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      1 /*
      2  *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3  *
      4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
      5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
      6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
      7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
      8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
      9  */
     11 #include "webrtc/modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/test/bwe_test_framework.h"
     13 #include <stdio.h>
     15 #include <sstream>
     17 namespace webrtc {
     18 namespace testing {
     19 namespace bwe {
     20 class DelayCapHelper {
     21  public:
     22   DelayCapHelper() : max_delay_us_(0), delay_stats_() {}
     24   void SetMaxDelay(int max_delay_ms) {
     25     BWE_TEST_LOGGING_ENABLE(false);
     26     BWE_TEST_LOGGING_LOG1("Max Delay", "%d ms", static_cast<int>(max_delay_ms));
     27     assert(max_delay_ms >= 0);
     28     max_delay_us_ = max_delay_ms * 1000;
     29   }
     31   bool ShouldSendPacket(int64_t send_time_us, int64_t arrival_time_us) {
     32     int64_t packet_delay_us = send_time_us - arrival_time_us;
     33     delay_stats_.Push(std::min(packet_delay_us, max_delay_us_) / 1000);
     34     return (max_delay_us_ == 0 || max_delay_us_ >= packet_delay_us);
     35   }
     37   const Stats<double>& delay_stats() const {
     38     return delay_stats_;
     39   }
     41  private:
     42   int64_t max_delay_us_;
     43   Stats<double> delay_stats_;
     45   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DelayCapHelper);
     46 };
     48 const FlowIds CreateFlowIds(const int *flow_ids_array, size_t num_flow_ids) {
     49   FlowIds flow_ids(&flow_ids_array[0], flow_ids_array + num_flow_ids);
     50   return flow_ids;
     51 }
     53 class RateCounter {
     54  public:
     55   RateCounter()
     56       : kWindowSizeUs(1000000),
     57         packets_per_second_(0),
     58         bytes_per_second_(0),
     59         last_accumulated_us_(0),
     60         window_() {}
     62   void UpdateRates(int64_t send_time_us, uint32_t payload_size) {
     63     packets_per_second_++;
     64     bytes_per_second_ += payload_size;
     65     last_accumulated_us_ = send_time_us;
     66     window_.push_back(std::make_pair(send_time_us, payload_size));
     67     while (!window_.empty()) {
     68       const TimeSizePair& packet = window_.front();
     69       if (packet.first > (last_accumulated_us_ - kWindowSizeUs)) {
     70         break;
     71       }
     72       assert(packets_per_second_ >= 1);
     73       assert(bytes_per_second_ >= packet.second);
     74       packets_per_second_--;
     75       bytes_per_second_ -= packet.second;
     76       window_.pop_front();
     77     }
     78   }
     80   uint32_t bits_per_second() const {
     81     return bytes_per_second_ * 8;
     82   }
     83   uint32_t packets_per_second() const { return packets_per_second_; }
     85  private:
     86   typedef std::pair<int64_t, uint32_t> TimeSizePair;
     88   const int64_t kWindowSizeUs;
     89   uint32_t packets_per_second_;
     90   uint32_t bytes_per_second_;
     91   int64_t last_accumulated_us_;
     92   std::list<TimeSizePair> window_;
     93 };
     95 Random::Random(uint32_t seed)
     96     : a_(0x531FDB97 ^ seed),
     97       b_(0x6420ECA8 + seed) {
     98 }
    100 float Random::Rand() {
    101   const float kScale = 1.0f / 0xffffffff;
    102   float result = kScale * b_;
    103   a_ ^= b_;
    104   b_ += a_;
    105   return result;
    106 }
    108 int Random::Gaussian(int mean, int standard_deviation) {
    109   // Creating a Normal distribution variable from two independent uniform
    110   // variables based on the Box-Muller transform, which is defined on the
    111   // interval (0, 1], hence the mask+add below.
