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      1 # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 # found in the LICENSE file.
      4 {
      5   'variables': {
      6     'libvpx_build_vp9%': 1,
      7     'libvpx_source%': 'source/libvpx',
      8     'conditions': [
      9       ['os_posix==1', {
     10         'asm_obj_extension': 'o',
     11       }],
     12       ['OS=="win"', {
     13         'asm_obj_extension': 'obj',
     14       }],
     16       ['msan==1', {
     17         'target_arch_full': 'generic',
     18       }, {
     19         'conditions': [
     20           ['(target_arch=="arm" or target_arch=="armv7") and arm_neon==1', {
     21             'target_arch_full': 'arm-neon',
     22           }, {
     23             'conditions': [
     24               ['OS=="android" and ((target_arch=="arm" or target_arch=="armv7") and arm_neon==0)', {
     25                 'target_arch_full': 'arm-neon-cpu-detect',
     26               }, {
     27                'target_arch_full': '<(target_arch)',
     28               }],
     29             ],
     30           }],
     31           ['target_arch=="arm64"', {
     32             'target_arch_full': 'arm64',
     33           }],
     34         ],
     35       }],
     37       ['os_posix == 1 and OS != "mac"', {
     38         'OS_CATEGORY%': 'linux',
     39       }, {
     40         'OS_CATEGORY%': '<(OS)',
     41       }],
     42     ],
     44     # Location of the intermediate output.
     45     'shared_generated_dir': '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/third_party/libvpx',
     46   },
     47   'target_defaults': {
     48     'target_conditions': [
     49       ['<(libvpx_build_vp9)==0', {
     50         'sources/': [ ['exclude', '(^|/)vp9/'], ],
     51       }],
     52     ],
     53     'variables': {
     54       'conditions': [
     55         ['OS=="win" and buildtype=="Official"', {
     56           # Do not set to 'size', as it results in an error on win64.
     57           'optimize' :'speed',
     58         }],
     59       ],
     60     },
     61   },
     62   'conditions': [
     63     ['target_arch=="ia32"', {
     64       'includes': ['libvpx_srcs_x86_intrinsics.gypi', ],
     65     }],
     66     ['target_arch=="x64" and msan==0', {
     67       'includes': ['libvpx_srcs_x86_64_intrinsics.gypi', ],
     68     }],
     69     [ '(target_arch=="arm" or target_arch=="armv7") and arm_neon==0 and OS=="android"', {
     70       # When building for targets which may not have NEON (but may!), include
     71       # support for neon and hide it behind Android cpu-features.
     72       'includes': ['libvpx_srcs_arm_neon_cpu_detect_intrinsics.gypi', ],
     73     }],
     74     [ '(target_arch != "arm" and target_arch != "armv7") and target_arch != "mipsel"', {
     75       'targets': [
     76         {
     77           # This libvpx target contains both encoder and decoder.
     78           # Encoder is configured to be realtime only.
     79           'target_name': 'libvpx',
     80           'type': 'static_library',
     81           'variables': {
     82             'yasm_output_path': '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/third_party/libvpx',
     83             'OS_CATEGORY%': '<(OS_CATEGORY)',
     84             'yasm_flags': [
     85               '-D', 'CHROMIUM',
     86               '-I', 'source/config/<(OS_CATEGORY)/<(target_arch_full)',
     87               '-I', 'source/config',
     88               '-I', '<(libvpx_source)',
     89               '-I', '<(shared_generated_dir)', # Generated assembly offsets
     90             ],
     91             # yasm only gets the flags we define. It doesn't inherit any of the
     92             # really useful defines that come with a gcc invocation. In this
     93             # case, we rely on __ANDROID__ to set 'rand' to 'lrand48'.
     94             # Previously we used the builtin _rand but that's gone away.
