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      1 /*
      2 **********************************************************************
      3 *   Copyright (C) 1996-2012, International Business Machines
      4 *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
      5 **********************************************************************
      6 *
      7 *  FILE NAME : UTYPES.H (formerly ptypes.h)
      8 *
      9 *   Date        Name        Description
     10 *   12/11/96    helena      Creation.
     11 *   02/27/97    aliu        Added typedefs for UClassID, int8, int16, int32,
     12 *                           uint8, uint16, and uint32.
     13 *   04/01/97    aliu        Added XP_CPLUSPLUS and modified to work under C as
     14 *                            well as C++.
     15 *                           Modified to use memcpy() for uprv_arrayCopy() fns.
     16 *   04/14/97    aliu        Added TPlatformUtilities.
     17 *   05/07/97    aliu        Added import/export specifiers (replacing the old
     18 *                           broken EXT_CLASS).  Added version number for our
     19 *                           code.  Cleaned up header.
     20 *    6/20/97    helena      Java class name change.
     21 *   08/11/98    stephen     UErrorCode changed from typedef to enum
     22 *   08/12/98    erm         Changed T_ANALYTIC_PACKAGE_VERSION to 3
     23 *   08/14/98    stephen     Added uprv_arrayCopy() for int8_t, int16_t, int32_t
     24 *   12/09/98    jfitz       Added BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR (bug 1100066)
     25 *   04/20/99    stephen     Cleaned up & reworked for autoconf.
     26 *                           Renamed to utypes.h.
     27 *   05/05/99    stephen     Changed to use <inttypes.h>
     28 *   12/07/99    helena      Moved copyright notice string from ucnv_bld.h here.
     29 *******************************************************************************
     30 */
     32 #ifndef UTYPES_H
     33 #define UTYPES_H
     36 #include "unicode/umachine.h"
     37 #include "unicode/uversion.h"
     38 #include "unicode/uconfig.h"
     39 #include <float.h>
     42 #   include "unicode/utf.h"
     43 #endif
     45 /*!
     46  * \file
     47  * \brief Basic definitions for ICU, for both C and C++ APIs
     48  *
     49  * This file defines basic types, constants, and enumerations directly or
     50  * indirectly by including other header files, especially utf.h for the
     51  * basic character and string definitions and umachine.h for consistent
     52  * integer and other types.
     53  */
     56 /**
     57  * \def U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API
     58  * @internal
     59  */
     60 #ifdef __cplusplus
     61 #   ifndef U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API
     62 #       define U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API 1
     63 #   endif
     64 #else
     65 #   undef U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API
     66 #   define U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API 0
     67 #endif
     69 /** @{ API visibility control */
     71 /**
     72  * \def U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
     73  * Define this to 1 to request that draft API be "hidden"
     74  * @internal
     75  */
     76 /**
     77  * \def U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API
     78  * Define this to 1 to request that internal API be "hidden"
     79  * @internal
     80  */
     81 #if !U_DEFAULT_SHOW_DRAFT && !defined(U_SHOW_DRAFT_API)
     82 #define U_HIDE_DRAFT_API 1
     83 #endif
     84 #if !U_DEFAULT_SHOW_DRAFT && !defined(U_SHOW_INTERNAL_API)
     85 #define U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API 1
     86 #endif
     88 /** @} */
     90 /*===========================================================================*/
     91 /* ICUDATA naming scheme                                                     */
     92 /*===========================================================================*/
     94 /**
     95  * \def U_ICUDATA_TYPE_LETTER
     96  *
     97  * This is a platform-dependent string containing one letter:
     98  * - b for big-endian, ASCII-family platforms
     99  * - l for little-endian, ASCII-family platforms
    100  * - e for big-endian, EBCDIC-family platforms
    101  * This letter is part of the common data file name.
    102  * @stable ICU 2.0
    103  */
    105 /**
    107  * The non-string form of U_ICUDATA_TYPE_LETTER
    108  * @stable ICU 2.0
    109  */
    110 #if U_CHARSET_FAMILY
    111 #   if U_IS_BIG_ENDIAN
    112    /* EBCDIC - should always be BE */
    113 #     define U_ICUDATA_TYPE_LETTER "e"
    114 #     define U_ICUDATA_TYPE_LITLETTER e
    115 #   else
    116 #     error "Don't know what to do with little endian EBCDIC!"
