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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "net/quic/quic_session.h"
      7 #include <set>
      8 #include <vector>
     10 #include "base/basictypes.h"
     11 #include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
     12 #include "net/quic/crypto/crypto_protocol.h"
     13 #include "net/quic/quic_crypto_stream.h"
     14 #include "net/quic/quic_flags.h"
     15 #include "net/quic/quic_protocol.h"
     16 #include "net/quic/quic_utils.h"
     17 #include "net/quic/reliable_quic_stream.h"
     18 #include "net/quic/test_tools/quic_config_peer.h"
     19 #include "net/quic/test_tools/quic_connection_peer.h"
     20 #include "net/quic/test_tools/quic_data_stream_peer.h"
     21 #include "net/quic/test_tools/quic_flow_controller_peer.h"
     22 #include "net/quic/test_tools/quic_session_peer.h"
     23 #include "net/quic/test_tools/quic_test_utils.h"
     24 #include "net/quic/test_tools/reliable_quic_stream_peer.h"
     25 #include "net/spdy/spdy_framer.h"
     26 #include "net/test/gtest_util.h"
     27 #include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
     28 #include "testing/gmock_mutant.h"
     29 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
     31 using base::hash_map;
     32 using std::set;
     33 using std::vector;
     34 using testing::CreateFunctor;
     35 using testing::InSequence;
     36 using testing::Invoke;
     37 using testing::Return;
     38 using testing::StrictMock;
     39 using testing::_;
     41 namespace net {
     42 namespace test {
     43 namespace {
     45 const QuicPriority kHighestPriority = 0;
     46 const QuicPriority kSomeMiddlePriority = 3;
     48 class TestCryptoStream : public QuicCryptoStream {
     49  public:
     50   explicit TestCryptoStream(QuicSession* session)
     51       : QuicCryptoStream(session) {
     52   }
     54   virtual void OnHandshakeMessage(
     55       const CryptoHandshakeMessage& message) OVERRIDE {
     56     encryption_established_ = true;
     57     handshake_confirmed_ = true;
     58     CryptoHandshakeMessage msg;
     59     string error_details;
     60     session()->config()->SetInitialFlowControlWindowToSend(
     61         kInitialSessionFlowControlWindowForTest);
     62     session()->config()->SetInitialStreamFlowControlWindowToSend(
     63         kInitialStreamFlowControlWindowForTest);
     64     session()->config()->SetInitialSessionFlowControlWindowToSend(
     65         kInitialSessionFlowControlWindowForTest);
     66     session()->config()->ToHandshakeMessage(&msg);
     67     const QuicErrorCode error = session()->config()->ProcessPeerHello(
     68         msg, CLIENT, &error_details);
     69     EXPECT_EQ(QUIC_NO_ERROR, error);
     70     session()->OnConfigNegotiated();
     71     session()->OnCryptoHandshakeEvent(QuicSession::HANDSHAKE_CONFIRMED);
     72   }
     74   MOCK_METHOD0(OnCanWrite, void());
     75 };
     77 class TestHeadersStream : public QuicHeadersStream {
     78  public:
     79   explicit TestHeadersStream(QuicSession* session)
     80       : QuicHeadersStream(session) {
     81   }
     83   MOCK_METHOD0(OnCanWrite, void());
     84 };
     86 class TestStream : public QuicDataStream {
     87  public:
     88   TestStream(QuicStreamId id, QuicSession* session)
     89       : QuicDataStream(id, session) {
     90   }
     92   using ReliableQuicStream::CloseWriteSide;
     94   virtual uint32 ProcessData(const char* data, uint32 data_len) OVERRIDE {
     95     return data_len;
     96   }
     98   void SendBody(const string& data, bool fin) {
     99     WriteOrBufferData(data, fin, NULL);
    100   }
    102   MOCK_METHOD0(OnCanWrite, void());
    103 };
    105 // Poor man's functor for use as callback in a mock.
    106 class StreamBlocker {
    107  public:
    108   StreamBlocker(QuicSession* session, QuicStreamId stream_id)
    109       : session_(session),
    110         stream_id_(stream_id) {
    111   }
    113   void MarkWriteBlocked() {
    114     session_->MarkWriteBlocked(stream_id_, kSomeMiddlePriority);
    115   }
    117  private:
    118   QuicSession* const session_;
    119   const QuicStreamId stream_id_;
    120 };
    122 class TestSession : public QuicSession {
    123  public:
    124   explicit TestSession(QuicConnection* connection)
    125       : QuicSession(connection,
    126                     DefaultQuicConfig()),
    127         crypto_stream_(this),
    128         writev_consumes_all_data_(false) {}
    130   virtual TestCryptoStream* GetCryptoStream() OVERRIDE {
    131     return &crypto_stream_;
    132   }
    134   virtual TestStream* CreateOutgoingDataStream() OVERRIDE {
    135     TestStream* stream = new TestStream(GetNextStreamId(), this);
    136     ActivateStream(stream);
    137     return stream;
    138   }
    140   virtual TestStream* CreateIncomingDataStream(QuicStreamId id) OVERRIDE {
    141     return new TestStream(id, this);
    142   }
    144   bool IsClosedStream(QuicStreamId id) {
    145     return QuicSession::IsClosedStream(id);
    146   }
    148   QuicDataStream* GetIncomingDataStream(QuicStreamId stream_id) {
    149     return QuicSession::GetIncomingDataStream(stream_id);
    150   }
    152   virtual QuicConsumedData WritevData(
    153       QuicStreamId id,
    154       const IOVector& data,
    155       QuicStreamOffset offset,
    156       bool fin,
    157       FecProtection fec_protection,
    158       QuicAckNotifier::DelegateInterface* ack_notifier_delegate) OVERRIDE {
    159     // Always consumes everything.
