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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 SVOX AG, Baslerstr. 30, 8048 Zuerich, Switzerland
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     16 /**
     17  * @file picoapi.h
     18  *
     19  * SVOX Pico application programming interface
     20  * (SVOX Pico version 1.0 and later)
     21  *
     22  * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 SVOX AG, Baslerstr. 30, 8048 Zuerich, Switzerland
     23  * All rights reserved.
     24  *
     25  * History:
     26  * - 2009-04-20 -- initial version
     27  */
     30 /**
     31  * @addtogroup picoapi
     32  *
     33 @b Basic_Concepts
     35 @e SVOX_Pico_System
     37 The SVOX Pico 'system' is the entity that manages data common to all
     38 SVOX Pico engines, e.g. linguistic data needed to do text-to-speech
     39 (TTS) synthesis, license key, etc.  All API functions on the Pico
     40 system level take a 'pico_System' handle as the first parameter.
     42 @e SVOX_Pico_Engine
     44 A SVOX Pico 'engine' provides the functions needed to perform actual
     45 synthesis. Currently there can be only one engine instance at a time
     46 (concurrent engines will be possible in the future). All API functions
     47 at the engine level take a 'pico_Engine' handle as the first
     48 parameter.
     50 @e SVOX_Pico_Resource
     52 A SVOX Pico 'resource' denotes all the language- and speaker-dependent
     53 data needed to do TTS synthesis. In the following, the term 'resource'
     54 may be used interchangeably with the term 'lingware'. A resource file
     55 contains a set of knowledge bases for an entire TTS voice or parts of
     56 it.
     59 @b Basic_Usage
     61 In its most basic form, an application must call the following
     62 functions in order to perform TTS synthesis:
     64    - pico_initialize
     65    - pico_loadResource
     66    - pico_createVoiceDefinition
     67    - pico_addResourceToVoiceDefinition
     68    - pico_newEngine
     69    - pico_putTextUtf8
     70    - pico_getData (several times)
     71    - pico_disposeEngine
     72    - pico_releaseVoiceDefinition
     73    - pico_unloadResource
     74    - pico_terminate
     76 It is possible to repeatedly run the above sequence, i.e., the SVOX
     77 Pico system may be initialized and terminated multiple times. This may
     78 be useful in applications that need TTS functionality only from time
     79 to time.
     82 @b Conventions
     84 @e Function_arguments
     86 All arguments that only return values are marked by a leading 'out...'
     87 in their name. All arguments that are used as input and output values
     88 are marked by a leading 'inout...'. All other arguments are read-only
     89 (input) arguments.
     91 @e Error_handling
     93 All API functions return a status code which is one of the status
     94 constants defined in picodefs.h. In case of an error, a more detailed
     95 description of the status can be retrieved by calling function
     96 'pico_getSystemStatusMessage' (or 'pico_getEngineStatusMessage'
     97 if the error happened on the SVOX Pico engine level).
     99 Unlike errors, warnings do not prevent an API function from performing
    100 its function, but output might not be as intended. Functions
    101 'pico_getNrSystemWarnings' and 'pico_getNrEngineWarnings' respectively
    102 can be used to determine whether an API function caused any
    103 warnings. Details about warnings can be retrieved by calling
    104 'pico_getSystemWarning' and 'pico_getEngineWarning' respectively.
    106 */
    110 #ifndef PICOAPI_H_
    111 #define PICOAPI_H_
    115 #include "picodefs.h"
    117 #ifdef __cplusplus
    118 extern "C" {
    119 #endif
    120 #if 0
    121 }
    122 #endif
    125 #ifdef _WIN32
    126 #  define PICO_EXPORT  __declspec( dllexport )
    127 #else
    128 #  define PICO_EXPORT extern
    129 #endif
    131 #define PICO_FUNC PICO_EXPORT pico_Status
    135 /* ********************************************************************/
    136 /* PICO data types                                                    */
    137 /* ********************************************************************/
    139 /* Handle types (opaque) for Pico system, resource, engine ************/
    141 typedef struct pico_system   *pico_System;
    142 typedef struct pico_resource *pico_Resource;
    143 typedef struct pico_engine   *pico_Engine;
    146 /* Signed/unsigned integer data types *********************************/
    148 #define PICO_INT16_MAX   32767
    149 #define PICO_UINT16_MAX  0xffff
    150 #define PICO_INT32_MAX   2147483647
    151 #define PICO_UINT32_MAX  0xffffffff
    153 #include <limits.h>
    155 #if (SHRT_MAX == PICO_INT16_MAX)
    156 typedef short pico_Int16;
    157 #else
    158 #error "platform not supported"
    159 #endif
    161 #if (USHRT_MAX == PICO_UINT16_MAX)
    162 typedef unsigned short pico_Uint16;
    163 #else
    164 #error "platform not supported"
    165 #endif
    167 #if (INT_MAX == PICO_INT32_MAX)
    168 typedef int pico_Int32;
    169 #else
    170 #error "platform not supported"
    171 #endif
    173 #if (UINT_MAX == PICO_UINT32_MAX)
    174 typedef unsigned int pico_Uint32;
    175 #else
    176 #error "platform not supported"
    177 #endif
    180 /* Char data type *****************************************************/
    182 typedef unsigned char pico_Char;
    185 /* String type to be used when ASCII string values are returned *******/
    187 #define PICO_RETSTRINGSIZE 200  /* maximum length of returned strings */
    189 typedef char pico_Retstring[PICO_RETSTRINGSIZE];
