Package lldb :: Class SBTarget
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class SBTarget

source code

Represents the target program running under the debugger.

SBTarget supports module, breakpoint, and watchpoint iterations. For example,

    for m in target.module_iter():
        print m


(x86_64) /Volumes/data/lldb/svn/trunk/test/python_api/lldbutil/iter/a.out
(x86_64) /usr/lib/dyld
(x86_64) /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib
(x86_64) /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
(x86_64) /usr/lib/system/libmathCommon.A.dylib
(x86_64) /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib(__commpage)


    for b in target.breakpoint_iter():
        print b


SBBreakpoint: id = 1, file ='main.cpp', line = 66, locations = 1
SBBreakpoint: id = 2, file ='main.cpp', line = 85, locations = 1


    for wp_loc in target.watchpoint_iter():
        print wp_loc


Watchpoint 1: addr = 0x1034ca048 size = 4 state = enabled type = rw
    declare @ '/Volumes/data/lldb/svn/trunk/test/python_api/watchpoint/main.c:12'
    hw_index = 0  hit_count = 2     ignore_count = 0

Nested Classes [hide private]
A helper object that will lazily hand out lldb.SBModule objects for a target when supplied an index, or by full or partial path.
Instance Methods [hide private]
__setattr__(self, name, value)
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
source code
__getattr__(self, name) source code
source code
module_iter(self) source code
breakpoint_iter(self) source code
watchpoint_iter(self) source code
__init__(self, *args)
__init__(lldb::SBTarget self) -> SBTarget __init__(lldb::SBTarget self, SBTarget rhs) -> SBTarget
source code
delete_SBTarget(SBTarget self)
__del__(self) source code
__nonzero__(self) source code
IsValid(SBTarget self) -> bool
source code
GetProcess(SBTarget self) -> SBProcess
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LaunchSimple(self, *args)
LaunchSimple(SBTarget self, str const ** argv, str const ** envp, str const * working_directory) -> SBProcess
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Launch(self, *args)
Launch(SBTarget self, SBListener listener, str const ** argv, str const ** envp, str const * stdin_path, str const * stdout_path, str const * stderr_path, str const * working_directory, uint32_t launch_flags, bool stop_at_entry, SBError error) -> SBProcess Launch(SBTarget self, SBLaunchInfo launch_info, SBError error) -> SBProcess
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LoadCore(self, *args)
LoadCore(SBTarget self, str const * core_file) -> SBProcess
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Attach(self, *args)
Attach(SBTarget self, SBAttachInfo attach_info, SBError error) -> SBProcess
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AttachToProcessWithID(self, *args)
AttachToProcessWithID(SBTarget self, SBListener listener, lldb::pid_t pid, SBError error) -> SBProcess
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AttachToProcessWithName(self, *args)
AttachToProcessWithName(SBTarget self, SBListener listener, str const * name, bool wait_for, SBError error) -> SBProcess
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ConnectRemote(self, *args)
ConnectRemote(SBTarget self, SBListener listener, str const * url, str const * plugin_name, SBError error) -> SBProcess
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GetExecutable(SBTarget self) -> SBFileSpec
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AddModule(self, *args)
AddModule(SBTarget self, SBModule module) -> bool AddModule(SBTarget self, str const * path, str const * triple, str const * uuid) -> SBModule AddModule(SBTarget self, str const * path, str const * triple, str const * uuid_cstr, str const * symfile) -> SBModule AddModule(SBTarget self, SBModuleSpec module_spec) -> SBModule
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GetNumModules(SBTarget self) -> uint32_t
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GetModuleAtIndex(self, *args)
GetModuleAtIndex(SBTarget self, uint32_t idx) -> SBModule
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RemoveModule(self, *args)
RemoveModule(SBTarget self, SBModule module) -> bool
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GetDebugger(SBTarget self) -> SBDebugger
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FindModule(self, *args)
FindModule(SBTarget self, SBFileSpec file_spec) -> SBModule
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GetByteOrder(SBTarget self) -> lldb::ByteOrder
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GetAddressByteSize(SBTarget self) -> uint32_t
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GetTriple(SBTarget self) -> str const *
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SetSectionLoadAddress(self, *args)
SetSectionLoadAddress(SBTarget self, SBSection section, lldb::addr_t section_base_addr) -> SBError
source code
ClearSectionLoadAddress(self, *args)
ClearSectionLoadAddress(SBTarget self, SBSection section) -> SBError
source code
SetModuleLoadAddress(self, *args)
SetModuleLoadAddress(SBTarget self, SBModule module, int64_t sections_offset) -> SBError
source code
ClearModuleLoadAddress(self, *args)
ClearModuleLoadAddress(SBTarget self, SBModule module) -> SBError
source code
FindFunctions(self, *args)
FindFunctions(SBTarget self, str const * name, uint32_t name_type_mask=eFunctionNameTypeAny) -> SBSymbolContextList FindFunctions(SBTarget self, str const * name) -> SBSymbolContextList
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FindFirstType(self, *args)
FindFirstType(SBTarget self, str const * type) -> SBType
source code
FindTypes(self, *args)
FindTypes(SBTarget self, str const * type) -> SBTypeList
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GetBasicType(self, *args)
GetBasicType(SBTarget self, lldb::BasicType type) -> SBType
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GetSourceManager(SBTarget self) -> SBSourceManager
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FindGlobalVariables(self, *args)
FindGlobalVariables(SBTarget self, str const * name, uint32_t max_matches) -> SBValueList
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FindFirstGlobalVariable(self, *args)
