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      1 page.title=Accessory Development Kit 2011 Guide
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      3 @jd:body
      5   <div id="qv-wrapper">
      6     <div id="qv">
      7       <h2>In this document</h2>
      9       <ol>
     10         <li><a href="#components">ADK Components</a></li>
     11         <li>
     13           <a href="#getting-started">Getting Started with the ADK</a>
     15           <ol>
     16             <li><a href="#installing">Installing the Arduino software and necessary
     17             libraries</a></li>
     19             <li><a href="#installing-firmware">Installing the firmware to the ADK board</a></li>
     21             <li><a href="#running-demokit">Running the DemoKit Android application</a></li>
     23             <li><a href="#monitoring">Monitoring the ADK board</a></li>
     24           </ol>
     25         </li>
     27         <li>
     28           <a href="#firmware">How the ADK board implements the Android Accessory Protocol</a>
     30           <ol>
     31             <li><a href="#wait-adk">Wait for and detect connected devices</a></li>
     33             <li><a href="#determine-adk">Determine the connected device's accessory mode
     34             support</a></li>
     36             <li><a href="#start-adk">Attempt to start the device in accessory mode</a></li>
     38             <li><a href="#establish-adk">Establish communication with the device</a></li>
     39           </ol>
     40         </li>
     41       </ol>
     43       <h2>Download</h2>
     44       <ol>
     45         <li><a href="https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/adk/adk_release_20120606.zip">ADK package</a></li>
     46       </ol>
     48       <h2>See also</h2>
     50       <ol>
     51         <li><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7szcpXf2rE">Google I/O Session Video</a></li>
     52         <li><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/connectivity/usb/accessory.html">USB Accessory Dev Guide</a></li>
     53       </ol>
     55     </div>
     56   </div>
     58   <p>The Android Open Accessory Development Kit (ADK) is a reference implementation of an Android
     59   Open Accessory, based on the <a href="http://www.arduino.cc/">Arduino open source electronics
     60   prototyping platform</a>. The accessory's hardware design files, code that implements the
     61   accessory's firmware, and the Android application that interacts with the accessory are provided
     62   as part of the kit to help hardware builders and software developers get started building their
     63   own accessories. The hardware design files and firmware code are contained in the <a href=
     64   "https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/adk/adk_release_20120606.zip">ADK package download</a>.</p>
     66   <p>A limited number of kits were produced and distributed at the Google I/O 2011 developer
     67   conference. However, many hardware builders have reproduced and enhanced the original design and
     68   these boards are available for purchase. The following list of distributors are currently
     69   producing Android Open Accessory compatible development boards:</p>
     71   <ul>
     72     <li>The <a href="http://store.arduino.cc/">Arduino Store</a> provides the <a
     73 href="http://arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoBoardADK">Arduino Mega ADK</a> (for EU nations or non-
     74     EU nations) that is based on the ATmega2560 and supports the ADK firmware.</li>
     76     <li><a href="https://store.diydrones.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=BR-PhoneDrone">DIY
     77     Drones</a> provides an Arduino-compatible board geared towards RC (radio controlled) and UAV
     78     (unmanned aerial vehicle) enthusiasts.</li>
     80     <li><a href="http://mbed.org/order/">mbed</a> provides a microcontroller and a library
     81     to develop accessories that support the Android accessory protocol. For more information, see
     82     <a href="http://mbed.org/cookbook/mbed-with-Android-ADK">mbed with the Android ADK</a>.