    160     if (writev_consumes_all_data_) {
    161       return QuicConsumedData(data.TotalBufferSize(), fin);
    162     } else {
    163       return QuicSession::WritevData(id, data, offset, fin, fec_protection,
    164                                      ack_notifier_delegate);
    165     }
    166   }
    168   void set_writev_consumes_all_data(bool val) {
    169     writev_consumes_all_data_ = val;
    170   }
    172   QuicConsumedData SendStreamData(QuicStreamId id) {
    173     return WritevData(id, IOVector(), 0, true, MAY_FEC_PROTECT, NULL);
    174   }
    176   using QuicSession::PostProcessAfterData;
    178  private:
    179   StrictMock<TestCryptoStream> crypto_stream_;
    181   bool writev_consumes_all_data_;
    182 };
    184 class QuicSessionTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam<QuicVersion> {
    185  protected:
    186   QuicSessionTest()
    187       : connection_(new MockConnection(true, SupportedVersions(GetParam()))),
    188         session_(connection_) {
    189     session_.config()->SetInitialFlowControlWindowToSend(
    190         kInitialSessionFlowControlWindowForTest);
    191     session_.config()->SetInitialStreamFlowControlWindowToSend(
    192         kInitialStreamFlowControlWindowForTest);
    193     session_.config()->SetInitialSessionFlowControlWindowToSend(
    194         kInitialSessionFlowControlWindowForTest);
    195     headers_[":host"] = "www.google.com";
    196     headers_[":path"] = "/index.hml";
    197     headers_[":scheme"] = "http";
    198     headers_["cookie"] =
    199         "__utma=208381060.1228362404.1372200928.1372200928.1372200928.1; "
    200         "__utmc=160408618; "
    201         "GX=DQAAAOEAAACWJYdewdE9rIrW6qw3PtVi2-d729qaa-74KqOsM1NVQblK4VhX"
    202         "hoALMsy6HOdDad2Sz0flUByv7etmo3mLMidGrBoljqO9hSVA40SLqpG_iuKKSHX"
    203         "RW3Np4bq0F0SDGDNsW0DSmTS9ufMRrlpARJDS7qAI6M3bghqJp4eABKZiRqebHT"
    204         "pMU-RXvTI5D5oCF1vYxYofH_l1Kviuiy3oQ1kS1enqWgbhJ2t61_SNdv-1XJIS0"
    205         "O3YeHLmVCs62O6zp89QwakfAWK9d3IDQvVSJzCQsvxvNIvaZFa567MawWlXg0Rh"
    206         "1zFMi5vzcns38-8_Sns; "
    207         "GA=v*2%2Fmem*57968640*47239936%2Fmem*57968640*47114716%2Fno-nm-"
    208         "yj*15%2Fno-cc-yj*5%2Fpc-ch*133685%2Fpc-s-cr*133947%2Fpc-s-t*1339"
    209         "47%2Fno-nm-yj*4%2Fno-cc-yj*1%2Fceft-as*1%2Fceft-nqas*0%2Fad-ra-c"
    210         "v_p%2Fad-nr-cv_p-f*1%2Fad-v-cv_p*859%2Fad-ns-cv_p-f*1%2Ffn-v-ad%"
    211         "2Fpc-t*250%2Fpc-cm*461%2Fpc-s-cr*722%2Fpc-s-t*722%2Fau_p*4"
    212         "SICAID=AJKiYcHdKgxum7KMXG0ei2t1-W4OD1uW-ecNsCqC0wDuAXiDGIcT_HA2o1"
    213         "3Rs1UKCuBAF9g8rWNOFbxt8PSNSHFuIhOo2t6bJAVpCsMU5Laa6lewuTMYI8MzdQP"
    214         "ARHKyW-koxuhMZHUnGBJAM1gJODe0cATO_KGoX4pbbFxxJ5IicRxOrWK_5rU3cdy6"
    215         "edlR9FsEdH6iujMcHkbE5l18ehJDwTWmBKBzVD87naobhMMrF6VvnDGxQVGp9Ir_b"
    216         "Rgj3RWUoPumQVCxtSOBdX0GlJOEcDTNCzQIm9BSfetog_eP_TfYubKudt5eMsXmN6"
    217         "QnyXHeGeK2UINUzJ-D30AFcpqYgH9_1BvYSpi7fc7_ydBU8TaD8ZRxvtnzXqj0RfG"
    218         "tuHghmv3aD-uzSYJ75XDdzKdizZ86IG6Fbn1XFhYZM-fbHhm3mVEXnyRW4ZuNOLFk"
    219         "Fas6LMcVC6Q8QLlHYbXBpdNFuGbuZGUnav5C-2I_-46lL0NGg3GewxGKGHvHEfoyn"
    220         "EFFlEYHsBQ98rXImL8ySDycdLEFvBPdtctPmWCfTxwmoSMLHU2SCVDhbqMWU5b0yr"
    221         "JBCScs_ejbKaqBDoB7ZGxTvqlrB__2ZmnHHjCr8RgMRtKNtIeuZAo ";
    222   }
    224   void CheckClosedStreams() {
    225     for (int i = kCryptoStreamId; i < 100; i++) {
    226       if (closed_streams_.count(i) == 0) {
    227         EXPECT_FALSE(session_.IsClosedStream(i)) << " stream id: " << i;
    228       } else {
    229         EXPECT_TRUE(session_.IsClosedStream(i)) << " stream id: " << i;
    230       }
    231     }
    232   }
    234   void CloseStream(QuicStreamId id) {
    235     session_.CloseStream(id);
    236     closed_streams_.insert(id);
    237   }
    239   QuicVersion version() const { return connection_->version(); }
    241   MockConnection* connection_;
    242   TestSession session_;
    243   set<QuicStreamId> closed_streams_;
    244   SpdyHeaderBlock headers_;
    245 };
    247 INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(Tests, QuicSessionTest,
    248                         ::testing::ValuesIn(QuicSupportedVersions()));
    250 TEST_P(QuicSessionTest, PeerAddress) {
    251   EXPECT_EQ(IPEndPoint(Loopback4(), kTestPort), session_.peer_address());
    252 }
    254 TEST_P(QuicSessionTest, IsCryptoHandshakeConfirmed) {
    255   EXPECT_FALSE(session_.IsCryptoHandshakeConfirmed());
    256   CryptoHandshakeMessage message;
    257   session_.GetCryptoStream()->OnHandshakeMessage(message);
    258   EXPECT_TRUE(session_.IsCryptoHandshakeConfirmed());
    259 }
    261 TEST_P(QuicSessionTest, IsClosedStreamDefault) {
    262   // Ensure that no streams are initially closed.
