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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 /*$Id: db_feature_matching.h,v 1.3 2011/06/17 14:03:30 mbansal Exp $*/
     19 #ifndef DB_FEATURE_MATCHING_H
     20 #define DB_FEATURE_MATCHING_H
     22 /*****************************************************************
     23 *    Lean and mean begins here                                   *
     24 *****************************************************************/
     25 /*!
     26  * \defgroup FeatureMatching Feature Matching
     27  */
     28 #include "db_utilities.h"
     29 #include "db_utilities_constants.h"
     31 DB_API void db_SignedSquareNormCorr21x21_PreAlign_u(short *patch,const unsigned char * const *f_img,int x_f,int y_f,float *sum,float *recip);
     32 DB_API void db_SignedSquareNormCorr11x11_PreAlign_u(short *patch,const unsigned char * const *f_img,int x_f,int y_f,float *sum,float *recip);
     33 float db_SignedSquareNormCorr21x21Aligned_Post_s(const short *f_patch,const short *g_patch,float fsum_gsum,float f_recip_g_recip);
     34 float db_SignedSquareNormCorr11x11Aligned_Post_s(const short *f_patch,const short *g_patch,float fsum_gsum,float f_recip_g_recip);
     36 class db_PointInfo_f
     37 {
     38 public:
     39     /*Coordinates of point*/
     40     int x;
     41     int y;
     42     /*Id nr of point*/
     43     int id;
     44     /*Best match score*/
     45     double s;
     46     /*Best match candidate*/
     47     db_PointInfo_f *pir;
     48     /*Precomputed coefficients
     49     of image patch*/
     50     float sum;
     51     float recip;
     52     /*Pointer to patch layout*/
     53     const float *patch;
     54 };
     56 class db_Bucket_f
     57 {
     58 public:
     59     db_PointInfo_f *ptr;
     60     int nr;
     61 };
     63 class db_PointInfo_u
     64 {
     65 public:
     66     /*Coordinates of point*/
     67     int x;
     68     int y;
     69     /*Id nr of point*/
     70     int id;
     71     /*Best match score*/
     72     double s;
     73     /*Best match candidate*/
     74     db_PointInfo_u *pir;
     75     /*Precomputed coefficients
     76     of image patch*/
     77     float sum;
     78     float recip;
     79     /*Pointer to patch layout*/
     80     const short *patch;
     81 };
     83 class db_Bucket_u
     84 {
     85 public:
     86     db_PointInfo_u *ptr;
     87     int nr;
     88 };
     89 /*!
     90  * \class db_Matcher_f
     91  * \ingroup FeatureMatching
     92  * \brief Feature matcher for float images.
     93  *
     94  * Normalized correlation feature matcher for <b>float</b> images.
     95  * Correlation window size is constant and set to 11x11.
     96  * See \ref FeatureDetection to detect Harris corners.
     97  * Images are managed with functions in \ref LMImageBasicUtilities.
     98  */
     99 class DB_API db_Matcher_f
    100 {
    101 public:
    102     db_Matcher_f();
    103     ~db_Matcher_f();
    105     /*!
    106      * Set parameters and pre-allocate memory. Return an upper bound
    107      * on the number of matches.
    108      * \param im_width          width
    109      * \param im_height         height
    110      * \param max_disparity     maximum distance (as fraction of image size) between matches
    111      * \param target_nr_corners maximum number of matches
    112      * \return maximum number of matches
    113      */
    114     unsigned long Init(int im_width,int im_height,
    115         double max_disparity=DB_DEFAULT_MAX_DISPARITY,
    116         int target_nr_corners=DB_DEFAULT_TARGET_NR_CORNERS);
    118     /*!
    119      * Match two sets of features.
    120      * If the prewarp H is not NULL it will be applied to the features
    121      * in the right image before matching.
    122      * Parameters id_l and id_r must point to arrays of size target_nr_corners
    123      * (returned by Init()).
    124      * The results of matching are in id_l and id_r.
    125      * Interpretaqtion of results: if id_l[i] = m and id_r[i] = n,
    126      * feature at (x_l[m],y_l[m]) matched to (x_r[n],y_r[n]).
    127      * \param l_img     left image
    128      * \param r_img     right image
    129      * \param x_l       left x coordinates of features
    130      * \param y_l       left y coordinates of features
    131      * \param nr_l      number of features in left image
    132      * \param x_r       right x coordinates of features
    133      * \param y_r       right y coordinates of features
    134      * \param nr_r      number of features in right image
    135      * \param id_l      indices of left features that matched
    136      * \param id_r      indices of right features that matched
    137      * \param nr_matches    number of features actually matched
    138      * \param H         image homography (prewarp) to be applied to right image features
    139      */
    140     void Match(const float * const *l_img,const float * const *r_img,
    141         const double *x_l,const double *y_l,int nr_l,const double *x_r,const double *y_r,int nr_r,
    142         int *id_l,int *id_r,int *nr_matches,const double H[9]=0);
    144 protected:
    145     void Clean();
    147     int m_w,m_h,m_bw,m_bh,m_nr_h,m_nr_v,m_bd,m_target;
    148     unsigned long m_kA,m_kB;
    149     db_Bucket_f **m_bp_l;
    150     db_Bucket_f **m_bp_r;
    151     float *m_patch_space,*m_aligned_patch_space;
    152 };
    153 /*!