     83     </li>
     85     <li><a href="http://www.microchip.com/android">Microchip</a> provides a PIC based USB
     86     microcontroller board.</li>
     88     <li><a href="http://shop.moderndevice.com/products/freeduino-usb-host-board">Modern
     89     Device</a> provides an Arduino-compatible board that supports the ADK firmware.</li>
     91     <li><a href="http://www.rt-net.jp/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=3_4&products_id=1">
     92     RT Corp</a> provides an Arduino-compatible board based on the Android ADK board design.</li>
     94     <li><a href="http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/seeeduino-adk-main-board-p-846.html">
     95     Seeed Studio</a> provides an Arduino-compatible board that supports the ADK firmware.</li>
     97     <li><a href="http://www.sparkfun.com/products/10748">
     98     SparkFun</a>'s IOIO board now has beta support for the ADK firmware.</li>
    100     <li><a href="http://troido.de/de/shoplsmallgbuy-android-stufflsmallg">Troido</a> has produced an
    101     Arduino-compatible version of the ADK hardware.</li>
    103   </ul>
    105   <p>We expect more hardware distributers to create a variety of kits, so please stay tuned for
    106   further developments.</p>
    108   <h2 id="components">ADK Components</h2>
    110   <p>The main hardware and software components of the ADK include:</p>
    112   <ul>
    113     <li>A USB micro-controller board that is based on the Arduino Mega2560 and Circuits@Home USB
    114     Host Shield designs (now referred to as the ADK board), which you will later implement as an
    115     Android USB accessory. The ADK board provides input and output pins that you can implement
    116     through the use of attachments called "shields." Custom firmware, written in C++, is installed
    117     on the board to define the board's functionality and interaction with the attached shield and
    118     Android-powered device. The hardware design files for the board are located in
    119     <code>hardware/</code> directory.</li>
    121     <li>An Android Demo Shield (ADK shield) that affixes atop the ADK board implements the input
    122     and output points on the board. These implementations include a joystick, LED outputs, and
    123     temperature and light sensors. You can create or buy your own shields or wire your own features
    124     to the ADK board to implement custom functionality. The hardware design files for the shield
    125     are located in <code>hardware/</code>.</li>
    127     <li>A library based on the <a href=
    128     "http://www.circuitsathome.com/arduino_usb_host_shield_projects">Arduino USB Host Shield</a>
    129     library provides the logic for the USB micro-controller board to act as a USB Host. This allows
    130     the board to initiate transactions with USB devices. Describing how to use this entire library
    131     is beyond the scope of this document. Where needed, this document points out important
    132     interactions with the library. For more information, see the source code for the Arduino USB
    133     Host Shield library in the <code>arduino_libs/USB_Host_Shield</code> directory.</li>
    135     <li>An Arduino sketch, <code>arduino_libs/AndroidAccessory/examples/demokit/demokit.pde</code>,
    136     defines the firmware that
    137     runs on the ADK board and is written in C++. The sketch calls the Android accessory protocol
    138     library to interact with the Android-powered device. It also sends data from the ADK board and
    139     shield to the Android application and receives data from the Android application and outputs it
    140     to the ADK board and shield.</li>
    142     <li>The Android accessory protocol library, which is located in the
    143     <code>arduino_libs/AndroidAccessory</code> directory. This library defines how to
    144     enumerate the bus, find a connected Android-powered device that supports accessory mode, and
    145     how to setup communication with the device.</li>
    147     <li>Other third party libraries to support the ADK board's functionality:
    148       <ul>
    149         <li><a href="http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Main/CapSense">CapSense library</a></li>
    151         <li><a href="http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Learning/I2C">I2C / TWI (Two-Wire Interface)
    152         library</a></li>
    154         <li><a href="http://www.arduino.cc/playground/ComponentLib/Servo">Servo library</a></li>
    156         <li><a href="http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Code/Spi">Spi library</a></li>
    158         <li><a href="http://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/Wire">Wire library</a></li>
    160         <li>An Android application, DemoKit, that communicates with the ADK board and shield. The
    161         source for this project is in the <code>app/</code> directory.</li>
    162       </ul>
    163     </li>
    165   </ul>
    167   <h2 id="getting-started">Getting Started with the ADK</h2>
    169   <p>The following sections describe how to install the Arduino software on your computer, use the
    170   Arduino IDE to install the ADK board's firmware, and install and run the accompanying
    171   Android application for the ADK board. Before you begin, download the following items to set up
    172   your development environment:</p>
    174   <ul>
    175     <li><a href="http://arduino.cc/en/Main/Software">Arduino 1.0 or higher</a>: contains
    176     libraries and an IDE for coding and installing firmware to the ADK board.</li>
    178     <li><a href="http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Main/CapSense">CapSense library v.04</a>:
    179     contains the libraries to sense human capacitance. This library is needed for the capacitive
    180     button that is located on the ADK shield.</li>
    182     <li><a href="https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/adk/adk_release_20120606.zip">ADK software
    183     package</a>: contains the firmware for the ADK board and hardware design files for the ADK
    184     board and shield.</li>
    185   </ul>
    187   <h3 id="installing">Installing the Arduino software and necessary libraries</h3>
    189   <p>To install the Arduino software:</p>
    191   <ol>
    192     <li>
    193       <a href="http://arduino.cc/en/Main/Software">Download and install</a> the Arduino 1.0 or
    194       higher as described on the Arduino website.
