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      1 // Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com
      7 #ifndef _JS_DEFINE_H_
      8 #define _JS_DEFINE_H_
     10 typedef v8::Value			JSValue;
     11 typedef v8::Handle<v8::Object>	JSObject;
     12 typedef v8::Handle<v8::Object>	JSFXObject;
     13 typedef unsigned		JSBool;
     15 struct JSConstSpec
     16 {
     17 	const wchar_t* pName;
     18 	double number;
     19 	const wchar_t* string;
     20 	FX_BYTE t; //0:double 1:str
     21 };
     23 struct JSPropertySpec
     24 {
     25 	const wchar_t* pName;
     26 	v8::AccessorGetterCallback pPropGet;
     27 	v8::AccessorSetterCallback pPropPut;
     28 };
     30 struct JSMethodSpec
     31 {
     32 	const wchar_t* pName;
     33 	v8::FunctionCallback pMethodCall;
     34 	unsigned nParamNum;
     35 };
     37 typedef CFX_WideString	JS_ErrorString;
     39 #define JS_TRUE			(unsigned)1
     40 #define JS_FALSE		(unsigned)0
     43 #define CJS_PointsArray		CFX_ArrayTemplate<float>
     44 #define CJS_IntArray		CFX_ArrayTemplate<int>
     46 /* ====================================== PUBLIC DEFINE SPEC ============================================== */
     47 #ifndef __GNUC__
     48 #define JS_WIDESTRING(widestring) L#widestring
     49 #else
     50 #define JS_WIDESTRING(widestring) L""#widestring
     51 #endif
     53 #define OBJ_PROP_PARAMS			IFXJS_Context* cc, CJS_PropValue& vp, JS_ErrorString& sError
     54 #define OBJ_METHOD_PARAMS		IFXJS_Context* cc, const CJS_Parameters& params, CJS_Value& vRet, JS_ErrorString& sError
     55 #define BEGIN_JS_STATIC_CONST(js_class_name) JSConstSpec js_class_name::JS_Class_Consts[] = {
     56 #define JS_STATIC_CONST_ENTRY_NUMBER(const_name, pValue) {JS_WIDESTRING(const_name), pValue, L"", 0},
     57 #define JS_STATIC_CONST_ENTRY_STRING(const_name, pValue) {JS_WIDESTRING(const_name), 0, JS_WIDESTRING(pValue), 1},
     58 #define END_JS_STATIC_CONST() {0, 0, 0, 0}};
     60 #define BEGIN_JS_STATIC_PROP(js_class_name) JSPropertySpec js_class_name::JS_Class_Properties[] = {
     61 #define JS_STATIC_PROP_ENTRY(prop_name) {JS_WIDESTRING(prop_name), get_##prop_name##_static, set_##prop_name##_static},
     62 #define END_JS_STATIC_PROP() {0, 0, 0}};
     64 #define BEGIN_JS_STATIC_METHOD(js_class_name) JSMethodSpec js_class_name::JS_Class_Methods[] = {
     65 #define JS_STATIC_METHOD_ENTRY(method_name, nargs) {JS_WIDESTRING(method_name), method_name##_static, nargs},
     66 #define END_JS_STATIC_METHOD() {0, 0, 0}};
     67 #define MEMLEAKCHECK_1() ((void)0)
     68 #define MEMLEAKCHECK_2(main_name, sub_name) ((void)0)
     71 /*
     72 #ifdef _DEBUG
     73 #define MEMLEAKCHECK_1() \
     74 	_CrtMemState state1;\
     75 	_CrtMemCheckpoint(&state1);
     77 #define MEMLEAKCHECK_2(main_name,sub_name) \
     78 	_CrtMemState state2;\
     79 	_CrtMemCheckpoint(&state2);\
     80 	_CrtMemState diff;\
     81 	_CrtMemDifference(&diff,&state1,&state2);\
     82 	if (diff.lSizes[_NORMAL_BLOCK] > 0)\
     83 	{\
     84 		TRACE("Detected normal block memory leaks in JS Module! [%s.%s]\n",#main_name,#sub_name);\
     85 		_CrtMemDumpStatistics(&diff);\
     86 	}
     87 #else
     88 	#define MEMLEAKCHECK_1() ((void)0)
     89 	#define MEMLEAKCHECK_2(main_name,sub_name) ((void)0)
     90 #endif
     91 */
     93 /* ======================================== PROP CALLBACK ============================================ */
     95 #define JS_STATIC_PROP_GET(prop_name, class_name)\
     96 	static void get_##prop_name##_static(JS_PROPGET_ARGS)\
     97 {\
     98 	v8::Isolate* isolate = info.GetIsolate();\
     99 	v8::Local<v8::Context> context = isolate->GetCurrentContext();\
    100 	v8::Local<v8::Value> v = context->GetEmbedderData(1);\
    101 	ASSERT(!v.IsEmpty());\
    102 	if(v.IsEmpty()) return;\
    103 	v8::Handle<v8::External> field = v8::Handle<v8::External>::Cast(v);\
    104 	IFXJS_Runtime* pRuntime = (IFXJS_Runtime*)field->Value();\
    105 	IFXJS_Context* cc = pRuntime->GetCurrentContext();\
