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      1 .. _chapter-tricks:
      3 ===================
      4 FAQS, Tips & Tricks
      5 ===================
      7 Answers to frequently asked questions, tricks of the trade and general
      8 wisdom.
     10 Building
     11 ========
     13 #. Use `google-glog <http://code.google.com/p/google-glog>`_.
     15    Ceres has extensive support for logging detailed information about
     16    memory allocations and time consumed in various parts of the solve,
     17    internal error conditions etc. This is done logging using the
     18    `google-glog <http://code.google.com/p/google-glog>`_ library. We
     19    use it extensively to observe and analyze Ceres's
     20    performance. `google-glog <http://code.google.com/p/google-glog>`_
     21    allows you to control its behaviour from the command line `flags
     22    <http://google-glog.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/doc/glog.html>`_. Starting
     23    with ``-logtostdterr`` you can add ``-v=N`` for increasing values
     24    of ``N`` to get more and more verbose and detailed information
     25    about Ceres internals.
     27    In an attempt to reduce dependencies, it is tempting to use
     28    `miniglog` - a minimal implementation of the ``glog`` interface
     29    that ships with Ceres. This is a bad idea. ``miniglog`` was written
     30    primarily for building and using Ceres on Android because the
     31    current version of `google-glog
     32    <http://code.google.com/p/google-glog>`_ does not build using the
     33    NDK. It has worse performance than the full fledged glog library
     34    and is much harder to control and use.
     37 Modeling
     38 ========
     40 #. Use analytical/automatic derivatives.
     42    This is the single most important piece of advice we can give to
     43    you. It is tempting to take the easy way out and use numeric
     44    differentiation. This is a bad idea. Numeric differentiation is
     45    slow, ill-behaved, hard to get right, and results in poor
     46    convergence behaviour.
     48    Ceres allows the user to define templated functors which will
     49    be automatically differentiated. For most situations this is enough
     50    and we recommend using this facility. In some cases the derivatives
     51    are simple enough or the performance considerations are such that
     52    the overhead of automatic differentiation is too much. In such
     53    cases, analytic derivatives are recommended.
     55    The use of numerical derivatives should be a measure of last
     56    resort, where it is simply not possible to write a templated
     57    implementation of the cost function.
     59    In many cases it is not possible to do analytic or automatic
     60    differentiation of the entire cost function, but it is generally
     61    the case that it is possible to decompose the cost function into
     62    parts that need to be numerically differentiated and parts that can
     63    be automatically or analytically differentiated.
     65    To this end, Ceres has extensive support for mixing analytic,
     66    automatic and numeric differentiation. See
     67    :class:`NumericDiffFunctor` and :class:`CostFunctionToFunctor`.
     69 #. Putting `Inverse Function Theorem
     70    <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse_function_theorem>`_ to use.
     72    Every now and then we have to deal with functions which cannot be
     73    evaluated analytically. Computing the Jacobian in such cases is
     74    tricky. A particularly interesting case is where the inverse of the
     75    function is easy to compute analytically. An example of such a
     76    function is the Coordinate transformation between the `ECEF
     77    <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECEF>`_ and the `WGS84
     78    <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Geodetic_System>`_ where the
     79    conversion from WGS84 from ECEF is analytic, but the conversion
     80    back to ECEF uses an iterative algorithm. So how do you compute the
     81    derivative of the ECEF to WGS84 transformation?
     83    One obvious approach would be to numerically
     84    differentiate the conversion function. This is not a good idea. For
     85    one, it will be slow, but it will also be numerically quite
     86    bad.
     88    Turns out you can use the `Inverse Function Theorem
     89    <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse_function_theorem>`_ in this
     90    case to compute the derivatives more or less analytically.
     92    The key result here is. If :math:`x = f^{-1}(y)`, and :math:`Df(x)`
     93    is the invertible Jacobian of :math:`f` at :math:`x`. Then the
     94    Jacobian :math:`Df^{-1}(y) = [Df(x)]^{-1}`, i.e., the Jacobian of
     95    the :math:`f^{-1}` is the inverse of the Jacobian of :math:`f`.
