Home | History | Annotate | Download | only in webui
      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/history_ui.h"
      7 #include <set>
      9 #include "base/bind.h"
     10 #include "base/bind_helpers.h"
     11 #include "base/command_line.h"
     12 #include "base/i18n/rtl.h"
     13 #include "base/i18n/time_formatting.h"
     14 #include "base/memory/singleton.h"
     15 #include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
     16 #include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
     17 #include "base/prefs/pref_service.h"
     18 #include "base/strings/string16.h"
     19 #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
     20 #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
     21 #include "base/time/time.h"
     22 #include "base/values.h"
     23 #include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_model_factory.h"
     24 #include "chrome/browser/chrome_notification_types.h"
     25 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/activity_log/activity_log.h"
     26 #include "chrome/browser/history/history_notifications.h"
     27 #include "chrome/browser/history/history_service_factory.h"
     28 #include "chrome/browser/history/history_types.h"
     29 #include "chrome/browser/history/web_history_service.h"
     30 #include "chrome/browser/history/web_history_service_factory.h"
     31 #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
     32 #include "chrome/browser/search/search.h"
     33 #include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/device_info.h"
     34 #include "chrome/browser/sync/profile_sync_service.h"
     35 #include "chrome/browser/sync/profile_sync_service_factory.h"
     36 #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_finder.h"
     37 #include "chrome/browser/ui/chrome_pages.h"
     38 #include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/favicon_source.h"
     39 #include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/metrics_handler.h"
     40 #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
     41 #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
     42 #include "chrome/common/url_constants.h"
     43 #include "components/bookmarks/browser/bookmark_model.h"
     44 #include "components/bookmarks/browser/bookmark_utils.h"
     45 #include "content/public/browser/notification_details.h"
     46 #include "content/public/browser/notification_source.h"
     47 #include "content/public/browser/url_data_source.h"
     48 #include "content/public/browser/web_ui.h"
     49 #include "content/public/browser/web_ui_data_source.h"
     50 #include "grit/browser_resources.h"
     51 #include "grit/generated_resources.h"
     52 #include "grit/theme_resources.h"
     53 #include "net/base/escape.h"
     54 #include "net/base/net_util.h"
     55 #include "sync/protocol/history_delete_directive_specifics.pb.h"
     56 #include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
     57 #include "ui/base/l10n/time_format.h"
     58 #include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h"
     60 #if defined(ENABLE_MANAGED_USERS)
     61 #include "chrome/browser/supervised_user/supervised_user_navigation_observer.h"
     62 #include "chrome/browser/supervised_user/supervised_user_service.h"
     63 #include "chrome/browser/supervised_user/supervised_user_service_factory.h"
     64 #include "chrome/browser/supervised_user/supervised_user_url_filter.h"
     65 #endif
     67 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
     68 #include "chrome/browser/android/chromium_application.h"
     69 #endif
     71 #if !defined(OS_ANDROID) && !defined(OS_IOS)
     72 #include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/ntp/foreign_session_handler.h"
     73 #include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/ntp/ntp_login_handler.h"
     74 #endif
     76 static const char kStringsJsFile[] = "strings.js";
     77 static const char kHistoryJsFile[] = "history.js";
     78 static const char kOtherDevicesJsFile[] = "other_devices.js";
     80 // The amount of time to wait for a response from the WebHistoryService.
     81 static const int kWebHistoryTimeoutSeconds = 3;
     83 namespace {
     85 // Buckets for UMA histograms.
     86 enum WebHistoryQueryBuckets {
     91 };
     93 #if defined(OS_MACOSX)
     94 const char kIncognitoModeShortcut[] = "("
     95     "\xE2\x87\xA7"  // Shift symbol (U+21E7 'UPWARDS WHITE ARROW').
     96     "\xE2\x8C\x98"  // Command symbol (U+2318 'PLACE OF INTEREST SIGN').
     97     "N)";
     98 #elif defined(OS_WIN)
     99 const char kIncognitoModeShortcut[] = "(Ctrl+Shift+N)";
    100 #else
    101 const char kIncognitoModeShortcut[] = "(Shift+Ctrl+N)";
    102 #endif
    104 // Identifiers for the type of device from which a history entry originated.