    154  * \class db_Matcher_u
    155  * \ingroup FeatureMatching
    156  * \brief Feature matcher for byte images.
    157  *
    158  * Normalized correlation feature matcher for <b>byte</b> images.
    159  * Correlation window size is constant and set to 11x11.
    160  * See \ref FeatureDetection to detect Harris corners.
    161  * Images are managed with functions in \ref LMImageBasicUtilities.
    162  *
    163  * If the prewarp matrix H is supplied, the feature coordinates are warped by H before being placed in
    164  * appropriate buckets. If H is an affine transform and the "affine" parameter is set to 1 or 2,
    165  * then the correlation patches themselves are warped before being placed in the patch space.
    166  */
    167 class DB_API db_Matcher_u
    168 {
    169 public:
    170     db_Matcher_u();
    172     int GetPatchSize(){return 11;};
    174     virtual ~db_Matcher_u();
    176     /*!
    177      Copy ctor duplicates settings.
    178      Memory not copied.
    179      */
    180     db_Matcher_u(const db_Matcher_u& cm);
    182     /*!
    183      Assignment optor duplicates settings
    184      Memory not copied.
    185      */
    186     db_Matcher_u& operator= (const db_Matcher_u& cm);
    188     /*!
    189      * Set parameters and pre-allocate memory. Return an upper bound
    190      * on the number of matches.
    191      * If max_disparity_v is DB_DEFAULT_NO_DISPARITY, look for matches
    192      * in a ellipse around a feature of radius max_disparity*im_width by max_disparity*im_height.
    193      * If max_disparity_v is specified, use a rectangle max_disparity*im_width by max_disparity_v*im_height.
    194      * \param im_width          width
    195      * \param im_height         height
    196      * \param max_disparity     maximum distance (as fraction of image size) between matches
    197      * \param target_nr_corners maximum number of matches
    198      * \param max_disparity_v   maximum vertical disparity (distance between matches)
    199      * \param use_smaller_matching_window   if set to true, uses a correlation window of 5x5 instead of the default 11x11
    200      * \return maximum number of matches
    201      */
    202     virtual unsigned long Init(int im_width,int im_height,
    203         double max_disparity=DB_DEFAULT_MAX_DISPARITY,
    204         int target_nr_corners=DB_DEFAULT_TARGET_NR_CORNERS,
    205         double max_disparity_v=DB_DEFAULT_NO_DISPARITY,
    206         bool use_smaller_matching_window=false, int use_21=0);
    208     /*!
    209      * Match two sets of features.
    210      * If the prewarp H is not NULL it will be applied to the features
    211      * in the right image before matching.
    212      * Parameters id_l and id_r must point to arrays of size target_nr_corners
    213      * (returned by Init()).
    214      * The results of matching are in id_l and id_r.
    215      * Interpretaqtion of results: if id_l[i] = m and id_r[i] = n,
    216      * feature at (x_l[m],y_l[m]) matched to (x_r[n],y_r[n]).
    217      * \param l_img     left image
    218      * \param r_img     right image
    219      * \param x_l       left x coordinates of features
    220      * \param y_l       left y coordinates of features
    221      * \param nr_l      number of features in left image
    222      * \param x_r       right x coordinates of features
    223      * \param y_r       right y coordinates of features
    224      * \param nr_r      number of features in right image
    225      * \param id_l      indices of left features that matched
    226      * \param id_r      indices of right features that matched
    227      * \param nr_matches    number of features actually matched
    228      * \param H         image homography (prewarp) to be applied to right image features
    229      * \param affine    prewarp the 11x11 patches by given affine transform. 0 means no warping,
    230                         1 means nearest neighbor, 2 means bilinear warping.
    231      */
    232     virtual void Match(const unsigned char * const *l_img,const unsigned char * const *r_img,
    233         const double *x_l,const double *y_l,int nr_l,const double *x_r,const double *y_r,int nr_r,
    234         int *id_l,int *id_r,int *nr_matches,const double H[9]=0,int affine=0);
    236     /*!
    237      * Checks if Init() was called.
    238      * \return 1 if Init() was called, 0 otherwise.
    239      */
    240     int IsAllocated();
    242 protected:
    243     virtual void Clean();
    246     int m_w,m_h,m_bw,m_bh,m_nr_h,m_nr_v,m_bd,m_target;
    247     unsigned long m_kA,m_kB;
    248     db_Bucket_u **m_bp_l;
    249     db_Bucket_u **m_bp_r;
    250     short *m_patch_space,*m_aligned_patch_space;
    252     double m_max_disparity, m_max_disparity_v;
    253     int m_rect_window;
    254     bool m_use_smaller_matching_window;
    255     int m_use_21;
    256 };
    260 #endif /*DB_FEATURE_MATCHING_H*/