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      1 // Copyright 2013 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "src/v8.h"
      7 #include "src/heap-snapshot-generator-inl.h"
      9 #include "src/allocation-tracker.h"
     10 #include "src/code-stubs.h"
     11 #include "src/conversions.h"
     12 #include "src/debug.h"
     13 #include "src/heap-profiler.h"
     14 #include "src/types.h"
     16 namespace v8 {
     17 namespace internal {
     20 HeapGraphEdge::HeapGraphEdge(Type type, const char* name, int from, int to)
     21     : type_(type),
     22       from_index_(from),
     23       to_index_(to),
     24       name_(name) {
     25   ASSERT(type == kContextVariable
     26       || type == kProperty
     27       || type == kInternal
     28       || type == kShortcut
     29       || type == kWeak);
     30 }
     33 HeapGraphEdge::HeapGraphEdge(Type type, int index, int from, int to)
     34     : type_(type),
     35       from_index_(from),
     36       to_index_(to),
     37       index_(index) {
     38   ASSERT(type == kElement || type == kHidden);
     39 }
     42 void HeapGraphEdge::ReplaceToIndexWithEntry(HeapSnapshot* snapshot) {
     43   to_entry_ = &snapshot->entries()[to_index_];
     44 }
     47 const int HeapEntry::kNoEntry = -1;
     49 HeapEntry::HeapEntry(HeapSnapshot* snapshot,
     50                      Type type,
     51                      const char* name,
     52                      SnapshotObjectId id,
     53                      size_t self_size,
     54                      unsigned trace_node_id)
     55     : type_(type),
     56       children_count_(0),
     57       children_index_(-1),
     58       self_size_(self_size),
     59       snapshot_(snapshot),
     60       name_(name),
     61       id_(id),
     62       trace_node_id_(trace_node_id) { }
     65 void HeapEntry::SetNamedReference(HeapGraphEdge::Type type,
     66                                   const char* name,
     67                                   HeapEntry* entry) {
     68   HeapGraphEdge edge(type, name, this->index(), entry->index());
     69   snapshot_->edges().Add(edge);
     70   ++children_count_;
     71 }
     74 void HeapEntry::SetIndexedReference(HeapGraphEdge::Type type,
     75                                     int index,
     76                                     HeapEntry* entry) {
     77   HeapGraphEdge edge(type, index, this->index(), entry->index());
     78   snapshot_->edges().Add(edge);
     79   ++children_count_;
     80 }
     83 void HeapEntry::Print(
     84     const char* prefix, const char* edge_name, int max_depth, int indent) {
     85   STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(unsigned) == sizeof(id()));
     86   OS::Print("%6" V8PRIuPTR " @%6u %*c %s%s: ",
     87             self_size(), id(), indent, ' ', prefix, edge_name);
     88   if (type() != kString) {
     89     OS::Print("%s %.40s\n", TypeAsString(), name_);
     90   } else {
     91     OS::Print("\"");
     92     const char* c = name_;
     93     while (*c && (c - name_) <= 40) {
     94       if (*c != '\n')
     95         OS::Print("%c", *c);
     96       else
     97         OS::Print("\\n");
     98       ++c;
     99     }
    100     OS::Print("\"\n");
    101   }
    102   if (--max_depth == 0) return;
    103   Vector<HeapGraphEdge*> ch = children();
    104   for (int i = 0; i < ch.length(); ++i) {
    105     HeapGraphEdge& edge = *ch[i];
    106     const char* edge_prefix = "";
    107     EmbeddedVector<char, 64> index;
    108     const char* edge_name = index.start();
    109     switch (edge.type()) {
    110       case HeapGraphEdge::kContextVariable:
    111         edge_prefix = "#";
    112         edge_name = edge.name();
    113         break;
    114       case HeapGraphEdge::kElement:
    115         SNPrintF(index, "%d", edge.index());
    116         break;
    117       case HeapGraphEdge::kInternal:
    118         edge_prefix = "$";
    119         edge_name = edge.name();
    120         break;
    121       case HeapGraphEdge::kProperty:
    122         edge_name = edge.name();
    123         break;
    124       case HeapGraphEdge::kHidden:
    125         edge_prefix = "$";
    126         SNPrintF(index, "%d", edge.index());
    127         break;
    128       case HeapGraphEdge::kShortcut:
    129         edge_prefix = "^";
    130         edge_name = edge.name();
    131         break;
    132       case HeapGraphEdge::kWeak:
    133         edge_prefix = "w";
    134         edge_name = edge.name();
    135         break;
    136       default:
    137         SNPrintF(index, "!!! unknown edge type: %d ", edge.type());
    138     }
    139     edge.to()->Print(edge_prefix, edge_name, max_depth, indent + 2);
    140   }
    141 }
    144 const char* HeapEntry::TypeAsString() {
    145   switch (type()) {
    146     case kHidden: return "/hidden/";
    147     case kObject: return "/object/";
    148     case kClosure: return "/closure/";
    149     case kString: return "/string/";
    150     case kCode: return "/code/";
    151     case kArray: return "/array/";
    152     case kRegExp: return "/regexp/";
    153     case kHeapNumber: return "/number/";
    154     case kNative: return "/native/";
    155     case kSynthetic: return "/synthetic/";
    156     case kConsString: return "/concatenated string/";
    157     case kSlicedString: return "/sliced string/";
    158     case kSymbol: return "/symbol/";
    159     default: return "???";
    160   }
    161 }
    164 // It is very important to keep objects that form a heap snapshot
    165 // as small as possible.
    166 namespace {  // Avoid littering the global namespace.
    168 template <size_t ptr_size> struct SnapshotSizeConstants;
    170 template <> struct SnapshotSizeConstants<4> {
    171   static const int kExpectedHeapGraphEdgeSize = 12;
    172   static const int kExpectedHeapEntrySize = 28;
    173 };
    175 template <> struct SnapshotSizeConstants<8> {
    176   static const int kExpectedHeapGraphEdgeSize = 24;
    177   static const int kExpectedHeapEntrySize = 40;
    178 };
    180 }  // namespace
    183 HeapSnapshot::HeapSnapshot(HeapProfiler* profiler,
    184                            const char* title,
    185                            unsigned uid)
    186     : profiler_(profiler),
    187       title_(title),
    188       uid_(uid),
    189       root_index_(HeapEntry::kNoEntry),
    190       gc_roots_index_(HeapEntry::kNoEntry),
    191       natives_root_index_(HeapEntry::kNoEntry),
    192       max_snapshot_js_object_id_(0) {
    193   STATIC_ASSERT(
    194       sizeof(HeapGraphEdge) ==
    195       SnapshotSizeConstants<kPointerSize>::kExpectedHeapGraphEdgeSize);
    196   STATIC_ASSERT(
    197       sizeof(HeapEntry) ==
    198       SnapshotSizeConstants<kPointerSize>::kExpectedHeapEntrySize);
    199   USE(SnapshotSizeConstants<4>::kExpectedHeapGraphEdgeSize);
    200   USE(SnapshotSizeConstants<4>::kExpectedHeapEntrySize);
    201   USE(SnapshotSizeConstants<8>::kExpectedHeapGraphEdgeSize);
    202   USE(SnapshotSizeConstants<8>::kExpectedHeapEntrySize);
    203   for (int i = 0; i < VisitorSynchronization::kNumberOfSyncTags; ++i) {
    204     gc_subroot_indexes_[i] = HeapEntry::kNoEntry;
    205   }
    206 }
    209 void HeapSnapshot::Delete() {
    210   profiler_->RemoveSnapshot(this);
    211   delete this;
    212 }
    215 void HeapSnapshot::RememberLastJSObjectId() {
    216   max_snapshot_js_object_id_ = profiler_->heap_object_map()->last_assigned_id();
    217 }
    220 HeapEntry* HeapSnapshot::AddRootEntry() {
    221   ASSERT(root_index_ == HeapEntry::kNoEntry);
    222   ASSERT(entries_.is_empty());  // Root entry must be the first one.
    223   HeapEntry* entry = AddEntry(HeapEntry::kSynthetic,
    224                               "",
    225                               HeapObjectsMap::kInternalRootObjectId,
    226                               0,
    227                               0);
    228   root_index_ = entry->index();
    229   ASSERT(root_index_ == 0);
    230   return entry;
    231 }
    234 HeapEntry* HeapSnapshot::AddGcRootsEntry() {
    235   ASSERT(gc_roots_index_ == HeapEntry::kNoEntry);
    236   HeapEntry* entry = AddEntry(HeapEntry::kSynthetic,
    237                               "(GC roots)",
    238                               HeapObjectsMap::kGcRootsObjectId,
    239                               0,
    240                               0);
    241   gc_roots_index_ = entry->index();
    242   return entry;
    243 }
    246 HeapEntry* HeapSnapshot::AddGcSubrootEntry(int tag) {
    247   ASSERT(gc_subroot_indexes_[tag] == HeapEntry::kNoEntry);
    248   ASSERT(0 <= tag && tag < VisitorSynchronization::kNumberOfSyncTags);
    249   HeapEntry* entry = AddEntry(
    250       HeapEntry::kSynthetic,
    251       VisitorSynchronization::kTagNames[tag],
    252       HeapObjectsMap::GetNthGcSubrootId(tag),
    253       0,
    254       0);
    255   gc_subroot_indexes_[tag] = entry->index();
    256   return entry;
    257 }
    260 HeapEntry* HeapSnapshot::AddEntry(HeapEntry::Type type,
    261                                   const char* name,
    262                                   SnapshotObjectId id,
    263                                   size_t size,
    264                                   unsigned trace_node_id) {
    265   HeapEntry entry(this, type, name, id, size, trace_node_id);
    266   entries_.Add(entry);
    267   return &entries_.last();
    268 }
    271 void HeapSnapshot::FillChildren() {
    272   ASSERT(children().is_empty());
    273   children().Allocate(edges().length());
    274   int children_index = 0;
    275   for (int i = 0; i < entries().length(); ++i) {
    276     HeapEntry* entry = &entries()[i];
    277     children_index = entry->set_children_index(children_index);
    278   }
    279   ASSERT(edges().length() == children_index);
    280   for (int i = 0; i < edges().length(); ++i) {
    281     HeapGraphEdge* edge = &edges()[i];
    282     edge->ReplaceToIndexWithEntry(this);
    283     edge->from()->add_child(edge);
    284   }
    285 }
    288 class FindEntryById {
    289  public:
    290   explicit FindEntryById(SnapshotObjectId id) : id_(id) { }
    291   int operator()(HeapEntry* const* entry) {
    292     if ((*entry)->id() == id_) return 0;
    293     return (*entry)->id() < id_ ? -1 : 1;
    294   }
    295  private:
    296   SnapshotObjectId id_;
    297 };
    300 HeapEntry* HeapSnapshot::GetEntryById(SnapshotObjectId id) {
    301   List<HeapEntry*>* entries_by_id = GetSortedEntriesList();
    302   // Perform a binary search by id.
    303   int index = SortedListBSearch(*entries_by_id, FindEntryById(id));
    304   if (index == -1)
    305     return NULL;
    306   return entries_by_id->at(index);
    307 }
    310 template<class T>
    311 static int SortByIds(const T* entry1_ptr,
    312                      const T* entry2_ptr) {
    313   if ((*entry1_ptr)->id() == (*entry2_ptr)->id()) return 0;
    314   return (*entry1_ptr)->id() < (*entry2_ptr)->id() ? -1 : 1;
    315 }
    318 List<HeapEntry*>* HeapSnapshot::GetSortedEntriesList() {
    319   if (sorted_entries_.is_empty()) {
    320     sorted_entries_.Allocate(entries_.length());
    321     for (int i = 0; i < entries_.length(); ++i) {
    322       sorted_entries_[i] = &entries_[i];
    323     }
    324     sorted_entries_.Sort(SortByIds);
    325   }
    326   return &sorted_entries_;
    327 }
    330 void HeapSnapshot::Print(int max_depth) {
    331   root()->Print("", "", max_depth, 0);
    332 }
    335 size_t HeapSnapshot::RawSnapshotSize() const {
    336   return
    337       sizeof(*this) +
    338       GetMemoryUsedByList(entries_) +
    339       GetMemoryUsedByList(edges_) +
    340       GetMemoryUsedByList(children_) +
    341       GetMemoryUsedByList(sorted_entries_);
    342 }
    345 // We split IDs on evens for embedder objects (see
    346 // HeapObjectsMap::GenerateId) and odds for native objects.
    347 const SnapshotObjectId HeapObjectsMap::kInternalRootObjectId = 1;
    348 const SnapshotObjectId HeapObjectsMap::kGcRootsObjectId =
    349     HeapObjectsMap::kInternalRootObjectId + HeapObjectsMap::kObjectIdStep;
    350 const SnapshotObjectId HeapObjectsMap::kGcRootsFirstSubrootId =
    351     HeapObjectsMap::kGcRootsObjectId + HeapObjectsMap::kObjectIdStep;
    352 const SnapshotObjectId HeapObjectsMap::kFirstAvailableObjectId =
    353     HeapObjectsMap::kGcRootsFirstSubrootId +
    354     VisitorSynchronization::kNumberOfSyncTags * HeapObjectsMap::kObjectIdStep;
    357 static bool AddressesMatch(void* key1, void* key2) {
    358   return key1 == key2;
    359 }
    362 HeapObjectsMap::HeapObjectsMap(Heap* heap)
    363     : next_id_(kFirstAvailableObjectId),
    364       entries_map_(AddressesMatch),
    365       heap_(heap) {
    366   // This dummy element solves a problem with entries_map_.
    367   // When we do lookup in HashMap we see no difference between two cases:
    368   // it has an entry with NULL as the value or it has created
    369   // a new entry on the fly with NULL as the default value.
    370   // With such dummy element we have a guaranty that all entries_map_ entries
    371   // will have the value field grater than 0.
    372   // This fact is using in MoveObject method.
    373   entries_.Add(EntryInfo(0, NULL, 0));
    374 }
    377 bool HeapObjectsMap::MoveObject(Address from, Address to, int object_size) {
    378   ASSERT(to != NULL);
    379   ASSERT(from != NULL);
    380   if (from == to) return false;
    381   void* from_value = entries_map_.Remove(from, ComputePointerHash(from));
    382   if (from_value == NULL) {
    383     // It may occur that some untracked object moves to an address X and there
    384     // is a tracked object at that address. In this case we should remove the
    385     // entry as we know that the object has died.
    386     void* to_value = entries_map_.Remove(to, ComputePointerHash(to));
    387     if (to_value != NULL) {
    388       int to_entry_info_index =
    389           static_cast<int>(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(to_value));
    390       entries_.at(to_entry_info_index).addr = NULL;
    391     }
    392   } else {
    393     HashMap::Entry* to_entry = entries_map_.Lookup(to, ComputePointerHash(to),
    394                                                    true);
    395     if (to_entry->value != NULL) {
    396       // We found the existing entry with to address for an old object.
    397       // Without this operation we will have two EntryInfo's with the same
    398       // value in addr field. It is bad because later at RemoveDeadEntries
    399       // one of this entry will be removed with the corresponding entries_map_
    400       // entry.
    401       int to_entry_info_index =
    402           static_cast<int>(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(to_entry->value));
    403       entries_.at(to_entry_info_index).addr = NULL;
    404     }
    405     int from_entry_info_index =
    406         static_cast<int>(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(from_value));
    407     entries_.at(from_entry_info_index).addr = to;
    408     // Size of an object can change during its life, so to keep information
    409     // about the object in entries_ consistent, we have to adjust size when the
    410     // object is migrated.
