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      1 page.title=Custom Components
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      5 <div id="qv-wrapper">
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      7   <h2>In this document</h2>
      8   <ol>
      9     <li><a href="#basic">The Basic Approach</a></li>
     10     <li><a href="#custom">Fully Customized Components</a></li>
     11     <li><a href="#compound">Compound Controls</a></li>
     12     <li><a href="#modifying">Modifying an Existing View Type</a></li>
     13   </ol>
     14 </div>
     15 </div>
     17 <p>Android offers a sophisticated and powerful componentized model for building your UI, 
     18 based on the fundamental layout classes: {@link android.view.View} and 
     19 {@link android.view.ViewGroup}. To start with, the platform includes a variety of prebuilt 
     20 View and ViewGroup subclasses &mdash; called widgets and layouts, respectively &mdash; 
     21 that you can use to construct your UI.</p>
     23 <p>A partial list of available widgets includes {@link android.widget.Button Button}, 
     24 {@link android.widget.TextView TextView}, 
     25 {@link android.widget.EditText EditText}, 
     26 {@link android.widget.ListView ListView},
     27 {@link android.widget.CheckBox CheckBox}, 
     28 {@link android.widget.RadioButton RadioButton}, 
     29 {@link android.widget.Gallery Gallery}, 
     30 {@link android.widget.Spinner Spinner}, and the more special-purpose 
     31 {@link android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView AutoCompleteTextView}, 
     32 {@link android.widget.ImageSwitcher ImageSwitcher}, and
     33 {@link android.widget.TextSwitcher TextSwitcher}. </p>
     35 <p>Among the layouts available are {@link android.widget.LinearLayout LinearLayout}, 
     36 {@link android.widget.FrameLayout FrameLayout}, {@link android.widget.RelativeLayout RelativeLayout}, 
     37 and others. For more examples, see <a href="layout-objects.html">Common Layout Objects</a>.</p>
     39 <p>If none of the prebuilt widgets or layouts meets your needs, you can create your own View subclass. 
     40 If you only need to make small adjustments to an existing widget or layout, you can simply subclass 
     41 the widget or layout and override its methods.
     42 </p>
     44 <p>Creating your own View subclasses gives you precise control over the appearance and function 
     45 of a screen element. To give an idea of the control you get with custom views, here are some 
     46 examples of what you could do with them:</p>
     48 <ul>
     49   <li>
     50     You could create a completely custom-rendered View type, for example a "volume
     51     control" knob rendered using 2D graphics, and which resembles an
     52     analog electronic control.
     53   </li>
     54   <li>
     55     You could combine a group of View components into a new single component, perhaps
     56     to make something like a ComboBox (a combination of popup list and free
     57     entry text field), a dual-pane selector control (a left and right pane
     58     with a list in each where you can re-assign which item is in which
     59     list), and so on.
     60   </li>
     61   <li>
     62     You could override the way that an EditText component is rendered on the screen
     63     (the <a href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/NotePad/index.html">Notepad Tutorial</a> uses this to good effect, 
     64     to create a lined-notepad page).
     65   </li>
     66   <li>
     67     You could capture other events like key presses and handle them in some custom
     68     way (such as for a game).
     69   </li>
     70 </ul>
     71 <p>
     72 The sections below explain how to create custom Views and use them in your application. 
     73 For detailed reference information, see the {@link android.view.View} class. </p>
     76 <h2 id="basic">The Basic Approach</h2>
     78 <p>Here is a high level overview of what you need to know to get started in creating your own
     79 View components:</p>
     81 <ol>
     82   <li>
     83     Extend an existing {@link android.view.View View} class or subclass 
     84 	with your own class.
     85   </li>
     86   <li>
     87     Override some of the methods from the superclass. The superclass methods 
     88     to override start with '<code>on</code>', for
     89     example, {@link android.view.View#onDraw onDraw()}, 
     90     {@link android.view.View#onMeasure onMeasure()}, and 
     91     {@link android.view.View#onKeyDown onKeyDown()}.