    106 	CJS_PropValue value(isolate);\
    107 	value.StartGetting();\
    108 	CJS_Object* pJSObj = (CJS_Object*)JS_GetPrivate(isolate,info.Holder());\
    109 	ASSERT(pJSObj != NULL);\
    110 	class_name* pObj = (class_name*)pJSObj->GetEmbedObject();\
    111 	ASSERT(pObj != NULL);\
    112 	JS_ErrorString sError;\
    113 	FX_BOOL bRet = FALSE;\
    114 	try\
    115 	{\
    116 		MEMLEAKCHECK_1();\
    117 		bRet = pObj->prop_name(cc, value, sError);\
    118 		MEMLEAKCHECK_2(class_name, prop_name);\
    119 	}\
    120 	catch (...)\
    121 	{\
    122 		CFX_ByteString cbName;\
    123 		cbName.Format("%s.%s", #class_name, #prop_name);\
    124 		JS_Error(NULL,CFX_WideString::FromLocal(cbName), L"Unknown error is catched!");\
    125 		return ;\
    126 	}\
    127 	if (bRet)\
    128 	{\
    129 		info.GetReturnValue().Set((v8::Handle<v8::Value>)value);\
    130 		return ;\
    131 	}\
    132 	else\
    133 	{\
    134 	CFX_ByteString cbName;\
    135 		cbName.Format("%s.%s", #class_name, #prop_name);\
    136 		JS_Error(NULL,CFX_WideString::FromLocal(cbName), sError);\
    137 		return ;\
    138 	}\
    139 }
    141 #define JS_STATIC_PROP_SET(prop_name, class_name)\
    142 	static void set_##prop_name##_static(JS_PROPPUT_ARGS)\
    143 {\
    144 	v8::Isolate* isolate = info.GetIsolate();\
    145 	v8::Local<v8::Context> context = isolate->GetCurrentContext();\
    146 	v8::Local<v8::Value> v = context->GetEmbedderData(1);\
    147 	ASSERT(!v.IsEmpty());\
    148 	if(v.IsEmpty()) return;\
    149 	v8::Handle<v8::External> field = v8::Handle<v8::External>::Cast(v);\
    150 	IFXJS_Runtime* pRuntime = (IFXJS_Runtime*)field->Value();\
    151 	IFXJS_Context* cc = pRuntime->GetCurrentContext();\
    152 	CJS_PropValue propValue(CJS_Value(isolate,value,VT_unknown));\
    153 	propValue.StartSetting();\
    154 	CJS_Object* pJSObj = (CJS_Object*)JS_GetPrivate(isolate,info.Holder());\
    155 	ASSERT(pJSObj != NULL);\
    156 	class_name* pObj = (class_name*)pJSObj->GetEmbedObject();\
    157 	ASSERT(pObj != NULL);\
    158 	JS_ErrorString sError;\
    159 	FX_BOOL bRet = FALSE;\
    160 	try\
    161 	{\
    162 		MEMLEAKCHECK_1();\
    163 		bRet = pObj->prop_name(cc, propValue, sError);\
    164 		MEMLEAKCHECK_2(class_name, prop_name);\
    165 	}\
    166 	catch (...)\
    167 	{\
    168 		CFX_ByteString cbName;\
    169 		cbName.Format("%s.%s", #class_name, #prop_name);\
    170 		JS_Error(NULL,CFX_WideString::FromLocal(cbName), L"Unknown error is catched!");\
    171 		return ;\
    172 	}\
    173 	if (bRet)\
    174 	{\
    175 		return ;\
    176 	}\
    177 	else\
    178 	{\
    179 		CFX_ByteString cbName;\
    180 		cbName.Format("%s.%s", #class_name, #prop_name);\
    181 		JS_Error(NULL,CFX_WideString::FromLocal(cbName), sError);\
    182 		return ;\
    183 	}\
    184 }
    186 #define JS_STATIC_PROP(prop_name, class_name)\
    187 JS_STATIC_PROP_GET(prop_name, class_name);\
    188 JS_STATIC_PROP_SET(prop_name, class_name)
    190 /* ========================================= METHOD CALLBACK =========================================== */
    192 #define JS_STATIC_METHOD(method_name, class_name)\
    193 	static void method_name##_static(JS_METHOD_ARGS)\
    194 {\
    195 	v8::Isolate* isolate = info.GetIsolate();\
    196 	v8::Local<v8::Context> context = isolate->GetCurrentContext();\
    197 	v8::Local<v8::Value> v = context->GetEmbedderData(1);\
    198 	ASSERT(!v.IsEmpty());\
    199 	if(v.IsEmpty()) return;\
    200 	v8::Handle<v8::External> field = v8::Handle<v8::External>::Cast(v);\
    201 	IFXJS_Runtime* pRuntime = (IFXJS_Runtime*)field->Value();\
    202 	IFXJS_Context* cc = pRuntime->GetCurrentContext();\
    203 	CJS_Parameters parameters;\
    204 	for (unsigned int i = 0; i<(unsigned int)info.Length(); i++)\
    205     {\
    206 		parameters.push_back(CJS_Value(isolate, info[i], VT_unknown));\
    207 	}\
    208 	CJS_Value valueRes(isolate);\
    209 	CJS_Object* pJSObj = (CJS_Object *)JS_GetPrivate(isolate,info.Holder());\
    210 	ASSERT(pJSObj != NULL);\