    411     if (FLAG_heap_profiler_trace_objects) {
    412       PrintF("Move object from %p to %p old size %6d new size %6d\n",
    413              from,
    414              to,
    415              entries_.at(from_entry_info_index).size,
    416              object_size);
    417     }
    418     entries_.at(from_entry_info_index).size = object_size;
    419     to_entry->value = from_value;
    420   }
    421   return from_value != NULL;
    422 }
    425 void HeapObjectsMap::UpdateObjectSize(Address addr, int size) {
    426   FindOrAddEntry(addr, size, false);
    427 }
    430 SnapshotObjectId HeapObjectsMap::FindEntry(Address addr) {
    431   HashMap::Entry* entry = entries_map_.Lookup(addr, ComputePointerHash(addr),
    432                                               false);
    433   if (entry == NULL) return 0;
    434   int entry_index = static_cast<int>(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(entry->value));
    435   EntryInfo& entry_info = entries_.at(entry_index);
    436   ASSERT(static_cast<uint32_t>(entries_.length()) > entries_map_.occupancy());
    437   return entry_info.id;
    438 }
    441 SnapshotObjectId HeapObjectsMap::FindOrAddEntry(Address addr,
    442                                                 unsigned int size,
    443                                                 bool accessed) {
    444   ASSERT(static_cast<uint32_t>(entries_.length()) > entries_map_.occupancy());
    445   HashMap::Entry* entry = entries_map_.Lookup(addr, ComputePointerHash(addr),
    446                                               true);
    447   if (entry->value != NULL) {
    448     int entry_index =
    449         static_cast<int>(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(entry->value));
    450     EntryInfo& entry_info = entries_.at(entry_index);
    451     entry_info.accessed = accessed;
    452     if (FLAG_heap_profiler_trace_objects) {
    453       PrintF("Update object size : %p with old size %d and new size %d\n",
    454              addr,
    455              entry_info.size,
    456              size);
    457     }
    458     entry_info.size = size;
    459     return entry_info.id;
    460   }
    461   entry->value = reinterpret_cast<void*>(entries_.length());
    462   SnapshotObjectId id = next_id_;
    463   next_id_ += kObjectIdStep;
    464   entries_.Add(EntryInfo(id, addr, size, accessed));
    465   ASSERT(static_cast<uint32_t>(entries_.length()) > entries_map_.occupancy());
    466   return id;
    467 }
    470 void HeapObjectsMap::StopHeapObjectsTracking() {
    471   time_intervals_.Clear();
    472 }
    475 void HeapObjectsMap::UpdateHeapObjectsMap() {
    476   if (FLAG_heap_profiler_trace_objects) {
    477     PrintF("Begin HeapObjectsMap::UpdateHeapObjectsMap. map has %d entries.\n",
    478            entries_map_.occupancy());
    479   }
    480   heap_->CollectAllGarbage(Heap::kMakeHeapIterableMask,
    481                           "HeapObjectsMap::UpdateHeapObjectsMap");
    482   HeapIterator iterator(heap_);
    483   for (HeapObject* obj = iterator.next();
    484        obj != NULL;
    485        obj = iterator.next()) {
    486     FindOrAddEntry(obj->address(), obj->Size());
    487     if (FLAG_heap_profiler_trace_objects) {
    488       PrintF("Update object      : %p %6d. Next address is %p\n",
    489              obj->address(),
    490              obj->Size(),
    491              obj->address() + obj->Size());
    492     }
    493   }
    494   RemoveDeadEntries();
    495   if (FLAG_heap_profiler_trace_objects) {
    496     PrintF("End HeapObjectsMap::UpdateHeapObjectsMap. map has %d entries.\n",
    497            entries_map_.occupancy());
    498   }
    499 }
    502 namespace {
    505 struct HeapObjectInfo {
    506   HeapObjectInfo(HeapObject* obj, int expected_size)
    507     : obj(obj),
    508       expected_size(expected_size) {
    509   }
    511   HeapObject* obj;
    512   int expected_size;
    514   bool IsValid() const { return expected_size == obj->Size(); }
    516   void Print() const {
    517     if (expected_size == 0) {
    518       PrintF("Untracked object   : %p %6d. Next address is %p\n",
    519              obj->address(),
    520              obj->Size(),
    521              obj->address() + obj->Size());
    522     } else if (obj->Size() != expected_size) {
    523       PrintF("Wrong size %6d: %p %6d. Next address is %p\n",
    524              expected_size,
    525              obj->address(),
    526              obj->Size(),
    527              obj->address() + obj->Size());
    528     } else {
    529       PrintF("Good object      : %p %6d. Next address is %p\n",
    530              obj->address(),
    531              expected_size,
    532              obj->address() + obj->Size());
    533     }
    534   }
    535 };
    538 static int comparator(const HeapObjectInfo* a, const HeapObjectInfo* b) {
    539   if (a->obj < b->obj) return -1;
    540   if (a->obj > b->obj) return 1;
    541   return 0;
    542 }
    545 }  // namespace
    548 int HeapObjectsMap::FindUntrackedObjects() {
    549   List<HeapObjectInfo> heap_objects(1000);
    551   HeapIterator iterator(heap_);
    552   int untracked = 0;
    553   for (HeapObject* obj = iterator.next();
    554        obj != NULL;
    555        obj = iterator.next()) {
    556     HashMap::Entry* entry = entries_map_.Lookup(
    557       obj->address(), ComputePointerHash(obj->address()), false);
    558     if (entry == NULL) {
    559       ++untracked;
    560       if (FLAG_heap_profiler_trace_objects) {
    561         heap_objects.Add(HeapObjectInfo(obj, 0));
    562       }
    563     } else {
    564       int entry_index = static_cast<int>(
    565           reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(entry->value));
    566       EntryInfo& entry_info = entries_.at(entry_index);
    567       if (FLAG_heap_profiler_trace_objects) {
    568         heap_objects.Add(HeapObjectInfo(obj,
    569                          static_cast<int>(entry_info.size)));
    570         if (obj->Size() != static_cast<int>(entry_info.size))
    571           ++untracked;
    572       } else {
    573         CHECK_EQ(obj->Size(), static_cast<int>(entry_info.size));
    574       }
    575     }
    576   }
    577   if (FLAG_heap_profiler_trace_objects) {
    578     PrintF("\nBegin HeapObjectsMap::FindUntrackedObjects. %d entries in map.\n",
    579            entries_map_.occupancy());
    580     heap_objects.Sort(comparator);
    581     int last_printed_object = -1;
    582     bool print_next_object = false;
    583     for (int i = 0; i < heap_objects.length(); ++i) {
    584       const HeapObjectInfo& object_info = heap_objects[i];
    585       if (!object_info.IsValid()) {
    586         ++untracked;
    587         if (last_printed_object != i - 1) {
    588           if (i > 0) {
    589             PrintF("%d objects were skipped\n", i - 1 - last_printed_object);
    590             heap_objects[i - 1].Print();
    591           }
    592         }
    593         object_info.Print();
    594         last_printed_object = i;
    595         print_next_object = true;
    596       } else if (print_next_object) {
    597         object_info.Print();
    598         print_next_object = false;
    599         last_printed_object = i;
    600       }
    601     }
    602     if (last_printed_object < heap_objects.length() - 1) {
    603       PrintF("Last %d objects were skipped\n",
    604              heap_objects.length() - 1 - last_printed_object);
    605     }
    606     PrintF("End HeapObjectsMap::FindUntrackedObjects. %d entries in map.\n\n",
    607            entries_map_.occupancy());
    608   }
    609   return untracked;
    610 }
    613 SnapshotObjectId HeapObjectsMap::PushHeapObjectsStats(OutputStream* stream) {
    614   UpdateHeapObjectsMap();
    615   time_intervals_.Add(TimeInterval(next_id_));
    616   int prefered_chunk_size = stream->GetChunkSize();
    617   List<v8::HeapStatsUpdate> stats_buffer;
    618   ASSERT(!entries_.is_empty());
    619   EntryInfo* entry_info = &entries_.first();
    620   EntryInfo* end_entry_info = &entries_.last() + 1;
    621   for (int time_interval_index = 0;
    622        time_interval_index < time_intervals_.length();
    623        ++time_interval_index) {
    624     TimeInterval& time_interval = time_intervals_[time_interval_index];
    625     SnapshotObjectId time_interval_id = time_interval.id;
    626     uint32_t entries_size = 0;
    627     EntryInfo* start_entry_info = entry_info;
    628     while (entry_info < end_entry_info && entry_info->id < time_interval_id) {
    629       entries_size += entry_info->size;
    630       ++entry_info;
    631     }
    632     uint32_t entries_count =
    633         static_cast<uint32_t>(entry_info - start_entry_info);
    634     if (time_interval.count != entries_count ||
    635         time_interval.size != entries_size) {
    636       stats_buffer.Add(v8::HeapStatsUpdate(
    637           time_interval_index,
    638           time_interval.count = entries_count,
    639           time_interval.size = entries_size));
    640       if (stats_buffer.length() >= prefered_chunk_size) {
    641         OutputStream::WriteResult result = stream->WriteHeapStatsChunk(
    642             &stats_buffer.first(), stats_buffer.length());
    643         if (result == OutputStream::kAbort) return last_assigned_id();
    644         stats_buffer.Clear();
    645       }
    646     }
    647   }
    648   ASSERT(entry_info == end_entry_info);
    649   if (!stats_buffer.is_empty()) {
    650     OutputStream::WriteResult result = stream->WriteHeapStatsChunk(
    651         &stats_buffer.first(), stats_buffer.length());
    652     if (result == OutputStream::kAbort) return last_assigned_id();
    653   }
    654   stream->EndOfStream();
    655   return last_assigned_id();
    656 }
    659 void HeapObjectsMap::RemoveDeadEntries() {
    660   ASSERT(entries_.length() > 0 &&
    661          entries_.at(0).id == 0 &&
    662          entries_.at(0).addr == NULL);
    663   int first_free_entry = 1;
    664   for (int i = 1; i < entries_.length(); ++i) {
    665     EntryInfo& entry_info = entries_.at(i);
    666     if (entry_info.accessed) {
    667       if (first_free_entry != i) {
    668         entries_.at(first_free_entry) = entry_info;
    669       }
    670       entries_.at(first_free_entry).accessed = false;
    671       HashMap::Entry* entry = entries_map_.Lookup(
    672           entry_info.addr, ComputePointerHash(entry_info.addr), false);
    673       ASSERT(entry);
    674       entry->value = reinterpret_cast<void*>(first_free_entry);
    675       ++first_free_entry;
    676     } else {
    677       if (entry_info.addr) {
    678         entries_map_.Remove(entry_info.addr,
    679                             ComputePointerHash(entry_info.addr));
    680       }
    681     }
    682   }
    683   entries_.Rewind(first_free_entry);
    684   ASSERT(static_cast<uint32_t>(entries_.length()) - 1 ==
    685          entries_map_.occupancy());
    686 }
    689 SnapshotObjectId HeapObjectsMap::GenerateId(v8::RetainedObjectInfo* info) {
    690   SnapshotObjectId id = static_cast<SnapshotObjectId>(info->GetHash());
    691   const char* label = info->GetLabel();
    692   id ^= StringHasher::HashSequentialString(label,
    693                                            static_cast<int>(strlen(label)),
    694                                            heap_->HashSeed());
    695   intptr_t element_count = info->GetElementCount();
    696   if (element_count != -1)
    697     id ^= ComputeIntegerHash(static_cast<uint32_t>(element_count),
    698                              v8::internal::kZeroHashSeed);
    699   return id << 1;
    700 }
    703 size_t HeapObjectsMap::GetUsedMemorySize() const {
    704   return
    705       sizeof(*this) +
    706       sizeof(HashMap::Entry) * entries_map_.capacity() +
    707       GetMemoryUsedByList(entries_) +
    708       GetMemoryUsedByList(time_intervals_);
    709 }
    712 HeapEntriesMap::HeapEntriesMap()
    713     : entries_(HashMap::PointersMatch) {
    714 }
    717 int HeapEntriesMap::Map(HeapThing thing) {
    718   HashMap::Entry* cache_entry = entries_.Lookup(thing, Hash(thing), false);
    719   if (cache_entry == NULL) return HeapEntry::kNoEntry;
    720   return static_cast<int>(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(cache_entry->value));
    721 }
    724 void HeapEntriesMap::Pair(HeapThing thing, int entry) {
    725   HashMap::Entry* cache_entry = entries_.Lookup(thing, Hash(thing), true);
    726   ASSERT(cache_entry->value == NULL);
    727   cache_entry->value = reinterpret_cast<void*>(static_cast<intptr_t>(entry));
    728 }
    731 HeapObjectsSet::HeapObjectsSet()
    732     : entries_(HashMap::PointersMatch) {
    733 }
    736 void HeapObjectsSet::Clear() {
    737   entries_.Clear();
    738 }
    741 bool HeapObjectsSet::Contains(Object* obj) {
    742   if (!obj->IsHeapObject()) return false;
    743   HeapObject* object = HeapObject::cast(obj);
    744   return entries_.Lookup(object, HeapEntriesMap::Hash(object), false) != NULL;
    745 }
    748 void HeapObjectsSet::Insert(Object* obj) {
    749   if (!obj->IsHeapObject()) return;
    750   HeapObject* object = HeapObject::cast(obj);
    751   entries_.Lookup(object, HeapEntriesMap::Hash(object), true);
    752 }
    755 const char* HeapObjectsSet::GetTag(Object* obj) {
    756   HeapObject* object = HeapObject::cast(obj);
    757   HashMap::Entry* cache_entry =
    758       entries_.Lookup(object, HeapEntriesMap::Hash(object), false);
    759   return cache_entry != NULL
    760       ? reinterpret_cast<const char*>(cache_entry->value)
    761       : NULL;
    762 }
    765 void HeapObjectsSet::SetTag(Object* obj, const char* tag) {
    766   if (!obj->IsHeapObject()) return;
    767   HeapObject* object = HeapObject::cast(obj);
    768   HashMap::Entry* cache_entry =
    769       entries_.Lookup(object, HeapEntriesMap::Hash(object), true);
    770   cache_entry->value = const_cast<char*>(tag);
    771 }
    774 HeapObject* const V8HeapExplorer::kInternalRootObject =
    775     reinterpret_cast<HeapObject*>(
    776         static_cast<intptr_t>(HeapObjectsMap::kInternalRootObjectId));
    777 HeapObject* const V8HeapExplorer::kGcRootsObject =
    778     reinterpret_cast<HeapObject*>(
    779         static_cast<intptr_t>(HeapObjectsMap::kGcRootsObjectId));
    780 HeapObject* const V8HeapExplorer::kFirstGcSubrootObject =
    781     reinterpret_cast<HeapObject*>(
    782         static_cast<intptr_t>(HeapObjectsMap::kGcRootsFirstSubrootId));
    783 HeapObject* const V8HeapExplorer::kLastGcSubrootObject =
    784     reinterpret_cast<HeapObject*>(
    785         static_cast<intptr_t>(HeapObjectsMap::kFirstAvailableObjectId));
    788 V8HeapExplorer::V8HeapExplorer(
    789     HeapSnapshot* snapshot,
    790     SnapshottingProgressReportingInterface* progress,
    791     v8::HeapProfiler::ObjectNameResolver* resolver)
    792     : heap_(snapshot->profiler()->heap_object_map()->heap()),
    793       snapshot_(snapshot),
    794       names_(snapshot_->profiler()->names()),
    795       heap_object_map_(snapshot_->profiler()->heap_object_map()),
    796       progress_(progress),
    797       filler_(NULL),
    798       global_object_name_resolver_(resolver) {
    799 }
    802 V8HeapExplorer::~V8HeapExplorer() {
    803 }
    806 HeapEntry* V8HeapExplorer::AllocateEntry(HeapThing ptr) {
    807   return AddEntry(reinterpret_cast<HeapObject*>(ptr));
    808 }
    811 HeapEntry* V8HeapExplorer::AddEntry(HeapObject* object) {
    812   if (object == kInternalRootObject) {
    813     snapshot_->AddRootEntry();
    814     return snapshot_->root();
    815   } else if (object == kGcRootsObject) {
    816     HeapEntry* entry = snapshot_->AddGcRootsEntry();
    817     return entry;
    818   } else if (object >= kFirstGcSubrootObject && object < kLastGcSubrootObject) {
    819     HeapEntry* entry = snapshot_->AddGcSubrootEntry(GetGcSubrootOrder(object));
    820     return entry;
    821   } else if (object->IsJSFunction()) {
    822     JSFunction* func = JSFunction::cast(object);
    823     SharedFunctionInfo* shared = func->shared();
    824     const char* name = shared->bound() ? "native_bind" :
    825         names_->GetName(String::cast(shared->name()));
    826     return AddEntry(object, HeapEntry::kClosure, name);
    827   } else if (object->IsJSRegExp()) {
    828     JSRegExp* re = JSRegExp::cast(object);
    829     return AddEntry(object,
    830                     HeapEntry::kRegExp,
    831                     names_->GetName(re->Pattern()));
    832   } else if (object->IsJSObject()) {
    833     const char* name = names_->GetName(
    834         GetConstructorName(JSObject::cast(object)));
    835     if (object->IsJSGlobalObject()) {
    836       const char* tag = objects_tags_.GetTag(object);
    837       if (tag != NULL) {
    838         name = names_->GetFormatted("%s / %s", name, tag);
    839       }
    840     }
    841     return AddEntry(object, HeapEntry::kObject, name);
    842   } else if (object->IsString()) {
    843     String* string = String::cast(object);
    844     if (string->IsConsString())
    845       return AddEntry(object,
    846                       HeapEntry::kConsString,
    847                       "(concatenated string)");
    848     if (string->IsSlicedString())
    849       return AddEntry(object,
    850                       HeapEntry::kSlicedString,
    851                       "(sliced string)");
    852     return AddEntry(object,
    853                     HeapEntry::kString,
    854                     names_->GetName(String::cast(object)));
    855   } else if (object->IsSymbol()) {
    856     return AddEntry(object, HeapEntry::kSymbol, "symbol");
    857   } else if (object->IsCode()) {
    858     return AddEntry(object, HeapEntry::kCode, "");
    859   } else if (object->IsSharedFunctionInfo()) {
    860     String* name = String::cast(SharedFunctionInfo::cast(object)->name());
    861     return AddEntry(object,
    862                     HeapEntry::kCode,
    863                     names_->GetName(name));