FindFirstGlobalVariable(SBTarget self, str const * name) -> SBValue
source code
Clear(SBTarget self)
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ResolveLoadAddress(self, *args)
ResolveLoadAddress(SBTarget self, lldb::addr_t vm_addr) -> SBAddress
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ResolveSymbolContextForAddress(self, *args)
ResolveSymbolContextForAddress(SBTarget self, SBAddress addr, uint32_t resolve_scope) -> SBSymbolContext
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BreakpointCreateByLocation(self, *args)
BreakpointCreateByLocation(SBTarget self, str const * file, uint32_t line) -> SBBreakpoint BreakpointCreateByLocation(SBTarget self, SBFileSpec file_spec, uint32_t line) -> SBBreakpoint
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BreakpointCreateByName(self, *args)
BreakpointCreateByName(SBTarget self, str const * symbol_name, str const * module_name=None) -> SBBreakpoint BreakpointCreateByName(SBTarget self, str const * symbol_name) -> SBBreakpoint BreakpointCreateByName(SBTarget self, str const * symbol_name, uint32_t func_name_type, SBFileSpecList module_list, SBFileSpecList comp_unit_list) -> SBBreakpoint
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BreakpointCreateByNames(self, *args)
BreakpointCreateByNames(SBTarget self, str const *[] symbol_name, uint32_t num_names, uint32_t name_type_mask, SBFileSpecList module_list, ...
source code
BreakpointCreateByRegex(self, *args)
BreakpointCreateByRegex(SBTarget self, str const * symbol_name_regex, str const * module_name=None) -> SBBreakpoint BreakpointCreateByRegex(SBTarget self, str const * symbol_name_regex) -> SBBreakpoint
source code
BreakpointCreateBySourceRegex(self, *args)
BreakpointCreateBySourceRegex(SBTarget self, str const * source_regex, SBFileSpec source_file, str const * module_name=None) -> SBBreakpoint BreakpointCreateBySourceRegex(SBTarget self, str const * source_regex, SBFileSpec source_file) -> SBBreakpoint
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BreakpointCreateForException(self, *args)
BreakpointCreateForException(SBTarget self, lldb::LanguageType language, bool catch_bp, bool throw_bp) -> SBBreakpoint
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BreakpointCreateByAddress(self, *args)
BreakpointCreateByAddress(SBTarget self, lldb::addr_t address) -> SBBreakpoint
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GetNumBreakpoints(SBTarget self) -> uint32_t
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GetBreakpointAtIndex(self, *args)
GetBreakpointAtIndex(SBTarget self, uint32_t idx) -> SBBreakpoint
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BreakpointDelete(self, *args)
BreakpointDelete(SBTarget self, lldb::break_id_t break_id) -> bool
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FindBreakpointByID(self, *args)
FindBreakpointByID(SBTarget self, lldb::break_id_t break_id) -> SBBreakpoint
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EnableAllBreakpoints(SBTarget self) -> bool
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DisableAllBreakpoints(SBTarget self) -> bool
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DeleteAllBreakpoints(SBTarget self) -> bool
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GetNumWatchpoints(SBTarget self) -> uint32_t
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GetWatchpointAtIndex(self, *args)
GetWatchpointAtIndex(SBTarget self, uint32_t idx) -> SBWatchpoint
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DeleteWatchpoint(self, *args)
DeleteWatchpoint(SBTarget self, lldb::watch_id_t watch_id) -> bool
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FindWatchpointByID(self, *args)
FindWatchpointByID(SBTarget self, lldb::watch_id_t watch_id) -> SBWatchpoint
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EnableAllWatchpoints(SBTarget self) -> bool
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DisableAllWatchpoints(SBTarget self) -> bool
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DeleteAllWatchpoints(SBTarget self) -> bool
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WatchAddress(self, *args)
WatchAddress(SBTarget self, lldb::addr_t addr, size_t size, bool read, bool write, SBError error) -> SBWatchpoint
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GetBroadcaster(SBTarget self) -> SBBroadcaster
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ReadInstructions(self, *args)
ReadInstructions(SBTarget self, SBAddress base_addr, uint32_t count) -> SBInstructionList ReadInstructions(SBTarget self, SBAddress base_addr, uint32_t count, str const * flavor_string) -> SBInstructionList
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GetInstructions(self, *args)
GetInstructions(SBTarget self, SBAddress base_addr, void const * buf) -> SBInstructionList
source code
GetInstructionsWithFlavor(self, *args)
GetInstructionsWithFlavor(SBTarget self, SBAddress base_addr, str const * flavor_string, void const * buf) -> SBInstructionList
source code
FindSymbols(self, *args)
FindSymbols(SBTarget self, str const * name, lldb::SymbolType type=eSymbolTypeAny) -> SBSymbolContextList FindSymbols(SBTarget self, str const * name) -> SBSymbolContextList
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GetDescription(self, *args)
GetDescription(SBTarget self, SBStream description, lldb::DescriptionLevel description_level) -> bool
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GetStackRedZoneSize(SBTarget self) -> lldb::addr_t
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EvaluateExpression(self, *args)
EvaluateExpression(SBTarget self, str const * expr, SBExpressionOptions options) -> SBValue
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An accessor function that returns a modules_access() object which allows lazy module access from a lldb.SBTarget object.
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An accessor function that returns a list() that contains all modules in a lldb.SBTarget object.
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__str__(SBTarget self) -> PyObject *
source code
__eq__(self, rhs) source code
__ne__(self, rhs) source code

