count", __FUNCTION__);
   1485         return true;
   1486     }
   1488     // Set the Handle timeout to true for MDP or MIXED composition.
   1489     if(idleInvalidator && !sIdleFallBack && mCurrentFrame.mdpCount) {
   1490         sHandleTimeout = true;
   1491     }
   1493     overlay::Overlay& ov = *ctx->mOverlay;
   1494     LayerProp *layerProp = ctx->layerProp[mDpy];
   1496     int numHwLayers = ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers;
   1497     for(int i = 0; i < numHwLayers && mCurrentFrame.mdpCount; i++ )
   1498     {
   1499         if(mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[i]) continue;
   1501         hwc_layer_1_t *layer = &list->hwLayers[i];
   1502         private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer->handle;
   1503         if(!hnd) {
   1504             if (!(layer->flags & HWC_COLOR_FILL)) {
   1505                 ALOGE("%s handle null", __FUNCTION__);
   1506                 return false;
   1507             }
   1508             // No PLAY for Color layer
   1509             layerProp[i].mFlags &= ~HWC_MDPCOMP;
   1510             continue;
   1511         }
   1513         int mdpIndex = mCurrentFrame.layerToMDP[i];
   1515         if(is4kx2kYuvBuffer(hnd) && sEnable4k2kYUVSplit)
   1516         {
   1517             MdpYUVPipeInfo& pipe_info =
   1518                 *(MdpYUVPipeInfo*)mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex].pipeInfo;
   1519             Rotator *rot = mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex].rot;
   1520             ovutils::eDest indexL = pipe_info.lIndex;
   1521             ovutils::eDest indexR = pipe_info.rIndex;
   1522             int fd = hnd->fd;
   1523             uint32_t offset = hnd->offset;
   1524             if(rot) {
   1525                 rot->queueBuffer(fd, offset);
   1526                 fd = rot->getDstMemId();
   1527                 offset = rot->getDstOffset();
   1528             }
   1529             if(indexL != ovutils::OV_INVALID) {
   1530                 ovutils::eDest destL = (ovutils::eDest)indexL;
   1531                 ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: MDP Comp: Drawing layer: %p hnd: %p \
   1532                         using  pipe: %d", __FUNCTION__, layer, hnd, indexL );
   1533                 if (!ov.queueBuffer(fd, offset, destL)) {
   1534                     ALOGE("%s: queueBuffer failed for display:%d",
   1535                             __FUNCTION__, mDpy);
   1536                     return false;
   1537                 }
   1538             }
   1540             if(indexR != ovutils::OV_INVALID) {
   1541                 ovutils::eDest destR = (ovutils::eDest)indexR;
   1542                 ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: MDP Comp: Drawing layer: %p hnd: %p \
   1543                         using  pipe: %d", __FUNCTION__, layer, hnd, indexR );
   1544                 if (!ov.queueBuffer(fd, offset, destR)) {
   1545                     ALOGE("%s: queueBuffer failed for display:%d",
   1546                             __FUNCTION__, mDpy);
   1547                     return false;
   1548                 }
   1549             }
   1550         }
   1551         else{
   1552             MdpPipeInfoNonSplit& pipe_info =
   1553             *(MdpPipeInfoNonSplit*)mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex].pipeInfo;
   1554             ovutils::eDest dest = pipe_info.index;
   1555             if(dest == ovutils::OV_INVALID) {
   1556                 ALOGE("%s: Invalid pipe index (%d)", __FUNCTION__, dest);
   1557                 return false;
   1558             }
   1560             if(!(layerProp[i].mFlags & HWC_MDPCOMP)) {
   1561                 continue;
   1562             }
