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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package com.android.server.wifi;
     19 import android.content.Context;
     20 import android.content.Intent;
     21 import android.net.IpConfiguration;
     22 import android.net.IpConfiguration.IpAssignment;
     23 import android.net.IpConfiguration.ProxySettings;
     24 import android.net.LinkAddress;
     25 import android.net.NetworkInfo.DetailedState;
     26 import android.net.ProxyInfo;
     27 import android.net.RouteInfo;
     28 import android.net.StaticIpConfiguration;
     29 import android.net.wifi.WifiConfiguration;
     30 import android.net.wifi.WifiConfiguration.KeyMgmt;
     31 import android.net.wifi.WifiConfiguration.Status;
     32 import static android.net.wifi.WifiConfiguration.INVALID_NETWORK_ID;
     34 import android.net.wifi.WifiEnterpriseConfig;
     35 import android.net.wifi.WifiManager;
     36 import android.net.wifi.WifiSsid;
     37 import android.net.wifi.WpsInfo;
     38 import android.net.wifi.WpsResult;
     39 import android.net.wifi.ScanResult;
     40 import android.net.wifi.WifiInfo;
     42 import android.os.Environment;
     43 import android.os.FileObserver;
     44 import android.os.Process;
     45 import android.os.SystemClock;
     46 import android.os.UserHandle;
     47 import android.provider.Settings;
     48 import android.security.Credentials;
     49 import android.security.KeyChain;
     50 import android.security.KeyStore;
     51 import android.text.TextUtils;
     52 import android.util.LocalLog;
     53 import android.util.Log;
     54 import android.util.SparseArray;
     56 import com.android.server.net.DelayedDiskWrite;
     57 import com.android.server.net.IpConfigStore;
     58 import com.android.internal.R;
     60 import java.io.BufferedReader;
     61 import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
     62 import java.io.DataInputStream;
     63 import java.io.DataOutputStream;
     64 import java.io.EOFException;
     65 import java.io.File;
     66 import java.io.FileDescriptor;
     67 import java.io.FileInputStream;
     68 import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
     69 import java.io.FileReader;
     70 import java.io.IOException;
     71 import java.io.PrintWriter;
     72 import java.math.BigInteger;
     73 import java.net.InetAddress;
     74 import java.nio.charset.Charset;
     75 import java.security.PrivateKey;
     76 import java.security.cert.Certificate;
     77 import java.security.cert.CertificateException;
     78 import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
     79 import java.text.DateFormat;
     80 import java.util.regex.Matcher;
     81 import java.util.regex.Pattern;
     82 import java.util.*;
     84 /**
     85  * This class provides the API to manage configured
     86  * wifi networks. The API is not thread safe is being
     87  * used only from WifiStateMachine.
     88  *
     89  * It deals with the following
     90  * - Add/update/remove a WifiConfiguration
     91  *   The configuration contains two types of information.
     92  *     = IP and proxy configuration that is handled by WifiConfigStore and
     93  *       is saved to disk on any change.
     94  *
     95  *       The format of configuration file is as follows:
     96  *       <version>
     97  *       <netA_key1><netA_value1><netA_key2><netA_value2>...<EOS>
     98  *       <netB_key1><netB_value1><netB_key2><netB_value2>...<EOS>
     99  *       ..
    100  *
    101  *       (key, value) pairs for a given network are grouped together and can
    102  *       be in any order. A EOS at the end of a set of (key, value) pairs
    103  *       indicates that the next set of (key, value) pairs are for a new
    104  *       network. A network is identified by a unique ID_KEY. If there is no
    105  *       ID_KEY in the (key, value) pairs, the data is discarded.
    106  *
    107  *       An invalid version on read would result in discarding the contents of
    108  *       the file. On the next write, the latest version is written to file.
    109  *
    110  *       Any failures during read or write to the configuration file are ignored
    111  *       without reporting to the user since the likelihood of these errors are
    112  *       low and the impact on connectivity is low.
    113  *
    114  *     = SSID & security details that is pushed to the supplicant.
    115  *       supplicant saves these details to the disk on calling
    116  *       saveConfigCommand().
    117  *
    118  *       We have two kinds of APIs exposed:
    119  *        > public API calls that provide fine grained control
    120  *          - enableNetwork, disableNetwork, addOrUpdateNetwork(),
    121  *          removeNetwork(). For these calls, the config is not persisted
    122  *          to the disk. (TODO: deprecate these calls in WifiManager)
    123  *        > The new API calls - selectNetwork(), saveNetwork() & forgetNetwork().
    124  *          These calls persist the supplicant config to disk.
    125  *
    126  * - Maintain a list of configured networks for quick access
    127  *
    128  */
    129 public class WifiConfigStore extends IpConfigStore {
    131     private Context mContext;
    132     private static final String TAG = "WifiConfigStore";
    133     private static final boolean DBG = true;
    134     private static boolean VDBG = false;
    135     private static boolean VVDBG = false;
    137     private static final String SUPPLICANT_CONFIG_FILE = "/data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf";
    139     /* configured networks with network id as the key */
    140     private HashMap<Integer, WifiConfiguration> mConfiguredNetworks =
    141             new HashMap<Integer, WifiConfiguration>();
    143     /* A network id is a unique identifier for a network configured in the
    144      * supplicant. Network ids are generated when the supplicant reads
    145      * the configuration file at start and can thus change for networks.
    146      * We store the IP configuration for networks along with a unique id
    147      * that is generated from SSID and security type of the network. A mapping
    148      * from the generated unique id to network id of the network is needed to
    149      * map supplicant config to IP configuration. */
    150     private HashMap<Integer, Integer> mNetworkIds =
    151             new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
    153     /* Tracks the highest priority of configured networks */
    154     private int mLastPriority = -1;
    156     private static final String ipConfigFile = Environment.getDataDirectory() +
    157             "/misc/wifi/ipconfig.txt";
    159     private static final String networkHistoryConfigFile = Environment.getDataDirectory() +
    160             "/misc/wifi/networkHistory.txt";
    162     private static final String autoJoinConfigFile = Environment.getDataDirectory() +
    163             "/misc/wifi/autojoinconfig.txt";
    165     /* Network History Keys */
    166     private static final String SSID_KEY = "SSID:  ";
    167     private static final String CONFIG_KEY = "CONFIG:  ";
    168     private static final String CHOICE_KEY = "CHOICE:  ";
    169     private static final String LINK_KEY = "LINK:  ";
    170     private static final String BSSID_KEY = "BSSID:  ";
    171     private static final String BSSID_KEY_END = "/BSSID:  ";
    172     private static final String RSSI_KEY = "RSSI:  ";
    173     private static final String FREQ_KEY = "FREQ:  ";
    174     private static final String DATE_KEY = "DATE:  ";
    175     private static final String MILLI_KEY = "MILLI:  ";
    176     private static final String BLACKLIST_MILLI_KEY = "BLACKLIST_MILLI:  ";
    177     private static final String NETWORK_ID_KEY = "ID:  ";
    178     private static final String PRIORITY_KEY = "PRIORITY:  ";
    179     private static final String DEFAULT_GW_KEY = "DEFAULT_GW:  ";
    180     private static final String AUTH_KEY = "AUTH:  ";
    181     private static final String SEPARATOR_KEY = "\n";
    182     private static final String STATUS_KEY = "AUTO_JOIN_STATUS:  ";
    183     private static final String BSSID_STATUS_KEY = "BSSID_STATUS:  ";
    184     private static final String SELF_ADDED_KEY = "SELF_ADDED:  ";
    185     private static final String FAILURE_KEY = "FAILURE:  ";
    186     private static final String DID_SELF_ADD_KEY = "DID_SELF_ADD:  ";
    187     private static final String PEER_CONFIGURATION_KEY = "PEER_CONFIGURATION:  ";
    188     private static final String CREATOR_UID_KEY = "CREATOR_UID_KEY:  ";
    189     private static final String CONNECT_UID_KEY = "CONNECT_UID_KEY:  ";
    190     private static final String UPDATE_UID_KEY = "UPDATE_UID:  ";
    191     private static final String SUPPLICANT_STATUS_KEY = "SUP_STATUS:  ";
    192     private static final String SUPPLICANT_DISABLE_REASON_KEY = "SUP_DIS_REASON:  ";
    193     private static final String FQDN_KEY = "FQDN:  ";
    194     private static final String NUM_CONNECTION_FAILURES_KEY = "CONNECT_FAILURES:  ";
    195     private static final String NUM_IP_CONFIG_FAILURES_KEY = "IP_CONFIG_FAILURES:  ";
    196     private static final String NUM_AUTH_FAILURES_KEY = "AUTH_FAILURES:  ";
    197     private static final String SCORER_OVERRIDE_KEY = "SCORER_OVERRIDE:  ";
    198     private static final String SCORER_OVERRIDE_AND_SWITCH_KEY = "SCORER_OVERRIDE_AND_SWITCH:  ";
    199     private static final String NO_INTERNET_ACCESS_KEY = "NO_INTERNET_ACCESS:  ";
    200     private static final String EPHEMERAL_KEY = "EPHEMERAL:   ";
    201     private static final String NUM_ASSOCIATION_KEY = "NUM_ASSOCIATION:  ";
    202     private static final String JOIN_ATTEMPT_BOOST_KEY = "JOIN_ATTEMPT_BOOST:  ";
    203     private static final String THRESHOLD_INITIAL_AUTO_JOIN_ATTEMPT_RSSI_MIN_5G_KEY
    205     private static final String THRESHOLD_INITIAL_AUTO_JOIN_ATTEMPT_RSSI_MIN_24G_KEY
    207     private static final String THRESHOLD_UNBLACKLIST_HARD_5G_KEY
    208             = "THRESHOLD_UNBLACKLIST_HARD_5G:  ";
    209     private static final String THRESHOLD_UNBLACKLIST_SOFT_5G_KEY
    210             = "THRESHOLD_UNBLACKLIST_SOFT_5G:  ";
    211     private static final String THRESHOLD_UNBLACKLIST_HARD_24G_KEY
    212             = "THRESHOLD_UNBLACKLIST_HARD_24G:  ";
    213     private static final String THRESHOLD_UNBLACKLIST_SOFT_24G_KEY
    214             = "THRESHOLD_UNBLACKLIST_SOFT_24G:  ";
    215     private static final String THRESHOLD_GOOD_RSSI_5_KEY
    216             = "THRESHOLD_GOOD_RSSI_5:  ";
    217     private static final String THRESHOLD_LOW_RSSI_5_KEY
    218             = "THRESHOLD_LOW_RSSI_5:  ";
    219     private static final String THRESHOLD_BAD_RSSI_5_KEY
    220             = "THRESHOLD_BAD_RSSI_5:  ";
    221     private static final String THRESHOLD_GOOD_RSSI_24_KEY
    222             = "THRESHOLD_GOOD_RSSI_24:  ";
    223     private static final String THRESHOLD_LOW_RSSI_24_KEY
    224             = "THRESHOLD_LOW_RSSI_24:  ";
    225     private static final String THRESHOLD_BAD_RSSI_24_KEY
    226             = "THRESHOLD_BAD_RSSI_24:  ";
    228     private static final String THRESHOLD_MAX_TX_PACKETS_FOR_NETWORK_SWITCHING_KEY
    230     private static final String THRESHOLD_MAX_RX_PACKETS_FOR_NETWORK_SWITCHING_KEY
    233     private static final String THRESHOLD_MAX_TX_PACKETS_FOR_FULL_SCANS_KEY
    234             = "THRESHOLD_MAX_TX_PACKETS_FOR_FULL_SCANS:   ";
    235     private static final String THRESHOLD_MAX_RX_PACKETS_FOR_FULL_SCANS_KEY
    236             = "THRESHOLD_MAX_RX_PACKETS_FOR_FULL_SCANS:   ";
    238     private static final String THRESHOLD_MAX_TX_PACKETS_FOR_PARTIAL_SCANS_KEY
    240     private static final String THRESHOLD_MAX_RX_PACKETS_FOR_PARTIAL_SCANS_KEY
    243     private static final String MAX_NUM_ACTIVE_CHANNELS_FOR_PARTIAL_SCANS_KEY
    244             = "MAX_NUM_ACTIVE_CHANNELS_FOR_PARTIAL_SCANS:   ";
    245     private static final String MAX_NUM_PASSIVE_CHANNELS_FOR_PARTIAL_SCANS_KEY
    248     private static final String A_BAND_PREFERENCE_RSSI_THRESHOLD_LOW_KEY =
    249             "A_BAND_PREFERENCE_RSSI_THRESHOLD_LOW:   ";
    250     private static final String A_BAND_PREFERENCE_RSSI_THRESHOLD_KEY =
    251             "A_BAND_PREFERENCE_RSSI_THRESHOLD:   ";
    252     private static final String G_BAND_PREFERENCE_RSSI_THRESHOLD_KEY =
    253             "G_BAND_PREFERENCE_RSSI_THRESHOLD:   ";
    255     private static final String ENABLE_AUTOJOIN_WHILE_ASSOCIATED_KEY
    256             = "ENABLE_AUTOJOIN_WHILE_ASSOCIATED:   ";
    258     private static final String ASSOCIATED_PARTIAL_SCAN_PERIOD_KEY
    259             = "ASSOCIATED_PARTIAL_SCAN_PERIOD:   ";
    260     private static final String ASSOCIATED_FULL_SCAN_BACKOFF_KEY
    261             = "ASSOCIATED_FULL_SCAN_BACKOFF_PERIOD:   ";
    262     private static final String ALWAYS_ENABLE_SCAN_WHILE_ASSOCIATED_KEY
    263             = "ALWAYS_ENABLE_SCAN_WHILE_ASSOCIATED:   ";
    264     private static final String ONLY_LINK_SAME_CREDENTIAL_CONFIGURATIONS_KEY
    267     private static final String ENABLE_FULL_BAND_SCAN_WHEN_ASSOCIATED_KEY
    268             = "ENABLE_FULL_BAND_SCAN_WHEN_ASSOCIATED:   ";
    270     // The three below configurations are mainly for power stats and CPU usage tracking
    271     // allowing to incrementally disable framework features
    272     private static final String ENABLE_AUTO_JOIN_SCAN_WHILE_ASSOCIATED_KEY
    273             = "ENABLE_AUTO_JOIN_SCAN_WHILE_ASSOCIATED:   ";
    274     private static final String ENABLE_AUTO_JOIN_WHILE_ASSOCIATED_KEY
    275             = "ENABLE_AUTO_JOIN_WHILE_ASSOCIATED:   ";
    276     private static final String ENABLE_CHIP_WAKE_UP_WHILE_ASSOCIATED_KEY
    277             = "ENABLE_CHIP_WAKE_UP_WHILE_ASSOCIATED:   ";
    278     private static final String ENABLE_RSSI_POLL_WHILE_ASSOCIATED_KEY
    279             = "ENABLE_RSSI_POLL_WHILE_ASSOCIATED_KEY:   ";
    281     // The Wifi verbose log is provided as a way to persist the verbose logging settings
    282     // for testing purpose.
    283     // It is not intended for normal use.
    284     private static final String WIFI_VERBOSE_LOGS_KEY
    285             = "WIFI_VERBOSE_LOGS:   ";
    287     // As we keep deleted PSK WifiConfiguration for a while, the PSK of
    288     // those deleted WifiConfiguration is set to this random unused PSK
    289     private static final String DELETED_CONFIG_PSK = "Mjkd86jEMGn79KhKll298Uu7-deleted";
    291     public boolean enableAutoJoinScanWhenAssociated = true;
    292     public boolean enableAutoJoinWhenAssociated = true;
    293     public boolean enableChipWakeUpWhenAssociated = true;
    294     public boolean enableRssiPollWhenAssociated = true;
    296     public int maxTxPacketForNetworkSwitching = 40;
    297     public int maxRxPacketForNetworkSwitching = 80;
    299     public int maxTxPacketForFullScans = 8;
    300     public int maxRxPacketForFullScans = 16;
    302     public int maxTxPacketForPartialScans = 40;
    303     public int maxRxPacketForPartialScans = 80;
    305     public boolean enableFullBandScanWhenAssociated = true;
    307     public int thresholdInitialAutoJoinAttemptMin5RSSI
    308             = WifiConfiguration.INITIAL_AUTO_JOIN_ATTEMPT_MIN_5;
    309     public int thresholdInitialAutoJoinAttemptMin24RSSI
    310             = WifiConfiguration.INITIAL_AUTO_JOIN_ATTEMPT_MIN_24;
    312     public int thresholdBadRssi5 = WifiConfiguration.BAD_RSSI_5;
    313     public int thresholdLowRssi5 = WifiConfiguration.LOW_RSSI_5;
    314     public int thresholdGoodRssi5 = WifiConfiguration.GOOD_RSSI_5;
    315     public int thresholdBadRssi24 = WifiConfiguration.BAD_RSSI_24;
    316     public int thresholdLowRssi24 = WifiConfiguration.LOW_RSSI_24;
    317     public int thresholdGoodRssi24 = WifiConfiguration.GOOD_RSSI_24;
    319     public int associatedFullScanBackoff = 12; // Will be divided by 8 by WifiStateMachine
    320     public int associatedFullScanMaxIntervalMilli = 300000;
    322     public int associatedPartialScanPeriodMilli;
    324     public int bandPreferenceBoostFactor5 = 5; // Boost by 5 dB per dB above threshold
    325     public int bandPreferencePenaltyFactor5 = 2; // Penalize by 2 dB per dB below threshold
    326     public int bandPreferencePenaltyThreshold5 = WifiConfiguration.G_BAND_PREFERENCE_RSSI_THRESHOLD;
    327     public int bandPreferenceBoostThreshold5 = WifiConfiguration.A_BAND_PREFERENCE_RSSI_THRESHOLD;
    329     public int badLinkSpeed24 = 6;
    330     public int badLinkSpeed5 = 12;
    331     public int goodLinkSpeed24 = 24;
    332     public int goodLinkSpeed5 = 36;
    334     public int maxAuthErrorsToBlacklist = 4;
    335     public int maxConnectionErrorsToBlacklist = 4;
    336     public int wifiConfigBlacklistMinTimeMilli = 1000 * 60 * 5;
    338     // Boost RSSI values of associated networks
    339     public int associatedHysteresisHigh = +14;
    340     public int associatedHysteresisLow = +8;
    342     public int thresholdUnblacklistThreshold5Hard
    343             = WifiConfiguration.UNBLACKLIST_THRESHOLD_5_HARD;
    344     public int thresholdUnblacklistThreshold5Soft
    345             = WifiConfiguration.UNBLACKLIST_THRESHOLD_5_SOFT;
    346     public int thresholdUnblacklistThreshold24Hard
    347             = WifiConfiguration.UNBLACKLIST_THRESHOLD_24_HARD;
    348     public int thresholdUnblacklistThreshold24Soft
    349             = WifiConfiguration.UNBLACKLIST_THRESHOLD_24_SOFT;
    350     public int enableVerboseLogging = 0;
    351     boolean showNetworks = true; // TODO set this back to false, used for debugging 17516271
    353     public int alwaysEnableScansWhileAssociated = 0;
    355     public int maxNumActiveChannelsForPartialScans = 6;
    356     public int maxNumPassiveChannelsForPartialScans = 2;
    358     public boolean roamOnAny = false;
    359     public boolean onlyLinkSameCredentialConfigurations = true;
    361     public boolean enableLinkDebouncing = true;
    362     public boolean enable5GHzPreference = true;
    363     public boolean enableWifiCellularHandoverUserTriggeredAdjustment = true;
    365     /**
    366      * Regex pattern for extracting a connect choice.
    367      * Matches a strings like the following:
    368      * <configKey>=([0:9]+)
    369      */
    370     private static Pattern mConnectChoice =
    371             Pattern.compile("(.*)=([0-9]+)");
    374     /* Enterprise configuration keys */
    375     /**
    376      * In old configurations, the "private_key" field was used. However, newer
    377      * configurations use the key_id field with the engine_id set to "keystore".
    378      * If this field is found in the configuration, the migration code is
    379      * triggered.
    380      */
    381     public static final String OLD_PRIVATE_KEY_NAME = "private_key";
    383     /**
    384      * This represents an empty value of an enterprise field.
    385      * NULL is used at wpa_supplicant to indicate an empty value
    386      */
    387     static final String EMPTY_VALUE = "NULL";
    389     // Internal use only
    390     private static final String[] ENTERPRISE_CONFIG_SUPPLICANT_KEYS = new String[] {
    391             WifiEnterpriseConfig.EAP_KEY, WifiEnterpriseConfig.PHASE2_KEY,
    392             WifiEnterpriseConfig.IDENTITY_KEY, WifiEnterpriseConfig.ANON_IDENTITY_KEY,
    393             WifiEnterpriseConfig.PASSWORD_KEY, WifiEnterpriseConfig.CLIENT_CERT_KEY,
    394             WifiEnterpriseConfig.CA_CERT_KEY, WifiEnterpriseConfig.SUBJECT_MATCH_KEY,
    395             WifiEnterpriseConfig.ENGINE_KEY, WifiEnterpriseConfig.ENGINE_ID_KEY,
    396             WifiEnterpriseConfig.PRIVATE_KEY_ID_KEY };
    399     /**
    400      * If Connectivity Service has triggered an unwanted network disconnect
    401      */
    402     public long lastUnwantedNetworkDisconnectTimestamp = 0;
    404     /**
    405      * The maximum number of times we will retry a connection to an access point
    406      * for which we have failed in acquiring an IP address from DHCP. A value of
    407      * N means that we will make N+1 connection attempts in all.
    408      * <p>
    409      * See {@link Settings.Secure#WIFI_MAX_DHCP_RETRY_COUNT}. This is the default
    410      * value if a Settings value is not present.
    411      */
    412     private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_DHCP_RETRIES = 9;
    415     private final LocalLog mLocalLog;
    416     private final WpaConfigFileObserver mFileObserver;
    418     private WifiNative mWifiNative;
    419     private final KeyStore mKeyStore = KeyStore.getInstance();
    421     /**
    422      * The lastSelectedConfiguration is used to remember which network
    423      * was selected last by the user.
    424      * The connection to this network may not be successful, as well
    425      * the selection (i.e. network priority) might not be persisted.
    426      * WiFi state machine is the only object that sets this variable.