    196       <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> If you are on a Mac, install the FTDI USB Serial
    197       Driver that is included in the Arduino package, even though the installation instructions say
    198       otherwise.</p>
    199     </li>
    201     <li><a href="https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/adk/adk_release_20120606.zip">Download</a> and
    202     extract the ADK package to a directory of your choice. You should have an <code>app</code>,
    203     <code>arduino_libs</code>, and <code>hardware</code> directories.</li>
    205     <li><a href="http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Main/CapSense">Download</a> and extract
    206     the CapSense package to a directory of your choice.</li>
    208     <li>Install the necessary libraries:
    210       <p>On Windows:</p>
    212       <ol type="a">
    213         <li>Copy the <code>arduino_libs/AndroidAccessory</code> and
    214         <code>arduino_libs/USB_Host_Shield</code> directories (the complete directories,
    215         not just the files within) to the <code>&lt;arduino_installation_root&gt;/libraries/</code>
    216         directory.</li>
    218         <li>Copy the extracted <code>CapSense/</code> library directory and its contents to the
    219         <code>&lt;arduino_installation_root&gt;/libraries/</code> directory.</li>
    220       </ol>
    222       <p>On Mac:</p>
    224       <ol type="a">
    225         <li>Create, if it does not already exist, an <code>Arduino</code>
    226         directory inside your user account's <code>Documents</code> directory, and within
    227         that, a <code>libraries</code> directory.</li>
    229         <li>Copy the <code>arduino_libs/AndroidAccessory</code> and
    230         <code>arduino_libs/USB_Host_Shield</code> directories (the
    231         complete directories, not just the files within) to your
    232         <code>Documents/Arduino/libraries/</code> directory.</li>
    234         <li>Copy the extracted <code>CapSense/</code> library directory and its contents to the
    235         <code>Documents/Arduino/libraries/</code> directory.
    236       </ol>
    238       <p>On Linux (Ubuntu):</p>
    240       <ol type="a">
    241         <li>Copy the <code>firmware/arduino_libs/AndroidAccessory</code> and
    242         <code>firmware/arduino_libs/USB_Host_Shield</code> directories (the complete directories,
    243         not just the files within) to the <code>&lt;arduino_installation_root&gt;/libraries/</code>
    244         directory.</li>
    246         <li>Copy the extracted <code>CapSense/</code> library directory and its contents to the
    247         <code>&lt;arduino_installation_root&gt;/libraries/</code> directory.</li>
    249         <li>Install the avr-libc library by entering <code>sudo apt-get install avr-libc</code>
    250         from a shell prompt.</li>
    251       </ol>
    252     </li>
    253   </ol>
    255   <p>You should now have three new directories in the Arduino <code>libraries/</code> directory:
    256   <code>AndroidAccessory</code>, <code>USB_Host_Shield</code>, and <code>CapSense</code>.</p>
    258   <h3 id="installing-firmware">Installing the firmware to the ADK board</h3>
    260   <p>To install the firmware to the ADK board:</p>