    117 #     define U_ICUDATA_TYPE_LETTER "x"
    118 #     define U_ICUDATA_TYPE_LITLETTER x
    119 #   endif
    120 #else
    121 #   if U_IS_BIG_ENDIAN
    122       /* Big-endian ASCII */
    123 #     define U_ICUDATA_TYPE_LETTER "b"
    124 #     define U_ICUDATA_TYPE_LITLETTER b
    125 #   else
    126       /* Little-endian ASCII */
    127 #     define U_ICUDATA_TYPE_LETTER "l"
    128 #     define U_ICUDATA_TYPE_LITLETTER l
    129 #   endif
    130 #endif
    132 /**
    133  * A single string literal containing the icudata stub name. i.e. 'icudt18e' for
    134  * ICU 1.8.x on EBCDIC, etc..
    135  * @stable ICU 2.0
    136  */
    138 #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API
    139 #define U_USRDATA_NAME    "usrdt" U_ICU_VERSION_SHORT U_ICUDATA_TYPE_LETTER  /**< @internal */
    140 // BEGIN android-change - U_USE_USRDATA should be off by default. */
    141 #ifndef U_USE_USRDATA
    142 #define U_USE_USRDATA     0  /**< @internal */
    143 #endif  /* U_USE_USRDATA */
    144 // END android-change
    145 #endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
    147 /**
    148  *  U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT is the name of the DLL entry point to the ICU data library.
    149  *    Defined as a literal, not a string.
    150  *    Tricky Preprocessor use - ## operator replaces macro paramters with the literal string
    151  *                              from the corresponding macro invocation, _before_ other macro substitutions.
    152  *                              Need a nested \#defines to get the actual version numbers rather than
    153  *                              the literal text U_ICU_VERSION_MAJOR_NUM into the name.
    154  *                              The net result will be something of the form
    155  *                                  \#define U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT icudt19_dat
    156  * @stable ICU 2.4
    157  */
    160 #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API
    161 /**
    162  * Do not use. Note that it's OK for the 2nd argument to be undefined (literal).
    163  * @internal
    164  */
    165 #define U_DEF2_ICUDATA_ENTRY_POINT(major,suff) U_DEF_ICUDATA_ENTRY_POINT(major,suff)
    167 /**
    168  * Do not use.
    169  * @internal
    170  */
    172 /* affected by symbol renaming. See platform.h */
    173 #ifndef U_LIB_SUFFIX_C_NAME
    174 #define U_DEF_ICUDATA_ENTRY_POINT(major, suff) icudt##major##_dat
    175 #else
    176 #define U_DEF_ICUDATA_ENTRY_POINT(major, suff) icudt##suff ## major##_dat
    177 #endif
    178 #endif
    179 #endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
    181 /**
    182  * \def NULL
    183  * Define NULL if necessary, to 0 for C++ and to ((void *)0) for C.
    184  * @stable ICU 2.0
    185  */
    186 #ifndef NULL
    187 #ifdef __cplusplus
    188 #define NULL    0
    189 #else
    190 #define NULL    ((void *)0)
    191 #endif
    192 #endif
    194 /*===========================================================================*/
    195 /* Calendar/TimeZone data types                                              */
    196 /*===========================================================================*/
    198 /**
    199  * Date and Time data type.
    200  * This is a primitive data type that holds the date and time
    201  * as the number of milliseconds since 1970-jan-01, 00:00 UTC.
    202  * UTC leap seconds are ignored.
    203  * @stable ICU 2.0
    204  */
    205 typedef double UDate;
    207 /** The number of milliseconds per second @stable ICU 2.0 */
    208 #define U_MILLIS_PER_SECOND        (1000)
    209 /** The number of milliseconds per minute @stable ICU 2.0 */
    210 #define U_MILLIS_PER_MINUTE       (60000)
    211 /** The number of milliseconds per hour @stable ICU 2.0 */
    212 #define U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR       (3600000)
    213 /** The number of milliseconds per day @stable ICU 2.0 */
    214 #define U_MILLIS_PER_DAY       (86400000)
    216 /**
    217  * Maximum UDate value
    218  * @stable ICU 4.8
    219  */
    220 #define U_DATE_MAX DBL_MAX
    222 /**
    223  * Minimum UDate value
    224  * @stable ICU 4.8
    225  */
    226 #define U_DATE_MIN -U_DATE_MAX
    228 /*===========================================================================*/
    229 /* Shared library/DLL import-export API control                              */
    230 /*===========================================================================*/
    232 /*
    233  * Control of symbol import/export.
    234  * ICU is separated into three libraries.
    235  */
    237 /**
    239  * Set to export library symbols from inside the ICU library
    240  * when all of ICU is in a single library.
    241  * This can be set as a compiler option while building ICU, and it
    242  * needs to be the first one tested to override U_COMMON_API, U_I18N_API, etc.