    864   } else if (object->IsScript()) {
    865     Object* name = Script::cast(object)->name();
    866     return AddEntry(object,
    867                     HeapEntry::kCode,
    868                     name->IsString()
    869                         ? names_->GetName(String::cast(name))
    870                         : "");
    871   } else if (object->IsNativeContext()) {
    872     return AddEntry(object, HeapEntry::kHidden, "system / NativeContext");
    873   } else if (object->IsContext()) {
    874     return AddEntry(object, HeapEntry::kObject, "system / Context");
    875   } else if (object->IsFixedArray() ||
    876              object->IsFixedDoubleArray() ||
    877              object->IsByteArray() ||
    878              object->IsExternalArray()) {
    879     return AddEntry(object, HeapEntry::kArray, "");
    880   } else if (object->IsHeapNumber()) {
    881     return AddEntry(object, HeapEntry::kHeapNumber, "number");
    882   }
    883   return AddEntry(object, HeapEntry::kHidden, GetSystemEntryName(object));
    884 }
    887 HeapEntry* V8HeapExplorer::AddEntry(HeapObject* object,
    888                                     HeapEntry::Type type,
    889                                     const char* name) {
    890   return AddEntry(object->address(), type, name, object->Size());
    891 }
    894 HeapEntry* V8HeapExplorer::AddEntry(Address address,
    895                                     HeapEntry::Type type,
    896                                     const char* name,
    897                                     size_t size) {
    898   SnapshotObjectId object_id = heap_object_map_->FindOrAddEntry(
    899       address, static_cast<unsigned int>(size));
    900   unsigned trace_node_id = 0;
    901   if (AllocationTracker* allocation_tracker =
    902       snapshot_->profiler()->allocation_tracker()) {
    903     trace_node_id =
    904         allocation_tracker->address_to_trace()->GetTraceNodeId(address);
    905   }
    906   return snapshot_->AddEntry(type, name, object_id, size, trace_node_id);
    907 }
    910 class SnapshotFiller {
    911  public:
    912   explicit SnapshotFiller(HeapSnapshot* snapshot, HeapEntriesMap* entries)
    913       : snapshot_(snapshot),
    914         names_(snapshot->profiler()->names()),
    915         entries_(entries) { }
    916   HeapEntry* AddEntry(HeapThing ptr, HeapEntriesAllocator* allocator) {
    917     HeapEntry* entry = allocator->AllocateEntry(ptr);
    918     entries_->Pair(ptr, entry->index());
    919     return entry;
    920   }
    921   HeapEntry* FindEntry(HeapThing ptr) {
    922     int index = entries_->Map(ptr);
    923     return index != HeapEntry::kNoEntry ? &snapshot_->entries()[index] : NULL;
    924   }
    925   HeapEntry* FindOrAddEntry(HeapThing ptr, HeapEntriesAllocator* allocator) {
    926     HeapEntry* entry = FindEntry(ptr);
    927     return entry != NULL ? entry : AddEntry(ptr, allocator);
    928   }
    929   void SetIndexedReference(HeapGraphEdge::Type type,
    930                            int parent,
    931                            int index,
    932                            HeapEntry* child_entry) {
    933     HeapEntry* parent_entry = &snapshot_->entries()[parent];
    934     parent_entry->SetIndexedReference(type, index, child_entry);
    935   }
    936   void SetIndexedAutoIndexReference(HeapGraphEdge::Type type,
    937                                     int parent,
    938                                     HeapEntry* child_entry) {
    939     HeapEntry* parent_entry = &snapshot_->entries()[parent];
    940     int index = parent_entry->children_count() + 1;
    941     parent_entry->SetIndexedReference(type, index, child_entry);
    942   }
    943   void SetNamedReference(HeapGraphEdge::Type type,
    944                          int parent,
    945                          const char* reference_name,
    946                          HeapEntry* child_entry) {
    947     HeapEntry* parent_entry = &snapshot_->entries()[parent];
    948     parent_entry->SetNamedReference(type, reference_name, child_entry);
    949   }
    950   void SetNamedAutoIndexReference(HeapGraphEdge::Type type,
    951                                   int parent,
    952                                   HeapEntry* child_entry) {
    953     HeapEntry* parent_entry = &snapshot_->entries()[parent];
    954     int index = parent_entry->children_count() + 1;
    955     parent_entry->SetNamedReference(
    956         type,
    957         names_->GetName(index),
    958         child_entry);
    959   }
    961  private:
    962   HeapSnapshot* snapshot_;
    963   StringsStorage* names_;
    964   HeapEntriesMap* entries_;
    965 };
    968 class GcSubrootsEnumerator : public ObjectVisitor {
    969  public:
    970   GcSubrootsEnumerator(
    971       SnapshotFiller* filler, V8HeapExplorer* explorer)
    972       : filler_(filler),
    973         explorer_(explorer),
    974         previous_object_count_(0),
    975         object_count_(0) {
    976   }
    977   void VisitPointers(Object** start, Object** end) {
    978     object_count_ += end - start;
    979   }
    980   void Synchronize(VisitorSynchronization::SyncTag tag) {
    981     // Skip empty subroots.
    982     if (previous_object_count_ != object_count_) {
    983       previous_object_count_ = object_count_;
    984       filler_->AddEntry(V8HeapExplorer::GetNthGcSubrootObject(tag), explorer_);
    985     }
    986   }
    987  private:
    988   SnapshotFiller* filler_;
    989   V8HeapExplorer* explorer_;
    990   intptr_t previous_object_count_;
    991   intptr_t object_count_;
    992 };
    995 void V8HeapExplorer::AddRootEntries(SnapshotFiller* filler) {
    996   filler->AddEntry(kInternalRootObject, this);
    997   filler->AddEntry(kGcRootsObject, this);
    998   GcSubrootsEnumerator enumerator(filler, this);
    999   heap_->IterateRoots(&enumerator, VISIT_ALL);
   1000 }
   1003 const char* V8HeapExplorer::GetSystemEntryName(HeapObject* object) {
   1004   switch (object->map()->instance_type()) {
   1005     case MAP_TYPE:
   1006       switch (Map::cast(object)->instance_type()) {
   1007 #define MAKE_STRING_MAP_CASE(instance_type, size, name, Name) \
   1008         case instance_type: return "system / Map (" #Name ")";
   1010 #undef MAKE_STRING_MAP_CASE
   1011         default: return "system / Map";
   1012       }
   1013     case CELL_TYPE: return "system / Cell";
   1014     case PROPERTY_CELL_TYPE: return "system / PropertyCell";
   1015     case FOREIGN_TYPE: return "system / Foreign";
   1016     case ODDBALL_TYPE: return "system / Oddball";
   1017 #define MAKE_STRUCT_CASE(NAME, Name, name) \
   1018     case NAME##_TYPE: return "system / "#Name;
   1020 #undef MAKE_STRUCT_CASE
   1021     default: return "system";
   1022   }
   1023 }
   1026 int V8HeapExplorer::EstimateObjectsCount(HeapIterator* iterator) {
   1027   int objects_count = 0;
   1028   for (HeapObject* obj = iterator->next();
   1029        obj != NULL;
   1030        obj = iterator->next()) {
   1031     objects_count++;
   1032   }
   1033   return objects_count;
   1034 }
   1037 class IndexedReferencesExtractor : public ObjectVisitor {
   1038  public:
   1039   IndexedReferencesExtractor(V8HeapExplorer* generator,
   1040                              HeapObject* parent_obj,
   1041                              int parent)
   1042       : generator_(generator),
   1043         parent_obj_(parent_obj),
   1044         parent_(parent),
   1045         next_index_(0) {
   1046   }
   1047   void VisitCodeEntry(Address entry_address) {
   1048      Code* code = Code::cast(Code::GetObjectFromEntryAddress(entry_address));
   1049      generator_->SetInternalReference(parent_obj_, parent_, "code", code);
   1050      generator_->TagCodeObject(code);
   1051   }
   1052   void VisitPointers(Object** start, Object** end) {
   1053     for (Object** p = start; p < end; p++) {
   1054       ++next_index_;
   1055       if (CheckVisitedAndUnmark(p)) continue;
   1056       generator_->SetHiddenReference(parent_obj_, parent_, next_index_, *p);
   1057     }
   1058   }
   1059   static void MarkVisitedField(HeapObject* obj, int offset) {
   1060     if (offset < 0) return;
   1061     Address field = obj->address() + offset;
   1062     ASSERT(Memory::Object_at(field)->IsHeapObject());
   1063     intptr_t p = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(Memory::Object_at(field));
   1064     ASSERT(!IsMarked(p));
   1065     intptr_t p_tagged = p | kTag;
   1066     Memory::Object_at(field) = reinterpret_cast<Object*>(p_tagged);
   1067   }
   1069  private:
   1070   bool CheckVisitedAndUnmark(Object** field) {
   1071     intptr_t p = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(*field);
   1072     if (IsMarked(p)) {
   1073       intptr_t p_untagged = (p & ~kTaggingMask) | kHeapObjectTag;
   1074       *field = reinterpret_cast<Object*>(p_untagged);
   1075       ASSERT((*field)->IsHeapObject());
   1076       return true;
   1077     }
   1078     return false;
   1079   }
   1081   static const intptr_t kTaggingMask = 3;
   1082   static const intptr_t kTag = 3;
   1084   static bool IsMarked(intptr_t p) { return (p & kTaggingMask) == kTag; }
   1086   V8HeapExplorer* generator_;
   1087   HeapObject* parent_obj_;
   1088   int parent_;
   1089   int next_index_;
   1090 };
   1093 bool V8HeapExplorer::ExtractReferencesPass1(int entry, HeapObject* obj) {
   1094   if (obj->IsFixedArray()) return false;  // FixedArrays are processed on pass 2
   1096   if (obj->IsJSGlobalProxy()) {
   1097     ExtractJSGlobalProxyReferences(entry, JSGlobalProxy::cast(obj));
   1098   } else if (obj->IsJSArrayBuffer()) {
   1099     ExtractJSArrayBufferReferences(entry, JSArrayBuffer::cast(obj));
   1100   } else if (obj->IsJSWeakSet()) {
   1101     ExtractJSWeakCollectionReferences(entry, JSWeakSet::cast(obj));
   1102   } else if (obj->IsJSWeakMap()) {
   1103     ExtractJSWeakCollectionReferences(entry, JSWeakMap::cast(obj));
   1104   } else if (obj->IsJSObject()) {
   1105     ExtractJSObjectReferences(entry, JSObject::cast(obj));
   1106   } else if (obj->IsString()) {
   1107     ExtractStringReferences(entry, String::cast(obj));
   1108   } else if (obj->IsSymbol()) {
   1109     ExtractSymbolReferences(entry, Symbol::cast(obj));
   1110   } else if (obj->IsMap()) {
   1111     ExtractMapReferences(entry, Map::cast(obj));
   1112   } else if (obj->IsSharedFunctionInfo()) {
   1113     ExtractSharedFunctionInfoReferences(entry, SharedFunctionInfo::cast(obj));
   1114   } else if (obj->IsScript()) {
   1115     ExtractScriptReferences(entry, Script::cast(obj));
   1116   } else if (obj->IsAccessorPair()) {
   1117     ExtractAccessorPairReferences(entry, AccessorPair::cast(obj));
   1118   } else if (obj->IsCodeCache()) {
   1119     ExtractCodeCacheReferences(entry, CodeCache::cast(obj));
   1120   } else if (obj->IsCode()) {
   1121     ExtractCodeReferences(entry, Code::cast(obj));
   1122   } else if (obj->IsBox()) {
   1123     ExtractBoxReferences(entry, Box::cast(obj));
   1124   } else if (obj->IsCell()) {
   1125     ExtractCellReferences(entry, Cell::cast(obj));
   1126   } else if (obj->IsPropertyCell()) {
   1127     ExtractPropertyCellReferences(entry, PropertyCell::cast(obj));
   1128   } else if (obj->IsAllocationSite()) {
   1129     ExtractAllocationSiteReferences(entry, AllocationSite::cast(obj));
   1130   }
   1131   return true;
   1132 }
   1135 bool V8HeapExplorer::ExtractReferencesPass2(int entry, HeapObject* obj) {
   1136   if (!obj->IsFixedArray()) return false;
   1138   if (obj->IsContext()) {
   1139     ExtractContextReferences(entry, Context::cast(obj));
   1140   } else {
   1141     ExtractFixedArrayReferences(entry, FixedArray::cast(obj));
   1142   }
   1143   return true;
   1144 }
   1147 void V8HeapExplorer::ExtractJSGlobalProxyReferences(
   1148     int entry, JSGlobalProxy* proxy) {
   1149   SetInternalReference(proxy, entry,
   1150                        "native_context", proxy->native_context(),
   1151                        JSGlobalProxy::kNativeContextOffset);
   1152 }
   1155 void V8HeapExplorer::ExtractJSObjectReferences(
   1156     int entry, JSObject* js_obj) {
   1157   HeapObject* obj = js_obj;
   1158   ExtractClosureReferences(js_obj, entry);
   1159   ExtractPropertyReferences(js_obj, entry);
   1160   ExtractElementReferences(js_obj, entry);
   1161   ExtractInternalReferences(js_obj, entry);
   1162   SetPropertyReference(
   1163       obj, entry, heap_->proto_string(), js_obj->GetPrototype());
   1164   if (obj->IsJSFunction()) {
   1165     JSFunction* js_fun = JSFunction::cast(js_obj);
   1166     Object* proto_or_map = js_fun->prototype_or_initial_map();
   1167     if (!proto_or_map->IsTheHole()) {
   1168       if (!proto_or_map->IsMap()) {
   1169         SetPropertyReference(
   1170             obj, entry,
   1171             heap_->prototype_string(), proto_or_map,
   1172             NULL,
   1173             JSFunction::kPrototypeOrInitialMapOffset);
   1174       } else {
   1175         SetPropertyReference(
   1176             obj, entry,
   1177             heap_->prototype_string(), js_fun->prototype());
   1178         SetInternalReference(
   1179             obj, entry, "initial_map", proto_or_map,
   1180             JSFunction::kPrototypeOrInitialMapOffset);
   1181       }
   1182     }
   1183     SharedFunctionInfo* shared_info = js_fun->shared();
   1184     // JSFunction has either bindings or literals and never both.
   1185     bool bound = shared_info->bound();
   1186     TagObject(js_fun->literals_or_bindings(),
   1187               bound ? "(function bindings)" : "(function literals)");
   1188     SetInternalReference(js_fun, entry,
   1189                          bound ? "bindings" : "literals",
   1190                          js_fun->literals_or_bindings(),
   1191                          JSFunction::kLiteralsOffset);
   1192     TagObject(shared_info, "(shared function info)");
   1193     SetInternalReference(js_fun, entry,
   1194                          "shared", shared_info,
   1195                          JSFunction::kSharedFunctionInfoOffset);
   1196     TagObject(js_fun->context(), "(context)");
   1197     SetInternalReference(js_fun, entry,
   1198                          "context", js_fun->context(),
   1199                          JSFunction::kContextOffset);
   1200     SetWeakReference(js_fun, entry,
   1201                      "next_function_link", js_fun->next_function_link(),
   1202                      JSFunction::kNextFunctionLinkOffset);
   1203     STATIC_ASSERT(JSFunction::kNextFunctionLinkOffset
   1204                  == JSFunction::kNonWeakFieldsEndOffset);
   1205     STATIC_ASSERT(JSFunction::kNextFunctionLinkOffset + kPointerSize
   1206                  == JSFunction::kSize);
   1207   } else if (obj->IsGlobalObject()) {
   1208     GlobalObject* global_obj = GlobalObject::cast(obj);
   1209     SetInternalReference(global_obj, entry,
   1210                          "builtins", global_obj->builtins(),
   1211                          GlobalObject::kBuiltinsOffset);
   1212     SetInternalReference(global_obj, entry,
   1213                          "native_context", global_obj->native_context(),
   1214                          GlobalObject::kNativeContextOffset);
   1215     SetInternalReference(global_obj, entry,
   1216                          "global_context", global_obj->global_context(),
   1217                          GlobalObject::kGlobalContextOffset);
   1218     SetInternalReference(global_obj, entry,
   1219                          "global_receiver", global_obj->global_receiver(),
   1220                          GlobalObject::kGlobalReceiverOffset);
   1221     STATIC_ASSERT(GlobalObject::kHeaderSize - JSObject::kHeaderSize ==
   1222                  4 * kPointerSize);
   1223   } else if (obj->IsJSArrayBufferView()) {
   1224     JSArrayBufferView* view = JSArrayBufferView::cast(obj);
   1225     SetInternalReference(view, entry, "buffer", view->buffer(),
   1226                          JSArrayBufferView::kBufferOffset);
   1227     SetWeakReference(view, entry, "weak_next", view->weak_next(),
   1228                      JSArrayBufferView::kWeakNextOffset);
   1229   }
   1230   TagObject(js_obj->properties(), "(object properties)");
   1231   SetInternalReference(obj, entry,
   1232                        "properties", js_obj->properties(),
   1233                        JSObject::kPropertiesOffset);
   1234   TagObject(js_obj->elements(), "(object elements)");
   1235   SetInternalReference(obj, entry,
   1236                        "elements", js_obj->elements(),
   1237                        JSObject::kElementsOffset);
   1238 }
   1241 void V8HeapExplorer::ExtractStringReferences(int entry, String* string) {
   1242   if (string->IsConsString()) {
   1243     ConsString* cs = ConsString::cast(string);
   1244     SetInternalReference(cs, entry, "first", cs->first(),
   1245                          ConsString::kFirstOffset);
   1246     SetInternalReference(cs, entry, "second", cs->second(),
   1247                          ConsString::kSecondOffset);
   1248   } else if (string->IsSlicedString()) {
   1249     SlicedString* ss = SlicedString::cast(string);
   1250     SetInternalReference(ss, entry, "parent", ss->parent(),
   1251                          SlicedString::kParentOffset);
   1252   }
   1253 }
   1256 void V8HeapExplorer::ExtractSymbolReferences(int entry, Symbol* symbol) {
   1257   SetInternalReference(symbol, entry,
   1258                        "name", symbol->name(),
   1259                        Symbol::kNameOffset);
   1260 }
   1263 void V8HeapExplorer::ExtractJSWeakCollectionReferences(
   1264     int entry, JSWeakCollection* collection) {
   1265   MarkAsWeakContainer(collection->table());
   1266   SetInternalReference(collection, entry,
   1267                        "table", collection->table(),
   1268                        JSWeakCollection::kTableOffset);
   1269 }
   1272 void V8HeapExplorer::ExtractContextReferences(int entry, Context* context) {
   1273   if (context == context->declaration_context()) {
   1274     ScopeInfo* scope_info = context->closure()->shared()->scope_info();
   1275     // Add context allocated locals.