    112   const double kPi = 3.14159265358979323846;
    113   const double kScale = 1.0 / 0x80000000ul;
    114   double u1 = kScale * ((a_ & 0x7ffffffful) + 1);
    115   double u2 = kScale * ((b_ & 0x7ffffffful) + 1);
    116   a_ ^= b_;
    117   b_ += a_;
    118   return static_cast<int>(mean + standard_deviation *
    119       sqrt(-2 * log(u1)) * cos(2 * kPi * u2));
    120 }
    122 Packet::Packet()
    123     : flow_id_(0),
    124       creation_time_us_(-1),
    125       send_time_us_(-1),
    126       payload_size_(0) {
    127   memset(&header_, 0, sizeof(header_));
    128 }
    130 Packet::Packet(int flow_id, int64_t send_time_us, uint32_t payload_size,
    131                const RTPHeader& header)
    132     : flow_id_(flow_id),
    133       creation_time_us_(send_time_us),
    134       send_time_us_(send_time_us),
    135       payload_size_(payload_size),
    136       header_(header) {
    137 }
    139 Packet::Packet(int64_t send_time_us, uint32_t sequence_number)
    140     : flow_id_(0),
    141       creation_time_us_(send_time_us),
    142       send_time_us_(send_time_us),
    143       payload_size_(0) {
    144   memset(&header_, 0, sizeof(header_));
    145   header_.sequenceNumber = sequence_number;
    146 }
    148 bool Packet::operator<(const Packet& rhs) const {
    149   return send_time_us_ < rhs.send_time_us_;
    150 }
    152 void Packet::set_send_time_us(int64_t send_time_us) {
    153   assert(send_time_us >= 0);
    154   send_time_us_ = send_time_us;
    155 }
    157 bool IsTimeSorted(const Packets& packets) {
    158   PacketsConstIt last_it = packets.begin();
    159   for (PacketsConstIt it = last_it; it != packets.end(); ++it) {
    160     if (it != last_it && *it < *last_it) {
    161       return false;
    162     }
    163     last_it = it;
    164   }
    165   return true;
    166 }
    168 PacketProcessor::PacketProcessor(PacketProcessorListener* listener,
    169                                  bool is_sender)
    170     : listener_(listener), flow_ids_(1, 0) {
    171   if (listener_) {
    172     listener_->AddPacketProcessor(this, is_sender);
    173   }
    174 }
    176 PacketProcessor::PacketProcessor(PacketProcessorListener* listener,
    177                                  const FlowIds& flow_ids,
    178                                  bool is_sender)
    179     : listener_(listener), flow_ids_(flow_ids) {
    180   if (listener_) {
    181     listener_->AddPacketProcessor(this, is_sender);
    182   }
    183 }
    185 PacketProcessor::~PacketProcessor() {
    186   if (listener_) {
    187     listener_->RemovePacketProcessor(this);
    188   }
    189 }
    191 RateCounterFilter::RateCounterFilter(PacketProcessorListener* listener)
    192     : PacketProcessor(listener, false),
    193       rate_counter_(new RateCounter()),
    194       packets_per_second_stats_(),
    195       kbps_stats_(),
    196       name_("") {}
    198 RateCounterFilter::RateCounterFilter(PacketProcessorListener* listener,
    199                                      const std::string& name)
    200     : PacketProcessor(listener, false),
    201       rate_counter_(new RateCounter()),
    202       packets_per_second_stats_(),
    203       kbps_stats_(),
    204       name_(name) {}
    206 RateCounterFilter::RateCounterFilter(PacketProcessorListener* listener,
    207                                      const FlowIds& flow_ids,
    208                                      const std::string& name)
    209     : PacketProcessor(listener, flow_ids, false),
    210       rate_counter_(new RateCounter()),
    211       packets_per_second_stats_(),
    212       kbps_stats_(),
    213       name_(name) {
    214   std::stringstream ss;
    215   ss << name_ << "_";
    216   for (size_t i = 0; i < flow_ids.size(); ++i) {