     92     This is similar to the <code>on...</code> events in {@link android.app.Activity Activity} 
     93     or {@link android.app.ListActivity ListActivity}
     94     that you override for lifecycle and other functionality hooks.
     95   <li>
     96     Use your new extension class. Once completed, your new extension class 
     97     can be used in place of the view upon which it was based.
     98   </li>
     99 </ol>  
    100 <p class="note"><strong>Tip:</strong>
    101     Extension classes can be defined as inner classes inside the activities
    102     that use them. This is useful because it controls access to them but
    103     isn't necessary (perhaps you want to create a new public View for
    104     wider use in your application).
    105 </p>
    109 <h2 id="custom">Fully Customized Components</h2>
    110 <p>
    111 Fully customized components can be used to create graphical components that
    112 appear however you wish. Perhaps a graphical VU
    113 meter that looks like an old analog gauge, or a sing-a-long text view where
    114 a bouncing ball moves along the words so you can sing along with a karaoke
    115 machine. Either way, you want something that the built-in components just
    116 won't do, no matter how you combine them.</p>
    117 <p>Fortunately, you can easily create components that look and behave in any
    118 way you like, limited perhaps only by your imagination, the size of the
    119 screen, and the available processing power (remember that ultimately your
    120 application might have to run on something with significantly less power
    121 than your desktop workstation).</p>
    122 <p>To create a fully customized component:</p> 
    123 <ol>
    124   <li>
    125     The most generic view you can extend is, unsurprisingly, {@link
    126     android.view.View View}, so you will usually start by extending this to
    127     create your new super component.
    128   </li>
    129   <li>
    130     You can supply a constructor which can
    131     take attributes and parameters from the XML, and you can also consume
    132     your own such attributes and parameters (perhaps the color and range of
    133     the VU meter, or the width and damping of the needle, etc.)
    134   </li>
    135   <li>
    136     You will probably want to create your own event listeners,
    137     property accessors and modifiers, and possibly more sophisticated
    138     behavior in your component class as well.
    139   </li>
    140   <li>
    141     You will almost certainly want to override <code>onMeasure()</code> and
    142     are also likely to need to override <code>onDraw()</code> if you want
    143     the component to show something. While both have default behavior,
    144     the default <code>onDraw()</code> will do nothing, and the default
    145     <code>onMeasure()</code> will always set a size of 100x100 &mdash; which is
    146     probably not what you want.
    147   </li>
    148   <li>
    149     Other <code>on...</code> methods may also be overridden as required.
    150   </li>
    151 </ol>
    153 <h3>Extend <code>onDraw()</code> and <code>onMeasure()</code></h3>
    154 <p>The <code>onDraw()</code> method delivers you a {@link android.graphics.Canvas Canvas}
    155 upon which you can implement anything you want: 2D graphics, other standard or
    156 custom components, styled text, or anything else you can think of.</p>
    158 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong>
    159 This does not apply to 3D graphics. If you want to
    160 use 3D graphics, you must extend {@link android.view.SurfaceView SurfaceView}
    161 instead of View, and draw from a separate thread. See the
    162 GLSurfaceViewActivity sample
    163 for details.</p>
    165 <p><code>onMeasure()</code> is a little more involved. <code>onMeasure()</code>
    166 is a critical piece of the rendering contract between your component and its
    167 container. <code>onMeasure()</code> should be overridden to efficiently and
    168 accurately report the measurements of its contained parts. This is made
    169 slightly more complex by the requirements of limits from the parent
    170 (which are passed in to the <code>onMeasure()</code> method) and by the
    171 requirement to call the <code>setMeasuredDimension()</code> method with the
    172 measured width and height once they have been calculated. If you fail to
    173 call this method from an overridden <code>onMeasure()</code> method, the 
    174 result will be an exception at measurement time.</p>
    175 <p>At a high level, implementing <code>onMeasure()</code> looks something 
    176  like this:</p>
    178 <ol>
    179   <li>
    180     The overridden <code>onMeasure()</code> method is called with width and
    181     height measure specifications (<code>widthMeasureSpec</code> and
    182     <code>heightMeasureSpec</code> parameters, both are integer codes
    183     representing dimensions) which should be treated as requirements for
    184     the restrictions on the width and height measurements you should produce. A
    185     full reference to the kind of restrictions these specifications can require
    186     can be found in the reference documentation under {@link
    187     android.view.View#onMeasure View.onMeasure(int, int)} (this reference
    188     documentation does a pretty good job of explaining the whole measurement
    189     operation as well).
