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      1 /*
      2 *******************************************************************************
      3 * Copyright (C) 2012-2014, International Business Machines
      4 * Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
      5 *******************************************************************************
      6 * collationdatabuilder.cpp
      7 *
      8 * (replaced the former ucol_elm.cpp)
      9 *
     10 * created on: 2012apr01
     11 * created by: Markus W. Scherer
     12 */
     14 #include "unicode/utypes.h"
     18 #include "unicode/localpointer.h"
     19 #include "unicode/uchar.h"
     20 #include "unicode/ucharstrie.h"
     21 #include "unicode/ucharstriebuilder.h"
     22 #include "unicode/uniset.h"
     23 #include "unicode/unistr.h"
     24 #include "unicode/usetiter.h"
     25 #include "unicode/utf16.h"
     26 #include "cmemory.h"
     27 #include "collation.h"
     28 #include "collationdata.h"
     29 #include "collationdatabuilder.h"
     30 #include "collationfastlatinbuilder.h"
     31 #include "collationiterator.h"
     32 #include "normalizer2impl.h"
     33 #include "utrie2.h"
     34 #include "uvectr32.h"
     35 #include "uvectr64.h"
     36 #include "uvector.h"
     38 #define LENGTHOF(array) (int32_t)(sizeof(array)/sizeof((array)[0]))
     42 CollationDataBuilder::CEModifier::~CEModifier() {}
     44 /**
     45  * Build-time context and CE32 for a code point.
     46  * If a code point has contextual mappings, then the default (no-context) mapping
     47  * and all conditional mappings are stored in a singly-linked list
     48  * of ConditionalCE32, sorted by context strings.
     49  *
     50  * Context strings sort by prefix length, then by prefix, then by contraction suffix.
     51  * Context strings must be unique and in ascending order.
     52  */
     53 struct ConditionalCE32 : public UMemory {
     54     ConditionalCE32(const UnicodeString &ct, uint32_t ce)
     55             : context(ct),
     56               ce32(ce), defaultCE32(Collation::NO_CE32), builtCE32(Collation::NO_CE32),
     57               next(-1) {}
     59     inline UBool hasContext() const { return context.length() > 1; }
     60     inline int32_t prefixLength() const { return context.charAt(0); }
     62     /**
     63      * "\0" for the first entry for any code point, with its default CE32.
     64      *
     65      * Otherwise one unit with the length of the prefix string,
     66      * then the prefix string, then the contraction suffix.
     67      */
     68     UnicodeString context;
     69     /**
     70      * CE32 for the code point and its context.
     71      * Can be special (e.g., for an expansion) but not contextual (prefix or contraction tag).
     72      */
     73     uint32_t ce32;
     74     /**
     75      * Default CE32 for all contexts with this same prefix.
     76      * Initially NO_CE32. Set only while building runtime data structures,
     77      * and only on one of the nodes of a sub-list with the same prefix.
     78      */
     79     uint32_t defaultCE32;
     80     /**
     81      * CE32 for the built contexts.
     82      * When fetching CEs from the builder, the contexts are built into their runtime form
     83      * so that the normal collation implementation can process them.
     84      * The result is cached in the list head. It is reset when the contexts are modified.
     85      */
     86     uint32_t builtCE32;
     87     /**
     88      * Index of the next ConditionalCE32.
     89      * Negative for the end of the list.
     90      */
     91     int32_t next;
     92 };
     96 U_CAPI void U_CALLCONV
     97 uprv_deleteConditionalCE32(void *obj) {
     98     delete static_cast<ConditionalCE32 *>(obj);
     99 }
    101 U_CDECL_END
    103 /**
    104  * Build-time collation element and character iterator.
    105  * Uses the runtime CollationIterator for fetching CEs for a string
    106  * but reads from the builder's unfinished data structures.
    107  * In particular, this class reads from the unfinished trie
    108  * and has to avoid CollationIterator::nextCE() and redirect other
    109  * calls to data->getCE32() and data->getCE32FromSupplementary().
    110  *
    111  * We do this so that we need not implement the collation algorithm
    112  * again for the builder and make it behave exactly like the runtime code.
    113  * That would be more difficult to test and maintain than this indirection.
    114  *
    115  * Some CE32 tags (for example, the DIGIT_TAG) do not occur in the builder data,
    116  * so the data accesses from those code paths need not be modified.
    117  *
    118  * This class iterates directly over whole code points
    119  * so that the CollationIterator does not need the finished trie
    120  * for handling the LEAD_SURROGATE_TAG.
    121  */
    122 class DataBuilderCollationIterator : public CollationIterator {
    123 public:
    124     DataBuilderCollationIterator(CollationDataBuilder &b);
    126     virtual ~DataBuilderCollationIterator();
    128     int32_t fetchCEs(const UnicodeString &str, int32_t start, int64_t ces[], int32_t cesLength);
    130     virtual void resetToOffset(int32_t newOffset);
    131     virtual int32_t getOffset() const;
    133     virtual UChar32 nextCodePoint(UErrorCode &errorCode);
    134     virtual UChar32 previousCodePoint(UErrorCode &errorCode);
    136 protected:
    137     virtual void forwardNumCodePoints(int32_t num, UErrorCode &errorCode);
    138     virtual void backwardNumCodePoints(int32_t num, UErrorCode &errorCode);
    140     virtual uint32_t getDataCE32(UChar32 c) const;
    141     virtual uint32_t getCE32FromBuilderData(uint32_t ce32, UErrorCode &errorCode);
    143     CollationDataBuilder &builder;
    144     CollationData builderData;
    145     uint32_t jamoCE32s[CollationData::JAMO_CE32S_LENGTH];
    146     const UnicodeString *s;
    147     int32_t pos;
    148 };
    150 DataBuilderCollationIterator::DataBuilderCollationIterator(CollationDataBuilder &b)
    151         : CollationIterator(&builderData, /*numeric=*/ FALSE),
    152           builder(b), builderData(b.nfcImpl),
    153           s(NULL), pos(0) {
    154     builderData.base = builder.base;
    155     // Set all of the jamoCE32s[] to indirection CE32s.
    156     for(int32_t j = 0; j < CollationData::JAMO_CE32S_LENGTH; ++j) {  // Count across Jamo types.
    157         UChar32 jamo = CollationDataBuilder::jamoCpFromIndex(j);
    158         jamoCE32s[j] = Collation::makeCE32FromTagAndIndex(Collation::BUILDER_DATA_TAG, jamo) |
    159                 CollationDataBuilder::IS_BUILDER_JAMO_CE32;
    160     }
    161     builderData.jamoCE32s = jamoCE32s;
    162 }
    164 DataBuilderCollationIterator::~DataBuilderCollationIterator() {}
    166 int32_t
    167 DataBuilderCollationIterator::fetchCEs(const UnicodeString &str, int32_t start,
    168                                        int64_t ces[], int32_t cesLength) {
    169     // Set the pointers each time, in case they changed due to reallocation.
    170     builderData.ce32s = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t *>(builder.ce32s.getBuffer());
    171     builderData.ces = builder.ce64s.getBuffer();
    172     builderData.contexts = builder.contexts.getBuffer();
    173     // Modified copy of CollationIterator::nextCE() and CollationIterator::nextCEFromCE32().
    174     reset();
    175     s = &str;
    176     pos = start;
    177     UErrorCode errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    178     while(U_SUCCESS(errorCode) && pos < s->length()) {
    179         // No need to keep all CEs in the iterator buffer.