   1276     int context_locals = scope_info->ContextLocalCount();
   1277     for (int i = 0; i < context_locals; ++i) {
   1278       String* local_name = scope_info->ContextLocalName(i);
   1279       int idx = Context::MIN_CONTEXT_SLOTS + i;
   1280       SetContextReference(context, entry, local_name, context->get(idx),
   1281                           Context::OffsetOfElementAt(idx));
   1282     }
   1283     if (scope_info->HasFunctionName()) {
   1284       String* name = scope_info->FunctionName();
   1285       VariableMode mode;
   1286       int idx = scope_info->FunctionContextSlotIndex(name, &mode);
   1287       if (idx >= 0) {
   1288         SetContextReference(context, entry, name, context->get(idx),
   1289                             Context::OffsetOfElementAt(idx));
   1290       }
   1291     }
   1292   }
   1294 #define EXTRACT_CONTEXT_FIELD(index, type, name) \
   1295   if (Context::index < Context::FIRST_WEAK_SLOT || \
   1296       Context::index == Context::MAP_CACHE_INDEX) { \
   1297     SetInternalReference(context, entry, #name, context->get(Context::index), \
   1298         FixedArray::OffsetOfElementAt(Context::index)); \
   1299   } else { \
   1300     SetWeakReference(context, entry, #name, context->get(Context::index), \
   1301         FixedArray::OffsetOfElementAt(Context::index)); \
   1302   }
   1303   EXTRACT_CONTEXT_FIELD(CLOSURE_INDEX, JSFunction, closure);
   1304   EXTRACT_CONTEXT_FIELD(PREVIOUS_INDEX, Context, previous);
   1305   EXTRACT_CONTEXT_FIELD(EXTENSION_INDEX, Object, extension);
   1307   if (context->IsNativeContext()) {
   1308     TagObject(context->jsfunction_result_caches(),
   1309               "(context func. result caches)");
   1310     TagObject(context->normalized_map_cache(), "(context norm. map cache)");
   1311     TagObject(context->runtime_context(), "(runtime context)");
   1312     TagObject(context->embedder_data(), "(context data)");
   1315                           optimized_functions_list);
   1316     EXTRACT_CONTEXT_FIELD(OPTIMIZED_CODE_LIST, unused, optimized_code_list);
   1317     EXTRACT_CONTEXT_FIELD(DEOPTIMIZED_CODE_LIST, unused, deoptimized_code_list);
   1318     EXTRACT_CONTEXT_FIELD(NEXT_CONTEXT_LINK, unused, next_context_link);
   1321                   Context::FIRST_WEAK_SLOT);
   1322     STATIC_ASSERT(Context::NEXT_CONTEXT_LINK + 1 ==
   1323                   Context::NATIVE_CONTEXT_SLOTS);
   1324     STATIC_ASSERT(Context::FIRST_WEAK_SLOT + 5 ==
   1325                   Context::NATIVE_CONTEXT_SLOTS);
   1326   }
   1327 }
   1330 void V8HeapExplorer::ExtractMapReferences(int entry, Map* map) {
   1331   if (map->HasTransitionArray()) {
   1332     TransitionArray* transitions = map->transitions();
   1333     int transitions_entry = GetEntry(transitions)->index();
   1334     Object* back_pointer = transitions->back_pointer_storage();
   1335     TagObject(back_pointer, "(back pointer)");
   1336     SetInternalReference(transitions, transitions_entry,
   1337                          "back_pointer", back_pointer);
   1339     if (FLAG_collect_maps && map->CanTransition()) {
   1340       if (!transitions->IsSimpleTransition()) {
   1341         if (transitions->HasPrototypeTransitions()) {
   1342           FixedArray* prototype_transitions =
   1343               transitions->GetPrototypeTransitions();
   1344           MarkAsWeakContainer(prototype_transitions);
   1345           TagObject(prototype_transitions, "(prototype transitions");
   1346           SetInternalReference(transitions, transitions_entry,
   1347                                "prototype_transitions", prototype_transitions);
   1348         }
   1349         // TODO(alph): transitions keys are strong links.
   1350         MarkAsWeakContainer(transitions);
   1351       }
   1352     }
   1354     TagObject(transitions, "(transition array)");
   1355     SetInternalReference(map, entry,
   1356                          "transitions", transitions,
   1357                          Map::kTransitionsOrBackPointerOffset);
   1358   } else {
   1359     Object* back_pointer = map->GetBackPointer();
   1360     TagObject(back_pointer, "(back pointer)");
   1361     SetInternalReference(map, entry,
   1362                          "back_pointer", back_pointer,
   1363                          Map::kTransitionsOrBackPointerOffset);
   1364   }
   1365   DescriptorArray* descriptors = map->instance_descriptors();
   1366   TagObject(descriptors, "(map descriptors)");
   1367   SetInternalReference(map, entry,
   1368                        "descriptors", descriptors,
   1369                        Map::kDescriptorsOffset);
   1371   MarkAsWeakContainer(map->code_cache());
   1372   SetInternalReference(map, entry,
   1373                        "code_cache", map->code_cache(),
   1374                        Map::kCodeCacheOffset);
   1375   SetInternalReference(map, entry,
   1376                        "prototype", map->prototype(), Map::kPrototypeOffset);
   1377   SetInternalReference(map, entry,
   1378                        "constructor", map->constructor(),
   1379                        Map::kConstructorOffset);
   1380   TagObject(map->dependent_code(), "(dependent code)");
   1381   MarkAsWeakContainer(map->dependent_code());
   1382   SetInternalReference(map, entry,
   1383                        "dependent_code", map->dependent_code(),
   1384                        Map::kDependentCodeOffset);
   1385 }
   1388 void V8HeapExplorer::ExtractSharedFunctionInfoReferences(
   1389     int entry, SharedFunctionInfo* shared) {
   1390   HeapObject* obj = shared;
   1391   String* shared_name = shared->DebugName();
   1392   const char* name = NULL;
   1393   if (shared_name != *heap_->isolate()->factory()->empty_string()) {
   1394     name = names_->GetName(shared_name);
   1395     TagObject(shared->code(), names_->GetFormatted("(code for %s)", name));
   1396   } else {
   1397     TagObject(shared->code(), names_->GetFormatted("(%s code)",
   1398         Code::Kind2String(shared->code()->kind())));
   1399   }
   1401   SetInternalReference(obj, entry,
   1402                        "name", shared->name(),
   1403                        SharedFunctionInfo::kNameOffset);
   1404   SetInternalReference(obj, entry,
   1405                        "code", shared->code(),
   1406                        SharedFunctionInfo::kCodeOffset);
   1407   TagObject(shared->scope_info(), "(function scope info)");
   1408   SetInternalReference(obj, entry,
   1409                        "scope_info", shared->scope_info(),
   1410                        SharedFunctionInfo::kScopeInfoOffset);
   1411   SetInternalReference(obj, entry,
   1412                        "instance_class_name", shared->instance_class_name(),
   1413                        SharedFunctionInfo::kInstanceClassNameOffset);
   1414   SetInternalReference(obj, entry,
   1415                        "script", shared->script(),
   1416                        SharedFunctionInfo::kScriptOffset);
   1417   const char* construct_stub_name = name ?
   1418       names_->GetFormatted("(construct stub code for %s)", name) :
   1419       "(construct stub code)";
   1420   TagObject(shared->construct_stub(), construct_stub_name);
   1421   SetInternalReference(obj, entry,
   1422                        "construct_stub", shared->construct_stub(),
   1423                        SharedFunctionInfo::kConstructStubOffset);
   1424   SetInternalReference(obj, entry,
   1425                        "function_data", shared->function_data(),
   1426                        SharedFunctionInfo::kFunctionDataOffset);
   1427   SetInternalReference(obj, entry,
   1428                        "debug_info", shared->debug_info(),
   1429                        SharedFunctionInfo::kDebugInfoOffset);
   1430   SetInternalReference(obj, entry,
   1431                        "inferred_name", shared->inferred_name(),
   1432                        SharedFunctionInfo::kInferredNameOffset);
   1433   SetInternalReference(obj, entry,
   1434                        "optimized_code_map", shared->optimized_code_map(),
   1435                        SharedFunctionInfo::kOptimizedCodeMapOffset);
   1436   SetInternalReference(obj, entry,
   1437                        "feedback_vector", shared->feedback_vector(),
   1438                        SharedFunctionInfo::kFeedbackVectorOffset);
   1439 }
   1442 void V8HeapExplorer::ExtractScriptReferences(int entry, Script* script) {
   1443   HeapObject* obj = script;
   1444   SetInternalReference(obj, entry,
   1445                        "source", script->source(),
   1446                        Script::kSourceOffset);
   1447   SetInternalReference(obj, entry,
   1448                        "name", script->name(),
   1449                        Script::kNameOffset);
   1450   SetInternalReference(obj, entry,
   1451                        "context_data", script->context_data(),
   1452                        Script::kContextOffset);
   1453   TagObject(script->line_ends(), "(script line ends)");
   1454   SetInternalReference(obj, entry,
   1455                        "line_ends", script->line_ends(),
   1456                        Script::kLineEndsOffset);
   1457 }
   1460 void V8HeapExplorer::ExtractAccessorPairReferences(
   1461     int entry, AccessorPair* accessors) {
   1462   SetInternalReference(accessors, entry, "getter", accessors->getter(),
   1463                        AccessorPair::kGetterOffset);
   1464   SetInternalReference(accessors, entry, "setter", accessors->setter(),
   1465                        AccessorPair::kSetterOffset);
   1466 }
   1469 void V8HeapExplorer::ExtractCodeCacheReferences(
   1470     int entry, CodeCache* code_cache) {
   1471   TagObject(code_cache->default_cache(), "(default code cache)");
   1472   SetInternalReference(code_cache, entry,
   1473                        "default_cache", code_cache->default_cache(),
   1474                        CodeCache::kDefaultCacheOffset);
   1475   TagObject(code_cache->normal_type_cache(), "(code type cache)");
   1476   SetInternalReference(code_cache, entry,
   1477                        "type_cache", code_cache->normal_type_cache(),
   1478                        CodeCache::kNormalTypeCacheOffset);
   1479 }
   1482 void V8HeapExplorer::TagBuiltinCodeObject(Code* code, const char* name) {
   1483   TagObject(code, names_->GetFormatted("(%s builtin)", name));
   1484 }
   1487 void V8HeapExplorer::TagCodeObject(Code* code) {
   1488   if (code->kind() == Code::STUB) {
   1489     TagObject(code, names_->GetFormatted(
   1490         "(%s code)", CodeStub::MajorName(
   1491             static_cast<CodeStub::Major>(code->major_key()), true)));
   1492   }
   1493 }
   1496 void V8HeapExplorer::ExtractCodeReferences(int entry, Code* code) {
   1497   TagCodeObject(code);
   1498   TagObject(code->relocation_info(), "(code relocation info)");
   1499   SetInternalReference(code, entry,
   1500                        "relocation_info", code->relocation_info(),
   1501                        Code::kRelocationInfoOffset);
   1502   SetInternalReference(code, entry,
   1503                        "handler_table", code->handler_table(),
   1504                        Code::kHandlerTableOffset);
   1505   TagObject(code->deoptimization_data(), "(code deopt data)");
   1506   SetInternalReference(code, entry,
   1507                        "deoptimization_data", code->deoptimization_data(),
   1508                        Code::kDeoptimizationDataOffset);
   1509   if (code->kind() == Code::FUNCTION) {
   1510     SetInternalReference(code, entry,
   1511                          "type_feedback_info", code->type_feedback_info(),
   1512                          Code::kTypeFeedbackInfoOffset);
   1513   }
   1514   SetInternalReference(code, entry,
   1515                        "gc_metadata", code->gc_metadata(),
   1516                        Code::kGCMetadataOffset);
   1517   SetInternalReference(code, entry,
   1518                        "constant_pool", code->constant_pool(),
   1519                        Code::kConstantPoolOffset);
   1520   if (code->kind() == Code::OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION) {
   1521     SetWeakReference(code, entry,
   1522                      "next_code_link", code->next_code_link(),
   1523                      Code::kNextCodeLinkOffset);
   1524   }
   1525 }
   1528 void V8HeapExplorer::ExtractBoxReferences(int entry, Box* box) {
   1529   SetInternalReference(box, entry, "value", box->value(), Box::kValueOffset);
   1530 }
   1533 void V8HeapExplorer::ExtractCellReferences(int entry, Cell* cell) {
   1534   SetInternalReference(cell, entry, "value", cell->value(), Cell::kValueOffset);
   1535 }
   1538 void V8HeapExplorer::ExtractPropertyCellReferences(int entry,
   1539                                                    PropertyCell* cell) {
   1540   ExtractCellReferences(entry, cell);
   1541   SetInternalReference(cell, entry, "type", cell->type(),
   1542                        PropertyCell::kTypeOffset);
   1543   MarkAsWeakContainer(cell->dependent_code());
   1544   SetInternalReference(cell, entry, "dependent_code", cell->dependent_code(),
   1545                        PropertyCell::kDependentCodeOffset);
   1546 }
   1549 void V8HeapExplorer::ExtractAllocationSiteReferences(int entry,
   1550                                                      AllocationSite* site) {
   1551   SetInternalReference(site, entry, "transition_info", site->transition_info(),
   1552                        AllocationSite::kTransitionInfoOffset);
   1553   SetInternalReference(site, entry, "nested_site", site->nested_site(),
   1554                        AllocationSite::kNestedSiteOffset);
   1555   MarkAsWeakContainer(site->dependent_code());
   1556   SetInternalReference(site, entry, "dependent_code", site->dependent_code(),
   1557                        AllocationSite::kDependentCodeOffset);
   1558   // Do not visit weak_next as it is not visited by the StaticVisitor,
   1559   // and we're not very interested in weak_next field here.
   1560   STATIC_ASSERT(AllocationSite::kWeakNextOffset >=
   1561                AllocationSite::BodyDescriptor::kEndOffset);
   1562 }
   1565 class JSArrayBufferDataEntryAllocator : public HeapEntriesAllocator {
   1566  public:
   1567   JSArrayBufferDataEntryAllocator(size_t size, V8HeapExplorer* explorer)
   1568       : size_(size)
   1569       , explorer_(explorer) {
   1570   }
   1571   virtual HeapEntry* AllocateEntry(HeapThing ptr) {
   1572     return explorer_->AddEntry(
   1573         static_cast<Address>(ptr),
   1574         HeapEntry::kNative, "system / JSArrayBufferData", size_);
   1575   }
   1576  private:
   1577   size_t size_;
   1578   V8HeapExplorer* explorer_;
   1579 };
   1582 void V8HeapExplorer::ExtractJSArrayBufferReferences(
   1583     int entry, JSArrayBuffer* buffer) {
   1584   SetWeakReference(buffer, entry, "weak_next", buffer->weak_next(),
   1585                    JSArrayBuffer::kWeakNextOffset);
   1586   SetWeakReference(buffer, entry,
   1587                    "weak_first_view", buffer->weak_first_view(),
   1588                    JSArrayBuffer::kWeakFirstViewOffset);
   1589   // Setup a reference to a native memory backing_store object.