    263   for (int i = kCryptoStreamId; i < 100; i++) {
    264     EXPECT_FALSE(session_.IsClosedStream(i)) << "stream id: " << i;
    265   }
    266 }
    268 TEST_P(QuicSessionTest, ImplicitlyCreatedStreams) {
    269   ASSERT_TRUE(session_.GetIncomingDataStream(7) != NULL);
    270   // Both 3 and 5 should be implicitly created.
    271   EXPECT_FALSE(session_.IsClosedStream(3));
    272   EXPECT_FALSE(session_.IsClosedStream(5));
    273   ASSERT_TRUE(session_.GetIncomingDataStream(5) != NULL);
    274   ASSERT_TRUE(session_.GetIncomingDataStream(3) != NULL);
    275 }
    277 TEST_P(QuicSessionTest, IsClosedStreamLocallyCreated) {
    278   TestStream* stream2 = session_.CreateOutgoingDataStream();
    279   EXPECT_EQ(2u, stream2->id());
    280   TestStream* stream4 = session_.CreateOutgoingDataStream();
    281   EXPECT_EQ(4u, stream4->id());
    283   CheckClosedStreams();
    284   CloseStream(4);
    285   CheckClosedStreams();
    286   CloseStream(2);
    287   CheckClosedStreams();
    288 }
    290 TEST_P(QuicSessionTest, IsClosedStreamPeerCreated) {
    291   QuicStreamId stream_id1 = kClientDataStreamId1;
    292   QuicStreamId stream_id2 = kClientDataStreamId2;
    293   QuicDataStream* stream1 = session_.GetIncomingDataStream(stream_id1);
    294   QuicDataStreamPeer::SetHeadersDecompressed(stream1, true);
    295   QuicDataStream* stream2 = session_.GetIncomingDataStream(stream_id2);
    296   QuicDataStreamPeer::SetHeadersDecompressed(stream2, true);
    298   CheckClosedStreams();
    299   CloseStream(stream_id1);
    300   CheckClosedStreams();
    301   CloseStream(stream_id2);
    302   // Create a stream explicitly, and another implicitly.
    303   QuicDataStream* stream3 = session_.GetIncomingDataStream(stream_id2 + 4);
    304   QuicDataStreamPeer::SetHeadersDecompressed(stream3, true);
    305   CheckClosedStreams();
    306   // Close one, but make sure the other is still not closed
    307   CloseStream(stream3->id());
    308   CheckClosedStreams();
    309 }
    311 TEST_P(QuicSessionTest, StreamIdTooLarge) {
    312   QuicStreamId stream_id = kClientDataStreamId1;
    313   session_.GetIncomingDataStream(stream_id);
    314   EXPECT_CALL(*connection_, SendConnectionClose(QUIC_INVALID_STREAM_ID));
    315   session_.GetIncomingDataStream(stream_id + kMaxStreamIdDelta + 2);
    316 }
    318 TEST_P(QuicSessionTest, DecompressionError) {
    319   QuicHeadersStream* stream = QuicSessionPeer::GetHeadersStream(&session_);
    320   const unsigned char data[] = {
    321     0x80, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01,  // SPDY/3 SYN_STREAM frame
    322     0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x25,  // flags/length
    323     0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x05,  // stream id
    324     0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,  // associated stream id
    325     0x00, 0x00,
    326     'a',  'b',  'c',  'd'    // invalid compressed data
    327   };
    328   EXPECT_CALL(*connection_,
    329               SendConnectionCloseWithDetails(QUIC_INVALID_HEADERS_STREAM_DATA,
    330                                              "SPDY framing error."));
    331   stream->ProcessRawData(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data),
    332                          arraysize(data));
    333 }
    335 TEST_P(QuicSessionTest, DebugDFatalIfMarkingClosedStreamWriteBlocked) {
    336   TestStream* stream2 = session_.CreateOutgoingDataStream();
    337   // Close the stream.
    338   stream2->Reset(QUIC_BAD_APPLICATION_PAYLOAD);
    339   // TODO(rtenneti): enable when chromium supports EXPECT_DEBUG_DFATAL.
    340   /*
    341   QuicStreamId kClosedStreamId = stream2->id();
    343       session_.MarkWriteBlocked(kClosedStreamId, kSomeMiddlePriority),
    344       "Marking unknown stream 2 blocked.");
    345   */
    346 }
    348 TEST_P(QuicSessionTest, DebugDFatalIfMarkWriteBlockedCalledWithWrongPriority) {
    349   const QuicPriority kDifferentPriority = 0;
    351   TestStream* stream2 = session_.CreateOutgoingDataStream();
    352   EXPECT_NE(kDifferentPriority, stream2->EffectivePriority());
    353   // TODO(rtenneti): enable when chromium supports EXPECT_DEBUG_DFATAL.
    354   /*
    356       session_.MarkWriteBlocked(stream2->id(), kDifferentPriority),
    357       "Priorities do not match.  Got: 0 Expected: 3");
    358   */
    359 }
    361 TEST_P(QuicSessionTest, OnCanWrite) {
    362   TestStream* stream2 = session_.CreateOutgoingDataStream();
    363   TestStream* stream4 = session_.CreateOutgoingDataStream();
    364   TestStream* stream6 = session_.CreateOutgoingDataStream();
    366   session_.MarkWriteBlocked(stream2->id(), kSomeMiddlePriority);
    367   session_.MarkWriteBlocked(stream6->id(), kSomeMiddlePriority);
    368   session_.MarkWriteBlocked(stream4->id(), kSomeMiddlePriority);
    370   InSequence s;
    371   StreamBlocker stream2_blocker(&session_, stream2->id());
    372   // Reregister, to test the loop limit.