    427      */
    428     private String lastSelectedConfiguration = null;
    430     WifiConfigStore(Context c, WifiNative wn) {
    431         mContext = c;
    432         mWifiNative = wn;
    434         if (showNetworks) {
    435             mLocalLog = mWifiNative.getLocalLog();
    436             mFileObserver = new WpaConfigFileObserver();
    437             mFileObserver.startWatching();
    438         } else {
    439             mLocalLog = null;
    440             mFileObserver = null;
    441         }
    443         associatedPartialScanPeriodMilli = mContext.getResources().getInteger(
    444                 R.integer.config_wifi_framework_associated_scan_interval);
    445         loge("associatedPartialScanPeriodMilli set to " + associatedPartialScanPeriodMilli);
    447         onlyLinkSameCredentialConfigurations = mContext.getResources().getBoolean(
    448                 R.bool.config_wifi_only_link_same_credential_configurations);
    449         maxNumActiveChannelsForPartialScans = mContext.getResources().getInteger(
    450                 R.integer.config_wifi_framework_associated_partial_scan_max_num_active_channels);
    451         maxNumPassiveChannelsForPartialScans = mContext.getResources().getInteger(
    452                 R.integer.config_wifi_framework_associated_partial_scan_max_num_passive_channels);
    453         associatedFullScanMaxIntervalMilli = mContext.getResources().getInteger(
    454                 R.integer.config_wifi_framework_associated_full_scan_max_interval);
    455         associatedFullScanBackoff = mContext.getResources().getInteger(
    456                 R.integer.config_wifi_framework_associated_full_scan_backoff);
    457         enableLinkDebouncing = mContext.getResources().getBoolean(
    458                 R.bool.config_wifi_enable_disconnection_debounce);
    460         enable5GHzPreference = mContext.getResources().getBoolean(
    461                 R.bool.config_wifi_enable_5GHz_preference);
    463         bandPreferenceBoostFactor5 = mContext.getResources().getInteger(
    464                 R.integer.config_wifi_framework_5GHz_preference_boost_factor);
    465         bandPreferencePenaltyFactor5 = mContext.getResources().getInteger(
    466                 R.integer.config_wifi_framework_5GHz_preference_penalty_factor);
    468         bandPreferencePenaltyThreshold5 = mContext.getResources().getInteger(
    469                 R.integer.config_wifi_framework_5GHz_preference_penalty_threshold);
    470         bandPreferenceBoostThreshold5 = mContext.getResources().getInteger(
    471                 R.integer.config_wifi_framework_5GHz_preference_boost_threshold);
    473         associatedHysteresisHigh = mContext.getResources().getInteger(
    474                 R.integer.config_wifi_framework_current_association_hysteresis_high);
    475         associatedHysteresisLow = mContext.getResources().getInteger(
    476                 R.integer.config_wifi_framework_current_association_hysteresis_low);
    478         thresholdBadRssi5 = mContext.getResources().getInteger(
    479                 R.integer.config_wifi_framework_wifi_score_bad_rssi_threshold_5GHz);
    480         thresholdLowRssi5 = mContext.getResources().getInteger(
    481                 R.integer.config_wifi_framework_wifi_score_low_rssi_threshold_5GHz);
    482         thresholdGoodRssi5 = mContext.getResources().getInteger(
    483                 R.integer.config_wifi_framework_wifi_score_good_rssi_threshold_5GHz);
    484         thresholdBadRssi24 = mContext.getResources().getInteger(
    485                 R.integer.config_wifi_framework_wifi_score_bad_rssi_threshold_24GHz);
    486         thresholdLowRssi24 = mContext.getResources().getInteger(
    487                 R.integer.config_wifi_framework_wifi_score_low_rssi_threshold_24GHz);
    488         thresholdGoodRssi24 = mContext.getResources().getInteger(
    489                 R.integer.config_wifi_framework_wifi_score_good_rssi_threshold_24GHz);
    491         enableWifiCellularHandoverUserTriggeredAdjustment = mContext.getResources().getBoolean(
    492                 R.bool.config_wifi_framework_cellular_handover_enable_user_triggered_adjustment);
    494         badLinkSpeed24 = mContext.getResources().getInteger(
    495                 R.integer.config_wifi_framework_wifi_score_bad_link_speed_24);
    496         badLinkSpeed5 = mContext.getResources().getInteger(
    497                 R.integer.config_wifi_framework_wifi_score_bad_link_speed_5);
    498         goodLinkSpeed24 = mContext.getResources().getInteger(
    499                 R.integer.config_wifi_framework_wifi_score_good_link_speed_24);
    500         goodLinkSpeed5 = mContext.getResources().getInteger(
    501                 R.integer.config_wifi_framework_wifi_score_good_link_speed_5);
    503         maxAuthErrorsToBlacklist = mContext.getResources().getInteger(
    504                 R.integer.config_wifi_framework_max_auth_errors_to_blacklist);
    505         maxConnectionErrorsToBlacklist = mContext.getResources().getInteger(
    506                 R.integer.config_wifi_framework_max_connection_errors_to_blacklist);
    507         wifiConfigBlacklistMinTimeMilli = mContext.getResources().getInteger(
    508                 R.integer.config_wifi_framework_network_black_list_min_time_milli);
    511         enableAutoJoinScanWhenAssociated = mContext.getResources().getBoolean(
    512                 R.bool.config_wifi_framework_enable_associated_autojoin_scan);
    514         enableAutoJoinWhenAssociated = mContext.getResources().getBoolean(
    515                 R.bool.config_wifi_framework_enable_associated_network_selection);
    516     }
    518     void enableVerboseLogging(int verbose) {
    519         enableVerboseLogging = verbose;
    520         if (verbose > 0) {
    521             VDBG = true;
    522             showNetworks = true;
    523         } else {
    524             VDBG = false;
    525         }
    526         if (verbose > 1) {
    527             VVDBG = true;
    528         } else {
    529             VVDBG = false;
    530         }
    531     }
    533     class WpaConfigFileObserver extends FileObserver {
    535         public WpaConfigFileObserver() {
    536             super(SUPPLICANT_CONFIG_FILE, CLOSE_WRITE);
    537         }
    539         @Override
    540         public void onEvent(int event, String path) {
    541             if (event == CLOSE_WRITE) {
    542                 File file = new File(SUPPLICANT_CONFIG_FILE);
    543                 if (VDBG) localLog("wpa_supplicant.conf changed; new size = " + file.length());
    544             }
    545         }
    546     }
    549     /**
    550      * Fetch the list of configured networks
    551      * and enable all stored networks in supplicant.
    552      */
    553     void loadAndEnableAllNetworks() {
    554         if (DBG) log("Loading config and enabling all networks ");
    555         loadConfiguredNetworks();
    556         enableAllNetworks();
    557     }
    559     int getConfiguredNetworksSize() {
    560         return mConfiguredNetworks.size();
    561     }
    563     private List<WifiConfiguration> getConfiguredNetworks(Map<String, String> pskMap) {
    564         List<WifiConfiguration> networks = new ArrayList<>();
    565         for(WifiConfiguration config : mConfiguredNetworks.values()) {
    566             WifiConfiguration newConfig = new WifiConfiguration(config);
    567             if (config.autoJoinStatus == WifiConfiguration.AUTO_JOIN_DELETED) {
    568                 // Do not enumerate and return this configuration to any one,
    569                 // for instance WiFi Picker.
    570                 // instead treat it as unknown. the configuration can still be retrieved
    571                 // directly by the key or networkId
    572                 continue;
    573             }
    575             if (pskMap != null && config.allowedKeyManagement != null
    576                     && config.allowedKeyManagement.get(WifiConfiguration.KeyMgmt.WPA_PSK)
    577                     && pskMap.containsKey(config.SSID)) {
    578                 newConfig.preSharedKey = pskMap.get(config.SSID);
    579             }
    580             networks.add(newConfig);
    581         }
    582         return networks;
    583     }
    585     /**
    586      * Fetch the list of currently configured networks
    587      * @return List of networks
    588      */
    589     List<WifiConfiguration> getConfiguredNetworks() {
    590         return getConfiguredNetworks(null);
    591     }
    593     /**
    594      * Fetch the list of currently configured networks, filled with real preSharedKeys
    595      * @return List of networks
    596      */
    597     List<WifiConfiguration> getPrivilegedConfiguredNetworks() {
    598         Map<String, String> pskMap = getCredentialsBySsidMap();
    599         return getConfiguredNetworks(pskMap);
    600     }
    602     /**
    603      * Fetch the preSharedKeys for all networks.
    604      * @return a map from Ssid to preSharedKey.
    605      */
    606     private Map<String, String> getCredentialsBySsidMap() {
    607         return readNetworkVariablesFromSupplicantFile("psk");
    608     }
    610     int getconfiguredNetworkSize() {
    611         if (mConfiguredNetworks == null)
    612             return 0;
    613         return mConfiguredNetworks.size();
    614     }
    616     /**
    617      * Fetch the list of currently configured networks that were recently seen
    618      *
    619      * @return List of networks
    620      */
    621     List<WifiConfiguration> getRecentConfiguredNetworks(int milli, boolean copy) {
    622         List<WifiConfiguration> networks = null;
    624         for (WifiConfiguration config : mConfiguredNetworks.values()) {
    625             if (config.autoJoinStatus == WifiConfiguration.AUTO_JOIN_DELETED) {
    626                 // Do not enumerate and return this configuration to any one,
    627                 // instead treat it as unknown. the configuration can still be retrieved
    628                 // directly by the key or networkId
    629                 continue;
    630             }
    632             // Calculate the RSSI for scan results that are more recent than milli
    633             config.setVisibility(milli);
    634             if (config.visibility == null) {
    635                 continue;
    636             }
    637             if (config.visibility.rssi5 == WifiConfiguration.INVALID_RSSI &&
    638                     config.visibility.rssi24 == WifiConfiguration.INVALID_RSSI) {
    639                 continue;
    640             }
    641             if (networks == null)
    642                 networks = new ArrayList<WifiConfiguration>();
    643             if (copy) {
    644                 networks.add(new WifiConfiguration(config));
    645             } else {
    646                 networks.add(config);
    647             }
    648         }
    649         return networks;
    650     }
    652     /**
    653      *  Update the configuration and BSSID with latest RSSI value.
    654      */
    655     void updateConfiguration(WifiInfo info) {
    656         WifiConfiguration config = getWifiConfiguration(info.getNetworkId());
    657         if (config != null && config.scanResultCache != null) {
    658             ScanResult result = config.scanResultCache.get(info.getBSSID());
    659             if (result != null) {
    660                 long previousSeen = result.seen;
    661                 int previousRssi = result.level;
    663                 // Update the scan result
    664                 result.seen = System.currentTimeMillis();
    665                 result.level = info.getRssi();
    667                 // Average the RSSI value
    668                 result.averageRssi(previousRssi, previousSeen,
    669                         WifiAutoJoinController.mScanResultMaximumAge);
    670                 if (VDBG) {
    671                     loge("updateConfiguration freq=" + result.frequency
    672                         + " BSSID=" + result.BSSID
    673                         + " RSSI=" + result.level
    674                         + " " + config.configKey());
    675                 }
    676             }
    677         }
    678     }
    680     /**
    681      * get the Wificonfiguration for this netId
    682      *
    683      * @return Wificonfiguration
    684      */
    685     WifiConfiguration getWifiConfiguration(int netId) {
    686         if (mConfiguredNetworks == null)
    687             return null;
    688         return mConfiguredNetworks.get(netId);
    689     }
    691     /**
    692      * Get the Wificonfiguration for this key
    693      * @return Wificonfiguration
    694      */
    695     WifiConfiguration getWifiConfiguration(String key) {
    696         if (key == null)
    697             return null;
    698         int hash = key.hashCode();
    699         if (mNetworkIds == null)
    700             return null;
    701         Integer n = mNetworkIds.get(hash);
    702         if (n == null)
    703             return null;
    704         int netId = n.intValue();
    705         return getWifiConfiguration(netId);
    706     }
    708     /**
    709      * Enable all networks and save config. This will be a no-op if the list
    710      * of configured networks indicates all networks as being enabled
    711      */
    712     void enableAllNetworks() {
    713         long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
    714         boolean networkEnabledStateChanged = false;
    716         for(WifiConfiguration config : mConfiguredNetworks.values()) {
    718             if(config != null && config.status == Status.DISABLED
    719                     && (config.autoJoinStatus
    720                     <= WifiConfiguration.AUTO_JOIN_DISABLED_ON_AUTH_FAILURE)) {
    722                 // Wait for 20 minutes before reenabling config that have known, repeated connection
    723                 // or DHCP failures
    724                 if (config.disableReason == WifiConfiguration.DISABLED_DHCP_FAILURE
    725                         || config.disableReason == WifiConfiguration.DISABLED_ASSOCIATION_REJECT
    726                         || config.disableReason == WifiConfiguration.DISABLED_AUTH_FAILURE) {
    727                     if (config.blackListTimestamp != 0
    728                            && now > config.blackListTimestamp
    729                            && (now - config.blackListTimestamp) < wifiConfigBlacklistMinTimeMilli) {
    730                         continue;
    731                     }
    732                 }
    734                 if(mWifiNative.enableNetwork(config.networkId, false)) {
    735                     networkEnabledStateChanged = true;
    736                     config.status = Status.ENABLED;
    738                     // Reset the blacklist condition
    739                     config.numConnectionFailures = 0;
    740                     config.numIpConfigFailures = 0;
    741                     config.numAuthFailures = 0;
    743                     // Reenable the wifi configuration
    744                     config.setAutoJoinStatus(WifiConfiguration.AUTO_JOIN_ENABLED);
    745                 } else {
    746                     loge("Enable network failed on " + config.networkId);
    747                 }
    748             }
    749         }
    751         if (networkEnabledStateChanged) {
    752             mWifiNative.saveConfig();
    753             sendConfiguredNetworksChangedBroadcast();
    754         }
    755     }
    758     /**
    759      * Selects the specified network for connection. This involves
    760      * updating the priority of all the networks and enabling the given
    761      * network while disabling others.
    762      *
    763      * Selecting a network will leave the other networks disabled and
    764      * a call to enableAllNetworks() needs to be issued upon a connection
    765      * or a failure event from supplicant
    766      *
    767      * @param netId network to select for connection
    768      * @return false if the network id is invalid
    769      */
    770     boolean selectNetwork(int netId) {
    771         if (VDBG) localLog("selectNetwork", netId);
    772         if (netId == INVALID_NETWORK_ID) return false;
    774         // Reset the priority of each network at start or if it goes too high.
    775         if (mLastPriority == -1 || mLastPriority > 1000000) {
    776             for(WifiConfiguration config : mConfiguredNetworks.values()) {
    777                 if (config.networkId != INVALID_NETWORK_ID) {
    778                     config.priority = 0;
    779                     addOrUpdateNetworkNative(config, -1);
    780                 }
    781             }
    782             mLastPriority = 0;
    783         }
    785         // Set to the highest priority and save the configuration.
    786         WifiConfiguration config = new WifiConfiguration();
    787         config.networkId = netId;
    788         config.priority = ++mLastPriority;
    790         addOrUpdateNetworkNative(config, -1);
    791         mWifiNative.saveConfig();
    793         /* Enable the given network while disabling all other networks */
    794         enableNetworkWithoutBroadcast(netId, true);
    796        /* Avoid saving the config & sending a broadcast to prevent settings
    797         * from displaying a disabled list of networks */
    798         return true;
    799     }
    801     /**
    802      * Add/update the specified configuration and save config
    803      *
    804      * @param config WifiConfiguration to be saved
    805      * @return network update result
    806      */
    807     NetworkUpdateResult saveNetwork(WifiConfiguration config, int uid) {
    808         WifiConfiguration conf;
    810         // A new network cannot have null SSID
    811         if (config == null || (config.networkId == INVALID_NETWORK_ID &&
    812                 config.SSID == null)) {
    813             return new NetworkUpdateResult(INVALID_NETWORK_ID);
    814         }
    815         if (VDBG) localLog("WifiConfigStore: saveNetwork netId", config.networkId);
    816         if (VDBG) {
    817             loge("WifiConfigStore saveNetwork, size=" + mConfiguredNetworks.size()
    818                     + " SSID=" + config.SSID
    819                     + " Uid=" + Integer.toString(config.creatorUid)
    820                     + "/" + Integer.toString(config.lastUpdateUid));
    821         }
    822         boolean newNetwork = (config.networkId == INVALID_NETWORK_ID);
    823         NetworkUpdateResult result = addOrUpdateNetworkNative(config, uid);
    824         int netId = result.getNetworkId();
    826         if (VDBG) localLog("WifiConfigStore: saveNetwork got it back netId=", netId);
    828         /* enable a new network */
    829         if (newNetwork && netId != INVALID_NETWORK_ID) {
    830             if (VDBG) localLog("WifiConfigStore: will enable netId=", netId);
    832             mWifiNative.enableNetwork(netId, false);
    833             conf = mConfiguredNetworks.get(netId);
    834             if (conf != null)
    835                 conf.status = Status.ENABLED;
    836         }
    838         conf = mConfiguredNetworks.get(netId);
    839         if (conf != null) {
    840             if (conf.autoJoinStatus != WifiConfiguration.AUTO_JOIN_ENABLED) {
    841                 if (VDBG) localLog("WifiConfigStore: re-enabling: " + conf.SSID);
    843                 // reenable autojoin, since new information has been provided
    844                 conf.setAutoJoinStatus(WifiConfiguration.AUTO_JOIN_ENABLED);
    845                 enableNetworkWithoutBroadcast(conf.networkId, false);
    846             }
    847             if (VDBG) {
    848                 loge("WifiConfigStore: saveNetwork got config back netId="
    849                         + Integer.toString(netId)
    850                         + " uid=" + Integer.toString(config.creatorUid));
    851             }
    852         }
    854         mWifiNative.saveConfig();
    855         sendConfiguredNetworksChangedBroadcast(conf, result.isNewNetwork() ?
    856                 WifiManager.CHANGE_REASON_ADDED : WifiManager.CHANGE_REASON_CONFIG_CHANGE);
    857         return result;
    858     }
    860     /**
    861      * Firmware is roaming away from this BSSID, and this BSSID was on 5GHz, and it's RSSI was good,
    862      * this means we have a situation where we would want to remain on this BSSID but firmware
    863      * is not successful at it.
    864      * This situation is observed on a small number of Access Points, b/17960587
    865      * In that situation, blacklist this BSSID really hard so as framework will not attempt to
    866      * roam to it for the next 8 hours. We do not to keep flipping between 2.4 and 5GHz band..
    867      * TODO: review the blacklisting strategy so as to make it softer and adaptive
    868      * @param info
    869      */
    870     void driverRoamedFrom(WifiInfo info) {
    871         if (info != null
    872             && info.getBSSID() != null
    873             && ScanResult.is5GHz(info.getFrequency())
    874             && info.getRssi() > (bandPreferenceBoostThreshold5 + 3)) {
    875             WifiConfiguration config = getWifiConfiguration(info.getNetworkId());
    876             if (config != null) {
    877                 if (config.scanResultCache != null) {
    878                     ScanResult result = config.scanResultCache.get(info.getBSSID());
    879                     if (result != null) {
    880                         result.setAutoJoinStatus(ScanResult.AUTO_ROAM_DISABLED + 1);
    881                     }
    882                 }
    883             }
    884         }
    885     }
    887     void saveWifiConfigBSSID(WifiConfiguration config) {
    888         // Sanity check the config is valid
    889         if (config == null || (config.networkId == INVALID_NETWORK_ID &&
    890                 config.SSID == null)) {
    891             return;
    892         }
    894         // If an app specified a BSSID then dont over-write it
    895         if (config.BSSID != null && config.BSSID != "any") {
    896             return;
    897         }
    899         // If autojoin specified a BSSID then write it in the network block
    900         if (config.autoJoinBSSID != null) {
    901             loge("saveWifiConfigBSSID Setting BSSID for " + config.configKey()
    902                     + " to " + config.autoJoinBSSID);
    903             if (!mWifiNative.setNetworkVariable(
    904                     config.networkId,
    905                     WifiConfiguration.bssidVarName,
    906                     config.autoJoinBSSID)) {
    907                 loge("failed to set BSSID: " + config.autoJoinBSSID);
    908             } else if (config.autoJoinBSSID.equals("any")) {
    909                 // Paranoia, we just want to make sure that we restore the config to normal
    910                 mWifiNative.saveConfig();
    911             }
    912         }
    913     }
    916     void updateStatus(int netId, DetailedState state) {
    917         if (netId != INVALID_NETWORK_ID) {
    918             WifiConfiguration config = mConfiguredNetworks.get(netId);
    919             if (config == null) return;
    920             switch (state) {
    921                 case CONNECTED:
    922                     config.status = Status.CURRENT;
    923                     //we successfully connected, hence remove the blacklist
    924                     config.setAutoJoinStatus(WifiConfiguration.AUTO_JOIN_ENABLED);
    925                     break;
    926                 case DISCONNECTED:
    927                     //If network is already disabled, keep the status
    928                     if (config.status == Status.CURRENT) {
    929                         config.status = Status.ENABLED;
    930                     }
    931                     break;
    932                 default:
    933                     //do nothing, retain the existing state
    934                     break;
    935             }
    936         }
    937     }
    939     /**
    940      * Forget the specified network and save config
    941      *
    942      * @param netId network to forget
    943      * @return {@code true} if it succeeds, {@code false} otherwise
    944      */
    945     boolean forgetNetwork(int netId) {
    946         if (showNetworks) localLog("forgetNetwork", netId);
    948         boolean remove = removeConfigAndSendBroadcastIfNeeded(netId);
    949         if (!remove) {
    950             //success but we dont want to remove the network from supplicant conf file
    951             return true;
    952         }
    953         if (mWifiNative.removeNetwork(netId)) {
    954             mWifiNative.saveConfig();
    955             return true;
    956         } else {
    957             loge("Failed to remove network " + netId);
    958             return false;
    959         }
    960     }
    962     /**
    963      * Add/update a network. Note that there is no saveConfig operation.