   1590   if (!buffer->backing_store())
   1591     return;
   1592   size_t data_size = NumberToSize(heap_->isolate(), buffer->byte_length());
   1593   JSArrayBufferDataEntryAllocator allocator(data_size, this);
   1594   HeapEntry* data_entry =
   1595       filler_->FindOrAddEntry(buffer->backing_store(), &allocator);
   1596   filler_->SetNamedReference(HeapGraphEdge::kInternal,
   1597                              entry, "backing_store", data_entry);
   1598 }
   1601 void V8HeapExplorer::ExtractFixedArrayReferences(int entry, FixedArray* array) {
   1602   bool is_weak = weak_containers_.Contains(array);
   1603   for (int i = 0, l = array->length(); i < l; ++i) {
   1604     if (is_weak) {
   1605       SetWeakReference(array, entry,
   1606                        i, array->get(i), array->OffsetOfElementAt(i));
   1607     } else {
   1608       SetInternalReference(array, entry,
   1609                            i, array->get(i), array->OffsetOfElementAt(i));
   1610     }
   1611   }
   1612 }
   1615 void V8HeapExplorer::ExtractClosureReferences(JSObject* js_obj, int entry) {
   1616   if (!js_obj->IsJSFunction()) return;
   1618   JSFunction* func = JSFunction::cast(js_obj);
   1619   if (func->shared()->bound()) {
   1620     FixedArray* bindings = func->function_bindings();
   1621     SetNativeBindReference(js_obj, entry, "bound_this",
   1622                            bindings->get(JSFunction::kBoundThisIndex));
   1623     SetNativeBindReference(js_obj, entry, "bound_function",
   1624                            bindings->get(JSFunction::kBoundFunctionIndex));
   1625     for (int i = JSFunction::kBoundArgumentsStartIndex;
   1626          i < bindings->length(); i++) {
   1627       const char* reference_name = names_->GetFormatted(
   1628           "bound_argument_%d",
   1629           i - JSFunction::kBoundArgumentsStartIndex);
   1630       SetNativeBindReference(js_obj, entry, reference_name,
   1631                              bindings->get(i));
   1632     }
   1633   }
   1634 }
   1637 void V8HeapExplorer::ExtractPropertyReferences(JSObject* js_obj, int entry) {
   1638   if (js_obj->HasFastProperties()) {
   1639     DescriptorArray* descs = js_obj->map()->instance_descriptors();
   1640     int real_size = js_obj->map()->NumberOfOwnDescriptors();
   1641     for (int i = 0; i < real_size; i++) {
   1642       switch (descs->GetType(i)) {
   1643         case FIELD: {
   1644           int index = descs->GetFieldIndex(i);
   1646           Name* k = descs->GetKey(i);
   1647           if (index < js_obj->map()->inobject_properties()) {
   1648             Object* value = js_obj->InObjectPropertyAt(index);
   1649             if (k != heap_->hidden_string()) {
   1650               SetPropertyReference(
   1651                   js_obj, entry,
   1652                   k, value,
   1653                   NULL,
   1654                   js_obj->GetInObjectPropertyOffset(index));
   1655             } else {
   1656               TagObject(value, "(hidden properties)");
   1657               SetInternalReference(
   1658                   js_obj, entry,
   1659                   "hidden_properties", value,
   1660                   js_obj->GetInObjectPropertyOffset(index));
   1661             }
   1662           } else {
   1663             FieldIndex field_index =
   1664                 FieldIndex::ForDescriptor(js_obj->map(), i);
   1665             Object* value = js_obj->RawFastPropertyAt(field_index);
   1666             if (k != heap_->hidden_string()) {
   1667               SetPropertyReference(js_obj, entry, k, value);
   1668             } else {
   1669               TagObject(value, "(hidden properties)");
   1670               SetInternalReference(js_obj, entry, "hidden_properties", value);
   1671             }
   1672           }
   1673           break;
   1674         }
   1675         case CONSTANT:
   1676           SetPropertyReference(
   1677               js_obj, entry,
   1678               descs->GetKey(i), descs->GetConstant(i));
   1679           break;
   1680         case CALLBACKS:
   1681           ExtractAccessorPairProperty(
   1682               js_obj, entry,
   1683               descs->GetKey(i), descs->GetValue(i));
   1684           break;
   1685         case NORMAL:  // only in slow mode
   1686         case HANDLER:  // only in lookup results, not in descriptors
   1687         case INTERCEPTOR:  // only in lookup results, not in descriptors
   1688           break;
   1689         case NONEXISTENT:
   1690           UNREACHABLE();
   1691           break;
   1692       }
   1693     }
   1694   } else {
   1695     NameDictionary* dictionary = js_obj->property_dictionary();
   1696     int length = dictionary->Capacity();
   1697     for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
   1698       Object* k = dictionary->KeyAt(i);
   1699       if (dictionary->IsKey(k)) {
   1700         Object* target = dictionary->ValueAt(i);
   1701         // We assume that global objects can only have slow properties.
   1702         Object* value = target->IsPropertyCell()
   1703             ? PropertyCell::cast(target)->value()
   1704             : target;
   1705         if (k == heap_->hidden_string()) {
   1706           TagObject(value, "(hidden properties)");
   1707           SetInternalReference(js_obj, entry, "hidden_properties", value);
   1708           continue;
   1709         }
   1710         if (ExtractAccessorPairProperty(js_obj, entry, k, value)) continue;
   1711         SetPropertyReference(js_obj, entry, String::cast(k), value);
   1712       }
   1713     }
   1714   }
   1715 }
   1718 bool V8HeapExplorer::ExtractAccessorPairProperty(
   1719     JSObject* js_obj, int entry, Object* key, Object* callback_obj) {
   1720   if (!callback_obj->IsAccessorPair()) return false;
   1721   AccessorPair* accessors = AccessorPair::cast(callback_obj);
   1722   Object* getter = accessors->getter();
   1723   if (!getter->IsOddball()) {
   1724     SetPropertyReference(js_obj, entry, String::cast(key), getter, "get %s");
   1725   }
   1726   Object* setter = accessors->setter();
   1727   if (!setter->IsOddball()) {
   1728     SetPropertyReference(js_obj, entry, String::cast(key), setter, "set %s");
   1729   }
   1730   return true;
   1731 }
   1734 void V8HeapExplorer::ExtractElementReferences(JSObject* js_obj, int entry) {
   1735   if (js_obj->HasFastObjectElements()) {
   1736     FixedArray* elements = FixedArray::cast(js_obj->elements());
   1737     int length = js_obj->IsJSArray() ?
   1738         Smi::cast(JSArray::cast(js_obj)->length())->value() :
   1739         elements->length();
   1740     for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
   1741       if (!elements->get(i)->IsTheHole()) {
   1742         SetElementReference(js_obj, entry, i, elements->get(i));
   1743       }
   1744     }
   1745   } else if (js_obj->HasDictionaryElements()) {
   1746     SeededNumberDictionary* dictionary = js_obj->element_dictionary();
   1747     int length = dictionary->Capacity();
   1748     for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
   1749       Object* k = dictionary->KeyAt(i);
   1750       if (dictionary->IsKey(k)) {
   1751         ASSERT(k->IsNumber());
   1752         uint32_t index = static_cast<uint32_t>(k->Number());
   1753         SetElementReference(js_obj, entry, index, dictionary->ValueAt(i));
   1754       }
   1755     }
   1756   }
   1757 }
   1760 void V8HeapExplorer::ExtractInternalReferences(JSObject* js_obj, int entry) {
   1761   int length = js_obj->GetInternalFieldCount();
   1762   for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
   1763     Object* o = js_obj->GetInternalField(i);
   1764     SetInternalReference(
   1765         js_obj, entry, i, o, js_obj->GetInternalFieldOffset(i));
   1766   }
   1767 }
   1770 String* V8HeapExplorer::GetConstructorName(JSObject* object) {
   1771   Heap* heap = object->GetHeap();
   1772   if (object->IsJSFunction()) return heap->closure_string();
   1773   String* constructor_name = object->constructor_name();
   1774   if (constructor_name == heap->Object_string()) {
   1775     // Look up an immediate "constructor" property, if it is a function,
   1776     // return its name. This is for instances of binding objects, which
   1777     // have prototype constructor type "Object".
   1778     Object* constructor_prop = NULL;
   1779     Isolate* isolate = heap->isolate();
   1780     LookupResult result(isolate);
   1781     object->LookupOwnRealNamedProperty(
   1782         isolate->factory()->constructor_string(), &result);
   1783     if (!result.IsFound()) return object->constructor_name();
   1785     constructor_prop = result.GetLazyValue();
   1786     if (constructor_prop->IsJSFunction()) {
   1787       Object* maybe_name =
   1788           JSFunction::cast(constructor_prop)->shared()->name();
   1789       if (maybe_name->IsString()) {
   1790         String* name = String::cast(maybe_name);
   1791         if (name->length() > 0) return name;
   1792       }
   1793     }
   1794   }
   1795   return object->constructor_name();
   1796 }
   1799 HeapEntry* V8HeapExplorer::GetEntry(Object* obj) {
   1800   if (!obj->IsHeapObject()) return NULL;
   1801   return filler_->FindOrAddEntry(obj, this);
   1802 }
   1805 class RootsReferencesExtractor : public ObjectVisitor {
   1806  private:
   1807   struct IndexTag {
   1808     IndexTag(int index, VisitorSynchronization::SyncTag tag)
   1809         : index(index), tag(tag) { }
   1810     int index;
   1811     VisitorSynchronization::SyncTag tag;
   1812   };
   1814  public:
   1815   explicit RootsReferencesExtractor(Heap* heap)
   1816       : collecting_all_references_(false),
   1817         previous_reference_count_(0),
   1818         heap_(heap) {
   1819   }
   1821   void VisitPointers(Object** start, Object** end) {
   1822     if (collecting_all_references_) {
   1823       for (Object** p = start; p < end; p++) all_references_.Add(*p);
   1824     } else {
   1825       for (Object** p = start; p < end; p++) strong_references_.Add(*p);
   1826     }
   1827   }
   1829   void SetCollectingAllReferences() { collecting_all_references_ = true; }
   1831   void FillReferences(V8HeapExplorer* explorer) {
   1832     ASSERT(strong_references_.length() <= all_references_.length());
   1833     Builtins* builtins = heap_->isolate()->builtins();
   1834     for (int i = 0; i < reference_tags_.length(); ++i) {
   1835       explorer->SetGcRootsReference(reference_tags_[i].tag);
   1836     }
   1837     int strong_index = 0, all_index = 0, tags_index = 0, builtin_index = 0;
   1838     while (all_index < all_references_.length()) {
   1839       bool is_strong = strong_index < strong_references_.length()
   1840           && strong_references_[strong_index] == all_references_[all_index];
   1841       explorer->SetGcSubrootReference(reference_tags_[tags_index].tag,
   1842                                       !is_strong,
   1843                                       all_references_[all_index]);
   1844       if (reference_tags_[tags_index].tag ==
   1845           VisitorSynchronization::kBuiltins) {
   1846         ASSERT(all_references_[all_index]->IsCode());
   1847         explorer->TagBuiltinCodeObject(
   1848             Code::cast(all_references_[all_index]),
   1849             builtins->name(builtin_index++));
   1850       }
   1851       ++all_index;
   1852       if (is_strong) ++strong_index;
   1853       if (reference_tags_[tags_index].index == all_index) ++tags_index;
   1854     }
   1855   }
   1857   void Synchronize(VisitorSynchronization::SyncTag tag) {
   1858     if (collecting_all_references_ &&
   1859         previous_reference_count_ != all_references_.length()) {
   1860       previous_reference_count_ = all_references_.length();
   1861       reference_tags_.Add(IndexTag(previous_reference_count_, tag));
   1862     }
   1863   }
   1865  private:
   1866   bool collecting_all_references_;
   1867   List<Object*> strong_references_;
   1868   List<Object*> all_references_;
   1869   int previous_reference_count_;
   1870   List<IndexTag> reference_tags_;
   1871   Heap* heap_;
   1872 };
   1875 bool V8HeapExplorer::IterateAndExtractReferences(
   1876     SnapshotFiller* filler) {
   1877   filler_ = filler;
   1879   // Make sure builtin code objects get their builtin tags
   1880   // first. Otherwise a particular JSFunction object could set
   1881   // its custom name to a generic builtin.
   1882   SetRootGcRootsReference();
   1883   RootsReferencesExtractor extractor(heap_);
   1884   heap_->IterateRoots(&extractor, VISIT_ONLY_STRONG);
   1885   extractor.SetCollectingAllReferences();
   1886   heap_->IterateRoots(&extractor, VISIT_ALL);
   1887   extractor.FillReferences(this);
   1889   // We have to do two passes as sometimes FixedArrays are used
   1890   // to weakly hold their items, and it's impossible to distinguish
   1891   // between these cases without processing the array owner first.
   1892   bool interrupted =
   1893       IterateAndExtractSinglePass<&V8HeapExplorer::ExtractReferencesPass1>() ||
   1894       IterateAndExtractSinglePass<&V8HeapExplorer::ExtractReferencesPass2>();
   1896   if (interrupted) {
   1897     filler_ = NULL;
   1898     return false;
   1899   }
   1901   filler_ = NULL;
   1902   return progress_->ProgressReport(true);
   1903 }
   1906 template<V8HeapExplorer::ExtractReferencesMethod extractor>
   1907 bool V8HeapExplorer::IterateAndExtractSinglePass() {
   1908   // Now iterate the whole heap.
   1909   bool interrupted = false;
   1910   HeapIterator iterator(heap_, HeapIterator::kFilterUnreachable);
   1911   // Heap iteration with filtering must be finished in any case.
   1912   for (HeapObject* obj = iterator.next();
   1913        obj != NULL;
   1914        obj = iterator.next(), progress_->ProgressStep()) {
   1915     if (interrupted) continue;
   1917     HeapEntry* heap_entry = GetEntry(obj);
   1918     int entry = heap_entry->index();
   1919     if ((this->*extractor)(entry, obj)) {
   1920       SetInternalReference(obj, entry,
   1921                            "map", obj->map(), HeapObject::kMapOffset);
   1922       // Extract unvisited fields as hidden references and restore tags
   1923       // of visited fields.