    373   EXPECT_CALL(*stream2, OnCanWrite())
    374       .WillOnce(Invoke(&stream2_blocker, &StreamBlocker::MarkWriteBlocked));
    375   EXPECT_CALL(*stream6, OnCanWrite());
    376   EXPECT_CALL(*stream4, OnCanWrite());
    377   session_.OnCanWrite();
    378   EXPECT_TRUE(session_.WillingAndAbleToWrite());
    379 }
    381 TEST_P(QuicSessionTest, OnCanWriteBundlesStreams) {
    382   // Drive congestion control manually.
    383   MockSendAlgorithm* send_algorithm = new StrictMock<MockSendAlgorithm>;
    384   QuicConnectionPeer::SetSendAlgorithm(session_.connection(), send_algorithm);
    386   TestStream* stream2 = session_.CreateOutgoingDataStream();
    387   TestStream* stream4 = session_.CreateOutgoingDataStream();
    388   TestStream* stream6 = session_.CreateOutgoingDataStream();
    390   session_.MarkWriteBlocked(stream2->id(), kSomeMiddlePriority);
    391   session_.MarkWriteBlocked(stream6->id(), kSomeMiddlePriority);
    392   session_.MarkWriteBlocked(stream4->id(), kSomeMiddlePriority);
    394   EXPECT_CALL(*send_algorithm, TimeUntilSend(_, _, _)).WillRepeatedly(
    395       Return(QuicTime::Delta::Zero()));
    396   EXPECT_CALL(*send_algorithm, GetCongestionWindow())
    397       .WillOnce(Return(kMaxPacketSize * 10));
    398   EXPECT_CALL(*stream2, OnCanWrite())
    399       .WillOnce(IgnoreResult(Invoke(CreateFunctor(
    400           &session_, &TestSession::SendStreamData, stream2->id()))));
    401   EXPECT_CALL(*stream4, OnCanWrite())
    402       .WillOnce(IgnoreResult(Invoke(CreateFunctor(
    403           &session_, &TestSession::SendStreamData, stream4->id()))));
    404   EXPECT_CALL(*stream6, OnCanWrite())
    405       .WillOnce(IgnoreResult(Invoke(CreateFunctor(
    406           &session_, &TestSession::SendStreamData, stream6->id()))));
    408   // Expect that we only send one packet, the writes from different streams
    409   // should be bundled together.
    410   MockPacketWriter* writer =
    411       static_cast<MockPacketWriter*>(
    412           QuicConnectionPeer::GetWriter(session_.connection()));
    413   EXPECT_CALL(*writer, WritePacket(_, _, _, _)).WillOnce(
    414                   Return(WriteResult(WRITE_STATUS_OK, 0)));
    415   EXPECT_CALL(*send_algorithm, OnPacketSent(_, _, _, _, _)).Times(1);
    416   session_.OnCanWrite();
    417   EXPECT_FALSE(session_.WillingAndAbleToWrite());
    418 }
    420 TEST_P(QuicSessionTest, OnCanWriteCongestionControlBlocks) {
    421   InSequence s;
    423   // Drive congestion control manually.
    424   MockSendAlgorithm* send_algorithm = new StrictMock<MockSendAlgorithm>;
    425   QuicConnectionPeer::SetSendAlgorithm(session_.connection(), send_algorithm);
    427   TestStream* stream2 = session_.CreateOutgoingDataStream();
    428   TestStream* stream4 = session_.CreateOutgoingDataStream();
    429   TestStream* stream6 = session_.CreateOutgoingDataStream();
    431   session_.MarkWriteBlocked(stream2->id(), kSomeMiddlePriority);
    432   session_.MarkWriteBlocked(stream6->id(), kSomeMiddlePriority);
    433   session_.MarkWriteBlocked(stream4->id(), kSomeMiddlePriority);
    435   StreamBlocker stream2_blocker(&session_, stream2->id());
    436   EXPECT_CALL(*send_algorithm, TimeUntilSend(_, _, _)).WillOnce(Return(
    437       QuicTime::Delta::Zero()));
    438   EXPECT_CALL(*stream2, OnCanWrite());
    439   EXPECT_CALL(*send_algorithm, TimeUntilSend(_, _, _)).WillOnce(Return(
    440       QuicTime::Delta::Zero()));
    441   EXPECT_CALL(*stream6, OnCanWrite());
    442   EXPECT_CALL(*send_algorithm, TimeUntilSend(_, _, _)).WillOnce(Return(
    443       QuicTime::Delta::Infinite()));
    444   // stream4->OnCanWrite is not called.
    446   session_.OnCanWrite();
    447   EXPECT_TRUE(session_.WillingAndAbleToWrite());
    449   // Still congestion-control blocked.
    450   EXPECT_CALL(*send_algorithm, TimeUntilSend(_, _, _)).WillOnce(Return(
    451       QuicTime::Delta::Infinite()));
    452   session_.OnCanWrite();
    453   EXPECT_TRUE(session_.WillingAndAbleToWrite());
    455   // stream4->OnCanWrite is called once the connection stops being
    456   // congestion-control blocked.
    457   EXPECT_CALL(*send_algorithm, TimeUntilSend(_, _, _)).WillOnce(Return(
    458       QuicTime::Delta::Zero()));
    459   EXPECT_CALL(*stream4, OnCanWrite());
    460   session_.OnCanWrite();
    461   EXPECT_FALSE(session_.WillingAndAbleToWrite());
    462 }
    464 TEST_P(QuicSessionTest, BufferedHandshake) {
    465   EXPECT_FALSE(session_.HasPendingHandshake());  // Default value.
    467   // Test that blocking other streams does not change our status.
    468   TestStream* stream2 = session_.CreateOutgoingDataStream();
    469   StreamBlocker stream2_blocker(&session_, stream2->id());
    470   stream2_blocker.MarkWriteBlocked();
    471   EXPECT_FALSE(session_.HasPendingHandshake());
    473   TestStream* stream3 = session_.CreateOutgoingDataStream();
    474   StreamBlocker stream3_blocker(&session_, stream3->id());
    475   stream3_blocker.MarkWriteBlocked();
    476   EXPECT_FALSE(session_.HasPendingHandshake());
    478   // Blocking (due to buffering of) the Crypto stream is detected.
