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      1 # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 # found in the LICENSE file.
      5 # This file contains resources for the main Mac chromium bundle.
      6 {
      7   # The main browser executable's name is <(mac_product_name).
      8   # Certain things will get confused if two modules in the
      9   # executable share the same name, so append " Framework" to the
     10   # product_name used for the framework.  This will result in
     11   # a name like "Chromium Framework.framework".
     12   'product_name': '<(mac_product_name) Framework',
     13   'mac_bundle': 1,
     14   'xcode_settings': {
     15     'CHROMIUM_BUNDLE_ID': '<(mac_bundle_id)',
     17     # The dylib versions are of the form a[.b[.c]], where a is a
     18     # 16-bit unsigned integer, and b and c are 8-bit unsigned
     19     # integers.  Any missing component is taken to be 0.  The
     20     # best mapping from product version numbers into this scheme
     21     # is to just use a=BUILD, b=(PATCH/256), c=(PATCH%256). There
     22     # is no ambiguity in this scheme because the build and patch
     23     # numbers are guaranteed unique even across distinct major
     24     # and minor version numbers.  These settings correspond to
     25     # -compatibility_version and -current_version.
     26     'DYLIB_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION': '<(version_mac_dylib)',
     27     'DYLIB_CURRENT_VERSION': '<(version_mac_dylib)',
     29     # The framework is placed within the .app's versioned
     30     # directory.  DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME_BASE and
     31     # LD_DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME affect -install_name.
     33         '@executable_path/../Versions/<(version_full)',
     34     # See /build/mac/copy_framework_unversioned.sh for
     35     # information on LD_DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME.
     36     'LD_DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME':
     37         '$(DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME_BASE:standardizepath)/$(WRAPPER_NAME)/$(PRODUCT_NAME)',
     39     'INFOPLIST_FILE': 'app/framework-Info.plist',
     40   },
     41   'includes': [
     42     'chrome_nibs.gypi',
     43   ],
     44   # TODO(mark): Come up with a fancier way to do this.  It should
     45   # only be necessary to list framework-Info.plist once, not the
     46   # three times it is listed here.
     47   'mac_bundle_resources': [
     48     # This image is used to badge the lock icon in the
     49     # authentication dialogs, such as those used for installation
     50     # from disk image and Keystone promotion (if so enabled).  It
     51     # needs to exist as a file on disk and not just something in a
     52     # resource bundle because that's the interface that
     53     # Authorization Services uses.  Also, Authorization Services
     54     # can't deal with .icns files.
     55     'app/theme/default_100_percent/<(theme_dir_name)/product_logo_32.png',
     57     'app/framework-Info.plist',
     58     '<@(mac_all_xibs)',
     59     'app/theme/find_next_Template.pdf',
     60     'app/theme/find_prev_Template.pdf',
     61     'app/theme/menu_overflow_down.pdf',
     62     'app/theme/menu_overflow_up.pdf',
     63     'browser/mac/install.sh',
     64     '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/repack/chrome_100_percent.pak',
     65     '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/repack/resources.pak',
     66     '<!@pymod_do_main(repack_locales -o -p <(OS) -g <(grit_out_dir) -s <(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR) -x <(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR) <(locales))',
     67     # Note: pseudo_locales are generated via the packed_resources
     68     # dependency but not copied to the final target.  See
     69     # common.gypi for more info.
     70   ],
     71   'mac_bundle_resources!': [
     72     'app/framework-Info.plist',
     73   ],
     74   'dependencies': [
     75     'app_mode_app',
     76     # Bring in pdfsqueeze and run it on all pdfs
     77     '../build/temp_gyp/pdfsqueeze.gyp:pdfsqueeze',
     78     '../crypto/crypto.gyp:crypto',
     79     '../pdf/pdf.gyp:pdf',
     80     # On Mac, Flash gets put into the framework, so we need this
     81     # dependency here. flash_player.gyp will copy the Flash bundle
     82     # into PRODUCT_DIR.
