1 Name: Protocol Buffers 2 Short Name: protobuf 3 URL: http://protobuf.googlecode.com/svn/trunk 4 License: BSD 5 License File: COPYING.txt 6 Version: unknown 7 Revision: r476 8 Security Critical: yes 9 10 Local files (not taken from upstream): 11 README.chromium 12 config.h 13 descriptor2_pb.py 14 protobuf_lite_java_descriptor_proto.py 15 protobuf_lite_java_parse_pom.py 16 17 A protobuf.gyp file has been added for building with Chromium. 18 19 This code has been patched to support unknown field retention in protobuf-lite. 20 See r62331 for the patch. 21 22 This code has been patched to ensure that files in the target protobuf_lite 23 do not include headers from protobuf_full. See r173228 for the patch. 24 25 This code has been patched to make the target protobuf_lite a component so that 26 targets that depend on it can be componentized. See http://crbug.com/172800 for 27 details, and r179806 for the patch. 28 29 Revision 504 was cherry-picked from upstream. 30 Revision 512 was cherry-picked from upstream. 31 Revision 516 was cherry-picked from upstream. 32 Revision 517 was cherry-picked from upstream. 33 Revision 522 was cherry-picked from upstream. 34 Revision 523 was cherry-picked from upstream. 35 Revision 524 was cherry-picked from upstream. 36 37 Notes about Java: 38 We have not forked the Java version of protobuf-lite, so the Java version does 39 not support unknown field retention. 40 41 The list of Java files included in the lite profile for Java is parsed from the 42 maven java/pom.xml by the script protobuf_lite_java_parse_pom.py. See 43 'javac_includes' variable in protobuf_lite_javalib GYP target. 44 45