    193 /* ********************************************************************/
    194 /* System-level API functions                                         */
    195 /* ********************************************************************/
    197 /* System initialization and termination functions ********************/
    199 /**
    200    Initializes the Pico system and returns its handle in 'outSystem'.
    201    'memory' and 'size' define the location and maximum size of memory
    202    in number of bytes that the Pico system will use. The minimum size
    203    required depends on the number of engines and configurations of
    204    lingware to be used. No additional memory will be allocated by the
    205    Pico system. This function must be called before any other API
    206    function is called. It may only be called once (e.g. at application
    207    startup), unless a call to 'pico_terminate'.
    208 */
    209 PICO_FUNC pico_initialize(
    210         void *memory,
    211         const pico_Uint32 size,
    212         pico_System *outSystem
    213         );
    215 /**
    216    Terminates the Pico system. Lingware resources still being loaded
    217    are unloaded automatically. The memory area provided to Pico in
    218    'pico_initialize' is released. The system handle becomes
    219    invalid. It is not allowed to call this function as long as Pico
    220    engine instances are existing. No API function may be called after
    221    this function, except for 'pico_initialize', which reinitializes
    222    the system.
    223 */
    224 PICO_FUNC pico_terminate(
    225         pico_System *system
    226         );
    229 /* System status and error/warning message retrieval ******************/
    231 /**
    232    Returns in 'outMessage' a description of the system status or of an
    233    error that occurred with the most recently called system-level API
    234    function.
    235 */
    236 PICO_FUNC pico_getSystemStatusMessage(
    237         pico_System system,
    238         pico_Status errCode,
    239         pico_Retstring outMessage
    240         );
    242 /**
    243    Returns in 'outNrOfWarnings' the number of warnings that occurred
    244    with the most recently called system-level API function.
    245 */
    246 PICO_FUNC pico_getNrSystemWarnings(
    247         pico_System system,
    248         pico_Int32 *outNrOfWarnings
    249         );
    251 /**
    252    Returns in 'outMessage' a description of a warning that occurred
    253    with the most recently called system-level API function.
    254    'warningIndex' must be in the range 0..N-1 where N is the number of
    255    warnings returned by 'pico_getNrSystemWarnings'. 'outCode' returns
    256    the warning as an integer code (cf. PICO_WARN_*).
    257 */
    258 PICO_FUNC pico_getSystemWarning(
    259         pico_System system,
    260         const pico_Int32 warningIndex,
    261         pico_Status *outCode,
    262         pico_Retstring outMessage
    263         );
    266 /* Resource loading and unloading functions ***************************/
    268 /**
    269    Loads a resource file into the Pico system. The number of resource
    270    files loaded in parallel is limited by PICO_MAX_NUM_RESOURCES.
    271    Loading of a resource file may be done at any time (even in
    272    parallel to a running engine doing TTS synthesis), but with the
    273    general restriction that functions taking a system handle as their
    274    first argument must be called in a mutually exclusive fashion. The
    275    loaded resource will be available only to engines started after the
    276    resource is fully loaded, i.e., not to engines currently
    277    running.
    278 */
    279 PICO_FUNC pico_loadResource(
    280         pico_System system,
    281         const pico_Char *resourceFileName,
    282         pico_Resource *outResource
    283         );
    285 /**
    286    Unloads a resource file from the Pico system. If no engine uses the
    287    resource file, the resource is removed immediately and its
    288    associated internal memory is released, otherwise
    289    PICO_EXC_RESOURCE_BUSY is returned.
    290 */
    291 PICO_FUNC pico_unloadResource(
    292         pico_System system,
    293         pico_Resource *inoutResource
    294         );
    296 /* *** Resource inspection functions *******************************/
    298 /**
    299  Gets the unique resource name of a loaded resource
    300 */
    301 PICO_FUNC pico_getResourceName(
    302         pico_System system,
    303         pico_Resource resource,
    304         pico_Retstring outName);
    307 /* Voice definition ***************************************************/
    309 /**
    310    Creates a voice definition. Resources must be added to the created
    311    voice with 'pico_addResourceToVoiceDefinition' before using the
    312    voice in 'pico_newEngine'. It is an error to create a voice
    313    definition with a previously defined voice name. In that case use
    314    'pico_releaseVoiceName' first.
    315 */
    316 PICO_FUNC pico_createVoiceDefinition(
    317         pico_System system,
    318         const pico_Char *voiceName
    319         );
    321 /**
    322    Adds a mapping pair ('voiceName', 'resourceName') to the voice
    323    definition. Multiple mapping pairs can added to a voice defintion.
