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      1 /*
      2 **********************************************************************
      3 * Copyright (C) 2011-2014, International Business Machines Corporation
      4 * and others.  All Rights Reserved.
      5 **********************************************************************
      6 */
      7 /**
      8  * IntlTestSpoof tests for USpoofDetector
      9  */
     11 #include "unicode/utypes.h"
     15 #include "itspoof.h"
     17 #include "unicode/normlzr.h"
     18 #include "unicode/regex.h"
     19 #include "unicode/unistr.h"
     20 #include "unicode/uscript.h"
     21 #include "unicode/uspoof.h"
     23 #include "cstring.h"
     24 #include "identifier_info.h"
     25 #include "scriptset.h"
     26 #include "uhash.h"
     28 #include <stdlib.h>
     29 #include <stdio.h>
     31 #define TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status) {if (U_FAILURE(status)) { \
     32     errcheckln(status, "Failure at file %s, line %d, error = %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(status));}}
     34 #define TEST_ASSERT(expr) {if ((expr)==FALSE) { \
     35     errln("Test Failure at file %s, line %d: \"%s\" is false.", __FILE__, __LINE__, #expr);};}
     37 #define TEST_ASSERT_MSG(expr, msg) {if ((expr)==FALSE) { \
     38     dataerrln("Test Failure at file %s, line %d, %s: \"%s\" is false.", __FILE__, __LINE__, msg, #expr);};}
     40 #define TEST_ASSERT_EQ(a, b) { if ((a) != (b)) { \
     41     errln("Test Failure at file %s, line %d: \"%s\" (%d) != \"%s\" (%d)", \
     42              __FILE__, __LINE__, #a, (a), #b, (b)); }}
     44 #define TEST_ASSERT_NE(a, b) { if ((a) == (b)) { \
     45     errln("Test Failure at file %s, line %d: \"%s\" (%d) == \"%s\" (%d)", \
     46              __FILE__, __LINE__, #a, (a), #b, (b)); }}
     48 #define LENGTHOF(array) ((int32_t)(sizeof(array)/sizeof((array)[0])))
     50 /*
     52  *         macros to handle the boilerplate around setting up test case.
     53  *         Put arbitrary test code between SETUP and TEARDOWN.
     54  *         "sc" is the ready-to-go  SpoofChecker for use in the tests.
     55  */
     56 #define TEST_SETUP {  \
     57     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; \
     58     USpoofChecker *sc;     \
     59     sc = uspoof_open(&status);  \
     60     TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status);   \
     61     if (U_SUCCESS(status)){
     63 #define TEST_TEARDOWN  \
     64     }  \
     65     TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status);  \
     66     uspoof_close(sc);  \
     67 }
     72 void IntlTestSpoof::runIndexedTest( int32_t index, UBool exec, const char* &name, char* /*par*/ )
     73 {
     74     if (exec) logln("TestSuite spoof: ");
     75     switch (index) {
     76         case 0:
     77             name = "TestSpoofAPI";
     78             if (exec) {
     79                 testSpoofAPI();
     80             }
     81             break;
     82         case 1:
     83             name = "TestSkeleton";
     84             if (exec) {
     85                 testSkeleton();
     86             }
     87             break;
     88         case 2:
     89             name = "TestAreConfusable";
     90             if (exec) {
     91                 testAreConfusable();
     92             }
     93             break;
     94         case 3:
     95             name = "TestInvisible";
     96             if (exec) {
     97                 testInvisible();
     98             }
     99             break;
    100         case 4:
    101             name = "testConfData";
    102             if (exec) {
    103                 testConfData();
    104             }
    105             break;
    106         case 5:
    107             name = "testBug8654";
    108             if (exec) {
    109                 testBug8654();
    110             }
    111             break;
    112         case 6:
    113             name = "testIdentifierInfo";
    114             if (exec) {
    115                 testIdentifierInfo();
    116             }
    117             break;
    118         case 7:
    119             name = "testScriptSet";
    120             if (exec) {
    121                 testScriptSet();
    122             }
    123             break;
    124         case 8:
    125             name = "testRestrictionLevel";
    126             if (exec) {
    127                 testRestrictionLevel();
    128             }
    129             break;
    130        case 9:
    131             name = "testMixedNumbers";
    132             if (exec) {
    133                 testMixedNumbers();
    134             }
    135             break;
    138         default: name=""; break;