    217     ss << flow_ids[i] << ",";
    218   }
    219   name_ = ss.str();
    220 }
    222 RateCounterFilter::~RateCounterFilter() {
    223   LogStats();
    224 }
    226 uint32_t RateCounterFilter::packets_per_second() const {
    227   return rate_counter_->packets_per_second();
    228 }
    230 uint32_t RateCounterFilter::bits_per_second() const {
    231   return rate_counter_->bits_per_second();
    232 }
    234 void RateCounterFilter::LogStats() {
    235   BWE_TEST_LOGGING_CONTEXT("RateCounterFilter");
    236   packets_per_second_stats_.Log("pps");
    237   kbps_stats_.Log("kbps");
    238 }
    240 Stats<double> RateCounterFilter::GetBitrateStats() const {
    241   return kbps_stats_;
    242 }
    244 void RateCounterFilter::Plot(int64_t timestamp_ms) {
    245   BWE_TEST_LOGGING_CONTEXT(name_.c_str());
    246   BWE_TEST_LOGGING_PLOT("Throughput_#1", timestamp_ms,
    247                         rate_counter_->bits_per_second() / 1000.0);
    248 }
    250 void RateCounterFilter::RunFor(int64_t /*time_ms*/, Packets* in_out) {
    251   assert(in_out);
    252   for (PacketsConstIt it = in_out->begin(); it != in_out->end(); ++it) {
    253     rate_counter_->UpdateRates(it->send_time_us(), it->payload_size());
    254   }
    255   packets_per_second_stats_.Push(rate_counter_->packets_per_second());
    256   kbps_stats_.Push(rate_counter_->bits_per_second() / 1000.0);
    257 }
    259 LossFilter::LossFilter(PacketProcessorListener* listener)
    260     : PacketProcessor(listener, false),
    261       random_(0x12345678),
    262       loss_fraction_(0.0f) {
    263 }
    265 void LossFilter::SetLoss(float loss_percent) {
    266   BWE_TEST_LOGGING_ENABLE(false);
    267   BWE_TEST_LOGGING_LOG1("Loss", "%f%%", loss_percent);
    268   assert(loss_percent >= 0.0f);
    269   assert(loss_percent <= 100.0f);
    270   loss_fraction_ = loss_percent * 0.01f;
    271 }
    273 void LossFilter::RunFor(int64_t /*time_ms*/, Packets* in_out) {
    274   assert(in_out);
    275   for (PacketsIt it = in_out->begin(); it != in_out->end(); ) {
    276     if (random_.Rand() < loss_fraction_) {
    277       it = in_out->erase(it);
    278     } else {
    279       ++it;
    280     }
    281   }
    282 }
    284 DelayFilter::DelayFilter(PacketProcessorListener* listener)
    285     : PacketProcessor(listener, false),
    286       delay_us_(0),
    287       last_send_time_us_(0) {
    288 }
    290 void DelayFilter::SetDelay(int64_t delay_ms) {
    291   BWE_TEST_LOGGING_ENABLE(false);
    292   BWE_TEST_LOGGING_LOG1("Delay", "%d ms", static_cast<int>(delay_ms));
    293   assert(delay_ms >= 0);
    294   delay_us_ = delay_ms * 1000;
    295 }
    297 void DelayFilter::RunFor(int64_t /*time_ms*/, Packets* in_out) {
    298   assert(in_out);
    299   for (PacketsIt it = in_out->begin(); it != in_out->end(); ++it) {
    300     int64_t new_send_time_us = it->send_time_us() + delay_us_;
    301     last_send_time_us_ = std::max(last_send_time_us_, new_send_time_us);
    302     it->set_send_time_us(last_send_time_us_);
    303   }
    304 }
    306 JitterFilter::JitterFilter(PacketProcessorListener* listener)
    307     : PacketProcessor(listener, false),
    308       random_(0x89674523),
    309       stddev_jitter_us_(0),
    310       last_send_time_us_(0) {
    311 }
    313 void JitterFilter::SetJitter(int64_t stddev_jitter_ms) {
    314   BWE_TEST_LOGGING_ENABLE(false);
    315   BWE_TEST_LOGGING_LOG1("Jitter", "%d ms",
    316                         static_cast<int>(stddev_jitter_ms));
    317   assert(stddev_jitter_ms >= 0);
    318   stddev_jitter_us_ = stddev_jitter_ms * 1000;
    319 }
    321 void JitterFilter::RunFor(int64_t /*time_ms*/, Packets* in_out) {
    322   assert(in_out);
    323   for (PacketsIt it = in_out->begin(); it != in_out->end(); ++it) {