    180         clearCEs();
    181         UChar32 c = s->char32At(pos);
    182         pos += U16_LENGTH(c);
    183         uint32_t ce32 = utrie2_get32(builder.trie, c);
    184         const CollationData *d;
    185         if(ce32 == Collation::FALLBACK_CE32) {
    186             d = builder.base;
    187             ce32 = builder.base->getCE32(c);
    188         } else {
    189             d = &builderData;
    190         }
    191         appendCEsFromCE32(d, c, ce32, /*forward=*/ TRUE, errorCode);
    192         U_ASSERT(U_SUCCESS(errorCode));
    193         for(int32_t i = 0; i < getCEsLength(); ++i) {
    194             int64_t ce = getCE(i);
    195             if(ce != 0) {
    196                 if(cesLength < Collation::MAX_EXPANSION_LENGTH) {
    197                     ces[cesLength] = ce;
    198                 }
    199                 ++cesLength;
    200             }
    201         }
    202     }
    203     return cesLength;
    204 }
    206 void
    207 DataBuilderCollationIterator::resetToOffset(int32_t newOffset) {
    208     reset();
    209     pos = newOffset;
    210 }
    212 int32_t
    213 DataBuilderCollationIterator::getOffset() const {
    214     return pos;
    215 }
    217 UChar32
    218 DataBuilderCollationIterator::nextCodePoint(UErrorCode & /*errorCode*/) {
    219     if(pos == s->length()) {
    220         return U_SENTINEL;
    221     }
    222     UChar32 c = s->char32At(pos);
    223     pos += U16_LENGTH(c);
    224     return c;
    225 }
    227 UChar32
    228 DataBuilderCollationIterator::previousCodePoint(UErrorCode & /*errorCode*/) {
    229     if(pos == 0) {
    230         return U_SENTINEL;
    231     }
    232     UChar32 c = s->char32At(pos - 1);
    233     pos -= U16_LENGTH(c);
    234     return c;
    235 }
    237 void
    238 DataBuilderCollationIterator::forwardNumCodePoints(int32_t num, UErrorCode & /*errorCode*/) {
    239     pos = s->moveIndex32(pos, num);
    240 }
    242 void
    243 DataBuilderCollationIterator::backwardNumCodePoints(int32_t num, UErrorCode & /*errorCode*/) {
    244     pos = s->moveIndex32(pos, -num);
    245 }
    247 uint32_t
    248 DataBuilderCollationIterator::getDataCE32(UChar32 c) const {
    249     return utrie2_get32(builder.trie, c);
    250 }
    252 uint32_t
    253 DataBuilderCollationIterator::getCE32FromBuilderData(uint32_t ce32, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
    254     U_ASSERT(Collation::hasCE32Tag(ce32, Collation::BUILDER_DATA_TAG));
    255     if((ce32 & CollationDataBuilder::IS_BUILDER_JAMO_CE32) != 0) {
    256         UChar32 jamo = Collation::indexFromCE32(ce32);
    257         return utrie2_get32(builder.trie, jamo);
    258     } else {
    259         ConditionalCE32 *cond = builder.getConditionalCE32ForCE32(ce32);
    260         if(cond->builtCE32 == Collation::NO_CE32) {
    261             // Build the context-sensitive mappings into their runtime form and cache the result.
    262             cond->builtCE32 = builder.buildContext(cond, errorCode);
    263             if(errorCode == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) {
    264                 errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    265                 builder.clearContexts();
    266                 cond->builtCE32 = builder.buildContext(cond, errorCode);
    267             }
    268             builderData.contexts = builder.contexts.getBuffer();
    269         }
    270         return cond->builtCE32;
    271     }
    272 }
    274 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***
    276 CollationDataBuilder::CollationDataBuilder(UErrorCode &errorCode)
    277         : nfcImpl(*Normalizer2Factory::getNFCImpl(errorCode)),
    278           base(NULL), baseSettings(NULL),
    279           trie(NULL),
    280           ce32s(errorCode), ce64s(errorCode), conditionalCE32s(errorCode),
    281           modified(FALSE),
    282           fastLatinEnabled(FALSE), fastLatinBuilder(NULL),
    283           collIter(NULL) {
    284     // Reserve the first CE32 for U+0000.
    285     ce32s.addElement(0, errorCode);
    286     conditionalCE32s.setDeleter(uprv_deleteConditionalCE32);
    287 }
    289 CollationDataBuilder::~CollationDataBuilder() {
    290     utrie2_close(trie);
    291     delete fastLatinBuilder;
    292     delete collIter;
    293 }
    295 void
    296 CollationDataBuilder::initForTailoring(const CollationData *b, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
    297     if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return; }
    298     if(trie != NULL) {
    299         errorCode = U_INVALID_STATE_ERROR;
    300         return;
    301     }
    302     if(b == NULL) {
    303         errorCode = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
    304         return;
    305     }
    306     base = b;
    308     // For a tailoring, the default is to fall back to the base.
    309     trie = utrie2_open(Collation::FALLBACK_CE32, Collation::FFFD_CE32, &errorCode);
    311     // Set the Latin-1 letters block so that it is allocated first in the data array,
    312     // to try to improve locality of reference when sorting Latin-1 text.
    313     // Do not use utrie2_setRange32() since that will not actually allocate blocks
    314     // that are filled with the default value.
    315     // ASCII (0..7F) is already preallocated anyway.
    316     for(UChar32 c = 0xc0; c <= 0xff; ++c) {
    317         utrie2_set32(trie, c, Collation::FALLBACK_CE32, &errorCode);
    318     }
    320     // Hangul syllables are not tailorable (except via tailoring Jamos).
    321     // Always set the Hangul tag to help performance.
    322     // Do this here, rather than in buildMappings(),
    323     // so that we see the HANGUL_TAG in various assertions.
    324     uint32_t hangulCE32 = Collation::makeCE32FromTagAndIndex(Collation::HANGUL_TAG, 0);
    325     utrie2_setRange32(trie, Hangul::HANGUL_BASE, Hangul::HANGUL_END, hangulCE32, TRUE, &errorCode);
    327     // Copy the set contents but don't copy/clone the set as a whole because
    328     // that would copy the isFrozen state too.
    329     unsafeBackwardSet.addAll(*b->unsafeBackwardSet);
    331     if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return; }
    332 }
    334 UBool
    335 CollationDataBuilder::maybeSetPrimaryRange(UChar32 start, UChar32 end,
    336                                            uint32_t primary, int32_t step,
    337                                            UErrorCode &errorCode) {
    338     if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return FALSE; }
    339     U_ASSERT(start <= end);
    340     // TODO: Do we need to check what values are currently set for start..end?
    341     // An offset range is worth it only if we can achieve an overlap between
    342     // adjacent UTrie2 blocks of 32 code points each.
    343     // An offset CE is also a little more expensive to look up and compute
    344     // than a simple CE.
    345     // If the range spans at least three UTrie2 block boundaries (> 64 code points),
    346     // then we take it.
    347     // If the range spans one or two block boundaries and there are
    348     // at least 4 code points on either side, then we take it.
    349     // (We could additionally require a minimum range length of, say, 16.)
    350     int32_t blockDelta = (end >> 5) - (start >> 5);
    351     if(2 <= step && step <= 0x7f &&
    352             (blockDelta >= 3 ||
    353             (blockDelta > 0 && (start & 0x1f) <= 0x1c && (end & 0x1f) >= 3))) {
    354         int64_t dataCE = ((int64_t)primary << 32) | (start << 8) | step;
    355         if(isCompressiblePrimary(primary)) { dataCE |= 0x80; }
    356         int32_t index = addCE(dataCE, errorCode);
    357         if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return 0; }
    358         if(index > Collation::MAX_INDEX) {
    359             errorCode = U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR;
    360             return 0;
    361         }
    362         uint32_t offsetCE32 = Collation::makeCE32FromTagAndIndex(Collation::OFFSET_TAG, index);
    363         utrie2_setRange32(trie, start, end, offsetCE32, TRUE, &errorCode);
    364         modified = TRUE;
    365         return TRUE;
    366     } else {
    367         return FALSE;
    368     }
    369 }
    371 uint32_t
    372 CollationDataBuilder::setPrimaryRangeAndReturnNext(UChar32 start, UChar32 end,
    373                                                    uint32_t primary, int32_t step,
    374                                                    UErrorCode &errorCode) {
    375     if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return 0; }
    376     UBool isCompressible = isCompressiblePrimary(primary);
    377     if(maybeSetPrimaryRange(start, end, primary, step, errorCode)) {
    378         return Collation::incThreeBytePrimaryByOffset(primary, isCompressible,
    379                                                       (end - start + 1) * step);
    380     } else {
    381         // Short range: Set individual CE32s.