    139     }
    140 }
    142 void IntlTestSpoof::testSpoofAPI() {
    144     TEST_SETUP
    145         UnicodeString s("xyz");  // Many latin ranges are whole-script confusable with other scripts.
    146                                  // If this test starts failing, consult confusablesWholeScript.txt
    147         int32_t position = 666;
    148         int32_t checkResults = uspoof_checkUnicodeString(sc, s, &position, &status);
    149         TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status);
    150         TEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, checkResults);
    151         TEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, position);
    152     TEST_TEARDOWN;
    154     TEST_SETUP
    155         UnicodeString s1("cxs");
    156         UnicodeString s2 = UnicodeString("\\u0441\\u0445\\u0455").unescape();  // Cyrillic "cxs"
    157         int32_t checkResults = uspoof_areConfusableUnicodeString(sc, s1, s2, &status);
    160     TEST_TEARDOWN;
    162     TEST_SETUP
    163         UnicodeString s("I1l0O");
    164         UnicodeString dest;
    165         UnicodeString &retStr = uspoof_getSkeletonUnicodeString(sc, USPOOF_ANY_CASE, s, dest, &status);
    166         TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status);
    167         TEST_ASSERT(UnicodeString("lllOO") == dest);
    168         TEST_ASSERT(&dest == &retStr);
    169     TEST_TEARDOWN;
    170 }
    173 #define CHECK_SKELETON(type, input, expected) { \
    174     checkSkeleton(sc, type, input, expected, __LINE__); \
    175     }
    178 // testSkeleton.   Spot check a number of confusable skeleton substitutions from the
    179 //                 Unicode data file confusables.txt
    180 //                 Test cases chosen for substitutions of various lengths, and
    181 //                 membership in different mapping tables.
    182 void IntlTestSpoof::testSkeleton() {
    183     const uint32_t ML = 0;
    184     const uint32_t SL = USPOOF_SINGLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE;
    185     const uint32_t MA = USPOOF_ANY_CASE;
    188     TEST_SETUP
    189         // A long "identifier" that will overflow implementation stack buffers, forcing heap allocations.
    190         CHECK_SKELETON(SL, " A 1ong \\u02b9identifier' that will overflow implementation stack buffers, forcing heap allocations."
    191                            " A 1ong 'identifier' that will overflow implementation stack buffers, forcing heap allocations."
    192                            " A 1ong 'identifier' that will overflow implementation stack buffers, forcing heap allocations."
    193                            " A 1ong 'identifier' that will overflow implementation stack buffers, forcing heap allocations.",
    195                " A long 'identifier' that vvill overflovv irnplernentation stack buffers, forcing heap allocations."
    196                " A long 'identifier' that vvill overflovv irnplernentation stack buffers, forcing heap allocations."
    197                " A long 'identifier' that vvill overflovv irnplernentation stack buffers, forcing heap allocations."
    198                " A long 'identifier' that vvill overflovv irnplernentation stack buffers, forcing heap allocations.")
    200         CHECK_SKELETON(SL, "nochange", "nochange");
    201         CHECK_SKELETON(MA, "love", "love");
    202         CHECK_SKELETON(MA, "1ove", "love");   // Digit 1 to letter l
    203         CHECK_SKELETON(ML, "OOPS", "OOPS");
    204         CHECK_SKELETON(ML, "00PS", "00PS");   // Digit 0 unchanged in lower case mode.
    205         CHECK_SKELETON(MA, "OOPS", "OOPS");
    206         CHECK_SKELETON(MA, "00PS", "OOPS");   // Digit 0 to letter O in any case mode only
    207         CHECK_SKELETON(SL, "\\u059c", "\\u0301");
    208         CHECK_SKELETON(SL, "\\u2A74", "\\u003A\\u003A\\u003D");
    209         CHECK_SKELETON(SL, "\\u247E", "\\u0028\\u006C\\u006C\\u0029");  // "(ll)"
    210         CHECK_SKELETON(SL, "\\uFDFB", "\\u062C\\u0644\\u0020\\u062C\\u0644\\u0627\\u0644\\u0647");
    212         // This mapping exists in the ML and MA tables, does not exist in SL, SA
    213         //0C83 ;	0C03 ;
    214         CHECK_SKELETON(SL, "\\u0C83", "\\u0C83");
    215         CHECK_SKELETON(SA, "\\u0C83", "\\u0C83");
    216         CHECK_SKELETON(ML, "\\u0C83", "\\u0983");
    217         CHECK_SKELETON(MA, "\\u0C83", "\\u0983");
    219         // 0391 ; 0041 ;
    220         // This mapping exists only in the MA table.
    221         CHECK_SKELETON(MA, "\\u0391", "A");
    222         CHECK_SKELETON(SA, "\\u0391", "\\u0391");
    223         CHECK_SKELETON(ML, "\\u0391", "\\u0391");
    224         CHECK_SKELETON(SL, "\\u0391", "\\u0391");
    226         // 13CF ;  0062 ;
    227         // This mapping exists in the ML and MA tables
    228         CHECK_SKELETON(ML, "\\u13CF", "b");
    229         CHECK_SKELETON(MA, "\\u13CF", "b");
    230         CHECK_SKELETON(SL, "\\u13CF", "\\u13CF");
    231         CHECK_SKELETON(SA, "\\u13CF", "\\u13CF");
    233         // 0022 ;  0027 0027 ;
    234         // all tables.