     83     '../third_party/adobe/flash/flash_player.gyp:flapper_binaries',
     84     '../third_party/widevine/cdm/widevine_cdm.gyp:widevinecdmadapter',
     85     'chrome_resources.gyp:packed_extra_resources',
     86     'chrome_resources.gyp:packed_resources',
     87   ],
     88   'rules': [
     89     {
     90       'rule_name': 'pdfsqueeze',
     91       'extension': 'pdf',
     92       'inputs': [
     93         '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/pdfsqueeze',
     94       ],
     95       'outputs': [
     96         '<(INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/pdfsqueeze/<(RULE_INPUT_ROOT).pdf',
     97       ],
     98       'action': ['<(PRODUCT_DIR)/pdfsqueeze',
     99                  '<(RULE_INPUT_PATH)', '<@(_outputs)'],
    100       'message': 'Running pdfsqueeze on <(RULE_INPUT_PATH)',
    101     },
    102   ],
    103   'variables': {
    104     'conditions': [
    105       ['branding=="Chrome"', {
    106         'theme_dir_name': 'google_chrome',
    107       }, {  # else: 'branding!="Chrome"
    108         'theme_dir_name': 'chromium',
    109       }],
    110     ],
    111     'libpeer_target_type%': 'static_library',
    112   },
    113   'postbuilds': [
    114     {
    115       # Modify the Info.plist as needed.  The script explains why
    116       # this is needed.  This is also done in the chrome target.
    117       # The framework needs the Breakpad keys if this feature is
    118       # enabled.  It does not need the Keystone keys; these always
    119       # come from the outer application bundle.  The framework
    120       # doesn't currently use the SCM keys for anything,
    121       # but this seems like a really good place to store them.
    122       'postbuild_name': 'Tweak Info.plist',
    123       'action': ['<(tweak_info_plist_path)',
    124                  '--breakpad=<(mac_breakpad_compiled_in)',
    125                  '--breakpad_uploads=<(mac_breakpad_uploads)',
    126                  '--keystone=0',
    127                  '--scm=1',
    128                  '--branding=<(branding)'],
    129     },
    130     {
    131       'postbuild_name': 'Symlink Libraries',
    132       'action': [
    133         'ln',
    134         '-fns',
    135         'Versions/Current/Libraries',
    136         '${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${WRAPPER_NAME}/Libraries'
    137       ],
    138     },
    139   ],
    140   'copies': [
    141     {
    142       'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/$(CONTENTS_FOLDER_PATH)/Libraries',
    143       'files': [
    144         '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/exif.so',
    145         '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/ffmpegsumo.so',
    146       ],
    147     },
    148     {
    149       'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/$(CONTENTS_FOLDER_PATH)/Internet Plug-Ins',
    150       'files': [
    151         '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/PDF.plugin',
    152       ],
    153       'conditions': [
    154         ['disable_nacl!=1', {
    155           'files': [
    156             '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/ppGoogleNaClPluginChrome.plugin',
    157           ],
    158           'conditions': [
    159             ['target_arch=="x64"', {
    160               'files': [
    161                 '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/nacl_irt_x86_64.nexe',
    162               ],
    163             }, {
    164               'files': [
    165                 '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/nacl_irt_x86_32.nexe',
    166               ],
    167             }],
    168           ],
    169         }],
    170       ],
    171     },
    172     {
    173       'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/$(CONTENTS_FOLDER_PATH)/Internet Plug-Ins/PepperFlash',
    174       'files': [],
    175       'conditions': [
    176         ['branding == "Chrome"', {
    177           'files': [
    178             '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/PepperFlash/PepperFlashPlayer.plugin',
    179           ],
    180         }],
    181       ],
    182     },
    183     {
    184       # This file is used by the component installer.
    185       # It is not a complete plug-in on its own.
