1 /** 2 * This file has no copyright assigned and is placed in the Public Domain. 3 * This file is part of the mingw-w64 runtime package. 4 * No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER.PD within this package. 5 */ 6 #ifndef __usp10__ 7 #define __usp10__ 8 9 #include <windows.h> 10 #ifdef __cplusplus 11 extern "C" { 12 #endif 13 14 #define USPBUILD 0400 15 #define SCRIPT_UNDEFINED 0 16 17 #define USP_E_SCRIPT_NOT_IN_FONT MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR,FACILITY_ITF,0x200) 18 19 typedef void *SCRIPT_CACHE; 20 21 typedef ULONG OPENTYPE_TAG; 22 23 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptFreeCache(SCRIPT_CACHE *psc); 24 25 typedef struct tag_SCRIPT_CONTROL { 26 DWORD uDefaultLanguage :16; 27 DWORD fContextDigits :1; 28 29 DWORD fInvertPreBoundDir :1; 30 DWORD fInvertPostBoundDir :1; 31 DWORD fLinkStringBefore :1; 32 DWORD fLinkStringAfter :1; 33 DWORD fNeutralOverride :1; 34 DWORD fNumericOverride :1; 35 DWORD fLegacyBidiClass :1; 36 DWORD fMergeNeutralItems :1; 37 DWORD fUseStandardBidi :1; 38 DWORD fReserved :6; 39 } SCRIPT_CONTROL; 40 41 typedef struct tag_SCRIPT_STATE { 42 WORD uBidiLevel :5; 43 WORD fOverrideDirection :1; 44 WORD fInhibitSymSwap :1; 45 WORD fCharShape :1; 46 WORD fDigitSubstitute :1; 47 WORD fInhibitLigate :1; 48 WORD fDisplayZWG :1; 49 WORD fArabicNumContext :1; 50 WORD fGcpClusters :1; 51 WORD fReserved :1; 52 WORD fEngineReserved :2; 53 } SCRIPT_STATE; 54 55 typedef struct tag_SCRIPT_ANALYSIS { 56 WORD eScript :10; 57 WORD fRTL :1; 58 WORD fLayoutRTL :1; 59 WORD fLinkBefore :1; 60 WORD fLinkAfter :1; 61 WORD fLogicalOrder :1; 62 WORD fNoGlyphIndex :1; 63 SCRIPT_STATE s; 64 } SCRIPT_ANALYSIS; 65 66 typedef struct tag_SCRIPT_ITEM { 67 int iCharPos; 68 SCRIPT_ANALYSIS a; 69 } SCRIPT_ITEM; 70 71 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptItemize(const WCHAR *pwcInChars,int cInChars,int cMaxItems,const SCRIPT_CONTROL *psControl,const SCRIPT_STATE *psState,SCRIPT_ITEM *pItems,int *pcItems); 72 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptLayout(int cRuns,const BYTE *pbLevel,int *piVisualToLogical,int *piLogicalToVisual); 73 74 typedef enum tag_SCRIPT_JUSTIFY { 75 SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_NONE = 0,SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_ARABIC_BLANK = 1,SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_CHARACTER = 2,SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_RESERVED1 = 3,SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_BLANK = 4, 76 SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_RESERVED2 = 5,SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_RESERVED3 = 6,SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_ARABIC_NORMAL = 7,SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_ARABIC_KASHIDA = 8, 77 SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_ARABIC_ALEF = 9,SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_ARABIC_HA = 10,SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_ARABIC_RA = 11,SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_ARABIC_BA = 12, 78 SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_ARABIC_BARA = 13,SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_ARABIC_SEEN = 14,SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_RESERVED4 = 15 79 } SCRIPT_JUSTIFY; 80 81 typedef struct tag_SCRIPT_VISATTR { 82 WORD uJustification :4; 83 WORD fClusterStart :1; 84 WORD fDiacritic :1; 85 WORD fZeroWidth :1; 86 WORD fReserved :1; 87 WORD fShapeReserved :8; 88 } SCRIPT_VISATTR; 89 90 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptShape(HDC hdc,SCRIPT_CACHE *psc,const WCHAR *pwcChars,int cChars,int cMaxGlyphs,SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa,WORD *pwOutGlyphs,WORD *pwLogClust,SCRIPT_VISATTR *psva,int *pcGlyphs); 91 92 #ifndef