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      1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      2 <!--  Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
      4      Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5      you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6      You may obtain a copy of the License at
      8           http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     10      Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11      distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12      WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13      See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14      limitations under the License.
     15  -->
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     20     <skip />
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     22     <skip />
     23     <!-- no translation found for permission_access_provider_label (378256653525377586) -->
     24     <skip />
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     36     <skip />
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     39     <skip />
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     41     <skip />
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     43     <!-- no translation found for move_messages:other (371256717624461324) -->
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     45     <skip />
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     47     <skip />
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     57     <skip />
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     59     <skip />
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     61     <skip />
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     77     <skip />
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     79     <skip />
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     81     <skip />
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     83     <skip />
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     85     <skip />
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    103     <skip />
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    105     <skip />
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    107     <skip />
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    109     <skip />
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    111     <skip />
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    113     <skip />
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    115     <skip />
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    117     <skip />
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    119     <skip />
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    121     <skip />
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    123     <skip />
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    125     <skip />
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    127     <skip />
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    129     <skip />
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    131     <skip />
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    133     <skip />
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    135     <skip />
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    138     <skip />
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    140     <skip />
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    142     <skip />
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    144     <skip />
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    147     <skip />
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    149     <skip />
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    151     <skip />
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    153     <skip />
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    155     <skip />
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    157     <skip />
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    159     <skip />
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    161     <string name="account_setup_names_user_name_label" msgid="8967410178488604770">"Voss num (vegn muss en messadis che sortan)"</string>
    162     <!-- no translation found for account_setup_names_user_name_empty_error (6791427018325367364) -->
    163     <skip />
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    165     <skip />
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    167     <skip />
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    170     <skip />
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    172     <skip />
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    174     <skip />
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    176     <skip />
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    178     <skip />
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    180     <skip />
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    182     <skip />
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    184     <skip />
    185     <string name="account_setup_incoming_security_none_label" msgid="8300169413118264895">"Nagin"</string>
    186     <!-- no translation found for account_setup_incoming_security_ssl_trust_certificates_label (6151855090123117538) -->
    187     <skip />
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    189     <skip />
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    191     <skip />
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    193     <skip />
    194     <string name="account_setup_incoming_delete_policy_label" msgid="9213590134693857912">"Stizzar ils e-mails dal server"</string>
    195     <string name="account_setup_incoming_delete_policy_never_label" msgid="3222897501875871041">"Mai"</string>
    196     <string name="account_setup_incoming_delete_policy_delete_label" msgid="222216840911785631">"Sche jau stiz els da la posta entrada"</string>
    197     <string name="account_setup_incoming_imap_path_prefix_label" msgid="401167247072926810">"Prefix da la via d\'access IMAP"</string>
    198     <string name="account_setup_incoming_imap_path_prefix_hint" msgid="9190845919067906033">"Facultativ"</string>
