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      1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      8 #include "base/logging.h"
      9 #include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
     10 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
     12 namespace net {
     13 namespace test {
     15 // A ScopedMockLog object intercepts LOG() messages issued during its
     16 // lifespan.  Using this together with gMock, it's very easy to test
     17 // how a piece of code calls LOG().  The typical usage:
     18 //
     19 //   TEST(FooTest, LogsCorrectly) {
     20 //     ScopedMockLog log;
     21 //
     22 //     // We expect the WARNING "Something bad!" exactly twice.
     23 //     EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(WARNING, _, "Something bad!"))
     24 //         .Times(2);
     25 //
     26 //     // We allow foo.cc to call LOG(INFO) any number of times.
     27 //     EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(INFO, HasSubstr("/foo.cc"), _))
     28 //         .Times(AnyNumber());
     29 //
     30 //     log.StartCapturingLogs();  // Call this after done setting expectations.
     31 //     Foo();  // Exercises the code under test.
     32 //   }
     33 //
     34 // CAVEAT: base/logging does not allow a thread to call LOG() again
     35 // when it's already inside a LOG() call.  Doing so will cause a
     36 // deadlock.  Therefore, it's the user's responsibility to not call
     37 // LOG() in an action triggered by ScopedMockLog::Log().  You may call
     38 // RAW_LOG() instead.
     39 class ScopedMockLog {
     40  public:
     41   // Creates a ScopedMockLog object that is not capturing logs.
     42   // If it were to start to capture logs, it could be a problem if
     43   // some other threads already exist and are logging, as the user
     44   // hasn't had a chance to set up expectation on this object yet
     45   // (calling a mock method before setting the expectation is
     46   // UNDEFINED behavior).
     47   ScopedMockLog();
     49   // When the object is destructed, it stops intercepting logs.
     50   ~ScopedMockLog();
     52   // Starts log capturing if the object isn't already doing so.
     53   // Otherwise crashes.  Usually this method is called in the same
     54   // thread that created this object.  It is the user's responsibility
     55   // to not call this method if another thread may be calling it or
     56   // StopCapturingLogs() at the same time.
     57   void StartCapturingLogs();
     59   // Stops log capturing if the object is capturing logs.  Otherwise
     60   // crashes.  Usually this method is called in the same thread that
     61   // created this object.  It is the user's responsibility to not call
     62   // this method if another thread may be calling it or
     63   // StartCapturingLogs() at the same time.
     64   void StopCapturingLogs();
     66   // Sets the Log Message Handler that gets passed every log message before
     67   // it's sent to other log destinations (if any).
     68   // Returns true to signal that it handled the message and the message
     69   // should not be sent to other log destinations.
     70   MOCK_METHOD5(Log, bool(int severity,
     71                          const char* file,
     72                          int line,
     73                          size_t message_start,
     74                          const std::string& str));
     76  private:
     77   // The currently active scoped mock log.
     78   static ScopedMockLog* g_instance_;
     80   // Static function which is set as the logging message handler.
     81   // Called once for each message.
     82   static bool LogMessageHandler(int severity,
     83                                 const char* file,
     84                                 int line,
     85                                 size_t message_start,
     86                                 const std::string& str);
     88   // True if this object is currently capturing logs.
     89   bool is_capturing_logs_;
     91   // The previous handler to restore when the ScopedMockLog is destroyed.
     92   logging::LogMessageHandlerFunction previous_handler_;
     93 };
     95 }  // namespace test
     96 }  // namespace net