LSDEFS_DEFINED 93 typedef struct tagGOFFSET { 94 LONG du; 95 LONG dv; 96 } GOFFSET; 97 #endif 98 99 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptPlace(HDC hdc,SCRIPT_CACHE *psc,const WORD *pwGlyphs,int cGlyphs,const SCRIPT_VISATTR *psva,SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa,int *piAdvance,GOFFSET *pGoffset,ABC *pABC); 100 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptTextOut(const HDC hdc,SCRIPT_CACHE *psc,int x,int y,UINT fuOptions,const RECT *lprc,const SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa,const WCHAR *pwcReserved,int iReserved,const WORD *pwGlyphs,int cGlyphs,const int *piAdvance,const int *piJustify,const GOFFSET *pGoffset); 101 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptJustify(const SCRIPT_VISATTR *psva,const int *piAdvance,int cGlyphs,int iDx,int iMinKashida,int *piJustify); 102 103 typedef struct tag_SCRIPT_LOGATTR { 104 BYTE fSoftBreak :1; 105 BYTE fWhiteSpace :1; 106 BYTE fCharStop :1; 107 BYTE fWordStop :1; 108 BYTE fInvalid :1; 109 BYTE fReserved :3; 110 } SCRIPT_LOGATTR; 111 112 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptBreak(const WCHAR *pwcChars,int cChars,const SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa,SCRIPT_LOGATTR *psla); 113 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptCPtoX(int iCP,WINBOOL fTrailing,int cChars,int cGlyphs,const WORD *pwLogClust,const SCRIPT_VISATTR *psva,const int *piAdvance,const SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa,int *piX); 114 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptXtoCP(int iX,int cChars,int cGlyphs,const WORD *pwLogClust,const SCRIPT_VISATTR *psva,const int *piAdvance,const SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa,int *piCP,int *piTrailing); 115 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptGetLogicalWidths(const SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa,int cChars,int cGlyphs,const int *piGlyphWidth,const WORD *pwLogClust,const SCRIPT_VISATTR *psva,int *piDx); 116 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptApplyLogicalWidth(const int *piDx,int cChars,int cGlyphs,const WORD *pwLogClust,const SCRIPT_VISATTR *psva,const int *piAdvance,const SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa,ABC *pABC,int *piJustify); 117 118 #define SGCM_RTL 0x00000001 119 120 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptGetCMap(HDC hdc,SCRIPT_CACHE *psc,const WCHAR *pwcInChars,int cChars,DWORD dwFlags,WORD *pwOutGlyphs); 121 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptGetGlyphABCWidth(HDC hdc,SCRIPT_CACHE *psc,WORD wGlyph,ABC *pABC); 122 123 typedef struct { 124 DWORD langid :16; 125 DWORD fNumeric :1; 126 DWORD fComplex :1; 127 DWORD fNeedsWordBreaking :1; 128 DWORD fNeedsCaretInfo :1; 129 DWORD bCharSet :8; 130 DWORD fControl :1; 131 DWORD fPrivateUseArea :1; 132 DWORD fNeedsCharacterJustify :1; 133 DWORD fInvalidGlyph :1; 134 DWORD fInvalidLogAttr :1; 135 DWORD fCDM :1; 136 DWORD fAmbiguousCharSet :1; 137 DWORD fClusterSizeVaries :1; 138 DWORD fRejectInvalid :1; 139 } SCRIPT_PROPERTIES; 140 141 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptGetProperties(const SCRIPT_PROPERTIES ***ppSp,int *piNumScripts); 142 143 typedef struct { 144 int cBytes; 145 WORD wgBlank; 146 WORD wgDefault; 147 WORD wgInvalid; 148 WORD wgKashida; 149 int iKashidaWidth; 150 } SCRIPT_FONTPROPERTIES; 151 152 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptGetFontProperties(HDC hdc,SCRIPT_CACHE *psc,SCRIPT_FONTPROPERTIES *sfp); 153 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptCacheGetHeight(HDC hdc,SCRIPT_CACHE *psc,__LONG32 *tmHeight); 154 155 #define SSA_PASSWORD 0x00000001 156 #define SSA_TAB 0x00000002 157 #define SSA_CLIP 0x00000004 158 #define SSA_FIT 0x00000008 159 #define SSA_DZWG 0x00000010 160 #define SSA_FALLBACK 