   1564             ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: MDP Comp: Drawing layer: %p hnd: %p \
   1565                     using  pipe: %d", __FUNCTION__, layer,
   1566                     hnd, dest );
   1568             int fd = hnd->fd;
   1569             uint32_t offset = hnd->offset;
   1571             Rotator *rot = mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex].rot;
   1572             if(rot) {
   1573                 if(!rot->queueBuffer(fd, offset))
   1574                     return false;
   1575                 fd = rot->getDstMemId();
   1576                 offset = rot->getDstOffset();
   1577             }
   1579             if (!ov.queueBuffer(fd, offset, dest)) {
   1580                 ALOGE("%s: queueBuffer failed for display:%d ",
   1581                         __FUNCTION__, mDpy);
   1582                 return false;
   1583             }
   1584         }
   1586         layerProp[i].mFlags &= ~HWC_MDPCOMP;
   1587     }
   1588     return true;
   1589 }
   1591 //=============MDPCompSplit===================================================
   1593 void MDPCompSplit::adjustForSourceSplit(hwc_context_t *ctx,
   1594          hwc_display_contents_1_t* list){
   1595     //if 4kx2k yuv layer is totally present in either in left half
   1596     //or right half then try splitting the yuv layer to avoid decimation
   1597     int n4k2kYuvCount = ctx->listStats[mDpy].yuv4k2kCount;
   1598     const int lSplit = getLeftSplit(ctx, mDpy);
   1599     for(int index = 0; index < n4k2kYuvCount; index++){
   1600         int n4k2kYuvIndex = ctx->listStats[mDpy].yuv4k2kIndices[index];
   1601         hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &list->hwLayers[n4k2kYuvIndex];
   1602         hwc_rect_t dst = layer->displayFrame;
   1603         if((dst.left > lSplit) || (dst.right < lSplit)) {
   1604             mCurrentFrame.mdpCount += 1;
   1605         }
   1606         if(mCurrentFrame.fbZ > n4k2kYuvIndex){
   1607             mCurrentFrame.fbZ += 1;
   1608         }
   1609     }
   1610 }
   1612 bool MDPCompSplit::acquireMDPPipes(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_layer_1_t* layer,
   1613         MdpPipeInfoSplit& pipe_info,
   1614         ePipeType type) {
   1615     const int lSplit = getLeftSplit(ctx, mDpy);
   1617     hwc_rect_t dst = layer->displayFrame;
   1618     pipe_info.lIndex = ovutils::OV_INVALID;
   1619     pipe_info.rIndex = ovutils::OV_INVALID;
   1621     if (dst.left < lSplit) {
   1622         pipe_info.lIndex = getMdpPipe(ctx, type, Overlay::MIXER_LEFT);
   1623         if(pipe_info.lIndex == ovutils::OV_INVALID)
   1624             return false;
   1625     }
   1627     if(dst.right > lSplit) {
   1628         pipe_info.rIndex = getMdpPipe(ctx, type, Overlay::MIXER_RIGHT);
   1629         if(pipe_info.rIndex == ovutils::OV_INVALID)
   1630             return false;
   1631     }
   1633     return true;
   1634 }
   1636 bool MDPCompSplit::allocLayerPipes(hwc_context_t *ctx,
   1637         hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
   1638     for(int index = 0 ; index < mCurrentFrame.layerCount; index++) {
   1640         if(mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[index]) continue;
   1642         hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &list->hwLayers[index];
   1643         private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer->handle;
   1644         hwc_rect_t dst = layer->displayFrame;
   1645         const int lSplit = getLeftSplit(ctx, mDpy);
   1646         if(is4kx2kYuvBuffer(hnd) && sEnable4k2kYUVSplit){
   1647             if((dst.left > lSplit)||(dst.right < lSplit)){
   1648                 if(allocSplitVGPipesfor4k2k(ctx, index)){
   1649                     continue;