    382         for(;;) {
    383             utrie2_set32(trie, start, Collation::makeLongPrimaryCE32(primary), &errorCode);
    384             ++start;
    385             primary = Collation::incThreeBytePrimaryByOffset(primary, isCompressible, step);
    386             if(start > end) { return primary; }
    387         }
    388         modified = TRUE;
    389     }
    390 }
    392 uint32_t
    393 CollationDataBuilder::getCE32FromOffsetCE32(UBool fromBase, UChar32 c, uint32_t ce32) const {
    394     int32_t i = Collation::indexFromCE32(ce32);
    395     int64_t dataCE = fromBase ? base->ces[i] : ce64s.elementAti(i);
    396     uint32_t p = Collation::getThreeBytePrimaryForOffsetData(c, dataCE);
    397     return Collation::makeLongPrimaryCE32(p);
    398 }
    400 UBool
    401 CollationDataBuilder::isCompressibleLeadByte(uint32_t b) const {
    402     return base->isCompressibleLeadByte(b);
    403 }
    405 UBool
    406 CollationDataBuilder::isAssigned(UChar32 c) const {
    407     return Collation::isAssignedCE32(utrie2_get32(trie, c));
    408 }
    410 uint32_t
    411 CollationDataBuilder::getLongPrimaryIfSingleCE(UChar32 c) const {
    412     uint32_t ce32 = utrie2_get32(trie, c);
    413     if(Collation::isLongPrimaryCE32(ce32)) {
    414         return Collation::primaryFromLongPrimaryCE32(ce32);
    415     } else {
    416         return 0;
    417     }
    418 }
    420 int64_t
    421 CollationDataBuilder::getSingleCE(UChar32 c, UErrorCode &errorCode) const {
    422     if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return 0; }
    423     UBool fromBase = FALSE;
    424     uint32_t ce32 = utrie2_get32(trie, c);
    425     if(ce32 == Collation::FALLBACK_CE32) {
    426         fromBase = TRUE;
    427         ce32 = base->getCE32(c);
    428     }
    429     while(Collation::isSpecialCE32(ce32)) {
    430         switch(Collation::tagFromCE32(ce32)) {
    431         case Collation::LATIN_EXPANSION_TAG:
    432         case Collation::BUILDER_DATA_TAG:
    433         case Collation::PREFIX_TAG:
    434         case Collation::CONTRACTION_TAG:
    435         case Collation::HANGUL_TAG:
    436         case Collation::LEAD_SURROGATE_TAG:
    437             errorCode = U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR;
    438             return 0;
    439         case Collation::FALLBACK_TAG:
    440         case Collation::RESERVED_TAG_3:
    441             errorCode = U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR;
    442             return 0;
    443         case Collation::LONG_PRIMARY_TAG:
    444             return Collation::ceFromLongPrimaryCE32(ce32);
    445         case Collation::LONG_SECONDARY_TAG:
    446             return Collation::ceFromLongSecondaryCE32(ce32);
    447         case Collation::EXPANSION32_TAG:
    448             if(Collation::lengthFromCE32(ce32) == 1) {
    449                 int32_t i = Collation::indexFromCE32(ce32);
    450                 ce32 = fromBase ? base->ce32s[i] : ce32s.elementAti(i);
    451                 break;
    452             } else {
    453                 errorCode = U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR;
    454                 return 0;
    455             }
    456         case Collation::EXPANSION_TAG: {
    457             if(Collation::lengthFromCE32(ce32) == 1) {
    458                 int32_t i = Collation::indexFromCE32(ce32);
    459                 return fromBase ? base->ces[i] : ce64s.elementAti(i);
    460             } else {
    461                 errorCode = U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR;
    462                 return 0;
    463             }
    464         }
    465         case Collation::DIGIT_TAG:
    466             // Fetch the non-numeric-collation CE32 and continue.
    467             ce32 = ce32s.elementAti(Collation::indexFromCE32(ce32));
    468             break;
    469         case Collation::U0000_TAG:
    470             U_ASSERT(c == 0);
    471             // Fetch the normal ce32 for U+0000 and continue.
    472             ce32 = fromBase ? base->ce32s[0] : ce32s.elementAti(0);
    473             break;
    474         case Collation::OFFSET_TAG:
    475             ce32 = getCE32FromOffsetCE32(fromBase, c, ce32);
    476             break;
    477         case Collation::IMPLICIT_TAG:
    478             return Collation::unassignedCEFromCodePoint(c);
    479         }
    480     }
    481     return Collation::ceFromSimpleCE32(ce32);
    482 }
    484 int32_t
    485 CollationDataBuilder::addCE(int64_t ce, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
    486     int32_t length = ce64s.size();
    487     for(int32_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
    488         if(ce == ce64s.elementAti(i)) { return i; }
    489     }
    490     ce64s.addElement(ce, errorCode);
    491     return length;
    492 }
    494 int32_t
    495 CollationDataBuilder::addCE32(uint32_t ce32, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
    496     int32_t length = ce32s.size();
    497     for(int32_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
    498         if(ce32 == (uint32_t)ce32s.elementAti(i)) { return i; }
    499     }
    500     ce32s.addElement((int32_t)ce32, errorCode);
    501     return length;
    502 }
    504 int32_t
    505 CollationDataBuilder::addConditionalCE32(const UnicodeString &context, uint32_t ce32,
    506                                          UErrorCode &errorCode) {
    507     if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return -1; }
    508     U_ASSERT(!context.isEmpty());
    509     int32_t index = conditionalCE32s.size();
    510     if(index > Collation::MAX_INDEX) {
    511         errorCode = U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR;
    512         return -1;
    513     }
    514     ConditionalCE32 *cond = new ConditionalCE32(context, ce32);
    515     if(cond == NULL) {
    516         errorCode = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
    517         return -1;
    518     }
    519     conditionalCE32s.addElement(cond, errorCode);
    520     return index;
    521 }
    523 void
    524 CollationDataBuilder::add(const UnicodeString &prefix, const UnicodeString &s,
    525                           const int64_t ces[], int32_t cesLength,
    526                           UErrorCode &errorCode) {
    527     uint32_t ce32 = encodeCEs(ces, cesLength, errorCode);
    528     addCE32(prefix, s, ce32, errorCode);
    529 }
    531 void
    532 CollationDataBuilder::addCE32(const UnicodeString &prefix, const UnicodeString &s,
    533                               uint32_t ce32, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
    534     if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return; }
    535     if(s.isEmpty()) {
    536         errorCode = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
    537         return;
    538     }
    539     if(trie == NULL || utrie2_isFrozen(trie)) {
    540         errorCode = U_INVALID_STATE_ERROR;
    541         return;
    542     }
    543     UChar32 c = s.char32At(0);
    544     int32_t cLength = U16_LENGTH(c);
    545     uint32_t oldCE32 = utrie2_get32(trie, c);
    546     UBool hasContext = !prefix.isEmpty() || s.length() > cLength;
    547     if(oldCE32 == Collation::FALLBACK_CE32) {
    548         // First tailoring for c.
    549         // If c has contextual base mappings or if we add a contextual mapping,
    550         // then copy the base mappings.
    551         // Otherwise we just override the base mapping.
    552         uint32_t baseCE32 = base->getFinalCE32(base->getCE32(c));
    553         if(hasContext || Collation::ce32HasContext(baseCE32)) {
    554             oldCE32 = copyFromBaseCE32(c, baseCE32, TRUE, errorCode);
    555             utrie2_set32(trie, c, oldCE32, &errorCode);
    556             if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return; }
    557         }
    558     }
    559     if(!hasContext) {
    560         // No prefix, no contraction.
    561         if(!isBuilderContextCE32(oldCE32)) {
    562             utrie2_set32(trie, c, ce32, &errorCode);
    563         } else {
    564             ConditionalCE32 *cond = getConditionalCE32ForCE32(oldCE32);
    565             cond->builtCE32 = Collation::NO_CE32;
    566             cond->ce32 = ce32;
    567         }
    568     } else {
    569         ConditionalCE32 *cond;
    570         if(!isBuilderContextCE32(oldCE32)) {
    571             // Replace the simple oldCE32 with a builder context CE32
    572             // pointing to a new ConditionalCE32 list head.
    573             int32_t index = addConditionalCE32(UnicodeString((UChar)0), oldCE32, errorCode);
    574             if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return; }
    575             uint32_t contextCE32 = makeBuilderContextCE32(index);
    576             utrie2_set32(trie, c, contextCE32, &errorCode);
    577             contextChars.add(c);
    578             cond = getConditionalCE32(index);
    579         } else {
    580             cond = getConditionalCE32ForCE32(oldCE32);
    581             cond->builtCE32 = Collation::NO_CE32;
    582         }
    583         UnicodeString suffix(s, cLength);
    584         UnicodeString context((UChar)prefix.length());
    585         context.append(prefix).append(suffix);
    586         unsafeBackwardSet.addAll(suffix);
    587         for(;;) {
    588             // invariant: context > cond->context
    589             int32_t next = cond->next;
    590             if(next < 0) {
    591                 // Append a new ConditionalCE32 after cond.
    592                 int32_t index = addConditionalCE32(context, ce32, errorCode);
    593                 if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return; }
    594                 cond->next = index;
    595                 break;
    596             }
    597             ConditionalCE32 *nextCond = getConditionalCE32(next);
    598             int8_t cmp = context.compare(nextCond->context);
    599             if(cmp < 0) {
    600                 // Insert a new ConditionalCE32 between cond and nextCond.
    601                 int32_t index = addConditionalCE32(context, ce32, errorCode);
    602                 if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return; }
    603                 cond->next = index;
    604                 getConditionalCE32(index)->next = next;
    605                 break;
    606             } else if(cmp == 0) {
    607                 // Same context as before, overwrite its ce32.