    243  * @stable ICU 2.0
    244  */
    246 /**
    247  * \def U_DATA_API
    248  * Set to export library symbols from inside the stubdata library,
    249  * and to import them from outside.
    250  * @stable ICU 3.0
    251  */
    253 /**
    254  * \def U_COMMON_API
    255  * Set to export library symbols from inside the common library,
    256  * and to import them from outside.
    257  * @stable ICU 2.0
    258  */
    260 /**
    261  * \def U_I18N_API
    262  * Set to export library symbols from inside the i18n library,
    263  * and to import them from outside.
    264  * @stable ICU 2.0
    265  */
    267 /**
    268  * \def U_LAYOUT_API
    269  * Set to export library symbols from inside the layout engine library,
    270  * and to import them from outside.
    271  * @stable ICU 2.0
    272  */
    274 /**
    275  * \def U_LAYOUTEX_API
    276  * Set to export library symbols from inside the layout extensions library,
    277  * and to import them from outside.
    278  * @stable ICU 2.6
    279  */
    281 /**
    282  * \def U_IO_API
    283  * Set to export library symbols from inside the ustdio library,
    284  * and to import them from outside.
    285  * @stable ICU 2.0
    286  */
    288 /**
    289  * \def U_TOOLUTIL_API
    290  * Set to export library symbols from inside the toolutil library,
    291  * and to import them from outside.
    292  * @stable ICU 3.4
    293  */
    295 #if defined(U_COMBINED_IMPLEMENTATION)
    296 #define U_DATA_API     U_EXPORT
    297 #define U_COMMON_API   U_EXPORT
    298 #define U_I18N_API     U_EXPORT
    299 #define U_LAYOUT_API   U_EXPORT
    300 #define U_LAYOUTEX_API U_EXPORT
    301 #define U_IO_API       U_EXPORT
    302 #define U_TOOLUTIL_API U_EXPORT
    303 #elif defined(U_STATIC_IMPLEMENTATION)
    304 #define U_DATA_API
    305 #define U_COMMON_API
    306 #define U_I18N_API
    307 #define U_LAYOUT_API
    308 #define U_LAYOUTEX_API
    309 #define U_IO_API
    310 #define U_TOOLUTIL_API
    311 #elif defined(U_COMMON_IMPLEMENTATION)
    312 #define U_DATA_API     U_IMPORT
    313 #define U_COMMON_API   U_EXPORT
    314 #define U_I18N_API     U_IMPORT
    315 #define U_LAYOUT_API   U_IMPORT
    316 #define U_LAYOUTEX_API U_IMPORT
    317 #define U_IO_API       U_IMPORT
    318 #define U_TOOLUTIL_API U_IMPORT
    319 #elif defined(U_I18N_IMPLEMENTATION)
    320 #define U_DATA_API     U_IMPORT
    321 #define U_COMMON_API   U_IMPORT
    322 #define U_I18N_API     U_EXPORT
    323 #define U_LAYOUT_API   U_IMPORT
    324 #define U_LAYOUTEX_API U_IMPORT
    325 #define U_IO_API       U_IMPORT
    326 #define U_TOOLUTIL_API U_IMPORT
    327 #elif defined(U_LAYOUT_IMPLEMENTATION)
    328 #define U_DATA_API     U_IMPORT
    329 #define U_COMMON_API   U_IMPORT
    330 #define U_I18N_API     U_IMPORT
    331 #define U_LAYOUT_API   U_EXPORT
    332 #define U_LAYOUTEX_API U_IMPORT
    333 #define U_IO_API       U_IMPORT
    334 #define U_TOOLUTIL_API U_IMPORT
    335 #elif defined(U_LAYOUTEX_IMPLEMENTATION)
    336 #define U_DATA_API     U_IMPORT
    337 #define U_COMMON_API   U_IMPORT
    338 #define U_I18N_API     U_IMPORT
    339 #define U_LAYOUT_API   U_IMPORT
    340 #define U_LAYOUTEX_API U_EXPORT
    341 #define U_IO_API       U_IMPORT
    342 #define U_TOOLUTIL_API U_IMPORT
    343 #elif defined(U_IO_IMPLEMENTATION)
    344 #define U_DATA_API     U_IMPORT
    345 #define U_COMMON_API   U_IMPORT
    346 #define U_I18N_API     U_IMPORT
    347 #define U_LAYOUT_API   U_IMPORT
    348 #define U_LAYOUTEX_API U_IMPORT
    349 #define U_IO_API       U_EXPORT
    350 #define U_TOOLUTIL_API U_IMPORT
    351 #elif defined(U_TOOLUTIL_IMPLEMENTATION)
    352 #define U_DATA_API     U_IMPORT
    353 #define U_COMMON_API   U_IMPORT
    354 #define U_I18N_API     U_IMPORT
    355 #define U_LAYOUT_API   U_IMPORT
    356 #define U_LAYOUTEX_API U_IMPORT
    357 #define U_IO_API       U_IMPORT
    358 #define U_TOOLUTIL_API U_EXPORT
    359 #else
    360 #define U_DATA_API     U_IMPORT
    361 #define U_COMMON_API   U_IMPORT
    362 #define U_I18N_API     U_IMPORT
    363 #define U_LAYOUT_API   U_IMPORT
    364 #define U_LAYOUTEX_API U_IMPORT
    365 #define U_IO_API       U_IMPORT
    366 #define U_TOOLUTIL_API U_IMPORT
    367 #endif
    369 /**
    371  * Control of C++ Namespace
    372  * @stable ICU 2.0
    373  */
    374 #ifdef __cplusplus
    375 #define U_STANDARD_CPP_NAMESPACE        ::
    376 #else
    378 #endif
    381 /*===========================================================================*/
    382 /* Global delete operator                                                    */
    383 /*===========================================================================*/
    385 /*
    386  * The ICU4C library must not use the global new and delete operators.