    235         CHECK_SKELETON(SL, "\\u0022", "\\u0027\\u0027");
    236         CHECK_SKELETON(SA, "\\u0022", "\\u0027\\u0027");
    237         CHECK_SKELETON(ML, "\\u0022", "\\u0027\\u0027");
    238         CHECK_SKELETON(MA, "\\u0022", "\\u0027\\u0027");
    240         // 017F ;  0066 ;
    241         // This mapping exists in the SA and MA tables
    242         CHECK_SKELETON(MA, "\\u017F", "f");
    243         CHECK_SKELETON(SA, "\\u017F", "f");
    245     TEST_TEARDOWN;
    246 }
    249 //
    250 //  Run a single confusable skeleton transformation test case.
    251 //
    252 void IntlTestSpoof::checkSkeleton(const USpoofChecker *sc, uint32_t type,
    253                                   const char *input, const char *expected, int32_t lineNum) {
    254     UnicodeString uInput = UnicodeString(input).unescape();
    255     UnicodeString uExpected = UnicodeString(expected).unescape();
    257     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    258     UnicodeString actual;
    259     uspoof_getSkeletonUnicodeString(sc, type, uInput, actual, &status);
    260     if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    261         errln("File %s, Line %d, Test case from line %d, status is %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, lineNum,
    262               u_errorName(status));
    263         return;
    264     }
    265     if (uExpected != actual) {
    266         errln("File %s, Line %d, Test case from line %d, Actual and Expected skeletons differ.",
    267                __FILE__, __LINE__, lineNum);
    268         errln(UnicodeString(" Actual   Skeleton: \"") + actual + UnicodeString("\"\n") +
    269               UnicodeString(" Expected Skeleton: \"") + uExpected + UnicodeString("\""));
    270     }
    271 }
    273 void IntlTestSpoof::testAreConfusable() {
    274     TEST_SETUP
    275         UnicodeString s1("A long string that will overflow stack buffers.  A long string that will overflow stack buffers. "
    276                          "A long string that will overflow stack buffers.  A long string that will overflow stack buffers. ");
    277         UnicodeString s2("A long string that wi11 overflow stack buffers.  A long string that will overflow stack buffers. "
    278                          "A long string that wi11 overflow stack buffers.  A long string that will overflow stack buffers. ");
    279         TEST_ASSERT_EQ(USPOOF_SINGLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE, uspoof_areConfusableUnicodeString(sc, s1, s2, &status));
    280         TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status);
    282     TEST_TEARDOWN;
    283 }
    285 void IntlTestSpoof::testInvisible() {
    286     TEST_SETUP
    287         UnicodeString  s = UnicodeString("abcd\\u0301ef").unescape();
    288         int32_t position = -42;
    289         TEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, uspoof_checkUnicodeString(sc, s, &position, &status));
    290         TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status);
    291         TEST_ASSERT(0 == position);
    293         UnicodeString  s2 = UnicodeString("abcd\\u0301\\u0302\\u0301ef").unescape();
    294         TEST_ASSERT_EQ(USPOOF_INVISIBLE, uspoof_checkUnicodeString(sc, s2, &position, &status));
    295         TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status);
    296         TEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, position);
    298         // Two acute accents, one from the composed a with acute accent, \u00e1,
    299         // and one separate.
    300         position = -42;
    301         UnicodeString  s3 = UnicodeString("abcd\\u00e1\\u0301xyz").unescape();
    302         TEST_ASSERT_EQ(USPOOF_INVISIBLE, uspoof_checkUnicodeString(sc, s3, &position, &status));
    303         TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status);
    304         TEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, position);
    305     TEST_TEARDOWN;
    306 }
    308 void IntlTestSpoof::testBug8654() {
    309     TEST_SETUP
    310         UnicodeString s = UnicodeString("B\\u00c1\\u0301").unescape();
    311         int32_t position = -42;
    312         TEST_ASSERT_EQ(USPOOF_INVISIBLE, uspoof_checkUnicodeString(sc, s, &position, &status) & USPOOF_INVISIBLE );
    313         TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status);
    314         TEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, position);
    315     TEST_TEARDOWN;
    316 }
    318 static UnicodeString parseHex(const UnicodeString &in) {
    319     // Convert a series of hex numbers in a Unicode String to a string with the
    320     // corresponding characters.
    321     // The conversion is _really_ annoying.  There must be some function to just do it.