    608                 nextCond->ce32 = ce32;
    609                 break;
    610             }
    611             cond = nextCond;
    612         }
    613     }
    614     modified = TRUE;
    615 }
    617 uint32_t
    618 CollationDataBuilder::encodeOneCEAsCE32(int64_t ce) {
    619     uint32_t p = (uint32_t)(ce >> 32);
    620     uint32_t lower32 = (uint32_t)ce;
    621     uint32_t t = (uint32_t)(ce & 0xffff);
    622     U_ASSERT((t & 0xc000) != 0xc000);  // Impossible case bits 11 mark special CE32s.
    623     if((ce & INT64_C(0xffff00ff00ff)) == 0) {
    624         // normal form ppppsstt
    625         return p | (lower32 >> 16) | (t >> 8);
    626     } else if((ce & INT64_C(0xffffffffff)) == Collation::COMMON_SEC_AND_TER_CE) {
    627         // long-primary form ppppppC1
    628         return Collation::makeLongPrimaryCE32(p);
    629     } else if(p == 0 && (t & 0xff) == 0) {
    630         // long-secondary form ssssttC2
    631         return Collation::makeLongSecondaryCE32(lower32);
    632     }
    633     return Collation::NO_CE32;
    634 }
    636 uint32_t
    637 CollationDataBuilder::encodeOneCE(int64_t ce, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
    638     // Try to encode one CE as one CE32.
    639     uint32_t ce32 = encodeOneCEAsCE32(ce);
    640     if(ce32 != Collation::NO_CE32) { return ce32; }
    641     int32_t index = addCE(ce, errorCode);
    642     if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return 0; }
    643     if(index > Collation::MAX_INDEX) {
    644         errorCode = U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR;
    645         return 0;
    646     }
    647     return Collation::makeCE32FromTagIndexAndLength(Collation::EXPANSION_TAG, index, 1);
    648 }
    650 uint32_t
    651 CollationDataBuilder::encodeCEs(const int64_t ces[], int32_t cesLength,
    652                                 UErrorCode &errorCode) {
    653     if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return 0; }
    654     if(cesLength < 0 || cesLength > Collation::MAX_EXPANSION_LENGTH) {
    655         errorCode = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
    656         return 0;
    657     }
    658     if(trie == NULL || utrie2_isFrozen(trie)) {
    659         errorCode = U_INVALID_STATE_ERROR;
    660         return 0;
    661     }
    662     if(cesLength == 0) {
    663         // Convenience: We cannot map to nothing, but we can map to a completely ignorable CE.
    664         // Do this here so that callers need not do it.
    665         return encodeOneCEAsCE32(0);
    666     } else if(cesLength == 1) {
    667         return encodeOneCE(ces[0], errorCode);
    668     } else if(cesLength == 2) {
    669         // Try to encode two CEs as one CE32.
    670         int64_t ce0 = ces[0];
    671         int64_t ce1 = ces[1];
    672         uint32_t p0 = (uint32_t)(ce0 >> 32);
    673         if((ce0 & INT64_C(0xffffffffff00ff)) == Collation::COMMON_SECONDARY_CE &&
    674                 (ce1 & INT64_C(0xffffffff00ffffff)) == Collation::COMMON_TERTIARY_CE &&
    675                 p0 != 0) {
    676             // Latin mini expansion
    677             return
    678                 p0 |
    679                 (((uint32_t)ce0 & 0xff00u) << 8) |
    680                 (uint32_t)(ce1 >> 16) |
    681                 Collation::SPECIAL_CE32_LOW_BYTE |
    682                 Collation::LATIN_EXPANSION_TAG;
    683         }
    684     }
    685     // Try to encode two or more CEs as CE32s.
    686     int32_t newCE32s[Collation::MAX_EXPANSION_LENGTH];
    687     for(int32_t i = 0;; ++i) {
    688         if(i == cesLength) {
    689             return encodeExpansion32(newCE32s, cesLength, errorCode);
    690         }
    691         uint32_t ce32 = encodeOneCEAsCE32(ces[i]);
    692         if(ce32 == Collation::NO_CE32) { break; }
    693         newCE32s[i] = (int32_t)ce32;
    694     }
    695     return encodeExpansion(ces, cesLength, errorCode);
    696 }
    698 uint32_t
    699 CollationDataBuilder::encodeExpansion(const int64_t ces[], int32_t length, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
    700     if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return 0; }
    701     // See if this sequence of CEs has already been stored.
    702     int64_t first = ces[0];
    703     int32_t ce64sMax = ce64s.size() - length;
    704     for(int32_t i = 0; i <= ce64sMax; ++i) {
    705         if(first == ce64s.elementAti(i)) {
    706             if(i > Collation::MAX_INDEX) {
    707                 errorCode = U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR;
    708                 return 0;
    709             }
    710             for(int32_t j = 1;; ++j) {
    711                 if(j == length) {
    712                     return Collation::makeCE32FromTagIndexAndLength(
    713                             Collation::EXPANSION_TAG, i, length);
    714                 }
    715                 if(ce64s.elementAti(i + j) != ces[j]) { break; }
    716             }
    717         }
    718     }
    719     // Store the new sequence.
    720     int32_t i = ce64s.size();
    721     if(i > Collation::MAX_INDEX) {
    722         errorCode = U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR;
    723         return 0;
    724     }
    725     for(int32_t j = 0; j < length; ++j) {
    726         ce64s.addElement(ces[j], errorCode);
    727     }
    728     return Collation::makeCE32FromTagIndexAndLength(Collation::EXPANSION_TAG, i, length);
    729 }
    731 uint32_t
    732 CollationDataBuilder::encodeExpansion32(const int32_t newCE32s[], int32_t length,
    733                                         UErrorCode &errorCode) {
    734     if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return 0; }
    735     // See if this sequence of CE32s has already been stored.
    736     int32_t first = newCE32s[0];
    737     int32_t ce32sMax = ce32s.size() - length;
    738     for(int32_t i = 0; i <= ce32sMax; ++i) {
    739         if(first == ce32s.elementAti(i)) {
    740             if(i > Collation::MAX_INDEX) {
    741                 errorCode = U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR;
    742                 return 0;
    743             }
    744             for(int32_t j = 1;; ++j) {
    745                 if(j == length) {
    746                     return Collation::makeCE32FromTagIndexAndLength(
    747                             Collation::EXPANSION32_TAG, i, length);
    748                 }
    749                 if(ce32s.elementAti(i + j) != newCE32s[j]) { break; }
    750             }
    751         }
    752     }
    753     // Store the new sequence.
    754     int32_t i = ce32s.size();
    755     if(i > Collation::MAX_INDEX) {
    756         errorCode = U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR;
    757         return 0;
    758     }
    759     for(int32_t j = 0; j < length; ++j) {
    760         ce32s.addElement(newCE32s[j], errorCode);
    761     }
    762     return Collation::makeCE32FromTagIndexAndLength(Collation::EXPANSION32_TAG, i, length);
    763 }
    765 uint32_t
    766 CollationDataBuilder::copyFromBaseCE32(UChar32 c, uint32_t ce32, UBool withContext,
    767                                        UErrorCode &errorCode) {
    768     if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return 0; }
    769     if(!Collation::isSpecialCE32(ce32)) { return ce32; }
    770     switch(Collation::tagFromCE32(ce32)) {
    771     case Collation::LONG_PRIMARY_TAG:
    772     case Collation::LONG_SECONDARY_TAG:
    773     case Collation::LATIN_EXPANSION_TAG:
    774         // copy as is
    775         break;
    776     case Collation::EXPANSION32_TAG: {
    777         const uint32_t *baseCE32s = base->ce32s + Collation::indexFromCE32(ce32);
    778         int32_t length = Collation::lengthFromCE32(ce32);
    779         ce32 = encodeExpansion32(
    780             reinterpret_cast<const int32_t *>(baseCE32s), length, errorCode);
    781         break;
    782     }
    783     case Collation::EXPANSION_TAG: {
    784         const int64_t *baseCEs = base->ces + Collation::indexFromCE32(ce32);
    785         int32_t length = Collation::lengthFromCE32(ce32);
    786         ce32 = encodeExpansion(baseCEs, length, errorCode);
    787         break;
    788     }
    789     case Collation::PREFIX_TAG: {
    790         // Flatten prefixes and nested suffixes (contractions)
    791         // into a linear list of ConditionalCE32.
    792         const UChar *p = base->contexts + Collation::indexFromCE32(ce32);
    793         ce32 = CollationData::readCE32(p);  // Default if no prefix match.