    105 static const char kDeviceTypeLaptop[] = "laptop";
    106 static const char kDeviceTypePhone[] = "phone";
    107 static const char kDeviceTypeTablet[] = "tablet";
    109 content::WebUIDataSource* CreateHistoryUIHTMLSource(Profile* profile) {
    110   PrefService* prefs = profile->GetPrefs();
    112   content::WebUIDataSource* source =
    113       content::WebUIDataSource::Create(chrome::kChromeUIHistoryFrameHost);
    114   source->AddBoolean("isUserSignedIn",
    115       !prefs->GetString(prefs::kGoogleServicesUsername).empty());
    116   source->AddLocalizedString("collapseSessionMenuItemText",
    118   source->AddLocalizedString("expandSessionMenuItemText",
    120   source->AddLocalizedString("restoreSessionMenuItemText",
    122   source->AddLocalizedString("xMore", IDS_OTHER_DEVICES_X_MORE);
    123   source->AddLocalizedString("loading", IDS_HISTORY_LOADING);
    124   source->AddLocalizedString("title", IDS_HISTORY_TITLE);
    125   source->AddLocalizedString("newest", IDS_HISTORY_NEWEST);
    126   source->AddLocalizedString("newer", IDS_HISTORY_NEWER);
    127   source->AddLocalizedString("older", IDS_HISTORY_OLDER);
    128   source->AddLocalizedString("searchResultsFor", IDS_HISTORY_SEARCHRESULTSFOR);
    129   source->AddLocalizedString("history", IDS_HISTORY_BROWSERESULTS);
    130   source->AddLocalizedString("cont", IDS_HISTORY_CONTINUED);
    131   source->AddLocalizedString("searchButton", IDS_HISTORY_SEARCH_BUTTON);
    132   source->AddLocalizedString("noSearchResults", IDS_HISTORY_NO_SEARCH_RESULTS);
    133   source->AddLocalizedString("noResults", IDS_HISTORY_NO_RESULTS);
    134   source->AddLocalizedString("historyInterval", IDS_HISTORY_INTERVAL);
    135   source->AddLocalizedString("removeSelected",
    136                              IDS_HISTORY_REMOVE_SELECTED_ITEMS);
    137   source->AddLocalizedString("clearAllHistory",
    138                              IDS_HISTORY_OPEN_CLEAR_BROWSING_DATA_DIALOG);
    139   source->AddString(
    140       "deleteWarning",
    141       l10n_util::GetStringFUTF16(IDS_HISTORY_DELETE_PRIOR_VISITS_WARNING,
    142                                  base::UTF8ToUTF16(kIncognitoModeShortcut)));
    143   source->AddLocalizedString("actionMenuDescription",
    144                              IDS_HISTORY_ACTION_MENU_DESCRIPTION);
    145   source->AddLocalizedString("removeFromHistory", IDS_HISTORY_REMOVE_PAGE);
    146   source->AddLocalizedString("moreFromSite", IDS_HISTORY_MORE_FROM_SITE);
    147   source->AddLocalizedString("groupByDomainLabel", IDS_GROUP_BY_DOMAIN_LABEL);
    148   source->AddLocalizedString("rangeLabel", IDS_HISTORY_RANGE_LABEL);
    149   source->AddLocalizedString("rangeAllTime", IDS_HISTORY_RANGE_ALL_TIME);
    150   source->AddLocalizedString("rangeWeek", IDS_HISTORY_RANGE_WEEK);
    151   source->AddLocalizedString("rangeMonth", IDS_HISTORY_RANGE_MONTH);
    152   source->AddLocalizedString("rangeToday", IDS_HISTORY_RANGE_TODAY);
    153   source->AddLocalizedString("rangeNext", IDS_HISTORY_RANGE_NEXT);
    154   source->AddLocalizedString("rangePrevious", IDS_HISTORY_RANGE_PREVIOUS);
    155   source->AddLocalizedString("numberVisits", IDS_HISTORY_NUMBER_VISITS);
    156   source->AddLocalizedString("filterAllowed", IDS_HISTORY_FILTER_ALLOWED);
    157   source->AddLocalizedString("filterBlocked", IDS_HISTORY_FILTER_BLOCKED);
    158   source->AddLocalizedString("inContentPack", IDS_HISTORY_IN_CONTENT_PACK);
    159   source->AddLocalizedString("allowItems", IDS_HISTORY_FILTER_ALLOW_ITEMS);
    160   source->AddLocalizedString("blockItems", IDS_HISTORY_FILTER_BLOCK_ITEMS);
    161   source->AddLocalizedString("lockButton", IDS_HISTORY_LOCK_BUTTON);
    162   source->AddLocalizedString("blockedVisitText",
    163                              IDS_HISTORY_BLOCKED_VISIT_TEXT);
    164   source->AddLocalizedString("unlockButton", IDS_HISTORY_UNLOCK_BUTTON);
    165   source->AddLocalizedString("hasSyncedResults",
    166                              IDS_HISTORY_HAS_SYNCED_RESULTS);
    167   source->AddLocalizedString("noSyncedResults", IDS_HISTORY_NO_SYNCED_RESULTS);
    168   source->AddLocalizedString("cancel", IDS_CANCEL);
    169   source->AddLocalizedString("deleteConfirm",
    170                              IDS_HISTORY_DELETE_PRIOR_VISITS_CONFIRM_BUTTON);
    171   source->AddBoolean("isFullHistorySyncEnabled",
    172                      WebHistoryServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile) != NULL);
    173   source->AddBoolean("groupByDomain",
    174       CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
    175           switches::kHistoryEnableGroupByDomain));
    176   source->AddBoolean("allowDeletingHistory",
    177                      prefs->GetBoolean(prefs::kAllowDeletingBrowserHistory));
    178   source->AddBoolean("isInstantExtendedApiEnabled",
    179                      chrome::IsInstantExtendedAPIEnabled());
    181   source->SetJsonPath(kStringsJsFile);
    182   source->AddResourcePath(kHistoryJsFile, IDR_HISTORY_JS);
    183   source->AddResourcePath(kOtherDevicesJsFile, IDR_OTHER_DEVICES_JS);
    184   source->SetDefaultResource(IDR_HISTORY_HTML);
    185   source->SetUseJsonJSFormatV2();
    186   source->DisableDenyXFrameOptions();
    187   source->AddBoolean("isManagedProfile", profile->IsSupervised());
    188   source->AddBoolean("showDeleteVisitUI", !profile->IsSupervised());
    190   return source;
    191 }
    193 // Returns a localized version of |visit_time| including a relative
    194 // indicator (e.g. today, yesterday).
    195 base::string16 getRelativeDateLocalized(const base::Time& visit_time) {
    196   base::Time midnight = base::Time::Now().LocalMidnight();
    197   base::string16 date_str = ui::TimeFormat::RelativeDate(visit_time, &midnight);
    198   if (date_str.empty()) {
    199     date_str = base::TimeFormatFriendlyDate(visit_time);
    200   } else {
    201     date_str = l10n_util::GetStringFUTF16(
    203         date_str,
    204         base::TimeFormatFriendlyDate(visit_time));
    205   }
    206   return date_str;
    207 }
    210 // Sets the correct year when substracting months from a date.