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    200     <skip />
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    202     <skip />
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    204     <skip />
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    206     <skip />
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    208     <skip />
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    210     <skip />
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    212     <skip />
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    214     <skip />
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    216     <skip />
    217     <!-- no translation found for account_setup_exchange_select_certificate (1536103662037268683) -->
    218     <skip />
    219     <!-- no translation found for account_setup_exchange_use_certificate (8690682770083161349) -->
    220     <skip />
    221     <!-- no translation found for account_setup_exchange_remove_certificate (5633249155510301766) -->
    222     <skip />
    223     <!-- no translation found for account_setup_exchange_no_certificate (1119542961954780872) -->
    224     <skip />
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    226     <skip />
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    228     <skip />
    229     <!-- no translation found for account_setup_options_headline (4181274232835368085) -->
    230     <skip />
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    232     <skip />
    233     <string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_never" msgid="287951859480505416">"Mai"</string>
    234     <string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_push" msgid="5934525907736008673">"Automaticamain (push)"</string>
    235     <string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_5min" msgid="6388939895878539307">"Mintga 5 minutas"</string>
    236     <string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_10min" msgid="5344463157247877480">"Mintga 10 minutas"</string>
    237     <string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_15min" msgid="5052776740089741793">"Mintga 15 minutas"</string>
    238     <string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_30min" msgid="1097088928685931864">"Mintga 30 minutas"</string>
    239     <string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_1hour" msgid="3767715356039692899">"Mintga ura"</string>
    240     <!-- no translation found for account_setup_options_notify_label (7046146571560728829) -->
    241     <skip />
    242     <!-- no translation found for account_setup_options_sync_contacts_label (276492345599531778) -->
    243     <skip />
    244     <!-- no translation found for account_setup_options_sync_calendar_label (3222151135467189411) -->
    245     <skip />
    246     <!-- no translation found for account_setup_options_sync_email_label (8585177128405004068) -->
    247     <skip />
    248     <!-- no translation found for account_setup_options_background_attachments_label (5247749298276451846) -->
    249     <skip />
    250     <!-- no translation found for account_setup_failed_dlg_title (9083263347962940552) -->
    251     <skip />
    252     <!-- no translation found for account_setup_options_mail_window_label (7603869690500525594) -->
    253     <skip />
    254     <!-- no translation found for account_setup_options_mail_window_auto (4188895354366183790) -->
    255     <skip />
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    257     <skip />
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    259     <skip />
    260     <!-- no translation found for account_setup_options_mail_window_1week (5804121771990249346) -->
    261     <skip />
    262     <!-- no translation found for account_setup_options_mail_window_2weeks (3583478100026382495) -->
    263     <skip />
    264     <!-- no translation found for account_setup_options_mail_window_1month (4289585173153789717) -->
    265     <skip />
    266     <!-- no translation found for account_setup_options_mail_window_all (5372861827683632364) -->
    267     <skip />
    268     <!-- no translation found for account_setup_options_mail_window_default (2540360826995543134) -->
    269     <skip />
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    271     <skip />
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    273     <skip />
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    275     <skip />
    276     <!-- no translation found for account_setup_autodiscover_dlg_authfail_message (8354874879956702097) -->
    277     <skip />
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    279     <skip />
    280     <!-- no translation found for account_setup_failed_dlg_certificate_message_fmt (2121921642915593041) -->
    281     <skip />
    282     <!-- no translation found for account_setup_failed_certificate_required (2689944595775206006) -->
    283     <skip />
    284     <!-- no translation found for account_setup_failed_certificate_inaccessible (3563840279690749547) -->
    285     <skip />
    286     <!-- no translation found for account_setup_failed_check_credentials_message (6531658092540248067) -->
    287     <skip />
    288     <!-- no translation found for account_setup_failed_dlg_server_message (4942810054116129684) -->
    289     <skip />
    290     <!-- no translation found for account_setup_failed_dlg_server_message_fmt (2525425638303883232) -->
    291     <skip />
    292     <string name="account_setup_failed_tls_required" msgid="307030406688611327">"TLS  obligatoric ma na vegn betg sustegn dal server."</string>
    293     <!-- no translation found for account_setup_failed_auth_required (6799839150250217566) -->
    294     <skip />
    295     <!-- no translation found for account_setup_failed_security (925820957665764964) -->
    296     <skip />
    297     <!-- no translation found for account_setup_failed_ioerror (7802604687451830378) -->
    298     <skip />
    299     <!-- no translation found for account_setup_failed_protocol_unsupported (4607759927226943569) -->
    300     <skip />
    301     <!-- no translation found for account_setup_failed_access_denied (6835358740050287051) -->
    302     <skip />