   1650                 }
   1651             }
   1652         }
   1653         int mdpIndex = mCurrentFrame.layerToMDP[index];
   1654         PipeLayerPair& info = mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex];
   1655         info.pipeInfo = new MdpPipeInfoSplit;
   1656         info.rot = NULL;
   1657         MdpPipeInfoSplit& pipe_info = *(MdpPipeInfoSplit*)info.pipeInfo;
   1658         ePipeType type = MDPCOMP_OV_ANY;
   1660         if(isYuvBuffer(hnd)) {
   1661             type = MDPCOMP_OV_VG;
   1662         } else if(!qhwc::needsScalingWithSplit(ctx, layer, mDpy)
   1663             && Overlay::getDMAMode() != Overlay::DMA_BLOCK_MODE
   1664             && ctx->mMDP.version >= qdutils::MDSS_V5) {
   1665             type = MDPCOMP_OV_DMA;
   1666         }
   1668         if(!acquireMDPPipes(ctx, layer, pipe_info, type)) {
   1669             ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Unable to get pipe for type = %d",
   1670                     __FUNCTION__, (int) type);
   1671             return false;
   1672         }
   1673     }
   1674     return true;
   1675 }
   1677 int MDPCompSplit::configure4k2kYuv(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_layer_1_t *layer,
   1678         PipeLayerPair& PipeLayerPair) {
   1679     const int lSplit = getLeftSplit(ctx, mDpy);
   1680     hwc_rect_t dst = layer->displayFrame;
   1681     if((dst.left > lSplit)||(dst.right < lSplit)){
   1682         MdpYUVPipeInfo& mdp_info =
   1683                 *(static_cast<MdpYUVPipeInfo*>(PipeLayerPair.pipeInfo));
   1684         eZorder zOrder = static_cast<eZorder>(mdp_info.zOrder);
   1685         eIsFg isFg = IS_FG_OFF;
   1686         eMdpFlags mdpFlagsL = OV_MDP_BACKEND_COMPOSITION;
   1687         eDest lDest = mdp_info.lIndex;
   1688         eDest rDest = mdp_info.rIndex;
   1690         return configureSourceSplit(ctx, layer, mDpy, mdpFlagsL, zOrder, isFg,
   1691                 lDest, rDest, &PipeLayerPair.rot);
   1692     }
   1693     else{
   1694         return configure(ctx, layer, PipeLayerPair);
   1695     }
   1696 }
   1698 /*
   1699  * Configures pipe(s) for MDP composition
   1700  */
   1701 int MDPCompSplit::configure(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_layer_1_t *layer,
   1702         PipeLayerPair& PipeLayerPair) {
   1703     MdpPipeInfoSplit& mdp_info =
   1704         *(static_cast<MdpPipeInfoSplit*>(PipeLayerPair.pipeInfo));
   1705     eZorder zOrder = static_cast<eZorder>(mdp_info.zOrder);
   1706     eIsFg isFg = IS_FG_OFF;
   1707     eMdpFlags mdpFlagsL = OV_MDP_BACKEND_COMPOSITION;
   1708     eDest lDest = mdp_info.lIndex;
   1709     eDest rDest = mdp_info.rIndex;
   1711     ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: configuring: layer: %p z_order: %d dest_pipeL: %d"
   1712              "dest_pipeR: %d",__FUNCTION__, layer, zOrder, lDest, rDest);
   1714     return configureSplit(ctx, layer, mDpy, mdpFlagsL, zOrder, isFg, lDest,
   1715                             rDest, &PipeLayerPair.rot);
   1716 }
   1718 bool MDPCompSplit::draw(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
   1720     if(!isEnabled()) {
   1721         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: MDP Comp not configured", __FUNCTION__);
   1722         return true;
   1723     }
   1725     if(!ctx || !list) {
   1726         ALOGE("%s: invalid contxt or list",__FUNCTION__);
   1727         return false;
   1728     }
   1730     if(ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers > MAX_NUM_APP_LAYERS) {
   1731         ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: Exceeding max layer count", __FUNCTION__);
   1732         return true;
   1733     }
   1735     // Set the Handle timeout to true for MDP or MIXED composition.