    964      * This function is retained for compatibility with the public
    965      * API. The more powerful saveNetwork() is used by the
    966      * state machine
    967      *
    968      * @param config wifi configuration to add/update
    969      * @return network Id
    970      */
    971     int addOrUpdateNetwork(WifiConfiguration config, int uid) {
    972         if (showNetworks) localLog("addOrUpdateNetwork id=", config.networkId);
    973         //adding unconditional message to chase b/15111865
    974         Log.e(TAG, " key=" + config.configKey() + " netId=" + Integer.toString(config.networkId)
    975                 + " uid=" + Integer.toString(config.creatorUid)
    976                 + "/" + Integer.toString(config.lastUpdateUid));
    977         NetworkUpdateResult result = addOrUpdateNetworkNative(config, uid);
    978         if (result.getNetworkId() != WifiConfiguration.INVALID_NETWORK_ID) {
    979             WifiConfiguration conf = mConfiguredNetworks.get(result.getNetworkId());
    980             if (conf != null) {
    981                 sendConfiguredNetworksChangedBroadcast(conf,
    982                     result.isNewNetwork ? WifiManager.CHANGE_REASON_ADDED :
    983                             WifiManager.CHANGE_REASON_CONFIG_CHANGE);
    984             }
    985         }
    986         return result.getNetworkId();
    987     }
    989     /**
    990      * Remove a network. Note that there is no saveConfig operation.
    991      * This function is retained for compatibility with the public
    992      * API. The more powerful forgetNetwork() is used by the
    993      * state machine for network removal
    994      *
    995      * @param netId network to be removed
    996      * @return {@code true} if it succeeds, {@code false} otherwise
    997      */
    998     boolean removeNetwork(int netId) {
    999         if (showNetworks) localLog("removeNetwork", netId);
   1000         boolean ret = mWifiNative.removeNetwork(netId);
   1001         if (ret) {
   1002             removeConfigAndSendBroadcastIfNeeded(netId);
   1003         }
   1004         return ret;
   1005     }
   1007     private boolean removeConfigAndSendBroadcastIfNeeded(int netId) {
   1008         boolean remove = true;
   1009         WifiConfiguration config = mConfiguredNetworks.get(netId);
   1010         if (config != null) {
   1011             if (VDBG) {
   1012                 loge("removeNetwork " + Integer.toString(netId) + " key=" +
   1013                         config.configKey() + " config.id=" + Integer.toString(config.networkId));
   1014             }
   1016             // cancel the last user choice
   1017             if (config.configKey().equals(lastSelectedConfiguration)) {
   1018                 lastSelectedConfiguration = null;
   1019             }
   1021             // Remove any associated keys
   1022             if (config.enterpriseConfig != null) {
   1023                 removeKeys(config.enterpriseConfig);
   1024             }
   1026             if (config.selfAdded || config.linkedConfigurations != null
   1027                     || config.allowedKeyManagement.get(KeyMgmt.WPA_PSK)) {
   1028                 remove = false;
   1029                 loge("removeNetwork " + Integer.toString(netId)
   1030                         + " key=" + config.configKey()
   1031                         + " config.id=" + Integer.toString(config.networkId)
   1032                         + " -> mark as deleted");
   1033             }
   1035             if (remove) {
   1036                 mConfiguredNetworks.remove(netId);
   1037                 mNetworkIds.remove(configKey(config));
   1038             } else {
   1039                 /**
   1040                  * We can't directly remove the configuration since we could re-add it ourselves,
   1041                  * and that would look weird to the user.
   1042                  * Instead mark it as deleted and completely hide it from the rest of the system.
   1043                  */
   1044                 config.setAutoJoinStatus(WifiConfiguration.AUTO_JOIN_DELETED);
   1045                 // Disable
   1046                 mWifiNative.disableNetwork(config.networkId);
   1047                 config.status = WifiConfiguration.Status.DISABLED;
   1048                 // Since we don't delete the configuration, clean it up and loose the history
   1049                 config.linkedConfigurations = null;
   1050                 config.scanResultCache = null;
   1051                 config.connectChoices = null;
   1052                 config.defaultGwMacAddress = null;
   1053                 config.setIpConfiguration(new IpConfiguration());
   1054                 // Loose the PSK
   1055                 if (!mWifiNative.setNetworkVariable(
   1056                         config.networkId,
   1057                         WifiConfiguration.pskVarName,
   1058                         "\"" + DELETED_CONFIG_PSK + "\"")) {
   1059                     loge("removeNetwork, failed to clear PSK, nid=" + config.networkId);
   1060                 }
   1061                 // Loose the BSSID
   1062                 config.BSSID = null;
   1063                 config.autoJoinBSSID = null;
   1064                 if (!mWifiNative.setNetworkVariable(
   1065                         config.networkId,
   1066                         WifiConfiguration.bssidVarName,
   1067                         "any")) {
   1068                     loge("removeNetwork, failed to remove BSSID");
   1069                 }
   1070                 // Loose the hiddenSSID flag
   1071                 config.hiddenSSID = false;
   1072                 if (!mWifiNative.setNetworkVariable(
   1073                         config.networkId,
   1074                         WifiConfiguration.hiddenSSIDVarName,
   1075                         Integer.toString(0))) {
   1076                     loge("removeNetwork, failed to remove hiddenSSID");
   1077                 }
   1079                 mWifiNative.saveConfig();
   1080             }
   1082             writeIpAndProxyConfigurations();
   1083             sendConfiguredNetworksChangedBroadcast(config, WifiManager.CHANGE_REASON_REMOVED);
   1084             writeKnownNetworkHistory();
   1085         }
   1086         return remove;
   1087     }
   1089     /**
   1090      * Enable a network. Note that there is no saveConfig operation.
   1091      * This function is retained for compatibility with the public
   1092      * API. The more powerful selectNetwork()/saveNetwork() is used by the
   1093      * state machine for connecting to a network
   1094      *
   1095      * @param netId network to be enabled
   1096      * @return {@code true} if it succeeds, {@code false} otherwise
   1097      */
   1098     boolean enableNetwork(int netId, boolean disableOthers) {
   1099         boolean ret = enableNetworkWithoutBroadcast(netId, disableOthers);
   1100         if (disableOthers) {
   1101             if (VDBG) localLog("enableNetwork(disableOthers=true) ", netId);
   1102             sendConfiguredNetworksChangedBroadcast();
   1103         } else {
   1104             if (VDBG) localLog("enableNetwork(disableOthers=false) ", netId);
   1105             WifiConfiguration enabledNetwork = null;
   1106             synchronized(mConfiguredNetworks) {
   1107                 enabledNetwork = mConfiguredNetworks.get(netId);
   1108             }
   1109             // check just in case the network was removed by someone else.
   1110             if (enabledNetwork != null) {
   1111                 sendConfiguredNetworksChangedBroadcast(enabledNetwork,
   1112                         WifiManager.CHANGE_REASON_CONFIG_CHANGE);
   1113             }
   1114         }
   1115         return ret;
   1116     }
   1118     boolean enableNetworkWithoutBroadcast(int netId, boolean disableOthers) {
   1119         boolean ret = mWifiNative.enableNetwork(netId, disableOthers);
   1121         WifiConfiguration config = mConfiguredNetworks.get(netId);
   1122         if (config != null) config.status = Status.ENABLED;
   1124         if (disableOthers) {
   1125             markAllNetworksDisabledExcept(netId);
   1126         }
   1127         return ret;
   1128     }
   1130     void disableAllNetworks() {
   1131         if (VDBG) localLog("disableAllNetworks");
   1132         boolean networkDisabled = false;
   1133         for(WifiConfiguration config : mConfiguredNetworks.values()) {
   1134             if(config != null && config.status != Status.DISABLED) {
   1135                 if(mWifiNative.disableNetwork(config.networkId)) {
   1136                     networkDisabled = true;
   1137                     config.status = Status.DISABLED;
   1138                 } else {
   1139                     loge("Disable network failed on " + config.networkId);
   1140                 }
   1141             }
   1142         }
   1144         if (networkDisabled) {
   1145             sendConfiguredNetworksChangedBroadcast();
   1146         }
   1147     }
   1148     /**
   1149      * Disable a network. Note that there is no saveConfig operation.
   1150      * @param netId network to be disabled
   1151      * @return {@code true} if it succeeds, {@code false} otherwise
   1152      */
   1153     boolean disableNetwork(int netId) {
   1154         return disableNetwork(netId, WifiConfiguration.DISABLED_UNKNOWN_REASON);
   1155     }
   1157     /**
   1158      * Disable a network. Note that there is no saveConfig operation.
   1159      * @param netId network to be disabled
   1160      * @param reason reason code network was disabled
   1161      * @return {@code true} if it succeeds, {@code false} otherwise
   1162      */
   1163     boolean disableNetwork(int netId, int reason) {
   1164         if (VDBG) localLog("disableNetwork", netId);
   1165         boolean ret = mWifiNative.disableNetwork(netId);
   1166         WifiConfiguration network = null;
   1167         WifiConfiguration config = mConfiguredNetworks.get(netId);
   1169         if (VDBG) {
   1170             if (config != null) {
   1171                 loge("disableNetwork netId=" + Integer.toString(netId)
   1172                         + " SSID=" + config.SSID
   1173                         + " disabled=" + (config.status == Status.DISABLED)
   1174                         + " reason=" + Integer.toString(config.disableReason));
   1175             }
   1176         }
   1177         /* Only change the reason if the network was not previously disabled
   1178         /* and the reason is not DISABLED_BY_WIFI_MANAGER, that is, if a 3rd party
   1179          * set its configuration as disabled, then leave it disabled */
   1180         if (config != null && config.status != Status.DISABLED
   1181                 && config.disableReason != WifiConfiguration.DISABLED_BY_WIFI_MANAGER) {
   1182             config.status = Status.DISABLED;
   1183             config.disableReason = reason;
   1184             network = config;
   1185         }
   1186         if (reason == WifiConfiguration.DISABLED_BY_WIFI_MANAGER) {
   1187             // Make sure autojoin wont reenable this configuration without further user
   1188             // intervention
   1189             config.status = Status.DISABLED;
   1190             config.autoJoinStatus = WifiConfiguration.AUTO_JOIN_DISABLED_USER_ACTION;
   1191         }
   1192         if (network != null) {
   1193             sendConfiguredNetworksChangedBroadcast(network,
   1194                     WifiManager.CHANGE_REASON_CONFIG_CHANGE);
   1195         }
   1196         return ret;
   1197     }
   1199     /**
   1200      * Save the configured networks in supplicant to disk
   1201      * @return {@code true} if it succeeds, {@code false} otherwise
   1202      */
   1203     boolean saveConfig() {
   1204         return mWifiNative.saveConfig();
   1205     }
   1207     /**
   1208      * Start WPS pin method configuration with pin obtained
   1209      * from the access point
   1210      * @param config WPS configuration
   1211      * @return Wps result containing status and pin
   1212      */
   1213     WpsResult startWpsWithPinFromAccessPoint(WpsInfo config) {
   1214         WpsResult result = new WpsResult();
   1215         if (mWifiNative.startWpsRegistrar(config.BSSID, config.pin)) {
   1216             /* WPS leaves all networks disabled */
   1217             markAllNetworksDisabled();
   1218             result.status = WpsResult.Status.SUCCESS;
   1219         } else {
   1220             loge("Failed to start WPS pin method configuration");
   1221             result.status = WpsResult.Status.FAILURE;
   1222         }
   1223         return result;
   1224     }
   1226     /**
   1227      * Start WPS pin method configuration with pin obtained
   1228      * from the device
   1229      * @return WpsResult indicating status and pin
   1230      */
   1231     WpsResult startWpsWithPinFromDevice(WpsInfo config) {
   1232         WpsResult result = new WpsResult();
   1233         result.pin = mWifiNative.startWpsPinDisplay(config.BSSID);
   1234         /* WPS leaves all networks disabled */
   1235         if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(result.pin)) {
   1236             markAllNetworksDisabled();
   1237             result.status = WpsResult.Status.SUCCESS;
   1238         } else {
   1239             loge("Failed to start WPS pin method configuration");
   1240             result.status = WpsResult.Status.FAILURE;
   1241         }
   1242         return result;
   1243     }
   1245     /**
   1246      * Start WPS push button configuration
   1247      * @param config WPS configuration
   1248      * @return WpsResult indicating status and pin
   1249      */
   1250     WpsResult startWpsPbc(WpsInfo config) {
   1251         WpsResult result = new WpsResult();
   1252         if (mWifiNative.startWpsPbc(config.BSSID)) {
   1253             /* WPS leaves all networks disabled */
   1254             markAllNetworksDisabled();
   1255             result.status = WpsResult.Status.SUCCESS;
   1256         } else {
   1257             loge("Failed to start WPS push button configuration");
   1258             result.status = WpsResult.Status.FAILURE;
   1259         }
   1260         return result;
   1261     }
   1263     /**
   1264      * Fetch the static IP configuration for a given network id
   1265      */
   1266     StaticIpConfiguration getStaticIpConfiguration(int netId) {
   1267         WifiConfiguration config = mConfiguredNetworks.get(netId);
   1268         if (config != null) {
   1269             return config.getStaticIpConfiguration();
   1270         }
   1271         return null;
   1272     }
   1274     /**
   1275      * Set the static IP configuration for a given network id
   1276      */
   1277     void setStaticIpConfiguration(int netId, StaticIpConfiguration staticIpConfiguration) {
   1278         WifiConfiguration config = mConfiguredNetworks.get(netId);
   1279         if (config != null) {
   1280             config.setStaticIpConfiguration(staticIpConfiguration);
   1281         }
   1282     }
   1284     /**
   1285      * set default GW MAC address
   1286      */
   1287     void setDefaultGwMacAddress(int netId, String macAddress) {
   1288         WifiConfiguration config = mConfiguredNetworks.get(netId);
   1289         if (config != null) {
   1290             //update defaultGwMacAddress
   1291             config.defaultGwMacAddress = macAddress;
   1292         }
   1293     }
   1296     /**
   1297      * Fetch the proxy properties for a given network id
   1298      * @param network id
   1299      * @return ProxyInfo for the network id
   1300      */
   1301     ProxyInfo getProxyProperties(int netId) {
   1302         WifiConfiguration config = mConfiguredNetworks.get(netId);
   1303         if (config != null) {
   1304             return config.getHttpProxy();
   1305         }
   1306         return null;
   1307     }
   1309     /**
   1310      * Return if the specified network is using static IP
   1311      * @param network id
   1312      * @return {@code true} if using static ip for netId
   1313      */
   1314     boolean isUsingStaticIp(int netId) {
   1315         WifiConfiguration config = mConfiguredNetworks.get(netId);
   1316         if (config != null && config.getIpAssignment() == IpAssignment.STATIC) {
   1317             return true;
   1318         }
   1319         return false;
   1320     }
   1322     /**
   1323      * Should be called when a single network configuration is made.
   1324      * @param network The network configuration that changed.
   1325      * @param reason The reason for the change, should be one of WifiManager.CHANGE_REASON_ADDED,
   1326      * WifiManager.CHANGE_REASON_REMOVED, or WifiManager.CHANGE_REASON_CHANGE.
   1327      */
   1328     private void sendConfiguredNetworksChangedBroadcast(WifiConfiguration network,
   1329             int reason) {
   1330         Intent intent = new Intent(WifiManager.CONFIGURED_NETWORKS_CHANGED_ACTION);
   1331         intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY_BEFORE_BOOT);
   1332         intent.putExtra(WifiManager.EXTRA_MULTIPLE_NETWORKS_CHANGED, false);
   1333         intent.putExtra(WifiManager.EXTRA_WIFI_CONFIGURATION, network);
   1334         intent.putExtra(WifiManager.EXTRA_CHANGE_REASON, reason);
   1335         mContext.sendBroadcastAsUser(intent, UserHandle.ALL);
   1336     }
   1338     /**
   1339      * Should be called when multiple network configuration changes are made.
   1340      */
   1341     private void sendConfiguredNetworksChangedBroadcast() {
   1342         Intent intent = new Intent(WifiManager.CONFIGURED_NETWORKS_CHANGED_ACTION);
   1343         intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY_BEFORE_BOOT);
   1344         intent.putExtra(WifiManager.EXTRA_MULTIPLE_NETWORKS_CHANGED, true);
   1345         mContext.sendBroadcastAsUser(intent, UserHandle.ALL);
   1346     }
   1348     void loadConfiguredNetworks() {
   1349         String listStr = mWifiNative.listNetworks();
   1350         mLastPriority = 0;
   1352         mConfiguredNetworks.clear();
   1353         mNetworkIds.clear();
   1355         if (listStr == null)
   1356             return;
   1358         String[] lines = listStr.split("\n");
   1360         if (showNetworks) {
   1361             localLog("WifiConfigStore: loadConfiguredNetworks:  ");
   1362             for (String net : lines) {
   1363                 localLog(net);
   1364             }
   1365         }
   1367         // Skip the first line, which is a header
   1368         for (int i = 1; i < lines.length; i++) {
   1369             String[] result = lines[i].split("\t");
   1370             // network-id | ssid | bssid | flags
   1371             WifiConfiguration config = new WifiConfiguration();
   1372             try {
   1373                 config.networkId = Integer.parseInt(result[0]);
   1374             } catch(NumberFormatException e) {
   1375                 loge("Failed to read network-id '" + result[0] + "'");
   1376                 continue;
   1377             }
   1378             if (result.length > 3) {
   1379                 if (result[3].indexOf("[CURRENT]") != -1)
   1380                     config.status = WifiConfiguration.Status.CURRENT;
   1381                 else if (result[3].indexOf("[DISABLED]") != -1)
   1382                     config.status = WifiConfiguration.Status.DISABLED;
   1383                 else
   1384                     config.status = WifiConfiguration.Status.ENABLED;
   1385             } else {
   1386                 config.status = WifiConfiguration.Status.ENABLED;
   1387             }
   1389             readNetworkVariables(config);
   1391             String psk = readNetworkVariableFromSupplicantFile(config.SSID, "psk");
   1392             if (psk!= null && psk.equals(DELETED_CONFIG_PSK)) {
   1393                 // This is a config we previously deleted, ignore it
   1394                 if (showNetworks) {
   1395                     localLog("found deleted network " + config.SSID + " ", config.networkId);
   1396                 }
   1397                 config.setAutoJoinStatus(WifiConfiguration.AUTO_JOIN_DELETED);
   1398                 config.priority = 0;
   1399             }
   1401             if (config.priority > mLastPriority) {
   1402                 mLastPriority = config.priority;
   1403             }
   1405             config.setIpAssignment(IpAssignment.DHCP);
   1406             config.setProxySettings(ProxySettings.NONE);
   1408             if (mNetworkIds.containsKey(configKey(config))) {
   1409                 // That SSID is already known, just ignore this duplicate entry
   1410                 if (showNetworks) localLog("discarded duplicate network ", config.networkId);
   1411             } else if(config.isValid()){
   1412                 mConfiguredNetworks.put(config.networkId, config);
   1413                 mNetworkIds.put(configKey(config), config.networkId);
   1414                 if (showNetworks) localLog("loaded configured network", config.networkId);
   1415             } else {
   1416                 if (showNetworks) log("Ignoring loaded configured for network " + config.networkId
   1417                     + " because config are not valid");
   1418             }
   1419         }
   1421         readIpAndProxyConfigurations();
   1422         readNetworkHistory();
   1423         readAutoJoinConfig();
   1425         sendConfiguredNetworksChangedBroadcast();
   1427         if (showNetworks) localLog("loadConfiguredNetworks loaded " + mNetworkIds.size() + " networks");
   1429         if (mNetworkIds.size() == 0) {
   1430             // no networks? Lets log if the wpa_supplicant.conf file contents
   1431             BufferedReader reader = null;
   1432             try {
   1433                 reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(SUPPLICANT_CONFIG_FILE));
   1434                 if (DBG) {
   1435                     localLog("--- Begin wpa_supplicant.conf Contents ---", true);
   1436                     for (String line = reader.readLine(); line != null; line = reader.readLine()) {
   1437                         localLog(line, true);
   1438                     }
   1439                     localLog("--- End wpa_supplicant.conf Contents ---", true);
   1440                 }
   1441             } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
   1442                 localLog("Could not open " + SUPPLICANT_CONFIG_FILE + ", " + e, true);
   1443             } catch (IOException e) {
   1444                 localLog("Could not read " + SUPPLICANT_CONFIG_FILE + ", " + e, true);
   1445             } finally {
   1446                 try {
   1447                     if (reader != null) {
   1448                         reader.close();
   1449                     }
   1450                 } catch (IOException e) {
   1451                     // Just ignore the fact that we couldn't close
   1452                 }
   1453             }
   1454         }
   1455     }
   1457     private Map<String, String> readNetworkVariablesFromSupplicantFile(String key) {
   1458         Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<>();
   1459         BufferedReader reader = null;
   1460         if (VDBG) loge("readNetworkVariablesFromSupplicantFile key=" + key);
   1462         try {
   1463             reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(SUPPLICANT_CONFIG_FILE));
   1464             boolean found = false;
   1465             String networkSsid = null;
   1466             String value = null;
   1468             for (String line = reader.readLine(); line != null; line = reader.readLine()) {
   1470                 if (line.matches("[ \\t]*network=\\{")) {
   1471                     found = true;
   1472                     networkSsid = null;
   1473                     value = null;
   1474                 } else if (line.matches("[ \\t]*\\}")) {
   1475                     found = false;
   1476                     networkSsid = null;
   1477                     value = null;
   1478                 }
   1480                 if (found) {
   1481                     String trimmedLine = line.trim();
   1482                     if (trimmedLine.startsWith("ssid=")) {
   1483                         networkSsid = trimmedLine.substring(5);
   1484                     } else if (trimmedLine.startsWith(key + "=")) {
   1485                         value = trimmedLine.substring(key.length() + 1);
   1486                     }
   1488                     if (networkSsid != null && value != null) {
   1489                         result.put(networkSsid, value);
   1490                     }
   1491                 }
   1492             }
   1493         } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
   1494             if (VDBG) loge("Could not open " + SUPPLICANT_CONFIG_FILE + ", " + e);
   1495         } catch (IOException e) {
   1496             if (VDBG) loge("Could not read " + SUPPLICANT_CONFIG_FILE + ", " + e);
   1497         } finally {
   1498             try {
   1499                 if (reader != null) {
   1500                     reader.close();
   1501                 }
   1502             } catch (IOException e) {
   1503                 // Just ignore the fact that we couldn't close
   1504             }
   1505         }
   1507         return result;
   1508     }
   1510     private String readNetworkVariableFromSupplicantFile(String ssid, String key) {
   1511         Map<String, String> data = readNetworkVariablesFromSupplicantFile(key);
   1512         if (VDBG) loge("readNetworkVariableFromSupplicantFile ssid=[" + ssid + "] key=" + key);
   1513         return data.get(ssid);
   1514     }
   1516     /* Mark all networks except specified netId as disabled */
   1517     private void markAllNetworksDisabledExcept(int netId) {
   1518         for(WifiConfiguration config : mConfiguredNetworks.values()) {
   1519             if(config != null && config.networkId != netId) {
   1520                 if (config.status != Status.DISABLED) {
   1521                     config.status = Status.DISABLED;
   1522                     config.disableReason = WifiConfiguration.DISABLED_UNKNOWN_REASON;
   1523                 }
   1524             }
   1525         }
   1526     }
   1528     private void markAllNetworksDisabled() {
   1529         markAllNetworksDisabledExcept(INVALID_NETWORK_ID);
   1530     }
   1532     boolean needsUnlockedKeyStore() {
   1534         // Any network using certificates to authenticate access requires
   1535         // unlocked key store; unless the certificates can be stored with
   1536         // hardware encryption
   1538         for(WifiConfiguration config : mConfiguredNetworks.values()) {
   1540             if (config.allowedKeyManagement.get(KeyMgmt.WPA_EAP)
   1541                     && config.allowedKeyManagement.get(KeyMgmt.IEEE8021X)) {
   1543                 if (needsSoftwareBackedKeyStore(config.enterpriseConfig)) {
   1544                     return true;
   1545                 }
   1546             }
   1547         }
   1549         return false;
   1550     }
   1552     public void writeKnownNetworkHistory() {
   1553         boolean needUpdate = false;
   1555         /* Make a copy */
   1556         final List<WifiConfiguration> networks = new ArrayList<WifiConfiguration>();
   1557         for (WifiConfiguration config : mConfiguredNetworks.values()) {
   1558             networks.add(new WifiConfiguration(config));
   1559             if (config.dirty == true) {