    322     UnicodeString result;
    323     UChar32 cc = 0;
    324     for (int32_t i=0; i<in.length(); i++) {
    325         UChar c = in.charAt(i);
    326         if (c == 0x20) {   // Space
    327             if (cc > 0) {
    328                result.append(cc);
    329                cc = 0;
    330             }
    331         } else if (c>=0x30 && c<=0x39) {
    332             cc = (cc<<4) + (c - 0x30);
    333         } else if ((c>=0x41 && c<=0x46) || (c>=0x61 && c<=0x66)) {
    334             cc = (cc<<4) + (c & 0x0f)+9;
    335         }
    336         // else do something with bad input.
    337     }
    338     if (cc > 0) {
    339         result.append(cc);
    340     }
    341     return result;
    342 }
    345 //
    346 // Append the hex form of a UChar32 to a UnicodeString.
    347 // Used in formatting error messages.
    348 // Match the formatting of numbers in confusables.txt
    349 // Minimum of 4 digits, no leading zeroes for positions 5 and up.
    350 //
    351 static void appendHexUChar(UnicodeString &dest, UChar32 c) {
    352     UBool   doZeroes = FALSE;
    353     for (int bitNum=28; bitNum>=0; bitNum-=4) {
    354         if (bitNum <= 12) {
    355             doZeroes = TRUE;
    356         }
    357         int hexDigit = (c>>bitNum) & 0x0f;
    358         if (hexDigit != 0 || doZeroes) {
    359             doZeroes = TRUE;
    360             dest.append((UChar)(hexDigit<=9? hexDigit + 0x30: hexDigit -10 + 0x41));
    361         }
    362     }
    363     dest.append((UChar)0x20);
    364 }
    366 U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalStdioFilePointer, FILE, fclose);
    368 //  testConfData - Check each data item from the Unicode confusables.txt file,
    369 //                 verify that it transforms correctly in a skeleton.
    370 //
    371 void IntlTestSpoof::testConfData() {
    372     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    374     const char *testDataDir = IntlTest::getSourceTestData(status);
    375     TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status);
    376     char buffer[2000];
    377     uprv_strcpy(buffer, testDataDir);
    378     uprv_strcat(buffer, "confusables.txt");
    380     LocalStdioFilePointer f(fopen(buffer, "rb"));
    381     if (f.isNull()) {
    382         errln("Skipping test spoof/testConfData.  File confusables.txt not accessible.");
    383         return;
    384     }
    385     fseek(f.getAlias(), 0, SEEK_END);
    386     int32_t  fileSize = ftell(f.getAlias());
    387     LocalArray<char> fileBuf(new char[fileSize]);
    388     fseek(f.getAlias(), 0, SEEK_SET);
    389     int32_t amt_read = fread(fileBuf.getAlias(), 1, fileSize, f.getAlias());
    390     TEST_ASSERT_EQ(amt_read, fileSize);
    391     TEST_ASSERT(fileSize>0);
    392     if (amt_read != fileSize || fileSize <=0) {
    393         return;
    394     }
    395     UnicodeString confusablesTxt = UnicodeString::fromUTF8(StringPiece(fileBuf.getAlias(), fileSize));
    397     LocalUSpoofCheckerPointer sc(uspoof_open(&status));
    398     TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status);
    400     // Parse lines from the confusables.txt file.  Example Line:
    401     // FF44 ;	0064 ;	SL	# ( d -> d ) FULLWIDTH ....
    402     // Three fields.  The hex fields can contain more than one character,
    403     //                and each character may be more than 4 digits (for supplemntals)
    404     // This regular expression matches lines and splits the fields into capture groups.
    405     RegexMatcher parseLine("(?m)^([0-9A-F]{4}[^#;]*?);([^#;]*?);([^#]*)", confusablesTxt, 0, status);
    406     TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status);
    407     while (parseLine.find()) {
    408         UnicodeString from = parseHex(parseLine.group(1, status));
    409         if (!Normalizer::isNormalized(from, UNORM_NFD, status)) {
    410             // The source character was not NFD.
    411             // Skip this case; the first step in obtaining a skeleton is to NFD the input,
    412             //  so the mapping in this line of confusables.txt will never be applied.