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Static Methods [hide private]
str const *
GetBroadcasterClassName() source code
Class Variables [hide private]
  __swig_setmethods__ = {}
  __swig_getmethods__ = {}
  eBroadcastBitBreakpointChanged = 1
  eBroadcastBitModulesLoaded = 2
  eBroadcastBitModulesUnloaded = 4
  eBroadcastBitWatchpointChanged = 8
  eBroadcastBitSymbolsLoaded = 16
Properties [hide private]
A read only property that returns the size in bytes of an address for this target.
A read only property that an lldb object that represents the broadcaster (lldb.SBBroadcaster) for this target.
A read only property that returns an lldb enumeration value (lldb.eByteOrderLittle, lldb.eByteOrderBig, lldb.eByteOrderInvalid) that represents the byte order for this target.
A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the debugger (lldb.SBDebugger) that owns this target.
A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the main executable module (lldb.SBModule) for this target.
A read only property that returns an object that implements python operator overloading with the square brackets().\n target.module[<int>] allows array access to any modules.\n target.module[<str>] allows access to modules by basename, full path, or uuid string value.\n target.module[uuid.UUID()] allows module access by UUID.\n target.module[re] allows module access using a regular expression that matches the module full path.
A read only property that returns a list() of lldb.SBModule objects contained in this target.
A read only property that returns the number of breakpoints that this target has as an integer.
A read only property that returns the number of watchpoints that this target has as an integer.
A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the process (lldb.SBProcess) that this target owns.
A read only property that returns the target triple (arch-vendor-os) for this target as a string.

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__setattr__(self, name, value)

source code 

x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value

Overrides: object.__setattr__
(inherited documentation)

(Representation operator)

source code 


Overrides: object.__repr__
(inherited documentation)

__init__(self, *args)

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__init__(lldb::SBTarget self) -> SBTarget __init__(lldb::SBTarget self, SBTarget rhs) -> SBTarget

Overrides: object.__init__

LaunchSimple(self, *args)

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LaunchSimple(SBTarget self, str const ** argv, str const ** envp, str const * working_directory) -> SBProcess

Launch a new process with sensible defaults.

@param[in] argv
    The argument array.

@param[in] envp
    The environment array.