    387  * These operators here are defined to enable testing for this.
    388  * See Jitterbug 2581 for details of why this is necessary.
    389  *
    390  * Verification that ICU4C's memory usage is correct, i.e.,
    391  * that global new/delete are not used:
    392  *
    393  * a) Check for imports of global new/delete (see uobject.cpp for details)
    394  * b) Verify that new is never imported.
    395  * c) Verify that delete is only imported from object code for interface/mixin classes.
    396  * d) Add global delete and delete[] only for the ICU4C library itself
    397  *    and define them in a way that crashes or otherwise easily shows a problem.
    398  *
    399  * The following implements d).
    400  * The operator implementations crash; this is intentional and used for library debugging.
    401  *
    402  * Note: This is currently only done on Windows because
    403  * some Linux/Unix compilers have problems with defining global new/delete.
    404  * On Windows, it is _MSC_VER>=1200 for MSVC 6.0 and higher.
    405  */
    408 #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API
    409 /**
    410  * Global operator new, defined only inside ICU4C, must not be used.
    411  * Crashes intentionally.
    412  * @internal
    413  */
    414 inline void *
    415 operator new(size_t /*size*/) {
    416     char *q=NULL;
    417     *q=5; /* break it */
    418     return q;
    419 }
    421 #ifdef _Ret_bytecap_
    422 /* This is only needed to suppress a Visual C++ 2008 warning for operator new[]. */
    423 _Ret_bytecap_(_Size)
    424 #endif
    425 /**
    426  * Global operator new[], defined only inside ICU4C, must not be used.
    427  * Crashes intentionally.
    428  * @internal
    429  */
    430 inline void *
    431 operator new[](size_t /*size*/) {
    432     char *q=NULL;
    433     *q=5; /* break it */
    434     return q;
    435 }
    437 /**
    438  * Global operator delete, defined only inside ICU4C, must not be used.
    439  * Crashes intentionally.
    440  * @internal
    441  */
    442 inline void
    443 operator delete(void * /*p*/) {
    444     char *q=NULL;
    445     *q=5; /* break it */
    446 }
    448 /**
    449  * Global operator delete[], defined only inside ICU4C, must not be used.
    450  * Crashes intentionally.
    451  * @internal
    452  */
    453 inline void
    454 operator delete[](void * /*p*/) {
    455     char *q=NULL;
    456     *q=5; /* break it */
    457 }
    459 #endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
    460 #endif
    462 /*===========================================================================*/
    463 /* UErrorCode */
    464 /*===========================================================================*/
    466 /**
    467  * Error code to replace exception handling, so that the code is compatible with all C++ compilers,
    468  * and to use the same mechanism for C and C++.
    469  *
    470  * \par
    471  * ICU functions that take a reference (C++) or a pointer (C) to a UErrorCode
    472  * first test if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return immediately; }
    473  * so that in a chain of such functions the first one that sets an error code
    474  * causes the following ones to not perform any operations.
    475  *
    476  * \par
    477  * Error codes should be tested using U_FAILURE() and U_SUCCESS().