     97    Algorithmically this means that given :math:`y`, compute :math:`x =
     98    f^{-1}(y)` by whatever means you can. Evaluate the Jacobian of
     99    :math:`f` at :math:`x`. If the Jacobian matrix is invertible, then
    100    the inverse is the Jacobian of the inverse at :math:`y`.
    102    One can put this into practice with the following code fragment.
    104    .. code-block:: c++
    106       Eigen::Vector3d ecef; // Fill some values
    107       // Iterative computation.
    108       Eigen::Vector3d lla = ECEFToLLA(ecef);
    109       // Analytic derivatives
    110       Eigen::Matrix3d lla_to_ecef_jacobian = LLAToECEFJacobian(lla);
    111       bool invertible;
    112       Eigen::Matrix3d ecef_to_lla_jacobian;
    113       lla_to_ecef_jacobian.computeInverseWithCheck(ecef_to_lla_jacobian, invertible);
    115 #. When using Quaternions, use :class:`QuaternionParameterization`.
    117    TBD
    119 #. How to choose a parameter block size?
    121    TBD
    123 Solving
    124 =======
    126 #. Choosing a linear solver.
    128    When using the ``TRUST_REGION`` minimizer, the choice of linear
    129    solver is an important decision. It affects solution quality and
    130    runtime. Here is a simple way to reason about it.
    132    1. For small (a few hundred parameters) or dense problems use
    133       ``DENSE_QR``.
    135    2. For general sparse problems (i.e., the Jacobian matrix has a
    136       substantial number of zeros) use
    137       ``SPARSE_NORMAL_CHOLESKY``. This requires that you have
    138       ``SuiteSparse`` or ``CXSparse`` installed.
    140    3. For bundle adjustment problems with up to a hundred or so
    141       cameras, use ``DENSE_SCHUR``.
    143    4. For larger bundle adjustment problems with sparse Schur
    144       Complement/Reduced camera matrices use ``SPARSE_SCHUR``. This
    145       requires that you have ``SuiteSparse`` or ``CXSparse``
    146       installed.
    148    5. For large bundle adjustment problems (a few thousand cameras or
    149       more) use the ``ITERATIVE_SCHUR`` solver. There are a number of
    150       preconditioner choices here. ``SCHUR_JACOBI`` offers an
    151       excellent balance of speed and accuracy. This is also the
    152       recommended option if you are solving medium sized problems for
    153       which ``DENSE_SCHUR`` is too slow but ``SuiteSparse`` is not
    154       available.
    156       If you are not satisfied with ``SCHUR_JACOBI``'s performance try
    157       ``CLUSTER_JACOBI`` and ``CLUSTER_TRIDIAGONAL`` in that
    158       order. They require that you have ``SuiteSparse``
    159       installed. Both of these preconditioners use a clustering
    160       algorithm. Use ``SINGLE_LINKAGE`` before ``CANONICAL_VIEWS``.
    162 #. Use `Solver::Summary::FullReport` to diagnose performance problems.