    211 void normalizeMonths(base::Time::Exploded* exploded) {
    212   // Decrease a year at a time until we have a proper date.
    213   while (exploded->month < 1) {
    214     exploded->month += 12;
    215     exploded->year--;
    216   }
    217 }
    219 // Returns true if |entry| represents a local visit that had no corresponding
    220 // visit on the server.
    221 bool IsLocalOnlyResult(const BrowsingHistoryHandler::HistoryEntry& entry) {
    222   return entry.entry_type == BrowsingHistoryHandler::HistoryEntry::LOCAL_ENTRY;
    223 }
    225 // Gets the name and type of a device for the given sync client ID.
    226 // |name| and |type| are out parameters.
    227 void GetDeviceNameAndType(const ProfileSyncService* sync_service,
    228                           const std::string& client_id,
    229                           std::string* name,
    230                           std::string* type) {
    231   if (sync_service && sync_service->sync_initialized()) {
    232     scoped_ptr<browser_sync::DeviceInfo> device_info =
    233         sync_service->GetDeviceInfo(client_id);
    234     if (device_info.get()) {
    235       *name = device_info->client_name();
    236       switch (device_info->device_type()) {
    237         case sync_pb::SyncEnums::TYPE_PHONE:
    238           *type = kDeviceTypePhone;
    239           break;
    240         case sync_pb::SyncEnums::TYPE_TABLET:
    241           *type = kDeviceTypeTablet;
    242           break;
    243         default:
    244           *type = kDeviceTypeLaptop;
    245       }
    246       return;
    247     }
    248   } else {
    249     NOTREACHED() << "Got a remote history entry but no ProfileSyncService.";
    250   }
    251   *name = l10n_util::GetStringUTF8(IDS_HISTORY_UNKNOWN_DEVICE);
    252   *type = kDeviceTypeLaptop;
    253 }
    255 }  // namespace
    257 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    258 //
    259 // BrowsingHistoryHandler
    260 //
    261 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    263 BrowsingHistoryHandler::HistoryEntry::HistoryEntry(
    264     BrowsingHistoryHandler::HistoryEntry::EntryType entry_type,
    265     const GURL& url, const base::string16& title, base::Time time,
    266     const std::string& client_id, bool is_search_result,
    267     const base::string16& snippet, bool blocked_visit,
    268     const std::string& accept_languages) {
    269   this->entry_type = entry_type;
    270   this->url = url;
    271   this->title = title;
    272   this->time = time;
    273   this->client_id = client_id;
    274   all_timestamps.insert(time.ToInternalValue());
    275   this->is_search_result = is_search_result;
    276   this->snippet = snippet;
    277   this->blocked_visit = blocked_visit;
    278   this->accept_languages = accept_languages;
    279 }
    281 BrowsingHistoryHandler::HistoryEntry::HistoryEntry()
    282     : entry_type(EMPTY_ENTRY), is_search_result(false), blocked_visit(false) {
    283 }
    285 BrowsingHistoryHandler::HistoryEntry::~HistoryEntry() {
    286 }
    288 void BrowsingHistoryHandler::HistoryEntry::SetUrlAndTitle(
    289     base::DictionaryValue* result) const {
    290   result->SetString("url", url.spec());
    292   bool using_url_as_the_title = false;
    293   base::string16 title_to_set(title);
    294   if (title.empty()) {
    295     using_url_as_the_title = true;
    296     title_to_set = base::UTF8ToUTF16(url.spec());
    297   }
    299   // Since the title can contain BiDi text, we need to mark the text as either
    300   // RTL or LTR, depending on the characters in the string. If we use the URL
    301   // as the title, we mark the title as LTR since URLs are always treated as
    302   // left to right strings.
    303   if (base::i18n::IsRTL()) {
    304     if (using_url_as_the_title)
    305       base::i18n::WrapStringWithLTRFormatting(&title_to_set);
    306     else
    307       base::i18n::AdjustStringForLocaleDirection(&title_to_set);
    308   }
    309   result->SetString("title", title_to_set);
    310 }
    312 scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> BrowsingHistoryHandler::HistoryEntry::ToValue(
    313     BookmarkModel* bookmark_model,
    314     SupervisedUserService* supervised_user_service,
    315     const ProfileSyncService* sync_service) const {
    316   scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> result(new base::DictionaryValue());
    317   SetUrlAndTitle(result.get());
    319   base::string16 domain = net::IDNToUnicode(url.host(), accept_languages);
    320   // When the domain is empty, use the scheme instead. This allows for a
    321   // sensible treatment of e.g. file: URLs when group by domain is on.
    322   if (domain.empty())
    323     domain = base::UTF8ToUTF16(url.scheme() + ":");
    325   result->SetString("domain", domain);
    326   result->SetDouble("time", time.ToJsTime());
    328   // Pass the timestamps in a list.
    329   scoped_ptr<base::ListValue> timestamps(new base::ListValue);
    330   for (std::set<int64>::const_iterator it = all_timestamps.begin();
    331        it != all_timestamps.end(); ++it) {
    332     timestamps->AppendDouble(base::Time::FromInternalValue(*it).ToJsTime());
    333   }
    334   result->Set("allTimestamps", timestamps.release());
    336   // Always pass the short date since it is needed both in the search and in
    337   // the monthly view.
    338   result->SetString("dateShort", base::TimeFormatShortDate(time));
    340   // Only pass in the strings we need (search results need a shortdate
    341   // and snippet, browse results need day and time information).