@param[in] working_directory
    The working directory to have the child process run in

Default: listener
    Set to the target's debugger (SBTarget::GetDebugger())

Default: launch_flags
    Empty launch flags

Default: stdin_path
Default: stdout_path
Default: stderr_path
    A pseudo terminal will be used.

     A process object for the newly created process.

For example,

    process = target.LaunchSimple(['X', 'Y', 'Z'], None, os.getcwd())

launches a new process by passing 'X', 'Y', 'Z' as the args to the

Launch(self, *args)

source code 

Launch(SBTarget self, SBListener listener, str const ** argv, str const ** envp, str const * stdin_path, 
    str const * stdout_path, str const * stderr_path, str const * working_directory, 
    uint32_t launch_flags, bool stop_at_entry, SBError error) -> SBProcess
Launch(SBTarget self, SBLaunchInfo launch_info, SBError error) -> SBProcess

Launch a new process.

Launch a new process by spawning a new process using the
target object's executable module's file as the file to launch.
Arguments are given in argv, and the environment variables
are in envp. Standard input and output files can be
optionally re-directed to stdin_path, stdout_path, and

@param[in] listener
    An optional listener that will receive all process events.
    If listener is valid then listener will listen to all
    process events. If not valid, then this target's debugger
    (SBTarget::GetDebugger()) will listen to all process events. 

@param[in] argv
    The argument array.

@param[in] envp
    The environment array.

@param[in] launch_flags
    Flags to modify the launch (@see lldb::LaunchFlags)

@param[in] stdin_path
    The path to use when re-directing the STDIN of the new
    process. If all stdXX_path arguments are NULL, a pseudo
    terminal will be used.

@param[in] stdout_path
    The path to use when re-directing the STDOUT of the new
    process. If all stdXX_path arguments are NULL, a pseudo
    terminal will be used.

@param[in] stderr_path
    The path to use when re-directing the STDERR of the new
    process. If all stdXX_path arguments are NULL, a pseudo
    terminal will be used.

@param[in] working_directory
    The working directory to have the child process run in

@param[in] launch_flags
    Some launch options specified by logical OR'ing 
    lldb::LaunchFlags enumeration values together.

@param[in] stop_at_endtry
    If false do not stop the inferior at the entry point.

    An error object. Contains the reason if there is some failure.

     A process object for the newly created process.

For example,

    process = target.Launch(self.dbg.GetListener(), None, None,
                            None, '/tmp/stdout.txt', None,
                            None, 0, False, error)

launches a new process by passing nothing for both the args and the envs
and redirect the standard output of the inferior to the /tmp/stdout.txt
file. It does not specify a working directory so that the debug server
will use its idea of what the current working directory is for the
inferior. Also, we ask the debugger not to stop the inferior at the
entry point. If no breakpoint is specified for the inferior, it should
run to completion if no user interaction is required.

LoadCore(self, *args)

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LoadCore(SBTarget self, str const * core_file) -> SBProcess

Load a core file

@param[in] core_file
    File path of the core dump.

     A process object for the newly created core file.

For example,

    process = target.LoadCore('./a.out.core')

loads a new core file and returns the process object.

AttachToProcessWithID(self, *args)

source code 

AttachToProcessWithID(SBTarget self, SBListener listener, lldb::pid_t pid, SBError error) -> SBProcess

Attach to process with pid.

@param[in] listener
    An optional listener that will receive all process events.
    If listener is valid then listener will listen to all
    process events. If not valid, then this target's debugger
    (SBTarget::GetDebugger()) will listen to all process events.

@param[in] pid
    The process ID to attach to.

    An error explaining what went wrong if attach fails.

     A process object for the attached process.

AttachToProcessWithName(self, *args)

source code 

AttachToProcessWithName(SBTarget self, SBListener listener, str const * name, bool wait_for, SBError error) -> SBProcess

Attach to process with name.

@param[in] listener
    An optional listener that will receive all process events.
    If listener is valid then listener will listen to all
    process events. If not valid, then this target's debugger
    (SBTarget::GetDebugger()) will listen to all process events.

@param[in] name
    Basename of process to attach to.

@param[in] wait_for
    If true wait for a new instance of 'name' to be launched.

    An error explaining what went wrong if attach fails.

     A process object for the attached process.

ConnectRemote(self, *args)

source code 

ConnectRemote(SBTarget self, SBListener listener, str const * url, str const * plugin_name, SBError error) -> SBProcess

Connect to a remote debug server with url.