    211 	class_name* pObj = (class_name*)pJSObj->GetEmbedObject();\
    212 	ASSERT(pObj != NULL);\
    213 	JS_ErrorString sError;\
    214 	FX_BOOL bRet = FALSE;\
    215 	try\
    216 	{\
    217 		MEMLEAKCHECK_1();\
    218 		bRet = pObj->method_name(cc, parameters, valueRes, sError);\
    219 		MEMLEAKCHECK_2(class_name, method_name);\
    220 	}\
    221 	catch (...)\
    222 	{\
    223 		CFX_ByteString cbName;\
    224 		cbName.Format("%s.%s", #class_name, #method_name);\
    225 		JS_Error(NULL, CFX_WideString::FromLocal(cbName), L"Unknown error is catched!");\
    226 		return ;\
    227 	}\
    228 	if (bRet)\
    229 	{\
    230 		info.GetReturnValue().Set(valueRes.ToJSValue());\
    231 		return ;\
    232 	}\
    233 	else\
    234 	{\
    235 		CFX_ByteString cbName;\
    236 		cbName.Format("%s.%s", #class_name, #method_name);\
    237 		JS_Error(NULL, CFX_WideString::FromLocal(cbName), sError);\
    238 		return ;\
    239 	}\
    240 }
    242 /* ===================================== JS CLASS =============================================== */
    244 #define DECLARE_JS_CLASS(js_class_name) \
    245 	static JSBool JSConstructor(IFXJS_Context* cc, JSFXObject obj,JSFXObject global);\
    246 	static JSBool JSDestructor(JSFXObject obj);\
    247 	static int Init(IJS_Runtime* pRuntime, FXJSOBJTYPE eObjType);\
    248 	static void GetConsts(JSConstSpec*& pConsts, int& nSize);\
    249 	static void GetProperties(JSPropertySpec*& pProperties, int& nSize);\
    250 	static void GetMethods(JSMethodSpec*& pMethods, int& nSize);\
    251 	static JSConstSpec JS_Class_Consts[];\
    252 	static JSPropertySpec JS_Class_Properties[];\
    253 	static JSMethodSpec	JS_Class_Methods[];\
    254 	static const wchar_t* m_pClassName
    256 #define IMPLEMENT_JS_CLASS_RICH(js_class_name, class_alternate, class_name) \
    257 const wchar_t* js_class_name::m_pClassName = JS_WIDESTRING(class_name);\
    258 JSBool js_class_name::JSConstructor(IFXJS_Context* cc, JSFXObject obj, JSFXObject global)\
    259 {\
    260 	CJS_Object* pObj = FX_NEW js_class_name(obj);\
    261 	pObj->SetEmbedObject(FX_NEW class_alternate(pObj));\
    262 	JS_SetPrivate(NULL,obj,(void*)pObj); \
    263 	pObj->InitInstance(cc);\
    264 	return JS_TRUE;\
    265 }\
    266 \
    267 JSBool js_class_name::JSDestructor(JSFXObject obj) \
    268 {\
    269 	js_class_name* pObj = (js_class_name*)JS_GetPrivate(NULL,obj);\
    270 	ASSERT(pObj != NULL);\
    271 	pObj->ExitInstance();\
    272 	delete pObj;\
    273 	return JS_TRUE;\
    274 }\
    275 \
    276 int js_class_name::Init(IJS_Runtime* pRuntime, FXJSOBJTYPE eObjType)\
    277 {\
    278 	int nObjDefnID = JS_DefineObj(pRuntime, js_class_name::m_pClassName, eObjType, JSConstructor, JSDestructor, 0);\
    279 	if (nObjDefnID >= 0)\
    280 	{\
    281 		for (int j=0, szj=sizeof(JS_Class_Properties)/sizeof(JSPropertySpec)-1; j<szj; j++)\
    282 		{\
    283 			if (JS_DefineObjProperty(pRuntime, nObjDefnID, JS_Class_Properties[j].pName, JS_Class_Properties[j].pPropGet, JS_Class_Properties[j].pPropPut) < 0) return -1;\
    284 		}\
    285 		for (int k=0, szk=sizeof(JS_Class_Methods)/sizeof(JSMethodSpec)-1; k<szk; k++)\
    286 		{\
    287 			if (JS_DefineObjMethod(pRuntime, nObjDefnID,JS_Class_Methods[k].pName, JS_Class_Methods[k].pMethodCall, JS_Class_Methods[k].nParamNum) < 0) return -1;\
    288 		}\
    289 		return nObjDefnID;\
    290 	}\
    291 	return -1;\
    292 }\
    293 void js_class_name::GetConsts(JSConstSpec*& pConsts, int& nSize)\
    294 {\
    295 	pConsts = JS_Class_Consts;\
    296 	nSize = sizeof(JS_Class_Consts) / sizeof(JSConstSpec) - 1;\
    297 }\
    298 void js_class_name::GetProperties(JSPropertySpec*& pProperties, int& nSize)\
    299 {\
    300 	pProperties = JS_Class_Properties;\
    301 	nSize = sizeof(JS_Class_Properties) / sizeof(JSPropertySpec) - 1;\
    302 }\
    303 void js_class_name::GetMethods(JSMethodSpec*& pMethods, int& nSize)\
    304 {\
    305 	pMethods = JS_Class_Methods;\
