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      1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-apple-darwin10 -emit-llvm -o - %s | FileCheck %s
      3 // CHECK: @_ZN5test11A1aE = constant i32 10, align 4
      4 // CHECK: @_ZN5test212_GLOBAL__N_11AIiE1xE = internal global i32 0, align 4
      5 // CHECK: @_ZN5test31AIiE1xE = weak_odr global i32 0, align 4
      6 // CHECK: @_ZGVN5test31AIiE1xE = weak_odr global i64 0
      8 // CHECK: _ZN5test51U2k0E = global i32 0
      9 // CHECK: _ZN5test51U2k1E = global i32 0
     10 // CHECK: _ZN5test51U2k2E = constant i32 76
     11 // CHECK-NOT: test51U2k3E
     12 // CHECK-NOT: test51U2k4E
     14 // PR5564.
     15 namespace test1 {
     16   struct A {
     17     static const int a = 10;
     18   };
     20   const int A::a;
     22   struct S {
     23     static int i;
     24   };
     26   void f() {
     27     int a = S::i;
     28   }
     29 }
     31 // Test that we don't use guards for initializing template static data
     32 // members with internal linkage.
     33 namespace test2 {
     34   int foo();
     36   namespace {
     37     template <class T> struct A {
     38       static int x;
     39     };
     41     template <class T> int A<T>::x = foo();
     42     template struct A<int>;
     43   }
     45   // CHECK-LABEL: define internal void @__cxx_global_var_init()
     46   // CHECK:      [[TMP:%.*]] = call i32 @_ZN5test23fooEv()
     47   // CHECK-NEXT: store i32 [[TMP]], i32* @_ZN5test212_GLOBAL__N_11AIiE1xE, align 4
     48   // CHECK-NEXT: ret void
     49 }
     51 // Test that we don't use threadsafe statics when initializing
     52 // template static data members.
     53 namespace test3 {
     54   int foo();
     56   template <class T> struct A {
     57     static int x;
     58   };
     60   template <class T> int A<T>::x = foo();
     61   template struct A<int>;
     63   // CHECK-LABEL: define internal void @__cxx_global_var_init1()
     64   // CHECK:      [[GUARDBYTE:%.*]] = load i8* bitcast (i64* @_ZGVN5test31AIiE1xE to i8*)
     65   // CHECK-NEXT: [[UNINITIALIZED:%.*]] = icmp eq i8 [[GUARDBYTE]], 0
     66   // CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[UNINITIALIZED]]
     67   // CHECK:      [[TMP:%.*]] = call i32 @_ZN5test33fooEv()
     68   // CHECK-NEXT: store i32 [[TMP]], i32* @_ZN5test31AIiE1xE, align 4
     69   // CHECK-NEXT: store i64 1, i64* @_ZGVN5test31AIiE1xE
     70   // CHECK-NEXT: br label
     71   // CHECK:      ret void
     72 }
     74 // Test that we can fold member lookup expressions which resolve to static data
     75 // members.
     76 namespace test4 {
     77   struct A {
     78     static const int n = 76;
     79   };
     81   int f(A *a) {
     82     // CHECK-LABEL: define i32 @_ZN5test41fEPNS_1AE
     83     // CHECK: ret i32 76
     84     return a->n;
     85   }
     86 }
     88 // Test that static data members in unions behave properly.
     89 namespace test5 {
     90   union U {
     91     static int k0;
     92     static const int k1;
     93     static const int k2 = 76;
     94     static const int k3;
     95     static const int k4 = 81;
     96   };
     97   int U::k0;
     98   const int U::k1 = (k0 = 9, 42);
     99   const int U::k2;
    101   // CHECK: store i32 9, i32* @_ZN5test51U2k0E
    102   // CHECK: store i32 {{.*}}, i32* @_ZN5test51U2k1E
    103   // CHECK-NOT: store {{.*}} i32* @_ZN5test51U2k2E
    104 }