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      1 page.title=Monetize Freemium Apps
      2 page.image=/distribute/images/freemium.jpg
      3 page.metaDescription=Use Google Play In-app Billing and other tools to monetize your free apps.
      4 page.tags="in-app", "billing", "iap", "monetizing"
      5 @jd:body
      7 <p>
      8   Users are more likely to download free apps and games compared to priced
      9   ones. However, we provide you with a number of ways to monetize free apps,
     10   using <a href="{@docRoot}google/play/billing/index.html">In-app
     11   Billing</a>. With this tool you can sell digital goods that are:
     12 </p>
     14 <ul>
     15   <li>Durable &mdash; once purchased the item will always be available to the
     16   user, such as additional app features.
     17   </li>
     19   <li>Consumable &mdash; items that might be used progressively or expire after
     20   a period of time, such as a game booster or news subscription.
     21   </li>
     22 </ul>
     24 <p>
     25   A basic approach is to offer a free download with limited features or full
     26   features for a limited time. Then use an in-app purchase to unlock the full,
     27   unlimited app.
     28 </p>
     30 <div class="center-img" style="width:620px">
     31 <div style="float:right; width:300px; padding-left:1em;">
     32   <img src="{@docRoot}images/gp-freemium-1.jpg" class="border-img">
     33   <p class="img-caption">
     34   Consumable product purchase
     35   </p>
     36 </div>
     38 <div style="width:300px;float:left;">
     39   <img src="{@docRoot}images/gp-freemium-0.jpg" class="border-img">
     40   <p class="img-caption">
     41   Durable goods purchase
     42   </p>
     43 </div>
     44 </div>
     46 <p class="clearfloat">
     47   A more advanced approach is to offer a range of features and content items
     48   through in-app purchases. For example, in games you can offer users new
     49   levels, playing pieces, or other game features. In apps you can offer
     50   features or functionality that enhance the user experience either by
     51   extending existing features or offering new ones. Using this approach you can
     52   generate a continuing revenue stream from each app install.
     53 </p>
     55 <p>
     56   Any item offered as an in-app purchase can also be offered as a subscription.
     57 </p>
     59 <p>
     60   To get started with In-app Billing you need to set-up a Google Wallet
     61   <a href="{@docRoot}distribute/googleplay/start.html#merchant-account">Merchant
     62   Account</a> from Developer Console. You then define <a href=
     63   "{@docRoot}distribute/googleplay/developer-console.html#in-app-products">in-app
     64   products</a> in the Developer Console, integrate the In-app Billing API into
     65   your apps, and add the mechanisms to unlock features or deliver content.
     66 </p>
     68 <div class="headerLine">
     69   <h2 id="related-resources">
     70   Related Resources
     71   </h2>
     74 </div>
     76 <div class="resource-widget resource-flow-layout col-13"
     77   data-query="collection:distribute/monetize/freemium"
     78   data-sortOrder="-timestamp"
     79   data-cardSizes="9x3,9x3,9x3,9x3,6x3,6x3"
     80   data-maxResults="6"></div>