    479   session_.MarkWriteBlocked(kCryptoStreamId, kHighestPriority);
    480   EXPECT_TRUE(session_.HasPendingHandshake());
    482   TestStream* stream4 = session_.CreateOutgoingDataStream();
    483   StreamBlocker stream4_blocker(&session_, stream4->id());
    484   stream4_blocker.MarkWriteBlocked();
    485   EXPECT_TRUE(session_.HasPendingHandshake());
    487   InSequence s;
    488   // Force most streams to re-register, which is common scenario when we block
    489   // the Crypto stream, and only the crypto stream can "really" write.
    491   // Due to prioritization, we *should* be asked to write the crypto stream
    492   // first.
    493   // Don't re-register the crypto stream (which signals complete writing).
    494   TestCryptoStream* crypto_stream = session_.GetCryptoStream();
    495   EXPECT_CALL(*crypto_stream, OnCanWrite());
    497   // Re-register all other streams, to show they weren't able to proceed.
    498   EXPECT_CALL(*stream2, OnCanWrite())
    499       .WillOnce(Invoke(&stream2_blocker, &StreamBlocker::MarkWriteBlocked));
    500   EXPECT_CALL(*stream3, OnCanWrite())
    501       .WillOnce(Invoke(&stream3_blocker, &StreamBlocker::MarkWriteBlocked));
    502   EXPECT_CALL(*stream4, OnCanWrite())
    503       .WillOnce(Invoke(&stream4_blocker, &StreamBlocker::MarkWriteBlocked));
    505   session_.OnCanWrite();
    506   EXPECT_TRUE(session_.WillingAndAbleToWrite());
    507   EXPECT_FALSE(session_.HasPendingHandshake());  // Crypto stream wrote.
    508 }
    510 TEST_P(QuicSessionTest, OnCanWriteWithClosedStream) {
    511   TestStream* stream2 = session_.CreateOutgoingDataStream();
    512   TestStream* stream4 = session_.CreateOutgoingDataStream();
    513   TestStream* stream6 = session_.CreateOutgoingDataStream();
    515   session_.MarkWriteBlocked(stream2->id(), kSomeMiddlePriority);
    516   session_.MarkWriteBlocked(stream6->id(), kSomeMiddlePriority);
    517   session_.MarkWriteBlocked(stream4->id(), kSomeMiddlePriority);
    518   CloseStream(stream6->id());
    520   InSequence s;
    521   EXPECT_CALL(*stream2, OnCanWrite());
    522   EXPECT_CALL(*stream4, OnCanWrite());
    523   session_.OnCanWrite();
    524   EXPECT_FALSE(session_.WillingAndAbleToWrite());
    525 }
    527 TEST_P(QuicSessionTest, OnCanWriteLimitsNumWritesIfFlowControlBlocked) {
    528   if (version() < QUIC_VERSION_19) {
    529     return;
    530   }
    532   ValueRestore<bool> old_flag(&FLAGS_enable_quic_connection_flow_control_2,
    533                               true);
    534   // Ensure connection level flow control blockage.
    535   QuicFlowControllerPeer::SetSendWindowOffset(session_.flow_controller(), 0);
    536   EXPECT_TRUE(session_.flow_controller()->IsBlocked());
    538   // Mark the crypto and headers streams as write blocked, we expect them to be
    539   // allowed to write later.
    540   session_.MarkWriteBlocked(kCryptoStreamId, kHighestPriority);
    541   session_.MarkWriteBlocked(kHeadersStreamId, kHighestPriority);
    543   // Create a data stream, and although it is write blocked we never expect it
    544   // to be allowed to write as we are connection level flow control blocked.
    545   TestStream* stream = session_.CreateOutgoingDataStream();
    546   session_.MarkWriteBlocked(stream->id(), kSomeMiddlePriority);
    547   EXPECT_CALL(*stream, OnCanWrite()).Times(0);
    549   // The crypto and headers streams should be called even though we are
    550   // connection flow control blocked.
    551   TestCryptoStream* crypto_stream = session_.GetCryptoStream();
    552   EXPECT_CALL(*crypto_stream, OnCanWrite()).Times(1);
    553   TestHeadersStream* headers_stream = new TestHeadersStream(&session_);
    554   QuicSessionPeer::SetHeadersStream(&session_, headers_stream);
    555   EXPECT_CALL(*headers_stream, OnCanWrite()).Times(1);
    557   session_.OnCanWrite();
    558   EXPECT_FALSE(session_.WillingAndAbleToWrite());
    559 }
    561 TEST_P(QuicSessionTest, SendGoAway) {
    562   EXPECT_CALL(*connection_,
    563               SendGoAway(QUIC_PEER_GOING_AWAY, 0u, "Going Away."));
    564   session_.SendGoAway(QUIC_PEER_GOING_AWAY, "Going Away.");
    565   EXPECT_TRUE(session_.goaway_sent());
    567   EXPECT_CALL(*connection_,
    568               SendRstStream(3u, QUIC_STREAM_PEER_GOING_AWAY, 0)).Times(0);
    569   EXPECT_TRUE(session_.GetIncomingDataStream(3u));
    570 }
    572 TEST_P(QuicSessionTest, DoNotSendGoAwayTwice) {
    573   EXPECT_CALL(*connection_,
    574               SendGoAway(QUIC_PEER_GOING_AWAY, 0u, "Going Away.")).Times(1);
    575   session_.SendGoAway(QUIC_PEER_GOING_AWAY, "Going Away.");
    576   EXPECT_TRUE(session_.goaway_sent());
    577   session_.SendGoAway(QUIC_PEER_GOING_AWAY, "Going Away.");
    578 }
    580 TEST_P(QuicSessionTest, IncreasedTimeoutAfterCryptoHandshake) {
    581   EXPECT_EQ(kDefaultInitialTimeoutSecs,
    582             QuicConnectionPeer::GetNetworkTimeout(connection_).ToSeconds());
    583   CryptoHandshakeMessage msg;
    584   session_.GetCryptoStream()->OnHandshakeMessage(msg);
    585   EXPECT_EQ(kDefaultTimeoutSecs,
    586             QuicConnectionPeer::GetNetworkTimeout(connection_).ToSeconds());
    587 }
    589 TEST_P(QuicSessionTest, RstStreamBeforeHeadersDecompressed) {
    590   // Send two bytes of payload.