   1560                 config.dirty = false;
   1561                 needUpdate = true;
   1562             }
   1563         }
   1564         if (VDBG) {
   1565             loge(" writeKnownNetworkHistory() num networks:" +
   1566                     mConfiguredNetworks.size() + " needWrite=" + needUpdate);
   1567         }
   1568         if (needUpdate == false) {
   1569             return;
   1570         }
   1571         mWriter.write(networkHistoryConfigFile, new DelayedDiskWrite.Writer() {
   1572             public void onWriteCalled(DataOutputStream out) throws IOException {
   1573                 for (WifiConfiguration config : networks) {
   1574                     //loge("onWriteCalled write SSID: " + config.SSID);
   1575                    /* if (config.getLinkProperties() != null)
   1576                         loge(" lp " + config.getLinkProperties().toString());
   1577                     else
   1578                         loge("attempt config w/o lp");
   1579                     */
   1581                     if (VDBG) {
   1582                         int num = 0;
   1583                         int numlink = 0;
   1584                         if (config.connectChoices != null) {
   1585                             num = config.connectChoices.size();
   1586                         }
   1587                         if (config.linkedConfigurations != null) {
   1588                             numlink = config.linkedConfigurations.size();
   1589                         }
   1590                         loge("saving network history: " + config.configKey()  + " gw: " +
   1591                                 config.defaultGwMacAddress + " autojoin-status: " +
   1592                                 config.autoJoinStatus + " ephemeral=" + config.ephemeral
   1593                                 + " choices:" + Integer.toString(num)
   1594                                 + " link:" + Integer.toString(numlink)
   1595                                 + " status:" + Integer.toString(config.status)
   1596                                 + " nid:" + Integer.toString(config.networkId));
   1597                     }
   1599                     if (config.isValid() == false)
   1600                         continue;
   1602                     if (config.SSID == null) {
   1603                         if (VDBG) {
   1604                             loge("writeKnownNetworkHistory trying to write config with null SSID");
   1605                         }
   1606                         continue;
   1607                     }
   1608                     if (VDBG) {
   1609                         loge("writeKnownNetworkHistory write config " + config.configKey());
   1610                     }
   1611                     out.writeUTF(CONFIG_KEY + config.configKey() + SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1613                     out.writeUTF(SSID_KEY + config.SSID + SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1614                     out.writeUTF(FQDN_KEY + config.FQDN + SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1616                     out.writeUTF(PRIORITY_KEY + Integer.toString(config.priority) + SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1617                     out.writeUTF(STATUS_KEY + Integer.toString(config.autoJoinStatus)
   1618                             + SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1619                     out.writeUTF(SUPPLICANT_STATUS_KEY + Integer.toString(config.status)
   1620                             + SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1621                     out.writeUTF(SUPPLICANT_DISABLE_REASON_KEY
   1622                             + Integer.toString(config.disableReason)
   1623                             + SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1624                     out.writeUTF(NETWORK_ID_KEY + Integer.toString(config.networkId)
   1625                             + SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1626                     out.writeUTF(SELF_ADDED_KEY + Boolean.toString(config.selfAdded)
   1627                             + SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1628                     out.writeUTF(DID_SELF_ADD_KEY + Boolean.toString(config.didSelfAdd)
   1629                             + SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1630                     out.writeUTF(NO_INTERNET_ACCESS_KEY
   1631                             + Boolean.toString(config.noInternetAccess)
   1632                             + SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1633                     out.writeUTF(EPHEMERAL_KEY
   1634                             + Boolean.toString(config.ephemeral)
   1635                             + SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1636                     if (config.peerWifiConfiguration != null) {
   1637                         out.writeUTF(PEER_CONFIGURATION_KEY + config.peerWifiConfiguration
   1638                                 + SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1639                     }
   1640                     out.writeUTF(NUM_CONNECTION_FAILURES_KEY
   1641                             + Integer.toString(config.numConnectionFailures)
   1642                             + SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1643                     out.writeUTF(NUM_AUTH_FAILURES_KEY
   1644                             + Integer.toString(config.numAuthFailures)
   1645                             + SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1646                     out.writeUTF(NUM_IP_CONFIG_FAILURES_KEY
   1647                             + Integer.toString(config.numIpConfigFailures)
   1648                             + SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1649                     out.writeUTF(SCORER_OVERRIDE_KEY + Integer.toString(config.numScorerOverride)
   1650                             + SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1651                     out.writeUTF(SCORER_OVERRIDE_AND_SWITCH_KEY
   1652                             + Integer.toString(config.numScorerOverrideAndSwitchedNetwork)
   1653                             + SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1654                     out.writeUTF(NUM_ASSOCIATION_KEY
   1655                             + Integer.toString(config.numAssociation)
   1656                             + SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1657                     out.writeUTF(JOIN_ATTEMPT_BOOST_KEY
   1658                             + Integer.toString(config.autoJoinUseAggressiveJoinAttemptThreshold)
   1659                             + SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1660                     //out.writeUTF(BLACKLIST_MILLI_KEY + Long.toString(config.blackListTimestamp)
   1661                     //        + SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1662                     out.writeUTF(CREATOR_UID_KEY + Integer.toString(config.creatorUid)
   1663                             + SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1664                     out.writeUTF(CONNECT_UID_KEY + Integer.toString(config.lastConnectUid)
   1665                             + SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1666                     out.writeUTF(UPDATE_UID_KEY + Integer.toString(config.lastUpdateUid)
   1667                             + SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1668                     String allowedKeyManagementString =
   1669                             makeString(config.allowedKeyManagement,
   1670                                     WifiConfiguration.KeyMgmt.strings);
   1671                     out.writeUTF(AUTH_KEY + allowedKeyManagementString + SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1673                     if (config.connectChoices != null) {
   1674                         for (String key : config.connectChoices.keySet()) {
   1675                             Integer choice = config.connectChoices.get(key);
   1676                             out.writeUTF(CHOICE_KEY + key + "="
   1677                                     + choice.toString() + SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1678                         }
   1679                     }
   1680                     if (config.linkedConfigurations != null) {
   1681                         loge("writeKnownNetworkHistory write linked "
   1682                                 + config.linkedConfigurations.size());
   1684                         for (String key : config.linkedConfigurations.keySet()) {
   1685                             out.writeUTF(LINK_KEY + key + SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1686                         }
   1687                     }
   1689                     String macAddress = config.defaultGwMacAddress;
   1690                     if (macAddress != null) {
   1691                         out.writeUTF(DEFAULT_GW_KEY + macAddress + SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1692                     }
   1694                     if (config.scanResultCache != null) {
   1695                         for (ScanResult result : config.scanResultCache.values()) {
   1696                             out.writeUTF(BSSID_KEY + result.BSSID + SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1698                             out.writeUTF(FREQ_KEY + Integer.toString(result.frequency)
   1699                                     + SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1701                             out.writeUTF(RSSI_KEY + Integer.toString(result.level)
   1702                                     + SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1704                             out.writeUTF(BSSID_STATUS_KEY
   1705                                     + Integer.toString(result.autoJoinStatus)
   1706                                     + SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1708                             //if (result.seen != 0) {
   1709                             //    out.writeUTF(MILLI_KEY + Long.toString(result.seen)
   1710                             //            + SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1711                             //}
   1712                             out.writeUTF(BSSID_KEY_END + SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1713                         }
   1714                     }
   1715                     if (config.lastFailure != null) {
   1716                         out.writeUTF(FAILURE_KEY + config.lastFailure + SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1717                     }
   1718                     out.writeUTF(SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1719                     // Add extra blank lines for clarity
   1720                     out.writeUTF(SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1721                     out.writeUTF(SEPARATOR_KEY);
   1722                 }
   1723             }
   1725         });
   1726     }
   1728     public void setLastSelectedConfiguration(int netId) {
   1729         if (DBG) {
   1730             loge("setLastSelectedConfiguration " + Integer.toString(netId));
   1731         }
   1732         if (netId == WifiConfiguration.INVALID_NETWORK_ID) {
   1733             lastSelectedConfiguration = null;
   1734         } else {
   1735             WifiConfiguration selected = getWifiConfiguration(netId);
   1736             if (selected == null) {
   1737                 lastSelectedConfiguration = null;
   1738             } else {
   1739                 lastSelectedConfiguration = selected.configKey();
   1740                 selected.numConnectionFailures = 0;
   1741                 selected.numIpConfigFailures = 0;
   1742                 selected.numAuthFailures = 0;
   1743                 if (VDBG) {
   1744                     loge("setLastSelectedConfiguration now: " + lastSelectedConfiguration);
   1745                 }
   1746             }
   1747         }
   1748     }
   1750     public String getLastSelectedConfiguration() {
   1751         return lastSelectedConfiguration;
   1752     }
   1754     public boolean isLastSelectedConfiguration(WifiConfiguration config) {
   1755         return (lastSelectedConfiguration != null
   1756                 && config != null
   1757                 && lastSelectedConfiguration.equals(config.configKey()));
   1758     }
   1760     private void readNetworkHistory() {
   1761         if (showNetworks) {
   1762             localLog("readNetworkHistory() path:" + networkHistoryConfigFile);
   1763         }
   1764         DataInputStream in = null;
   1765         try {
   1766             in = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(
   1767                     networkHistoryConfigFile)));
   1768             WifiConfiguration config = null;
   1769             while (true) {
   1770                 int id = -1;
   1771                 String key = in.readUTF();
   1772                 String bssid = null;
   1773                 String ssid = null;
   1775                 int freq = 0;
   1776                 int status = 0;
   1777                 long seen = 0;
   1778                 int rssi = WifiConfiguration.INVALID_RSSI;
   1779                 String caps = null;
   1780                 if (key.startsWith(CONFIG_KEY)) {
   1782                     if (config != null) {
   1783                         config = null;
   1784                     }
   1785                     String configKey = key.replace(CONFIG_KEY, "");
   1786                     configKey = configKey.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   1787                     // get the networkId for that config Key
   1788                     Integer n = mNetworkIds.get(configKey.hashCode());
   1789                     // skip reading that configuration data
   1790                     // since we don't have a corresponding network ID
   1791                     if (n == null) {
   1792                         localLog("readNetworkHistory didnt find netid for hash="
   1793                                 + Integer.toString(configKey.hashCode())
   1794                                 + " key: " + configKey);
   1795                         continue;
   1796                     }
   1797                     config = mConfiguredNetworks.get(n);
   1798                     if (config == null) {
   1799                         localLog("readNetworkHistory didnt find config for netid="
   1800                                 + n.toString()
   1801                                 + " key: " + configKey);
   1802                     }
   1803                     status = 0;
   1804                     ssid = null;
   1805                     bssid = null;
   1806                     freq = 0;
   1807                     seen = 0;
   1808                     rssi = WifiConfiguration.INVALID_RSSI;
   1809                     caps = null;
   1811                 } else if (config != null) {
   1812                     if (key.startsWith(SSID_KEY)) {
   1813                         ssid = key.replace(SSID_KEY, "");
   1814                         ssid = ssid.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   1815                         if (config.SSID != null && !config.SSID.equals(ssid)) {
   1816                             loge("Error parsing network history file, mismatched SSIDs");
   1817                             config = null; //error
   1818                             ssid = null;
   1819                         } else {
   1820                             config.SSID = ssid;
   1821                         }
   1822                     }
   1824                     if (key.startsWith(FQDN_KEY)) {
   1825                         String fqdn = key.replace(FQDN_KEY, "");
   1826                         fqdn = fqdn.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   1827                         config.FQDN = fqdn;
   1828                     }
   1830                     if (key.startsWith(DEFAULT_GW_KEY)) {
   1831                         String gateway = key.replace(DEFAULT_GW_KEY, "");
   1832                         gateway = gateway.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   1833                         config.defaultGwMacAddress = gateway;
   1834                     }
   1836                     if (key.startsWith(STATUS_KEY)) {
   1837                         String st = key.replace(STATUS_KEY, "");
   1838                         st = st.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   1839                         config.autoJoinStatus = Integer.parseInt(st);
   1840                     }
   1842                     if (key.startsWith(SUPPLICANT_DISABLE_REASON_KEY)) {
   1843                         String reason = key.replace(SUPPLICANT_DISABLE_REASON_KEY, "");
   1844                         reason = reason.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   1845                         config.disableReason = Integer.parseInt(reason);
   1846                     }
   1848                     if (key.startsWith(SELF_ADDED_KEY)) {
   1849                         String selfAdded = key.replace(SELF_ADDED_KEY, "");
   1850                         selfAdded = selfAdded.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   1851                         config.selfAdded = Boolean.parseBoolean(selfAdded);
   1852                     }
   1854                     if (key.startsWith(DID_SELF_ADD_KEY)) {
   1855                         String didSelfAdd = key.replace(DID_SELF_ADD_KEY, "");
   1856                         didSelfAdd = didSelfAdd.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   1857                         config.didSelfAdd = Boolean.parseBoolean(didSelfAdd);
   1858                     }
   1860                     if (key.startsWith(NO_INTERNET_ACCESS_KEY)) {
   1861                         String access = key.replace(NO_INTERNET_ACCESS_KEY, "");
   1862                         access = access.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   1863                         config.noInternetAccess = Boolean.parseBoolean(access);
   1864                     }
   1866                     if (key.startsWith(EPHEMERAL_KEY)) {
   1867                         String access = key.replace(EPHEMERAL_KEY, "");
   1868                         access = access.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   1869                         config.ephemeral = Boolean.parseBoolean(access);
   1870                     }
   1872                     if (key.startsWith(CREATOR_UID_KEY)) {
   1873                         String uid = key.replace(CREATOR_UID_KEY, "");
   1874                         uid = uid.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   1875                         config.creatorUid = Integer.parseInt(uid);
   1876                     }
   1878                     if (key.startsWith(BLACKLIST_MILLI_KEY)) {
   1879                         String milli = key.replace(BLACKLIST_MILLI_KEY, "");
   1880                         milli = milli.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   1881                         config.blackListTimestamp = Long.parseLong(milli);
   1882                     }
   1884                     if (key.startsWith(NUM_CONNECTION_FAILURES_KEY)) {
   1885                         String num = key.replace(NUM_CONNECTION_FAILURES_KEY, "");
   1886                         num = num.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   1887                         config.numConnectionFailures = Integer.parseInt(num);
   1888                     }
   1890                     if (key.startsWith(NUM_IP_CONFIG_FAILURES_KEY)) {
   1891                         String num = key.replace(NUM_IP_CONFIG_FAILURES_KEY, "");
   1892                         num = num.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   1893                         config.numIpConfigFailures = Integer.parseInt(num);
   1894                     }
   1896                     if (key.startsWith(NUM_AUTH_FAILURES_KEY)) {
   1897                         String num = key.replace(NUM_AUTH_FAILURES_KEY, "");
   1898                         num = num.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   1899                         config.numIpConfigFailures = Integer.parseInt(num);
   1900                     }
   1902                     if (key.startsWith(SCORER_OVERRIDE_KEY)) {
   1903                         String num = key.replace(SCORER_OVERRIDE_KEY, "");
   1904                         num = num.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   1905                         config.numScorerOverride = Integer.parseInt(num);
   1906                     }
   1908                     if (key.startsWith(SCORER_OVERRIDE_AND_SWITCH_KEY)) {
   1909                         String num = key.replace(SCORER_OVERRIDE_AND_SWITCH_KEY, "");
   1910                         num = num.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   1911                         config.numScorerOverrideAndSwitchedNetwork = Integer.parseInt(num);
   1912                     }
   1914                     if (key.startsWith(NUM_ASSOCIATION_KEY)) {
   1915                         String num = key.replace(NUM_ASSOCIATION_KEY, "");
   1916                         num = num.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   1917                         config.numAssociation = Integer.parseInt(num);
   1918                     }
   1920                     if (key.startsWith(JOIN_ATTEMPT_BOOST_KEY)) {
   1921                         String num = key.replace(JOIN_ATTEMPT_BOOST_KEY, "");
   1922                         num = num.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   1923                         config.autoJoinUseAggressiveJoinAttemptThreshold = Integer.parseInt(num);
   1924                     }
   1926                     if (key.startsWith(CONNECT_UID_KEY)) {
   1927                         String uid = key.replace(CONNECT_UID_KEY, "");
   1928                         uid = uid.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   1929                         config.lastConnectUid = Integer.parseInt(uid);
   1930                     }
   1932                     if (key.startsWith(UPDATE_UID_KEY)) {
   1933                         String uid = key.replace(UPDATE_UID_KEY, "");
   1934                         uid = uid.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   1935                         config.lastUpdateUid = Integer.parseInt(uid);
   1936                     }
   1938                     if (key.startsWith(FAILURE_KEY)) {
   1939                         config.lastFailure = key.replace(FAILURE_KEY, "");
   1940                         config.lastFailure = config.lastFailure.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   1941                     }
   1943                     if (key.startsWith(PEER_CONFIGURATION_KEY)) {
   1944                         config.peerWifiConfiguration = key.replace(PEER_CONFIGURATION_KEY, "");
   1945                         config.peerWifiConfiguration =
   1946                                 config.peerWifiConfiguration.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   1947                     }
   1949                     if (key.startsWith(CHOICE_KEY)) {
   1950                         String choiceStr = key.replace(CHOICE_KEY, "");
   1951                         choiceStr = choiceStr.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   1952                         String configKey = "";
   1953                         int choice = 0;
   1954                         Matcher match = mConnectChoice.matcher(choiceStr);
   1955                         if (!match.find()) {
   1956                             if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "WifiConfigStore: connectChoice: " +
   1957                                     " Couldnt match pattern : " + choiceStr);
   1958                         } else {
   1959                             configKey = match.group(1);
   1960                             try {
   1961                                 choice = Integer.parseInt(match.group(2));
   1962                             } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
   1963                                 choice = 0;
   1964                             }
   1965                             if (choice > 0) {
   1966                                 if (config.connectChoices == null) {
   1967                                     config.connectChoices = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
   1968                                 }
   1969                                 config.connectChoices.put(configKey, choice);
   1970                             }
   1971                         }
   1972                     }
   1974                     if (key.startsWith(LINK_KEY)) {
   1975                         String configKey = key.replace(LINK_KEY, "");
   1976                         configKey = configKey.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   1977                         if (config.linkedConfigurations == null) {
   1978                             config.linkedConfigurations = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
   1979                         }
   1980                         if (config.linkedConfigurations != null) {
   1981                             config.linkedConfigurations.put(configKey, -1);
   1982                         }
   1983                     }
   1985                     if (key.startsWith(BSSID_KEY)) {
   1986                         if (key.startsWith(BSSID_KEY)) {
   1987                             bssid = key.replace(BSSID_KEY, "");
   1988                             bssid = bssid.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   1989                             freq = 0;
   1990                             seen = 0;
   1991                             rssi = WifiConfiguration.INVALID_RSSI;
   1992                             caps = "";
   1993                             status = 0;
   1994                         }
   1996                         if (key.startsWith(RSSI_KEY)) {
   1997                             String lvl = key.replace(RSSI_KEY, "");
   1998                             lvl = lvl.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   1999                             rssi = Integer.parseInt(lvl);
   2000                         }
   2002                         if (key.startsWith(BSSID_STATUS_KEY)) {
   2003                             String st = key.replace(BSSID_STATUS_KEY, "");
   2004                             st = st.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   2005                             status = Integer.parseInt(st);
   2006                         }
   2008                         if (key.startsWith(FREQ_KEY)) {
   2009                             String channel = key.replace(FREQ_KEY, "");
   2010                             channel = channel.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   2011                             freq = Integer.parseInt(channel);
   2012                         }
   2014                         if (key.startsWith(DATE_KEY)) {
   2015                         /*
   2016                          * when reading the configuration from file we don't update the date
   2017                          * so as to avoid reading back stale or non-sensical data that would
   2018                          * depend on network time.
   2019                          * The date of a WifiConfiguration should only come from actual scan result.