    190   </li>
    191   <li>
    192     Your component's <code>onMeasure()</code> method should calculate a
    193     measurement width and height which will be required to render the
    194     component. It should try to stay within the specifications passed in,
    195     although it can choose to exceed them (in this case, the parent can
    196     choose what to do, including clipping, scrolling, throwing an exception, 
    197     or asking the <code>onMeasure()</code> to try again, perhaps with
    198     different measurement specifications).
    199   </li>
    200   <li>
    201     Once the width and height are calculated, the <code>setMeasuredDimension(int
    202     width, int height)</code> method must be called with the calculated
    203     measurements. Failure to do this will result in an exception being
    204     thrown.
    205   </li>
    206 </ol>
    208 <p>
    209 Here's a summary of some of the other standard methods that the framework calls on views:
    210 </p>
    211 <table border="2" width="85%" align="center" cellpadding="5">
    212        <thead>
    213            <tr><th>Category</th> <th>Methods</th> <th>Description</th></tr>
    214        </thead>
    216        <tbody>
    217        <tr>
    218            <td rowspan="2">Creation</td>
    219            <td>Constructors</td>
    220            <td>There is a form of the constructor that are called when the view
    221            is created from code and a form that is called when the view is
    222            inflated from a layout file. The second form should parse and apply
    223            any attributes defined in the layout file.
    224            </td>
    225        </tr>
    226        <tr>
    227            <td><code>{@link android.view.View#onFinishInflate()}</code></td>
    228            <td>Called after a view and all of its children has been inflated
    229            from XML.</td>
    230        </tr>
    232        <tr>
    233            <td rowspan="3">Layout</td>
    234            <td><code>{@link  android.view.View#onMeasure}</code></td>
    235            <td>Called to determine the size requirements for this view and all
    236            of its children.
    237            </td>
    238        </tr>
    239        <tr>
    240            <td><code>{@link  android.view.View#onLayout}</code></td>
    241            <td>Called when this view should assign a size and position to all
    242            of its children.
    243            </td>
    244        </tr>
    245        <tr>
    246            <td><code>{@link  android.view.View#onSizeChanged}</code></td>
    247            <td>Called when the size of this view has changed.
    248            </td>
    249        </tr>
    251        <tr>
    252            <td>Drawing</td>
    253            <td><code>{@link  android.view.View#onDraw}</code></td>
    254            <td>Called when the view should render its content.
    255            </td>
    256        </tr>
    258        <tr>
    259            <td rowspan="4">Event processing</td>
    260            <td><code>{@link  android.view.View#onKeyDown}</code></td>
    261            <td>Called when a new key event occurs.
    262            </td>
    263        </tr>
    264        <tr>
    265            <td><code>{@link  android.view.View#onKeyUp}</code></td>
    266            <td>Called when a key up event occurs.
    267            </td>
    268        </tr>   
    269        <tr>
    270            <td><code>{@link  android.view.View#onTrackballEvent}</code></td>
    271            <td>Called when a trackball motion event occurs.
    272            </td>
    273        </tr>  
    274        <tr>
    275            <td><code>{@link  android.view.View#onTouchEvent}</code></td>
    276            <td>Called when a touch screen motion event occurs.
    277            </td>
    278        </tr>  
    280        <tr>
    281            <td rowspan="2">Focus</td>
    282            <td><code>{@link  android.view.View#onFocusChanged}</code></td>
    283            <td>Called when the view gains or loses focus.
    284            </td>
    285        </tr>
    287        <tr>
    288            <td><code>{@link  android.view.View#onWindowFocusChanged}</code></td>
    289            <td>Called when the window containing the view gains or loses focus.