    413             continue;
    414         }
    416         UnicodeString rawExpected = parseHex(parseLine.group(2, status));
    417         UnicodeString expected;
    418         Normalizer::decompose(rawExpected, FALSE /*NFD*/, 0, expected, status);
    419         TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status);
    421         int32_t skeletonType = 0;
    422         UnicodeString tableType = parseLine.group(3, status);
    423         TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status);
    424         if (tableType.indexOf("SL") >= 0) {
    425             skeletonType = USPOOF_SINGLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE;
    426         } else if (tableType.indexOf("SA") >= 0) {
    427             skeletonType = USPOOF_SINGLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE | USPOOF_ANY_CASE;
    428         } else if (tableType.indexOf("ML") >= 0) {
    429             skeletonType = 0;
    430         } else if (tableType.indexOf("MA") >= 0) {
    431             skeletonType = USPOOF_ANY_CASE;
    432         }
    434         UnicodeString actual;
    435         uspoof_getSkeletonUnicodeString(sc.getAlias(), skeletonType, from, actual, &status);
    436         TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status);
    437         TEST_ASSERT(actual == expected);
    438         if (actual != expected) {
    439             errln(parseLine.group(0, status));
    440             UnicodeString line = "Actual: ";
    441             int i = 0;
    442             while (i < actual.length()) {
    443                 appendHexUChar(line, actual.char32At(i));
    444                 i = actual.moveIndex32(i, 1);
    445             }
    446             errln(line);
    447         }
    448         if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    449             break;
    450         }
    451     }
    452 }
    454 // testIdentifierInfo. Note that IdentifierInfo is not public ICU API at this time
    455 void IntlTestSpoof::testIdentifierInfo() {
    456     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    457     ScriptSet bitset12; bitset12.set(USCRIPT_LATIN, status).set(USCRIPT_HANGUL, status);
    458     ScriptSet bitset2;  bitset2.set(USCRIPT_HANGUL, status);
    459     TEST_ASSERT(bitset12.contains(bitset2));
    460     TEST_ASSERT(bitset12.contains(bitset12));
    461     TEST_ASSERT(!bitset2.contains(bitset12));
    463     ScriptSet arabSet;  arabSet.set(USCRIPT_ARABIC, status);
    464     ScriptSet latinSet; latinSet.set(USCRIPT_LATIN, status);
    465     UElement arabEl;  arabEl.pointer = &arabSet;
    466     UElement latinEl; latinEl.pointer = &latinSet;
    467     TEST_ASSERT(uhash_compareScriptSet(arabEl, latinEl) < 0);
    468     TEST_ASSERT(uhash_compareScriptSet(latinEl, arabEl) > 0);
    470     UnicodeString scriptString;
    471     bitset12.displayScripts(scriptString);
    472     TEST_ASSERT(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("Hang Latn") == scriptString);
    474     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    475     UHashtable *alternates = uhash_open(uhash_hashScriptSet ,uhash_compareScriptSet, NULL, &status);
    476     uhash_puti(alternates, &bitset12, 1, &status);
    477     uhash_puti(alternates, &bitset2, 1, &status);
    478     UnicodeString alternatesString;
    479     IdentifierInfo::displayAlternates(alternatesString, alternates, status);
    480     TEST_ASSERT(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("Hang; Hang Latn") == alternatesString);
    481     TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status);
    483     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    484     ScriptSet tScriptSet;
    485     tScriptSet.parseScripts(scriptString, status);
    486     TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status);
    487     TEST_ASSERT(bitset12 == tScriptSet);
    488     UnicodeString ss;
    489     ss.remove();
    490     uhash_close(alternates);
    492     struct Test {
    493         const char         *fTestString;
    494         URestrictionLevel   fRestrictionLevel;
    495         const char         *fNumerics;
    496         const char         *fScripts;
    497         const char         *fAlternates;
    498         const char         *fCommonAlternates;
    499     } tests[] = {
    500             {"\\u0061\\u2665",                USPOOF_UNRESTRICTIVE,      "[]", "Latn", "", ""},
    501             {"\\u0061\\u3006",                USPOOF_HIGHLY_RESTRICTIVE, "[]", "Latn", "Hani Hira Kana", "Hani Hira Kana"},
    502             {"\\u0061\\u30FC\\u3006",         USPOOF_HIGHLY_RESTRICTIVE, "[]", "Latn", "Hira Kana", "Hira Kana"},
    503             {"\\u0061\\u30FC\\u3006\\u30A2",  USPOOF_HIGHLY_RESTRICTIVE, "[]", "Latn Kana", "", ""},
    504             {"\\u30A2\\u0061\\u30FC\\u3006",  USPOOF_HIGHLY_RESTRICTIVE, "[]", "Latn Kana", "", ""},
    505             {"\\u0061\\u0031\\u0661",         USPOOF_UNRESTRICTIVE,      "[\\u0030\\u0660]", "Latn", "Arab Thaa", "Arab Thaa"},
    506             {"\\u0061\\u0031\\u0661\\u06F1",  USPOOF_UNRESTRICTIVE,      "[\\u0030\\u0660\\u06F0]", "Latn Arab", "", ""},
    507             {"\\u0661\\u30FC\\u3006\\u0061\\u30A2\\u0031\\u0967\\u06F1",  USPOOF_UNRESTRICTIVE,
    508                   "[\\u0030\\u0660\\u06F0\\u0966]", "Latn Kana Arab", "Deva Kthi", "Deva Kthi"},
    509             {"\\u0061\\u30A2\\u30FC\\u3006\\u0031\\u0967\\u0661\\u06F1",  USPOOF_UNRESTRICTIVE,
    510                   "[\\u0030\\u0660\\u06F0\\u0966]", "Latn Kana Arab", "Deva Kthi", "Deva Kthi"}
    511     };
    513     int testNum;
    514     for (testNum = 0; testNum < LENGTHOF(tests); testNum++) {
    515         char testNumStr[40];
    516         sprintf(testNumStr, "testNum = %d", testNum);
    517         Test &test = tests[testNum];
    518         status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    519         UnicodeString testString(test.fTestString);  // Note: may do charset conversion.