    342   if (is_search_result) {
    343     result->SetString("snippet", snippet);
    344   } else {
    345     base::Time midnight = base::Time::Now().LocalMidnight();
    346     base::string16 date_str = ui::TimeFormat::RelativeDate(time, &midnight);
    347     if (date_str.empty()) {
    348       date_str = base::TimeFormatFriendlyDate(time);
    349     } else {
    350       date_str = l10n_util::GetStringFUTF16(
    352           date_str,
    353           base::TimeFormatFriendlyDate(time));
    354     }
    355     result->SetString("dateRelativeDay", date_str);
    356     result->SetString("dateTimeOfDay", base::TimeFormatTimeOfDay(time));
    357   }
    358   result->SetBoolean("starred", bookmark_model->IsBookmarked(url));
    360   std::string device_name;
    361   std::string device_type;
    362   if (!client_id.empty())
    363     GetDeviceNameAndType(sync_service, client_id, &device_name, &device_type);
    364   result->SetString("deviceName", device_name);
    365   result->SetString("deviceType", device_type);
    367 #if defined(ENABLE_MANAGED_USERS)
    368   if (supervised_user_service) {
    369     const SupervisedUserURLFilter* url_filter =
    370         supervised_user_service->GetURLFilterForUIThread();
    371     int filtering_behavior =
    372         url_filter->GetFilteringBehaviorForURL(url.GetWithEmptyPath());
    373     result->SetInteger("hostFilteringBehavior", filtering_behavior);
    375     result->SetBoolean("blockedVisit", blocked_visit);
    376   }
    377 #endif
    379   return result.Pass();
    380 }
    382 bool BrowsingHistoryHandler::HistoryEntry::SortByTimeDescending(
    383     const BrowsingHistoryHandler::HistoryEntry& entry1,
    384     const BrowsingHistoryHandler::HistoryEntry& entry2) {
    385   return entry1.time > entry2.time;
    386 }
    388 BrowsingHistoryHandler::BrowsingHistoryHandler()
    389     : has_pending_delete_request_(false),
    390       weak_factory_(this) {
    391 }
    393 BrowsingHistoryHandler::~BrowsingHistoryHandler() {
    394   history_request_consumer_.CancelAllRequests();
    395   web_history_request_.reset();
    396 }
    398 void BrowsingHistoryHandler::RegisterMessages() {
    399   // Create our favicon data source.
    400   Profile* profile = Profile::FromWebUI(web_ui());
    401   content::URLDataSource::Add(
    402       profile, new FaviconSource(profile, FaviconSource::ANY));
    404   // Get notifications when history is cleared.
    405   registrar_.Add(this, chrome::NOTIFICATION_HISTORY_URLS_DELETED,
    406       content::Source<Profile>(profile->GetOriginalProfile()));
    408   web_ui()->RegisterMessageCallback("queryHistory",
    409       base::Bind(&BrowsingHistoryHandler::HandleQueryHistory,
    410                  base::Unretained(this)));
    411   web_ui()->RegisterMessageCallback("removeVisits",
    412       base::Bind(&BrowsingHistoryHandler::HandleRemoveVisits,
    413                  base::Unretained(this)));
    414   web_ui()->RegisterMessageCallback("clearBrowsingData",
    415       base::Bind(&BrowsingHistoryHandler::HandleClearBrowsingData,
    416                  base::Unretained(this)));
    417   web_ui()->RegisterMessageCallback("removeBookmark",
    418       base::Bind(&BrowsingHistoryHandler::HandleRemoveBookmark,
    419                  base::Unretained(this)));
    420 }
    422 bool BrowsingHistoryHandler::ExtractIntegerValueAtIndex(
    423     const base::ListValue* value,
    424     int index,
    425     int* out_int) {
    426   double double_value;
    427   if (value->GetDouble(index, &double_value)) {
    428     *out_int = static_cast<int>(double_value);
    429     return true;
    430   }
    431   NOTREACHED();
    432   return false;
    433 }
    435 void BrowsingHistoryHandler::WebHistoryTimeout() {
    436   // TODO(dubroy): Communicate the failure to the front end.
    437   if (!history_request_consumer_.HasPendingRequests())
    438     ReturnResultsToFrontEnd();
    441       "WebHistory.QueryCompletion",
    443 }
    445 void BrowsingHistoryHandler::QueryHistory(
    446     base::string16 search_text, const history::QueryOptions& options) {
    447   Profile* profile = Profile::FromWebUI(web_ui());
    449   // Anything in-flight is invalid.
    450   history_request_consumer_.CancelAllRequests();
    451   web_history_request_.reset();
    453   query_results_.clear();
    454   results_info_value_.Clear();
    456   HistoryService* hs = HistoryServiceFactory::GetForProfile(
    457       profile, Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS);
    458   hs->QueryHistory(search_text,
    459       options,
    460       &history_request_consumer_,
    461       base::Bind(&BrowsingHistoryHandler::QueryComplete,
    462                  base::Unretained(this), search_text, options));
    464   history::WebHistoryService* web_history =
    465       WebHistoryServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile);
    466   if (web_history) {
    467     web_history_query_results_.clear();
    468     web_history_request_ = web_history->QueryHistory(
    469         search_text,
    470         options,
    471         base::Bind(&BrowsingHistoryHandler::WebHistoryQueryComplete,
    472                    base::Unretained(this),
    473                    search_text, options,
    474                    base::TimeTicks::Now()));
    475     // Start a timer so we know when to give up.
    476     web_history_timer_.Start(
    477         FROM_HERE, base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kWebHistoryTimeoutSeconds),
    478         this, &BrowsingHistoryHandler::WebHistoryTimeout);
    480     // Set this to false until the results actually arrive.