    306 	nSize = sizeof(JS_Class_Methods) / sizeof(JSMethodSpec) - 1;\
    307 }
    309 #define IMPLEMENT_JS_CLASS(js_class_name, class_name) IMPLEMENT_JS_CLASS_RICH(js_class_name, class_name, class_name)
    311 /* ======================================== CONST CLASS ============================================ */
    313 #define DECLARE_JS_CLASS_CONST() \
    314 	static int Init(IJS_Runtime* pRuntime, FXJSOBJTYPE eObjType);\
    315 	static void GetConsts(JSConstSpec*& pConsts, int& nSize);\
    316 	static JSConstSpec JS_Class_Consts[];\
    317 	static const wchar_t* m_pClassName
    319 #define IMPLEMENT_JS_CLASS_CONST(js_class_name, class_name) \
    320 const wchar_t* js_class_name::m_pClassName = JS_WIDESTRING(class_name);\
    321 int js_class_name::Init(IJS_Runtime* pRuntime, FXJSOBJTYPE eObjType)\
    322 {\
    323 	int nObjDefnID = JS_DefineObj(pRuntime, js_class_name::m_pClassName, eObjType, NULL, NULL, 0);\
    324 	if (nObjDefnID >=0)\
    325 	{\
    326 		for (int i=0, sz=sizeof(JS_Class_Consts)/sizeof(JSConstSpec)-1; i<sz; i++)\
    327 		{\
    328 			if (JS_Class_Consts[i].t == 0)\
    329 			{\
    330 				if (JS_DefineObjConst(pRuntime, nObjDefnID, JS_Class_Consts[i].pName, JS_NewNumber(pRuntime,JS_Class_Consts[i].number)) < 0) return -1;\
    331 			}\
    332 			else\
    333 			{\
    334 			if (JS_DefineObjConst(pRuntime, nObjDefnID, JS_Class_Consts[i].pName, JS_NewString(pRuntime,JS_Class_Consts[i].string)) < 0) return -1;\
    335 			}\
    336 		}\
    337 		return nObjDefnID;\
    338 	}\
    339 	return -1;\
    340 }\
    341 void js_class_name::GetConsts(JSConstSpec*& pConsts, int& nSize)\
    342 {\
    343 	pConsts = JS_Class_Consts;\
    344 	nSize = sizeof(JS_Class_Consts)/sizeof(JSConstSpec)-1;\
    345 }
    347 /* ===================================== SPECIAL JS CLASS =============================================== */
    349 #define DECLARE_SPECIAL_JS_CLASS(js_class_name) \
    350 	static JSBool JSConstructor(IFXJS_Context* cc, JSFXObject obj, JSFXObject global);\
    351 	static JSBool JSDestructor(JSFXObject obj);\
    352 	static void GetConsts(JSConstSpec*& pConsts, int& nSize);\
    353 	static void GetProperties(JSPropertySpec*& pProperties, int& nSize);\
    354 	static void GetMethods(JSMethodSpec*& pMethods, int& nSize);\
    355 	static JSConstSpec JS_Class_Consts[];\
    356 	static JSPropertySpec JS_Class_Properties[];\
    357 	static JSMethodSpec	JS_Class_Methods[];\
    358 	static int Init(IJS_Runtime* pRuntime, FXJSOBJTYPE eObjType);\
    359 	static const wchar_t* m_pClassName;\
    360 	static void queryprop_##js_class_name##_static(JS_PROPQUERY_ARGS);\
    361 	static void getprop_##js_class_name##_static(JS_NAMED_PROPGET_ARGS);\
    362 	static void putprop_##js_class_name##_static(JS_NAMED_PROPPUT_ARGS);\
    363 	static void delprop_##js_class_name##_static(JS_PROPDEL_ARGS)
    365 #define IMPLEMENT_SPECIAL_JS_CLASS(js_class_name, class_alternate, class_name) \
    366 const wchar_t * js_class_name::m_pClassName = JS_WIDESTRING(class_name);\
    367 	void js_class_name::queryprop_##js_class_name##_static(JS_PROPQUERY_ARGS)\
    368 {\
    369 	v8::Isolate* isolate = info.GetIsolate();\
    370 	v8::String::Utf8Value utf8_value(property);\
    371 	CFX_WideString propname = CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(*utf8_value, utf8_value.length());\
    372 	CJS_Object* pJSObj = (CJS_Object*)JS_GetPrivate(isolate,info.Holder());\
    373 	ASSERT(pJSObj != NULL);\
    374 	class_alternate* pObj = (class_alternate*)pJSObj->GetEmbedObject();\
    375 	ASSERT(pObj != NULL);\
    376 	FX_BOOL bRet = FALSE;\
    377 	try\
    378 	{\
    379 		MEMLEAKCHECK_1();\
    380 		bRet = pObj->QueryProperty((FX_LPCWSTR)propname);\
    381 		MEMLEAKCHECK_2(class_name, (FX_LPCWSTR)prop_name);\
    382 	}\
    383 	catch (...)\
    384 	{\
    385 		return ;\
    386 	}\
    387 	if (bRet)\
    388 	{\
    389 		info.GetReturnValue().Set(0x004);\
    390 		return ;\
    391 	}\
    392 	else\
    393 	{\
    394 		info.GetReturnValue().Set(0);\