    794         if(!withContext) {
    795             return copyFromBaseCE32(c, ce32, FALSE, errorCode);
    796         }
    797         ConditionalCE32 head(UnicodeString(), 0);
    798         UnicodeString context((UChar)0);
    799         int32_t index;
    800         if(Collation::isContractionCE32(ce32)) {
    801             index = copyContractionsFromBaseCE32(context, c, ce32, &head, errorCode);
    802         } else {
    803             ce32 = copyFromBaseCE32(c, ce32, TRUE, errorCode);
    804             head.next = index = addConditionalCE32(context, ce32, errorCode);
    805         }
    806         if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return 0; }
    807         ConditionalCE32 *cond = getConditionalCE32(index);  // the last ConditionalCE32 so far
    808         UCharsTrie::Iterator prefixes(p + 2, 0, errorCode);
    809         while(prefixes.next(errorCode)) {
    810             context = prefixes.getString();
    811             context.reverse();
    812             context.insert(0, (UChar)context.length());
    813             ce32 = (uint32_t)prefixes.getValue();
    814             if(Collation::isContractionCE32(ce32)) {
    815                 index = copyContractionsFromBaseCE32(context, c, ce32, cond, errorCode);
    816             } else {
    817                 ce32 = copyFromBaseCE32(c, ce32, TRUE, errorCode);
    818                 cond->next = index = addConditionalCE32(context, ce32, errorCode);
    819             }
    820             if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return 0; }
    821             cond = getConditionalCE32(index);
    822         }
    823         ce32 = makeBuilderContextCE32(head.next);
    824         contextChars.add(c);
    825         break;
    826     }
    827     case Collation::CONTRACTION_TAG: {
    828         if(!withContext) {
    829             const UChar *p = base->contexts + Collation::indexFromCE32(ce32);
    830             ce32 = CollationData::readCE32(p);  // Default if no suffix match.
    831             return copyFromBaseCE32(c, ce32, FALSE, errorCode);
    832         }
    833         ConditionalCE32 head(UnicodeString(), 0);
    834         UnicodeString context((UChar)0);
    835         copyContractionsFromBaseCE32(context, c, ce32, &head, errorCode);
    836         ce32 = makeBuilderContextCE32(head.next);
    837         contextChars.add(c);
    838         break;
    839     }
    840     case Collation::HANGUL_TAG:
    841         errorCode = U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR;  // We forbid tailoring of Hangul syllables.
    842         break;
    843     case Collation::OFFSET_TAG:
    844         ce32 = getCE32FromOffsetCE32(TRUE, c, ce32);
    845         break;
    846     case Collation::IMPLICIT_TAG:
    847         ce32 = encodeOneCE(Collation::unassignedCEFromCodePoint(c), errorCode);
    848         break;
    849     default:
    850         U_ASSERT(FALSE);  // require ce32 == base->getFinalCE32(ce32)
    851         break;
    852     }
    853     return ce32;
    854 }
    856 int32_t
    857 CollationDataBuilder::copyContractionsFromBaseCE32(UnicodeString &context, UChar32 c, uint32_t ce32,
    858                                                    ConditionalCE32 *cond, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
    859     if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return 0; }
    860     const UChar *p = base->contexts + Collation::indexFromCE32(ce32);
    861     int32_t index;
    862     if((ce32 & Collation::CONTRACT_SINGLE_CP_NO_MATCH) != 0) {
    863         // No match on the single code point.
    864         // We are underneath a prefix, and the default mapping is just
    865         // a fallback to the mappings for a shorter prefix.
    866         U_ASSERT(context.length() > 1);
    867         index = -1;
    868     } else {
    869         ce32 = CollationData::readCE32(p);  // Default if no suffix match.
    870         U_ASSERT(!Collation::isContractionCE32(ce32));
    871         ce32 = copyFromBaseCE32(c, ce32, TRUE, errorCode);
    872         cond->next = index = addConditionalCE32(context, ce32, errorCode);
    873         if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return 0; }
    874         cond = getConditionalCE32(index);
    875     }
    877     int32_t suffixStart = context.length();
    878     UCharsTrie::Iterator suffixes(p + 2, 0, errorCode);
    879     while(suffixes.next(errorCode)) {
    880         context.append(suffixes.getString());
    881         ce32 = copyFromBaseCE32(c, (uint32_t)suffixes.getValue(), TRUE, errorCode);
    882         cond->next = index = addConditionalCE32(context, ce32, errorCode);
    883         if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return 0; }
    884         // No need to update the unsafeBackwardSet because the tailoring set
    885         // is already a copy of the base set.
    886         cond = getConditionalCE32(index);
    887         context.truncate(suffixStart);
    888     }
    889     U_ASSERT(index >= 0);
    890     return index;
    891 }
    893 class CopyHelper {
    894 public:
    895     CopyHelper(const CollationDataBuilder &s, CollationDataBuilder &d,
    896                const CollationDataBuilder::CEModifier &m, UErrorCode &initialErrorCode)
    897             : src(s), dest(d), modifier(m),
    898               errorCode(initialErrorCode) {}
    900     UBool copyRangeCE32(UChar32 start, UChar32 end, uint32_t ce32) {
    901         ce32 = copyCE32(ce32);
    902         utrie2_setRange32(dest.trie, start, end, ce32, TRUE, &errorCode);
    903         if(CollationDataBuilder::isBuilderContextCE32(ce32)) {
    904             dest.contextChars.add(start, end);
    905         }
    906         return U_SUCCESS(errorCode);
    907     }
    909     uint32_t copyCE32(uint32_t ce32) {
    910         if(!Collation::isSpecialCE32(ce32)) {
    911             int64_t ce = modifier.modifyCE32(ce32);
    912             if(ce != Collation::NO_CE) {
    913                 ce32 = dest.encodeOneCE(ce, errorCode);
    914             }
    915         } else {
    916             int32_t tag = Collation::tagFromCE32(ce32);
    917             if(tag == Collation::EXPANSION32_TAG) {
    918                 const uint32_t *srcCE32s = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t *>(src.ce32s.getBuffer());
    919                 srcCE32s += Collation::indexFromCE32(ce32);
    920                 int32_t length = Collation::lengthFromCE32(ce32);
    921                 // Inspect the source CE32s. Just copy them if none are modified.
    922                 // Otherwise copy to modifiedCEs, with modifications.
    923                 UBool isModified = FALSE;
    924                 for(int32_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
    925                     ce32 = srcCE32s[i];
    926                     int64_t ce;
    927                     if(Collation::isSpecialCE32(ce32) ||
    928                             (ce = modifier.modifyCE32(ce32)) == Collation::NO_CE) {
    929                         if(isModified) {
    930                             modifiedCEs[i] = Collation::ceFromCE32(ce32);
    931                         }
    932                     } else {
    933                         if(!isModified) {
    934                             for(int32_t j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
    935                                 modifiedCEs[j] = Collation::ceFromCE32(srcCE32s[j]);
    936                             }
    937                             isModified = TRUE;
    938                         }
    939                         modifiedCEs[i] = ce;
    940                     }
    941                 }
    942                 if(isModified) {
    943                     ce32 = dest.encodeCEs(modifiedCEs, length, errorCode);
    944                 } else {
    945                     ce32 = dest.encodeExpansion32(
    946                         reinterpret_cast<const int32_t *>(srcCE32s), length, errorCode);
    947                 }
    948             } else if(tag == Collation::EXPANSION_TAG) {
    949                 const int64_t *srcCEs = src.ce64s.getBuffer();
    950                 srcCEs += Collation::indexFromCE32(ce32);
    951                 int32_t length = Collation::lengthFromCE32(ce32);
    952                 // Inspect the source CEs. Just copy them if none are modified.
    953                 // Otherwise copy to modifiedCEs, with modifications.
    954                 UBool isModified = FALSE;
    955                 for(int32_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
    956                     int64_t srcCE = srcCEs[i];
    957                     int64_t ce = modifier.modifyCE(srcCE);
    958                     if(ce == Collation::NO_CE) {
    959                         if(isModified) {
    960                             modifiedCEs[i] = srcCE;
    961                         }
    962                     } else {
    963                         if(!isModified) {
    964                             for(int32_t j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
    965                                 modifiedCEs[j] = srcCEs[j];
    966                             }
    967                             isModified = TRUE;
    968                         }
    969                         modifiedCEs[i] = ce;
    970                     }
    971                 }
    972                 if(isModified) {
    973                     ce32 = dest.encodeCEs(modifiedCEs, length, errorCode);
    974                 } else {
    975                     ce32 = dest.encodeExpansion(srcCEs, length, errorCode);
    976                 }
    977             } else if(tag == Collation::BUILDER_DATA_TAG) {
    978                 // Copy the list of ConditionalCE32.
    979                 ConditionalCE32 *cond = src.getConditionalCE32ForCE32(ce32);
    980                 U_ASSERT(!cond->hasContext());
    981                 int32_t destIndex = dest.addConditionalCE32(
    982                         cond->context, copyCE32(cond->ce32), errorCode);
    983                 ce32 = CollationDataBuilder::makeBuilderContextCE32(destIndex);
    984                 while(cond->next >= 0) {
    985                     cond = src.getConditionalCE32(cond->next);
    986                     ConditionalCE32 *prevDestCond = dest.getConditionalCE32(destIndex);
    987                     destIndex = dest.addConditionalCE32(
    988                             cond->context, copyCE32(cond->ce32), errorCode);
    989                     int32_t suffixStart = cond->prefixLength() + 1;
    990                     dest.unsafeBackwardSet.addAll(cond->context.tempSubString(suffixStart));
    991                     prevDestCond->next = destIndex;
    992                 }
    993             } else {
    994                 // Just copy long CEs and Latin mini expansions (and other expected values) as is,
    995                 // assuming that the modifier would not modify them.