    303     <string name="account_setup_security_required_title" msgid="1850321535870447468">"Administraziun da la segirezza a distanza"</string>
    304     <!-- no translation found for account_setup_security_policies_required_fmt (5410714107656671761) -->
    305     <skip />
    306     <!-- no translation found for account_setup_failed_security_policies_unsupported (3210264746877120355) -->
    307     <skip />
    308     <!-- no translation found for account_setup_username_uneditable_error (1618869759801584109) -->
    309     <skip />
    310     <!-- no translation found for disable_admin_warning (6196985268695592382) -->
    311     <skip />
    312     <!-- no translation found for account_security_dialog_title (430041952584831904) -->
    313     <skip />
    314     <!-- no translation found for account_security_dialog_content_fmt (8843806143923278214) -->
    315     <skip />
    316     <!-- no translation found for security_unsupported_ticker_fmt (5166579214529283975) -->
    317     <skip />
    318     <!-- no translation found for security_needed_ticker_fmt (2120499087897133665) -->
    319     <skip />
    320     <!-- no translation found for security_changed_ticker_fmt (2609435447352755285) -->
    321     <skip />
    322     <!-- no translation found for security_notification_content_update_title (2429762903228690154) -->
    323     <skip />
    324     <!-- no translation found for security_notification_content_change_title (443490921895642130) -->
    325     <skip />
    326     <!-- no translation found for security_notification_content_unsupported_title (7315219208043169233) -->
    327     <skip />
    328     <!-- no translation found for account_security_title (3511543138560418587) -->
    329     <skip />
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    331     <skip />
    332     <string name="account_setup_failed_dlg_edit_details_action" msgid="5355993309841479360">"Modifitgar ils detagls"</string>
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    334     <skip />
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    336     <skip />
    337     <!-- no translation found for password_expired_ticker (4230570412974108968) -->
    338     <skip />
    339     <!-- no translation found for password_expired_content_title (4349518706602252979) -->
    340     <skip />
    341     <!-- no translation found for password_expire_warning_dialog_title (1687074175399798189) -->
    342     <skip />
    343     <!-- no translation found for password_expire_warning_dialog_content_fmt (4293446611405084436) -->
    344     <skip />
    345     <!-- no translation found for password_expired_dialog_title (2186547998125938084) -->
    346     <skip />
    347     <!-- no translation found for password_expired_dialog_content_fmt (6538210092073931079) -->
    348     <skip />
    349     <!-- no translation found for account_settings_exit_server_settings (8006323251094711431) -->
    350     <skip />
    351     <!-- no translation found for account_settings_login_dialog_title (4024422579146302775) -->
    352     <skip />
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    354     <skip />
    355     <!-- no translation found for account_settings_login_dialog_reason_fmt (4266359321648406752) -->
    356     <skip />
    357     <!-- no translation found for account_settings_background_attachments_label (2980317599840958688) -->
    358     <skip />
    359     <!-- no translation found for account_settings_background_attachments_summary (5954218549226189376) -->
    360     <skip />
    361     <string name="account_settings_notify_label" msgid="1630001017303007974">"Avis ad e-mails"</string>
    362     <string name="account_settings_summary" msgid="8403582255413830007">"\"Frequenza da sincronisaziun, avis, etc.\""</string>
    363     <!-- no translation found for account_settings_notify_summary (8134339460923068254) -->
    364     <skip />
    365     <!-- no translation found for account_settings_mail_check_frequency_label (4322235101687302250) -->
    366     <skip />
    367     <string name="account_settings_incoming_label" msgid="7858928031806297542">"Messadis che entran"</string>
    368     <!-- no translation found for account_settings_incoming_summary (2923044634831881068) -->
    369     <skip />
    370     <string name="account_settings_outgoing_label" msgid="4464829249980026745">"Parameters da sortida"</string>
    371     <!-- no translation found for account_settings_outgoing_summary (3572093624332724311) -->
    372     <skip />
    373     <!-- no translation found for account_settings_enforced_label (7429582254433588882) -->
    374     <skip />
    375     <!-- no translation found for account_settings_enforced_summary (8140860420440447771) -->
    376     <skip />
    377     <!-- no translation found for account_settings_unsupported_label (1954091071454235577) -->
    378     <skip />
    379     <!-- no translation found for account_settings_unsupported_summary (2107633813351863608) -->
    380     <skip />
    381     <!-- no translation found for account_settings_retry_label (1104680719299842829) -->
    382     <skip />
    383     <!-- no translation found for account_settings_retry_summary (2703599639846201913) -->
    384     <skip />
    385     <string name="account_settings_description_label" msgid="8894815221204511715">"Num dal conto"</string>
    386     <string name="account_settings_name_label" msgid="8186406122590008449">"Voss num"</string>
    387     <!-- no translation found for account_settings_edit_quick_responses_label (3106019627675996480) -->
    388     <skip />
    389     <!-- no translation found for account_settings_edit_quick_responses_summary (8056686122888722591) -->
    390     <skip />
    391     <string name="account_settings_notifications" msgid="1042620094281375043">"Parameters dad avis"</string>
    392     <!-- no translation found for account_settings_data_usage (6669107430575866736) -->
    393     <skip />
    394     <!-- no translation found for account_settings_policies (6292833636418641840) -->
    395     <skip />
    396     <!-- no translation found for system_folders_title (2934406494244347991) -->
    397     <skip />
    398     <!-- no translation found for system_folders_trash_title (8470058000681188327) -->
    399     <skip />
    400     <!-- no translation found for system_folders_trash_summary (1258919809198485244) -->