   1736     if(idleInvalidator && !sIdleFallBack && mCurrentFrame.mdpCount) {
   1737         sHandleTimeout = true;
   1738     }
   1740     overlay::Overlay& ov = *ctx->mOverlay;
   1741     LayerProp *layerProp = ctx->layerProp[mDpy];
   1743     int numHwLayers = ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers;
   1744     for(int i = 0; i < numHwLayers && mCurrentFrame.mdpCount; i++ )
   1745     {
   1746         if(mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[i]) continue;
   1748         hwc_layer_1_t *layer = &list->hwLayers[i];
   1749         private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer->handle;
   1750         if(!hnd) {
   1751             ALOGE("%s handle null", __FUNCTION__);
   1752             return false;
   1753         }
   1755         if(!(layerProp[i].mFlags & HWC_MDPCOMP)) {
   1756             continue;
   1757         }
   1759         int mdpIndex = mCurrentFrame.layerToMDP[i];
   1761         if(is4kx2kYuvBuffer(hnd) && sEnable4k2kYUVSplit)
   1762         {
   1763             MdpYUVPipeInfo& pipe_info =
   1764                 *(MdpYUVPipeInfo*)mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex].pipeInfo;
   1765             Rotator *rot = mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex].rot;
   1766             ovutils::eDest indexL = pipe_info.lIndex;
   1767             ovutils::eDest indexR = pipe_info.rIndex;
   1768             int fd = hnd->fd;
   1769             uint32_t offset = hnd->offset;
   1770             if(rot) {
   1771                 rot->queueBuffer(fd, offset);
   1772                 fd = rot->getDstMemId();
   1773                 offset = rot->getDstOffset();
   1774             }
   1775             if(indexL != ovutils::OV_INVALID) {
   1776                 ovutils::eDest destL = (ovutils::eDest)indexL;
   1777                 ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: MDP Comp: Drawing layer: %p hnd: %p \
   1778                         using  pipe: %d", __FUNCTION__, layer, hnd, indexL );
   1779                 if (!ov.queueBuffer(fd, offset, destL)) {
   1780                     ALOGE("%s: queueBuffer failed for display:%d",
   1781                             __FUNCTION__, mDpy);
   1782                     return false;
   1783                 }
   1784             }
   1786             if(indexR != ovutils::OV_INVALID) {
   1787                 ovutils::eDest destR = (ovutils::eDest)indexR;
   1788                 ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: MDP Comp: Drawing layer: %p hnd: %p \
   1789                         using  pipe: %d", __FUNCTION__, layer, hnd, indexR );
   1790                 if (!ov.queueBuffer(fd, offset, destR)) {
   1791                     ALOGE("%s: queueBuffer failed for display:%d",
   1792                             __FUNCTION__, mDpy);
   1793                     return false;
   1794                 }
   1795             }
   1796         }
   1797         else{
   1798             MdpPipeInfoSplit& pipe_info =
   1799                 *(MdpPipeInfoSplit*)mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex].pipeInfo;
   1800             Rotator *rot = mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex].rot;
   1802             ovutils::eDest indexL = pipe_info.lIndex;
   1803             ovutils::eDest indexR = pipe_info.rIndex;
   1805             int fd = hnd->fd;
   1806             int offset = hnd->offset;
   1808             if(ctx->mAD->isModeOn()) {
   1809                 if(ctx->mAD->draw(ctx, fd, offset)) {
   1810                     fd = ctx->mAD->getDstFd();
   1811                     offset = ctx->mAD->getDstOffset();
   1812                 }
   1813             }
   1815             if(rot) {
   1816                 rot->queueBuffer(fd, offset);
   1817                 fd = rot->getDstMemId();
   1818                 offset = rot->getDstOffset();
   1819             }
   1821             //************* play left mixer **********
   1822             if(indexL != ovutils::OV_INVALID) {
   1823                 ovutils::eDest destL = (ovutils::eDest)indexL;
   1824                 ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: MDP Comp: Drawing layer: %p hnd: %p \
   1825                         using  pipe: %d", __FUNCTION__, layer, hnd, indexL );
   1826                 if (!ov.queueBuffer(fd, offset, destL)) {
   1827                     ALOGE("%s: queueBuffer failed for left mixer",
   1828                             __FUNCTION__);
   1829                     return false;
   1830                 }
   1831             }
   1833             //************* play right mixer **********
   1834             if(indexR != ovutils::OV_INVALID) {
   1835                 ovutils::eDest destR = (ovutils::eDest)indexR;
   1836                 ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: MDP Comp: Drawing layer: %p hnd: %p \
   1837                         using  pipe: %d", __FUNCTION__, layer, hnd, indexR );
   1838                 if (!ov.queueBuffer(fd, offset, destR)) {
   1839                     ALOGE("%s: queueBuffer failed for right mixer",
   1840                             __FUNCTION__);
   1841                     return false;
   1842                 }
   1843             }
   1844         }
   1846         layerProp[i].mFlags &= ~HWC_MDPCOMP;
   1847     }
   1849     return true;
   1850 }
   1852 //================MDPCompSrcSplit==============================================
   1853 bool MDPCompSrcSplit::acquireMDPPipes(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_layer_1_t* layer,
   1854         MdpPipeInfoSplit& pipe_info, ePipeType /*type*/) {
   1855     private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer->handle;
   1856     hwc_rect_t dst = layer->displayFrame;
   1857     hwc_rect_t crop = integerizeSourceCrop(layer->sourceCropf);
   1858     pipe_info.lIndex = ovutils::OV_INVALID;
   1859     pipe_info.rIndex = ovutils::OV_INVALID;
   1861     //If 2 pipes are staged on a single stage of a mixer, then the left pipe
   1862     //should have a higher priority than the right one. Pipe priorities are
   1863     //starting with VG0, VG1 ... , RGB0 ..., DMA1
   1864     //TODO Currently we acquire VG pipes for left side and RGB/DMA for right to
   1865     //make sure pipe priorities are satisfied. A better way is to have priority
   1866     //as part of overlay object and acquire any 2 pipes. Assign the higher
   1867     //priority one to left side and lower to right side.