@param[in] listener
    An optional listener that will receive all process events.
    If listener is valid then listener will listen to all
    process events. If not valid, then this target's debugger
    (SBTarget::GetDebugger()) will listen to all process events.

@param[in] url
    The url to connect to, e.g., 'connect://localhost:12345'.

@param[in] plugin_name
    The plugin name to be used; can be NULL.

    An error explaining what went wrong if the connect fails.

     A process object for the connected process.

FindFunctions(self, *args)

source code 

FindFunctions(SBTarget self, str const * name, uint32_t name_type_mask=eFunctionNameTypeAny) -> SBSymbolContextList
FindFunctions(SBTarget self, str const * name) -> SBSymbolContextList

Find functions by name.

@param[in] name
    The name of the function we are looking for.

@param[in] name_type_mask
    A logical OR of one or more FunctionNameType enum bits that
    indicate what kind of names should be used when doing the
    lookup. Bits include fully qualified names, base names,
    C++ methods, or ObjC selectors. 
    See FunctionNameType for more details.

    A lldb::SBSymbolContextList that gets filled in with all of 
    the symbol contexts for all the matches.

FindGlobalVariables(self, *args)

source code 

FindGlobalVariables(SBTarget self, str const * name, uint32_t max_matches) -> SBValueList

Find global and static variables by name.

@param[in] name
    The name of the global or static variable we are looking

@param[in] max_matches
    Allow the number of matches to be limited to max_matches.

    A list of matched variables in an SBValueList.

FindFirstGlobalVariable(self, *args)

source code 

FindFirstGlobalVariable(SBTarget self, str const * name) -> SBValue

Find the first global (or static) variable by name.

@param[in] name
    The name of the global or static variable we are looking

    An SBValue that gets filled in with the found variable (if any).

BreakpointCreateByNames(self, *args)

source code 

BreakpointCreateByNames(SBTarget self, str const *[] symbol_name, uint32_t num_names, uint32_t name_type_mask, SBFileSpecList module_list, 
    SBFileSpecList comp_unit_list) -> SBBreakpoint

(Informal representation operator)

source code 

__str__(SBTarget self) -> PyObject *

Overrides: object.__str__

Property Details [hide private]


A read only property that returns the size in bytes of an address for this target.

Get Method:
GetAddressByteSize(self) - GetAddressByteSize(SBTarget self) -> uint32_t


A read only property that an lldb object that represents the broadcaster (lldb.SBBroadcaster) for this target.

Get Method:
GetBroadcaster(self) - GetBroadcaster(SBTarget self) -> SBBroadcaster


A read only property that returns an lldb enumeration value (lldb.eByteOrderLittle, lldb.eByteOrderBig, lldb.eByteOrderInvalid) that represents the byte order for this target.

Get Method:
GetByteOrder(self) - GetByteOrder(SBTarget self) -> lldb::ByteOrder


A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the debugger (lldb.SBDebugger) that owns this target.

Get Method:
GetDebugger(self) - GetDebugger(SBTarget self) -> SBDebugger


A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the main executable module (lldb.SBModule) for this target.

Get Method:
GetExecutable(self) - GetExecutable(SBTarget self) -> SBFileSpec


A read only property that returns an object that implements python operator overloading with the square brackets().\n target.module[<int>] allows array access to any modules.\n target.module[<str>] allows access to modules by basename, full path, or uuid string value.\n target.module[uuid.UUID()] allows module access by UUID.\n target.module[re] allows module access using a regular expression that matches the module full path.

Get Method:
get_modules_access_object(self) - An accessor function that returns a modules_access() object which allows lazy module access from a lldb.SBTarget object.


A read only property that returns a list() of lldb.SBModule objects contained in this target. This list is a list all modules that the target currently is tracking (the main executable and all dependent shared libraries).

Get Method:
get_modules_array(self) - An accessor function that returns a list() that contains all modules in a lldb.SBTarget object.


A read only property that returns the number of breakpoints that this target has as an integer.

Get Method:
GetNumBreakpoints(self) - GetNumBreakpoints(SBTarget self) -> uint32_t


A read only property that returns the number of watchpoints that this target has as an integer.

Get Method:
GetNumWatchpoints(self) - GetNumWatchpoints(SBTarget self) -> uint32_t


A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the process (lldb.SBProcess) that this target owns.

Get Method:
GetProcess(self) - GetProcess(SBTarget self) -> SBProcess


A read only property that returns the target triple (arch-vendor-os) for this target as a string.

Get Method:
GetTriple(self) - GetTriple(SBTarget self) -> str const *