    996                 U_ASSERT(tag == Collation::LONG_PRIMARY_TAG ||
    997                         tag == Collation::LONG_SECONDARY_TAG ||
    998                         tag == Collation::LATIN_EXPANSION_TAG ||
    999                         tag == Collation::HANGUL_TAG);
   1000             }
   1001         }
   1002         return ce32;
   1003     }
   1005     const CollationDataBuilder &src;
   1006     CollationDataBuilder &dest;
   1007     const CollationDataBuilder::CEModifier &modifier;
   1008     int64_t modifiedCEs[Collation::MAX_EXPANSION_LENGTH];
   1009     UErrorCode errorCode;
   1010 };
   1014 static UBool U_CALLCONV
   1015 enumRangeForCopy(const void *context, UChar32 start, UChar32 end, uint32_t value) {
   1016     return
   1017         value == Collation::UNASSIGNED_CE32 || value == Collation::FALLBACK_CE32 ||
   1018         ((CopyHelper *)context)->copyRangeCE32(start, end, value);
   1019 }
   1021 U_CDECL_END
   1023 void
   1024 CollationDataBuilder::copyFrom(const CollationDataBuilder &src, const CEModifier &modifier,
   1025                                UErrorCode &errorCode) {
   1026     if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return; }
   1027     if(trie == NULL || utrie2_isFrozen(trie)) {
   1028         errorCode = U_INVALID_STATE_ERROR;
   1029         return;
   1030     }
   1031     CopyHelper helper(src, *this, modifier, errorCode);
   1032     utrie2_enum(src.trie, NULL, enumRangeForCopy, &helper);
   1033     errorCode = helper.errorCode;
   1034     // Update the contextChars and the unsafeBackwardSet while copying,
   1035     // in case a character had conditional mappings in the source builder
   1036     // and they were removed later.
   1037     modified |= src.modified;
   1038 }
   1040 void
   1041 CollationDataBuilder::optimize(const UnicodeSet &set, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
   1042     if(U_FAILURE(errorCode) || set.isEmpty()) { return; }
   1043     UnicodeSetIterator iter(set);
   1044     while(iter.next() && !iter.isString()) {
   1045         UChar32 c = iter.getCodepoint();
   1046         uint32_t ce32 = utrie2_get32(trie, c);
   1047         if(ce32 == Collation::FALLBACK_CE32) {
   1048             ce32 = base->getFinalCE32(base->getCE32(c));
   1049             ce32 = copyFromBaseCE32(c, ce32, TRUE, errorCode);
   1050             utrie2_set32(trie, c, ce32, &errorCode);
   1051         }
   1052     }
   1053     modified = TRUE;
   1054 }
   1056 void
   1057 CollationDataBuilder::suppressContractions(const UnicodeSet &set, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
   1058     if(U_FAILURE(errorCode) || set.isEmpty()) { return; }
   1059     UnicodeSetIterator iter(set);
   1060     while(iter.next() && !iter.isString()) {
   1061         UChar32 c = iter.getCodepoint();
   1062         uint32_t ce32 = utrie2_get32(trie, c);
   1063         if(ce32 == Collation::FALLBACK_CE32) {
   1064             ce32 = base->getFinalCE32(base->getCE32(c));
   1065             if(Collation::ce32HasContext(ce32)) {
   1066                 ce32 = copyFromBaseCE32(c, ce32, FALSE /* without context */, errorCode);
   1067                 utrie2_set32(trie, c, ce32, &errorCode);
   1068             }
   1069         } else if(isBuilderContextCE32(ce32)) {
   1070             ce32 = getConditionalCE32ForCE32(ce32)->ce32;
   1071             // Simply abandon the list of ConditionalCE32.
   1072             // The caller will copy this builder in the end,
   1073             // eliminating unreachable data.
   1074             utrie2_set32(trie, c, ce32, &errorCode);
   1075             contextChars.remove(c);
   1076         }
   1077     }
   1078     modified = TRUE;
   1079 }
   1081 UBool
   1082 CollationDataBuilder::getJamoCE32s(uint32_t jamoCE32s[], UErrorCode &errorCode) {
   1083     if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return FALSE; }
   1084     UBool anyJamoAssigned = base == NULL;  // always set jamoCE32s in the base data
   1085     UBool needToCopyFromBase = FALSE;
   1086     for(int32_t j = 0; j < CollationData::JAMO_CE32S_LENGTH; ++j) {  // Count across Jamo types.
   1087         UChar32 jamo = jamoCpFromIndex(j);
   1088         UBool fromBase = FALSE;
   1089         uint32_t ce32 = utrie2_get32(trie, jamo);
   1090         anyJamoAssigned |= Collation::isAssignedCE32(ce32);
   1091         // TODO: Try to prevent [optimize [Jamo]] from counting as anyJamoAssigned.
   1092         // (As of CLDR 24 [2013] the Korean tailoring does not optimize conjoining Jamo.)
   1093         if(ce32 == Collation::FALLBACK_CE32) {
   1094             fromBase = TRUE;
   1095             ce32 = base->getCE32(jamo);
   1096         }
   1097         if(Collation::isSpecialCE32(ce32)) {
   1098             switch(Collation::tagFromCE32(ce32)) {
   1099             case Collation::LONG_PRIMARY_TAG:
   1100             case Collation::LONG_SECONDARY_TAG:
   1101             case Collation::LATIN_EXPANSION_TAG:
   1102                 // Copy the ce32 as-is.
   1103                 break;
   1104             case Collation::EXPANSION32_TAG:
   1105             case Collation::EXPANSION_TAG:
   1106             case Collation::PREFIX_TAG:
   1107             case Collation::CONTRACTION_TAG:
   1108                 if(fromBase) {
   1109                     // Defer copying until we know if anyJamoAssigned.
   1110                     ce32 = Collation::FALLBACK_CE32;
   1111                     needToCopyFromBase = TRUE;
   1112                 }
   1113                 break;
   1114             case Collation::IMPLICIT_TAG:
   1115                 // An unassigned Jamo should only occur in tests with incomplete bases.