   1869     //1 pipe by default for a layer
   1870     pipe_info.lIndex = getMdpPipe(ctx, MDPCOMP_OV_VG, Overlay::MIXER_DEFAULT);
   1871     if(pipe_info.lIndex == ovutils::OV_INVALID) {
   1872         if(isYuvBuffer(hnd)) {
   1873             return false;
   1874         }
   1875         pipe_info.lIndex = getMdpPipe(ctx, MDPCOMP_OV_ANY,
   1876                 Overlay::MIXER_DEFAULT);
   1877         if(pipe_info.lIndex == ovutils::OV_INVALID) {
   1878             return false;
   1879         }
   1880     }
   1882     //If layer's crop width or dest width > 2048, use 2 pipes
   1883     if((dst.right - dst.left) > qdutils::MAX_DISPLAY_DIM or
   1884             (crop.right - crop.left) > qdutils::MAX_DISPLAY_DIM) {
   1885         ePipeType rightType = isYuvBuffer(hnd) ?
   1886                 MDPCOMP_OV_VG : MDPCOMP_OV_ANY;
   1887         pipe_info.rIndex = getMdpPipe(ctx, rightType, Overlay::MIXER_DEFAULT);
   1888         if(pipe_info.rIndex == ovutils::OV_INVALID) {
   1889             return false;
   1890         }
   1891     }
   1893     return true;
   1894 }
   1896 bool MDPCompSrcSplit::allocLayerPipes(hwc_context_t *ctx,
   1897         hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) {
   1898     for(int index = 0 ; index < mCurrentFrame.layerCount; index++) {
   1899         if(mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[index]) continue;
   1900         hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &list->hwLayers[index];
   1901         int mdpIndex = mCurrentFrame.layerToMDP[index];
   1902         PipeLayerPair& info = mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex];
   1903         info.pipeInfo = new MdpPipeInfoSplit;
   1904         info.rot = NULL;
   1905         MdpPipeInfoSplit& pipe_info = *(MdpPipeInfoSplit*)info.pipeInfo;
   1907         ePipeType type = MDPCOMP_OV_ANY;
   1908         if(!acquireMDPPipes(ctx, layer, pipe_info, type)) {
   1909             ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Unable to get pipe for type = %d",
   1910                     __FUNCTION__, (int) type);
   1911             return false;
   1912         }
   1913     }
   1914     return true;
   1915 }
   1917 int MDPCompSrcSplit::configure(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_layer_1_t *layer,
   1918         PipeLayerPair& PipeLayerPair) {
   1919     private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer->handle;
   1920     if(!hnd) {
   1921         ALOGE("%s: layer handle is NULL", __FUNCTION__);
   1922         return -1;
   1923     }
   1924     MetaData_t *metadata = (MetaData_t *)hnd->base_metadata;
   1925     MdpPipeInfoSplit& mdp_info =
   1926         *(static_cast<MdpPipeInfoSplit*>(PipeLayerPair.pipeInfo));
   1927     Rotator **rot = &PipeLayerPair.rot;
   1928     eZorder z = static_cast<eZorder>(mdp_info.zOrder);
   1929     eIsFg isFg = IS_FG_OFF;
   1930     eDest lDest = mdp_info.lIndex;
   1931     eDest rDest = mdp_info.rIndex;
   1932     hwc_rect_t crop = integerizeSourceCrop(layer->sourceCropf);
   1933     hwc_rect_t dst = layer->displayFrame;
   1934     int transform = layer->transform;
   1935     eTransform orient = static_cast<eTransform>(transform);
   1936     const int downscale = 0;
   1937     int rotFlags = ROT_FLAGS_NONE;
   1938     uint32_t format = ovutils::getMdpFormat(hnd->format, isTileRendered(hnd));
   1939     Whf whf(getWidth(hnd), getHeight(hnd), format, hnd->size);
   1941     ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: configuring: layer: %p z_order: %d dest_pipeL: %d"
   1942              "dest_pipeR: %d",__FUNCTION__, layer, z, lDest, rDest);