     95             'conditions': [
     96               ['OS=="android"', {
     97                 'yasm_flags': [
     98                   '-D', '__ANDROID__',
     99                 ],
    100               }],
    101             ],
    102           },
    103           'dependencies': [
    104             'gen_asm_offsets_vp8',
    105           ],
    106           'includes': [
    107             '../yasm/yasm_compile.gypi'
    108           ],
    109           'include_dirs': [
    110             'source/config/<(OS_CATEGORY)/<(target_arch_full)',
    111             'source/config',
    112             '<(libvpx_source)',
    113             '<(libvpx_source)/vp8/common',
    114             '<(libvpx_source)/vp8/decoder',
    115             '<(libvpx_source)/vp8/encoder',
    116             '<(shared_generated_dir)', # Provides vpx_rtcd.h.
    117           ],
    118           'direct_dependent_settings': {
    119             'include_dirs': [
    120               '<(libvpx_source)',
    121             ],
    122           },
    123           # VS2010 does not correctly incrementally link obj files generated
    124           # from asm files. This flag disables UseLibraryDependencyInputs to
    125           # avoid this problem.
    126           'msvs_2010_disable_uldi_when_referenced': 1,
    127           'conditions': [
    128             ['target_arch=="ia32"', {
    129               'includes': [
    130                 'libvpx_srcs_x86.gypi',
    131               ],
    132               'dependencies': [
    133                 'libvpx_intrinsics_mmx',
    134                 'libvpx_intrinsics_sse2',
    135                 # Currently no sse3 intrinsic functions
    136                 #'libvpx_intrinsics_sse3',
    137                 'libvpx_intrinsics_ssse3',
    138                 # Currently no sse4_1 intrinsic functions
    139                 #'libvpx_intrinsics_sse4_1',
    140                 # Currently no avx intrinsic functions
    141                 #'libvpx_intrinsics_avx',
    142                 #'libvpx_intrinsics_avx2',
    143               ],
    144             }],
    145             ['target_arch=="arm64"', {
    146               'includes': [ 'libvpx_srcs_arm64.gypi', ],
    147             }],
    148             ['target_arch=="x64"', {
    149               'conditions': [
    150                 ['msan==1', {
    151                   'includes': [ 'libvpx_srcs_generic.gypi', ],
    152                 }, {
    153                   'includes': [
    154                     'libvpx_srcs_x86_64.gypi',
    155                     'libvpx_srcs_nacl.gypi',
    156                   ],
    157                   'dependencies': [
    158                     'libvpx_intrinsics_mmx',
    159                     'libvpx_intrinsics_sse2',
    160                     # Currently no sse3 intrinsic functions
    161                     #'libvpx_intrinsics_sse3',
    162                     'libvpx_intrinsics_ssse3',
    163                     # Currently no sse4_1 intrinsic functions
    164                     #'libvpx_intrinsics_sse4_1',
    165                     # Currently no avx intrinsic functions
    166                     #'libvpx_intrinsics_avx',
    167                     #'libvpx_intrinsics_avx2',
    168                   ],
    169                 }],
    170               ],
    171             }],
    172             ['clang == 1', {
    173               'xcode_settings': {
    174                 'WARNING_CFLAGS': [
    175                   # libvpx heavily relies on implicit enum casting.
    176                   '-Wno-conversion',
    177                   # libvpx does `if ((a == b))` in some places.
    178                   '-Wno-parentheses-equality',
    179                 ],
    180               },
    181               'cflags': [
    182                 '-Wno-conversion',
    183                 '-Wno-parentheses-equality',
    184               ],
    185             }],
    186             ['chromeos == 1', {
    187               # ChromeOS needs these files for animated WebM avatars.
    188               'sources': [
    189                 '<(libvpx_source)/third_party/libmkv/EbmlIDs.h',
    190                 '<(libvpx_source)/third_party/libmkv/EbmlWriter.c',
    191                 '<(libvpx_source)/third_party/libmkv/EbmlWriter.h',
    192               ],
    193             }],
    194           ],
    195         },
    196       ],
    197     },
    198     ],
    199     # 'libvpx' target for mips builds.
    200     [ 'target_arch=="mipsel" ', {
    201       'targets': [
    202         {
    203           # This libvpx target contains both encoder and decoder.
    204           # Encoder is configured to be realtime only.