   2020                          *
   2021                         String s = key.replace(FREQ_KEY, "");
   2022                         seen = Integer.getInteger(s);
   2023                         */
   2024                         }
   2026                         if (key.startsWith(BSSID_KEY_END)) {
   2028                             if ((bssid != null) && (ssid != null)) {
   2030                                 if (config.scanResultCache == null) {
   2031                                     config.scanResultCache = new HashMap<String, ScanResult>();
   2032                                 }
   2033                                 WifiSsid wssid = WifiSsid.createFromAsciiEncoded(ssid);
   2034                                 ScanResult result = new ScanResult(wssid, bssid,
   2035                                         caps, rssi, freq, (long) 0);
   2036                                 result.seen = seen;
   2037                                 config.scanResultCache.put(bssid, result);
   2038                                 result.autoJoinStatus = status;
   2039                             }
   2040                         }
   2041                     }
   2042                 }
   2043             }
   2044         } catch (EOFException ignore) {
   2045             if (in != null) {
   2046                 try {
   2047                     in.close();
   2048                 } catch (Exception e) {
   2049                     loge("readNetworkHistory: Error reading file" + e);
   2050                 }
   2051             }
   2052         } catch (IOException e) {
   2053             loge("readNetworkHistory: No config file, revert to default" + e);
   2054         }
   2056         if(in!=null) {
   2057             try {
   2058                 in.close();
   2059             } catch (Exception e) {
   2060                 loge("readNetworkHistory: Error closing file" + e);
   2061             }
   2062         }
   2063     }
   2065     private void readAutoJoinConfig() {
   2066         BufferedReader reader = null;
   2067         try {
   2069             reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(autoJoinConfigFile));
   2071             for (String key = reader.readLine(); key != null; key = reader.readLine()) {
   2072                 if (key != null) {
   2073                     Log.d(TAG, "readAutoJoinConfig line: " + key);
   2074                 }
   2075                 if (key.startsWith(ENABLE_AUTO_JOIN_WHILE_ASSOCIATED_KEY)) {
   2076                     String st = key.replace(ENABLE_AUTO_JOIN_WHILE_ASSOCIATED_KEY, "");
   2077                     st = st.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   2078                     try {
   2079                         enableAutoJoinWhenAssociated = Integer.parseInt(st) != 0;
   2080                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: enabled = " + enableAutoJoinWhenAssociated);
   2081                     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
   2082                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: incorrect format :" + key);
   2083                     }
   2084                 }
   2086                 if (key.startsWith(ENABLE_FULL_BAND_SCAN_WHEN_ASSOCIATED_KEY)) {
   2087                     String st = key.replace(ENABLE_FULL_BAND_SCAN_WHEN_ASSOCIATED_KEY, "");
   2088                     st = st.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   2089                     try {
   2090                         enableFullBandScanWhenAssociated = Integer.parseInt(st) != 0;
   2091                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: enableFullBandScanWhenAssociated = "
   2092                                 + enableFullBandScanWhenAssociated);
   2093                     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
   2094                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: incorrect format :" + key);
   2095                     }
   2096                 }
   2098                 if (key.startsWith(ENABLE_AUTO_JOIN_SCAN_WHILE_ASSOCIATED_KEY)) {
   2099                     String st = key.replace(ENABLE_AUTO_JOIN_SCAN_WHILE_ASSOCIATED_KEY, "");
   2100                     st = st.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   2101                     try {
   2102                         enableAutoJoinScanWhenAssociated = Integer.parseInt(st) != 0;
   2103                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: enabled = "
   2104                                 + enableAutoJoinScanWhenAssociated);
   2105                     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
   2106                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: incorrect format :" + key);
   2107                     }
   2108                 }
   2110                 if (key.startsWith(ENABLE_CHIP_WAKE_UP_WHILE_ASSOCIATED_KEY)) {
   2111                     String st = key.replace(ENABLE_CHIP_WAKE_UP_WHILE_ASSOCIATED_KEY, "");
   2112                     st = st.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   2113                     try {
   2114                         enableChipWakeUpWhenAssociated = Integer.parseInt(st) != 0;
   2115                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: enabled = "
   2116                                 + enableChipWakeUpWhenAssociated);
   2117                     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
   2118                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: incorrect format :" + key);
   2119                     }
   2120                 }
   2122                 if (key.startsWith(ENABLE_RSSI_POLL_WHILE_ASSOCIATED_KEY)) {
   2123                     String st = key.replace(ENABLE_RSSI_POLL_WHILE_ASSOCIATED_KEY, "");
   2124                     st = st.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   2125                     try {
   2126                         enableRssiPollWhenAssociated = Integer.parseInt(st) != 0;
   2127                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: enabled = "
   2128                                 + enableRssiPollWhenAssociated);
   2129                     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
   2130                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: incorrect format :" + key);
   2131                     }
   2132                 }
   2134                 if (key.startsWith(THRESHOLD_INITIAL_AUTO_JOIN_ATTEMPT_RSSI_MIN_5G_KEY)) {
   2135                     String st =
   2136                             key.replace(THRESHOLD_INITIAL_AUTO_JOIN_ATTEMPT_RSSI_MIN_5G_KEY, "");
   2137                     st = st.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   2138                     try {
   2139                         thresholdInitialAutoJoinAttemptMin5RSSI = Integer.parseInt(st);
   2140                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: thresholdInitialAutoJoinAttemptMin5RSSI = "
   2141                                 + Integer.toString(thresholdInitialAutoJoinAttemptMin5RSSI));
   2142                     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
   2143                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: incorrect format :" + key);
   2144                     }
   2145                 }
   2147                 if (key.startsWith(THRESHOLD_INITIAL_AUTO_JOIN_ATTEMPT_RSSI_MIN_24G_KEY)) {
   2148                     String st =
   2149                             key.replace(THRESHOLD_INITIAL_AUTO_JOIN_ATTEMPT_RSSI_MIN_24G_KEY, "");
   2150                     st = st.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   2151                     try {
   2152                         thresholdInitialAutoJoinAttemptMin24RSSI = Integer.parseInt(st);
   2153                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: thresholdInitialAutoJoinAttemptMin24RSSI = "
   2154                                 + Integer.toString(thresholdInitialAutoJoinAttemptMin24RSSI));
   2155                     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
   2156                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: incorrect format :" + key);
   2157                     }
   2158                 }
   2160                 if (key.startsWith(THRESHOLD_UNBLACKLIST_HARD_5G_KEY)) {
   2161                     String st = key.replace(THRESHOLD_UNBLACKLIST_HARD_5G_KEY, "");
   2162                     st = st.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   2163                     try {
   2164                         thresholdUnblacklistThreshold5Hard = Integer.parseInt(st);
   2165                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: thresholdUnblacklistThreshold5Hard = "
   2166                             + Integer.toString(thresholdUnblacklistThreshold5Hard));
   2167                     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
   2168                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: incorrect format :" + key);
   2169                     }
   2170                 }
   2171                 if (key.startsWith(THRESHOLD_UNBLACKLIST_SOFT_5G_KEY)) {
   2172                     String st = key.replace(THRESHOLD_UNBLACKLIST_SOFT_5G_KEY, "");
   2173                     st = st.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   2174                     try {
   2175                         thresholdUnblacklistThreshold5Soft = Integer.parseInt(st);
   2176                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: thresholdUnblacklistThreshold5Soft = "
   2177                             + Integer.toString(thresholdUnblacklistThreshold5Soft));
   2178                     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
   2179                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: incorrect format :" + key);
   2180                     }
   2181                 }
   2182                 if (key.startsWith(THRESHOLD_UNBLACKLIST_HARD_24G_KEY)) {
   2183                     String st = key.replace(THRESHOLD_UNBLACKLIST_HARD_24G_KEY, "");
   2184                     st = st.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   2185                     try {
   2186                         thresholdUnblacklistThreshold24Hard = Integer.parseInt(st);
   2187                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: thresholdUnblacklistThreshold24Hard = "
   2188                             + Integer.toString(thresholdUnblacklistThreshold24Hard));
   2189                     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
   2190                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: incorrect format :" + key);
   2191                     }
   2192                 }
   2193                 if (key.startsWith(THRESHOLD_UNBLACKLIST_SOFT_24G_KEY)) {
   2194                     String st = key.replace(THRESHOLD_UNBLACKLIST_SOFT_24G_KEY, "");
   2195                     st = st.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   2196                     try {
   2197                         thresholdUnblacklistThreshold24Soft = Integer.parseInt(st);
   2198                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: thresholdUnblacklistThreshold24Soft = "
   2199                             + Integer.toString(thresholdUnblacklistThreshold24Soft));
   2200                     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
   2201                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: incorrect format :" + key);
   2202                     }
   2203                 }
   2205                 if (key.startsWith(THRESHOLD_GOOD_RSSI_5_KEY)) {
   2206                     String st = key.replace(THRESHOLD_GOOD_RSSI_5_KEY, "");
   2207                     st = st.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   2208                     try {
   2209                         thresholdGoodRssi5 = Integer.parseInt(st);
   2210                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: thresholdGoodRssi5 = "
   2211                             + Integer.toString(thresholdGoodRssi5));
   2212                     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
   2213                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: incorrect format :" + key);
   2214                     }
   2215                 }
   2216                 if (key.startsWith(THRESHOLD_LOW_RSSI_5_KEY)) {
   2217                     String st = key.replace(THRESHOLD_LOW_RSSI_5_KEY, "");
   2218                     st = st.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   2219                     try {
   2220                         thresholdLowRssi5 = Integer.parseInt(st);
   2221                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: thresholdLowRssi5 = "
   2222                             + Integer.toString(thresholdLowRssi5));
   2223                     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
   2224                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: incorrect format :" + key);
   2225                     }
   2226                 }
   2227                 if (key.startsWith(THRESHOLD_BAD_RSSI_5_KEY)) {
   2228                     String st = key.replace(THRESHOLD_BAD_RSSI_5_KEY, "");
   2229                     st = st.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   2230                     try {
   2231                         thresholdBadRssi5 = Integer.parseInt(st);
   2232                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: thresholdBadRssi5 = "
   2233                             + Integer.toString(thresholdBadRssi5));
   2234                     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
   2235                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: incorrect format :" + key);
   2236                     }
   2237                 }
   2239                 if (key.startsWith(THRESHOLD_GOOD_RSSI_24_KEY)) {
   2240                     String st = key.replace(THRESHOLD_GOOD_RSSI_24_KEY, "");
   2241                     st = st.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   2242                     try {
   2243                         thresholdGoodRssi24 = Integer.parseInt(st);
   2244                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: thresholdGoodRssi24 = "
   2245                             + Integer.toString(thresholdGoodRssi24));
   2246                     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
   2247                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: incorrect format :" + key);
   2248                     }
   2249                 }
   2250                 if (key.startsWith(THRESHOLD_LOW_RSSI_24_KEY)) {
   2251                     String st = key.replace(THRESHOLD_LOW_RSSI_24_KEY, "");
   2252                     st = st.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   2253                     try {
   2254                         thresholdLowRssi24 = Integer.parseInt(st);
   2255                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: thresholdLowRssi24 = "
   2256                             + Integer.toString(thresholdLowRssi24));
   2257                     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
   2258                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: incorrect format :" + key);
   2259                     }
   2260                 }
   2261                 if (key.startsWith(THRESHOLD_BAD_RSSI_24_KEY)) {
   2262                     String st = key.replace(THRESHOLD_BAD_RSSI_24_KEY, "");
   2263                     st = st.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   2264                     try {
   2265                         thresholdBadRssi24 = Integer.parseInt(st);
   2266                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: thresholdBadRssi24 = "
   2267                             + Integer.toString(thresholdBadRssi24));
   2268                     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
   2269                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: incorrect format :" + key);
   2270                     }
   2271                 }
   2273                 if (key.startsWith(THRESHOLD_MAX_TX_PACKETS_FOR_NETWORK_SWITCHING_KEY)) {
   2274                     String st = key.replace(THRESHOLD_MAX_TX_PACKETS_FOR_NETWORK_SWITCHING_KEY, "");
   2275                     st = st.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   2276                     try {
   2277                         maxTxPacketForNetworkSwitching = Integer.parseInt(st);
   2278                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: maxTxPacketForNetworkSwitching = "
   2279                             + Integer.toString(maxTxPacketForNetworkSwitching));
   2280                     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
   2281                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: incorrect format :" + key);
   2282                     }
   2283                 }
   2284                 if (key.startsWith(THRESHOLD_MAX_RX_PACKETS_FOR_NETWORK_SWITCHING_KEY)) {
   2285                     String st = key.replace(THRESHOLD_MAX_RX_PACKETS_FOR_NETWORK_SWITCHING_KEY, "");
   2286                     st = st.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   2287                     try {
   2288                         maxRxPacketForNetworkSwitching = Integer.parseInt(st);
   2289                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: maxRxPacketForNetworkSwitching = "
   2290                             + Integer.toString(maxRxPacketForNetworkSwitching));
   2291                     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
   2292                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: incorrect format :" + key);
   2293                     }
   2294                 }
   2296                 if (key.startsWith(THRESHOLD_MAX_TX_PACKETS_FOR_FULL_SCANS_KEY)) {
   2297                     String st = key.replace(THRESHOLD_MAX_TX_PACKETS_FOR_FULL_SCANS_KEY, "");
   2298                     st = st.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   2299                     try {
   2300                         maxTxPacketForNetworkSwitching = Integer.parseInt(st);
   2301                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: maxTxPacketForFullScans = "
   2302                                 + Integer.toString(maxTxPacketForFullScans));
   2303                     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
   2304                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: incorrect format :" + key);
   2305                     }
   2306                 }
   2307                 if (key.startsWith(THRESHOLD_MAX_RX_PACKETS_FOR_FULL_SCANS_KEY)) {
   2308                     String st = key.replace(THRESHOLD_MAX_RX_PACKETS_FOR_FULL_SCANS_KEY, "");
   2309                     st = st.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   2310                     try {
   2311                         maxRxPacketForNetworkSwitching = Integer.parseInt(st);
   2312                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: maxRxPacketForFullScans = "
   2313                                 + Integer.toString(maxRxPacketForFullScans));
   2314                     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
   2315                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: incorrect format :" + key);
   2316                     }
   2317                 }
   2319                 if (key.startsWith(THRESHOLD_MAX_TX_PACKETS_FOR_PARTIAL_SCANS_KEY)) {
   2320                     String st = key.replace(THRESHOLD_MAX_TX_PACKETS_FOR_PARTIAL_SCANS_KEY, "");
   2321                     st = st.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   2322                     try {
   2323                         maxTxPacketForNetworkSwitching = Integer.parseInt(st);
   2324                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: maxTxPacketForPartialScans = "
   2325                                 + Integer.toString(maxTxPacketForPartialScans));
   2326                     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
   2327                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: incorrect format :" + key);
   2328                     }
   2329                 }
   2330                 if (key.startsWith(THRESHOLD_MAX_RX_PACKETS_FOR_PARTIAL_SCANS_KEY)) {
   2331                     String st = key.replace(THRESHOLD_MAX_RX_PACKETS_FOR_PARTIAL_SCANS_KEY, "");
   2332                     st = st.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   2333                     try {
   2334                         maxRxPacketForNetworkSwitching = Integer.parseInt(st);
   2335                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: maxRxPacketForPartialScans = "
   2336                                 + Integer.toString(maxRxPacketForPartialScans));
   2337                     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
   2338                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: incorrect format :" + key);
   2339                     }
   2340                 }
   2342                 if (key.startsWith(WIFI_VERBOSE_LOGS_KEY)) {
   2343                     String st = key.replace(WIFI_VERBOSE_LOGS_KEY, "");
   2344                     st = st.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   2345                     try {
   2346                         enableVerboseLogging = Integer.parseInt(st);
   2347                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: enable verbose logs = "
   2348                                 + Integer.toString(enableVerboseLogging));
   2349                     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
   2350                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: incorrect format :" + key);
   2351                     }
   2352                 }
   2353                 if (key.startsWith(A_BAND_PREFERENCE_RSSI_THRESHOLD_KEY)) {
   2354                     String st = key.replace(A_BAND_PREFERENCE_RSSI_THRESHOLD_KEY, "");
   2355                     st = st.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   2356                     try {
   2357                         bandPreferenceBoostThreshold5 = Integer.parseInt(st);
   2358                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: bandPreferenceBoostThreshold5 = "
   2359                             + Integer.toString(bandPreferenceBoostThreshold5));
   2360                     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
   2361                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: incorrect format :" + key);
   2362                     }
   2363                 }
   2364                 if (key.startsWith(ASSOCIATED_PARTIAL_SCAN_PERIOD_KEY)) {
   2365                     String st = key.replace(ASSOCIATED_PARTIAL_SCAN_PERIOD_KEY, "");
   2366                     st = st.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   2367                     try {
   2368                         associatedPartialScanPeriodMilli = Integer.parseInt(st);
   2369                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: associatedScanPeriod = "
   2370                                 + Integer.toString(associatedPartialScanPeriodMilli));
   2371                     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
   2372                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: incorrect format :" + key);
   2373                     }
   2374                 }
   2375                 if (key.startsWith(ASSOCIATED_FULL_SCAN_BACKOFF_KEY)) {
   2376                     String st = key.replace(ASSOCIATED_FULL_SCAN_BACKOFF_KEY, "");
   2377                     st = st.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   2378                     try {
   2379                         associatedFullScanBackoff = Integer.parseInt(st);
   2380                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: associatedFullScanBackoff = "
   2381                                 + Integer.toString(associatedFullScanBackoff));
   2382                     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
   2383                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: incorrect format :" + key);
   2384                     }
   2385                 }
   2386                 if (key.startsWith(G_BAND_PREFERENCE_RSSI_THRESHOLD_KEY)) {
   2387                     String st = key.replace(G_BAND_PREFERENCE_RSSI_THRESHOLD_KEY, "");
   2388                     st = st.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   2389                     try {
   2390                         bandPreferencePenaltyThreshold5 = Integer.parseInt(st);
   2391                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: bandPreferencePenaltyThreshold5 = "
   2392                             + Integer.toString(bandPreferencePenaltyThreshold5));
   2393                     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
   2394                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: incorrect format :" + key);
   2395                     }
   2396                 }
   2397                 if (key.startsWith(ALWAYS_ENABLE_SCAN_WHILE_ASSOCIATED_KEY)) {
   2398                     String st = key.replace(ALWAYS_ENABLE_SCAN_WHILE_ASSOCIATED_KEY, "");
   2399                     st = st.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   2400                     try {
   2401                         alwaysEnableScansWhileAssociated = Integer.parseInt(st);
   2402                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: alwaysEnableScansWhileAssociated = "
   2403                                 + Integer.toString(alwaysEnableScansWhileAssociated));
   2404                     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
   2405                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: incorrect format :" + key);
   2406                     }
   2407                 }
   2408                 if (key.startsWith(MAX_NUM_PASSIVE_CHANNELS_FOR_PARTIAL_SCANS_KEY)) {
   2409                     String st = key.replace(MAX_NUM_PASSIVE_CHANNELS_FOR_PARTIAL_SCANS_KEY, "");
   2410                     st = st.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   2411                     try {
   2412                         maxNumPassiveChannelsForPartialScans = Integer.parseInt(st);
   2413                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: maxNumPassiveChannelsForPartialScans = "
   2414                                 + Integer.toString(maxNumPassiveChannelsForPartialScans));
   2415                     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
   2416                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: incorrect format :" + key);
   2417                     }
   2418                 }
   2419                 if (key.startsWith(MAX_NUM_ACTIVE_CHANNELS_FOR_PARTIAL_SCANS_KEY)) {
   2420                     String st = key.replace(MAX_NUM_ACTIVE_CHANNELS_FOR_PARTIAL_SCANS_KEY, "");
   2421                     st = st.replace(SEPARATOR_KEY, "");
   2422                     try {
   2423                         maxNumActiveChannelsForPartialScans = Integer.parseInt(st);
   2424                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: maxNumActiveChannelsForPartialScans = "
   2425                                 + Integer.toString(maxNumActiveChannelsForPartialScans));
   2426                     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
   2427                         Log.d(TAG,"readAutoJoinConfig: incorrect format :" + key);
   2428                     }
   2429                 }
   2430             }
   2431         } catch (EOFException ignore) {
   2432             if (reader != null) {
   2433                 try {
   2434                     reader.close();
   2435                     reader = null;
   2436                 } catch (Exception e) {
   2437                     loge("readAutoJoinStatus: Error closing file" + e);
   2438                 }
   2439             }
   2440         } catch (FileNotFoundException ignore) {
   2441             if (reader != null) {
   2442                 try {
   2443                     reader.close();
   2444                     reader = null;
   2445                 } catch (Exception e) {
   2446                     loge("readAutoJoinStatus: Error closing file" + e);
   2447                 }
   2448             }
   2449         } catch (IOException e) {
   2450             loge("readAutoJoinStatus: Error parsing configuration" + e);
   2451         }
   2453         if (reader!=null) {
   2454            try {
   2455                reader.close();
   2456            } catch (Exception e) {
   2457                loge("readAutoJoinStatus: Error closing file" + e);
   2458            }
   2459         }
   2460     }
   2463     private void writeIpAndProxyConfigurations() {
   2464         final SparseArray<IpConfiguration> networks = new SparseArray<IpConfiguration>();
   2465         for(WifiConfiguration config : mConfiguredNetworks.values()) {
   2466             if (!config.ephemeral && config.autoJoinStatus != WifiConfiguration.AUTO_JOIN_DELETED) {
   2467                 networks.put(configKey(config), config.getIpConfiguration());
   2468             }
   2469         }
   2471         super.writeIpAndProxyConfigurations(ipConfigFile, networks);
   2472     }
   2474     private void readIpAndProxyConfigurations() {
   2475         SparseArray<IpConfiguration> networks = super.readIpAndProxyConfigurations(ipConfigFile);
   2477         if (networks.size() == 0) {
   2478             // IpConfigStore.readIpAndProxyConfigurations has already logged an error.
   2479             return;
   2480         }
   2482         for (int i = 0; i < networks.size(); i++) {
   2483             int id = networks.keyAt(i);
   2484             WifiConfiguration config = mConfiguredNetworks.get(mNetworkIds.get(id));
   2487             if (config == null || config.autoJoinStatus == WifiConfiguration.AUTO_JOIN_DELETED) {
   2488                 loge("configuration found for missing network, nid=" + id
   2489                         +", ignored, networks.size=" + Integer.toString(networks.size()));
   2490             } else {
   2491                 config.setIpConfiguration(networks.valueAt(i));
   2492             }
   2493         }
   2494     }
   2496     /*
   2497      * Convert string to Hexadecimal before passing to wifi native layer
   2498      * In native function "doCommand()" have trouble in converting Unicode character string to UTF8
   2499      * conversion to hex is required because SSIDs can have space characters in them;
   2500      * and that can confuses the supplicant because it uses space charaters as delimiters
   2501      */
   2503     private String encodeSSID(String str){
   2504         String tmp = removeDoubleQuotes(str);
   2505         return String.format("%x", new BigInteger(1, tmp.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"))));
   2506     }
   2508     private NetworkUpdateResult addOrUpdateNetworkNative(WifiConfiguration config, int uid) {
   2509         /*
   2510          * If the supplied networkId is INVALID_NETWORK_ID, we create a new empty
   2511          * network configuration. Otherwise, the networkId should
   2512          * refer to an existing configuration.
