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      1 /*
      2  *  Copyright 2001-2008 Texas Instruments - http://www.ti.com/
      3  *
      4  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  *  limitations under the License.
     15  */
     18 /*
     19  *  ======== csl.h ========
     20  *  DSP-BIOS Bridge driver support functions for TI OMAP processors.
     21  *  Purpose:
     22  *      Platform independent C Standard library functions.
     23  *
     24  *  Public Functions:
     25  *      CSL_AnsiToWchar
     26  *      CSL_Atoi
     27  *      CSL_ByteSwap
     28  *      CSL_Exit
     29  *      CSL_Init
     30  *      CSL_NumToAscii
     31  *      CSL_Strcmp
     32  *      CSL_Strcpyn
     33  *      CSL_Strlen
     34  *      CSL_Strncat
     35  *      CSL_Strncmp
     36  *      CSL_Strtok
     37  *      CSL_Strtokr
     38  *      CSL_WcharToAnsi
     39  *      CSL_Wstrlen
     40  *
     41  *! Revision History:
     42  *! ================
     43  *! 07-Aug-2002 jeh: Added CSL_Strtokr().
     44  *! 21-Sep-2001 jeh: Added CSL_Strncmp.
     45  *! 22-Nov-2000 map: Added CSL_Atoi and CSL_Strtok
     46  *! 19-Nov-2000 kc:  Added CSL_ByteSwap().
     47  *! 09-Nov-2000 kc:  Added CSL_Strncat.
     48  *! 29-Oct-1999 kc:  Added CSL_Wstrlen().
     49  *! 20-Sep-1999 ag:  Added CSL_Wchar2Ansi().
     50  *! 19-Jan-1998 cr:  Code review cleanup (mostly documentation fixes).
     51  *! 29-Dec-1997 cr:  Changed CSL_lowercase to CSL_Uppercase, added
     52  *!                  CSL_AnsiToWchar.
     53  *! 30-Sep-1997 cr:  Added explicit cdecl descriptors to fxn definitions.
     54  *! 25-Jun-1997 cr:  Added CSL_strcmp.
     55  *! 12-Jun-1996 gp:  Created.
     56  */
     58 #ifndef CSL_
     59 #define CSL_
     61 #ifdef __cplusplus
     62 extern "C" {
     63 #endif
     65 #include <dspapi.h>
     67 #ifdef UNICODE
     68 /*
     69  *  ======== CSL_AnsiToWchar ========
     70  *  Purpose:
     71  *      Convert an ansi string to a wide char string.
     72  *  Parameters:
     73  *      wpstrDest:  wide char buffer pointer.
     74  *      pstrSource: ansi string buffer pointer.
     75  *      uSize:      size of wpstrDest buffer.
     76  *  Returns:
     77  *      Number of characters copied into wpstrDest, excluding the NULL char.
     78  *  Requires:
     79  *      CSL initialized.
     80  *  Ensures:
     81  *  Details:
     82  *      uSize is the number of CHARACTERS in wpstrDest, NOT the number of BYTES
     83  *      in wpstrDest.  with a WCHAR, the number of characters is bytes/2.
     84  */
     85 	extern ULONG CSL_AnsiToWchar(OUT WCHAR * pwszDest,
     86 				     IN PSTR pstrSource, ULONG uSize);
     87 #endif
     89 /*
     90  *  ======== CSL_Atoi ========
     91  *  Purpose:
     92  *      Convert a 1 or 2 digit string number into an integer
     93  *  Parameters:
     94  *      ptstrSrc:   pointer to string.
     95  *  Returns:
     96  *      Integer
     97  *  Requires:
     98  *      CSL initialized.
     99  *      ptstrSrc is a valid string pointer.
    100  *  Ensures:
    101  */
    102 	extern INT CSL_Atoi(IN CONST CHAR * ptstrSrc);
    104 /*
    105  *  ======== CSL_ByteSwap ========
    106  *  Purpose:
    107  *      Convert an ansi string to a wide char string.
    108  *  Parameters:
    109  *      pstrSrc:    Data to be copied and swapped.
    110  *      pstrDest:   Output buffer for swapped data.
    111  *      ulBytes:    Number of bytes to be swapped (should be even).
    112  *  Returns:
    113  *  Requires:
    114  *      CSL initialized.
    115  *  Ensures:
    116  *  Details:
    117  */
    118 	extern VOID CSL_ByteSwap(IN PSTR pstrSrc,
    119 				 OUT PSTR pstrDest, IN ULONG ulBytes);
    121 /*
    122  *  ======== CSL_Exit ========
    123  *  Purpose:
    124  *      Discontinue usage of the CSL module.