    478  * @stable ICU 2.0
    479  */
    480 typedef enum UErrorCode {
    481     /* The ordering of U_ERROR_INFO_START Vs U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING looks weird
    482      * and is that way because VC++ debugger displays first encountered constant,
    483      * which is not the what the code is used for
    484      */
    486     U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING  = -128,   /**< A resource bundle lookup returned a fallback result (not an error) */
    488     U_ERROR_WARNING_START     = -128,   /**< Start of information results (semantically successful) */
    490     U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING   = -127,   /**< A resource bundle lookup returned a result from the root locale (not an error) */
    492     U_SAFECLONE_ALLOCATED_WARNING = -126, /**< A SafeClone operation required allocating memory (informational only) */
    494     U_STATE_OLD_WARNING       = -125,   /**< ICU has to use compatibility layer to construct the service. Expect performance/memory usage degradation. Consider upgrading */
    496     U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING = -124,/**< An output string could not be NUL-terminated because output length==destCapacity. */
    498     U_SORT_KEY_TOO_SHORT_WARNING = -123, /**< Number of levels requested in getBound is higher than the number of levels in the sort key */
    500     U_AMBIGUOUS_ALIAS_WARNING = -122,   /**< This converter alias can go to different converter implementations */
    502     U_DIFFERENT_UCA_VERSION = -121,     /**< ucol_open encountered a mismatch between UCA version and collator image version, so the collator was constructed from rules. No impact to further function */
    504     U_PLUGIN_CHANGED_LEVEL_WARNING = -120, /**< A plugin caused a level change. May not be an error, but later plugins may not load. */
    506     U_ERROR_WARNING_LIMIT,              /**< This must always be the last warning value to indicate the limit for UErrorCode warnings (last warning code +1) */
    509     U_ZERO_ERROR              =  0,     /**< No error, no warning. */
    511     U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR  =  1,     /**< Start of codes indicating failure */
    512     U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR  =  2,     /**< The requested resource cannot be found */
    513     U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR    =  3,     /**< Data format is not what is expected */
    514     U_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR       =  4,     /**< The requested file cannot be found */
    515     U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR  =  5,     /**< Indicates a bug in the library code */
    516     U_MESSAGE_PARSE_ERROR     =  6,     /**< Unable to parse a message (message format) */
    517     U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR =  7,     /**< Memory allocation error */
    518     U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR =  8,     /**< Trying to access the index that is out of bounds */
    519     U_PARSE_ERROR             =  9,     /**< Equivalent to Java ParseException */
    520     U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND      = 10,     /**< Character conversion: Unmappable input sequence. In other APIs: Invalid character. */
    521     U_TRUNCATED_CHAR_FOUND    = 11,     /**< Character conversion: Incomplete input sequence. */
    522     U_ILLEGAL_CHAR_FOUND      = 12,     /**< Character conversion: Illegal input sequence/combination of input units. */
    523     U_INVALID_TABLE_FORMAT    = 13,     /**< Conversion table file found, but corrupted */
    524     U_INVALID_TABLE_FILE      = 14,     /**< Conversion table file not found */
    525     U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR   = 15,     /**< A result would not fit in the supplied buffer */
    526     U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR       = 16,     /**< Requested operation not supported in current context */
    527     U_RESOURCE_TYPE_MISMATCH  = 17,     /**< an operation is requested over a resource that does not support it */
    528     U_ILLEGAL_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE = 18,     /**< ISO-2022 illlegal escape sequence */
    529     U_UNSUPPORTED_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE = 19, /**< ISO-2022 unsupported escape sequence */
    530     U_NO_SPACE_AVAILABLE      = 20,     /**< No space available for in-buffer expansion for Arabic shaping */
    531     U_CE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR      = 21,     /**< Currently used only while setting variable top, but can be used generally */
    532     U_PRIMARY_TOO_LONG_ERROR  = 22,     /**< User tried to set variable top to a primary that is longer than two bytes */
    533     U_STATE_TOO_OLD_ERROR     = 23,     /**< ICU cannot construct a service from this state, as it is no longer supported */