    481     results_info_value_.SetBoolean("hasSyncedResults", false);
    482   }
    483 }
    485 void BrowsingHistoryHandler::HandleQueryHistory(const base::ListValue* args) {
    486   history::QueryOptions options;
    488   // Parse the arguments from JavaScript. There are five required arguments:
    489   // - the text to search for (may be empty)
    490   // - the offset from which the search should start (in multiples of week or
    491   //   month, set by the next argument).
    492   // - the range (BrowsingHistoryHandler::Range) Enum value that sets the range
    493   //   of the query.
    494   // - the end time for the query. Only results older than this time will be
    495   //   returned.
    496   // - the maximum number of results to return (may be 0, meaning that there
    497   //   is no maximum).
    498   base::string16 search_text = ExtractStringValue(args);
    499   int offset;
    500   if (!args->GetInteger(1, &offset)) {
    501     NOTREACHED() << "Failed to convert argument 1. ";
    502     return;
    503   }
    504   int range;
    505   if (!args->GetInteger(2, &range)) {
    506     NOTREACHED() << "Failed to convert argument 2. ";
    507     return;
    508   }
    510   if (range == BrowsingHistoryHandler::MONTH)
    511     SetQueryTimeInMonths(offset, &options);
    512   else if (range == BrowsingHistoryHandler::WEEK)
    513     SetQueryTimeInWeeks(offset, &options);
    515   double end_time;
    516   if (!args->GetDouble(3, &end_time)) {
    517     NOTREACHED() << "Failed to convert argument 3. ";
    518     return;
    519   }
    520   if (end_time)
    521     options.end_time = base::Time::FromJsTime(end_time);
    523   if (!ExtractIntegerValueAtIndex(args, 4, &options.max_count)) {
    524     NOTREACHED() << "Failed to convert argument 4.";
    525     return;
    526   }
    528   options.duplicate_policy = history::QueryOptions::REMOVE_DUPLICATES_PER_DAY;
    529   QueryHistory(search_text, options);
    530 }
    532 void BrowsingHistoryHandler::HandleRemoveVisits(const base::ListValue* args) {
    533   Profile* profile = Profile::FromWebUI(web_ui());
    534   // TODO(davidben): history.js is not aware of this failure and will still
    535   // override |deleteCompleteCallback_|.
    536   if (delete_task_tracker_.HasTrackedTasks() ||
    537       has_pending_delete_request_ ||
    538       !profile->GetPrefs()->GetBoolean(prefs::kAllowDeletingBrowserHistory)) {
    539     web_ui()->CallJavascriptFunction("deleteFailed");
    540     return;
    541   }
    543   HistoryService* history_service =
    544       HistoryServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile, Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS);
    545   history::WebHistoryService* web_history =
    546       WebHistoryServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile);
    548   base::Time now = base::Time::Now();
    549   std::vector<history::ExpireHistoryArgs> expire_list;
    550   expire_list.reserve(args->GetSize());
    552   DCHECK(urls_to_be_deleted_.empty());
    553   for (base::ListValue::const_iterator it = args->begin();
    554        it != args->end(); ++it) {
    555     base::DictionaryValue* deletion = NULL;
    556     base::string16 url;
    557     base::ListValue* timestamps = NULL;
    559     // Each argument is a dictionary with properties "url" and "timestamps".
    560     if (!((*it)->GetAsDictionary(&deletion) &&
    561         deletion->GetString("url", &url) &&
    562         deletion->GetList("timestamps", &timestamps))) {
    563       NOTREACHED() << "Unable to extract arguments";
    564       return;
    565     }
    566     DCHECK(timestamps->GetSize() > 0);
    568     // In order to ensure that visits will be deleted from the server and other
    569     // clients (even if they are offline), create a sync delete directive for
    570     // each visit to be deleted.
    571     sync_pb::HistoryDeleteDirectiveSpecifics delete_directive;
    572     sync_pb::GlobalIdDirective* global_id_directive =
    573         delete_directive.mutable_global_id_directive();
    575     double timestamp;
    576     history::ExpireHistoryArgs* expire_args = NULL;
    577     for (base::ListValue::const_iterator ts_iterator = timestamps->begin();
    578          ts_iterator != timestamps->end(); ++ts_iterator) {
    579       if (!(*ts_iterator)->GetAsDouble(&timestamp)) {
    580         NOTREACHED() << "Unable to extract visit timestamp.";
    581         continue;
    582       }
    583       base::Time visit_time = base::Time::FromJsTime(timestamp);
    584       if (!expire_args) {
    585         GURL gurl(url);
    586         expire_list.resize(expire_list.size() + 1);
    587         expire_args = &expire_list.back();
    588         expire_args->SetTimeRangeForOneDay(visit_time);
    589         expire_args->urls.insert(gurl);
    590         urls_to_be_deleted_.insert(gurl);
    591       }
    592       // The local visit time is treated as a global ID for the visit.
    593       global_id_directive->add_global_id(visit_time.ToInternalValue());
    594     }
    596     // Set the start and end time in microseconds since the Unix epoch.
    597     global_id_directive->set_start_time_usec(
    598         (expire_args->begin_time - base::Time::UnixEpoch()).InMicroseconds());
    600     // Delete directives shouldn't have an end time in the future.
    601     // TODO(dubroy): Use sane time (crbug.com/146090) here when it's ready.
    602     base::Time end_time = std::min(expire_args->end_time, now);
    604     // -1 because end time in delete directives is inclusive.
    605     global_id_directive->set_end_time_usec(
    606         (end_time - base::Time::UnixEpoch()).InMicroseconds() - 1);
    608     // TODO(dubroy): Figure out the proper way to handle an error here.