    395 		return ;\
    396 	}\
    397 	return ;\
    398 }\
    399 	void js_class_name::getprop_##js_class_name##_static(JS_NAMED_PROPGET_ARGS)\
    400 {\
    401 	v8::Isolate* isolate = info.GetIsolate();\
    402 	v8::Local<v8::Context> context = isolate->GetCurrentContext();\
    403 	v8::Local<v8::Value> v = context->GetEmbedderData(1);\
    404 	ASSERT(!v.IsEmpty());\
    405 	if(v.IsEmpty()) return;\
    406 	v8::Handle<v8::External> field = v8::Handle<v8::External>::Cast(v);\
    407 	IFXJS_Runtime* pRuntime = (IFXJS_Runtime*)field->Value();\
    408 	IFXJS_Context* cc = pRuntime->GetCurrentContext();\
    409 	v8::String::Utf8Value utf8_value(property);\
    410 	CFX_WideString propname = CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(*utf8_value, utf8_value.length());\
    411 	CJS_PropValue value(isolate);\
    412 	value.StartGetting();\
    413 	CJS_Object* pJSObj = (CJS_Object*)JS_GetPrivate(isolate,info.Holder());\
    414 	ASSERT(pJSObj != NULL);\
    415 	class_alternate* pObj = (class_alternate*)pJSObj->GetEmbedObject();\
    416 	ASSERT(pObj != NULL);\
    417 	JS_ErrorString sError;\
    418 	FX_BOOL bRet = FALSE;\
    419 	try\
    420 	{\
    421 		MEMLEAKCHECK_1();\
    422 		bRet = pObj->DoProperty(cc, (FX_LPCWSTR)propname, value, sError);\
    423 		MEMLEAKCHECK_2(class_name, L"GetProperty");\
    424 	}\
    425 	catch (...)\
    426 	{\
    427 		CFX_ByteString cbName;\
    428 		cbName.Format("%s.%s", #class_name, L"GetProperty");\
    429 		JS_Error(NULL,CFX_WideString::FromLocal(cbName), L"Unknown error is catched!");\
    430 		return ;\
    431 	}\
    432 	if (bRet)\
    433 	{\
    434 		info.GetReturnValue().Set((v8::Handle<v8::Value>)value);\
    435 		return ;\
    436 	}\
    437 	else\
    438 	{\
    439 		CFX_ByteString cbName;\
    440 		cbName.Format("%s.%s", #class_name, L"GetProperty");\
    441 		JS_Error(NULL,CFX_WideString::FromLocal(cbName), sError);\
    442 		return ;\
    443 	}\
    444 	JS_Error(NULL,L"GetProperty", L"Embeded object not found!");\
    445 	return ;\
    446 }\
    447 	void js_class_name::putprop_##js_class_name##_static(JS_NAMED_PROPPUT_ARGS)\
    448 {\
    449 	v8::Isolate* isolate = info.GetIsolate();\
    450 	v8::Local<v8::Context> context = isolate->GetCurrentContext();\
    451 	v8::Local<v8::Value> v = context->GetEmbedderData(1);\
    452 	ASSERT(!v.IsEmpty());\
    453 	if(v.IsEmpty()) return;\
    454 	v8::Handle<v8::External> field = v8::Handle<v8::External>::Cast(v);\
    455 	IFXJS_Runtime* pRuntime = (IFXJS_Runtime*)field->Value();\
    456 	IFXJS_Context* cc = pRuntime->GetCurrentContext();\
    457 	v8::String::Utf8Value utf8_value(property);\
    458 	CFX_WideString propname = CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(*utf8_value, utf8_value.length());\
    459 	CJS_PropValue PropValue(CJS_Value(isolate,value,VT_unknown));\
    460 	PropValue.StartSetting();\
    461 	CJS_Object* pJSObj = (CJS_Object*)JS_GetPrivate(isolate,info.Holder());\
    462 	if(!pJSObj) return;\
    463 	class_alternate* pObj = (class_alternate*)pJSObj->GetEmbedObject();\
    464 	ASSERT(pObj != NULL);\
    465 	JS_ErrorString sError;\
    466 	FX_BOOL bRet = FALSE;\
    467 	try\
    468 	{\
    469 		MEMLEAKCHECK_1();\
    470 		bRet = pObj->DoProperty(cc, (FX_LPCWSTR)propname, PropValue, sError);\
    471 		MEMLEAKCHECK_2(class_name,L"PutProperty");\
    472 	}\
    473 	catch (...)\
    474 	{\
    475 		CFX_ByteString cbName;\
    476 		cbName.Format("%s.%s", #class_name, "PutProperty");\
    477 		JS_Error(NULL,CFX_WideString::FromLocal(cbName), L"Unknown error is catched!");\
    478 		return ;\
    479 	}\
    480 	if (bRet)\
    481 	{\
    482 		return ;\
    483 	}\
    484 	else\
    485 	{\
    486 		CFX_ByteString cbName;\
    487 		cbName.Format("%s.%s", #class_name, "PutProperty");\
    488 		JS_Error(NULL,CFX_WideString::FromLocal(cbName), sError);\
    489 		return ;\
    490 	}\
    491 	JS_Error(NULL,L"PutProperty", L"Embeded object not found!");\
    492 	return ;\
    493 }\