   2513          */
   2515         if (VDBG) localLog("addOrUpdateNetworkNative " + config.getPrintableSsid());
   2517         int netId = config.networkId;
   2518         boolean newNetwork = false;
   2519         // networkId of INVALID_NETWORK_ID means we want to create a new network
   2520         if (netId == INVALID_NETWORK_ID) {
   2521             Integer savedNetId = mNetworkIds.get(configKey(config));
   2522             // Check if either we have a network Id or a WifiConfiguration
   2523             // matching the one we are trying to add.
   2524             if (savedNetId == null) {
   2525                 for (WifiConfiguration test : mConfiguredNetworks.values()) {
   2526                     if (test.configKey().equals(config.configKey())) {
   2527                         savedNetId = test.networkId;
   2528                         loge("addOrUpdateNetworkNative " + config.configKey()
   2529                                 + " was found, but no network Id");
   2530                         break;
   2531                     }
   2532                 }
   2533             }
   2534             if (savedNetId != null) {
   2535                 netId = savedNetId;
   2536             } else {
   2537                 newNetwork = true;
   2538                 netId = mWifiNative.addNetwork();
   2539                 if (netId < 0) {
   2540                     loge("Failed to add a network!");
   2541                     return new NetworkUpdateResult(INVALID_NETWORK_ID);
   2542                 } else {
   2543                     loge("addOrUpdateNetworkNative created netId=" + netId);
   2544                 }
   2545             }
   2546         }
   2548         boolean updateFailed = true;
   2550         setVariables: {
   2552             if (config.SSID != null &&
   2553                     !mWifiNative.setNetworkVariable(
   2554                         netId,
   2555                         WifiConfiguration.ssidVarName,
   2556                         encodeSSID(config.SSID))) {
   2557                 loge("failed to set SSID: "+config.SSID);
   2558                 break setVariables;
   2559             }
   2561             if (config.BSSID != null) {
   2562                 loge("Setting BSSID for " + config.configKey() + " to " + config.BSSID);
   2563                 if (!mWifiNative.setNetworkVariable(
   2564                         netId,
   2565                         WifiConfiguration.bssidVarName,
   2566                         config.BSSID)) {
   2567                     loge("failed to set BSSID: " + config.BSSID);
   2568                     break setVariables;
   2569                 }
   2570             }
   2572             String allowedKeyManagementString =
   2573                 makeString(config.allowedKeyManagement, WifiConfiguration.KeyMgmt.strings);
   2574             if (config.allowedKeyManagement.cardinality() != 0 &&
   2575                     !mWifiNative.setNetworkVariable(
   2576                         netId,
   2577                         WifiConfiguration.KeyMgmt.varName,
   2578                         allowedKeyManagementString)) {
   2579                 loge("failed to set key_mgmt: "+
   2580                         allowedKeyManagementString);
   2581                 break setVariables;
   2582             }
   2584             String allowedProtocolsString =
   2585                 makeString(config.allowedProtocols, WifiConfiguration.Protocol.strings);
   2586             if (config.allowedProtocols.cardinality() != 0 &&
   2587                     !mWifiNative.setNetworkVariable(
   2588                         netId,
   2589                         WifiConfiguration.Protocol.varName,
   2590                         allowedProtocolsString)) {
   2591                 loge("failed to set proto: "+
   2592                         allowedProtocolsString);
   2593                 break setVariables;
   2594             }
   2596             String allowedAuthAlgorithmsString =
   2597                 makeString(config.allowedAuthAlgorithms, WifiConfiguration.AuthAlgorithm.strings);
   2598             if (config.allowedAuthAlgorithms.cardinality() != 0 &&
   2599                     !mWifiNative.setNetworkVariable(
   2600                         netId,
   2601                         WifiConfiguration.AuthAlgorithm.varName,
   2602                         allowedAuthAlgorithmsString)) {
   2603                 loge("failed to set auth_alg: "+
   2604                         allowedAuthAlgorithmsString);
   2605                 break setVariables;
   2606             }
   2608             String allowedPairwiseCiphersString =
   2609                     makeString(config.allowedPairwiseCiphers,
   2610                     WifiConfiguration.PairwiseCipher.strings);
   2611             if (config.allowedPairwiseCiphers.cardinality() != 0 &&
   2612                     !mWifiNative.setNetworkVariable(
   2613                         netId,
   2614                         WifiConfiguration.PairwiseCipher.varName,
   2615                         allowedPairwiseCiphersString)) {
   2616                 loge("failed to set pairwise: "+
   2617                         allowedPairwiseCiphersString);
   2618                 break setVariables;
   2619             }
   2621             String allowedGroupCiphersString =
   2622                 makeString(config.allowedGroupCiphers, WifiConfiguration.GroupCipher.strings);
   2623             if (config.allowedGroupCiphers.cardinality() != 0 &&
   2624                     !mWifiNative.setNetworkVariable(
   2625                         netId,
   2626                         WifiConfiguration.GroupCipher.varName,
   2627                         allowedGroupCiphersString)) {
   2628                 loge("failed to set group: "+
   2629                         allowedGroupCiphersString);
   2630                 break setVariables;
   2631             }
   2633             // Prevent client screw-up by passing in a WifiConfiguration we gave it
   2634             // by preventing "*" as a key.
   2635             if (config.preSharedKey != null && !config.preSharedKey.equals("*") &&
   2636                     !mWifiNative.setNetworkVariable(
   2637                         netId,
   2638                         WifiConfiguration.pskVarName,
   2639                         config.preSharedKey)) {
   2640                 loge("failed to set psk");
   2641                 break setVariables;
   2642             }
   2644             boolean hasSetKey = false;
   2645             if (config.wepKeys != null) {
   2646                 for (int i = 0; i < config.wepKeys.length; i++) {
   2647                     // Prevent client screw-up by passing in a WifiConfiguration we gave it
   2648                     // by preventing "*" as a key.
   2649                     if (config.wepKeys[i] != null && !config.wepKeys[i].equals("*")) {
   2650                         if (!mWifiNative.setNetworkVariable(
   2651                                     netId,
   2652                                     WifiConfiguration.wepKeyVarNames[i],
   2653                                     config.wepKeys[i])) {
   2654                             loge("failed to set wep_key" + i + ": " + config.wepKeys[i]);
   2655                             break setVariables;
   2656                         }
   2657                         hasSetKey = true;
   2658                     }
   2659                 }
   2660             }
   2662             if (hasSetKey) {
   2663                 if (!mWifiNative.setNetworkVariable(
   2664                             netId,
   2665                             WifiConfiguration.wepTxKeyIdxVarName,
   2666                             Integer.toString(config.wepTxKeyIndex))) {
   2667                     loge("failed to set wep_tx_keyidx: " + config.wepTxKeyIndex);
   2668                     break setVariables;
   2669                 }
   2670             }
   2672             if (!mWifiNative.setNetworkVariable(
   2673                         netId,
   2674                         WifiConfiguration.priorityVarName,
   2675                         Integer.toString(config.priority))) {
   2676                 loge(config.SSID + ": failed to set priority: "
   2677                         +config.priority);
   2678                 break setVariables;
   2679             }
   2681             if (config.hiddenSSID && !mWifiNative.setNetworkVariable(
   2682                         netId,
   2683                         WifiConfiguration.hiddenSSIDVarName,
   2684                         Integer.toString(config.hiddenSSID ? 1 : 0))) {
   2685                 loge(config.SSID + ": failed to set hiddenSSID: "+
   2686                         config.hiddenSSID);
   2687                 break setVariables;
   2688             }
   2690             if (config.requirePMF && !mWifiNative.setNetworkVariable(
   2691                         netId,
   2692                         WifiConfiguration.pmfVarName,
   2693                         "2")) {
   2694                 loge(config.SSID + ": failed to set requirePMF: "+
   2695                         config.requirePMF);
   2696                 break setVariables;
   2697             }
   2699             if (config.updateIdentifier != null && !mWifiNative.setNetworkVariable(
   2700                     netId,
   2701                     WifiConfiguration.updateIdentiferVarName,
   2702                     config.updateIdentifier)) {
   2703                 loge(config.SSID + ": failed to set updateIdentifier: "+
   2704                         config.updateIdentifier);
   2705                 break setVariables;
   2706             }
   2708             if (config.enterpriseConfig != null &&
   2709                     config.enterpriseConfig.getEapMethod() != WifiEnterpriseConfig.Eap.NONE) {
   2711                 WifiEnterpriseConfig enterpriseConfig = config.enterpriseConfig;
   2713                 if (needsKeyStore(enterpriseConfig)) {
   2714                     /**
   2715                      * Keyguard settings may eventually be controlled by device policy.
   2716                      * We check here if keystore is unlocked before installing
   2717                      * credentials.
   2718                      * TODO: Do we need a dialog here ?
   2719                      */
   2720                     if (mKeyStore.state() != KeyStore.State.UNLOCKED) {
   2721                         loge(config.SSID + ": key store is locked");
   2722                         break setVariables;
   2723                     }
   2725                     try {
   2726                         /* config passed may include only fields being updated.
   2727                          * In order to generate the key id, fetch uninitialized
   2728                          * fields from the currently tracked configuration
   2729                          */
   2730                         WifiConfiguration currentConfig = mConfiguredNetworks.get(netId);
   2731                         String keyId = config.getKeyIdForCredentials(currentConfig);
   2733                         if (!installKeys(enterpriseConfig, keyId)) {
   2734                             loge(config.SSID + ": failed to install keys");
   2735                             break setVariables;
   2736                         }
   2737                     } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
   2738                         loge(config.SSID + " invalid config for key installation");
   2739                         break setVariables;
   2740                     }
   2741                 }
   2743                 HashMap<String, String> enterpriseFields = enterpriseConfig.getFields();
   2744                 for (String key : enterpriseFields.keySet()) {
   2745                         String value = enterpriseFields.get(key);
   2746                         if (key.equals("password") && value != null && value.equals("*")) {
   2747                             // No need to try to set an obfuscated password, which will fail
   2748                             continue;
   2749                         }
   2750                         if (!mWifiNative.setNetworkVariable(
   2751                                     netId,
   2752                                     key,
   2753                                     value)) {
   2754                             removeKeys(enterpriseConfig);
   2755                             loge(config.SSID + ": failed to set " + key +
   2756                                     ": " + value);
   2757                             break setVariables;
   2758                         }
   2759                 }
   2760             }
   2761             updateFailed = false;
   2762         } // End of setVariables
   2764         if (updateFailed) {
   2765             if (newNetwork) {
   2766                 mWifiNative.removeNetwork(netId);
   2767                 loge("Failed to set a network variable, removed network: " + netId);
   2768             }
   2769             return new NetworkUpdateResult(INVALID_NETWORK_ID);
   2770         }
   2772         /* An update of the network variables requires reading them
   2773          * back from the supplicant to update mConfiguredNetworks.
   2774          * This is because some of the variables (SSID, wep keys &
   2775          * passphrases) reflect different values when read back than
   2776          * when written. For example, wep key is stored as * irrespective
   2777          * of the value sent to the supplicant
   2778          */
   2779         WifiConfiguration currentConfig = mConfiguredNetworks.get(netId);
   2780         if (currentConfig == null) {
   2781             currentConfig = new WifiConfiguration();
   2782             currentConfig.setIpAssignment(IpAssignment.DHCP);
   2783             currentConfig.setProxySettings(ProxySettings.NONE);
   2784             currentConfig.networkId = netId;
   2785             if (config != null) {
   2786                 // Carry over the creation parameters
   2787                 currentConfig.selfAdded = config.selfAdded;
   2788                 currentConfig.didSelfAdd = config.didSelfAdd;
   2789                 currentConfig.ephemeral = config.ephemeral;
   2790                 currentConfig.autoJoinUseAggressiveJoinAttemptThreshold
   2791                         = config.autoJoinUseAggressiveJoinAttemptThreshold;
   2792                 currentConfig.lastConnectUid = config.lastConnectUid;
   2793                 currentConfig.lastUpdateUid = config.lastUpdateUid;
   2794                 currentConfig.creatorUid = config.creatorUid;
   2795                 currentConfig.peerWifiConfiguration = config.peerWifiConfiguration;
   2796             }
   2797             if (DBG) {
   2798                 loge("created new config netId=" + Integer.toString(netId)
   2799                         + " uid=" + Integer.toString(currentConfig.creatorUid));
   2800             }
   2801         }
   2803         if (uid >= 0) {
   2804             if (newNetwork) {
   2805                 currentConfig.creatorUid = uid;
   2806             } else {
   2807                 currentConfig.lastUpdateUid = uid;
   2808             }
   2809         }
   2811         if (newNetwork) {
   2812             currentConfig.dirty = true;
   2813         }
   2815         if (currentConfig.autoJoinStatus == WifiConfiguration.AUTO_JOIN_DELETED) {
   2816             // Make sure the configuration is not deleted anymore since we just
   2817             // added or modified it.
   2818             currentConfig.setAutoJoinStatus(WifiConfiguration.AUTO_JOIN_ENABLED);
   2819             currentConfig.selfAdded = false;
   2820             currentConfig.didSelfAdd = false;
   2821             if (DBG) {
   2822                 loge("remove deleted status netId=" + Integer.toString(netId)
   2823                         + " " + currentConfig.configKey());
   2824             }
   2825         }
   2827         if (currentConfig.status == WifiConfiguration.Status.ENABLED) {
   2828             // Make sure autojoin remain in sync with user modifying the configuration
   2829             currentConfig.setAutoJoinStatus(WifiConfiguration.AUTO_JOIN_ENABLED);
   2830         }
   2832         if (DBG) loge("will read network variables netId=" + Integer.toString(netId));
   2834         readNetworkVariables(currentConfig);
   2836         mConfiguredNetworks.put(netId, currentConfig);
   2837         mNetworkIds.put(configKey(currentConfig), netId);
   2839         NetworkUpdateResult result = writeIpAndProxyConfigurationsOnChange(currentConfig, config);
   2840         result.setIsNewNetwork(newNetwork);
   2841         result.setNetworkId(netId);
   2843         writeKnownNetworkHistory();
   2845         return result;
   2846     }
   2849     /**
   2850      * This function run thru the Saved WifiConfigurations and check if some should be linked.
   2851      * @param config
   2852      */
   2853     public void linkConfiguration(WifiConfiguration config) {
   2855         if (config.scanResultCache != null && config.scanResultCache.size() > 6) {
   2856             // Ignore configurations with large number of BSSIDs
   2857             return;
   2858         }
   2859         if (!config.allowedKeyManagement.get(KeyMgmt.WPA_PSK)) {
   2860             // Only link WPA_PSK config
   2861             return;
   2862         }
   2863         for (WifiConfiguration link : mConfiguredNetworks.values()) {
   2864             boolean doLink = false;
   2866             if (link.configKey().equals(config.configKey())) {
   2867                 continue;
   2868             }
   2870             if (link.autoJoinStatus == WifiConfiguration.AUTO_JOIN_DELETED) {
   2871                 continue;
   2872             }
   2874             // Autojoin will be allowed to dynamically jump from a linked configuration
   2875             // to another, hence only link configurations that have equivalent level of security
   2876             if (!link.allowedKeyManagement.equals(config.allowedKeyManagement)) {
   2877                 continue;
   2878             }
   2880             if (link.scanResultCache != null && link.scanResultCache.size() > 6) {
   2881                 // Ignore configurations with large number of BSSIDs
   2882                 continue;
   2883             }
   2885             if (config.defaultGwMacAddress != null && link.defaultGwMacAddress != null) {
   2886                 // If both default GW are known, link only if they are equal
   2887                 if (config.defaultGwMacAddress.equals(link.defaultGwMacAddress)) {
   2888                     if (VDBG) {
   2889                         loge("linkConfiguration link due to same gw " + link.SSID +
   2890                                 " and " + config.SSID + " GW " + config.defaultGwMacAddress);
   2891                     }
   2892                     doLink = true;
   2893                 }
   2894             } else {
   2895                 // We do not know BOTH default gateways hence we will try to link
   2896                 // hoping that WifiConfigurations are indeed behind the same gateway.
   2897                 // once both WifiConfiguration have been tried and thus once both efault gateways
   2898                 // are known we will revisit the choice of linking them
   2899                 if ((config.scanResultCache != null) && (config.scanResultCache.size() <= 6)
   2900                         && (link.scanResultCache != null) && (link.scanResultCache.size() <= 6)) {
   2901                     for (String abssid : config.scanResultCache.keySet()) {
   2902                         for (String bbssid : link.scanResultCache.keySet()) {
   2903                             if (VVDBG) {
   2904                                 loge("linkConfiguration try to link due to DBDC BSSID match "
   2905                                         + link.SSID +
   2906                                         " and " + config.SSID + " bssida " + abssid
   2907                                         + " bssidb " + bbssid);
   2908                             }
   2909                             if (abssid.regionMatches(true, 0, bbssid, 0, 16)) {
   2910                                 // If first 16 ascii characters of BSSID matches,
   2911                                 // we assume this is a DBDC
   2912                                 doLink = true;
   2913                             }
   2914                         }
   2915                     }
   2916                 }
   2917             }
   2919             if (doLink == true && onlyLinkSameCredentialConfigurations) {
   2920                 String apsk = readNetworkVariableFromSupplicantFile(link.SSID, "psk");
   2921                 String bpsk = readNetworkVariableFromSupplicantFile(config.SSID, "psk");
   2922                 if (apsk == null || bpsk == null
   2923                         || TextUtils.isEmpty(apsk) || TextUtils.isEmpty(apsk)
   2924                         || apsk.equals("*") || apsk.equals(DELETED_CONFIG_PSK)
   2925                         || !apsk.equals(bpsk)) {
   2926                     doLink = false;
   2927                 }
   2928             }
   2930             if (doLink) {
   2931                 if (VDBG) {
   2932                    loge("linkConfiguration: will link " + link.configKey()
   2933                            + " and " + config.configKey());
   2934                 }
   2935                 if (link.linkedConfigurations == null) {
   2936                     link.linkedConfigurations = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
   2937                 }
   2938                 if (config.linkedConfigurations == null) {
   2939                     config.linkedConfigurations = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
   2940                 }
   2941                 if (link.linkedConfigurations.get(config.configKey()) == null) {
   2942                     link.linkedConfigurations.put(config.configKey(), Integer.valueOf(1));
   2943                     link.dirty = true;
   2944                 }
   2945                 if (config.linkedConfigurations.get(link.configKey()) == null) {
   2946                     config.linkedConfigurations.put(link.configKey(), Integer.valueOf(1));
   2947                     config.dirty = true;
   2948                 }
   2949             } else {
   2950                 if (link.linkedConfigurations != null
   2951                         && (link.linkedConfigurations.get(config.configKey()) != null)) {
   2952                     if (VDBG) {
   2953                         loge("linkConfiguration: un-link " + config.configKey()
   2954                                 + " from " + link.configKey());
   2955                     }
   2956                     link.dirty = true;
   2957                     link.linkedConfigurations.remove(config.configKey());
   2958                 }
   2959                 if (config.linkedConfigurations != null
   2960                         && (config.linkedConfigurations.get(link.configKey()) != null)) {
   2961                     if (VDBG) {
   2962                         loge("linkConfiguration: un-link " + link.configKey()
   2963                                 + " from " + config.configKey());
   2964                     }
   2965                     config.dirty = true;
   2966                     config.linkedConfigurations.remove(link.configKey());
   2967                 }
   2968             }
   2969         }
   2970     }
   2972     /*
   2973      * We try to link a scan result with a WifiConfiguration for which SSID and
   2974      * key management dont match,
   2975      * for instance, we try identify the 5GHz SSID of a DBDC AP,
   2976      * even though we know only of the 2.4GHz
   2977      *
   2978      * Obviously, this function is not optimal since it is used to compare every scan
   2979      * result with every Saved WifiConfiguration, with a string.equals operation.
   2980      * As a speed up, might be better to implement the mConfiguredNetworks store as a
   2981      * <String, WifiConfiguration> object instead of a <Integer, WifiConfiguration> object
   2982      * so as to speed this up. Also to prevent the tiny probability of hash collision.