    125  *  Parameters:
    126  *  Returns:
    127  *  Requires:
    128  *      CSL initialized.
    129  *  Ensures:
    130  *      Resources acquired in CSL_Init() are freed.
    131  */
    132 	extern VOID CSL_Exit();
    134 /*
    135  *  ======== CSL_Init ========
    136  *  Purpose:
    137  *      Initialize the CSL module's private state.
    138  *  Parameters:
    139  *  Returns:
    140  *      TRUE if initialized; FALSE if error occured.
    141  *  Requires:
    142  *  Ensures:
    143  *      A requirement for each of the other public CSL functions.
    144  */
    145 	extern bool CSL_Init();
    147 /*
    148  *  ======== CSL_NumToAscii ========
    149  *  Purpose:
    150  *      Convert a 1 or 2 digit number to a 2 digit string.
    151  *  Parameters:
    152  *      pstrNumber: Buffer to store converted string.
    153  *      dwNum:      Number to convert.
    154  *  Returns:
    155  *  Requires:
    156  *      pstrNumber must be able to hold at least three characters.
    157  *  Ensures:
    158  *      pstrNumber will be null terminated.
    159  */
    160 	extern VOID CSL_NumToAscii(OUT PSTR pstrNumber, IN DWORD dwNum);
    162 /*
    163  *  ======== CSL_Strcmp ========
    164  *  Purpose:
    165  *      Compare 2 ASCII strings.  Works the same way as stdio's strcmp.
    166  *  Parameters:
    167  *      pstrStr1:   String 1.
    168  *      pstrStr2:   String 2.
    169  *  Returns:
    170  *      A signed value that gives the results of the comparison:
    171  *      Zero:   String1 equals String2.
    172  *      < Zero: String1 is less than String2.
    173  *      > Zero: String1 is greater than String2.
    174  *  Requires:
    175  *      CSL initialized.
    176  *      pstrStr1 is valid.
    177  *      pstrStr2 is valid.
    178  *  Ensures:
    179  */
    180 	extern LONG CSL_Strcmp(IN CONST PSTR pstrStr1, IN CONST PSTR pstrStr2);
    182 /*
    183  *  ======== CSL_Strcpyn ========
    184  *  Purpose:
    185  *      Safe strcpy function.
    186  *  Parameters:
    187  *      pstrDest:   Ptr to destination buffer.
    188  *      pstrSrc:    Ptr to source buffer.
    189  *      cMax:       Size of destination buffer.
    190  *  Returns:
    191  *      Ptr to destination buffer; or NULL if error.
    192  *  Requires:
    193  *      CSL initialized.
    194  *      pstrDest is valid.
    195  *      pstrSrc is valid.
    196  *  Ensures:
    197  *      Will not copy more than cMax bytes from pstrSrc into pstrDest.
    198  *      pstrDest will be terminated by a NULL character.
    199  */
    200 	extern PSTR CSL_Strcpyn(OUT PSTR pstrDest, IN CONST PSTR pstrSrc,
    201 				IN DWORD cMax);
    203 /*
    204  *  ======== CSL_Strstr ========
    205  *  Purpose:
    206  *      Find substring in a stringn.
    207  *  Parameters:
    208  *      haystack:   Ptr to string1.
    209  *      needle:    Ptr to substring to catch.
    210  *  Returns:
    211  *      Ptr to first char matching the substring in the main string.
    212  *  Requires:
    213  *      CSL initialized.
    214  *      haystack is valid.
    215  *      needle is valid.
    216  *  Ensures:
    217  */
    218 	extern PSTR CSL_Strstr(IN CONST PSTR haystack, IN CONST PSTR needle);
    220 /*
    221  *  ======== CSL_Strlen ========
    222  *  Purpose:
    223  *      Determine the length of a null terminated ASCI string.
    224  *  Parameters:
    225  *      pstrSrc:    pointer to string.
    226  *  Returns:
    227  *      String length in bytes.
    228  *  Requires:
    229  *      CSL initialized.
    230  *      pstrSrc is a valid string pointer.
    231  *  Ensures:
    232  */
    233 	extern DWORD CSL_Strlen(IN CONST PSTR pstrSrc);
    235 /*
    236  *  ======== CSL_Strncat ========
    237  *  Purpose:
    238  *      Concatenate two strings together.
    239  *  Parameters:
    240  *      pszDest:    Destination string.