   1924       IndexedReferencesExtractor refs_extractor(this, obj, entry);
   1925       obj->Iterate(&refs_extractor);
   1926     }
   1928     if (!progress_->ProgressReport(false)) interrupted = true;
   1929   }
   1930   return interrupted;
   1931 }
   1934 bool V8HeapExplorer::IsEssentialObject(Object* object) {
   1935   return object->IsHeapObject()
   1936       && !object->IsOddball()
   1937       && object != heap_->empty_byte_array()
   1938       && object != heap_->empty_fixed_array()
   1939       && object != heap_->empty_descriptor_array()
   1940       && object != heap_->fixed_array_map()
   1941       && object != heap_->cell_map()
   1942       && object != heap_->global_property_cell_map()
   1943       && object != heap_->shared_function_info_map()
   1944       && object != heap_->free_space_map()
   1945       && object != heap_->one_pointer_filler_map()
   1946       && object != heap_->two_pointer_filler_map();
   1947 }
   1950 void V8HeapExplorer::SetContextReference(HeapObject* parent_obj,
   1951                                          int parent_entry,
   1952                                          String* reference_name,
   1953                                          Object* child_obj,
   1954                                          int field_offset) {
   1955   ASSERT(parent_entry == GetEntry(parent_obj)->index());
   1956   HeapEntry* child_entry = GetEntry(child_obj);
   1957   if (child_entry != NULL) {
   1958     filler_->SetNamedReference(HeapGraphEdge::kContextVariable,
   1959                                parent_entry,
   1960                                names_->GetName(reference_name),
   1961                                child_entry);
   1962     IndexedReferencesExtractor::MarkVisitedField(parent_obj, field_offset);
   1963   }
   1964 }
   1967 void V8HeapExplorer::SetNativeBindReference(HeapObject* parent_obj,
   1968                                             int parent_entry,
   1969                                             const char* reference_name,
   1970                                             Object* child_obj) {
   1971   ASSERT(parent_entry == GetEntry(parent_obj)->index());
   1972   HeapEntry* child_entry = GetEntry(child_obj);
   1973   if (child_entry != NULL) {
   1974     filler_->SetNamedReference(HeapGraphEdge::kShortcut,
   1975                                parent_entry,
   1976                                reference_name,
   1977                                child_entry);
   1978   }
   1979 }
   1982 void V8HeapExplorer::SetElementReference(HeapObject* parent_obj,
   1983                                          int parent_entry,
   1984                                          int index,
   1985                                          Object* child_obj) {
   1986   ASSERT(parent_entry == GetEntry(parent_obj)->index());
   1987   HeapEntry* child_entry = GetEntry(child_obj);
   1988   if (child_entry != NULL) {
   1989     filler_->SetIndexedReference(HeapGraphEdge::kElement,
   1990                                  parent_entry,
   1991                                  index,
   1992                                  child_entry);
   1993   }
   1994 }
   1997 void V8HeapExplorer::SetInternalReference(HeapObject* parent_obj,
   1998                                           int parent_entry,
   1999                                           const char* reference_name,
   2000                                           Object* child_obj,
   2001                                           int field_offset) {
   2002   ASSERT(parent_entry == GetEntry(parent_obj)->index());
   2003   HeapEntry* child_entry = GetEntry(child_obj);
   2004   if (child_entry == NULL) return;
   2005   if (IsEssentialObject(child_obj)) {
   2006     filler_->SetNamedReference(HeapGraphEdge::kInternal,
   2007                                parent_entry,
   2008                                reference_name,
   2009                                child_entry);
   2010   }
   2011   IndexedReferencesExtractor::MarkVisitedField(parent_obj, field_offset);
   2012 }
   2015 void V8HeapExplorer::SetInternalReference(HeapObject* parent_obj,
   2016                                           int parent_entry,
   2017                                           int index,
   2018                                           Object* child_obj,
   2019                                           int field_offset) {
   2020   ASSERT(parent_entry == GetEntry(parent_obj)->index());
   2021   HeapEntry* child_entry = GetEntry(child_obj);
   2022   if (child_entry == NULL) return;
   2023   if (IsEssentialObject(child_obj)) {
   2024     filler_->SetNamedReference(HeapGraphEdge::kInternal,
   2025                                parent_entry,
   2026                                names_->GetName(index),
   2027                                child_entry);
   2028   }
   2029   IndexedReferencesExtractor::MarkVisitedField(parent_obj, field_offset);
   2030 }
   2033 void V8HeapExplorer::SetHiddenReference(HeapObject* parent_obj,
   2034                                         int parent_entry,
   2035                                         int index,
   2036                                         Object* child_obj) {
   2037   ASSERT(parent_entry == GetEntry(parent_obj)->index());
   2038   HeapEntry* child_entry = GetEntry(child_obj);
   2039   if (child_entry != NULL && IsEssentialObject(child_obj)) {
   2040     filler_->SetIndexedReference(HeapGraphEdge::kHidden,
   2041                                  parent_entry,
   2042                                  index,
   2043                                  child_entry);
   2044   }
   2045 }
   2048 void V8HeapExplorer::SetWeakReference(HeapObject* parent_obj,
   2049                                       int parent_entry,
   2050                                       const char* reference_name,
   2051                                       Object* child_obj,
   2052                                       int field_offset) {
   2053   ASSERT(parent_entry == GetEntry(parent_obj)->index());
   2054   HeapEntry* child_entry = GetEntry(child_obj);
   2055   if (child_entry == NULL) return;
   2056   if (IsEssentialObject(child_obj)) {
   2057     filler_->SetNamedReference(HeapGraphEdge::kWeak,
   2058                                parent_entry,
   2059                                reference_name,
   2060                                child_entry);
   2061   }
   2062   IndexedReferencesExtractor::MarkVisitedField(parent_obj, field_offset);
   2063 }
   2066 void V8HeapExplorer::SetWeakReference(HeapObject* parent_obj,
   2067                                       int parent_entry,
   2068                                       int index,
   2069                                       Object* child_obj,
   2070                                       int field_offset) {
   2071   ASSERT(parent_entry == GetEntry(parent_obj)->index());
   2072   HeapEntry* child_entry = GetEntry(child_obj);
   2073   if (child_entry == NULL) return;
   2074   if (IsEssentialObject(child_obj)) {
   2075     filler_->SetNamedReference(HeapGraphEdge::kWeak,
   2076                                parent_entry,
   2077                                names_->GetFormatted("%d", index),
   2078                                child_entry);
   2079   }
   2080   IndexedReferencesExtractor::MarkVisitedField(parent_obj, field_offset);
   2081 }
   2084 void V8HeapExplorer::SetPropertyReference(HeapObject* parent_obj,
   2085                                           int parent_entry,
   2086                                           Name* reference_name,
   2087                                           Object* child_obj,
   2088                                           const char* name_format_string,
   2089                                           int field_offset) {
   2090   ASSERT(parent_entry == GetEntry(parent_obj)->index());
   2091   HeapEntry* child_entry = GetEntry(child_obj);
   2092   if (child_entry != NULL) {
   2093     HeapGraphEdge::Type type =
   2094         reference_name->IsSymbol() || String::cast(reference_name)->length() > 0
   2095             ? HeapGraphEdge::kProperty : HeapGraphEdge::kInternal;
   2096     const char* name = name_format_string != NULL && reference_name->IsString()
   2097         ? names_->GetFormatted(
   2098               name_format_string,
   2099               String::cast(reference_name)->ToCString(
   2100                   DISALLOW_NULLS, ROBUST_STRING_TRAVERSAL).get()) :
   2101         names_->GetName(reference_name);
   2103     filler_->SetNamedReference(type,
   2104                                parent_entry,
   2105                                name,
   2106                                child_entry);
   2107     IndexedReferencesExtractor::MarkVisitedField(parent_obj, field_offset);
   2108   }
   2109 }
   2112 void V8HeapExplorer::SetRootGcRootsReference() {
   2113   filler_->SetIndexedAutoIndexReference(
   2114       HeapGraphEdge::kElement,
   2115       snapshot_->root()->index(),
   2116       snapshot_->gc_roots());
   2117 }
   2120 void V8HeapExplorer::SetUserGlobalReference(Object* child_obj) {
   2121   HeapEntry* child_entry = GetEntry(child_obj);
   2122   ASSERT(child_entry != NULL);
   2123   filler_->SetNamedAutoIndexReference(
   2124       HeapGraphEdge::kShortcut,
   2125       snapshot_->root()->index(),
   2126       child_entry);
   2127 }
   2130 void V8HeapExplorer::SetGcRootsReference(VisitorSynchronization::SyncTag tag) {
   2131   filler_->SetIndexedAutoIndexReference(
   2132       HeapGraphEdge::kElement,
   2133       snapshot_->gc_roots()->index(),
   2134       snapshot_->gc_subroot(tag));
   2135 }
   2138 void V8HeapExplorer::SetGcSubrootReference(
   2139     VisitorSynchronization::SyncTag tag, bool is_weak, Object* child_obj) {
   2140   HeapEntry* child_entry = GetEntry(child_obj);
   2141   if (child_entry != NULL) {
   2142     const char* name = GetStrongGcSubrootName(child_obj);
   2143     if (name != NULL) {
   2144       filler_->SetNamedReference(
   2145           HeapGraphEdge::kInternal,
   2146           snapshot_->gc_subroot(tag)->index(),
   2147           name,
   2148           child_entry);
   2149     } else {
   2150       if (is_weak) {
   2151         filler_->SetNamedAutoIndexReference(
   2152             HeapGraphEdge::kWeak,
   2153             snapshot_->gc_subroot(tag)->index(),
   2154             child_entry);
   2155       } else {
   2156         filler_->SetIndexedAutoIndexReference(
   2157             HeapGraphEdge::kElement,
   2158             snapshot_->gc_subroot(tag)->index(),
   2159             child_entry);
   2160       }
   2161     }
   2163     // Add a shortcut to JS global object reference at snapshot root.
   2164     if (child_obj->IsNativeContext()) {
   2165       Context* context = Context::cast(child_obj);
   2166       GlobalObject* global = context->global_object();
   2167       if (global->IsJSGlobalObject()) {
   2168         bool is_debug_object = false;
   2169         is_debug_object = heap_->isolate()->debug()->IsDebugGlobal(global);
   2170         if (!is_debug_object && !user_roots_.Contains(global)) {
   2171           user_roots_.Insert(global);
   2172           SetUserGlobalReference(global);
   2173         }
   2174       }
   2175     }
   2176   }
   2177 }
   2180 const char* V8HeapExplorer::GetStrongGcSubrootName(Object* object) {
   2181   if (strong_gc_subroot_names_.is_empty()) {
   2182 #define NAME_ENTRY(name) strong_gc_subroot_names_.SetTag(heap_->name(), #name);
   2183 #define ROOT_NAME(type, name, camel_name) NAME_ENTRY(name)
   2185 #undef ROOT_NAME
   2186 #define STRUCT_MAP_NAME(NAME, Name, name) NAME_ENTRY(name##_map)
   2188 #undef STRUCT_MAP_NAME
   2189 #define STRING_NAME(name, str) NAME_ENTRY(name)
   2191 #undef STRING_NAME
   2192 #undef NAME_ENTRY
   2193     CHECK(!strong_gc_subroot_names_.is_empty());
   2194   }
   2195   return strong_gc_subroot_names_.GetTag(object);
   2196 }
   2199 void V8HeapExplorer::TagObject(Object* obj, const char* tag) {
   2200   if (IsEssentialObject(obj)) {
   2201     HeapEntry* entry = GetEntry(obj);
   2202     if (entry->name()[0] == '\0') {
   2203       entry->set_name(tag);
   2204     }
   2205   }
   2206 }
   2209 void V8HeapExplorer::MarkAsWeakContainer(Object* object) {
   2210   if (IsEssentialObject(object) && object->IsFixedArray()) {
   2211     weak_containers_.Insert(object);
   2212   }
   2213 }
   2216 class GlobalObjectsEnumerator : public ObjectVisitor {
   2217  public:
   2218   virtual void VisitPointers(Object** start, Object** end) {
   2219     for (Object** p = start; p < end; p++) {
   2220       if ((*p)->IsNativeContext()) {
   2221         Context* context = Context::cast(*p);
   2222         JSObject* proxy = context->global_proxy();
   2223         if (proxy->IsJSGlobalProxy()) {
   2224           Object* global = proxy->map()->prototype();
   2225           if (global->IsJSGlobalObject()) {
   2226             objects_.Add(Handle<JSGlobalObject>(JSGlobalObject::cast(global)));
   2227           }
   2228         }
   2229       }
   2230     }
   2231   }
   2232   int count() { return objects_.length(); }
   2233   Handle<JSGlobalObject>& at(int i) { return objects_[i]; }
   2235  private:
   2236   List<Handle<JSGlobalObject> > objects_;
   2237 };
   2240 // Modifies heap. Must not be run during heap traversal.
   2241 void V8HeapExplorer::TagGlobalObjects() {
   2242   Isolate* isolate = heap_->isolate();
   2243   HandleScope scope(isolate);
   2244   GlobalObjectsEnumerator enumerator;
   2245   isolate->global_handles()->IterateAllRoots(&enumerator);
   2246   const char** urls = NewArray<const char*>(enumerator.count());
   2247   for (int i = 0, l = enumerator.count(); i < l; ++i) {
   2248     if (global_object_name_resolver_) {
   2249       HandleScope scope(isolate);
   2250       Handle<JSGlobalObject> global_obj = enumerator.at(i);
   2251       urls[i] = global_object_name_resolver_->GetName(
   2252           Utils::ToLocal(Handle<JSObject>::cast(global_obj)));
   2253     } else {
   2254       urls[i] = NULL;
   2255     }
   2256   }
   2258   DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
   2259   for (int i = 0, l = enumerator.count(); i < l; ++i) {
   2260     objects_tags_.SetTag(*enumerator.at(i), urls[i]);
   2261   }
   2263   DeleteArray(urls);
   2264 }
   2267 class GlobalHandlesExtractor : public ObjectVisitor {
   2268  public:
   2269   explicit GlobalHandlesExtractor(NativeObjectsExplorer* explorer)
   2270       : explorer_(explorer) {}
   2271   virtual ~GlobalHandlesExtractor() {}
   2272   virtual void VisitPointers(Object** start, Object** end) {
   2273     UNREACHABLE();
   2274   }
   2275   virtual void VisitEmbedderReference(Object** p, uint16_t class_id) {
   2276     explorer_->VisitSubtreeWrapper(p, class_id);
   2277   }
   2278  private:
   2279   NativeObjectsExplorer* explorer_;
   2280 };
   2283 class BasicHeapEntriesAllocator : public HeapEntriesAllocator {
   2284  public:
   2285   BasicHeapEntriesAllocator(
   2286       HeapSnapshot* snapshot,
   2287       HeapEntry::Type entries_type)
   2288     : snapshot_(snapshot),
   2289       names_(snapshot_->profiler()->names()),
   2290       heap_object_map_(snapshot_->profiler()->heap_object_map()),
   2291       entries_type_(entries_type) {
   2292   }
   2293   virtual HeapEntry* AllocateEntry(HeapThing ptr);
   2294  private:
   2295   HeapSnapshot* snapshot_;
   2296   StringsStorage* names_;
   2297   HeapObjectsMap* heap_object_map_;
   2298   HeapEntry::Type entries_type_;
   2299 };
   2302 HeapEntry* BasicHeapEntriesAllocator::AllocateEntry(HeapThing ptr) {
   2303   v8::RetainedObjectInfo* info = reinterpret_cast<v8::RetainedObjectInfo*>(ptr);
   2304   intptr_t elements = info->GetElementCount();
   2305   intptr_t size = info->GetSizeInBytes();
   2306   const char* name = elements != -1
   2307       ? names_->GetFormatted(
   2308             "%s / %" V8_PTR_PREFIX "d entries", info->GetLabel(), elements)
   2309       : names_->GetCopy(info->GetLabel());
   2310   return snapshot_->AddEntry(
   2311       entries_type_,
   2312       name,
   2313       heap_object_map_->GenerateId(info),
   2314       size != -1 ? static_cast<int>(size) : 0,
   2315       0);
   2316 }
   2319 NativeObjectsExplorer::NativeObjectsExplorer(
   2320     HeapSnapshot* snapshot,
   2321     SnapshottingProgressReportingInterface* progress)
   2322     : isolate_(snapshot->profiler()->heap_object_map()->heap()->isolate()),
   2323       snapshot_(snapshot),
   2324       names_(snapshot_->profiler()->names()),
   2325       progress_(progress),
   2326       embedder_queried_(false),
   2327       objects_by_info_(RetainedInfosMatch),
   2328       native_groups_(StringsMatch),
   2329       filler_(NULL) {
   2330   synthetic_entries_allocator_ =
   2331       new BasicHeapEntriesAllocator(snapshot, HeapEntry::kSynthetic);
   2332   native_entries_allocator_ =
   2333       new BasicHeapEntriesAllocator(snapshot, HeapEntry::kNative);
   2334 }
   2337 NativeObjectsExplorer::~NativeObjectsExplorer() {
   2338   for (HashMap::Entry* p = objects_by_info_.Start();
   2339        p != NULL;
   2340        p = objects_by_info_.Next(p)) {
   2341     v8::RetainedObjectInfo* info =
   2342         reinterpret_cast<v8::RetainedObjectInfo*>(p->key);
   2343     info->Dispose();
   2344     List<HeapObject*>* objects =
   2345         reinterpret_cast<List<HeapObject*>* >(p->value);
   2346     delete objects;
   2347   }
   2348   for (HashMap::Entry* p = native_groups_.Start();
   2349        p != NULL;
   2350        p = native_groups_.Next(p)) {
   2351     v8::RetainedObjectInfo* info =
   2352         reinterpret_cast<v8::RetainedObjectInfo*>(p->value);
   2353     info->Dispose();
   2354   }
   2355   delete synthetic_entries_allocator_;
   2356   delete native_entries_allocator_;
   2357 }
   2360 int NativeObjectsExplorer::EstimateObjectsCount() {
   2361   FillRetainedObjects();
   2362   return objects_by_info_.occupancy();
   2363 }
   2366 void NativeObjectsExplorer::FillRetainedObjects() {
   2367   if (embedder_queried_) return;
   2368   Isolate* isolate = isolate_;
   2369   const GCType major_gc_type = kGCTypeMarkSweepCompact;
   2370   // Record objects that are joined into ObjectGroups.
   2371   isolate->heap()->CallGCPrologueCallbacks(
   2372       major_gc_type, kGCCallbackFlagConstructRetainedObjectInfos);
   2373   List<ObjectGroup*>* groups = isolate->global_handles()->object_groups();
   2374   for (int i = 0; i < groups->length(); ++i) {
   2375     ObjectGroup* group = groups->at(i);
   2376     if (group->info == NULL) continue;
   2377     List<HeapObject*>* list = GetListMaybeDisposeInfo(group->info);
   2378     for (size_t j = 0; j < group->length; ++j) {
   2379       HeapObject* obj = HeapObject::cast(*group->objects[j]);
   2380       list->Add(obj);
   2381       in_groups_.Insert(obj);
   2382     }
   2383     group->info = NULL;  // Acquire info object ownership.
   2384   }
   2385   isolate->global_handles()->RemoveObjectGroups();
   2386   isolate->heap()->CallGCEpilogueCallbacks(major_gc_type, kNoGCCallbackFlags);
   2387   // Record objects that are not in ObjectGroups, but have class ID.