    324     int64_t new_send_time_us = it->send_time_us();
    325     new_send_time_us += random_.Gaussian(0, stddev_jitter_us_);
    326     last_send_time_us_ = std::max(last_send_time_us_, new_send_time_us);
    327     it->set_send_time_us(last_send_time_us_);
    328   }
    329 }
    331 ReorderFilter::ReorderFilter(PacketProcessorListener* listener)
    332     : PacketProcessor(listener, false),
    333       random_(0x27452389),
    334       reorder_fraction_(0.0f) {
    335 }
    337 void ReorderFilter::SetReorder(float reorder_percent) {
    338   BWE_TEST_LOGGING_ENABLE(false);
    339   BWE_TEST_LOGGING_LOG1("Reordering", "%f%%", reorder_percent);
    340   assert(reorder_percent >= 0.0f);
    341   assert(reorder_percent <= 100.0f);
    342   reorder_fraction_ = reorder_percent * 0.01f;
    343 }
    345 void ReorderFilter::RunFor(int64_t /*time_ms*/, Packets* in_out) {
    346   assert(in_out);
    347   if (in_out->size() >= 2) {
    348     PacketsIt last_it = in_out->begin();
    349     PacketsIt it = last_it;
    350     while (++it != in_out->end()) {
    351       if (random_.Rand() < reorder_fraction_) {
    352         int64_t t1 = last_it->send_time_us();
    353         int64_t t2 = it->send_time_us();
    354         std::swap(*last_it, *it);
    355         last_it->set_send_time_us(t1);
    356         it->set_send_time_us(t2);
    357       }
    358       last_it = it;
    359     }
    360   }
    361 }
    363 ChokeFilter::ChokeFilter(PacketProcessorListener* listener)
    364     : PacketProcessor(listener, false),
    365       kbps_(1200),
    366       last_send_time_us_(0),
    367       delay_cap_helper_(new DelayCapHelper()) {
    368 }
    370 ChokeFilter::ChokeFilter(PacketProcessorListener* listener,
    371                          const FlowIds& flow_ids)
    372     : PacketProcessor(listener, flow_ids, false),
    373       kbps_(1200),
    374       last_send_time_us_(0),
    375       delay_cap_helper_(new DelayCapHelper()) {
    376 }
    378 ChokeFilter::~ChokeFilter() {}
    380 void ChokeFilter::SetCapacity(uint32_t kbps) {
    381   BWE_TEST_LOGGING_ENABLE(false);
    382   BWE_TEST_LOGGING_LOG1("BitrateChoke", "%d kbps", kbps);
    383   kbps_ = kbps;
    384 }
    386 void ChokeFilter::RunFor(int64_t /*time_ms*/, Packets* in_out) {
    387   assert(in_out);
    388   for (PacketsIt it = in_out->begin(); it != in_out->end(); ) {
    389     int64_t earliest_send_time_us = last_send_time_us_ +
    390         (it->payload_size() * 8 * 1000 + kbps_ / 2) / kbps_;
    391     int64_t new_send_time_us = std::max(it->send_time_us(),
    392                                         earliest_send_time_us);
    393     if (delay_cap_helper_->ShouldSendPacket(new_send_time_us,
    394                                             it->send_time_us())) {
    395       it->set_send_time_us(new_send_time_us);
    396       last_send_time_us_ = new_send_time_us;
    397       ++it;
    398     } else {
    399       it = in_out->erase(it);
    400     }
    401   }
    402 }
    404 void ChokeFilter::SetMaxDelay(int max_delay_ms) {
    405   delay_cap_helper_->SetMaxDelay(max_delay_ms);
    406 }
    408 Stats<double> ChokeFilter::GetDelayStats() const {
    409   return delay_cap_helper_->delay_stats();
    410 }
    412 TraceBasedDeliveryFilter::TraceBasedDeliveryFilter(
    413     PacketProcessorListener* listener)
    414     : PacketProcessor(listener, false),
    415       current_offset_us_(0),
    416       delivery_times_us_(),
    417       next_delivery_it_(),
    418       local_time_us_(-1),
    419       rate_counter_(new RateCounter),
    420       name_(""),
    421       delay_cap_helper_(new DelayCapHelper()),
    422       packets_per_second_stats_(),
    423       kbps_stats_() {}