    494 	void js_class_name::delprop_##js_class_name##_static(JS_PROPDEL_ARGS)\
    495 {\
    496 	v8::Isolate* isolate = info.GetIsolate();\
    497 	v8::Local<v8::Context> context = isolate->GetCurrentContext();\
    498 	v8::Local<v8::Value> v = context->GetEmbedderData(1);\
    499 	ASSERT(!v.IsEmpty());\
    500 	if(v.IsEmpty()) return;\
    501 	v8::Handle<v8::External> field = v8::Handle<v8::External>::Cast(v);\
    502 	IFXJS_Runtime* pRuntime = (IFXJS_Runtime*)field->Value();\
    503 	IFXJS_Context* cc = pRuntime->GetCurrentContext();\
    504 	v8::String::Utf8Value utf8_value(property);\
    505 	CFX_WideString propname = CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(*utf8_value, utf8_value.length());\
    506 	CJS_Object* pJSObj = (CJS_Object*)JS_GetPrivate(isolate,info.Holder());\
    507 	ASSERT(pJSObj != NULL);\
    508 	class_alternate* pObj = (class_alternate*)pJSObj->GetEmbedObject();\
    509 	ASSERT(pObj != NULL);\
    510 	JS_ErrorString sError;\
    511 	FX_BOOL bRet = FALSE;\
    512 	try\
    513 	{\
    514 		MEMLEAKCHECK_1();\
    515 		bRet = pObj->DelProperty(cc, (FX_LPCWSTR)propname, sError);\
    516 		MEMLEAKCHECK_2(class_name,L"DelProperty");\
    517 	}\
    518 	catch (...)\
    519 	{\
    520 		CFX_ByteString cbName;\
    521 		cbName.Format("%s.%s", #class_name, "DelProperty");\
    522 		return ;\
    523 	}\
    524 	if (bRet)\
    525 	{\
    526 		return ;\
    527 	}\
    528 	else\
    529 	{\
    530 		CFX_ByteString cbName;\
    531 		cbName.Format("%s.%s", #class_name, "DelProperty");\
    532 		return ;\
    533 	}\
    534 	return ;\
    535 }\
    536 JSBool js_class_name::JSConstructor(IFXJS_Context* cc, JSFXObject  obj,JSFXObject  global)\
    537 {\
    538 	CJS_Object* pObj = FX_NEW js_class_name(obj);\
    539 	pObj->SetEmbedObject(FX_NEW class_alternate(pObj));\
    540 	JS_SetPrivate(NULL,obj, (void*)pObj); \
    541 	pObj->InitInstance(cc);\
    542 	return JS_TRUE;\
    543 }\
    544 \
    545 JSBool js_class_name::JSDestructor(JSFXObject obj) \
    546 {\
    547 	js_class_name* pObj = (js_class_name*)JS_GetPrivate(NULL,obj);\
    548 	ASSERT(pObj != NULL);\
    549 	pObj->ExitInstance();\
    550 	delete pObj;\
    551 	return JS_TRUE;\
    552 }\
    553 \
    554 int js_class_name::Init(IJS_Runtime* pRuntime, FXJSOBJTYPE eObjType)\
    555 {\
    556 \
    557 	int nObjDefnID = JS_DefineObj(pRuntime, js_class_name::m_pClassName, eObjType, JSConstructor, JSDestructor, 0);\
    558 \
    559 	if (nObjDefnID >= 0)\
    560 	{\
    561 		for (int j=0, szj=sizeof(JS_Class_Properties)/sizeof(JSPropertySpec)-1; j<szj; j++)\
    562 		{\
    563 			if (JS_DefineObjProperty(pRuntime, nObjDefnID, JS_Class_Properties[j].pName, JS_Class_Properties[j].pPropGet,JS_Class_Properties[j].pPropPut)<0)return -1;\
    564 		}\
    565 \
    566 		for (int k=0, szk=sizeof(JS_Class_Methods)/sizeof(JSMethodSpec)-1; k<szk; k++)\
    567 		{\
    568 			if (JS_DefineObjMethod(pRuntime, nObjDefnID,JS_Class_Methods[k].pName,JS_Class_Methods[k].pMethodCall,JS_Class_Methods[k].nParamNum)<0)return -1;\
    569 		}\
    570 		if (JS_DefineObjAllProperties(pRuntime, nObjDefnID, js_class_name::queryprop_##js_class_name##_static, js_class_name::getprop_##js_class_name##_static,js_class_name::putprop_##js_class_name##_static,js_class_name::delprop_##js_class_name##_static)<0) return -1;\
    571 \
    572 		return nObjDefnID;\
    573 	}\
    574 \
    575 	return -1;\
    576 }\
    577 void js_class_name::GetConsts(JSConstSpec*& pConsts, int& nSize)\
    578 {\
    579 	pConsts = JS_Class_Consts;\
    580 	nSize = sizeof(JS_Class_Consts)/sizeof(JSConstSpec)-1;\
    581 }\
    582 void js_class_name::GetProperties(JSPropertySpec*& pProperties, int& nSize)\
    583 {\
    584 	pProperties = JS_Class_Properties;\
    585 	nSize = sizeof(JS_Class_Properties)/sizeof(JSPropertySpec)-1;\
    586 }\
    587 void js_class_name::GetMethods(JSMethodSpec*& pMethods, int& nSize)\
    588 {\
    589 	pMethods = JS_Class_Methods;\
    590 	nSize = sizeof(JS_Class_Methods)/sizeof(JSMethodSpec)-1;\
