1 <p><b>About:</b> This sample uses Google Play Services Wearable Data APIs to communicate between 2 applications on a phone and a paired wearable device. Users can create quiz questions on the phone, 3 each of which has an associated DataItem. These DataItems are then received on the wearable, which 4 displays them as notifications. Each notification contains the question as the first page, followed 5 by answers as actions. When an answer is selected, the corresponding question's DataItem is updated, 6 which allows the phone application to update the status of the question (i.e. did the user answer it 7 correctly or not) and prompt the next question. 8 </p> 9 <p>At the end of the quiz, the sample uses the Google Play Services Wearable Message APIs to create 10 an end-of-quiz report notification on the wearable, with an option to reset the quiz (by sending a 11 message back to the phone).</p> 12 <p><b>How to run:</b> Install the Application APK on the companion, and the Wearable APK on the 13 wearable. Start the sample by running the Quiz application on the companion.</p> 14 <p><b>Wearable APIs used:</b> DataApi, MessageApi, NodeApi, WearableListenerService</p> 15 <p><b>Screenshots:</b> 16 <figure> 17 <img src="screenshots/companion_quiz.png" alt="Quiz on companion" width="216" height="384"> 18 <img src="screenshots/wearable_quiz.png" alt="Wearable Quiz" width="160" height="160"> 19 <img src="screenshots/wearable_quiz_answer.png" alt="Answering..." width="160" height="160"> 20 <img src="screenshots/companion_quiz_correct_status.png" alt="Quiz on companion" width="216" 21 height="384"> 22 <img src="screenshots/wearable_quiz_report.png" alt="End report" width="160" height="160"> 23 <figcaption>Sample quiz progression involving a clearly unbiased question.</figcaption> 24 </figure> 25 </p> 26