   2388   GlobalHandlesExtractor extractor(this);
   2389   isolate->global_handles()->IterateAllRootsWithClassIds(&extractor);
   2390   embedder_queried_ = true;
   2391 }
   2394 void NativeObjectsExplorer::FillImplicitReferences() {
   2395   Isolate* isolate = isolate_;
   2396   List<ImplicitRefGroup*>* groups =
   2397       isolate->global_handles()->implicit_ref_groups();
   2398   for (int i = 0; i < groups->length(); ++i) {
   2399     ImplicitRefGroup* group = groups->at(i);
   2400     HeapObject* parent = *group->parent;
   2401     int parent_entry =
   2402         filler_->FindOrAddEntry(parent, native_entries_allocator_)->index();
   2403     ASSERT(parent_entry != HeapEntry::kNoEntry);
   2404     Object*** children = group->children;
   2405     for (size_t j = 0; j < group->length; ++j) {
   2406       Object* child = *children[j];
   2407       HeapEntry* child_entry =
   2408           filler_->FindOrAddEntry(child, native_entries_allocator_);
   2409       filler_->SetNamedReference(
   2410           HeapGraphEdge::kInternal,
   2411           parent_entry,
   2412           "native",
   2413           child_entry);
   2414     }
   2415   }
   2416   isolate->global_handles()->RemoveImplicitRefGroups();
   2417 }
   2419 List<HeapObject*>* NativeObjectsExplorer::GetListMaybeDisposeInfo(
   2420     v8::RetainedObjectInfo* info) {
   2421   HashMap::Entry* entry =
   2422       objects_by_info_.Lookup(info, InfoHash(info), true);
   2423   if (entry->value != NULL) {
   2424     info->Dispose();
   2425   } else {
   2426     entry->value = new List<HeapObject*>(4);
   2427   }
   2428   return reinterpret_cast<List<HeapObject*>* >(entry->value);
   2429 }
   2432 bool NativeObjectsExplorer::IterateAndExtractReferences(
   2433     SnapshotFiller* filler) {
   2434   filler_ = filler;
   2435   FillRetainedObjects();
   2436   FillImplicitReferences();
   2437   if (EstimateObjectsCount() > 0) {
   2438     for (HashMap::Entry* p = objects_by_info_.Start();
   2439          p != NULL;
   2440          p = objects_by_info_.Next(p)) {
   2441       v8::RetainedObjectInfo* info =
   2442           reinterpret_cast<v8::RetainedObjectInfo*>(p->key);
   2443       SetNativeRootReference(info);
   2444       List<HeapObject*>* objects =
   2445           reinterpret_cast<List<HeapObject*>* >(p->value);
   2446       for (int i = 0; i < objects->length(); ++i) {
   2447         SetWrapperNativeReferences(objects->at(i), info);
   2448       }
   2449     }
   2450     SetRootNativeRootsReference();
   2451   }
   2452   filler_ = NULL;
   2453   return true;
   2454 }
   2457 class NativeGroupRetainedObjectInfo : public v8::RetainedObjectInfo {
   2458  public:
   2459   explicit NativeGroupRetainedObjectInfo(const char* label)
   2460       : disposed_(false),
   2461         hash_(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(label)),
   2462         label_(label) {
   2463   }
   2465   virtual ~NativeGroupRetainedObjectInfo() {}
   2466   virtual void Dispose() {
   2467     CHECK(!disposed_);
   2468     disposed_ = true;
   2469     delete this;
   2470   }
   2471   virtual bool IsEquivalent(RetainedObjectInfo* other) {
   2472     return hash_ == other->GetHash() && !strcmp(label_, other->GetLabel());
   2473   }
   2474   virtual intptr_t GetHash() { return hash_; }
   2475   virtual const char* GetLabel() { return label_; }
   2477  private:
   2478   bool disposed_;
   2479   intptr_t hash_;
   2480   const char* label_;
   2481 };
   2484 NativeGroupRetainedObjectInfo* NativeObjectsExplorer::FindOrAddGroupInfo(
   2485     const char* label) {
   2486   const char* label_copy = names_->GetCopy(label);
   2487   uint32_t hash = StringHasher::HashSequentialString(
   2488       label_copy,
   2489       static_cast<int>(strlen(label_copy)),
   2490       isolate_->heap()->HashSeed());
   2491   HashMap::Entry* entry = native_groups_.Lookup(const_cast<char*>(label_copy),
   2492                                                 hash, true);
   2493   if (entry->value == NULL) {
   2494     entry->value = new NativeGroupRetainedObjectInfo(label);
   2495   }
   2496   return static_cast<NativeGroupRetainedObjectInfo*>(entry->value);
   2497 }
   2500 void NativeObjectsExplorer::SetNativeRootReference(
   2501     v8::RetainedObjectInfo* info) {
   2502   HeapEntry* child_entry =
   2503       filler_->FindOrAddEntry(info, native_entries_allocator_);
   2504   ASSERT(child_entry != NULL);
   2505   NativeGroupRetainedObjectInfo* group_info =
   2506       FindOrAddGroupInfo(info->GetGroupLabel());
   2507   HeapEntry* group_entry =
   2508       filler_->FindOrAddEntry(group_info, synthetic_entries_allocator_);
   2509   filler_->SetNamedAutoIndexReference(
   2510       HeapGraphEdge::kInternal,
   2511       group_entry->index(),
   2512       child_entry);
   2513 }
   2516 void NativeObjectsExplorer::SetWrapperNativeReferences(
   2517     HeapObject* wrapper, v8::RetainedObjectInfo* info) {
   2518   HeapEntry* wrapper_entry = filler_->FindEntry(wrapper);
   2519   ASSERT(wrapper_entry != NULL);
   2520   HeapEntry* info_entry =
   2521       filler_->FindOrAddEntry(info, native_entries_allocator_);
   2522   ASSERT(info_entry != NULL);
   2523   filler_->SetNamedReference(HeapGraphEdge::kInternal,
   2524                              wrapper_entry->index(),
   2525                              "native",
   2526                              info_entry);
   2527   filler_->SetIndexedAutoIndexReference(HeapGraphEdge::kElement,
   2528                                         info_entry->index(),
   2529                                         wrapper_entry);
   2530 }
   2533 void NativeObjectsExplorer::SetRootNativeRootsReference() {
   2534   for (HashMap::Entry* entry = native_groups_.Start();
   2535        entry;
   2536        entry = native_groups_.Next(entry)) {
   2537     NativeGroupRetainedObjectInfo* group_info =
   2538         static_cast<NativeGroupRetainedObjectInfo*>(entry->value);
   2539     HeapEntry* group_entry =
   2540         filler_->FindOrAddEntry(group_info, native_entries_allocator_);
   2541     ASSERT(group_entry != NULL);
   2542     filler_->SetIndexedAutoIndexReference(
   2543         HeapGraphEdge::kElement,
   2544         snapshot_->root()->index(),
   2545         group_entry);
   2546   }
   2547 }
   2550 void NativeObjectsExplorer::VisitSubtreeWrapper(Object** p, uint16_t class_id) {
   2551   if (in_groups_.Contains(*p)) return;
   2552   Isolate* isolate = isolate_;
   2553   v8::RetainedObjectInfo* info =
   2554       isolate->heap_profiler()->ExecuteWrapperClassCallback(class_id, p);
   2555   if (info == NULL) return;
   2556   GetListMaybeDisposeInfo(info)->Add(HeapObject::cast(*p));
   2557 }
   2560 HeapSnapshotGenerator::HeapSnapshotGenerator(
   2561     HeapSnapshot* snapshot,
   2562     v8::ActivityControl* control,
   2563     v8::HeapProfiler::ObjectNameResolver* resolver,
   2564     Heap* heap)
   2565     : snapshot_(snapshot),
   2566       control_(control),
   2567       v8_heap_explorer_(snapshot_, this, resolver),
   2568       dom_explorer_(snapshot_, this),
   2569       heap_(heap) {
   2570 }
   2573 bool HeapSnapshotGenerator::GenerateSnapshot() {
   2574   v8_heap_explorer_.TagGlobalObjects();
   2576   // TODO(1562) Profiler assumes that any object that is in the heap after
   2577   // full GC is reachable from the root when computing dominators.
   2578   // This is not true for weakly reachable objects.
   2579   // As a temporary solution we call GC twice.
   2580   heap_->CollectAllGarbage(
   2581       Heap::kMakeHeapIterableMask,
   2582       "HeapSnapshotGenerator::GenerateSnapshot");
   2583   heap_->CollectAllGarbage(
   2584       Heap::kMakeHeapIterableMask,
   2585       "HeapSnapshotGenerator::GenerateSnapshot");
   2587 #ifdef VERIFY_HEAP
   2588   Heap* debug_heap = heap_;
   2589   CHECK(!debug_heap->old_data_space()->was_swept_conservatively());
   2590   CHECK(!debug_heap->old_pointer_space()->was_swept_conservatively());
   2591   CHECK(!debug_heap->code_space()->was_swept_conservatively());
   2592   CHECK(!debug_heap->cell_space()->was_swept_conservatively());
   2593   CHECK(!debug_heap->property_cell_space()->
   2594         was_swept_conservatively());
   2595   CHECK(!debug_heap->map_space()->was_swept_conservatively());
   2596 #endif
   2598 #ifdef VERIFY_HEAP
   2599   debug_heap->Verify();
   2600 #endif
   2602   SetProgressTotal(2);  // 2 passes.
   2604 #ifdef VERIFY_HEAP
   2605   debug_heap->Verify();
   2606 #endif
   2608   if (!FillReferences()) return false;
   2610   snapshot_->FillChildren();
   2611   snapshot_->RememberLastJSObjectId();
   2613   progress_counter_ = progress_total_;
   2614   if (!ProgressReport(true)) return false;
   2615   return true;
   2616 }
   2619 void HeapSnapshotGenerator::ProgressStep() {
   2620   ++progress_counter_;
   2621 }
   2624 bool HeapSnapshotGenerator::ProgressReport(bool force) {
   2625   const int kProgressReportGranularity = 10000;
   2626   if (control_ != NULL
   2627       && (force || progress_counter_ % kProgressReportGranularity == 0)) {
   2628       return
   2629           control_->ReportProgressValue(progress_counter_, progress_total_) ==
   2630           v8::ActivityControl::kContinue;
   2631   }
   2632   return true;
   2633 }
   2636 void HeapSnapshotGenerator::SetProgressTotal(int iterations_count) {
   2637   if (control_ == NULL) return;
   2638   HeapIterator iterator(heap_, HeapIterator::kFilterUnreachable);
   2639   progress_total_ = iterations_count * (
   2640       v8_heap_explorer_.EstimateObjectsCount(&iterator) +
   2641       dom_explorer_.EstimateObjectsCount());
   2642   progress_counter_ = 0;
   2643 }
   2646 bool HeapSnapshotGenerator::FillReferences() {
   2647   SnapshotFiller filler(snapshot_, &entries_);
   2648   v8_heap_explorer_.AddRootEntries(&filler);
   2649   return v8_heap_explorer_.IterateAndExtractReferences(&filler)
   2650       && dom_explorer_.IterateAndExtractReferences(&filler);
   2651 }
   2654 template<int bytes> struct MaxDecimalDigitsIn;
   2655 template<> struct MaxDecimalDigitsIn<4> {
   2656   static const int kSigned = 11;
   2657   static const int kUnsigned = 10;
   2658 };
   2659 template<> struct MaxDecimalDigitsIn<8> {
   2660   static const int kSigned = 20;
   2661   static const int kUnsigned = 20;
   2662 };
   2665 class OutputStreamWriter {
   2666  public:
   2667   explicit OutputStreamWriter(v8::OutputStream* stream)
   2668       : stream_(stream),
   2669         chunk_size_(stream->GetChunkSize()),
   2670         chunk_(chunk_size_),
   2671         chunk_pos_(0),
   2672         aborted_(false) {
   2673     ASSERT(chunk_size_ > 0);
   2674   }
   2675   bool aborted() { return aborted_; }
   2676   void AddCharacter(char c) {
   2677     ASSERT(c != '\0');
   2678     ASSERT(chunk_pos_ < chunk_size_);
   2679     chunk_[chunk_pos_++] = c;
   2680     MaybeWriteChunk();
   2681   }
   2682   void AddString(const char* s) {
   2683     AddSubstring(s, StrLength(s));
   2684   }
   2685   void AddSubstring(const char* s, int n) {
   2686     if (n <= 0) return;
   2687     ASSERT(static_cast<size_t>(n) <= strlen(s));
   2688     const char* s_end = s + n;
   2689     while (s < s_end) {
   2690       int s_chunk_size =
   2691           Min(chunk_size_ - chunk_pos_, static_cast<int>(s_end - s));
   2692       ASSERT(s_chunk_size > 0);
   2693       MemCopy(chunk_.start() + chunk_pos_, s, s_chunk_size);
   2694       s += s_chunk_size;
   2695       chunk_pos_ += s_chunk_size;
   2696       MaybeWriteChunk();
   2697     }
   2698   }
   2699   void AddNumber(unsigned n) { AddNumberImpl<unsigned>(n, "%u"); }
   2700   void Finalize() {
   2701     if (aborted_) return;
   2702     ASSERT(chunk_pos_ < chunk_size_);
   2703     if (chunk_pos_ != 0) {
   2704       WriteChunk();
   2705     }
   2706     stream_->EndOfStream();
   2707   }
   2709  private:
   2710   template<typename T>
   2711   void AddNumberImpl(T n, const char* format) {
   2712     // Buffer for the longest value plus trailing \0
   2713     static const int kMaxNumberSize =
   2714         MaxDecimalDigitsIn<sizeof(T)>::kUnsigned + 1;
   2715     if (chunk_size_ - chunk_pos_ >= kMaxNumberSize) {
   2716       int result = SNPrintF(
   2717           chunk_.SubVector(chunk_pos_, chunk_size_), format, n);
   2718       ASSERT(result != -1);
   2719       chunk_pos_ += result;
   2720       MaybeWriteChunk();
   2721     } else {
   2722       EmbeddedVector<char, kMaxNumberSize> buffer;
   2723       int result = SNPrintF(buffer, format, n);
   2724       USE(result);
   2725       ASSERT(result != -1);
   2726       AddString(buffer.start());
   2727     }
   2728   }
   2729   void MaybeWriteChunk() {
   2730     ASSERT(chunk_pos_ <= chunk_size_);
   2731     if (chunk_pos_ == chunk_size_) {
   2732       WriteChunk();
   2733     }
   2734   }
   2735   void WriteChunk() {
   2736     if (aborted_) return;
   2737     if (stream_->WriteAsciiChunk(chunk_.start(), chunk_pos_) ==
   2738         v8::OutputStream::kAbort) aborted_ = true;
   2739     chunk_pos_ = 0;
   2740   }
   2742   v8::OutputStream* stream_;
   2743   int chunk_size_;
   2744   ScopedVector<char> chunk_;
   2745   int chunk_pos_;
   2746   bool aborted_;
   2747 };
   2750 // type, name|index, to_node.
   2751 const int HeapSnapshotJSONSerializer::kEdgeFieldsCount = 3;
   2752 // type, name, id, self_size, edge_count, trace_node_id.