    262   <ol>
    263     <li>Connect the ADK board to your computer using the micro-USB port, which allows two-way
    264     communication and provides power to the ADK board.</li>
    266     <li>Launch the Arduino IDE.</li>
    268     <li>Click <strong>Tools &gt; Board &gt; Arduino Mega 2560</strong> to specify the ADK board's
    269     type.</li>
    271     <li>Select the appropriate USB port:
    273       <ul>
    274         <li>On Windows: click <strong>Tools &gt; Serial Port &gt; COM#</strong> to specify the port
    275         of communication. The COM port number varies depending on your computer. COM1 is usually
    276         reserved for serial port connections. You most likely want COM2 or COM3.</li>
    278         <li>On Mac: Click <strong>Tools &gt; Serial Port &gt; dev/tty.usbserial-###</strong> to
    279         specify the port of communication.</li>
    281         <li>On Linux (Ubuntu): Click <strong>Tools &gt; Serial Port &gt; dev/ttyUSB#</strong> to
    282         specify the port of communication.</li>
    283       </ul>
    284     </li>
    286     <li>To open the Demokit sketch (firmware code), click <strong>File &gt; Examples &gt;
    287     AndroidAccessory &gt; demokit</strong>.</li>
    289     <li>Click <strong>Sketch &gt; Verify/Compile</strong> to ensure that the sketch has no
    290     errors.</li>
    292     <li>Select <strong>File &gt; Upload</strong>. When Arduino outputs <strong>Done
    293     uploading.</strong>, the board is ready to communicate with your Android-powered device.</li>
    294   </ol>
    296   <h3 id="running-demokit">Running the DemoKit Android application</h3>
    298   <p>The DemoKit Android application runs on your Android-powered device and communicates with the
    299   ADK board. The ADK board receives commands such as lighting up the board's LEDs or sends data
    300   from the board such as joystick movement and temperature readings.</p>
    302   <p>To install and run the application in Eclipse:</p>
    304   <ol>
    305     <li><a href="http://code.google.com/android/add-ons/google-apis/installing.html">Install the
    306     Google APIs API Level 10 add-on library</a>, which includes the Open Accessory library for
    307     2.3.4 devices that support accessory mode. This library is also forward compatible with Android
    308     3.1 or newer devices that support accessory mode. If you only care about Android 3.1 or newer
    309     devices, all you need is API Level 12. For more information on deciding which API level to use,
    310     see the <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/connectivity/usb/accessory.html#choosing">USB Accessory</a>
    311     documentation.</li>
    313     <li>Click <strong>File &gt; New &gt; Project...</strong>, then select <strong>Android &gt;
    314     Android Project</strong></li>
    316     <li>In the <strong>Project name:</strong> field, type DemoKit.</li>
    318     <li>Choose <strong>Create project from existing source</strong>, click <strong>Browse</strong>,
    319     select the <code>app</code> directory, click <strong>Open</strong> to close that dialog and then
    320     click <strong>Finish</strong>.</li>
    322     <li>For Build Target, select <strong>Google APIs</strong> (Platform 2.3.3, API Level 10).