   2983      *
   2984      */
   2985     public WifiConfiguration associateWithConfiguration(ScanResult result) {
   2986         String configKey = WifiConfiguration.configKey(result);
   2987         if (configKey == null) {
   2988             if (DBG) loge("associateWithConfiguration(): no config key " );
   2989             return null;
   2990         }
   2992         // Need to compare with quoted string
   2993         String SSID = "\"" + result.SSID + "\"";
   2995         if (VVDBG) {
   2996             loge("associateWithConfiguration(): try " + configKey);
   2997         }
   2999         WifiConfiguration config = null;
   3000         for (WifiConfiguration link : mConfiguredNetworks.values()) {
   3001             boolean doLink = false;
   3003             if (link.autoJoinStatus == WifiConfiguration.AUTO_JOIN_DELETED || link.selfAdded) {
   3004                 if (VVDBG) loge("associateWithConfiguration(): skip selfadd " + link.configKey() );
   3005                 // Make sure we dont associate the scan result to a deleted config
   3006                 continue;
   3007             }
   3009             if (!link.allowedKeyManagement.get(KeyMgmt.WPA_PSK)) {
   3010                 if (VVDBG) loge("associateWithConfiguration(): skip non-PSK " + link.configKey() );
   3011                 // Make sure we dont associate the scan result to a non-PSK config
   3012                 continue;
   3013             }
   3015             if (configKey.equals(link.configKey())) {
   3016                 if (VVDBG) loge("associateWithConfiguration(): found it!!! " + configKey );
   3017                 return link; // Found it exactly
   3018             }
   3020             if ((link.scanResultCache != null) && (link.scanResultCache.size() <= 6)) {
   3021                 for (String bssid : link.scanResultCache.keySet()) {
   3022                     if (result.BSSID.regionMatches(true, 0, bssid, 0, 16)
   3023                             && SSID.regionMatches(false, 0, link.SSID, 0, 4)) {
   3024                         // If first 16 ascii characters of BSSID matches, and first 3
   3025                         // characters of SSID match, we assume this is a home setup
   3026                         // and thus we will try to transfer the password from the known
   3027                         // BSSID/SSID to the recently found BSSID/SSID
   3029                         // If (VDBG)
   3030                         //    loge("associateWithConfiguration OK " );
   3031                         doLink = true;
   3032                         break;
   3033                     }
   3034                 }
   3035             }
   3037             if (doLink) {
   3038                 // Try to make a non verified WifiConfiguration, but only if the original
   3039                 // configuration was not self already added
   3040                 if (VDBG) {
   3041                     loge("associateWithConfiguration: will create " +
   3042                             result.SSID + " and associate it with: " + link.SSID);
   3043                 }
   3044                 config = wifiConfigurationFromScanResult(result);
   3045                 if (config != null) {
   3046                     config.selfAdded = true;
   3047                     config.didSelfAdd = true;
   3048                     config.dirty = true;
   3049                     config.peerWifiConfiguration = link.configKey();
   3050                     if (config.allowedKeyManagement.equals(link.allowedKeyManagement) &&
   3051                             config.allowedKeyManagement.get(KeyMgmt.WPA_PSK)) {
   3052                         // Transfer the credentials from the configuration we are linking from
   3053                         String psk = readNetworkVariableFromSupplicantFile(link.SSID, "psk");
   3054                         if (psk != null) {
   3055                             config.preSharedKey = psk;
   3056                             if (VDBG) {
   3057                                 if (config.preSharedKey != null)
   3058                                     loge(" transfer PSK : " + config.preSharedKey);
   3059                             }
   3061                             // Link configurations
   3062                             if (link.linkedConfigurations == null) {
   3063                                 link.linkedConfigurations = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
   3064                             }
   3065                             if (config.linkedConfigurations == null) {
   3066                                 config.linkedConfigurations = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
   3067                             }
   3068                             link.linkedConfigurations.put(config.configKey(), Integer.valueOf(1));
   3069                             config.linkedConfigurations.put(link.configKey(), Integer.valueOf(1));
   3070                         } else {
   3071                             config = null;
   3072                         }
   3073                     } else {
   3074                         config = null;
   3075                     }
   3076                     if (config != null) break;
   3077                 }
   3078             }
   3079         }
   3080         return config;
   3081     }
   3083     public HashSet<Integer> makeChannelList(WifiConfiguration config, int age, boolean restrict) {
   3084         if (config == null)
   3085             return null;
   3086         long now_ms = System.currentTimeMillis();
   3088         HashSet<Integer> channels = new HashSet<Integer>();
   3090         //get channels for this configuration, if there are at least 2 BSSIDs
   3091         if (config.scanResultCache == null && config.linkedConfigurations == null) {
   3092             return null;
   3093         }
   3095         if (VDBG) {
   3096             StringBuilder dbg = new StringBuilder();
   3097             dbg.append("makeChannelList age=" + Integer.toString(age)
   3098                     + " for " + config.configKey()
   3099                     + " max=" + maxNumActiveChannelsForPartialScans);
   3100             if (config.scanResultCache != null) {
   3101                 dbg.append(" bssids=" + config.scanResultCache.size());
   3102             }
   3103             if (config.linkedConfigurations != null) {
   3104                 dbg.append(" linked=" + config.linkedConfigurations.size());
   3105             }
   3106             loge(dbg.toString());
   3107         }
   3109         int numChannels = 0;
   3110         if (config.scanResultCache != null && config.scanResultCache.size() > 0) {
   3111             for (ScanResult result : config.scanResultCache.values()) {
   3112                 //TODO : cout active and passive channels separately
   3113                 if (numChannels > maxNumActiveChannelsForPartialScans) {
   3114                     break;
   3115                 }
   3116                 if (VDBG) {
   3117                     boolean test = (now_ms - result.seen) < age;
   3118                     loge("has " + result.BSSID + " freq=" + Integer.toString(result.frequency)
   3119                             + " age=" + Long.toString(now_ms - result.seen) + " ?=" + test);
   3120                 }
   3121                 if (((now_ms - result.seen) < age)/*||(!restrict || result.is24GHz())*/) {
   3122                     channels.add(result.frequency);
   3123                     numChannels++;
   3124                 }
   3125             }
   3126         }
   3128         //get channels for linked configurations
   3129         if (config.linkedConfigurations != null) {
   3130             for (String key : config.linkedConfigurations.keySet()) {
   3131                 WifiConfiguration linked = getWifiConfiguration(key);
   3132                 if (linked == null)
   3133                     continue;
   3134                 if (linked.scanResultCache == null) {
   3135                     continue;
   3136                 }
   3137                 for (ScanResult result : linked.scanResultCache.values()) {
   3138                     if (VDBG) {
   3139                         loge("has link: " + result.BSSID
   3140                                 + " freq=" + Integer.toString(result.frequency)
   3141                                 + " age=" + Long.toString(now_ms - result.seen));
   3142                     }
   3143                     if (numChannels > maxNumActiveChannelsForPartialScans) {
   3144                         break;
   3145                     }
   3146                     if (((now_ms - result.seen) < age)/*||(!restrict || result.is24GHz())*/) {
   3147                         channels.add(result.frequency);
   3148                         numChannels++;
   3149                     }
   3150                 }
   3151             }
   3152         }
   3153         return channels;
   3154     }
   3156     // Update the WifiConfiguration database with the new scan result
   3157     // A scan result can be associated to multiple WifiConfigurations
   3158     public boolean updateSavedNetworkHistory(ScanResult scanResult) {
   3159         int numConfigFound = 0;
   3160         if (scanResult == null)
   3161             return false;
   3163         String SSID = "\"" + scanResult.SSID + "\"";
   3165         for (WifiConfiguration config : mConfiguredNetworks.values()) {
   3166             boolean found = false;
   3168             if (config.SSID == null || !config.SSID.equals(SSID)) {
   3169                 // SSID mismatch
   3170                 if (VVDBG) {
   3171                     loge("updateSavedNetworkHistory(): SSID mismatch " + config.configKey()
   3172                             + " SSID=" + config.SSID + " " + SSID);
   3173                 }
   3174                 continue;
   3175             }
   3176             if (VDBG) {
   3177                 loge("updateSavedNetworkHistory(): try " + config.configKey()
   3178                         + " SSID=" + config.SSID + " " + scanResult.SSID
   3179                         + " " + scanResult.capabilities
   3180                         + " ajst=" + config.autoJoinStatus);
   3181             }
   3182             if (scanResult.capabilities.contains("WEP")
   3183                     && config.configKey().contains("WEP")) {
   3184                 found = true;
   3185             } else if (scanResult.capabilities.contains("PSK")
   3186                     && config.configKey().contains("PSK")) {
   3187                 found = true;
   3188             } else if (scanResult.capabilities.contains("EAP")
   3189                     && config.configKey().contains("EAP")) {
   3190                 found = true;
   3191             } else if (!scanResult.capabilities.contains("WEP")
   3192                 && !scanResult.capabilities.contains("PSK")
   3193                 && !scanResult.capabilities.contains("EAP")
   3194                 && !config.configKey().contains("WEP")
   3195                     && !config.configKey().contains("PSK")
   3196                     && !config.configKey().contains("EAP")) {
   3197                 found = true;
   3198             }
   3200             if (found) {
   3201                 numConfigFound ++;
   3203                 if (config.autoJoinStatus >= WifiConfiguration.AUTO_JOIN_DELETED) {
   3204                     if (VVDBG) {
   3205                         loge("updateSavedNetworkHistory(): found a deleted, skip it...  "
   3206                                 + config.configKey());
   3207                     }
   3208                     // The scan result belongs to a deleted config:
   3209                     //   - increment numConfigFound to remember that we found a config
   3210                     //            matching for this scan result
   3211                     //   - dont do anything since the config was deleted, just skip...
   3212                     continue;
   3213                 }
   3215                 if (config.scanResultCache == null) {
   3216                     config.scanResultCache = new HashMap<String, ScanResult>();
   3217                 }
   3219                 // Adding a new BSSID
   3220                 ScanResult result = config.scanResultCache.get(scanResult.BSSID);
   3221                 if (result == null) {
   3222                     config.dirty = true;
   3223                 } else {
   3224                     // transfer the black list status
   3225                     scanResult.autoJoinStatus = result.autoJoinStatus;
   3226                     scanResult.blackListTimestamp = result.blackListTimestamp;
   3227                     scanResult.numIpConfigFailures = result.numIpConfigFailures;
   3228                     scanResult.numConnection = result.numConnection;
   3229                     scanResult.isAutoJoinCandidate = result.isAutoJoinCandidate;
   3230                 }
   3232                 // Add the scan result to this WifiConfiguration
   3233                 config.scanResultCache.put(scanResult.BSSID, scanResult);
   3234                 // Since we added a scan result to this configuration, re-attempt linking
   3235                 linkConfiguration(config);
   3236             }
   3238             if (VDBG && found) {
   3239                 String status = "";
   3240                 if (scanResult.autoJoinStatus > 0) {
   3241                     status = " status=" + Integer.toString(scanResult.autoJoinStatus);
   3242                 }
   3243                 loge("        got known scan result " +
   3244                         scanResult.BSSID + " key : "
   3245                         + config.configKey() + " num: " +
   3246                         Integer.toString(config.scanResultCache.size())
   3247                         + " rssi=" + Integer.toString(scanResult.level)
   3248                         + " freq=" + Integer.toString(scanResult.frequency)
   3249                         + status);
   3250             }
   3251         }
   3252         return numConfigFound != 0;
   3253     }
   3255     /* Compare current and new configuration and write to file on change */
   3256     private NetworkUpdateResult writeIpAndProxyConfigurationsOnChange(
   3257             WifiConfiguration currentConfig,
   3258             WifiConfiguration newConfig) {
   3259         boolean ipChanged = false;
   3260         boolean proxyChanged = false;
   3262         if (VDBG) {
   3263             loge("writeIpAndProxyConfigurationsOnChange: " + currentConfig.SSID + " -> " +
   3264                     newConfig.SSID + " path: " + ipConfigFile);
   3265         }
   3268         switch (newConfig.getIpAssignment()) {
   3269             case STATIC:
   3270                 if (currentConfig.getIpAssignment() != newConfig.getIpAssignment()) {
   3271                     ipChanged = true;
   3272                 } else {
   3273                     ipChanged = !Objects.equals(
   3274                             currentConfig.getStaticIpConfiguration(),
   3275                             newConfig.getStaticIpConfiguration());
   3276                 }
   3277                 break;
   3278             case DHCP:
   3279                 if (currentConfig.getIpAssignment() != newConfig.getIpAssignment()) {
   3280                     ipChanged = true;
   3281                 }
   3282                 break;
   3283             case UNASSIGNED:
   3284                 /* Ignore */
   3285                 break;
   3286             default:
   3287                 loge("Ignore invalid ip assignment during write");
   3288                 break;
   3289         }
   3291         switch (newConfig.getProxySettings()) {
   3292             case STATIC:
   3293             case PAC:
   3294                 ProxyInfo newHttpProxy = newConfig.getHttpProxy();
   3295                 ProxyInfo currentHttpProxy = currentConfig.getHttpProxy();
   3297                 if (newHttpProxy != null) {
   3298                     proxyChanged = !newHttpProxy.equals(currentHttpProxy);
   3299                 } else {
   3300                     proxyChanged = (currentHttpProxy != null);
   3301                 }
   3302                 break;
   3303             case NONE:
   3304                 if (currentConfig.getProxySettings() != newConfig.getProxySettings()) {
   3305                     proxyChanged = true;
   3306                 }
   3307                 break;
   3308             case UNASSIGNED:
   3309                 /* Ignore */
   3310                 break;
   3311             default:
   3312                 loge("Ignore invalid proxy configuration during write");
   3313                 break;
   3314         }
   3316         if (ipChanged) {
   3317             currentConfig.setIpAssignment(newConfig.getIpAssignment());
   3318             currentConfig.setStaticIpConfiguration(newConfig.getStaticIpConfiguration());
   3319             log("IP config changed SSID = " + currentConfig.SSID);
   3320             if (currentConfig.getStaticIpConfiguration() != null) {
   3321                 log(" static configuration: " +
   3322                     currentConfig.getStaticIpConfiguration().toString());
   3323             }
   3324         }
   3326         if (proxyChanged) {
   3327             currentConfig.setProxySettings(newConfig.getProxySettings());
   3328             currentConfig.setHttpProxy(newConfig.getHttpProxy());
   3329             log("proxy changed SSID = " + currentConfig.SSID);
   3330             if (currentConfig.getHttpProxy() != null) {
   3331                 log(" proxyProperties: " + currentConfig.getHttpProxy().toString());
   3332             }
   3333         }
   3335         if (ipChanged || proxyChanged) {
   3336             writeIpAndProxyConfigurations();
   3337             sendConfiguredNetworksChangedBroadcast(currentConfig,
   3338                     WifiManager.CHANGE_REASON_CONFIG_CHANGE);
   3339         }
   3340         return new NetworkUpdateResult(ipChanged, proxyChanged);
   3341     }
   3343     /** Returns true if a particular config key needs to be quoted when passed to the supplicant. */
   3344     private boolean enterpriseConfigKeyShouldBeQuoted(String key) {
   3345         switch (key) {
   3346             case WifiEnterpriseConfig.EAP_KEY:
   3347             case WifiEnterpriseConfig.ENGINE_KEY:
   3348                 return false;
   3349             default:
   3350                 return true;
   3351         }
   3352     }
   3354     /**
   3355      * Read the variables from the supplicant daemon that are needed to
   3356      * fill in the WifiConfiguration object.
   3357      *
   3358      * @param config the {@link WifiConfiguration} object to be filled in.
   3359      */
   3360     private void readNetworkVariables(WifiConfiguration config) {
   3362         int netId = config.networkId;
   3363         if (netId < 0)
   3364             return;
   3366         /*
   3367          * TODO: maybe should have a native method that takes an array of
   3368          * variable names and returns an array of values. But we'd still
   3369          * be doing a round trip to the supplicant daemon for each variable.
   3370          */
   3371         String value;
   3373         value = mWifiNative.getNetworkVariable(netId, WifiConfiguration.ssidVarName);
   3374         if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(value)) {
   3375             if (value.charAt(0) != '"') {
   3376                 config.SSID = "\"" + WifiSsid.createFromHex(value).toString() + "\"";
   3377                 //TODO: convert a hex string that is not UTF-8 decodable to a P-formatted
   3378                 //supplicant string
   3379             } else {
   3380                 config.SSID = value;
   3381             }
   3382         } else {
   3383             config.SSID = null;
   3384         }
   3386         value = mWifiNative.getNetworkVariable(netId, WifiConfiguration.bssidVarName);
   3387         if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(value)) {
   3388             config.BSSID = value;
   3389         } else {
   3390             config.BSSID = null;
   3391         }
   3393         value = mWifiNative.getNetworkVariable(netId, WifiConfiguration.priorityVarName);
   3394         config.priority = -1;
   3395         if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(value)) {
   3396             try {
   3397                 config.priority = Integer.parseInt(value);
   3398             } catch (NumberFormatException ignore) {
   3399             }
   3400         }
   3402         value = mWifiNative.getNetworkVariable(netId, WifiConfiguration.hiddenSSIDVarName);
   3403         config.hiddenSSID = false;
   3404         if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(value)) {
   3405             try {
   3406                 config.hiddenSSID = Integer.parseInt(value) != 0;
   3407             } catch (NumberFormatException ignore) {
   3408             }
   3409         }
   3411         value = mWifiNative.getNetworkVariable(netId, WifiConfiguration.wepTxKeyIdxVarName);
   3412         config.wepTxKeyIndex = -1;
   3413         if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(value)) {
   3414             try {
   3415                 config.wepTxKeyIndex = Integer.parseInt(value);
   3416             } catch (NumberFormatException ignore) {
   3417             }
   3418         }
   3420         for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
   3421             value = mWifiNative.getNetworkVariable(netId,
   3422                     WifiConfiguration.wepKeyVarNames[i]);
   3423             if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(value)) {
   3424                 config.wepKeys[i] = value;
   3425             } else {
   3426                 config.wepKeys[i] = null;
   3427             }
   3428         }
   3430         value = mWifiNative.getNetworkVariable(netId, WifiConfiguration.pskVarName);
   3431         if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(value)) {
   3432             config.preSharedKey = value;
   3433         } else {
   3434             config.preSharedKey = null;
   3435         }
   3437         value = mWifiNative.getNetworkVariable(config.networkId,
   3438                 WifiConfiguration.Protocol.varName);
   3439         if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(value)) {
   3440             String vals[] = value.split(" ");
   3441             for (String val : vals) {
   3442                 int index =
   3443                     lookupString(val, WifiConfiguration.Protocol.strings);
   3444                 if (0 <= index) {
   3445                     config.allowedProtocols.set(index);
   3446                 }
   3447             }
   3448         }
   3450         value = mWifiNative.getNetworkVariable(config.networkId,
   3451                 WifiConfiguration.KeyMgmt.varName);
   3452         if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(value)) {
   3453             String vals[] = value.split(" ");
   3454             for (String val : vals) {
   3455                 int index =
   3456                     lookupString(val, WifiConfiguration.KeyMgmt.strings);
   3457                 if (0 <= index) {
   3458                     config.allowedKeyManagement.set(index);
   3459                 }
   3460             }
   3461         }
   3463         value = mWifiNative.getNetworkVariable(config.networkId,
   3464                 WifiConfiguration.AuthAlgorithm.varName);
   3465         if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(value)) {
   3466             String vals[] = value.split(" ");
   3467             for (String val : vals) {
   3468                 int index =
   3469                     lookupString(val, WifiConfiguration.AuthAlgorithm.strings);
   3470                 if (0 <= index) {
   3471                     config.allowedAuthAlgorithms.set(index);
   3472                 }
   3473             }
   3474         }
   3476         value = mWifiNative.getNetworkVariable(config.networkId,
   3477                 WifiConfiguration.PairwiseCipher.varName);
   3478         if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(value)) {
   3479             String vals[] = value.split(" ");
   3480             for (String val : vals) {
   3481                 int index =
   3482                     lookupString(val, WifiConfiguration.PairwiseCipher.strings);
   3483                 if (0 <= index) {
   3484                     config.allowedPairwiseCiphers.set(index);
   3485                 }
   3486             }
   3487         }
   3489         value = mWifiNative.getNetworkVariable(config.networkId,
   3490                 WifiConfiguration.GroupCipher.varName);
   3491         if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(value)) {
   3492             String vals[] = value.split(" ");
   3493             for (String val : vals) {
   3494                 int index =
   3495                     lookupString(val, WifiConfiguration.GroupCipher.strings);
   3496                 if (0 <= index) {
   3497                     config.allowedGroupCiphers.set(index);
   3498                 }
   3499             }
   3500         }
   3502         if (config.enterpriseConfig == null) {
   3503             config.enterpriseConfig = new WifiEnterpriseConfig();
   3504         }
   3505         HashMap<String, String> enterpriseFields = config.enterpriseConfig.getFields();
   3506         for (String key : ENTERPRISE_CONFIG_SUPPLICANT_KEYS) {
   3507             value = mWifiNative.getNetworkVariable(netId, key);
   3508             if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(value)) {
   3509                 if (!enterpriseConfigKeyShouldBeQuoted(key)) {
   3510                     value = removeDoubleQuotes(value);
   3511                 }
   3512                 enterpriseFields.put(key, value);
   3513             } else {
   3514                 enterpriseFields.put(key, EMPTY_VALUE);
   3515             }
   3516         }
   3518         if (migrateOldEapTlsNative(config.enterpriseConfig, netId)) {
   3519             saveConfig();
   3520         }
   3522         migrateCerts(config.enterpriseConfig);
   3523         // initializeSoftwareKeystoreFlag(config.enterpriseConfig, mKeyStore);
   3524     }
   3526     private static String removeDoubleQuotes(String string) {
   3527         int length = string.length();
   3528         if ((length > 1) && (string.charAt(0) == '"')
   3529                 && (string.charAt(length - 1) == '"')) {
   3530             return string.substring(1, length - 1);
   3531         }
   3532         return string;
   3533     }
   3535     private static String makeString(BitSet set, String[] strings) {
   3536         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
   3537         int nextSetBit = -1;
   3539         /* Make sure all set bits are in [0, strings.length) to avoid
   3540          * going out of bounds on strings.  (Shouldn't happen, but...) */
   3541         set = set.get(0, strings.length);
   3543         while ((nextSetBit = set.nextSetBit(nextSetBit + 1)) != -1) {
   3544             buf.append(strings[nextSetBit].replace('_', '-')).append(' ');
   3545         }
   3547         // remove trailing space
   3548         if (set.cardinality() > 0) {
   3549             buf.setLength(buf.length() - 1);
   3550         }
   3552         return buf.toString();
   3553     }
   3555     private int lookupString(String string, String[] strings) {
   3556         int size = strings.length;
   3558         string = string.replace('-', '_');
   3560         for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
   3561             if (string.equals(strings[i]))
   3562                 return i;
   3564         // if we ever get here, we should probably add the
   3565         // value to WifiConfiguration to reflect that it's
   3566         // supported by the WPA supplicant
   3567         loge("Failed to look-up a string: " + string);
   3569         return -1;
   3570     }
   3572     /* return the allowed key management based on a scan result */
   3574     public WifiConfiguration wifiConfigurationFromScanResult(ScanResult result) {
   3575         WifiConfiguration config = new WifiConfiguration();
   3577         config.SSID = "\"" + result.SSID + "\"";
   3579         if (VDBG) {
   3580             loge("WifiConfiguration from scan results " +
   3581                     config.SSID + " cap " + result.capabilities);
   3582         }
   3583         if (result.capabilities.contains("WEP")) {
   3584             config.allowedKeyManagement.set(KeyMgmt.NONE);
   3585             config.allowedAuthAlgorithms.set(WifiConfiguration.AuthAlgorithm.OPEN); //?