    164    When diagnosing Ceres performance issues - runtime and convergence,
    165    the first place to start is by looking at the output of
    166    ``Solver::Summary::FullReport``. Here is an example
    168    .. code-block:: bash
    170      ./bin/bundle_adjuster --input ../data/problem-16-22106-pre.txt
    172      iter      cost      cost_change  |gradient|   |step|    tr_ratio  tr_radius  ls_iter  iter_time  total_time
    173         0  4.185660e+06    0.00e+00    2.16e+07   0.00e+00   0.00e+00  1.00e+04       0    7.50e-02    3.58e-01
    174         1  1.980525e+05    3.99e+06    5.34e+06   2.40e+03   9.60e-01  3.00e+04       1    1.84e-01    5.42e-01
    175         2  5.086543e+04    1.47e+05    2.11e+06   1.01e+03   8.22e-01  4.09e+04       1    1.53e-01    6.95e-01
    176         3  1.859667e+04    3.23e+04    2.87e+05   2.64e+02   9.85e-01  1.23e+05       1    1.71e-01    8.66e-01
    177         4  1.803857e+04    5.58e+02    2.69e+04   8.66e+01   9.93e-01  3.69e+05       1    1.61e-01    1.03e+00
    178         5  1.803391e+04    4.66e+00    3.11e+02   1.02e+01   1.00e+00  1.11e+06       1    1.49e-01    1.18e+00
    180      Ceres Solver v1.10.0 Solve Report
    181      ----------------------------------
    182                                           Original                  Reduced
    183      Parameter blocks                        22122                    22122
    184      Parameters                              66462                    66462
    185      Residual blocks                         83718                    83718
    186      Residual                               167436                   167436
    188      Minimizer                        TRUST_REGION
    190      Sparse linear algebra library    SUITE_SPARSE
    191      Trust region strategy     LEVENBERG_MARQUARDT
    193                                              Given                     Used
    194      Linear solver                    SPARSE_SCHUR             SPARSE_SCHUR
    195      Threads                                     1                        1
    196      Linear solver threads                       1                        1
    197      Linear solver ordering              AUTOMATIC                22106, 16
    199      Cost:
    200      Initial                          4.185660e+06
    201      Final                            1.803391e+04
    202      Change                           4.167626e+06
    204      Minimizer iterations                        5
    205      Successful steps                            5
    206      Unsuccessful steps                          0
    208      Time (in seconds):
    209      Preprocessor                            0.283
    211        Residual evaluation                   0.061
    212        Jacobian evaluation                   0.361
    213        Linear solver                         0.382
    214      Minimizer                               0.895
    216      Postprocessor                           0.002
    217      Total                                   1.220
    219      Termination:                   NO_CONVERGENCE (Maximum number of iterations reached.)
    221   Let us focus on run-time performance. The relevant lines to look at
    222   are
    225    .. code-block:: bash
    227      Time (in seconds):
    228      Preprocessor                            0.283
    230        Residual evaluation                   0.061
    231        Jacobian evaluation                   0.361
    232        Linear solver                         0.382
    233      Minimizer                               0.895
    235      Postprocessor                           0.002
    236      Total                                   1.220
    239   Which tell us that of the total 1.2 seconds, about .3 seconds was
    240   spent in the linear solver and the rest was mostly spent in
    241   preprocessing and jacobian evaluation.
    243   The preprocessing seems particularly expensive. Looking back at the
    244   report, we observe
    246    .. code-block:: bash
    248      Linear solver ordering              AUTOMATIC                22106, 16
    250   Which indicates that we are using automatic ordering for the
    251   ``SPARSE_SCHUR`` solver. This can be expensive at times. A straight
    252   forward way to deal with this is to give the ordering manually. For
    253   ``bundle_adjuster`` this can be done by passing the flag
    254   ``-ordering=user``. Doing so and looking at the timing block of the
    255   full report gives us
    257    .. code-block:: bash
    259      Time (in seconds):
    260      Preprocessor                            0.051
    262        Residual evaluation                   0.053
    263        Jacobian evaluation                   0.344
    264        Linear solver                         0.372
    265      Minimizer                               0.854
    267      Postprocessor                           0.002
    268      Total                                   0.935
    272   The preprocessor time has gone down by more than 5.5x!.
    274 Further Reading
    275 ===============
    277 For a short but informative introduction to the subject we recommend
    278 the booklet by [Madsen]_ . For a general introduction to non-linear
    279 optimization we recommend [NocedalWright]_. [Bjorck]_ remains the
    280 seminal reference on least squares problems. [TrefethenBau]_ book is
    281 our favorite text on introductory numerical linear algebra. [Triggs]_
    282 provides a thorough coverage of the bundle adjustment problem.