    520         testString = testString.unescape();
    521         IdentifierInfo idInfo(status);
    522         TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status);
    523         idInfo.setIdentifierProfile(*uspoof_getRecommendedUnicodeSet(&status));
    524         idInfo.setIdentifier(testString, status);
    525         TEST_ASSERT_MSG(*idInfo.getIdentifier() == testString, testNumStr);
    527         URestrictionLevel restrictionLevel = test.fRestrictionLevel;
    528         TEST_ASSERT_MSG(restrictionLevel == idInfo.getRestrictionLevel(status), testNumStr);
    530         status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    531         UnicodeSet numerics(UnicodeString(test.fNumerics).unescape(), status);
    532         TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status);
    533         TEST_ASSERT_MSG(numerics == *idInfo.getNumerics(), testNumStr);
    535         ScriptSet scripts;
    536         scripts.parseScripts(UnicodeString(test.fScripts), status);
    537         TEST_ASSERT_MSG(scripts == *idInfo.getScripts(), testNumStr);
    539         UnicodeString alternatesStr;
    540         IdentifierInfo::displayAlternates(alternatesStr, idInfo.getAlternates(), status);
    541         TEST_ASSERT_MSG(UnicodeString(test.fAlternates) == alternatesStr, testNumStr);
    543         ScriptSet commonAlternates;
    544         commonAlternates.parseScripts(UnicodeString(test.fCommonAlternates), status);
    545         TEST_ASSERT_MSG(commonAlternates == *idInfo.getCommonAmongAlternates(), testNumStr);
    546     }
    548     // Test of getScriptCount()
    549     //   Script and or Script Extension for chars used in the tests
    550     //     \\u3013  ; Bopo Hang Hani Hira Kana # So       GETA MARK
    551     //     \\uA838  ; Deva Gujr Guru Kthi Takr # Sc       NORTH INDIC RUPEE MARK
    552     //     \\u0951  ; Deva Latn                # Mn       DEVANAGARI STRESS SIGN UDATTA
    553     //
    554     //     \\u0370  ; Greek                    # L        GREEK CAPITAL LETTER HETA
    555     //     \\u0481  ; Cyrillic                 # L&       CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KOPPA
    556     //     \\u0904  ; Devanagari               # Lo       DEVANAGARI LETTER SHORT A
    557     //     \\u3041  ; Hiragana                 # Lo       HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL A
    558     //     1234     ; Common                   #          ascii digits
    559     //     \\u0300  ; Inherited                # Mn       COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT
    561     struct ScriptTest {
    562         const char *fTestString;
    563         int32_t     fScriptCount;
    564     } scriptTests[] = {
    565         {"Hello", 1},
    566         {"Hello\\u0370", 2},
    567         {"1234", 0},
    568         {"Hello1234\\u0300", 1},   // Common and Inherited are ignored.
    569         {"\\u0030", 0},
    570         {"abc\\u0951", 1},
    571         {"abc\\u3013", 2},
    572         {"\\uA838\\u0951", 1},     // Triggers commonAmongAlternates path.