    591 }
    593 #define JS_SPECIAL_STATIC_METHOD(method_name, class_alternate, class_name)\
    594 	static void method_name##_static(JS_METHOD_ARGS)\
    595 {\
    596 	v8::Isolate* isolate = info.GetIsolate();\
    597 	v8::Local<v8::Context> context = isolate->GetCurrentContext();\
    598 	v8::Local<v8::Value> v = context->GetEmbedderData(1);\
    599 	ASSERT(!v.IsEmpty());\
    600 	if(v.IsEmpty()) return;\
    601 	v8::Handle<v8::External> field = v8::Handle<v8::External>::Cast(v);\
    602 	IFXJS_Runtime* pRuntime = (IFXJS_Runtime*)field->Value();\
    603 	IFXJS_Context* cc = pRuntime->GetCurrentContext();\
    604 	CJS_Parameters parameters;\
    605 	for (unsigned int i = 0; i<(unsigned int)info.Length(); i++)\
    606 	{\
    607 	parameters.push_back(CJS_Value(isolate, info[i], VT_unknown));\
    608 	}\
    609 	CJS_Value valueRes(isolate);\
    610 	CJS_Object* pJSObj = (CJS_Object *)JS_GetPrivate(isolate, info.Holder());\
    611 	ASSERT(pJSObj != NULL);\
    612 	class_alternate* pObj = (class_alternate*)pJSObj->GetEmbedObject();\
    613 	ASSERT(pObj != NULL);\
    614 	JS_ErrorString sError;\
    615 	FX_BOOL bRet = FALSE;\
    616 	try\
    617 	{\
    618 		MEMLEAKCHECK_1();\
    619 		bRet = pObj->method_name(cc, parameters, valueRes, sError);\
    620 		MEMLEAKCHECK_2(class_name, method_name);\
    621 	}\
    622 	catch (...)\
    623 	{\
    624 		CFX_ByteString cbName;\
    625 		cbName.Format("%s.%s", #class_name, #method_name);\
    626 		JS_Error(NULL, CFX_WideString::FromLocal(cbName), L"Unknown error is catched!");\
    627 		return ;\
    628 	}\
    629 	if (bRet)\
    630 	{\
    631 		info.GetReturnValue().Set(valueRes.ToJSValue());\
    632 		return ;\
    633 	}\
    634 	else\
    635 	{\
    636 		CFX_ByteString cbName;\
    637 		cbName.Format("%s.%s", #class_name, #method_name);\
    638 		JS_Error(NULL, CFX_WideString::FromLocal(cbName), sError);\
    639 		return ;\
    640 	}\
    641 	JS_Error(NULL,  JS_WIDESTRING(method_name), L"Embeded object not found!");\
    642     return ;\
    643 }
    645 /* ======================================== GLOBAL METHODS ============================================ */
    646 #define JS_STATIC_GLOBAL_FUN(fun_name) \
    647 static void fun_name##_static(JS_METHOD_ARGS)\
    648 {\
    649 	v8::Isolate* isolate = info.GetIsolate();\
    650 	v8::Local<v8::Context> context = isolate->GetCurrentContext();\
    651 	v8::Local<v8::Value> v = context->GetEmbedderData(1);\
    652 	ASSERT(!v.IsEmpty());\
    653 	if(v.IsEmpty()) return;\
    654 	v8::Handle<v8::External> field = v8::Handle<v8::External>::Cast(v);\
    655 	IFXJS_Runtime* pRuntime = (IFXJS_Runtime*)field->Value();\
    656 	IFXJS_Context* cc = pRuntime->GetCurrentContext();\
    657 	CJS_Parameters parameters;\
    658 	for (unsigned int i = 0; i<(unsigned int)info.Length(); i++)\
    659 	{\
    660 	parameters.push_back(CJS_Value(isolate, info[i], VT_unknown));\
    661 	}\
    662 	CJS_Value valueRes(isolate);\
    663 	JS_ErrorString sError;\
    664 	if (!fun_name(cc, parameters, valueRes, sError))\
    665 	{\
    666 		JS_Error(NULL, JS_WIDESTRING(fun_name), sError);\
    667 		return ;\
    668 	}\
    669 	info.GetReturnValue().Set(valueRes.ToJSValue());\
    670 	return ;\
    671 }
    673 #define JS_STATIC_DECLARE_GLOBAL_FUN() \
    674 static JSMethodSpec	global_methods[]; \
    675 static int Init(IJS_Runtime* pRuntime)
    677 #define BEGIN_JS_STATIC_GLOBAL_FUN(js_class_name) \
    678 JSMethodSpec js_class_name::global_methods[] = {
    680 #define JS_STATIC_GLOBAL_FUN_ENTRY(method_name,nargs) JS_STATIC_METHOD_ENTRY(method_name,nargs)
    684 #define IMPLEMENT_JS_STATIC_GLOBAL_FUN(js_class_name) \
    685 int js_class_name::Init(IJS_Runtime* pRuntime)\
    686 {\
    687 	for (int i=0, sz=sizeof(js_class_name::global_methods)/sizeof(JSMethodSpec)-1; i<sz; i++)\
    688 	{\
    689 		if (JS_DefineGlobalMethod(pRuntime,\
    690 				js_class_name::global_methods[i].pName,\