    186       'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/$(CONTENTS_FOLDER_PATH)/Internet Plug-Ins/',
    187       'files': [],
    188       'conditions': [
    189         ['branding == "Chrome"', {
    190           'files': [
    191             '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/widevinecdmadapter.plugin',
    192           ],
    193         }],
    194       ],
    195     },
    196     {
    197       # Copy of resources used by tests.
    198       'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)',
    199       'files': [
    200           '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/repack/resources.pak'
    201       ],
    202     },
    203     {
    204       # Copy of resources used by tests.
    205       'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/pseudo_locales',
    206       'files': [
    207           '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/<(pseudo_locales).pak'
    208       ],
    209     },
    210     {
    211       'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/$(CONTENTS_FOLDER_PATH)/resources',
    212       'files': [
    213         # Loader bundle for platform apps.
    214         '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/app_mode_loader.app',
    215       ],
    216     },
    217   ],
    218   'conditions': [
    219     ['branding=="Chrome"', {
    220       'copies': [
    221         {
    222           # This location is for the Mac build. Note that the
    223           # copying of these files for Windows and Linux is handled
    224           # in chrome.gyp, as Mac needs to be dropped inside the
    225           # framework.
    226           'destination':
    227               '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/$(CONTENTS_FOLDER_PATH)/Default Apps',
    228           'files': ['<@(default_apps_list)'],
    229         },
    230       ],
    231     }],
    232     ['mac_breakpad==1', {
    233       'variables': {
    234         # A real .dSYM is needed for dump_syms to operate on.
    235         'mac_real_dsym': 1,
    236       },
    237     }],
    238     ['mac_breakpad_compiled_in==1', {
    239       'dependencies': [
    240         '../breakpad/breakpad.gyp:breakpad',
    241         '../components/components.gyp:policy',
    242       ],
    243       'copies': [
    244         {
    245           'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/$(CONTENTS_FOLDER_PATH)/Resources',
    246           'files': [
    247             '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/crash_inspector',
    248             '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/crash_report_sender.app'
    249           ],
    250         },
    251       ],
    252     }],  # mac_breakpad_compiled_in
    253     ['mac_keystone==1', {
    254       'mac_bundle_resources': [
    255         'browser/mac/keystone_promote_preflight.sh',
    256         'browser/mac/keystone_promote_postflight.sh',
    257       ],
    258       'postbuilds': [
    259         {
    260           'postbuild_name': 'Copy KeystoneRegistration.framework',
    261           'action': [
    262             '../build/mac/copy_framework_unversioned.sh',
    263             '-I',
    264             '../third_party/googlemac/Releases/Keystone/KeystoneRegistration.framework',
    265             '${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${CONTENTS_FOLDER_PATH}/Frameworks',
    266           ],
    267         },
    268         {
    269           'postbuild_name': 'Symlink Frameworks',
    270           'action': [
    271             'ln',
    272             '-fns',
    273             'Versions/Current/Frameworks',
    274             '${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${WRAPPER_NAME}/Frameworks'
    275           ],
    276         },
    277       ],
    278     }],  # mac_keystone
    279     ['debug_devtools==1', {
    280       'postbuilds': [{
    281         'postbuild_name': 'Copy inspector files',
    282         'action': [
    283           'ln',
    284           '-fs',
    285           '${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/resources/inspector',
    286           '${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${CONTENTS_FOLDER_PATH}/Resources',
    287         ],
    288       }],
    289     }],
    290     ['enable_hidpi==1', {
    291       'mac_bundle_resources': [
    292         '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/repack/chrome_200_percent.pak',
    293       ],
    294     }],
    295     ['enable_webrtc==1 and libpeer_target_type!="static_library"', {
    296       'copies': [{
    297        'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/$(CONTENTS_FOLDER_PATH)/Libraries',
    298        'files': [
    299           '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/libpeerconnection.so',
    300         ],
    301       }],
    302     }],
    303     ['icu_use_data_file_flag==1', {
    304       'mac_bundle_resources': [
    305         '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/icudtl.dat',
    306       ],
    307     }],
    308   ],  # conditions
    309 }