    324    When calling 'pico_newEngine' with 'voiceName', the corresponding
    325    resources from the mappings will be used with that engine. */
    327 PICO_FUNC pico_addResourceToVoiceDefinition(
    328         pico_System system,
    329         const pico_Char *voiceName,
    330         const pico_Char *resourceName
    331         );
    334 /**
    335   Releases the voice definition 'voiceName'.
    337 */
    338 PICO_FUNC pico_releaseVoiceDefinition(
    339         pico_System system,
    340         const pico_Char *voiceName
    341         );
    344 /* Engine creation and deletion functions *****************************/
    346 /**
    347    Creates and initializes a new Pico engine instance and returns its
    348    handle in 'outEngine'. Only one instance per system is currently
    349    possible.
    350 */
    351 PICO_FUNC pico_newEngine(
    352         pico_System system,
    353         const pico_Char *voiceName,
    354         pico_Engine *outEngine
    355         );
    358 /**
    359  Disposes a Pico engine and releases all memory it occupied. The
    360  engine handle becomes invalid.
    361 */
    362 PICO_FUNC pico_disposeEngine(
    363         pico_System system,
    364         pico_Engine *inoutEngine
    365         );
    369 /* ********************************************************************/
    370 /* Engine-level API functions                                         */
    371 /* ********************************************************************/
    373 /**
    374    Puts text 'text' encoded in UTF8 into the Pico text input buffer.
    375    'textSize' is the maximum size in number of bytes accessible in
    376    'text'. The input text may also contain text-input commands to
    377    change, for example, speed or pitch of the resulting speech
    378    output. The number of bytes actually copied to the Pico text input
    379    buffer is returned in 'outBytesPut'. Sentence ends are
    380    automatically detected. '\0' characters may be embedded in 'text'
    381    to finish text input or separate independently to be synthesized
    382    text parts from each other. Repeatedly calling 'pico_getData' will
    383    result in the content of the text input buffer to be synthesized
    384    (up to the last sentence end or '\0' character detected). To empty
    385    the internal buffers without finishing synthesis, use the function
    386    'pico_resetEngine'.
    387 */
    388 PICO_FUNC pico_putTextUtf8(
    389         pico_Engine engine,
    390         const pico_Char *text,
    391         const pico_Int16 textSize,
    392         pico_Int16 *outBytesPut
    393         );
    395 /**
    396    Gets speech data from the engine. Every time this function is
    397    called, the engine performs, within a short time slot, a small
    398    amount of processing its input text, and then gives control back to
    399    the calling application. Ie. after calling 'pico_putTextUtf8'
    400    (incl. a final embedded '\0'), this function needs to be called
    401    repeatedly till 'outBytesReceived' bytes are returned in
    402    'outBuffer'. The type of data returned in 'outBuffer' (e.g. 8 or 16
    403    bit PCM samples) is returned in 'outDataType' and depends on the
    404    lingware resources. Possible 'outDataType' values are listed in
    405    picodefs.h (PICO_DATA_*).
    406    This function returns PICO_STEP_BUSY while processing input and
    407    producing speech output. Once all data is returned and there is no
    408    more input text available in the Pico text input buffer,
    409    PICO_STEP_IDLE is returned.  All other function return values
    410    indicate a system error.
    411 */
    412 PICO_FUNC pico_getData(
    413         pico_Engine engine,
    414         void *outBuffer,
    415         const pico_Int16 bufferSize,
    416         pico_Int16 *outBytesReceived,
    417         pico_Int16 *outDataType
    418         );
    420 /**
    421    Resets the engine and clears all engine-internal buffers, in
    422    particular text input and signal data output buffers.
    423    'resetMode' is one of 'PICO_RESET_SOFT', to be used to flush the engine,
    424    or 'PICO_RESET_FULL', to reset the engine after an engine error.
    425 */
    426 PICO_FUNC pico_resetEngine(
    427         pico_Engine engine,
    428         pico_Int32 resetMode
    429 );
    432 /* Engine status and error/warning message retrieval ******************/
    434 /**
    435    Returns in 'outMessage' a description of the engine status or of an
    436    error that occurred with the most recently called engine-level API
    437    function.
    438 */
    439 PICO_FUNC pico_getEngineStatusMessage(
    440         pico_Engine engine,
    441         pico_Status errCode,
    442         pico_Retstring outMessage
    443         );
    445 /**
    446    Returns in 'outNrOfWarnings' the number of warnings that occurred
    447    with the most recently called engine-level API function.
    448 */
    449 PICO_FUNC pico_getNrEngineWarnings(
    450         pico_Engine engine,
    451         pico_Int32 *outNrOfWarnings
    452         );
    454 /**
    455    Returns in 'outMessage' a description of a warning that occurred
    456    with the most recently called engine-level API function.
    457    'warningIndex' must be in the range 0..N-1 where N is the number of
    458    warnings returned by 'pico_getNrEngineWarnings'. 'outCode' returns
    459    the warning as an integer code (cf. PICO_WARN_*).
    460 */
    461 PICO_FUNC pico_getEngineWarning(
    462         pico_Engine engine,
    463         const pico_Int32 warningIndex,
    464         pico_Status *outCode,
    465         pico_Retstring outMessage
    466         );
    468 #ifdef __cplusplus
    469 }
    470 #endif
    472 #endif /*PICOAPI_H_*/