    534     U_TOO_MANY_ALIASES_ERROR  = 24,     /**< There are too many aliases in the path to the requested resource.
    535                                              It is very possible that a circular alias definition has occured */
    536     U_ENUM_OUT_OF_SYNC_ERROR  = 25,     /**< UEnumeration out of sync with underlying collection */
    537     U_INVARIANT_CONVERSION_ERROR = 26,  /**< Unable to convert a UChar* string to char* with the invariant converter. */
    538     U_INVALID_STATE_ERROR     = 27,     /**< Requested operation can not be completed with ICU in its current state */
    539     U_COLLATOR_VERSION_MISMATCH = 28,   /**< Collator version is not compatible with the base version */
    540     U_USELESS_COLLATOR_ERROR  = 29,     /**< Collator is options only and no base is specified */
    541     U_NO_WRITE_PERMISSION     = 30,     /**< Attempt to modify read-only or constant data. */
    543     U_STANDARD_ERROR_LIMIT,             /**< This must always be the last value to indicate the limit for standard errors */
    544     /*
    545      * the error code range 0x10000 0x10100 are reserved for Transliterator
    546      */
    547     U_BAD_VARIABLE_DEFINITION=0x10000,/**< Missing '$' or duplicate variable name */
    548     U_PARSE_ERROR_START = 0x10000,    /**< Start of Transliterator errors */
    549     U_MALFORMED_RULE,                 /**< Elements of a rule are misplaced */
    550     U_MALFORMED_SET,                  /**< A UnicodeSet pattern is invalid*/
    551     U_MALFORMED_SYMBOL_REFERENCE,     /**< UNUSED as of ICU 2.4 */
    552     U_MALFORMED_UNICODE_ESCAPE,       /**< A Unicode escape pattern is invalid*/
    553     U_MALFORMED_VARIABLE_DEFINITION,  /**< A variable definition is invalid */
    554     U_MALFORMED_VARIABLE_REFERENCE,   /**< A variable reference is invalid */
    555     U_MISMATCHED_SEGMENT_DELIMITERS,  /**< UNUSED as of ICU 2.4 */
    556     U_MISPLACED_ANCHOR_START,         /**< A start anchor appears at an illegal position */
    557     U_MISPLACED_CURSOR_OFFSET,        /**< A cursor offset occurs at an illegal position */
    558     U_MISPLACED_QUANTIFIER,           /**< A quantifier appears after a segment close delimiter */
    559     U_MISSING_OPERATOR,               /**< A rule contains no operator */
    560     U_MISSING_SEGMENT_CLOSE,          /**< UNUSED as of ICU 2.4 */
    561     U_MULTIPLE_ANTE_CONTEXTS,         /**< More than one ante context */
    562     U_MULTIPLE_CURSORS,               /**< More than one cursor */
    563     U_MULTIPLE_POST_CONTEXTS,         /**< More than one post context */
    564     U_TRAILING_BACKSLASH,             /**< A dangling backslash */
    565     U_UNDEFINED_SEGMENT_REFERENCE,    /**< A segment reference does not correspond to a defined segment */
    566     U_UNDEFINED_VARIABLE,             /**< A variable reference does not correspond to a defined variable */
    567     U_UNQUOTED_SPECIAL,               /**< A special character was not quoted or escaped */
    568     U_UNTERMINATED_QUOTE,             /**< A closing single quote is missing */
    569     U_RULE_MASK_ERROR,                /**< A rule is hidden by an earlier more general rule */
    570     U_MISPLACED_COMPOUND_FILTER,      /**< A compound filter is in an invalid location */
    571     U_MULTIPLE_COMPOUND_FILTERS,      /**< More than one compound filter */
    572     U_INVALID_RBT_SYNTAX,             /**< A "::id" rule was passed to the RuleBasedTransliterator parser */
    573     U_INVALID_PROPERTY_PATTERN,       /**< UNUSED as of ICU 2.4 */
    574     U_MALFORMED_PRAGMA,               /**< A 'use' pragma is invlalid */
    575     U_UNCLOSED_SEGMENT,               /**< A closing ')' is missing */
    576     U_ILLEGAL_CHAR_IN_SEGMENT,        /**< UNUSED as of ICU 2.4 */
    577     U_VARIABLE_RANGE_EXHAUSTED,       /**< Too many stand-ins generated for the given variable range */
    578     U_VARIABLE_RANGE_OVERLAP,         /**< The variable range overlaps characters used in rules */
    579     U_ILLEGAL_CHARACTER,              /**< A special character is outside its allowed context */
    580     U_INTERNAL_TRANSLITERATOR_ERROR,  /**< Internal transliterator system error */
    581     U_INVALID_ID,                     /**< A "::id" rule specifies an unknown transliterator */
    582     U_INVALID_FUNCTION,               /**< A "&fn()" rule specifies an unknown transliterator */
    583     U_PARSE_ERROR_LIMIT,              /**< The limit for Transliterator errors */