    425 TraceBasedDeliveryFilter::TraceBasedDeliveryFilter(
    426     PacketProcessorListener* listener,
    427     const std::string& name)
    428     : PacketProcessor(listener, false),
    429       current_offset_us_(0),
    430       delivery_times_us_(),
    431       next_delivery_it_(),
    432       local_time_us_(-1),
    433       rate_counter_(new RateCounter),
    434       name_(name),
    435       delay_cap_helper_(new DelayCapHelper()),
    436       packets_per_second_stats_(),
    437       kbps_stats_() {}
    439 TraceBasedDeliveryFilter::~TraceBasedDeliveryFilter() {
    440 }
    442 bool TraceBasedDeliveryFilter::Init(const std::string& filename) {
    443   FILE* trace_file = fopen(filename.c_str(), "r");
    444   if (!trace_file) {
    445     return false;
    446   }
    447   int64_t first_timestamp = -1;
    448   while(!feof(trace_file)) {
    449     const size_t kMaxLineLength = 100;
    450     char line[kMaxLineLength];
    451     if (fgets(line, kMaxLineLength, trace_file)) {
    452       std::string line_string(line);
    453       std::istringstream buffer(line_string);
    454       int64_t timestamp;
    455       buffer >> timestamp;
    456       timestamp /= 1000;  // Convert to microseconds.
    457       if (first_timestamp == -1)
    458         first_timestamp = timestamp;
    459       assert(delivery_times_us_.empty() ||
    460              timestamp - first_timestamp - delivery_times_us_.back() >= 0);
    461       delivery_times_us_.push_back(timestamp - first_timestamp);
    462     }
    463   }
    464   assert(!delivery_times_us_.empty());
    465   next_delivery_it_ = delivery_times_us_.begin();
    466   fclose(trace_file);
    467   return true;
    468 }
    470 void TraceBasedDeliveryFilter::Plot(int64_t timestamp_ms) {
    471   BWE_TEST_LOGGING_CONTEXT(name_.c_str());
    472   // This plots the max possible throughput of the trace-based delivery filter,
    473   // which will be reached if a packet sent on every packet slot of the trace.
    474   BWE_TEST_LOGGING_PLOT("MaxThroughput_#1", timestamp_ms,
    475                         rate_counter_->bits_per_second() / 1000.0);
    476 }
    478 void TraceBasedDeliveryFilter::RunFor(int64_t time_ms, Packets* in_out) {
    479   assert(in_out);
    480   for (PacketsIt it = in_out->begin(); it != in_out->end();) {
    481     while (local_time_us_ < it->send_time_us()) {
    482       ProceedToNextSlot();
    483     }
    484     // Drop any packets that have been queued for too long.
    485     while (!delay_cap_helper_->ShouldSendPacket(local_time_us_,
    486                                                 it->send_time_us())) {
    487       it = in_out->erase(it);
    488       if (it == in_out->end()) {
    489         return;
    490       }
    491     }
    492     if (local_time_us_ >= it->send_time_us()) {
    493       it->set_send_time_us(local_time_us_);
    494       ProceedToNextSlot();
    495     }
    496     ++it;
    497   }
    498   packets_per_second_stats_.Push(rate_counter_->packets_per_second());
    499   kbps_stats_.Push(rate_counter_->bits_per_second() / 1000.0);
    500 }
    502 void TraceBasedDeliveryFilter::SetMaxDelay(int max_delay_ms) {
    503   delay_cap_helper_->SetMaxDelay(max_delay_ms);
    504 }
    506 Stats<double> TraceBasedDeliveryFilter::GetDelayStats() const {
    507   return delay_cap_helper_->delay_stats();
    508 }
    510 Stats<double> TraceBasedDeliveryFilter::GetBitrateStats() const {
    511   return kbps_stats_;
    512 }
    514 void TraceBasedDeliveryFilter::ProceedToNextSlot() {
    515   if (*next_delivery_it_ <= local_time_us_) {
    516     ++next_delivery_it_;
    517     if (next_delivery_it_ == delivery_times_us_.end()) {
    518       // When the trace wraps we allow two packets to be sent back-to-back.