    691 				js_class_name::global_methods[i].pMethodCall,\
    692 				js_class_name::global_methods[i].nParamNum\
    693 				) < 0\
    694 			)return -1;\
    695 	}\
    696 	return 0;\
    697 }
    699 /* ======================================== GLOBAL CONSTS ============================================ */
    700 #define DEFINE_GLOBAL_CONST(pRuntime, const_name , const_value)\
    701 if (JS_DefineGlobalConst(pRuntime,JS_WIDESTRING(const_name),JS_NewString(pRuntime,JS_WIDESTRING(const_value)))) return -1
    703 /* ======================================== GLOBAL ARRAYS ============================================ */
    705 #define DEFINE_GLOBAL_ARRAY(pRuntime)\
    706 int size = sizeof(ArrayContent) / sizeof(FX_LPCWSTR);\
    707 \
    708 CJS_Array array(pRuntime);\
    709 for (int i=0; i<size; i++) array.SetElement(i,CJS_Value(pRuntime,(FX_LPCWSTR)ArrayContent[i]));\
    710 \
    711 CJS_PropValue prop(pRuntime);\
    712 prop << array;\
    713 if (JS_DefineGlobalConst(pRuntime, (const wchar_t*)ArrayName, prop.ToJSValue()) < 0)\
    714 	return -1
    716 /* ============================================================ */
    718 #define VALUE_NAME_STRING		L"string"
    719 #define VALUE_NAME_NUMBER		L"number"
    720 #define VALUE_NAME_BOOLEAN		L"boolean"
    721 #define VALUE_NAME_DATE			L"date"
    722 #define VALUE_NAME_OBJECT		L"object"
    723 #define VALUE_NAME_FXOBJ		L"fxobj"
    724 #define VALUE_NAME_NULL			L"null"
    725 #define VALUE_NAME_UNDEFINED	L"undefined"
    727 #define CLASSNAME_ARRAY			L"Array"
    728 #define CLASSNAME_DATE			L"Date"
    729 #define CLASSNAME_STRING		L"v8::String"
    731 const unsigned int JSCONST_nStringHash = JS_CalcHash(VALUE_NAME_STRING,wcslen(VALUE_NAME_STRING));
    732 const unsigned int JSCONST_nNumberHash = JS_CalcHash(VALUE_NAME_NUMBER,wcslen(VALUE_NAME_NUMBER));
    733 const unsigned int JSCONST_nBoolHash = JS_CalcHash(VALUE_NAME_BOOLEAN,wcslen(VALUE_NAME_BOOLEAN));
    734 const unsigned int JSCONST_nDateHash = JS_CalcHash(VALUE_NAME_DATE,wcslen(VALUE_NAME_DATE));
    735 const unsigned int JSCONST_nObjectHash = JS_CalcHash(VALUE_NAME_OBJECT,wcslen(VALUE_NAME_OBJECT));
    736 const unsigned int JSCONST_nFXobjHash = JS_CalcHash(VALUE_NAME_FXOBJ,wcslen(VALUE_NAME_FXOBJ));
    737 const unsigned int JSCONST_nNullHash = JS_CalcHash(VALUE_NAME_NULL,wcslen(VALUE_NAME_NULL));
    738 const unsigned int JSCONST_nUndefHash = JS_CalcHash(VALUE_NAME_UNDEFINED,wcslen(VALUE_NAME_UNDEFINED));
    740 static FXJSVALUETYPE GET_VALUE_TYPE(v8::Handle<v8::Value> p)
    741 {
    743 		const unsigned int nHash = JS_CalcHash(JS_GetTypeof(p));
    745 		if (nHash == JSCONST_nUndefHash)
    746 			return VT_undefined;
    747 		else if (nHash == JSCONST_nNullHash)
    748 			return VT_null;
    749 		else if (nHash == JSCONST_nStringHash)
    750 			return VT_string;
    751 		else if (nHash == JSCONST_nNumberHash)
    752 			return VT_number;
    753 		else if (nHash == JSCONST_nBoolHash)
    754 			return VT_boolean;
    755 		else if (nHash == JSCONST_nDateHash)
    756 			return VT_date;
    757 		else if (nHash == JSCONST_nObjectHash)
    758 			return VT_object;
    759 		else if (nHash == JSCONST_nFXobjHash)
    760 			return VT_fxobject;
    762 		/*
    763 		const char * sType = p->getTypeof()->toDchars();
    764 		if (strcmp(sType,VALUE_NAME_STRING) == 0)
    765 			return VT_string;
    766 		else if (strcmp(sType,VALUE_NAME_NUMBER) == 0)
    767 			return VT_number;
    768 		else if (strcmp(sType,VALUE_NAME_BOOLEAN) == 0)
    769 			return VT_boolean;
    770 		else if (strcmp(sType,VALUE_NAME_DATE) == 0)
    771 			return VT_date;
    772 		else if (strcmp(sType,VALUE_NAME_OBJECT) == 0)
    773 			return VT_object;
    774 		else if (strcmp(sType,VALUE_NAME_FXOBJ) == 0)
    775 			return VT_object;
    776 		else if (strcmp(sType,VALUE_NAME_NULL) == 0)
    777 			return VT_null;
    778 		else if (strcmp(sType,VALUE_NAME_UNDEFINED) == 0)
    779 			return VT_undefined;
    780 			*/
    782 	return VT_unknown;
    783 }
    785 #endif //_JS_DEFINE_H_