    585     /*
    586      * the error code range 0x10100 0x10200 are reserved for formatting API parsing error
    587      */
    588     U_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN=0x10100,       /**< Syntax error in format pattern */
    589     U_FMT_PARSE_ERROR_START=0x10100,  /**< Start of format library errors */
    590     U_MULTIPLE_DECIMAL_SEPARATORS,    /**< More than one decimal separator in number pattern */
    592     U_MULTIPLE_EXPONENTIAL_SYMBOLS,   /**< More than one exponent symbol in number pattern */
    593     U_MALFORMED_EXPONENTIAL_PATTERN,  /**< Grouping symbol in exponent pattern */
    594     U_MULTIPLE_PERCENT_SYMBOLS,       /**< More than one percent symbol in number pattern */
    595     U_MULTIPLE_PERMILL_SYMBOLS,       /**< More than one permill symbol in number pattern */
    596     U_MULTIPLE_PAD_SPECIFIERS,        /**< More than one pad symbol in number pattern */
    597     U_PATTERN_SYNTAX_ERROR,           /**< Syntax error in format pattern */
    598     U_ILLEGAL_PAD_POSITION,           /**< Pad symbol misplaced in number pattern */
    599     U_UNMATCHED_BRACES,               /**< Braces do not match in message pattern */
    600     U_UNSUPPORTED_PROPERTY,           /**< UNUSED as of ICU 2.4 */
    601     U_UNSUPPORTED_ATTRIBUTE,          /**< UNUSED as of ICU 2.4 */
    602     U_ARGUMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH,         /**< Argument name and argument index mismatch in MessageFormat functions */
    603     U_DUPLICATE_KEYWORD,              /**< Duplicate keyword in PluralFormat */
    604     U_UNDEFINED_KEYWORD,              /**< Undefined Plural keyword */
    605     U_DEFAULT_KEYWORD_MISSING,        /**< Missing DEFAULT rule in plural rules */
    606     U_DECIMAL_NUMBER_SYNTAX_ERROR,    /**< Decimal number syntax error */
    607     U_FORMAT_INEXACT_ERROR,           /**< Cannot format a number exactly and rounding mode is ROUND_UNNECESSARY @stable ICU 4.8 */
    608     U_FMT_PARSE_ERROR_LIMIT,          /**< The limit for format library errors */
    610     /*
    611      * the error code range 0x10200 0x102ff are reserved for Break Iterator related error
    612      */
    613     U_BRK_INTERNAL_ERROR=0x10200,          /**< An internal error (bug) was detected.             */
    614     U_BRK_ERROR_START=0x10200,             /**< Start of codes indicating Break Iterator failures */
    615     U_BRK_HEX_DIGITS_EXPECTED,             /**< Hex digits expected as part of a escaped char in a rule. */
    616     U_BRK_SEMICOLON_EXPECTED,              /**< Missing ';' at the end of a RBBI rule.            */
    617     U_BRK_RULE_SYNTAX,                     /**< Syntax error in RBBI rule.                        */
    618     U_BRK_UNCLOSED_SET,                    /**< UnicodeSet witing an RBBI rule missing a closing ']'.  */
    619     U_BRK_ASSIGN_ERROR,                    /**< Syntax error in RBBI rule assignment statement.   */
    620     U_BRK_VARIABLE_REDFINITION,            /**< RBBI rule $Variable redefined.                    */
    621     U_BRK_MISMATCHED_PAREN,                /**< Mis-matched parentheses in an RBBI rule.          */
    622     U_BRK_NEW_LINE_IN_QUOTED_STRING,       /**< Missing closing quote in an RBBI rule.            */
    623     U_BRK_UNDEFINED_VARIABLE,              /**< Use of an undefined $Variable in an RBBI rule.    */
    624     U_BRK_INIT_ERROR,                      /**< Initialization failure.  Probable missing ICU Data. */
    625     U_BRK_RULE_EMPTY_SET,                  /**< Rule contains an empty Unicode Set.               */
    626     U_BRK_UNRECOGNIZED_OPTION,             /**< !!option in RBBI rules not recognized.            */
    627     U_BRK_MALFORMED_RULE_TAG,              /**< The {nnn} tag on a rule is mal formed             */
    628     U_BRK_ERROR_LIMIT,                     /**< This must always be the last value to indicate the limit for Break Iterator failures */
    630     /*
    631      * The error codes in the range 0x10300-0x103ff are reserved for regular expression related errrs
    632      */
    633     U_REGEX_INTERNAL_ERROR=0x10300,       /**< An internal error (bug) was detected.              */
    634     U_REGEX_ERROR_START=0x10300,          /**< Start of codes indicating Regexp failures          */
    635     U_REGEX_RULE_SYNTAX,                  /**< Syntax error in regexp pattern.                    */