    205           'target_name': 'libvpx',
    206           'type': 'static_library',
    207           'variables': {
    208             'shared_generated_dir':
    209               '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/third_party/libvpx',
    210           },
    211           'includes': [
    212             'libvpx_srcs_mips.gypi',
    213           ],
    214           'include_dirs': [
    215             'source/config/<(OS_CATEGORY)/<(target_arch_full)',
    216             'source/config',
    217             '<(libvpx_source)',
    218             '<(libvpx_source)/vp8/common',
    219             '<(libvpx_source)/vp8/decoder',
    220             '<(libvpx_source)/vp8/encoder',
    221           ],
    222           'direct_dependent_settings': {
    223             'include_dirs': [
    224               '<(libvpx_source)',
    225             ],
    226           },
    227           'sources': [
    228             'source/config/<(OS_CATEGORY)/<(target_arch_full)/vpx_config.c',
    229           ],
    230         },
    231       ],
    232     },
    233     ],
    234     # 'libvpx' target for ARM builds.
    235     [ '(target_arch=="arm" or target_arch=="armv7") ', {
    236       'targets': [
    237         {
    238           # This libvpx target contains both encoder and decoder.
    239           # Encoder is configured to be realtime only.
    240           'target_name': 'libvpx',
    241           'type': 'static_library',
    242           'dependencies': [
    243             'gen_asm_offsets_vp8',
    244             'gen_asm_offsets_vpx_scale',
    245           ],
    247           # Copy the script to the output folder so that we can use it with
    248           # absolute path.
    249           'copies': [{
    250             'destination': '<(shared_generated_dir)',
    251             'files': [
    252               '<(ads2gas_script_path)',
    253               '<(ads2gas_script_include)',
    254             ],
    255           }],
    257           # Rule to convert .asm files to .S files.
    258           'rules': [
    259             {
    260               'rule_name': 'convert_asm',
    261               'extension': 'asm',
    262               'inputs': [
    263                 '<(shared_generated_dir)/<(ads2gas_script)',
    264                 '<(shared_generated_dir)/thumb.pm',
    265               ],
    266               'outputs': [
    267                 '<(shared_generated_dir)/<(RULE_INPUT_ROOT).S',
    268               ],
    269               'action': [
    270                 'bash',
    271                 '-c',
    272                 'cat <(RULE_INPUT_PATH) | perl <(shared_generated_dir)/<(ads2gas_script) -chromium > <(shared_generated_dir)/<(RULE_INPUT_ROOT).S',
    273               ],
    274               'process_outputs_as_sources': 1,
    275               'message': 'Convert libvpx asm file for ARM <(RULE_INPUT_PATH)',
    276             },
    277           ],
    279           'variables': {
    280             'variables': {
    281               'conditions': [
    282                 ['OS=="ios"', {
    283                   'ads2gas_script%': 'ads2gas_apple.pl',
    284                 }, {
    285                   'ads2gas_script%': 'ads2gas.pl',
    286                 }],
    287               ],
    288             },
    289             'ads2gas_script%': '<(ads2gas_script)',
    290             # Location of the assembly conversion script.
    291             'ads2gas_script_path': '<(libvpx_source)/build/make/<(ads2gas_script)',
    292             'ads2gas_script_include': '<(libvpx_source)/build/make/thumb.pm',
    293           },
    294           'xcode_settings': {
    295             'OTHER_CFLAGS': [
    296               '-I<!(pwd)/source/config/<(OS_CATEGORY)/<(target_arch_full)',
    297               '-I<!(pwd)/source/config',
    298               '-I<(shared_generated_dir)',
    299             ],
    300           },
    301           'include_dirs': [
    302             'source/config/<(OS_CATEGORY)/<(target_arch_full)',
    303             'source/config',
    304             '<(libvpx_source)',
    305           ],
    306           'direct_dependent_settings': {
    307             'include_dirs': [
    308               '<(libvpx_source)',
    309             ],
    310           },
    311           # We need to explicitly tell the assembler to look for
    312           # .include directive files from the place where they're
    313           # generated to.
    314           'cflags': [
    315              '-Wa,-I,<(shared_generated_dir)',
    316           ],
    317           'conditions': [
    318             # For Android WebView, the following pathc are not required and not
    319             # allowed, because they generate the absolute path.