    573         {"\\u3013\\uA838", 2}
    574     };
    576     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    577     IdentifierInfo identifierInfo(status);
    578     for (testNum=0; testNum<LENGTHOF(scriptTests); testNum++) {
    579         ScriptTest &test = scriptTests[testNum];
    580         char msgBuf[100];
    581         sprintf(msgBuf, "testNum = %d ", testNum);
    582         UnicodeString testString = UnicodeString(test.fTestString).unescape();
    584         status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    585         identifierInfo.setIdentifier(testString, status);
    586         int32_t scriptCount = identifierInfo.getScriptCount();
    587         TEST_ASSERT_MSG(test.fScriptCount == scriptCount, msgBuf);
    588     }
    589 }
    591 void IntlTestSpoof::testScriptSet() {
    592     ScriptSet s1;
    593     ScriptSet s2;
    594     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    596     TEST_ASSERT(s1 == s2);
    597     s1.set(USCRIPT_ARABIC,status);
    598     TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status);
    599     TEST_ASSERT(!(s1 == s2));
    600     TEST_ASSERT(s1.test(USCRIPT_ARABIC, status));
    601     TEST_ASSERT(s1.test(USCRIPT_GREEK, status) == FALSE);
    603     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    604     s1.reset(USCRIPT_ARABIC, status);
    605     TEST_ASSERT(s1 == s2);
    607     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    608     s1.setAll();
    609     TEST_ASSERT(s1.test(USCRIPT_COMMON, status));
    610     TEST_ASSERT(s1.test(USCRIPT_ETHIOPIC, status));
    611     TEST_ASSERT(s1.test(USCRIPT_CODE_LIMIT, status));
    612     s1.resetAll();
    613     TEST_ASSERT(!s1.test(USCRIPT_COMMON, status));
    614     TEST_ASSERT(!s1.test(USCRIPT_ETHIOPIC, status));
    615     TEST_ASSERT(!s1.test(USCRIPT_CODE_LIMIT, status));
    617     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    618     s1.set(USCRIPT_TAKRI, status);
    619     s1.set(USCRIPT_BLISSYMBOLS, status);
    620     s2.setAll();
    621     TEST_ASSERT(s2.contains(s1));
    622     TEST_ASSERT(!s1.contains(s2));
    623     TEST_ASSERT(s2.intersects(s1));
    624     TEST_ASSERT(s1.intersects(s2));
    625     s2.reset(USCRIPT_TAKRI, status);
    626     TEST_ASSERT(!s2.contains(s1));
    627     TEST_ASSERT(!s1.contains(s2));
    628     TEST_ASSERT(s1.intersects(s2));
    629     TEST_ASSERT(s2.intersects(s1));
    630     TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status);
    632     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    633     s1.resetAll();
    634     s1.set(USCRIPT_NKO, status);
    635     s1.set(USCRIPT_COMMON, status);
    636     s2 = s1;
    637     TEST_ASSERT(s2 == s1);
    638     TEST_ASSERT_EQ(2, s2.countMembers());
    639     s2.intersect(s1);
    640     TEST_ASSERT(s2 == s1);
    641     s2.setAll();
    642     TEST_ASSERT(!(s2 == s1));
    643     TEST_ASSERT(s2.countMembers() >= USCRIPT_CODE_LIMIT);
    644     s2.intersect(s1);
    645     TEST_ASSERT(s2 == s1);
    647     s2.setAll();
    648     s2.reset(USCRIPT_COMMON, status);
    649     s2.intersect(s1);
    650     TEST_ASSERT(s2.countMembers() == 1);
    652     s1.resetAll();
    653     s1.set(USCRIPT_AFAKA, status);
    654     s1.set(USCRIPT_VAI, status);
    655     s1.set(USCRIPT_INHERITED, status);
    656     int32_t n = -1;
    657     for (int32_t i=0; i<4; i++) {
    658         n = s1.nextSetBit(n+1);
    659         switch (i) {
    660           case 0: TEST_ASSERT_EQ(USCRIPT_INHERITED, n); break;
    661           case 1: TEST_ASSERT_EQ(USCRIPT_VAI, n); break;
    662           case 2: TEST_ASSERT_EQ(USCRIPT_AFAKA, n); break;
    663           case 3: TEST_ASSERT_EQ(-1, (int32_t)n); break;
    664           default: TEST_ASSERT(FALSE);
    665         }
    666     }
    667     TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status);
    668 }
    671 void IntlTestSpoof::testRestrictionLevel() {
    672     struct Test {
    673         const char         *fId;
    674         URestrictionLevel   fExpectedRestrictionLevel;
    675     } tests[] = {
    676         {"\\u0061\\u03B3\\u2665", USPOOF_UNRESTRICTIVE},
    677         {"a",                     USPOOF_ASCII},
    678         {"\\u03B3",               USPOOF_SINGLE_SCRIPT_RESTRICTIVE},
    679         {"\\u0061\\u30A2\\u30FC", USPOOF_HIGHLY_RESTRICTIVE},
    680         {"\\u0061\\u0904",        USPOOF_MODERATELY_RESTRICTIVE},
    681         {"\\u0061\\u03B3",        USPOOF_MINIMALLY_RESTRICTIVE}
    682     };
    683     char msgBuffer[100];
    685     URestrictionLevel restrictionLevels[] = { USPOOF_ASCII, USPOOF_SINGLE_SCRIPT_RESTRICTIVE,
    687          USPOOF_UNRESTRICTIVE};
    689     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    690     IdentifierInfo idInfo(status);
    691     TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status);