   1944     // Handle R/B swap
   1945     if (layer->flags & HWC_FORMAT_RB_SWAP) {
   1946         if (hnd->format == HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888)
   1947             whf.format = getMdpFormat(HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA_8888);
   1948         else if (hnd->format == HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBX_8888)
   1949             whf.format = getMdpFormat(HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRX_8888);
   1950     }
   1952     eMdpFlags mdpFlagsL = OV_MDP_BACKEND_COMPOSITION;
   1953     setMdpFlags(layer, mdpFlagsL, 0, transform);
   1954     eMdpFlags mdpFlagsR = mdpFlagsL;
   1956     if(lDest != OV_INVALID && rDest != OV_INVALID) {
   1957         //Enable overfetch
   1958         setMdpFlags(mdpFlagsL, OV_MDSS_MDP_DUAL_PIPE);
   1959     }
   1961     if(isYuvBuffer(hnd) && (transform & HWC_TRANSFORM_ROT_90)) {
   1962         (*rot) = ctx->mRotMgr->getNext();
   1963         if((*rot) == NULL) return -1;
   1964         //Configure rotator for pre-rotation
   1965         if(configRotator(*rot, whf, crop, mdpFlagsL, orient, downscale) < 0) {
   1966             ALOGE("%s: configRotator failed!", __FUNCTION__);
   1967             return -1;
   1968         }
   1969         ctx->mLayerRotMap[mDpy]->add(layer, *rot);
   1970         whf.format = (*rot)->getDstFormat();
   1971         updateSource(orient, whf, crop);
   1972         rotFlags |= ROT_PREROTATED;
   1973     }
   1975     //If 2 pipes being used, divide layer into half, crop and dst
   1976     hwc_rect_t cropL = crop;
   1977     hwc_rect_t cropR = crop;
   1978     hwc_rect_t dstL = dst;
   1979     hwc_rect_t dstR = dst;
   1980     if(lDest != OV_INVALID && rDest != OV_INVALID) {
   1981         cropL.right = (crop.right + crop.left) / 2;
   1982         cropR.left = cropL.right;
   1983         sanitizeSourceCrop(cropL, cropR, hnd);
   1985         //Swap crops on H flip since 2 pipes are being used
   1986         if((orient & OVERLAY_TRANSFORM_FLIP_H) && (*rot) == NULL) {
   1987             hwc_rect_t tmp = cropL;
   1988             cropL = cropR;
   1989             cropR = tmp;
   1990         }
   1992         dstL.right = (dst.right + dst.left) / 2;
   1993         dstR.left = dstL.right;
   1994     }
   1996     //For the mdp, since either we are pre-rotating or MDP does flips
   1997     orient = OVERLAY_TRANSFORM_0;
   1998     transform = 0;
   2000     //configure left pipe
   2001     if(lDest != OV_INVALID) {
   2002         PipeArgs pargL(mdpFlagsL, whf, z, isFg,
   2003                 static_cast<eRotFlags>(rotFlags), layer->planeAlpha,
   2004                 (ovutils::eBlending) getBlending(layer->blending));
   2006         if(configMdp(ctx->mOverlay, pargL, orient,
   2007                     cropL, dstL, metadata, lDest) < 0) {
   2008             ALOGE("%s: commit failed for left mixer config", __FUNCTION__);
   2009             return -1;
   2010         }
   2011     }
   2013     //configure right pipe
   2014     if(rDest != OV_INVALID) {
   2015         PipeArgs pargR(mdpFlagsR, whf, z, isFg,
   2016                 static_cast<eRotFlags>(rotFlags),
   2017                 layer->planeAlpha,
   2018                 (ovutils::eBlending) getBlending(layer->blending));
   2019         if(configMdp(ctx->mOverlay, pargR, orient,
   2020                     cropR, dstR, metadata, rDest) < 0) {
   2021             ALOGE("%s: commit failed for right mixer config", __FUNCTION__);
   2022             return -1;
   2023         }
   2024     }
   2026     return 0;
   2027 }
   2029 }; //namespace