    290            </td>
    291        </tr>
    293        <tr>
    294            <td rowspan="3">Attaching</td>
    295            <td><code>{@link  android.view.View#onAttachedToWindow()}</code></td>
    296            <td>Called when the view is attached to a window.
    297            </td>
    298        </tr>
    300        <tr>
    301            <td><code>{@link  android.view.View#onDetachedFromWindow}</code></td>
    302            <td>Called when the view is detached from its window.
    303            </td>
    304        </tr>     
    306        <tr>
    307            <td><code>{@link  android.view.View#onWindowVisibilityChanged}</code></td>
    308            <td>Called when the visibility of the window containing the view
    309            has changed.
    310            </td>
    311        </tr>     
    312        </tbody>
    314    </table>
    318 <h3 id="customexample">A Custom View Example</h3>
    319 <p>The CustomView sample in the 
    320 <a href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/ApiDemos/index.html">API Demos</a> provides an example
    321 of a customized View. The custom View is defined in the
    322 <a href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/view/LabelView.html">LabelView</a>
    323 class.</p>
    324 <p>The LabelView sample demonstrates a number of different aspects of custom components:</p>
    325 <ul>
    326   <li>Extending the View class for a completely custom component.</li>
    327   <li>Parameterized constructor that takes the view inflation parameters
    328   (parameters defined in the XML). Some of these are passed through to the
    329   View superclass, but more importantly, there are some custom attributes defined
    330   and used for LabelView.</li>
    331   <li>Standard public methods of the type you would expect to see for a label
    332   component, for example <code>setText()</code>, <code>setTextSize()</code>,
    333   <code>setTextColor()</code> and so on.</li>
    334   <li>An overridden <code>onMeasure</code> method to determine and set the
    335   rendering size of the component. (Note that in LabelView, the real work is done
    336   by a private <code>measureWidth()</code> method.)</li>
    337   <li>An overridden <code>onDraw()</code> method to draw the label onto the
    338   provided canvas.</li>
    339 </ul>
    340 <p>You can see some sample usages of the LabelView custom View in
    341 <a href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/ApiDemos/res/layout/custom_view_1.html">custom_view_1.xml</a>
    342 from the samples. In particular, you can see a mix of both <code>android:</code>
    343 namespace parameters and custom <code>app:</code> namespace parameters. These
    344 <code>app:</code> parameters are the custom ones that the LabelView recognizes
    345 and works with, and are defined in a styleable inner class inside of the
    346 samples R resources definition class.</p>
    349 <h2 id="compound">Compound Controls
    350 </h2>
    351 <p>If you don't want to create a completely customized component, but instead
    352 are looking to put together a reusable component that consists of a group of
    353 existing controls, then creating a Compound Component (or Compound Control) might
    354 fit the bill. In a nutshell, this brings together a number of more atomic
    355 controls (or views) into a logical group of items that can be treated as a
    356 single thing. For example, a Combo Box can be thought of as a
    357 combination of a single line EditText field and an adjacent button with an attached
    358  PopupList. If you press the button and select
    359 something from the list, it populates the EditText field, but the user can
    360 also type something directly into the EditText if they prefer.</p>
    361 <p>In Android, there are actually two other Views readily available to do
    362 this: {@link android.widget.Spinner Spinner} and 
    363 {@link android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView AutoCompleteTextView}, but 
    364 regardless, the concept of a Combo Box makes an easy-to-understand 
    365 example.</p>
    366 <p>To create a compound component:</p>
    367 <ol>
    368   <li>
    369     The usual starting point is a Layout of some kind, so create a class
    370     that extends a Layout. Perhaps in the case of a Combo box we might use
    371     a LinearLayout with horizontal orientation. Remember that other layouts
    372     can be nested inside, so the compound component can be arbitrarily
    373     complex and structured. Note that just like with an Activity, you can
    374     use either the declarative (XML-based) approach to creating the
    375     contained components, or you can nest them programmatically from your
    376     code.