    324       <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> Even though the add-on is labeled as
    325       <strong>2.3.3</strong>, the newest Google API add-on library for API level 10 adds USB Open
    326       Accessory API support for 2.3.4 devices.</p>
    327     </li>
    329     <li>Click <strong>Finish</strong>.</li>
    331     <li>Install the application to your device.</li>
    333     <li>Connect the ADK board (USB-A) to your Android-powered device (micro-USB). Ensure that the
    334     power cable to the accessory is plugged in or that the micro-USB port on the accesory is
    335     connected to your computer for power (this also allows you to <a href="#monitoring">monitor the
    336     ADK board</a>). When connected, accept the prompt that asks for whether or not to open the
    337     DemoKit application to connect to the accessory. If the prompt does not show up, connect and
    338     reconnect the accessory.</li>
    339   </ol>
    341   <p>You can now interact with the ADK board by moving the color LED or servo sliders (make sure
    342   the servos are connected) or by pressing the relay buttons in the application. On the ADK shield,
    343   you can press the buttons and move the joystick to see their outputs displayed in the
    344   application.</p>
    346   <h3 id="monitoring">Monitoring the ADK Board</h3>
    348   <p>The ADK firmware consists of a few files that you should be looking at if you want to build
    349   your own accessory. The files in the <code>arduino_libs/AndroidAccessory</code>
    350   directory are the most important files and have the logic to detect and connect to
    351   Android-powered devices that support accessory mode. Feel free to add debug statements (Arduino
    352   <code>Serial.println()</code> statements) to the code located in the
    353   <code>&lt;arduino_installation_root&gt;/libraries/AndroidAccessory</code> directory and
    354   <code>demokit.pde</code> sketch and re-upload the sketch to the ADK board to
    355   discover more about how the firmware works.</p>
    357   <p>You can view the debug statements in the Arduino Serial Monitor by clicking <strong>Tools &gt;
    358   Serial Monitor</strong> and setting the baud to 115200. The following sections about how
    359   accessories communicate with Android-powered devices describe much of what you should be doing in
    360   your own accessory.</p>
    362   <h2 id="firmware">How the ADK board implements the Android Accessory protocol</h2>
    364   <p>If you have access to the ADK board and shield, the following sections describe the firmware
    365   code that you installed onto the ADK board. The firmware demonstrates a practical example of how
    366   to implement the Android Accessory protocol. Even if you do not have the ADK board and shield,
    367   reading through how the hardware detects and interacts with devices in accessory mode is still
    368   useful if you want to port the code over for your own accessories.</p>
    370   <p>The important pieces of the firmware are the
    371   <code>arduino_libs/AndroidAccessory/examples/demokit/demokit/demokit.pde</code> sketch, which is
    372   the code that receives and sends data to the DemoKit application running on the Android-powered
    373   device. The code to detect and set up communication with the Android-powered device is contained
    374   in the <code>arduino_libs/AndroidAccessory/AndroidAccessory.h</code> and
    375   <code>arduino_libs/AndroidAccessory/AndroidAccessory.cpp</code> files. This code
    376   includes most of the logic that will help you implement your own accessory's firmware. It might
    377   be useful to have all three of these files open in a text editor as you read through these next
    378   sections.</p>
    380   <p>The following sections describe the firmware code in the context of the algorithm described in
    381   <a href="#accessory-protocol">Implementing the Android Accessory Protocol</a>.</p>
    383   <h3 id="wait-adk">Wait for and detect connected devices</h3>
    385   <p>In the firmware code (<code>demokit.pde</code>), the <code>loop()</code> function runs
    386   repeatedly and calls <code>AndroidAccessory::isConnected()</code> to check for any connected
    387   devices. If there is a connected device, it continuously updates the input and output streams
    388   going to and from the board and application. If nothing is connected, it continuously checks for
    389   a device to be connected:</p>
    390   <pre>
    391 ...
    393 AndroidAccessory acc("Google, Inc.",
    394                      "DemoKit",
    395                      "DemoKit Arduino Board",
    396                      "1.0",
    397                      "http://www.android.com",
    398                      "0000000012345678");
    400 ...
    401 void loop()
    402 {
    403 ...
    404     if (acc.isConnected()) {
    405         //communicate with Android application
    406     }
    407     else{
    408         //set the accessory to its default state
    409     }
    410 ...