    591   QuicStreamFrame data1(kClientDataStreamId1, false, 0, MakeIOVector("HT"));
    592   vector<QuicStreamFrame> frames;
    593   frames.push_back(data1);
    594   session_.OnStreamFrames(frames);
    595   EXPECT_EQ(1u, session_.GetNumOpenStreams());
    597   QuicRstStreamFrame rst1(kClientDataStreamId1, QUIC_STREAM_NO_ERROR, 0);
    598   session_.OnRstStream(rst1);
    599   EXPECT_EQ(0u, session_.GetNumOpenStreams());
    600   // Connection should remain alive.
    601   EXPECT_TRUE(connection_->connected());
    602 }
    604 TEST_P(QuicSessionTest, MultipleRstStreamsCauseSingleConnectionClose) {
    605   // If multiple invalid reset stream frames arrive in a single packet, this
    606   // should trigger a connection close. However there is no need to send
    607   // multiple connection close frames.
    609   // Create valid stream.
    610   QuicStreamFrame data1(kClientDataStreamId1, false, 0, MakeIOVector("HT"));
    611   vector<QuicStreamFrame> frames;
    612   frames.push_back(data1);
    613   session_.OnStreamFrames(frames);
    614   EXPECT_EQ(1u, session_.GetNumOpenStreams());
    616   // Process first invalid stream reset, resulting in the connection being
    617   // closed.
    618   EXPECT_CALL(*connection_, SendConnectionClose(QUIC_INVALID_STREAM_ID))
    619       .Times(1);
    620   QuicStreamId kLargeInvalidStreamId = 99999999;
    621   QuicRstStreamFrame rst1(kLargeInvalidStreamId, QUIC_STREAM_NO_ERROR, 0);
    622   session_.OnRstStream(rst1);
    623   QuicConnectionPeer::CloseConnection(connection_);
    625   // Processing of second invalid stream reset should not result in the
    626   // connection being closed for a second time.
    627   QuicRstStreamFrame rst2(kLargeInvalidStreamId, QUIC_STREAM_NO_ERROR, 0);
    628   session_.OnRstStream(rst2);
    629 }
    631 TEST_P(QuicSessionTest, HandshakeUnblocksFlowControlBlockedStream) {
    632   // Test that if a stream is flow control blocked, then on receipt of the SHLO
    633   // containing a suitable send window offset, the stream becomes unblocked.
    634   if (version() < QUIC_VERSION_17) {
    635     return;
    636   }
    637   ValueRestore<bool> old_flag(&FLAGS_enable_quic_stream_flow_control_2, true);
    639   // Ensure that Writev consumes all the data it is given (simulate no socket
    640   // blocking).
    641   session_.set_writev_consumes_all_data(true);
    643   // Create a stream, and send enough data to make it flow control blocked.
    644   TestStream* stream2 = session_.CreateOutgoingDataStream();
    645   string body(kDefaultFlowControlSendWindow, '.');
    646   EXPECT_FALSE(stream2->flow_controller()->IsBlocked());
    647   stream2->SendBody(body, false);
    648   EXPECT_TRUE(stream2->flow_controller()->IsBlocked());
    650   // Now complete the crypto handshake, resulting in an increased flow control
    651   // send window.
    652   CryptoHandshakeMessage msg;
    653   session_.GetCryptoStream()->OnHandshakeMessage(msg);
    655   // Stream is now unblocked.
    656   EXPECT_FALSE(stream2->flow_controller()->IsBlocked());
    657 }
    659 TEST_P(QuicSessionTest, InvalidFlowControlWindowInHandshake) {
    660   // TODO(rjshade): Remove this test when removing QUIC_VERSION_19.
    661   // Test that receipt of an invalid (< default) flow control window from
    662   // the peer results in the connection being torn down.
    663   if (version() <= QUIC_VERSION_16 || version() > QUIC_VERSION_19) {
    664     return;
    665   }
    666   ValueRestore<bool> old_flag(&FLAGS_enable_quic_stream_flow_control_2, true);
    668   uint32 kInvalidWindow = kDefaultFlowControlSendWindow - 1;
    669   QuicConfigPeer::SetReceivedInitialFlowControlWindow(session_.config(),
    670                                                       kInvalidWindow);
    672   EXPECT_CALL(*connection_,
    673               SendConnectionClose(QUIC_FLOW_CONTROL_INVALID_WINDOW)).Times(2);
    674   session_.OnConfigNegotiated();
    675 }
    677 TEST_P(QuicSessionTest, InvalidStreamFlowControlWindowInHandshake) {
    678   // Test that receipt of an invalid (< default) stream flow control window from
    679   // the peer results in the connection being torn down.
    680   if (version() <= QUIC_VERSION_19) {
    681     return;
    682   }
    683   ValueRestore<bool> old_flag(&FLAGS_enable_quic_stream_flow_control_2, true);
    685   uint32 kInvalidWindow = kDefaultFlowControlSendWindow - 1;
    686   QuicConfigPeer::SetReceivedInitialStreamFlowControlWindow(session_.config(),
    687                                                             kInvalidWindow);
    689   EXPECT_CALL(*connection_,
    690               SendConnectionClose(QUIC_FLOW_CONTROL_INVALID_WINDOW));
    691   session_.OnConfigNegotiated();
    692 }
    694 TEST_P(QuicSessionTest, InvalidSessionFlowControlWindowInHandshake) {
    695   // Test that receipt of an invalid (< default) session flow control window
    696   // from the peer results in the connection being torn down.