    692     idInfo.setIdentifierProfile(*uspoof_getRecommendedUnicodeSet(&status));
    693     TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status);
    694     for (int32_t testNum=0; testNum < LENGTHOF(tests); testNum++) {
    695         status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    696         const Test &test = tests[testNum];
    697         UnicodeString testString = UnicodeString(test.fId).unescape();
    698         URestrictionLevel expectedLevel = test.fExpectedRestrictionLevel;
    699         idInfo.setIdentifier(testString, status);
    700         sprintf(msgBuffer, "testNum = %d ", testNum);
    701         TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status);
    702         TEST_ASSERT_MSG(expectedLevel == idInfo.getRestrictionLevel(status), msgBuffer);
    703         for (int levelIndex=0; levelIndex<LENGTHOF(restrictionLevels); levelIndex++) {
    704             status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    705             URestrictionLevel levelSetInSpoofChecker = restrictionLevels[levelIndex];
    706             USpoofChecker *sc = uspoof_open(&status);
    707             uspoof_setChecks(sc, USPOOF_RESTRICTION_LEVEL, &status);
    708             uspoof_setAllowedChars(sc, uspoof_getRecommendedSet(&status), &status);
    709             uspoof_setRestrictionLevel(sc, levelSetInSpoofChecker);
    710             int32_t actualValue = uspoof_checkUnicodeString(sc, testString, NULL, &status);
    712             // we want to fail if the text is (say) MODERATE and the testLevel is ASCII
    713             int32_t expectedValue = 0;
    714             if (expectedLevel > levelSetInSpoofChecker) {
    715                 expectedValue |= USPOOF_RESTRICTION_LEVEL;
    716             }
    717             if (!uspoof_getRecommendedUnicodeSet(&status)->containsAll(testString)) {
    718                 expectedValue |= USPOOF_CHAR_LIMIT;
    719             }
    720             sprintf(msgBuffer, "testNum = %d, levelIndex = %d, expected = %#x, actual = %#x",
    721                     testNum, levelIndex, expectedValue, actualValue);
    722             TEST_ASSERT_MSG(expectedValue == actualValue, msgBuffer);
    723             TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status);
    725             // Run the same check again, with the Spoof Checker configured to return
    726             // the actual restriction level.
    727             uspoof_setChecks(sc, USPOOF_AUX_INFO | USPOOF_RESTRICTION_LEVEL, &status);
    728             uspoof_setAllowedChars(sc, uspoof_getRecommendedSet(&status), &status);
    729             uspoof_setRestrictionLevel(sc, levelSetInSpoofChecker);
    730             int32_t result = uspoof_checkUnicodeString(sc, testString, NULL, &status);
    731             TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status);
    732             if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
    733                 TEST_ASSERT_EQ(expectedLevel, result & USPOOF_RESTRICTION_LEVEL_MASK);
    734                 TEST_ASSERT_EQ(expectedValue, result & USPOOF_ALL_CHECKS);
    735             }
    736             uspoof_close(sc);
    737         }
    738     }
    739 }
    742 void IntlTestSpoof::testMixedNumbers() {
    743     struct Test {
    744         const char *fTestString;
    745         const char *fExpectedSet;
    746     } tests[] = {
    747         {"1",              "[0]"},
    748         {"\\u0967",        "[\\u0966]"},
    749         {"1\\u0967",       "[0\\u0966]"},
    750         {"\\u0661\\u06F1", "[\\u0660\\u06F0]"}
    751     };
    752     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    753     IdentifierInfo idInfo(status);
    754     for (int32_t testNum=0; testNum < LENGTHOF(tests); testNum++) {
    755         char msgBuf[100];
    756         sprintf(msgBuf, "testNum = %d ", testNum);
    757         Test &test = tests[testNum];
    759         status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    760         UnicodeString testString = UnicodeString(test.fTestString).unescape();
    761         UnicodeSet expectedSet(UnicodeString(test.fExpectedSet).unescape(), status);
    762         idInfo.setIdentifier(testString, status);
    763         TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status);
    764         TEST_ASSERT_MSG(expectedSet == *idInfo.getNumerics(), msgBuf);
    766         status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    767         USpoofChecker *sc = uspoof_open(&status);
    768         uspoof_setChecks(sc, USPOOF_MIXED_NUMBERS, &status); // only check this
    769         int32_t result = uspoof_checkUnicodeString(sc, testString, NULL, &status);
    770         UBool mixedNumberFailure = ((result & USPOOF_MIXED_NUMBERS) != 0);
    771         TEST_ASSERT_MSG((expectedSet.size() > 1) == mixedNumberFailure, msgBuf);
    772         uspoof_close(sc);
    773     }
    774 }