    411 }
    412 </pre>
    414   <h3 id="determine-adk">Determine the connected device's accessory mode support</h3>
    416   <p>When a device is connected to the ADK board, it can already be in accessory mode, support
    417   accessory mode and is not in that mode, or does not support accessory mode. The
    418   <code>AndroidAccessory::isConnected()</code> method checks for these cases and responds
    419   accordingly when the <code>loop()</code> function calls it. This function first checks to see if
    420   the device that is connected hasn't already been handled. If not, it gets the connected device's
    421   device descriptor to figure out if the device is already in accessory mode by calling
    422   <code>AndroidAccessory::isAccessoryDevice()</code>. This method checks the vendor and product ID
    423   of the device descriptor. A device in accessory mode has a vendor ID of 0x18D1 and a product ID
    424   of 0x2D00 or 0x2D01. If the device is in accessory mode, then the ADK board can <a href=
    425   "#establish">establish communication with the device</a>. If not, the board <a href=
    426   "#start">attempts to start the device in accessory mode</a>.</p>
    427   <pre>
    428 bool AndroidAccessory::isConnected(void)
    429 {
    430     USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR *devDesc = (USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR *) descBuff;
    431     byte err;
    433     max.Task();
    434     usb.Task();
    436     if (!connected &amp;&amp;
    437         usb.getUsbTaskState() &gt;= USB_STATE_CONFIGURING &amp;&amp;
    438         usb.getUsbTaskState() != USB_STATE_RUNNING) {
    439         Serial.print("\nDevice addressed... ");
    440         Serial.print("Requesting device descriptor.");
    442         err = usb.getDevDescr(1, 0, 0x12, (char *) devDesc);
    443         if (err) {
    444             Serial.print("\nDevice descriptor cannot be retrieved. Program Halted\n");
    445             while(1);
    446         }
    448         if (isAccessoryDevice(devDesc)) {
    449             Serial.print("found android accessory device\n");
    451             connected = configureAndroid();
    452         } else {
    453             Serial.print("found possible device. switching to serial mode\n");
    454             switchDevice(1);
    455         }
    456     } else if (usb.getUsbTaskState() == USB_DETACHED_SUBSTATE_WAIT_FOR_DEVICE) {
    457         connected = false;
    458     }
    460     return connected;
    461 }
    462 </pre>
    464   <h3 id="start-adk">Attempt to start the device in accessory mode</h3>
    466   <p>If the device is not already in accessory mode, then the ADK board must determine whether or
    467   not it supports it by sending control request 51 to check the version of the USB accessory
    468   protocol that the device supports (see <code>AndroidAccessory::getProtocol()</code>). Protocol
    469   version 1 is supported by Android 2.3.4 (API Level 10) and higher. Protocol version 2 is
    470   supported by Android 4.1 (API Level 16) and higher. Versions greater than 2 may supported in
    471   the future.
    472   If the appropriate protocol version is returned, the board sends control request 52 (one
    473   for each string with <code>AndroidAcessory:sendString()</code>) to send it's identifying
    474   information, and tries to start the device in accessory mode with control request 53. The
    475   <code>AndroidAccessory::switchDevice()</code> method takes care of this:</p>
    476   <pre>
    477 bool AndroidAccessory::switchDevice(byte addr)
    478 {
    479     int protocol = getProtocol(addr);
    480     if (protocol >= 1) {
    481         Serial.print("device supports protocol 1\n");
    482     } else {
    483         Serial.print("could not read device protocol version\n");
    484         return false;
    485     }
    487     sendString(addr, ACCESSORY_STRING_MANUFACTURER, manufacturer);
    488     sendString(addr, ACCESSORY_STRING_MODEL, model);
    489     sendString(addr, ACCESSORY_STRING_DESCRIPTION, description);
    490     sendString(addr, ACCESSORY_STRING_VERSION, version);
    491     sendString(addr, ACCESSORY_STRING_URI, uri);
    492     sendString(addr, ACCESSORY_STRING_SERIAL, serial);
    495                 ACCESSORY_START, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
    496     return true;
    497 }
    498 </pre>If this method returns false, the board waits until a new device is connected. If it is
    499 successful, the device displays itself on the USB bus as being in accessory mode when the ADK board
    500 re-enumerates the bus. When the device is in accessory mode, the accessory then <a href=
    501 "#establish-adk">establishes communication with the device</a>.
    503   <h3 id="establish-adk">Establish communication with the device</h3>
    505   <p>If a device is detected as being in accessory mode, the accessory must find the proper bulk
    506   endpoints and set up communication with the device. When the ADK board detects an Android-powered
    507   device in accessory mode, it calls the <code>AndroidAccessory::configureAndroid()</code>
    508   function:</p>
    509   <pre>
    510 ...
    511 if (isAccessoryDevice(devDesc)) {
    512             Serial.print("found android acessory device\n");
    514             connected = configureAndroid();
    515         }
    516 ...