    697   if (version() <= QUIC_VERSION_19) {
    698     return;
    699   }
    700   ValueRestore<bool> old_flag(&FLAGS_enable_quic_stream_flow_control_2, true);
    702   uint32 kInvalidWindow = kDefaultFlowControlSendWindow - 1;
    703   QuicConfigPeer::SetReceivedInitialSessionFlowControlWindow(session_.config(),
    704                                                              kInvalidWindow);
    706   EXPECT_CALL(*connection_,
    707               SendConnectionClose(QUIC_FLOW_CONTROL_INVALID_WINDOW));
    708   session_.OnConfigNegotiated();
    709 }
    711 TEST_P(QuicSessionTest, ConnectionFlowControlAccountingRstOutOfOrder) {
    712   if (version() < QUIC_VERSION_19) {
    713     return;
    714   }
    716   ValueRestore<bool> old_flag2(&FLAGS_enable_quic_stream_flow_control_2, true);
    717   ValueRestore<bool> old_flag(&FLAGS_enable_quic_connection_flow_control_2,
    718                               true);
    719   // Test that when we receive an out of order stream RST we correctly adjust
    720   // our connection level flow control receive window.
    721   // On close, the stream should mark as consumed all bytes between the highest
    722   // byte consumed so far and the final byte offset from the RST frame.
    723   TestStream* stream = session_.CreateOutgoingDataStream();
    725   const QuicStreamOffset kByteOffset =
    726       1 + kInitialSessionFlowControlWindowForTest / 2;
    728   // Expect no stream WINDOW_UPDATE frames, as stream read side closed.
    729   EXPECT_CALL(*connection_, SendWindowUpdate(stream->id(), _)).Times(0);
    730   // We do expect a connection level WINDOW_UPDATE when the stream is reset.
    731   EXPECT_CALL(*connection_,
    732               SendWindowUpdate(0, kInitialSessionFlowControlWindowForTest +
    733                                       kByteOffset)).Times(1);
    735   QuicRstStreamFrame rst_frame(stream->id(), QUIC_STREAM_CANCELLED,
    736                                kByteOffset);
    737   session_.OnRstStream(rst_frame);
    738   session_.PostProcessAfterData();
    739   EXPECT_EQ(kByteOffset, session_.flow_controller()->bytes_consumed());
    740 }
    742 TEST_P(QuicSessionTest, ConnectionFlowControlAccountingFinAndLocalReset) {
    743   if (version() < QUIC_VERSION_19) {
    744     return;
    745   }
    747   ValueRestore<bool> old_flag2(&FLAGS_enable_quic_stream_flow_control_2, true);
    748   ValueRestore<bool> old_flag(&FLAGS_enable_quic_connection_flow_control_2,
    749                               true);
    750   // Test the situation where we receive a FIN on a stream, and before we fully
    751   // consume all the data from the sequencer buffer we locally RST the stream.
    752   // The bytes between highest consumed byte, and the final byte offset that we
    753   // determined when the FIN arrived, should be marked as consumed at the
    754   // connection level flow controller when the stream is reset.
    755   TestStream* stream = session_.CreateOutgoingDataStream();
    757   const QuicStreamOffset kByteOffset =
    758       1 + kInitialSessionFlowControlWindowForTest / 2;
    759   QuicStreamFrame frame(stream->id(), true, kByteOffset, IOVector());
    760   vector<QuicStreamFrame> frames;
    761   frames.push_back(frame);
    762   session_.OnStreamFrames(frames);
    763   session_.PostProcessAfterData();
    765   EXPECT_EQ(0u, stream->flow_controller()->bytes_consumed());
    766   EXPECT_EQ(kByteOffset,
    767             stream->flow_controller()->highest_received_byte_offset());
    769   // We only expect to see a connection WINDOW_UPDATE when talking
    770   // QUIC_VERSION_19, as in this case both stream and session flow control
    771   // windows are the same size. In later versions we will not see a connection
    772   // level WINDOW_UPDATE when exhausting a stream, as the stream flow control
    773   // limit is much lower than the connection flow control limit.
    774   if (version() == QUIC_VERSION_19) {
    775     // Expect no stream WINDOW_UPDATE frames, as stream read side closed.
    776     EXPECT_CALL(*connection_, SendWindowUpdate(stream->id(), _)).Times(0);
    777     // We do expect a connection level WINDOW_UPDATE when the stream is reset.
    778     EXPECT_CALL(*connection_,
    779                 SendWindowUpdate(0, kInitialSessionFlowControlWindowForTest +
    780                                         kByteOffset)).Times(1);
    781   }
    783   // Reset stream locally.
    784   stream->Reset(QUIC_STREAM_CANCELLED);
    785   EXPECT_EQ(kByteOffset, session_.flow_controller()->bytes_consumed());
    786 }
    788 TEST_P(QuicSessionTest, ConnectionFlowControlAccountingFinAfterRst) {
    789   // Test that when we RST the stream (and tear down stream state), and then
    790   // receive a FIN from the peer, we correctly adjust our connection level flow
    791   // control receive window.
    792   if (version() < QUIC_VERSION_19) {
    793     return;
    794   }
    796   ValueRestore<bool> old_flag2(&FLAGS_enable_quic_stream_flow_control_2, true);
    797   ValueRestore<bool> old_flag(&FLAGS_enable_quic_connection_flow_control_2,
    798                               true);
    799   // Connection starts with some non-zero highest received byte offset,
    800   // due to other active streams.
    801   const uint64 kInitialConnectionBytesConsumed = 567;
    802   const uint64 kInitialConnectionHighestReceivedOffset = 1234;
    803   EXPECT_LT(kInitialConnectionBytesConsumed,
    804             kInitialConnectionHighestReceivedOffset);
    805   session_.flow_controller()->UpdateHighestReceivedOffset(
    806       kInitialConnectionHighestReceivedOffset);
    807   session_.flow_controller()->AddBytesConsumed(kInitialConnectionBytesConsumed);
    809   // Reset our stream: this results in the stream being closed locally.
    810   TestStream* stream = session_.CreateOutgoingDataStream();
    811   stream->Reset(QUIC_STREAM_CANCELLED);
    813   // Now receive a response from the peer with a FIN. We should handle this by
    814   // adjusting the connection level flow control receive window to take into
    815   // account the total number of bytes sent by the peer.