    609     if (web_history)
    610       history_service->ProcessLocalDeleteDirective(delete_directive);
    611   }
    613   history_service->ExpireHistory(
    614       expire_list,
    615       base::Bind(&BrowsingHistoryHandler::RemoveComplete,
    616                  base::Unretained(this)),
    617       &delete_task_tracker_);
    619   if (web_history) {
    620     has_pending_delete_request_ = true;
    621     web_history->ExpireHistory(
    622         expire_list,
    623         base::Bind(&BrowsingHistoryHandler::RemoveWebHistoryComplete,
    624                    weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
    625   }
    627 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
    628   // If the profile has activity logging enabled also clean up any URLs from
    629   // the extension activity log. The extension activity log contains URLS
    630   // which websites an extension has activity on so it will indirectly
    631   // contain websites that a user has visited.
    632   extensions::ActivityLog* activity_log =
    633       extensions::ActivityLog::GetInstance(profile);
    634   for (std::vector<history::ExpireHistoryArgs>::const_iterator it =
    635        expire_list.begin(); it != expire_list.end(); ++it) {
    636     activity_log->RemoveURLs(it->urls);
    637   }
    638 #endif
    639 }
    641 void BrowsingHistoryHandler::HandleClearBrowsingData(
    642     const base::ListValue* args) {
    643 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
    644   chrome::android::ChromiumApplication::OpenClearBrowsingData(
    645       web_ui()->GetWebContents());
    646 #else
    647   // TODO(beng): This is an improper direct dependency on Browser. Route this
    648   // through some sort of delegate.
    649   Browser* browser = chrome::FindBrowserWithWebContents(
    650       web_ui()->GetWebContents());
    651   chrome::ShowClearBrowsingDataDialog(browser);
    652 #endif
    653 }
    655 void BrowsingHistoryHandler::HandleRemoveBookmark(const base::ListValue* args) {
    656   base::string16 url = ExtractStringValue(args);
    657   Profile* profile = Profile::FromWebUI(web_ui());
    658   BookmarkModel* model = BookmarkModelFactory::GetForProfile(profile);
    659   bookmark_utils::RemoveAllBookmarks(model, GURL(url));
    660 }
    662 // static
    663 void BrowsingHistoryHandler::MergeDuplicateResults(
    664     std::vector<BrowsingHistoryHandler::HistoryEntry>* results) {
    665   std::vector<BrowsingHistoryHandler::HistoryEntry> new_results;
    666   // Pre-reserve the size of the new vector. Since we're working with pointers
    667   // later on not doing this could lead to the vector being resized and to
    668   // pointers to invalid locations.
    669   new_results.reserve(results->size());
    670   // Maps a URL to the most recent entry on a particular day.
    671   std::map<GURL,BrowsingHistoryHandler::HistoryEntry*>
    672       current_day_entries;
    674   // Keeps track of the day that |current_day_urls| is holding the URLs for,
    675   // in order to handle removing per-day duplicates.
    676   base::Time current_day_midnight;
    678   std::sort(
    679       results->begin(), results->end(), HistoryEntry::SortByTimeDescending);
    681   for (std::vector<BrowsingHistoryHandler::HistoryEntry>::const_iterator it =
    682            results->begin(); it != results->end(); ++it) {
    683     // Reset the list of found URLs when a visit from a new day is encountered.
    684     if (current_day_midnight != it->time.LocalMidnight()) {
    685       current_day_entries.clear();
    686       current_day_midnight = it->time.LocalMidnight();
    687     }
    689     // Keep this visit if it's the first visit to this URL on the current day.
    690     if (current_day_entries.count(it->url) == 0) {
    691       new_results.push_back(*it);
    692       current_day_entries[it->url] = &new_results.back();
    693     } else {
    694       // Keep track of the timestamps of all visits to the URL on the same day.
    695       BrowsingHistoryHandler::HistoryEntry* entry =
    696           current_day_entries[it->url];
    697       entry->all_timestamps.insert(
    698           it->all_timestamps.begin(), it->all_timestamps.end());
    700       if (entry->entry_type != it->entry_type) {
    701         entry->entry_type =
    702             BrowsingHistoryHandler::HistoryEntry::COMBINED_ENTRY;
    703       }
    704     }
    705   }
    706   results->swap(new_results);
    707 }
    709 void BrowsingHistoryHandler::ReturnResultsToFrontEnd() {
    710   Profile* profile = Profile::FromWebUI(web_ui());
    711   BookmarkModel* bookmark_model = BookmarkModelFactory::GetForProfile(profile);
    712   SupervisedUserService* supervised_user_service = NULL;
    713 #if defined(ENABLE_MANAGED_USERS)
    714   if (profile->IsSupervised())
    715     supervised_user_service =
    716         SupervisedUserServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile);
    717 #endif
    718   ProfileSyncService* sync_service =
    719       ProfileSyncServiceFactory::GetInstance()->GetForProfile(profile);
    721   // Combine the local and remote results into |query_results_|, and remove
    722   // any duplicates.
    723   if (!web_history_query_results_.empty()) {
    724     int local_result_count = query_results_.size();
    725     query_results_.insert(query_results_.end(),
    726                           web_history_query_results_.begin(),
    727                           web_history_query_results_.end());
    728     MergeDuplicateResults(&query_results_);
    730     if (local_result_count) {
    731       // In the best case, we expect that all local results are duplicated on
    732       // the server. Keep track of how many are missing.
    733       int missing_count = std::count_if(
    734           query_results_.begin(), query_results_.end(), IsLocalOnlyResult);
    735       UMA_HISTOGRAM_PERCENTAGE("WebHistory.LocalResultMissingOnServer",
    736                                missing_count * 100.0 / local_result_count);
    737     }
    738   }
    740   // Convert the result vector into a ListValue.