    517 </pre>
    519   <p>which in turn calls the <code>findEndpoints()</code> function:</p>
    520   <pre>
    521 ...
    522 bool AndroidAccessory::configureAndroid(void)
    523 {
    524     byte err;
    525     EP_RECORD inEp, outEp;
    527     if (!findEndpoints(1, &amp;inEp, &amp;outEp))
    528         return false;
    529 ...
    530 </pre>
    532   <p>The <code>AndroidAccessory::findEndpoints()</code> function queries the Android-powered
    533   device's configuration descriptor and finds the bulk data endpoints in which to communicate with
    534   the USB device. To do this, it first gets the device's first four bytes of the configuration
    535   descriptor (only need descBuff[2] and descBuff[3]), which contains the information about the
    536   total length of data returned by getting the descriptor. This data is used to determine whether
    537   or not the descriptor can fit in the descriptor buffer. This descriptor also contains information
    538   about all the interfaces and endpoint descriptors. If the descriptor is of appropriate size, the
    539   method reads the entire configuration descriptor and fills the entire descriptor buffer with this
    540   device's configuration descriptor. If for some reason the descriptor is no longer attainable, an
    541   error is returned.</p>
    542   <pre>
    543 ...
    545 bool AndroidAccessory::findEndpoints(byte addr, EP_RECORD *inEp, EP_RECORD *outEp)
    546 {
    547     int len;
    548     byte err;
    549     uint8_t *p;
    551     err = usb.getConfDescr(addr, 0, 4, 0, (char *)descBuff);
    552     if (err) {
    553         Serial.print("Can't get config descriptor length\n");
    554         return false;
    555     }
    558     len = descBuff[2] | ((int)descBuff[3] &lt;&lt; 8);
    559     if (len &gt; sizeof(descBuff)) {
    560         Serial.print("config descriptor too large\n");
    561             /* might want to truncate here */
    562         return false;
    563     }
    565     err = usb.getConfDescr(addr, 0, len, 0, (char *)descBuff);
    566     if (err) {
    567         Serial.print("Can't get config descriptor\n");
    568         return false;
    569     }
    571 ...
    572 </pre>
    574   <p>Once the descriptor is in memory, a pointer is assigned to the first position of the buffer
    575   and is used to index the buffer for reading. There are two endpoint pointers (input and output)
    576   that are passed into <code>AndroidAccessory::findEndpoints()</code> and their addresses are set
    577   to 0, because the code hasn't found any suitable bulk endpoints yet. A loop reads the buffer,
    578   parsing each configuration, interface, or endpoint descriptor. For each descriptor, Position 0
    579   always contains the size of the descriptor in bytes and position 1 always contains the descriptor
    580   type. Using these two values, the loop skips any configuration and interface descriptors and
    581   increments the buffer with the <code>descLen</code> variable to get to the next descriptor.</p>
    583   <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> An Android-powered device in accessory mode can
    584   potentially have two interfaces, one for the default communication to the device and the other
    585   for ADB communication. The default communication interface is always indexed first, so finding
    586   the first input and output bulk endpoints will return the default communication endpoints, which
    587   is what the <code>demokit.pde</code> sketch does. If you are writing your own firmware, the logic
    588   to find the appropriate endpoints for your accessory might be different.</p>
    590   <p>When it finds the first input and output endpoint descriptors, it sets the endpoint pointers
    591   to those addresses. If the findEndpoints() function finds both an input and output endpoint, it
    592   returns true. It ignores any other endpoints that it finds (the endpoints for the ADB interface,
    593   if present).</p>
    594   <pre>
    595 ...