    816   const QuicStreamOffset kByteOffset = 5678;
    817   string body = "hello";
    818   IOVector data = MakeIOVector(body);
    819   QuicStreamFrame frame(stream->id(), true, kByteOffset, data);
    820   vector<QuicStreamFrame> frames;
    821   frames.push_back(frame);
    822   session_.OnStreamFrames(frames);
    824   QuicStreamOffset total_stream_bytes_sent_by_peer =
    825       kByteOffset + body.length();
    826   EXPECT_EQ(kInitialConnectionBytesConsumed + total_stream_bytes_sent_by_peer,
    827             session_.flow_controller()->bytes_consumed());
    828   EXPECT_EQ(
    829       kInitialConnectionHighestReceivedOffset + total_stream_bytes_sent_by_peer,
    830       session_.flow_controller()->highest_received_byte_offset());
    831 }
    833 TEST_P(QuicSessionTest, ConnectionFlowControlAccountingRstAfterRst) {
    834   // Test that when we RST the stream (and tear down stream state), and then
    835   // receive a RST from the peer, we correctly adjust our connection level flow
    836   // control receive window.
    837   if (version() < QUIC_VERSION_19) {
    838     return;
    839   }
    841   ValueRestore<bool> old_flag2(&FLAGS_enable_quic_stream_flow_control_2, true);
    842   ValueRestore<bool> old_flag(&FLAGS_enable_quic_connection_flow_control_2,
    843                               true);
    844   // Connection starts with some non-zero highest received byte offset,
    845   // due to other active streams.
    846   const uint64 kInitialConnectionBytesConsumed = 567;
    847   const uint64 kInitialConnectionHighestReceivedOffset = 1234;
    848   EXPECT_LT(kInitialConnectionBytesConsumed,
    849             kInitialConnectionHighestReceivedOffset);
    850   session_.flow_controller()->UpdateHighestReceivedOffset(
    851       kInitialConnectionHighestReceivedOffset);
    852   session_.flow_controller()->AddBytesConsumed(kInitialConnectionBytesConsumed);
    854   // Reset our stream: this results in the stream being closed locally.
    855   TestStream* stream = session_.CreateOutgoingDataStream();
    856   stream->Reset(QUIC_STREAM_CANCELLED);
    858   // Now receive a RST from the peer. We should handle this by adjusting the
    859   // connection level flow control receive window to take into account the total
    860   // number of bytes sent by the peer.
    861   const QuicStreamOffset kByteOffset = 5678;
    862   QuicRstStreamFrame rst_frame(stream->id(), QUIC_STREAM_CANCELLED,
    863                                kByteOffset);
    864   session_.OnRstStream(rst_frame);
    866   EXPECT_EQ(kInitialConnectionBytesConsumed + kByteOffset,
    867             session_.flow_controller()->bytes_consumed());
    868   EXPECT_EQ(kInitialConnectionHighestReceivedOffset + kByteOffset,
    869             session_.flow_controller()->highest_received_byte_offset());
    870 }
    872 TEST_P(QuicSessionTest, FlowControlWithInvalidFinalOffset) {
    873   // Test that if we receive a stream RST with a highest byte offset that
    874   // violates flow control, that we close the connection.
    875   if (version() < QUIC_VERSION_17) {
    876     return;
    877   }
    878   ValueRestore<bool> old_flag2(&FLAGS_enable_quic_stream_flow_control_2, true);
    879   ValueRestore<bool> old_flag(&FLAGS_enable_quic_connection_flow_control_2,
    880                               true);
    882   const uint64 kLargeOffset = kInitialSessionFlowControlWindowForTest + 1;
    883   EXPECT_CALL(*connection_,
    884               SendConnectionClose(QUIC_FLOW_CONTROL_RECEIVED_TOO_MUCH_DATA))
    885       .Times(2);
    887   // Check that stream frame + FIN results in connection close.
    888   TestStream* stream = session_.CreateOutgoingDataStream();
    889   stream->Reset(QUIC_STREAM_CANCELLED);
    890   QuicStreamFrame frame(stream->id(), true, kLargeOffset, IOVector());
    891   vector<QuicStreamFrame> frames;
    892   frames.push_back(frame);
    893   session_.OnStreamFrames(frames);
    895   // Check that RST results in connection close.
    896   QuicRstStreamFrame rst_frame(stream->id(), QUIC_STREAM_CANCELLED,
    897                                kLargeOffset);
    898   session_.OnRstStream(rst_frame);
    899 }
    901 TEST_P(QuicSessionTest, VersionNegotiationDisablesFlowControl) {
    902   if (version() < QUIC_VERSION_19) {
    903     return;
    904   }
    906   ValueRestore<bool> old_flag2(&FLAGS_enable_quic_stream_flow_control_2, true);
    907   ValueRestore<bool> old_flag(&FLAGS_enable_quic_connection_flow_control_2,
    908                               true);
    909   // Test that after successful version negotiation, flow control is disabled
    910   // appropriately at both the connection and stream level.
    912   // Initially both stream and connection flow control are enabled.
    913   TestStream* stream = session_.CreateOutgoingDataStream();
    914   EXPECT_TRUE(stream->flow_controller()->IsEnabled());
    915   EXPECT_TRUE(session_.flow_controller()->IsEnabled());
    917   // Version 17 implies that stream flow control is enabled, but connection
    918   // level is disabled.
    919   session_.OnSuccessfulVersionNegotiation(QUIC_VERSION_17);
    920   EXPECT_FALSE(session_.flow_controller()->IsEnabled());
    921   EXPECT_TRUE(stream->flow_controller()->IsEnabled());
    923   // Version 16 means all flow control is disabled.
    924   session_.OnSuccessfulVersionNegotiation(QUIC_VERSION_16);
    925   EXPECT_FALSE(session_.flow_controller()->IsEnabled());
    926   EXPECT_FALSE(stream->flow_controller()->IsEnabled());
    927 }
    929 }  // namespace
    930 }  // namespace test
    931 }  // namespace net