    741   base::ListValue results_value;
    742   for (std::vector<BrowsingHistoryHandler::HistoryEntry>::iterator it =
    743            query_results_.begin(); it != query_results_.end(); ++it) {
    744     scoped_ptr<base::Value> value(
    745         it->ToValue(bookmark_model, supervised_user_service, sync_service));
    746     results_value.Append(value.release());
    747   }
    749   web_ui()->CallJavascriptFunction(
    750       "historyResult", results_info_value_, results_value);
    751   results_info_value_.Clear();
    752   query_results_.clear();
    753   web_history_query_results_.clear();
    754 }
    756 void BrowsingHistoryHandler::QueryComplete(
    757     const base::string16& search_text,
    758     const history::QueryOptions& options,
    759     HistoryService::Handle request_handle,
    760     history::QueryResults* results) {
    761   DCHECK_EQ(0U, query_results_.size());
    762   query_results_.reserve(results->size());
    763   const std::string accept_languages = GetAcceptLanguages();
    765   for (size_t i = 0; i < results->size(); ++i) {
    766     history::URLResult const &page = (*results)[i];
    767     // TODO(dubroy): Use sane time (crbug.com/146090) here when it's ready.
    768     query_results_.push_back(
    769         HistoryEntry(
    770             HistoryEntry::LOCAL_ENTRY,
    771             page.url(),
    772             page.title(),
    773             page.visit_time(),
    774             std::string(),
    775             !search_text.empty(),
    776             page.snippet().text(),
    777             page.blocked_visit(),
    778             accept_languages));
    779   }
    781   results_info_value_.SetString("term", search_text);
    782   results_info_value_.SetBoolean("finished", results->reached_beginning());
    784   // Add the specific dates that were searched to display them.
    785   // TODO(sergiu): Put today if the start is in the future.
    786   results_info_value_.SetString("queryStartTime",
    787                                 getRelativeDateLocalized(options.begin_time));
    788   if (!options.end_time.is_null()) {
    789     results_info_value_.SetString("queryEndTime",
    790         getRelativeDateLocalized(options.end_time -
    791                                  base::TimeDelta::FromDays(1)));
    792   } else {
    793     results_info_value_.SetString("queryEndTime",
    794         getRelativeDateLocalized(base::Time::Now()));
    795   }
    796   if (!web_history_timer_.IsRunning())
    797     ReturnResultsToFrontEnd();
    798 }
    800 void BrowsingHistoryHandler::WebHistoryQueryComplete(
    801     const base::string16& search_text,
    802     const history::QueryOptions& options,
    803     base::TimeTicks start_time,
    804     history::WebHistoryService::Request* request,
    805     const base::DictionaryValue* results_value) {
    806   base::TimeDelta delta = base::TimeTicks::Now() - start_time;
    807   UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("WebHistory.ResponseTime", delta);
    808   const std::string accept_languages = GetAcceptLanguages();
    810   // If the response came in too late, do nothing.
    811   // TODO(dubroy): Maybe show a banner, and prompt the user to reload?
    812   if (!web_history_timer_.IsRunning())
    813     return;
    814   web_history_timer_.Stop();
    817       "WebHistory.QueryCompletion",
    821   DCHECK_EQ(0U, web_history_query_results_.size());
    822   const base::ListValue* events = NULL;
    823   if (results_value && results_value->GetList("event", &events)) {
    824     web_history_query_results_.reserve(events->GetSize());
    825     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < events->GetSize(); ++i) {
    826       const base::DictionaryValue* event = NULL;
    827       const base::DictionaryValue* result = NULL;
    828       const base::ListValue* results = NULL;
    829       const base::ListValue* ids = NULL;
    830       base::string16 url;
    831       base::string16 title;
    832       base::Time visit_time;
    834       if (!(events->GetDictionary(i, &event) &&
    835           event->GetList("result", &results) &&
    836           results->GetDictionary(0, &result) &&
    837           result->GetString("url", &url) &&
    838           result->GetList("id", &ids) &&
    839           ids->GetSize() > 0)) {
    840         LOG(WARNING) << "Improperly formed JSON response from history server.";
    841         continue;
    842       }
    843       // Title is optional, so the return value is ignored here.
    844       result->GetString("title", &title);
    846       // Extract the timestamps of all the visits to this URL.
    847       // They are referred to as "IDs" by the server.
    848       for (int j = 0; j < static_cast<int>(ids->GetSize()); ++j) {
    849         const base::DictionaryValue* id = NULL;
    850         std::string timestamp_string;
    851         int64 timestamp_usec;
    853         if (!(ids->GetDictionary(j, &id) &&
    854             id->GetString("timestamp_usec", &timestamp_string) &&
    855               base::StringToInt64(timestamp_string, &timestamp_usec))) {
    856           NOTREACHED() << "Unable to extract timestamp.";
    857           continue;
    858         }
    859         // The timestamp on the server is a Unix time.
    860         base::Time time = base::Time::UnixEpoch() +
    861                           base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(timestamp_usec);
    863         // Get the ID of the client that this visit came from.
    864         std::string client_id;
    865         id->GetString("client_id", &client_id);
    867         web_history_query_results_.push_back(
    868             HistoryEntry(
    869                 HistoryEntry::REMOTE_ENTRY,
    870                 GURL(url),
    871                 title,
    872                 time,
    873                 client_id,
    874                 !search_text.empty(),
    875                 base::string16(),
    876                 /* blocked_visit */ false,
    877                 accept_languages));
    878       }
    879     }
    880   } else if (results_value) {
    881     NOTREACHED() << "Failed to parse JSON response.";
    882   }
    883   results_info_value_.SetBoolean("hasSyncedResults", results_value != NULL);
    884   if (!history_request_consumer_.HasPendingRequests())
    885     ReturnResultsToFrontEnd();
    886 }
    888 void BrowsingHistoryHandler::RemoveComplete() {
    889   urls_to_be_deleted_.clear();
    891   // Notify the page that the deletion request is complete, but only if a web
    892   // history delete request is not still pending.