   1116                 U_ASSERT(fromBase);
   1117                 ce32 = Collation::FALLBACK_CE32;
   1118                 needToCopyFromBase = TRUE;
   1119                 break;
   1120             case Collation::OFFSET_TAG:
   1121                 ce32 = getCE32FromOffsetCE32(fromBase, jamo, ce32);
   1122                 break;
   1123             case Collation::FALLBACK_TAG:
   1124             case Collation::RESERVED_TAG_3:
   1125             case Collation::BUILDER_DATA_TAG:
   1126             case Collation::DIGIT_TAG:
   1127             case Collation::U0000_TAG:
   1128             case Collation::HANGUL_TAG:
   1129             case Collation::LEAD_SURROGATE_TAG:
   1130                 errorCode = U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR;
   1131                 return FALSE;
   1132             }
   1133         }
   1134         jamoCE32s[j] = ce32;
   1135     }
   1136     if(anyJamoAssigned && needToCopyFromBase) {
   1137         for(int32_t j = 0; j < CollationData::JAMO_CE32S_LENGTH; ++j) {
   1138             if(jamoCE32s[j] == Collation::FALLBACK_CE32) {
   1139                 UChar32 jamo = jamoCpFromIndex(j);
   1140                 jamoCE32s[j] = copyFromBaseCE32(jamo, base->getCE32(jamo),
   1141                                                 /*withContext=*/ TRUE, errorCode);
   1142             }
   1143         }
   1144     }
   1145     return anyJamoAssigned && U_SUCCESS(errorCode);
   1146 }
   1148 void
   1149 CollationDataBuilder::setDigitTags(UErrorCode &errorCode) {
   1150     UnicodeSet digits(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("[:Nd:]"), errorCode);
   1151     if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return; }
   1152     UnicodeSetIterator iter(digits);
   1153     while(iter.next()) {
   1154         U_ASSERT(!iter.isString());
   1155         UChar32 c = iter.getCodepoint();
   1156         uint32_t ce32 = utrie2_get32(trie, c);
   1157         if(ce32 != Collation::FALLBACK_CE32 && ce32 != Collation::UNASSIGNED_CE32) {
   1158             int32_t index = addCE32(ce32, errorCode);
   1159             if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return; }
   1160             if(index > Collation::MAX_INDEX) {
   1161                 errorCode = U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR;
   1162                 return;
   1163             }
   1164             ce32 = Collation::makeCE32FromTagIndexAndLength(
   1165                     Collation::DIGIT_TAG, index, u_charDigitValue(c));
   1166             utrie2_set32(trie, c, ce32, &errorCode);
   1167         }
   1168     }
   1169 }
   1173 static UBool U_CALLCONV
   1174 enumRangeLeadValue(const void *context, UChar32 /*start*/, UChar32 /*end*/, uint32_t value) {
   1175     int32_t *pValue = (int32_t *)context;
   1176     if(value == Collation::UNASSIGNED_CE32) {
   1177         value = Collation::LEAD_ALL_UNASSIGNED;
   1178     } else if(value == Collation::FALLBACK_CE32) {
   1179         value = Collation::LEAD_ALL_FALLBACK;
   1180     } else {
   1181         *pValue = Collation::LEAD_MIXED;
   1182         return FALSE;
   1183     }
   1184     if(*pValue < 0) {
   1185         *pValue = (int32_t)value;
   1186     } else if(*pValue != (int32_t)value) {
   1187         *pValue = Collation::LEAD_MIXED;
   1188         return FALSE;
   1189     }
   1190     return TRUE;
   1191 }
   1193 U_CDECL_END
   1195 void
   1196 CollationDataBuilder::setLeadSurrogates(UErrorCode &errorCode) {
   1197     for(UChar lead = 0xd800; lead < 0xdc00; ++lead) {
   1198         int32_t value = -1;
   1199         utrie2_enumForLeadSurrogate(trie, lead, NULL, enumRangeLeadValue, &value);
   1200         utrie2_set32ForLeadSurrogateCodeUnit(
   1201             trie, lead,
   1202             Collation::makeCE32FromTagAndIndex(Collation::LEAD_SURROGATE_TAG, 0) | (uint32_t)value,
   1203             &errorCode);
   1204     }
   1205 }
   1207 void
   1208 CollationDataBuilder::build(CollationData &data, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
   1209     buildMappings(data, errorCode);
   1210     if(base != NULL) {
   1211         data.numericPrimary = base->numericPrimary;
   1212         data.compressibleBytes = base->compressibleBytes;
   1213         data.scripts = base->scripts;
   1214         data.scriptsLength = base->scriptsLength;
   1215     }
   1216     buildFastLatinTable(data, errorCode);
   1217 }
   1219 void
   1220 CollationDataBuilder::buildMappings(CollationData &data, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
   1221     if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return; }
   1222     if(trie == NULL || utrie2_isFrozen(trie)) {
   1223         errorCode = U_INVALID_STATE_ERROR;
   1224         return;
   1225     }
   1227     buildContexts(errorCode);
   1229     uint32_t jamoCE32s[CollationData::JAMO_CE32S_LENGTH];
   1230     int32_t jamoIndex = -1;
   1231     if(getJamoCE32s(jamoCE32s, errorCode)) {
   1232         jamoIndex = ce32s.size();
   1233         for(int32_t i = 0; i < CollationData::JAMO_CE32S_LENGTH; ++i) {
   1234             ce32s.addElement((int32_t)jamoCE32s[i], errorCode);
   1235         }
   1236         // Small optimization: Use a bit in the Hangul ce32
   1237         // to indicate that none of the Jamo CE32s are isSpecialCE32()
   1238         // (as it should be in the root collator).
   1239         // It allows CollationIterator to avoid recursive function calls and per-Jamo tests.
   1240         // In order to still have good trie compression and keep this code simple,
   1241         // we only set this flag if a whole block of 588 Hangul syllables starting with
   1242         // a common leading consonant (Jamo L) has this property.
   1243         UBool isAnyJamoVTSpecial = FALSE;
   1244         for(int32_t i = Hangul::JAMO_L_COUNT; i < CollationData::JAMO_CE32S_LENGTH; ++i) {
   1245             if(Collation::isSpecialCE32(jamoCE32s[i])) {
   1246                 isAnyJamoVTSpecial = TRUE;
   1247                 break;
   1248             }
   1249         }
   1250         uint32_t hangulCE32 = Collation::makeCE32FromTagAndIndex(Collation::HANGUL_TAG, 0);
   1251         UChar32 c = Hangul::HANGUL_BASE;
   1252         for(int32_t i = 0; i < Hangul::JAMO_L_COUNT; ++i) {  // iterate over the Jamo L
   1253             uint32_t ce32 = hangulCE32;
   1254             if(!isAnyJamoVTSpecial && !Collation::isSpecialCE32(jamoCE32s[i])) {
   1255                 ce32 |= Collation::HANGUL_NO_SPECIAL_JAMO;
   1256             }
   1257             UChar32 limit = c + Hangul::JAMO_VT_COUNT;
   1258             utrie2_setRange32(trie, c, limit - 1, ce32, TRUE, &errorCode);
   1259             c = limit;
   1260         }
   1261     } else {
   1262         // Copy the Hangul CE32s from the base in blocks per Jamo L,
   1263         // assuming that HANGUL_NO_SPECIAL_JAMO is set or not set for whole blocks.
   1264         for(UChar32 c = Hangul::HANGUL_BASE; c < Hangul::HANGUL_LIMIT;) {
   1265             uint32_t ce32 = base->getCE32(c);
   1266             U_ASSERT(Collation::hasCE32Tag(ce32, Collation::HANGUL_TAG));
   1267             UChar32 limit = c + Hangul::JAMO_VT_COUNT;
   1268             utrie2_setRange32(trie, c, limit - 1, ce32, TRUE, &errorCode);
   1269             c = limit;
   1270         }
   1271     }
   1273     setDigitTags(errorCode);
   1274     setLeadSurrogates(errorCode);
   1276     // For U+0000, move its normal ce32 into CE32s[0] and set U0000_TAG.
   1277     ce32s.setElementAt((int32_t)utrie2_get32(trie, 0), 0);
   1278     utrie2_set32(trie, 0, Collation::makeCE32FromTagAndIndex(Collation::U0000_TAG, 0), &errorCode);
   1280     utrie2_freeze(trie, UTRIE2_32_VALUE_BITS, &errorCode);
   1281     if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return; }
   1283     // Mark each lead surrogate as "unsafe"
   1284     // if any of its 1024 associated supplementary code points is "unsafe".
   1285     UChar32 c = 0x10000;
   1286     for(UChar lead = 0xd800; lead < 0xdc00; ++lead, c += 0x400) {
   1287         if(unsafeBackwardSet.containsSome(c, c + 0x3ff)) {
   1288             unsafeBackwardSet.add(lead);
   1289         }
   1290     }
   1291     unsafeBackwardSet.freeze();
   1293     data.trie = trie;
   1294     data.ce32s = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t *>(ce32s.getBuffer());
   1295     data.ces = ce64s.getBuffer();
   1296     data.contexts = contexts.getBuffer();
   1298     data.ce32sLength = ce32s.size();
   1299     data.cesLength = ce64s.size();
   1300     data.contextsLength = contexts.length();
   1302     data.base = base;
   1303     if(jamoIndex >= 0) {
   1304         data.jamoCE32s = data.ce32s + jamoIndex;
   1305     } else {
   1306         data.jamoCE32s = base->jamoCE32s;
   1307     }
   1308     data.unsafeBackwardSet = &unsafeBackwardSet;
   1309 }
   1311 void
   1312 CollationDataBuilder::clearContexts() {
   1313     contexts.remove();
   1314     UnicodeSetIterator iter(contextChars);
   1315     while(iter.next()) {
   1316         U_ASSERT(!iter.isString());
   1317         uint32_t ce32 = utrie2_get32(trie, iter.getCodepoint());
   1318         U_ASSERT(isBuilderContextCE32(ce32));
   1319         getConditionalCE32ForCE32(ce32)->builtCE32 = Collation::NO_CE32;
   1320     }
   1321 }
   1323 void
   1324 CollationDataBuilder::buildContexts(UErrorCode &errorCode) {
   1325     if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return; }
   1326     // Ignore abandoned lists and the cached builtCE32,
   1327     // and build all contexts from scratch.
   1328     contexts.remove();
   1329     UnicodeSetIterator iter(contextChars);
   1330     while(U_SUCCESS(errorCode) && iter.next()) {
   1331         U_ASSERT(!iter.isString());
   1332         UChar32 c = iter.getCodepoint();
   1333         uint32_t ce32 = utrie2_get32(trie, c);
   1334         if(!isBuilderContextCE32(ce32)) {
   1335             // Impossible: No context data for c in contextChars.
   1336             errorCode = U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR;
   1337             return;
   1338         }
   1339         ConditionalCE32 *cond = getConditionalCE32ForCE32(ce32);
   1340         ce32 = buildContext(cond, errorCode);
   1341         utrie2_set32(trie, c, ce32, &errorCode);
   1342     }
   1343 }
   1345 uint32_t
   1346 CollationDataBuilder::buildContext(ConditionalCE32 *head, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
   1347     if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return 0; }
   1348     // The list head must have no context.
   1349     U_ASSERT(!head->hasContext());
   1350     // The list head must be followed by one or more nodes that all do have context.