    596     p = descBuff;
    597     inEp-&gt;epAddr = 0;
    598     outEp-&gt;epAddr = 0;
    599     while (p &lt; (descBuff + len)){
    600         uint8_t descLen = p[0];
    601         uint8_t descType = p[1];
    602         USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR *epDesc;
    603         EP_RECORD *ep;
    605         switch (descType) {
    607             Serial.print("config desc\n");
    608             break;
    610         case USB_DESCRIPTOR_INTERFACE:
    611             Serial.print("interface desc\n");
    612             break;
    614         case USB_DESCRIPTOR_ENDPOINT:
    615             epDesc = (USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR *)p;
    616             if (!inEp-&gt;epAddr &amp;&amp; (epDesc-&gt;bEndpointAddress &amp; 0x80))
    617                 ep = inEp;
    618             else if (!outEp-&gt;epAddr)
    619                 ep = outEp;
    620             else
    621                 ep = NULL;
    623             if (ep) {
    624                 ep-&gt;epAddr = epDesc-&gt;bEndpointAddress &amp; 0x7f;
    625                 ep-&gt;Attr = epDesc-&gt;bmAttributes;
    626                 ep-&gt;MaxPktSize = epDesc-&gt;wMaxPacketSize;
    627                 ep-&gt;sndToggle = bmSNDTOG0;
    628                 ep-&gt;rcvToggle = bmRCVTOG0;
    629             }
    630             break;
    632         default:
    633             Serial.print("unkown desc type ");
    634             Serial.println( descType, HEX);
    635             break;
    636         }
    638         p += descLen;
    639     }
    641     if (!(inEp-&gt;epAddr &amp;&amp; outEp-&gt;epAddr))
    642         Serial.println("can't find accessory endpoints");
    644     return inEp-&gt;epAddr &amp;&amp; outEp-&gt;epAddr;
    645 }
    647 ...
    648 </pre>
    650   <p>Back in the <code>configureAndroid()</code> function, if there were endpoints found, they are
    651   appropriately set up for communication. The device's configuration is set to 1 and the state of
    652   the device is set to "running", which signifies that the device is properly set up to communicate
    653   with your USB accessory. Setting this status prevents the device from being re-detected and
    654   re-configured in the <code>AndroidAccessory::isConnected()</code> function.</p>
    655   <pre>
    656 bool AndroidAccessory::configureAndroid(void)
    657 {
    658     byte err;
    659     EP_RECORD inEp, outEp;
    661     if (!findEndpoints(1, &amp;inEp, &amp;outEp))
    662         return false;
    664     memset(&amp;epRecord, 0x0, sizeof(epRecord));
    666     epRecord[inEp.epAddr] = inEp;
    667     if (outEp.epAddr != inEp.epAddr)
    668         epRecord[outEp.epAddr] = outEp;
    670     in = inEp.epAddr;
    671     out = outEp.epAddr;
    673     Serial.print("inEp: ");
    674     Serial.println(inEp.epAddr, HEX);
    675     Serial.print("outEp: ");
    676     Serial.println(outEp.epAddr, HEX);
    678     epRecord[0] = *(usb.getDevTableEntry(0,0));
    679     usb.setDevTableEntry(1, epRecord);
    681     err = usb.setConf( 1, 0, 1 );
    682     if (err) {
    683         Serial.print("Can't set config to 1\n");
    684         return false;
    685     }
    687     usb.setUsbTaskState( USB_STATE_RUNNING );
    689     return true;
    690 }
    691 </pre>
    693   <p>Lastly, methods to read and write to the appropriate endpoints are needed. The
    694   <code>demokit.pde</code> sketch calls these methods depending on the data that is read from the
    695   Android-powered device or sent by the ADK board. For instance, moving the joystick on the ADK
    696   shield writes data that is read by the DemoKit application running on the Android-powered device.
    697   Moving sliders on the DemoKit application is read by the <code>demokit.pde</code> sketch and
    698   changes the state of the accessory, such as lighting up or changing the color of the LED
    699   lights.</p>
    700   <pre>
    701 int AndroidAccessory::read(void *buff, int len, unsigned int nakLimit) {
    702   return usb.newInTransfer(1, in, len, (char *)buff, nakLimit); }
    704 int AndroidAccessory::write(void *buff, int len) {
    705   usb.outTransfer(1, out, len, (char *)buff);
    706   return len; }
    707 </pre>
    709   <p>See the <code>demokit.pde</code> sketch for information about how the ADK board
    710   reads and writes data.</p>