    893   if (!has_pending_delete_request_)
    894     web_ui()->CallJavascriptFunction("deleteComplete");
    895 }
    897 void BrowsingHistoryHandler::RemoveWebHistoryComplete(bool success) {
    898   has_pending_delete_request_ = false;
    899   // TODO(dubroy): Should we handle failure somehow? Delete directives will
    900   // ensure that the visits are eventually deleted, so maybe it's not necessary.
    901   if (!delete_task_tracker_.HasTrackedTasks())
    902     RemoveComplete();
    903 }
    905 void BrowsingHistoryHandler::SetQueryTimeInWeeks(
    906     int offset, history::QueryOptions* options) {
    907   // LocalMidnight returns the beginning of the current day so get the
    908   // beginning of the next one.
    909   base::Time midnight = base::Time::Now().LocalMidnight() +
    910                               base::TimeDelta::FromDays(1);
    911   options->end_time = midnight -
    912       base::TimeDelta::FromDays(7 * offset);
    913   options->begin_time = midnight -
    914       base::TimeDelta::FromDays(7 * (offset + 1));
    915 }
    917 void BrowsingHistoryHandler::SetQueryTimeInMonths(
    918     int offset, history::QueryOptions* options) {
    919   // Configure the begin point of the search to the start of the
    920   // current month.
    921   base::Time::Exploded exploded;
    922   base::Time::Now().LocalMidnight().LocalExplode(&exploded);
    923   exploded.day_of_month = 1;
    925   if (offset == 0) {
    926     options->begin_time = base::Time::FromLocalExploded(exploded);
    928     // Set the end time of this first search to null (which will
    929     // show results from the future, should the user's clock have
    930     // been set incorrectly).
    931     options->end_time = base::Time();
    932   } else {
    933     // Go back |offset| months in the past. The end time is not inclusive, so
    934     // use the first day of the |offset| - 1 and |offset| months (e.g. for
    935     // the last month, |offset| = 1, use the first days of the last month and
    936     // the current month.
    937     exploded.month -= offset - 1;
    938     // Set the correct year.
    939     normalizeMonths(&exploded);
    940     options->end_time = base::Time::FromLocalExploded(exploded);
    942     exploded.month -= 1;
    943     // Set the correct year
    944     normalizeMonths(&exploded);
    945     options->begin_time = base::Time::FromLocalExploded(exploded);
    946   }
    947 }
    949 // Helper function for Observe that determines if there are any differences
    950 // between the URLs noticed for deletion and the ones we are expecting.
    951 static bool DeletionsDiffer(const history::URLRows& deleted_rows,
    952                             const std::set<GURL>& urls_to_be_deleted) {
    953   if (deleted_rows.size() != urls_to_be_deleted.size())
    954     return true;
    955   for (history::URLRows::const_iterator i = deleted_rows.begin();
    956        i != deleted_rows.end(); ++i) {
    957     if (urls_to_be_deleted.find(i->url()) == urls_to_be_deleted.end())
    958       return true;
    959   }
    960   return false;
    961 }
    963 void BrowsingHistoryHandler::Observe(
    964     int type,
    965     const content::NotificationSource& source,
    966     const content::NotificationDetails& details) {
    967   if (type != chrome::NOTIFICATION_HISTORY_URLS_DELETED) {
    968     NOTREACHED();
    969     return;
    970   }
    971   history::URLsDeletedDetails* deletedDetails =
    972       content::Details<history::URLsDeletedDetails>(details).ptr();
    973   if (deletedDetails->all_history ||
    974       DeletionsDiffer(deletedDetails->rows, urls_to_be_deleted_))
    975     web_ui()->CallJavascriptFunction("historyDeleted");
    976 }
    978 std::string BrowsingHistoryHandler::GetAcceptLanguages() const {
    979   Profile* profile = Profile::FromWebUI(web_ui());
    980   return profile->GetPrefs()->GetString(prefs::kAcceptLanguages);
    981 }
    983 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    984 //
    985 // HistoryUI
    986 //
    987 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    989 HistoryUI::HistoryUI(content::WebUI* web_ui) : WebUIController(web_ui) {
    990   web_ui->AddMessageHandler(new BrowsingHistoryHandler());
    991   web_ui->AddMessageHandler(new MetricsHandler());
    993 // On mobile we deal with foreign sessions differently.
    994 #if !defined(OS_ANDROID) && !defined(OS_IOS)
    995   if (chrome::IsInstantExtendedAPIEnabled()) {
    996     web_ui->AddMessageHandler(new browser_sync::ForeignSessionHandler());
    997     web_ui->AddMessageHandler(new NTPLoginHandler());
    998   }
    999 #endif
   1001   // Set up the chrome://history-frame/ source.
   1002   Profile* profile = Profile::FromWebUI(web_ui);
   1003   content::WebUIDataSource::Add(profile, CreateHistoryUIHTMLSource(profile));
   1004 }
   1006 // static
   1007 base::RefCountedMemory* HistoryUI::GetFaviconResourceBytes(
   1008       ui::ScaleFactor scale_factor) {
   1009   return ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().
   1010       LoadDataResourceBytesForScale(IDR_HISTORY_FAVICON, scale_factor);
   1011 }