    320             ['android_webview_build!=1', {
    321               'cflags': [
    322                 '-Wa,-I,<!(pwd)/source/config/<(OS_CATEGORY)/<(target_arch_full)',
    323                 '-Wa,-I,<!(pwd)/source/config',
    324               ],
    325             }],
    326             # Libvpx optimizations for ARMv6 or ARMv7 without NEON.
    327             ['arm_neon==0', {
    328               'conditions': [
    329                 ['OS=="android"', {
    330                   'includes': [
    331                     'libvpx_srcs_arm_neon_cpu_detect.gypi',
    332                   ],
    333                   'dependencies': [
    334                     'libvpx_intrinsics_neon',
    335 		  ],
    336                   'cflags': [
    337                     '-Wa,-mfpu=neon',
    338                   ],
    339                 }, {
    340                   'includes': [
    341                     'libvpx_srcs_arm.gypi',
    342                   ],
    343                 }],
    344               ],
    345             }],
    346             # Libvpx optimizations for ARMv7 with NEON.
    347             ['arm_neon==1', {
    348               'includes': [
    349                 'libvpx_srcs_arm_neon.gypi',
    350               ],
    351             }],
    352             ['OS == "android"', {
    353               'includes': [
    354                 '../../build/android/cpufeatures.gypi',
    355               ],
    356             }],
    357             ['chromeos == 1', {
    358               # ChromeOS needs these files for animated WebM avatars.
    359               'sources': [
    360                 '<(libvpx_source)/third_party/libmkv/EbmlIDs.h',
    361                 '<(libvpx_source)/third_party/libmkv/EbmlWriter.c',
    362                 '<(libvpx_source)/third_party/libmkv/EbmlWriter.h',
    363               ],
    364             }],
    365             ['OS == "ios"', {
    366               'xcode_settings': {
    367                 'OTHER_CFLAGS!': [
    368                   # Breaks at least boolhuff_armv5te:token_high_bit_not_set_ev.
    369                   '-fstack-protector-all',  # Implies -fstack-protector
    370                 ],
    371               },
    372             }],
    373           ],
    374         },
    375       ],
    376     }],
    377   ],
    378   'targets': [
    379     {
    380       # A tool that runs on host to extract integers from object file.
    381       'target_name': 'libvpx_obj_int_extract',
    382       'type': 'executable',
    383       'toolsets': ['host'],
    384       'include_dirs': [
    385         'source/config/<(OS_CATEGORY)/<(target_arch_full)',
    386         'source/config',
    387         '<(libvpx_source)',
    388       ],
    389       'sources': [
    390         '<(libvpx_source)/build/make/obj_int_extract.c',
    391       ],
    392       'conditions': [
    393         ['android_webview_build==1', {
    394           'defines': [ 'FORCE_PARSE_ELF' ],
    395           'include_dirs': [ 'include' ],
    396         }],
    397       ],
    398     },
    399     {
    400       # A library that contains assembly offsets needed.
    401       'target_name': 'libvpx_asm_offsets_vp8',
    402       'type': 'static_library',
    403       'android_unmangled_name': 1,
    404       'hard_dependency': 1,
    405       'include_dirs': [
    406         'source/config/<(OS_CATEGORY)/<(target_arch_full)',
    407         'source/config',
    408         '<(libvpx_source)',
    409       ],
    410       'conditions': [
    411         ['asan==1', {
    412           'cflags!': [ '-fsanitize=address' ],
    413           'xcode_settings': { 'OTHER_CFLAGS!': [ '-fsanitize=address' ] },
    414           'ldflags!': [ '-fsanitize=address' ],
    415         }],
    416         ['OS=="win"', {
    417           'msvs_settings': {
    418             'VCCLCompilerTool': {
    419               # Clang uses -fdata-sections when function level linking is
    420               # enabled, but libvpx_obj_int_extract expects all data to
    421               # reside in the same section on Windows.
    422               'EnableFunctionLevelLinking': 'false',
    423             },
    424           },
    425         }],
    426       ],
    427       'sources': [
    428         '<(libvpx_source)/vp8/encoder/vp8_asm_enc_offsets.c',
    429       ],
    430     },
    431     {
    432       # A library that contains assembly offsets needed.