    636     U_REGEX_INVALID_STATE,                /**< RegexMatcher in invalid state for requested operation */
    637     U_REGEX_BAD_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE,          /**< Unrecognized backslash escape sequence in pattern  */
    638     U_REGEX_PROPERTY_SYNTAX,              /**< Incorrect Unicode property                         */
    639     U_REGEX_UNIMPLEMENTED,                /**< Use of regexp feature that is not yet implemented. */
    640     U_REGEX_MISMATCHED_PAREN,             /**< Incorrectly nested parentheses in regexp pattern.  */
    641     U_REGEX_NUMBER_TOO_BIG,               /**< Decimal number is too large.                       */
    642     U_REGEX_BAD_INTERVAL,                 /**< Error in {min,max} interval                        */
    643     U_REGEX_MAX_LT_MIN,                   /**< In {min,max}, max is less than min.                */
    644     U_REGEX_INVALID_BACK_REF,             /**< Back-reference to a non-existent capture group.    */
    645     U_REGEX_INVALID_FLAG,                 /**< Invalid value for match mode flags.                */
    646     U_REGEX_LOOK_BEHIND_LIMIT,            /**< Look-Behind pattern matches must have a bounded maximum length.    */
    647     U_REGEX_SET_CONTAINS_STRING,          /**< Regexps cannot have UnicodeSets containing strings.*/
    648     U_REGEX_OCTAL_TOO_BIG,                /**< Octal character constants must be <= 0377.         */
    649     U_REGEX_MISSING_CLOSE_BRACKET,        /**< Missing closing bracket on a bracket expression.   */
    650     U_REGEX_INVALID_RANGE,                /**< In a character range [x-y], x is greater than y.   */
    651     U_REGEX_STACK_OVERFLOW,               /**< Regular expression backtrack stack overflow.       */
    652     U_REGEX_TIME_OUT,                     /**< Maximum allowed match time exceeded                */
    653     U_REGEX_STOPPED_BY_CALLER,            /**< Matching operation aborted by user callback fn.    */
    654     U_REGEX_ERROR_LIMIT,                  /**< This must always be the last value to indicate the limit for regexp errors */
    656     /*
    657      * The error code in the range 0x10400-0x104ff are reserved for IDNA related error codes
    658      */
    659     U_IDNA_PROHIBITED_ERROR=0x10400,
    660     U_IDNA_ERROR_START=0x10400,
    669     U_IDNA_ERROR_LIMIT,
    670     /*
    671      * Aliases for StringPrep
    672      */
    677     /*
    678      * The error code in the range 0x10500-0x105ff are reserved for Plugin related error codes
    679      */
    680     U_PLUGIN_ERROR_START=0x10500,         /**< Start of codes indicating plugin failures */
    681     U_PLUGIN_TOO_HIGH=0x10500,            /**< The plugin's level is too high to be loaded right now. */
    682     U_PLUGIN_DIDNT_SET_LEVEL,             /**< The plugin didn't call uplug_setPlugLevel in response to a QUERY */
    683     U_PLUGIN_ERROR_LIMIT,                 /**< This must always be the last value to indicate the limit for plugin errors */
    685     U_ERROR_LIMIT=U_PLUGIN_ERROR_LIMIT      /**< This must always be the last value to indicate the limit for UErrorCode (last error code +1) */
    686 } UErrorCode;
    688 /* Use the following to determine if an UErrorCode represents */
    689 /* operational success or failure. */
    691 #ifdef __cplusplus
    692     /**
    693      * Does the error code indicate success?
    694      * @stable ICU 2.0
    695      */
    696     static
    697     inline UBool U_SUCCESS(UErrorCode code) { return (UBool)(code<=U_ZERO_ERROR); }
    698     /**
    699      * Does the error code indicate a failure?
    700      * @stable ICU 2.0
    701      */
    702     static
    703     inline UBool U_FAILURE(UErrorCode code) { return (UBool)(code>U_ZERO_ERROR); }
    704 #else
    705     /**
    706      * Does the error code indicate success?
    707      * @stable ICU 2.0
    708      */
    709 #   define U_SUCCESS(x) ((x)<=U_ZERO_ERROR)
    710     /**
    711      * Does the error code indicate a failure?
    712      * @stable ICU 2.0
    713      */
    714 #   define U_FAILURE(x) ((x)>U_ZERO_ERROR)
    715 #endif
    717 /**
    718  * Return a string for a UErrorCode value.
    719  * The string will be the same as the name of the error code constant
    720  * in the UErrorCode enum above.
    721  * @stable ICU 2.0
    722  */
    723 U_STABLE const char * U_EXPORT2
    724 u_errorName(UErrorCode code);
    727 #endif /* _UTYPES */