    519       for (TimeList::iterator it = delivery_times_us_.begin();
    520            it != delivery_times_us_.end(); ++it) {
    521         *it += local_time_us_ - current_offset_us_;
    522       }
    523       current_offset_us_ += local_time_us_ - current_offset_us_;
    524       next_delivery_it_ = delivery_times_us_.begin();
    525     }
    526   }
    527   local_time_us_ = *next_delivery_it_;
    528   const int kPayloadSize = 1200;
    529   rate_counter_->UpdateRates(local_time_us_, kPayloadSize);
    530 }
    532 PacketSender::PacketSender(PacketProcessorListener* listener)
    533     : PacketProcessor(listener, true) {}
    535 PacketSender::PacketSender(PacketProcessorListener* listener,
    536                            const FlowIds& flow_ids)
    537     : PacketProcessor(listener, flow_ids, true) {
    539 }
    541 VideoSender::VideoSender(int flow_id, PacketProcessorListener* listener,
    542                          float fps, uint32_t kbps, uint32_t ssrc,
    543                          float first_frame_offset)
    544     : PacketSender(listener, FlowIds(1, flow_id)),
    545       kMaxPayloadSizeBytes(1200),
    546       kTimestampBase(0xff80ff00ul),
    547       frame_period_ms_(1000.0 / fps),
    548       bytes_per_second_((1000 * kbps) / 8),
    549       frame_size_bytes_(bytes_per_second_ / fps),
    550       next_frame_ms_(frame_period_ms_ * first_frame_offset),
    551       now_ms_(0.0),
    552       prototype_header_() {
    553   assert(first_frame_offset >= 0.0f);
    554   assert(first_frame_offset < 1.0f);
    555   memset(&prototype_header_, 0, sizeof(prototype_header_));
    556   prototype_header_.ssrc = ssrc;
    557   prototype_header_.sequenceNumber = 0xf000u;
    558 }
    560 uint32_t VideoSender::GetCapacityKbps() const {
    561   return (bytes_per_second_ * 8) / 1000;
    562 }
    564 void VideoSender::RunFor(int64_t time_ms, Packets* in_out) {
    565   assert(in_out);
    566   now_ms_ += time_ms;
    567   Packets new_packets;
    568   while (now_ms_ >= next_frame_ms_) {
    569     prototype_header_.sequenceNumber++;
    570     prototype_header_.timestamp = kTimestampBase +
    571         static_cast<uint32_t>(next_frame_ms_ * 90.0);
    572     prototype_header_.extension.absoluteSendTime = (kTimestampBase +
    573         ((static_cast<int64_t>(next_frame_ms_ * (1 << 18)) + 500) / 1000)) &
    574             0x00fffffful;
    575     prototype_header_.extension.transmissionTimeOffset = 0;
    577     // Generate new packets for this frame, all with the same timestamp,
    578     // but the payload size is capped, so if the whole frame doesn't fit in
    579     // one packet, we will see a number of equally sized packets followed by
    580     // one smaller at the tail.
    581     int64_t send_time_us = next_frame_ms_ * 1000.0;
    582     uint32_t payload_size = frame_size_bytes_;
    583     while (payload_size > 0) {
    584       uint32_t size = std::min(kMaxPayloadSizeBytes, payload_size);
    585       new_packets.push_back(Packet(flow_ids()[0], send_time_us, size,
    586                                    prototype_header_));
    587       payload_size -= size;
    588     }
    590     next_frame_ms_ += frame_period_ms_;
    591   }
    592   in_out->merge(new_packets);
    593 }
    595 AdaptiveVideoSender::AdaptiveVideoSender(int flow_id,
    596                                          PacketProcessorListener* listener,
    597                                          float fps,
    598                                          uint32_t kbps,
    599                                          uint32_t ssrc,
    600                                          float first_frame_offset)
    601     : VideoSender(flow_id, listener, fps, kbps, ssrc, first_frame_offset) {}
    603 void AdaptiveVideoSender::GiveFeedback(const PacketSender::Feedback& feedback) {
    604   bytes_per_second_ = feedback.estimated_bps / 8;
    605   frame_size_bytes_ = (bytes_per_second_ * frame_period_ms_ + 500) / 1000;
    606 }
    607 }  // namespace bwe
    608 }  // namespace testing
    609 }  // namespace webrtc