    433       # TODO(fgalligan): Merge libvpx_asm_offsets_vpx_scale into
    434       # libvpx_asm_offsets.
    435       'target_name': 'libvpx_asm_offsets_vpx_scale',
    436       'type': 'static_library',
    437       'android_unmangled_name': 1,
    438       'hard_dependency': 1,
    439       'include_dirs': [
    440         'source/config/<(OS_CATEGORY)/<(target_arch_full)',
    441         'source/config',
    442         '<(libvpx_source)',
    443       ],
    444       'conditions': [
    445         ['asan==1', {
    446           'cflags!': [ '-faddress-sanitizer', '-fsanitize=address', ],
    447           'xcode_settings': {
    448             'OTHER_CFLAGS!': [ '-faddress-sanitizer','-fsanitize=address' ],
    449           },
    450           'ldflags!': [ '-faddress-sanitizer', '-fsanitize=address', ],
    451         }],
    452       ],
    453       'sources': [
    454         '<(libvpx_source)/vpx_scale/vpx_scale_asm_offsets.c',
    455       ],
    456     },
    457     {
    458       # A target that takes assembly offsets library and generate the
    459       # corresponding assembly files.
    460       # This target is a hard dependency because the generated .asm files
    461       # are needed all assembly optimized files in libvpx.
    462       'target_name': 'gen_asm_offsets_vp8',
    463       'type': 'none',
    464       'hard_dependency': 1,
    465       'dependencies': [
    466         'libvpx_asm_offsets_vp8',
    467         'libvpx_obj_int_extract#host',
    468       ],
    469       'variables' : {
    470         'lib_intermediate_name' : '',
    471         'output_format':'',
    472         'output_dir': '<(shared_generated_dir)',
    473         'conditions' : [
    474           ['android_webview_build==1', {
    475             # pass the empty string for 3rd and 4th arguments of
    476             # intermediates-dir-for macro.
    477             'lib_intermediate_name' : '$(abspath $(call intermediates-dir-for,STATIC_LIBRARIES,libvpx_asm_offsets_vp8,,,$(gyp_var_prefix)))/libvpx_asm_offsets_vp8.a',
    478           }],
    479           ['(target_arch=="arm" or target_arch=="armv7")', {
    480             'output_format': 'gas',
    481           }, {
    482             'output_format': 'rvds',
    483           }],
    484         ],
    485       },
    486       'conditions': [
    487         ['OS=="win"', {
    488           'variables': {
    489             'ninja_obj_dir': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/obj/third_party/libvpx/<(libvpx_source)/vp8',
    490           },
    491           'actions': [
    492             {
    493               'action_name': 'copy_enc_offsets_obj',
    494               'inputs': [ 'copy_obj.py' ],
    495               'outputs': [ '<(INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/vp8_asm_enc_offsets.obj' ],
    496               'action': [
    497                 'python',
    498                 '<(DEPTH)/third_party/libvpx/copy_obj.py',
    499                 '-d', '<@(_outputs)',
    500                 '-s', '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/obj/libvpx_asm_offsets_vp8/vp8_asm_enc_offsets.obj',
    501                 '-s', '<(ninja_obj_dir)/encoder/libvpx_asm_offsets_vp8.vp8_asm_enc_offsets.obj',
    502                 '-s', '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/obj/Source/WebKit/chromium/third_party/libvpx/<(libvpx_source)/vp8/encoder/libvpx_asm_offsets_vp8.vp8_asm_enc_offsets.obj',
    503               ],
    504               'process_output_as_sources': 1,
    505             },
    506           ],
    507           'sources': [
    508             '<(INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/vp8_asm_enc_offsets.obj',
    509           ],
    510         }, {
    511           'variables': {
    512             'unpack_lib_search_path_list': [
    513               '-a', '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/libvpx_asm_offsets_vp8.a',
    514               '-a', '<(LIB_DIR)/third_party/libvpx/libvpx_asm_offsets_vp8.a',
    515               '-a', '<(LIB_DIR)/Source/WebKit/chromium/third_party/libvpx/libvpx_asm_offsets_vp8.a',
    516               '-a', '<(lib_intermediate_name)',
    517             ],
    518             'unpack_lib_output_dir':'<(INTERMEDIATE_DIR)',
    519             'unpack_lib_name':'vp8_asm_enc_offsets.o'
    520           },
    521           'includes': ['unpack_lib_posix.gypi'],
    522           # Need this otherwise gyp won't run the rule on them.