   2753 const int HeapSnapshotJSONSerializer::kNodeFieldsCount = 6;
   2755 void HeapSnapshotJSONSerializer::Serialize(v8::OutputStream* stream) {
   2756   if (AllocationTracker* allocation_tracker =
   2757       snapshot_->profiler()->allocation_tracker()) {
   2758     allocation_tracker->PrepareForSerialization();
   2759   }
   2760   ASSERT(writer_ == NULL);
   2761   writer_ = new OutputStreamWriter(stream);
   2762   SerializeImpl();
   2763   delete writer_;
   2764   writer_ = NULL;
   2765 }
   2768 void HeapSnapshotJSONSerializer::SerializeImpl() {
   2769   ASSERT(0 == snapshot_->root()->index());
   2770   writer_->AddCharacter('{');
   2771   writer_->AddString("\"snapshot\":{");
   2772   SerializeSnapshot();
   2773   if (writer_->aborted()) return;
   2774   writer_->AddString("},\n");
   2775   writer_->AddString("\"nodes\":[");
   2776   SerializeNodes();
   2777   if (writer_->aborted()) return;
   2778   writer_->AddString("],\n");
   2779   writer_->AddString("\"edges\":[");
   2780   SerializeEdges();
   2781   if (writer_->aborted()) return;
   2782   writer_->AddString("],\n");
   2784   writer_->AddString("\"trace_function_infos\":[");
   2785   SerializeTraceNodeInfos();
   2786   if (writer_->aborted()) return;
   2787   writer_->AddString("],\n");
   2788   writer_->AddString("\"trace_tree\":[");
   2789   SerializeTraceTree();
   2790   if (writer_->aborted()) return;
   2791   writer_->AddString("],\n");
   2793   writer_->AddString("\"strings\":[");
   2794   SerializeStrings();
   2795   if (writer_->aborted()) return;
   2796   writer_->AddCharacter(']');
   2797   writer_->AddCharacter('}');
   2798   writer_->Finalize();
   2799 }
   2802 int HeapSnapshotJSONSerializer::GetStringId(const char* s) {
   2803   HashMap::Entry* cache_entry = strings_.Lookup(
   2804       const_cast<char*>(s), StringHash(s), true);
   2805   if (cache_entry->value == NULL) {
   2806     cache_entry->value = reinterpret_cast<void*>(next_string_id_++);
   2807   }
   2808   return static_cast<int>(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(cache_entry->value));
   2809 }
   2812 namespace {
   2814 template<size_t size> struct ToUnsigned;
   2816 template<> struct ToUnsigned<4> {
   2817   typedef uint32_t Type;
   2818 };
   2820 template<> struct ToUnsigned<8> {
   2821   typedef uint64_t Type;
   2822 };
   2824 }  // namespace
   2827 template<typename T>
   2828 static int utoa_impl(T value, const Vector<char>& buffer, int buffer_pos) {
   2829   STATIC_ASSERT(static_cast<T>(-1) > 0);  // Check that T is unsigned
   2830   int number_of_digits = 0;
   2831   T t = value;
   2832   do {
   2833     ++number_of_digits;
   2834   } while (t /= 10);
   2836   buffer_pos += number_of_digits;
   2837   int result = buffer_pos;
   2838   do {
   2839     int last_digit = static_cast<int>(value % 10);
   2840     buffer[--buffer_pos] = '0' + last_digit;
   2841     value /= 10;
   2842   } while (value);
   2843   return result;
   2844 }
   2847 template<typename T>
   2848 static int utoa(T value, const Vector<char>& buffer, int buffer_pos) {
   2849   typename ToUnsigned<sizeof(value)>::Type unsigned_value = value;
   2850   STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(value) == sizeof(unsigned_value));
   2851   return utoa_impl(unsigned_value, buffer, buffer_pos);
   2852 }
   2855 void HeapSnapshotJSONSerializer::SerializeEdge(HeapGraphEdge* edge,
   2856                                                bool first_edge) {
   2857   // The buffer needs space for 3 unsigned ints, 3 commas, \n and \0
   2858   static const int kBufferSize =
   2859       MaxDecimalDigitsIn<sizeof(unsigned)>::kUnsigned * 3 + 3 + 2;  // NOLINT
   2860   EmbeddedVector<char, kBufferSize> buffer;
   2861   int edge_name_or_index = edge->type() == HeapGraphEdge::kElement
   2862       || edge->type() == HeapGraphEdge::kHidden
   2863       ? edge->index() : GetStringId(edge->name());
   2864   int buffer_pos = 0;
   2865   if (!first_edge) {
   2866     buffer[buffer_pos++] = ',';
   2867   }
   2868   buffer_pos = utoa(edge->type(), buffer, buffer_pos);
   2869   buffer[buffer_pos++] = ',';
   2870   buffer_pos = utoa(edge_name_or_index, buffer, buffer_pos);
   2871   buffer[buffer_pos++] = ',';
   2872   buffer_pos = utoa(entry_index(edge->to()), buffer, buffer_pos);
   2873   buffer[buffer_pos++] = '\n';
   2874   buffer[buffer_pos++] = '\0';
   2875   writer_->AddString(buffer.start());
   2876 }
   2879 void HeapSnapshotJSONSerializer::SerializeEdges() {
   2880   List<HeapGraphEdge*>& edges = snapshot_->children();
   2881   for (int i = 0; i < edges.length(); ++i) {
   2882     ASSERT(i == 0 ||
   2883            edges[i - 1]->from()->index() <= edges[i]->from()->index());
   2884     SerializeEdge(edges[i], i == 0);
   2885     if (writer_->aborted()) return;
   2886   }
   2887 }
   2890 void HeapSnapshotJSONSerializer::SerializeNode(HeapEntry* entry) {
   2891   // The buffer needs space for 4 unsigned ints, 1 size_t, 5 commas, \n and \0
   2892   static const int kBufferSize =
   2893       5 * MaxDecimalDigitsIn<sizeof(unsigned)>::kUnsigned  // NOLINT
   2894       + MaxDecimalDigitsIn<sizeof(size_t)>::kUnsigned  // NOLINT
   2895       + 6 + 1 + 1;
   2896   EmbeddedVector<char, kBufferSize> buffer;
   2897   int buffer_pos = 0;
   2898   if (entry_index(entry) != 0) {
   2899     buffer[buffer_pos++] = ',';
   2900   }
   2901   buffer_pos = utoa(entry->type(), buffer, buffer_pos);
   2902   buffer[buffer_pos++] = ',';
   2903   buffer_pos = utoa(GetStringId(entry->name()), buffer, buffer_pos);
   2904   buffer[buffer_pos++] = ',';
   2905   buffer_pos = utoa(entry->id(), buffer, buffer_pos);
   2906   buffer[buffer_pos++] = ',';
   2907   buffer_pos = utoa(entry->self_size(), buffer, buffer_pos);
   2908   buffer[buffer_pos++] = ',';
   2909   buffer_pos = utoa(entry->children_count(), buffer, buffer_pos);
   2910   buffer[buffer_pos++] = ',';
   2911   buffer_pos = utoa(entry->trace_node_id(), buffer, buffer_pos);
   2912   buffer[buffer_pos++] = '\n';
   2913   buffer[buffer_pos++] = '\0';
   2914   writer_->AddString(buffer.start());
   2915 }
   2918 void HeapSnapshotJSONSerializer::SerializeNodes() {
   2919   List<HeapEntry>& entries = snapshot_->entries();
   2920   for (int i = 0; i < entries.length(); ++i) {
   2921     SerializeNode(&entries[i]);
   2922     if (writer_->aborted()) return;
   2923   }
   2924 }
   2927 void HeapSnapshotJSONSerializer::SerializeSnapshot() {
   2928   writer_->AddString("\"title\":\"");
   2929   writer_->AddString(snapshot_->title());
   2930   writer_->AddString("\"");
   2931   writer_->AddString(",\"uid\":");
   2932   writer_->AddNumber(snapshot_->uid());
   2933   writer_->AddString(",\"meta\":");
   2934   // The object describing node serialization layout.
   2935   // We use a set of macros to improve readability.
   2936 #define JSON_A(s) "[" s "]"
   2937 #define JSON_O(s) "{" s "}"
   2938 #define JSON_S(s) "\"" s "\""
   2939   writer_->AddString(JSON_O(
   2940     JSON_S("node_fields") ":" JSON_A(
   2941         JSON_S("type") ","
   2942         JSON_S("name") ","
   2943         JSON_S("id") ","
   2944         JSON_S("self_size") ","
   2945         JSON_S("edge_count") ","
   2946         JSON_S("trace_node_id")) ","
   2947     JSON_S("node_types") ":" JSON_A(
   2948         JSON_A(
   2949             JSON_S("hidden") ","
   2950             JSON_S("array") ","
   2951             JSON_S("string") ","
   2952             JSON_S("object") ","
   2953             JSON_S("code") ","
   2954             JSON_S("closure") ","
   2955             JSON_S("regexp") ","
   2956             JSON_S("number") ","
   2957             JSON_S("native") ","
   2958             JSON_S("synthetic") ","
   2959             JSON_S("concatenated string") ","
   2960             JSON_S("sliced string")) ","
   2961         JSON_S("string") ","
   2962         JSON_S("number") ","
   2963         JSON_S("number") ","
   2964         JSON_S("number") ","
   2965         JSON_S("number") ","
   2966         JSON_S("number")) ","
   2967     JSON_S("edge_fields") ":" JSON_A(
   2968         JSON_S("type") ","
   2969         JSON_S("name_or_index") ","
   2970         JSON_S("to_node")) ","
   2971     JSON_S("edge_types") ":" JSON_A(
   2972         JSON_A(
   2973             JSON_S("context") ","
   2974             JSON_S("element") ","
   2975             JSON_S("property") ","
   2976             JSON_S("internal") ","
   2977             JSON_S("hidden") ","
   2978             JSON_S("shortcut") ","
   2979             JSON_S("weak")) ","
   2980         JSON_S("string_or_number") ","
   2981         JSON_S("node")) ","
   2982     JSON_S("trace_function_info_fields") ":" JSON_A(
   2983         JSON_S("function_id") ","
   2984         JSON_S("name") ","
   2985         JSON_S("script_name") ","
   2986         JSON_S("script_id") ","
   2987         JSON_S("line") ","
   2988         JSON_S("column")) ","
   2989     JSON_S("trace_node_fields") ":" JSON_A(
   2990         JSON_S("id") ","
   2991         JSON_S("function_info_index") ","
   2992         JSON_S("count") ","
   2993         JSON_S("size") ","
   2994         JSON_S("children"))));
   2995 #undef JSON_S
   2996 #undef JSON_O
   2997 #undef JSON_A
   2998   writer_->AddString(",\"node_count\":");
   2999   writer_->AddNumber(snapshot_->entries().length());
   3000   writer_->AddString(",\"edge_count\":");
   3001   writer_->AddNumber(snapshot_->edges().length());
   3002   writer_->AddString(",\"trace_function_count\":");
   3003   uint32_t count = 0;
   3004   AllocationTracker* tracker = snapshot_->profiler()->allocation_tracker();
   3005   if (tracker) {
   3006     count = tracker->function_info_list().length();
   3007   }
   3008   writer_->AddNumber(count);
   3009 }
   3012 static void WriteUChar(OutputStreamWriter* w, unibrow::uchar u) {
   3013   static const char hex_chars[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
   3014   w->AddString("\\u");
   3015   w->AddCharacter(hex_chars[(u >> 12) & 0xf]);
   3016   w->AddCharacter(hex_chars[(u >> 8) & 0xf]);
   3017   w->AddCharacter(hex_chars[(u >> 4) & 0xf]);
   3018   w->AddCharacter(hex_chars[u & 0xf]);
   3019 }
   3022 void HeapSnapshotJSONSerializer::SerializeTraceTree() {
   3023   AllocationTracker* tracker = snapshot_->profiler()->allocation_tracker();
   3024   if (!tracker) return;
   3025   AllocationTraceTree* traces = tracker->trace_tree();
   3026   SerializeTraceNode(traces->root());
   3027 }
   3030 void HeapSnapshotJSONSerializer::SerializeTraceNode(AllocationTraceNode* node) {
   3031   // The buffer needs space for 4 unsigned ints, 4 commas, [ and \0
   3032   const int kBufferSize =
   3033       4 * MaxDecimalDigitsIn<sizeof(unsigned)>::kUnsigned  // NOLINT
   3034       + 4 + 1 + 1;
   3035   EmbeddedVector<char, kBufferSize> buffer;
   3036   int buffer_pos = 0;
   3037   buffer_pos = utoa(node->id(), buffer, buffer_pos);
   3038   buffer[buffer_pos++] = ',';
   3039   buffer_pos = utoa(node->function_info_index(), buffer, buffer_pos);
   3040   buffer[buffer_pos++] = ',';
   3041   buffer_pos = utoa(node->allocation_count(), buffer, buffer_pos);
   3042   buffer[buffer_pos++] = ',';
   3043   buffer_pos = utoa(node->allocation_size(), buffer, buffer_pos);
   3044   buffer[buffer_pos++] = ',';
   3045   buffer[buffer_pos++] = '[';
   3046   buffer[buffer_pos++] = '\0';
   3047   writer_->AddString(buffer.start());
   3049   Vector<AllocationTraceNode*> children = node->children();
   3050   for (int i = 0; i < children.length(); i++) {
   3051     if (i > 0) {
   3052       writer_->AddCharacter(',');
   3053     }
   3054     SerializeTraceNode(children[i]);
   3055   }
   3056   writer_->AddCharacter(']');
   3057 }
   3060 // 0-based position is converted to 1-based during the serialization.
   3061 static int SerializePosition(int position, const Vector<char>& buffer,
   3062                              int buffer_pos) {
   3063   if (position == -1) {
   3064     buffer[buffer_pos++] = '0';
   3065   } else {
   3066     ASSERT(position >= 0);
   3067     buffer_pos = utoa(static_cast<unsigned>(position + 1), buffer, buffer_pos);
   3068   }
   3069   return buffer_pos;
   3070 }
   3073 void HeapSnapshotJSONSerializer::SerializeTraceNodeInfos() {
   3074   AllocationTracker* tracker = snapshot_->profiler()->allocation_tracker();
   3075   if (!tracker) return;
   3076   // The buffer needs space for 6 unsigned ints, 6 commas, \n and \0
   3077   const int kBufferSize =
   3078       6 * MaxDecimalDigitsIn<sizeof(unsigned)>::kUnsigned  // NOLINT
   3079       + 6 + 1 + 1;
   3080   EmbeddedVector<char, kBufferSize> buffer;
   3081   const List<AllocationTracker::FunctionInfo*>& list =
   3082       tracker->function_info_list();
   3083   bool first_entry = true;
   3084   for (int i = 0; i < list.length(); i++) {
   3085     AllocationTracker::FunctionInfo* info = list[i];
   3086     int buffer_pos = 0;
   3087     if (first_entry) {
   3088       first_entry = false;
   3089     } else {
   3090       buffer[buffer_pos++] = ',';
   3091     }
   3092     buffer_pos = utoa(info->function_id, buffer, buffer_pos);
   3093     buffer[buffer_pos++] = ',';
   3094     buffer_pos = utoa(GetStringId(info->name), buffer, buffer_pos);
   3095     buffer[buffer_pos++] = ',';
   3096     buffer_pos = utoa(GetStringId(info->script_name), buffer, buffer_pos);
   3097     buffer[buffer_pos++] = ',';
   3098     // The cast is safe because script id is a non-negative Smi.
   3099     buffer_pos = utoa(static_cast<unsigned>(info->script_id), buffer,
   3100         buffer_pos);
   3101     buffer[buffer_pos++] = ',';
   3102     buffer_pos = SerializePosition(info->line, buffer, buffer_pos);
   3103     buffer[buffer_pos++] = ',';
   3104     buffer_pos = SerializePosition(info->column, buffer, buffer_pos);
   3105     buffer[buffer_pos++] = '\n';
   3106     buffer[buffer_pos++] = '\0';
   3107     writer_->AddString(buffer.start());
   3108   }
   3109 }
   3112 void HeapSnapshotJSONSerializer::SerializeString(const unsigned char* s) {
   3113   writer_->AddCharacter('\n');
   3114   writer_->AddCharacter('\"');
   3115   for ( ; *s != '\0'; ++s) {
   3116     switch (*s) {
   3117       case '\b':
   3118         writer_->AddString("\\b");
   3119         continue;
   3120       case '\f':
   3121         writer_->AddString("\\f");
   3122         continue;
   3123       case '\n':
   3124         writer_->AddString("\\n");
   3125         continue;
   3126       case '\r':
   3127         writer_->AddString("\\r");
   3128         continue;
   3129       case '\t':
   3130         writer_->AddString("\\t");
   3131         continue;
   3132       case '\"':
   3133       case '\\':
   3134         writer_->AddCharacter('\\');
   3135         writer_->AddCharacter(*s);
   3136         continue;
   3137       default:
   3138         if (*s > 31 && *s < 128) {
   3139           writer_->AddCharacter(*s);
   3140         } else if (*s <= 31) {
   3141           // Special character with no dedicated literal.
   3142           WriteUChar(writer_, *s);
   3143         } else {
   3144           // Convert UTF-8 into \u UTF-16 literal.
   3145           unsigned length = 1, cursor = 0;
   3146           for ( ; length <= 4 && *(s + length) != '\0'; ++length) { }
   3147           unibrow::uchar c = unibrow::Utf8::CalculateValue(s, length, &cursor);
   3148           if (c != unibrow::Utf8::kBadChar) {
   3149             WriteUChar(writer_, c);
   3150             ASSERT(cursor != 0);
   3151             s += cursor - 1;
   3152           } else {
   3153             writer_->AddCharacter('?');
   3154           }
   3155         }
   3156     }
   3157   }
   3158   writer_->AddCharacter('\"');
   3159 }
   3162 void HeapSnapshotJSONSerializer::SerializeStrings() {
   3163   ScopedVector<const unsigned char*> sorted_strings(
   3164       strings_.occupancy() + 1);
   3165   for (HashMap::Entry* entry = strings_.Start();
   3166        entry != NULL;
   3167        entry = strings_.Next(entry)) {
   3168     int index = static_cast<int>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(entry->value));
   3169     sorted_strings[index] = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(entry->key);
   3170   }
   3171   writer_->AddString("\"<dummy>\"");
   3172   for (int i = 1; i < sorted_strings.length(); ++i) {
   3173     writer_->AddCharacter(',');
   3174     SerializeString(sorted_strings[i]);
   3175     if (writer_->aborted()) return;
   3176   }
   3177 }
   3180 } }  // namespace v8::internal