    241  *      pszSrc:     Source string.
    242  *      dwSize:     Number of characters to copy.
    243  *  Returns:
    244  *      Pointer to destination string.
    245  *  Requires:
    246  *      CSL initialized.
    247  *      pszDest and pszSrc are valid pointers.
    248  *  Ensures:
    249  */
    250 	extern PSTR CSL_Strncat(IN PSTR pszDest,
    251 				IN PSTR pszSrc, IN DWORD dwSize);
    253 /*
    254  *  ======== CSL_Strncmp ========
    255  *  Purpose:
    256  *      Compare at most n characters of two ASCII strings.  Works the same
    257  *      way as stdio's strncmp.
    258  *  Parameters:
    259  *      pstrStr1:   String 1.
    260  *      pstrStr2:   String 2.
    261  *      n:          Number of characters to compare.
    262  *  Returns:
    263  *      A signed value that gives the results of the comparison:
    264  *      Zero:   String1 equals String2.
    265  *      < Zero: String1 is less than String2.
    266  *      > Zero: String1 is greater than String2.
    267  *  Requires:
    268  *      CSL initialized.
    269  *      pstrStr1 is valid.
    270  *      pstrStr2 is valid.
    271  *  Ensures:
    272  */
    273 	extern LONG CSL_Strncmp(IN CONST PSTR pstrStr1,
    274 				IN CONST PSTR pstrStr2, IN DWORD n);
    276 /*
    277  *  ======== CSL_Strtok ========
    278  *  Purpose:
    279  *      Tokenize a NULL terminated string
    280  *  Parameters:
    281  *      ptstrSrc:       pointer to string.
    282  *      szSeparators:   pointer to a string of seperators
    283  *  Returns:
    284  *      String
    285  *  Requires:
    286  *      CSL initialized.
    287  *      ptstrSrc is a valid string pointer.
    288  *      szSeparators is a valid string pointer.
    289  *  Ensures:
    290  */
    291 	extern CHAR *CSL_Strtok(IN CHAR * ptstrSrc,
    292 				IN CONST CHAR * szSeparators);
    294 /*
    295  *  ======== CSL_Strtokr ========
    296  *  Purpose:
    297  *      Re-entrant version of strtok.
    298  *  Parameters:
    299  *      pstrSrc:        Pointer to string. May be NULL on subsequent calls.
    300  *      szSeparators:   Pointer to a string of seperators
    301  *      ppstrCur:       Location to store start of string for next call to
    302  *                      to CSL_Strtokr.
    303  *  Returns:
    304  *      String (the token)
    305  *  Requires:
    306  *      CSL initialized.
    307  *      szSeparators != NULL
    308  *      ppstrCur != NULL
    309  *  Ensures:
    310  */
    311 	extern CHAR *CSL_Strtokr(IN CHAR * pstrSrc,
    312 				 IN CONST CHAR * szSeparators,
    313 				 OUT CHAR ** ppstrCur);
    315 #ifdef UNICODE
    316 /*
    317  *  ======== CSL_WcharToAnsi ========
    318  *  Purpose:
    319  *      Convert a wide char string to an ansi string.
    320  *  Parameters:
    321  *     pstrDest:    ansi string buffer pointer.
    322  *     pwszSource:  wide char buffer pointer.
    323  *     uSize:       number of chars to convert.
    324  *  Returns:
    325  *      Number of characters copied into pstrDest.
    326  *  Requires:
    327  *      CSL initialized.
    328  *  Ensures:
    329  *  Details:
    330  *      lNumOfChars is the number of CHARACTERS in wpstrDest, NOT the number of
    331  *      BYTES
    332  */
    333 	extern ULONG CSL_WcharToAnsi(OUT PSTR pstrDest,
    334 				     IN WCHAR * pwszSource, IN ULONG uSize);
    336 /*
    337  *  ======== CSL_Wstrlen ========
    338  *  Purpose:
    339  *      Determine the length of a null terminated UNICODE string.
    340  *  Parameters:
    341  *      ptstrSrc: pointer to string.
    342  *  Returns:
    343  *      String length in bytes.
    344  *  Requires:
    345  *      CSL initialized.
    346  *      ptstrSrc is a valid string pointer.
    347  *  Ensures:
    348  */
    349 	extern DWORD CSL_Wstrlen(IN CONST TCHAR * ptstrSrc);
    350 #endif
    352 #ifdef __cplusplus
    353 }
    354 #endif
    355 #endif				/* CSL_ */