    523           'sources': [
    524             '<(INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/vp8_asm_enc_offsets.o',
    525           ],
    526         }],
    527       ],
    528       'includes': ['obj_int_extract.gypi'],
    529     },
    530     {
    531       # A target that takes assembly offsets library and generate the
    532       # corresponding assembly files.
    533       # This target is a hard dependency because the generated .asm files
    534       # are needed all assembly optimized files in libvpx.
    535       'target_name': 'gen_asm_offsets_vpx_scale',
    536       'type': 'none',
    537       'hard_dependency': 1,
    538       'dependencies': [
    539         'libvpx_asm_offsets_vpx_scale',
    540         'libvpx_obj_int_extract#host',
    541       ],
    542       'variables' : {
    543         'lib_intermediate_name' : '',
    544         'output_format':'',
    545         'output_dir': '<(shared_generated_dir)',
    546         'conditions' : [
    547           ['android_webview_build==1', {
    548             # pass the empty string for 3rd and 4th arguments of
    549             # intermediates-dir-for macro.
    550             'lib_intermediate_name' : '$(abspath $(call intermediates-dir-for,STATIC_LIBRARIES,libvpx_asm_offsets_vpx_scale,,,$(gyp_var_prefix)))/libvpx_asm_offsets_vpx_scale.a',
    551           }],
    552           ['(target_arch=="arm" or target_arch=="armv7")', {
    553             'output_format': 'gas',
    554           }, {
    555             'output_format': 'rvds',
    556           }],
    557         ],
    558       },
    559       'conditions': [
    560         ['OS=="win"', {
    561           'variables': {
    562             'ninja_obj_dir': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/obj/third_party/libvpx/<(libvpx_source)/vpx_scale',
    563           },
    564           'actions': [
    565             {
    566               'action_name': 'copy_enc_offsets_obj',
    567               'inputs': [ 'copy_obj.py' ],
    568               'outputs': [ '<(INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/vpx_scale_asm_offsets.obj' ],
    569               'action': [
    570                 'python',
    571                 '<(DEPTH)/third_party/libvpx/copy_obj.py',
    572                 '-d', '<@(_outputs)',
    573                 '-s', '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/obj/libvpx_asm_offsets_vpx_scale/vpx_scale_asm_offsets.obj',
    574                 '-s', '<(ninja_obj_dir)/encoder/libvpx_asm_offsets_vpx_scale.vpx_scale_asm_offsets.obj',
    575                 '-s', '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/obj/Source/WebKit/chromium/third_party/libvpx/<(libvpx_source)/vpx_scale/libvpx_asm_offsets_vpx_scale.vpx_scale_asm_offsets.obj',
    576               ],
    577               'process_output_as_sources': 1,
    578             },
    579           ],
    580           'sources': [
    581             '<(INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/vpx_scale_asm_offsets.obj',
    582           ],
    583         }, {
    584           'variables': {
    585             'unpack_lib_search_path_list': [
    586               '-a', '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/libvpx_asm_offsets_vpx_scale.a',
    587               '-a', '<(LIB_DIR)/third_party/libvpx/libvpx_asm_offsets_vpx_scale.a',
    588               '-a', '<(LIB_DIR)/Source/WebKit/chromium/third_party/libvpx/libvpx_asm_offsets_vpx_scale.a',
    589               '-a', '<(lib_intermediate_name)',
    590             ],
    591             'unpack_lib_output_dir':'<(INTERMEDIATE_DIR)',
    592             'unpack_lib_name':'vpx_scale_asm_offsets.o'
    593           },
    594           'includes': ['unpack_lib_posix.gypi'],
    595          # Need this otherwise gyp won't run the rule on them.
    596           'sources': [
    597             '<(INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/vpx_scale_asm_offsets.o',
    598           ],
    599         }],
    600       ],
    601       'includes': ['obj_int_extract.gypi'],
    602     },
    603   ],
    604 }