0x00000020 161 #define SSA_BREAK 0x00000040 162 #define SSA_GLYPHS 0x00000080 163 #define SSA_RTL 0x00000100 164 #define SSA_GCP 0x00000200 165 #define SSA_HOTKEY 0x00000400 166 #define SSA_METAFILE 0x00000800 167 #define SSA_LINK 0x00001000 168 #define SSA_HIDEHOTKEY 0x00002000 169 #define SSA_HOTKEYONLY 0x00002400 170 171 #define SSA_FULLMEASURE 0x04000000 172 #define SSA_LPKANSIFALLBACK 0x08000000 173 #define SSA_PIDX 0x10000000 174 #define SSA_LAYOUTRTL 0x20000000 175 #define SSA_DONTGLYPH 0x40000000 176 #define SSA_NOKASHIDA 0x80000000 177 178 typedef struct tag_SCRIPT_TABDEF { 179 int cTabStops; 180 int iScale; 181 int *pTabStops; 182 int iTabOrigin; 183 } SCRIPT_TABDEF; 184 185 typedef void *SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS; 186 187 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptStringAnalyse(HDC hdc,const void *pString,int cString,int cGlyphs,int iCharset,DWORD dwFlags,int iReqWidth,SCRIPT_CONTROL *psControl,SCRIPT_STATE *psState,const int *piDx,SCRIPT_TABDEF *pTabdef,const BYTE *pbInClass,SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS *pssa); 188 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptStringFree(SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS *pssa); 189 const SIZE *WINAPI ScriptString_pSize(SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS ssa); 190 const int *WINAPI ScriptString_pcOutChars(SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS ssa); 191 const SCRIPT_LOGATTR *WINAPI ScriptString_pLogAttr(SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS ssa); 192 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptStringGetOrder(SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS ssa,UINT *puOrder); 193 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptStringCPtoX(SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS ssa,int icp,WINBOOL fTrailing,int *pX); 194 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptStringXtoCP(SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS ssa,int iX,int *piCh,int *piTrailing); 195 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptStringGetLogicalWidths(SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS ssa,int *piDx); 196 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptStringValidate(SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS ssa); 197 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptStringOut(SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS ssa,int iX,int iY,UINT uOptions,const RECT *prc,int iMinSel,int iMaxSel,WINBOOL fDisabled); 198 199 #define SIC_COMPLEX 1 200 #define SIC_ASCIIDIGIT 2 201 #define SIC_NEUTRAL 4 202 203 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptIsComplex(const WCHAR *pwcInChars,int cInChars,DWORD dwFlags); 204 205 typedef struct tag_SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE { 206 DWORD NationalDigitLanguage :16; 207 DWORD TraditionalDigitLanguage :16; 208 DWORD DigitSubstitute :8; 209 DWORD dwReserved; 210 } SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE; 211 212 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptRecordDigitSubstitution(LCID Locale,SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE *psds); 213 214 #define SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE_CONTEXT 0 215 #define SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE_NONE 1 216 #define SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE_NATIONAL 2 217 #define SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE_TRADITIONAL 3 218 219 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptApplyDigitSubstitution(const SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE *psds,SCRIPT_CONTROL *psc,SCRIPT_STATE *pss); 220 221 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0600) 222 typedef struct opentype_feature_record { 223 OPENTYPE_TAG tagFeature; 224 LONG lParameter; 225 } OPENTYPE_FEATURE_RECORD; 226 227 typedef struct script_charprop { 228 WORD fCanGlyphAlone :1; 229 WORD reserved :15; 230 } SCRIPT_CHARPROP; 231 232 typedef struct textrange_properties { 233 OPENTYPE_FEATURE_RECORD *potfRecords; 234 int cotfRecords; 235 } TEXTRANGE_PROPERTIES; 236 237 typedef struct script_glyphprop { 238 SCRIPT_VISATTR sva; 239 WORD reserved; 240 } SCRIPT_GLYPHPROP; 241 242 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptGetFontAlternateGlyphs( 243 HDC hdc, 244 SCRIPT_CACHE *psc, 245 SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, 246 OPENTYPE_TAG tagScript, 247 OPENTYPE_TAG tagLangSys, 248 OPENTYPE_TAG tagFeature, 249 WORD wGlyphId, 250 int cMaxAlternates, 251 WORD *pAlternateGlyphs, 252 int *pcAlternates 253 ); 254 255 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptGetFontFeatureTags( 256 HDC hdc, 257 SCRIPT_CACHE *psc, 258 SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, 259 OPENTYPE_TAG tagScript, 260 OPENTYPE_TAG tagLangSys, 261 int cMaxTags, 262 OPENTYPE_TAG *pFeatureTags, 263 int *pcTags 264 ); 265 266 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptGetFontLanguageTags( 267 HDC hdc, 268 SCRIPT_CACHE *psc, 269 SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, 270 OPENTYPE_TAG tagScript, 271 int cMaxTags, 272 OPENTYPE_TAG *pLangSysTags, 273 int *pcTags 274 ); 275 276 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptGetFontScriptTags( 277 HDC hdc, 278 SCRIPT_CACHE *psc, 279 SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, 280 int cMaxTags, 281 OPENTYPE_TAG *pScriptTags, 282 int *pcTags 283 ); 284 285 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptItemizeOpenType( 286 const WCHAR *pwcInChars, 287 int cInChars, 288 int cMaxItems, 289 const SCRIPT_CONTROL *psControl, 290 const SCRIPT_STATE *psState, 291 SCRIPT_ITEM *pItems, 292 OPENTYPE_TAG *pScriptTags, 293 int *pcItems 294 ); 295 296 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptPlaceOpenType( 297 HDC hdc, 298 SCRIPT_CACHE *psc, 299 SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, 300 OPENTYPE_TAG tagScript, 301 OPENTYPE_TAG tagLangSys, 302 int *rcRangeChars, 303 TEXTRANGE_PROPERTIES **rpRangeProperties, 304 int cRanges, 305 const WCHAR *pwcChars, 306 WORD *pwLogClust, 307 SCRIPT_CHARPROP *pCharProps, 308 int cChars, 309 const WORD *pwGlyphs, 310 const SCRIPT_GLYPHPROP *pGlyphProps, 311 int cGlyphs, 312 int *piAdvance, 313 GOFFSET *pGoffset, 314 ABC *pABC 315 ); 316 317 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptPositionSingleGlyph( 318 HDC hdc, 319 SCRIPT_CACHE *psc, 320 SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, 321 OPENTYPE_TAG tagScript, 322 OPENTYPE_TAG tagLangSys, 323 OPENTYPE_TAG tagFeature, 324 LONG lParameter, 325 WORD wGlyphId, 326 int iAdvance, 327 GOFFSET Goffset, 328 int *piOutAdvance, 329 GOFFSET *pOutGoffset 330 ); 331 332 HRESULT WINAPI ScriptShapeOpenType( 333 HDC hdc, 334 SCRIPT_CACHE *psc, 335 SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, 336 OPENTYPE_TAG tagScript, 337 OPENTYPE_TAG tagLangSys, 338 int *rcRangeChars, 339 TEXTRANGE_PROPERTIES **rpRangeProperties, 340 int cRanges, 341 const WCHAR *pwcChars, 342 int cChars, 343 int cMaxGlyphs, 344 WORD *pwLogClust, 345 SCRIPT_CHARPROP *pCharProps, 346 WORD *pwOutGlyphs, 347 SCRIPT_GLYPHPROP *pOutGlyphProps, 348 int *pcGlyphs 349 ); 350 351 HRESULT ScriptSubstituteSingleGlyph( 352 HDC hdc, 353 SCRIPT_CACHE *psc, 354 SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, 355 OPENTYPE_TAG tagScript, 356 OPENTYPE_TAG tagLangSys, 357 OPENTYPE_TAG tagFeature, 358 LONG lParameter, 359 WORD wGlyphId, 360 WORD *pwOutGlyphId 361 ); 362 363 #endif /*(_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0600)*/ 364 365 #ifdef __cplusplus 366 } 367 #endif 368 #endif 369