   3586             config.allowedAuthAlgorithms.set(WifiConfiguration.AuthAlgorithm.SHARED);
   3587         }
   3589         if (result.capabilities.contains("PSK")) {
   3590             config.allowedKeyManagement.set(KeyMgmt.WPA_PSK);
   3591         }
   3593         if (result.capabilities.contains("EAP")) {
   3594             //this is probably wrong, as we don't have a way to enter the enterprise config
   3595             config.allowedKeyManagement.set(KeyMgmt.WPA_EAP);
   3596             config.allowedKeyManagement.set(KeyMgmt.IEEE8021X);
   3597         }
   3599         config.scanResultCache = new HashMap<String, ScanResult>();
   3600         if (config.scanResultCache == null)
   3601             return null;
   3602         config.scanResultCache.put(result.BSSID, result);
   3604         return config;
   3605     }
   3608     /* Returns a unique for a given configuration */
   3609     private static int configKey(WifiConfiguration config) {
   3610         String key = config.configKey();
   3611         return key.hashCode();
   3612     }
   3614     void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String[] args) {
   3615         pw.println("Dump of WifiConfigStore");
   3616         pw.println("mLastPriority " + mLastPriority);
   3617         pw.println("Configured networks");
   3618         for (WifiConfiguration conf : getConfiguredNetworks()) {
   3619             pw.println(conf);
   3620         }
   3621         pw.println();
   3623         if (mLocalLog != null) {
   3624             pw.println("WifiConfigStore - Log Begin ----");
   3625             mLocalLog.dump(fd, pw, args);
   3626             pw.println("WifiConfigStore - Log End ----");
   3627         }
   3628     }
   3630     public String getConfigFile() {
   3631         return ipConfigFile;
   3632     }
   3634     protected void loge(String s) {
   3635         loge(s, false);
   3636     }
   3638     protected void loge(String s, boolean stack) {
   3639         if (stack) {
   3640             Log.e(TAG, s + " stack:" + Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[2].getMethodName()
   3641                     + " - " + Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[3].getMethodName()
   3642                     + " - " + Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[4].getMethodName()
   3643                     + " - " + Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[5].getMethodName());
   3644         } else {
   3645             Log.e(TAG, s);
   3646         }
   3647     }
   3649     protected void log(String s) {
   3650         Log.d(TAG, s);
   3651     }
   3653     private void localLog(String s) {
   3654         if (mLocalLog != null) {
   3655             mLocalLog.log(s);
   3656         }
   3657     }
   3659     private void localLog(String s, boolean force) {
   3660         localLog(s);
   3661         if (force) loge(s);
   3662     }
   3664     private void localLog(String s, int netId) {
   3665         if (mLocalLog == null) {
   3666             return;
   3667         }
   3669         WifiConfiguration config;
   3670         synchronized(mConfiguredNetworks) {
   3671             config = mConfiguredNetworks.get(netId);
   3672         }
   3674         if (config != null) {
   3675             mLocalLog.log(s + " " + config.getPrintableSsid() + " " + netId
   3676                     + " status=" + config.status
   3677                     + " key=" + config.configKey());
   3678         } else {
   3679             mLocalLog.log(s + " " + netId);
   3680         }
   3681     }
   3683     // Certificate and private key management for EnterpriseConfig
   3684     static boolean needsKeyStore(WifiEnterpriseConfig config) {
   3685         // Has no keys to be installed
   3686         if (config.getClientCertificate() == null && config.getCaCertificate() == null)
   3687             return false;
   3688         return true;
   3689     }
   3691     static boolean isHardwareBackedKey(PrivateKey key) {
   3692         return KeyChain.isBoundKeyAlgorithm(key.getAlgorithm());
   3693     }
   3695     static boolean hasHardwareBackedKey(Certificate certificate) {
   3696         return KeyChain.isBoundKeyAlgorithm(certificate.getPublicKey().getAlgorithm());
   3697     }
   3699     static boolean needsSoftwareBackedKeyStore(WifiEnterpriseConfig config) {
   3700         String client = config.getClientCertificateAlias();
   3701         if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(client)) {
   3702             // a valid client certificate is configured
   3704             // BUGBUG: keyStore.get() never returns certBytes; because it is not
   3705             // taking WIFI_UID as a parameter. It always looks for certificate
   3706             // with SYSTEM_UID, and never finds any Wifi certificates. Assuming that
   3707             // all certificates need software keystore until we get the get() API
   3708             // fixed.
   3710             return true;
   3711         }
   3713         /*
   3714         try {
   3716             if (DBG) Slog.d(TAG, "Loading client certificate " + Credentials
   3717                     .USER_CERTIFICATE + client);
   3719             CertificateFactory factory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
   3720             if (factory == null) {
   3721                 Slog.e(TAG, "Error getting certificate factory");
   3722                 return;
   3723             }
   3725             byte[] certBytes = keyStore.get(Credentials.USER_CERTIFICATE + client);
   3726             if (certBytes != null) {
   3727                 Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) factory.generateCertificate(
   3728                         new ByteArrayInputStream(certBytes));
   3730                 if (cert != null) {
   3731                     mNeedsSoftwareKeystore = hasHardwareBackedKey(cert);
   3733                     if (DBG) Slog.d(TAG, "Loaded client certificate " + Credentials
   3734                             .USER_CERTIFICATE + client);
   3735                     if (DBG) Slog.d(TAG, "It " + (mNeedsSoftwareKeystore ? "needs" :
   3736                             "does not need" ) + " software key store");
   3737                 } else {
   3738                     Slog.d(TAG, "could not generate certificate");
   3739                 }
   3740             } else {
   3741                 Slog.e(TAG, "Could not load client certificate " + Credentials
   3742                         .USER_CERTIFICATE + client);
   3743                 mNeedsSoftwareKeystore = true;
   3744             }
   3746         } catch(CertificateException e) {
   3747             Slog.e(TAG, "Could not read certificates");
   3748             mCaCert = null;
   3749             mClientCertificate = null;
   3750         }
   3751         */
   3753         return false;
   3754     }
   3756     /** called when CS ask WiFistateMachine to disconnect the current network
   3757      * because the score is bad.
   3758      */
   3759     void handleBadNetworkDisconnectReport(int netId, WifiInfo info) {
   3760         /* TODO verify the bad network is current */
   3761         WifiConfiguration config = mConfiguredNetworks.get(netId);
   3762         if (config != null) {
   3763             if ((info.getRssi() < WifiConfiguration.UNWANTED_BLACKLIST_SOFT_RSSI_24
   3764                     && info.is24GHz()) || (info.getRssi() <
   3765                             WifiConfiguration.UNWANTED_BLACKLIST_SOFT_RSSI_5 && info.is5GHz())) {
   3766                 // We got disconnected and RSSI was bad, so disable light
   3767                 config.setAutoJoinStatus(WifiConfiguration.AUTO_JOIN_TEMPORARY_DISABLED
   3768                         + WifiConfiguration.UNWANTED_BLACKLIST_SOFT_BUMP);
   3769                 loge("handleBadNetworkDisconnectReport (+4) "
   3770                         + Integer.toString(netId) + " " + info);
   3771             } else {
   3772                 // We got disabled but RSSI is good, so disable hard
   3773                 config.setAutoJoinStatus(WifiConfiguration.AUTO_JOIN_TEMPORARY_DISABLED
   3774                         + WifiConfiguration.UNWANTED_BLACKLIST_HARD_BUMP);
   3775                 loge("handleBadNetworkDisconnectReport (+8) "
   3776                         + Integer.toString(netId) + " " + info);
   3777             }
   3778         }
   3779         // Record last time Connectivity Service switched us away from WiFi and onto Cell
   3780         lastUnwantedNetworkDisconnectTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
   3781     }
   3783     boolean handleBSSIDBlackList(int netId, String BSSID, boolean enable) {
   3784         boolean found = false;
   3785         if (BSSID == null)
   3786             return found;
   3788         // Look for the BSSID in our config store
   3789         for (WifiConfiguration config : mConfiguredNetworks.values()) {
   3790             if (config.scanResultCache != null) {
   3791                 for (ScanResult result: config.scanResultCache.values()) {
   3792                     if (result.BSSID.equals(BSSID)) {
   3793                         if (enable) {
   3794                             result.setAutoJoinStatus(ScanResult.ENABLED);
   3795                         } else {
   3796                             // Black list the BSSID we were trying to join
   3797                             // so as the Roam state machine
   3798                             // doesn't pick it up over and over
   3799                             result.setAutoJoinStatus(ScanResult.AUTO_ROAM_DISABLED);
   3800                             found = true;
   3801                         }
   3802                     }
   3803                 }
   3804             }
   3805         }
   3806         return found;
   3807     }
   3809     int getMaxDhcpRetries() {
   3810         return Settings.Global.getInt(mContext.getContentResolver(),
   3811                 Settings.Global.WIFI_MAX_DHCP_RETRY_COUNT,
   3812                 DEFAULT_MAX_DHCP_RETRIES);
   3813     }
   3815     void handleSSIDStateChange(int netId, boolean enabled, String message, String BSSID) {
   3816         WifiConfiguration config = mConfiguredNetworks.get(netId);
   3817         if (config != null) {
   3818             if (enabled) {
   3819                 loge("SSID re-enabled for  " + config.configKey() +
   3820                         " had autoJoinStatus=" + Integer.toString(config.autoJoinStatus)
   3821                         + " self added " + config.selfAdded + " ephemeral " + config.ephemeral);
   3822                 //TODO: http://b/16381983 Fix Wifi Network Blacklisting
   3823                 //TODO: really I don't know if re-enabling is right but we
   3824                 //TODO: should err on the side of trying to connect
   3825                 //TODO: even if the attempt will fail
   3826                 if (config.autoJoinStatus == WifiConfiguration.AUTO_JOIN_DISABLED_ON_AUTH_FAILURE) {
   3827                     config.setAutoJoinStatus(WifiConfiguration.AUTO_JOIN_ENABLED);
   3828                 }
   3829             } else {
   3830                 loge("SSID temp disabled for  " + config.configKey() +
   3831                         " had autoJoinStatus=" + Integer.toString(config.autoJoinStatus)
   3832                         + " self added " + config.selfAdded + " ephemeral " + config.ephemeral);
   3833                 if (message != null) {
   3834                     loge(" message=" + message);
   3835                 }
   3836                 if (config.selfAdded && config.lastConnected == 0) {
   3837                     // This is a network we self added, and we never succeeded,
   3838                     // the user did not create this network and never entered its credentials,
   3839                     // so we want to be very aggressive in disabling it completely.
   3840                     removeConfigAndSendBroadcastIfNeeded(config.networkId);
   3841                 } else {
   3842                     if (message != null) {
   3843                         if (message.contains("no identity")) {
   3844                             config.setAutoJoinStatus(
   3845                                     WifiConfiguration.AUTO_JOIN_DISABLED_NO_CREDENTIALS);
   3846                             if (DBG) {
   3847                                 loge("no identity blacklisted " + config.configKey() + " to "
   3848                                         + Integer.toString(config.autoJoinStatus));
   3849                             }
   3850                         } else if (message.contains("WRONG_KEY")
   3851                                 || message.contains("AUTH_FAILED")) {
   3852                             // This configuration has received an auth failure, so disable it
   3853                             // temporarily because we don't want auto-join to try it out.
   3854                             // this network may be re-enabled by the "usual"
   3855                             // enableAllNetwork function
   3856                             config.numAuthFailures++;
   3857                             if (config.numAuthFailures > maxAuthErrorsToBlacklist) {
   3858                                 config.setAutoJoinStatus
   3859                                         (WifiConfiguration.AUTO_JOIN_DISABLED_ON_AUTH_FAILURE);
   3860                                 disableNetwork(netId,
   3861                                         WifiConfiguration.DISABLED_AUTH_FAILURE);
   3862                                 loge("Authentication failure, blacklist " + config.configKey() + " "
   3863                                             + Integer.toString(config.networkId)
   3864                                             + " num failures " + config.numAuthFailures);
   3865                             }
   3866                         } else if (message.contains("DHCP FAILURE")) {
   3867                             config.numIpConfigFailures++;
   3868                             config.lastConnectionFailure = System.currentTimeMillis();
   3869                             int maxRetries = getMaxDhcpRetries();
   3870                             // maxRetries == 0 means keep trying forever
   3871                             if (maxRetries > 0 && config.numIpConfigFailures > maxRetries) {
   3872                                 /**
   3873                                  * If we've exceeded the maximum number of retries for DHCP
   3874                                  * to a given network, disable the network
   3875                                  */
   3876                                 config.setAutoJoinStatus
   3877                                         (WifiConfiguration.AUTO_JOIN_DISABLED_ON_AUTH_FAILURE);
   3878                                 disableNetwork(netId, WifiConfiguration.DISABLED_DHCP_FAILURE);
   3879                                 loge("DHCP failure, blacklist " + config.configKey() + " "
   3880                                         + Integer.toString(config.networkId)
   3881                                         + " num failures " + config.numIpConfigFailures);
   3882                             }
   3884                             // Also blacklist the BSSId if we find it
   3885                             ScanResult result = null;
   3886                             String bssidDbg = "";
   3887                             if (config.scanResultCache != null && BSSID != null) {
   3888                                 result = config.scanResultCache.get(BSSID);
   3889                             }
   3890                             if (result != null) {
   3891                                 result.numIpConfigFailures ++;
   3892                                 bssidDbg = BSSID + " ipfail=" + result.numIpConfigFailures;
   3893                                 if (result.numIpConfigFailures > 3) {
   3894                                     // Tell supplicant to stop trying this BSSID
   3895                                     mWifiNative.addToBlacklist(BSSID);
   3896                                     result.setAutoJoinStatus(ScanResult.AUTO_JOIN_DISABLED);
   3897                                 }
   3898                             }
   3900                             if (DBG) {
   3901                                 loge("blacklisted " + config.configKey() + " to "
   3902                                         + config.autoJoinStatus
   3903                                         + " due to IP config failures, count="
   3904                                         + config.numIpConfigFailures
   3905                                         + " disableReason=" + config.disableReason
   3906                                         + " " + bssidDbg);
   3907                             }
   3908                         } else if (message.contains("CONN_FAILED")) {
   3909                             config.numConnectionFailures++;
   3910                             if (config.numConnectionFailures > maxConnectionErrorsToBlacklist) {
   3911                                 config.setAutoJoinStatus
   3912                                         (WifiConfiguration.AUTO_JOIN_DISABLED_ON_AUTH_FAILURE);
   3913                                 disableNetwork(netId,
   3914                                         WifiConfiguration.DISABLED_ASSOCIATION_REJECT);
   3915                                 loge("Connection failure, blacklist " + config.configKey() + " "
   3916                                         + config.networkId
   3917                                         + " num failures " + config.numConnectionFailures);
   3918                             }
   3919                         }
   3920                         message.replace("\n", "");
   3921                         message.replace("\r", "");
   3922                         config.lastFailure = message;
   3923                     }
   3924                 }
   3925             }
   3926         }
   3927     }
   3929     boolean installKeys(WifiEnterpriseConfig config, String name) {
   3930         boolean ret = true;
   3931         String privKeyName = Credentials.USER_PRIVATE_KEY + name;
   3932         String userCertName = Credentials.USER_CERTIFICATE + name;
   3933         String caCertName = Credentials.CA_CERTIFICATE + name;
   3934         if (config.getClientCertificate() != null) {
   3935             byte[] privKeyData = config.getClientPrivateKey().getEncoded();
   3936             if (isHardwareBackedKey(config.getClientPrivateKey())) {
   3937                 // Hardware backed key store is secure enough to store keys un-encrypted, this
   3938                 // removes the need for user to punch a PIN to get access to these keys
   3939                 if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "importing keys " + name + " in hardware backed store");
   3940                 ret = mKeyStore.importKey(privKeyName, privKeyData, android.os.Process.WIFI_UID,
   3941                         KeyStore.FLAG_NONE);
   3942             } else {
   3943                 // Software backed key store is NOT secure enough to store keys un-encrypted.
   3944                 // Save keys encrypted so they are protected with user's PIN. User will
   3945                 // have to unlock phone before being able to use these keys and connect to
   3946                 // networks.
   3947                 if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "importing keys " + name + " in software backed store");
   3948                 ret = mKeyStore.importKey(privKeyName, privKeyData, Process.WIFI_UID,
   3949                         KeyStore.FLAG_ENCRYPTED);
   3950             }
   3951             if (ret == false) {
   3952                 return ret;
   3953             }
   3955             ret = putCertInKeyStore(userCertName, config.getClientCertificate());
   3956             if (ret == false) {
   3957                 // Remove private key installed
   3958                 mKeyStore.delKey(privKeyName, Process.WIFI_UID);
   3959                 return ret;
   3960             }
   3961         }
   3963         if (config.getCaCertificate() != null) {
   3964             ret = putCertInKeyStore(caCertName, config.getCaCertificate());
   3965             if (ret == false) {
   3966                 if (config.getClientCertificate() != null) {
   3967                     // Remove client key+cert
   3968                     mKeyStore.delKey(privKeyName, Process.WIFI_UID);
   3969                     mKeyStore.delete(userCertName, Process.WIFI_UID);
   3970                 }
   3971                 return ret;
   3972             }
   3973         }
   3975         // Set alias names
   3976         if (config.getClientCertificate() != null) {
   3977             config.setClientCertificateAlias(name);
   3978             config.resetClientKeyEntry();
   3979         }
   3981         if (config.getCaCertificate() != null) {
   3982             config.setCaCertificateAlias(name);
   3983             config.resetCaCertificate();
   3984         }
   3986         return ret;
   3987     }
   3989     private boolean putCertInKeyStore(String name, Certificate cert) {
   3990         try {
   3991             byte[] certData = Credentials.convertToPem(cert);
   3992             if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "putting certificate " + name + " in keystore");
   3993             return mKeyStore.put(name, certData, Process.WIFI_UID, KeyStore.FLAG_NONE);
   3995         } catch (IOException e1) {
   3996             return false;
   3997         } catch (CertificateException e2) {
   3998             return false;
   3999         }
   4000     }
   4002     void removeKeys(WifiEnterpriseConfig config) {
   4003         String client = config.getClientCertificateAlias();
   4004         // a valid client certificate is configured
   4005         if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(client)) {
   4006             if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "removing client private key and user cert");
   4007             mKeyStore.delKey(Credentials.USER_PRIVATE_KEY + client, Process.WIFI_UID);
   4008             mKeyStore.delete(Credentials.USER_CERTIFICATE + client, Process.WIFI_UID);
   4009         }
   4011         String ca = config.getCaCertificateAlias();
   4012         // a valid ca certificate is configured
   4013         if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(ca)) {
   4014             if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "removing CA cert");
   4015             mKeyStore.delete(Credentials.CA_CERTIFICATE + ca, Process.WIFI_UID);
   4016         }
   4017     }
   4020     /** Migrates the old style TLS config to the new config style. This should only be used
   4021      * when restoring an old wpa_supplicant.conf or upgrading from a previous
   4022      * platform version.
   4023      * @return true if the config was updated
   4024      * @hide
   4025      */
   4026     boolean migrateOldEapTlsNative(WifiEnterpriseConfig config, int netId) {
   4027         String oldPrivateKey = mWifiNative.getNetworkVariable(netId, OLD_PRIVATE_KEY_NAME);
   4028         /*
   4029          * If the old configuration value is not present, then there is nothing
   4030          * to do.
   4031          */
   4032         if (TextUtils.isEmpty(oldPrivateKey)) {
   4033             return false;
   4034         } else {
   4035             // Also ignore it if it's empty quotes.
   4036             oldPrivateKey = removeDoubleQuotes(oldPrivateKey);
   4037             if (TextUtils.isEmpty(oldPrivateKey)) {
   4038                 return false;
   4039             }
   4040         }
   4042         config.setFieldValue(WifiEnterpriseConfig.ENGINE_KEY, WifiEnterpriseConfig.ENGINE_ENABLE);
   4043         config.setFieldValue(WifiEnterpriseConfig.ENGINE_ID_KEY,
   4044                 WifiEnterpriseConfig.ENGINE_ID_KEYSTORE);
   4046         /*
   4047         * The old key started with the keystore:// URI prefix, but we don't
   4048         * need that anymore. Trim it off if it exists.
   4049         */
   4050         final String keyName;
   4051         if (oldPrivateKey.startsWith(WifiEnterpriseConfig.KEYSTORE_URI)) {
   4052             keyName = new String(
   4053                     oldPrivateKey.substring(WifiEnterpriseConfig.KEYSTORE_URI.length()));
   4054         } else {
   4055             keyName = oldPrivateKey;
   4056         }
   4057         config.setFieldValue(WifiEnterpriseConfig.PRIVATE_KEY_ID_KEY, keyName);
   4059         mWifiNative.setNetworkVariable(netId, WifiEnterpriseConfig.ENGINE_KEY,
   4060                 config.getFieldValue(WifiEnterpriseConfig.ENGINE_KEY, ""));
   4062         mWifiNative.setNetworkVariable(netId, WifiEnterpriseConfig.ENGINE_ID_KEY,
   4063                 config.getFieldValue(WifiEnterpriseConfig.ENGINE_ID_KEY, ""));
   4065         mWifiNative.setNetworkVariable(netId, WifiEnterpriseConfig.PRIVATE_KEY_ID_KEY,
   4066                 config.getFieldValue(WifiEnterpriseConfig.PRIVATE_KEY_ID_KEY, ""));
   4068         // Remove old private_key string so we don't run this again.
   4069         mWifiNative.setNetworkVariable(netId, OLD_PRIVATE_KEY_NAME, EMPTY_VALUE);
   4071         return true;
   4072     }
   4074     /** Migrate certs from global pool to wifi UID if not already done */
   4075     void migrateCerts(WifiEnterpriseConfig config) {
   4076         String client = config.getClientCertificateAlias();
   4077         // a valid client certificate is configured
   4078         if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(client)) {
   4079             if (!mKeyStore.contains(Credentials.USER_PRIVATE_KEY + client, Process.WIFI_UID)) {
   4080                 mKeyStore.duplicate(Credentials.USER_PRIVATE_KEY + client, -1,
   4081                         Credentials.USER_PRIVATE_KEY + client, Process.WIFI_UID);
   4082                 mKeyStore.duplicate(Credentials.USER_CERTIFICATE + client, -1,
   4083                         Credentials.USER_CERTIFICATE + client, Process.WIFI_UID);
   4084             }
   4085         }
   4087         String ca = config.getCaCertificateAlias();
   4088         // a valid ca certificate is configured
   4089         if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(ca)) {
   4090             if (!mKeyStore.contains(Credentials.CA_CERTIFICATE + ca, Process.WIFI_UID)) {
   4091                 mKeyStore.duplicate(Credentials.CA_CERTIFICATE + ca, -1,
   4092                         Credentials.CA_CERTIFICATE + ca, Process.WIFI_UID);
   4093             }
   4094         }
   4095     }
   4097 }