   1351     U_ASSERT(head->next >= 0);
   1352     UCharsTrieBuilder prefixBuilder(errorCode);
   1353     UCharsTrieBuilder contractionBuilder(errorCode);
   1354     for(ConditionalCE32 *cond = head;; cond = getConditionalCE32(cond->next)) {
   1355         // After the list head, the prefix or suffix can be empty, but not both.
   1356         U_ASSERT(cond == head || cond->hasContext());
   1357         int32_t prefixLength = cond->prefixLength();
   1358         UnicodeString prefix(cond->context, 0, prefixLength + 1);
   1359         // Collect all contraction suffixes for one prefix.
   1360         ConditionalCE32 *firstCond = cond;
   1361         ConditionalCE32 *lastCond = cond;
   1362         while(cond->next >= 0 &&
   1363                 (cond = getConditionalCE32(cond->next))->context.startsWith(prefix)) {
   1364             lastCond = cond;
   1365         }
   1366         uint32_t ce32;
   1367         int32_t suffixStart = prefixLength + 1;  // == prefix.length()
   1368         if(lastCond->context.length() == suffixStart) {
   1369             // One prefix without contraction suffix.
   1370             U_ASSERT(firstCond == lastCond);
   1371             ce32 = lastCond->ce32;
   1372             cond = lastCond;
   1373         } else {
   1374             // Build the contractions trie.
   1375             contractionBuilder.clear();
   1376             // Entry for an empty suffix, to be stored before the trie.
   1377             uint32_t emptySuffixCE32;
   1378             uint32_t flags = 0;
   1379             if(firstCond->context.length() == suffixStart) {
   1380                 // There is a mapping for the prefix and the single character c. (p|c)
   1381                 // If no other suffix matches, then we return this value.
   1382                 emptySuffixCE32 = firstCond->ce32;
   1383                 cond = getConditionalCE32(firstCond->next);
   1384             } else {
   1385                 // There is no mapping for the prefix and just the single character.
   1386                 // (There is no p|c, only p|cd, p|ce etc.)
   1387                 flags |= Collation::CONTRACT_SINGLE_CP_NO_MATCH;
   1388                 // When the prefix matches but none of the prefix-specific suffixes,
   1389                 // then we fall back to the mappings with the next-longest prefix,
   1390                 // and ultimately to mappings with no prefix.
   1391                 // Each fallback might be another set of contractions.
   1392                 // For example, if there are mappings for ch, p|cd, p|ce, but not for p|c,
   1393                 // then in text "pch" we find the ch contraction.
   1394                 for(cond = head;; cond = getConditionalCE32(cond->next)) {
   1395                     int32_t length = cond->prefixLength();
   1396                     if(length == prefixLength) { break; }
   1397                     if(cond->defaultCE32 != Collation::NO_CE32 &&
   1398                             (length==0 || prefix.endsWith(cond->context, 1, length))) {
   1399                         emptySuffixCE32 = cond->defaultCE32;
   1400                     }
   1401                 }
   1402                 cond = firstCond;
   1403             }
   1404             // Optimization: Set a flag when
   1405             // the first character of every contraction suffix has lccc!=0.
   1406             // Short-circuits contraction matching when a normal letter follows.
   1407             flags |= Collation::CONTRACT_NEXT_CCC;
   1408             // Add all of the non-empty suffixes into the contraction trie.
   1409             for(;;) {
   1410                 UnicodeString suffix(cond->context, suffixStart);
   1411                 uint16_t fcd16 = nfcImpl.getFCD16(suffix.char32At(0));
   1412                 if(fcd16 <= 0xff) {
   1413                     flags &= ~Collation::CONTRACT_NEXT_CCC;
   1414                 }
   1415                 fcd16 = nfcImpl.getFCD16(suffix.char32At(suffix.length() - 1));
   1416                 if(fcd16 > 0xff) {
   1417                     // The last suffix character has lccc!=0, allowing for discontiguous contractions.
   1418                     flags |= Collation::CONTRACT_TRAILING_CCC;
   1419                 }
   1420                 contractionBuilder.add(suffix, (int32_t)cond->ce32, errorCode);
   1421                 if(cond == lastCond) { break; }
   1422                 cond = getConditionalCE32(cond->next);
   1423             }
   1424             int32_t index = addContextTrie(emptySuffixCE32, contractionBuilder, errorCode);
   1425             if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return 0; }
   1426             if(index > Collation::MAX_INDEX) {
   1427                 errorCode = U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR;
   1428                 return 0;
   1429             }
   1430             ce32 = Collation::makeCE32FromTagAndIndex(Collation::CONTRACTION_TAG, index) | flags;
   1431         }
   1432         U_ASSERT(cond == lastCond);
   1433         firstCond->defaultCE32 = ce32;
   1434         if(prefixLength == 0) {
   1435             if(cond->next < 0) {
   1436                 // No non-empty prefixes, only contractions.
   1437                 return ce32;
   1438             }
   1439         } else {
   1440             prefix.remove(0, 1);  // Remove the length unit.
   1441             prefix.reverse();
   1442             prefixBuilder.add(prefix, (int32_t)ce32, errorCode);
   1443             if(cond->next < 0) { break; }
   1444         }
   1445     }
   1446     U_ASSERT(head->defaultCE32 != Collation::NO_CE32);
   1447     int32_t index = addContextTrie(head->defaultCE32, prefixBuilder, errorCode);
   1448     if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return 0; }
   1449     if(index > Collation::MAX_INDEX) {
   1450         errorCode = U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR;
   1451         return 0;
   1452     }
   1453     return Collation::makeCE32FromTagAndIndex(Collation::PREFIX_TAG, index);
   1454 }
   1456 int32_t
   1457 CollationDataBuilder::addContextTrie(uint32_t defaultCE32, UCharsTrieBuilder &trieBuilder,
   1458                                      UErrorCode &errorCode) {
   1459     UnicodeString context;
   1460     context.append((UChar)(defaultCE32 >> 16)).append((UChar)defaultCE32);
   1461     UnicodeString trieString;
   1462     context.append(trieBuilder.buildUnicodeString(USTRINGTRIE_BUILD_SMALL, trieString, errorCode));
   1463     if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return -1; }
   1464     int32_t index = contexts.indexOf(context);
   1465     if(index < 0) {
   1466         index = contexts.length();
   1467         contexts.append(context);
   1468     }
   1469     return index;
   1470 }
   1472 void
   1473 CollationDataBuilder::buildFastLatinTable(CollationData &data, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
   1474     if(U_FAILURE(errorCode) || !fastLatinEnabled) { return; }
   1476     delete fastLatinBuilder;
   1477     fastLatinBuilder = new CollationFastLatinBuilder(errorCode);
   1478     if(fastLatinBuilder == NULL) {
   1479         errorCode = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
   1480         return;
   1481     }
   1482     if(fastLatinBuilder->forData(data, errorCode)) {
   1483         const uint16_t *table = fastLatinBuilder->getTable();
   1484         int32_t length = fastLatinBuilder->lengthOfTable();
   1485         if(base != NULL && length == base->fastLatinTableLength &&
   1486                 uprv_memcmp(table, base->fastLatinTable, length * 2) == 0) {
   1487             // Same fast Latin table as in the base, use that one instead.
   1488             delete fastLatinBuilder;
   1489             fastLatinBuilder = NULL;
   1490             table = base->fastLatinTable;
   1491         }
   1492         data.fastLatinTable = table;
   1493         data.fastLatinTableLength = length;
   1494     } else {
   1495         delete fastLatinBuilder;
   1496         fastLatinBuilder = NULL;
   1497     }
   1498 }
   1500 int32_t
   1501 CollationDataBuilder::getCEs(const UnicodeString &s, int64_t ces[], int32_t cesLength) {
   1502     return getCEs(s, 0, ces, cesLength);
   1503 }
   1505 int32_t
   1506 CollationDataBuilder::getCEs(const UnicodeString &prefix, const UnicodeString &s,
   1507                              int64_t ces[], int32_t cesLength) {
   1508     int32_t prefixLength = prefix.length();
   1509     if(prefixLength == 0) {
   1510         return getCEs(s, 0, ces, cesLength);
   1511     } else {
   1512         return getCEs(prefix + s, prefixLength, ces, cesLength);
   1513     }
   1514 }
   1516 int32_t
   1517 CollationDataBuilder::getCEs(const UnicodeString &s, int32_t start,
   1518                              int64_t ces[], int32_t cesLength) {
   1519     if(collIter == NULL) {
   1520         collIter = new DataBuilderCollationIterator(*this);
   1521         if(collIter == NULL) { return 0; }
   1522     }
   1523     return collIter->fetchCEs(s, start, ces, cesLength);
   1524 }
   1528 #endif  // !UCONFIG_NO_COLLATION