    377   </li>
    378   <li>
    379     In the constructor for the new class, take whatever parameters the
    380     superclass expects, and pass them through to the superclass constructor
    381     first. Then you can set up the other views to use within your new
    382     component; this is where you would create the EditText field and the
    383     PopupList. Note that you also might introduce your own attributes and
    384     parameters into the XML that can be pulled out and used by your
    385     constructor.
    386   </li>
    387   <li>
    388     You can also create listeners for events that your contained views might
    389     generate, for example, a listener method for the List Item Click Listener
    390     to update the contents of the EditText if a list selection is made.
    391   </li>
    392   <li>
    393     You might also create your own properties with accessors and modifiers,
    394     for example, allow the EditText value to be set initially in the
    395     component and query for its contents when needed.
    396   </li>
    397   <li>
    398     In the case of extending a Layout, you don't need to override the
    399     <code>onDraw()</code> and <code>onMeasure()</code> methods since the
    400     layout will have default behavior that will likely work just fine. However, 
    401     you can still override them if you need to.
    402   </li>
    403   <li>
    404     You might override other <code>on...</code> methods, like
    405     <code>onKeyDown()</code>, to perhaps choose certain default values from
    406     the popup list of a combo box when a certain key is pressed.
    407   </li>
    408 </ol>
    409 <p>
    410  To summarize, the use of a Layout as the basis for a Custom Control has a
    411 number of advantages, including:</p>
    413 <ul>
    414   <li>
    415     You can specify the layout using the declarative XML files just like
    416     with an activity screen, or you can create views programmatically and
    417     nest them into the layout from your code.
    418   </li>
    419   <li>
    420     The <code>onDraw()</code> and <code>onMeasure()</code> methods (plus
    421     most of the other <code>on...</code> methods) will likely have suitable behavior so
    422     you don't have to override them.
    423   </li>
    424   <li>
    425     In the end, you can very quickly construct arbitrarily complex compound
    426     views and re-use them as if they were a single component.
    427   </li>
    428 </ul>
    429 <h4>Examples of Compound Controls</h4>
    430 <p>In the API Demos project
    431  that comes with the SDK, there are two List
    432  examples &mdash; Example 4 and Example 6 under Views/Lists demonstrate a
    433  SpeechView which extends LinearLayout to make a component for displaying
    434  Speech quotes. The corresponding classes in the sample code are
    435  <code>List4.java</code> and <code>List6.java</code>.</p>
    439 <h2 id="modifying">Modifying an Existing View Type</h2>
    440 <p>There is an even easier option for creating a custom View which is
    441 useful in certain circumstances. If there is a component that is already very
    442 similar to what you want, you can simply extend that component and just
    443 override the behavior that you want to change. You can do all of the things
    444 you would do with a fully customized component, but by starting with a more
    445 specialized class in the View hierarchy, you can also get a lot of behavior for
    446 free that probably does exactly what you want.</p>
    447 <p>For example, the SDK includes a <a
    448 href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/NotePad/index.html">NotePad application</a> in the
    449 samples. This demonstrates many aspects of using the Android platform, among
    450 them is extending an EditText View to make a lined notepad. This is not a
    451 perfect example, and the APIs for doing this might change from this early
    452 preview, but it does demonstrate the principles.</p>
    453 <p>If you haven't done so already, import the 
    454 NotePad sample into Eclipse (or
    455 just look at the source using the link provided). In particular look at the definition of
    456 <code>MyEditText</code> in the <a
    457 href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/NotePad/src/com/example/android/notepad/NoteEditor.html">NoteEditor.java</a>
    458 file.</p>
    459 <p>Some points to note here</p>
    460 <ol>
    461   <li>
    462     <strong>The Definition</strong>
    463     <p>The class is defined with the following line:<br/>
    464      <code>public static class MyEditText extends EditText</code></p>
    466     <ul>
    467       <li>
    468         It is defined as an inner class within the <code>NoteEditor</code>
    469         activity, but it is public so that it could be accessed as
    470         <code>NoteEditor.MyEditText</code> from outside of the <code>NoteEditor</code>
    471         class if desired.
    472       </li>
    473       <li>
    474         It is <code>static</code>, meaning it does not generate the so-called
    475         "synthetic methods" that allow it to access data from the parent
    476         class, which in turn means that it really behaves as a separate
    477         class rather than something strongly related to <code>NoteEditor</code>.
    478         This is a cleaner way to create inner classes if they do not need
    479         access to state from the outer class, keeps the generated class
    480         small, and allows it to be used easily from other classes.
    481       </li>
    482       <li>
    483         It extends <code>EditText</code>, which is the View we have chosen to
    484         customize in this case. When we are finished, the new class will be
    485         able to substitute for a normal <code>EditText</code> view.
    486       </li>
    487     </ul>
    488   </li>
    489   <li>
    490     <strong>Class Initialization</strong>
    491     <p>As always, the super is called first. Furthermore, 
    492     this is not a default constructor, but a parameterized one. The
    493     EditText is created with these parameters when it is inflated from an
    494     XML layout file, thus, our constructor needs to both take them and pass them
    495     to the superclass constructor as well.</p>
    496   </li>
    497   <li>
    498     <strong>Overridden Methods</strong>
    499     <p>In this example, there is only one method to be overridden: 
    500     <code>onDraw()</code> &mdash; but there could easily be others needed when you
    501     create your own custom components.</p>
    502     <p>For the NotePad sample, overriding the <code>onDraw()</code> method allows
    503     us to paint the blue lines on the <code>EditText</code> view canvas (the
    504     canvas is passed into the overridden <code>onDraw()</code> method). The
    505     super.onDraw() method is called before the method ends. The
    506     superclass method should be invoked, but in this case, we do it at the
    507     end after we have painted the lines we want to include.</p>
    508   <li>
    509     <strong>Use the Custom Component</strong>
    510     <p>We now have our custom component, but how can we use it? In the
    511     NotePad example, the custom component is used directly from the
    512     declarative layout, so take a look at <code>note_editor.xml</code> in the
    513     <code>res/layout</code> folder.</p>
    514 <pre>
    515 &lt;view
    516   class=&quot;com.android.notepad.NoteEditor$MyEditText&quot; 
    517   id=&quot;&#64;+id/note&quot;
    518   android:layout_width=&quot;fill_parent&quot;
    519   android:layout_height=&quot;fill_parent&quot;
    520   android:background=&quot;&#64;android:drawable/empty&quot;
    521   android:padding=&quot;10dip&quot;
    522   android:scrollbars=&quot;vertical&quot;
    523   android:fadingEdge=&quot;vertical&quot; /&gt;
    524 </pre>
    526     <ul>
    527       <li>
    528         The custom component is created as a generic view in the XML, and
    529         the class is specified using the full package. Note also that the
    530         inner class we defined is referenced using the
    531         <code>NoteEditor$MyEditText</code> notation which is a standard way to
    532         refer to inner classes in the Java programming language.
    533         <p>If your custom View component is not defined as an inner class, then you can,
    534         alternatively, declare the View component 
    535         with the XML element name, and exclude the <code>class</code> attribute. For example:</p>
    536 <pre>
    537 &lt;com.android.notepad.MyEditText
    538   id=&quot;&#64;+id/note&quot;
    539   ... />
    540 </pre>
    541       <p>Notice that the <code>MyEditText</code> class is now a separate class file. When the class
    542       is nested in the <code>NoteEditor</code> class, this technique will not work.</p>
    543       </li>
    544       <li>
    545         The other attributes and parameters in the definition are the ones
    546         passed into the custom component constructor, and then passed
    547         through to the EditText constructor, so they are the same
    548         parameters that you would use for an EditText view. Note that it is
    549         possible to add your own parameters as well, and we will touch on
    550         this again below.
    551       </li>
    552     </ul>
    553   </li>
    554 </ol>
    555 <p>And that's all there is to it. Admittedly this is a simple case, but
    556 that's the point &mdash; creating custom components is only as complicated as you
    557 need it to be.</p>
    558 <p>A more sophisticated component may override even more <code>on...</code> methods and
    559 introduce some of its own helper methods, substantially customizing its properties and
    560 behavior. The only limit is your imagination and what you need the component to
    561 do.</p>