    401     <skip />
    402     <!-- no translation found for system_folders_trash_dlg (4461220303400833402) -->
    403     <skip />
    404     <!-- no translation found for system_folders_sent_title (4265722817877075367) -->
    405     <skip />
    406     <!-- no translation found for system_folders_sent_summary (5529250353569545181) -->
    407     <skip />
    408     <!-- no translation found for system_folders_sent_dlg (7071006714702094762) -->
    409     <skip />
    410     <!-- no translation found for edit_quick_response_dialog (6479106007607928450) -->
    411     <skip />
    412     <!-- no translation found for save_action (1988862706623227093) -->
    413     <skip />
    414     <string name="account_settings_sync_contacts_enable" msgid="1369272986009573218">"Sincronisar ils contacts"</string>
    415     <string name="account_settings_sync_contacts_summary" msgid="816919452270997919">"Sincronisar ils contacts per quest conto"</string>
    416     <string name="account_settings_sync_calendar_enable" msgid="6855333393468628003">"Sincronisar il chalender"</string>
    417     <!-- no translation found for account_settings_sync_calendar_summary (7606340353079301703) -->
    418     <skip />
    419     <!-- no translation found for account_settings_sync_email_enable (3754115565685222477) -->
    420     <skip />
    421     <string name="account_settings_sync_email_summary" msgid="262964076412310990">"Sincronisar ils e-mails per quest conto"</string>
    422     <string name="account_settings_vibrate_when_label" msgid="708477308761702671">"Vibrar"</string>
    423     <!-- no translation found for account_settings_ringtone (8229878374785575207) -->
    424     <skip />
    425     <string name="account_settings_servers" msgid="4925493817981624242">"Parameters dal server"</string>
    426     <!-- no translation found for mailbox_settings_activity_title (4705845931573373274) -->
    427     <skip />
    428     <!-- no translation found for mailbox_settings_activity_title_with_mailbox (6485481250424219240) -->
    429     <skip />
    430     <!-- no translation found for mailbox_settings_sync_enabled_label (1180866791599296994) -->
    431     <skip />
    432     <!-- no translation found for mailbox_settings_sync_enabled_summary (345878979425044320) -->
    433     <skip />
    434     <!-- no translation found for mailbox_settings_mailbox_sync_window_label (851180833264474141) -->
    435     <skip />
    436     <!-- no translation found for prefDialogTitle_conversationListIcon (4601797400885989153) -->
    437     <skip />
    438     <!-- no translation found for provider_note_live (2995297671709325333) -->
    439     <skip />
    440     <!-- no translation found for provider_note_t_online (1630642061431427894) -->
    441     <skip />
    442     <string name="exchange_name" msgid="1190783774800310346">"Da fatschenta"</string>
    443     <string name="exchange_name_alternate" msgid="5772529644749041052">"Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync"</string>
    444     <!-- no translation found for system_account_create_failed (3673792980526246177) -->
    445     <skip />
    446     <string name="device_admin_label" msgid="8680224994637869414">"E-mail"</string>
    447     <string name="device_admin_description" msgid="426727923791430306">"Activescha las directivas da segirezza specificas per il server"</string>
    448     <!-- no translation found for settings_activity_title (5185915603716333904) -->
    449     <skip />
    450     <!-- no translation found for header_label_general_preferences (8243724566056800991) -->
    451     <skip />
    452     <!-- no translation found for general_preference_confirm_delete_label (1863245465244241907) -->
    453     <skip />
    454     <!-- no translation found for general_preference_confirm_delete_summary (6710240861010766643) -->
    455     <skip />
    456     <!-- no translation found for general_preference_confirm_send_label (4548277349553989930) -->
    457     <skip />
    458     <!-- no translation found for general_preference_confirm_send_summary (2695471027185506093) -->
    459     <skip />
    460     <!-- no translation found for general_preference_text_zoom_label (4021955890499565713) -->
    461     <skip />
    462     <!-- no translation found for general_preference_text_zoom_summary_array:0 (4693576184223089069) -->
    463     <!-- no translation found for general_preference_text_zoom_summary_array:1 (4415205108584620118) -->
    464     <!-- no translation found for general_preference_text_zoom_summary_array:2 (4550219696381691112) -->
    465     <!-- no translation found for general_preference_text_zoom_summary_array:3 (6227813549949219991) -->
    466     <!-- no translation found for general_preference_text_zoom_summary_array:4 (1197917420815786571) -->
    467     <!-- no translation found for general_preference_text_zoom_dialog_title (7446841758331151643) -->
    468     <skip />
    469     <!-- no translation found for general_preference_text_zoom_tiny (2948174583663330937) -->
    470     <skip />
    471     <!-- no translation found for general_preference_text_zoom_small (6618520238223144876) -->
    472     <skip />
    473     <!-- no translation found for general_preference_text_zoom_normal (1765540147950855479) -->
    474     <skip />
    475     <!-- no translation found for general_preference_text_zoom_large (6874323663381586918) -->
    476     <skip />
    477     <!-- no translation found for general_preference_text_zoom_huge (4270503132355963031) -->
    478     <skip />
    479     <!-- no translation found for more_than_999 (8704425397397918798) -->
    480     <skip />
    481     <!-- no translation found for search_hint (2200412192574686497) -->
    482     <skip />
    483     <!-- no translation found for policy_dont_allow_camera (5744573062306937302) -->
    484     <skip />
    485     <!-- no translation found for policy_require_password (7177274900480984702) -->
    486     <skip />
    487     <!-- no translation found for policy_password_history (5743544498302303181) -->
    488     <skip />
    489     <!-- no translation found for policy_password_expiration (1248123255253649199) -->
    490     <skip />
    491     <!-- no translation found for policy_screen_timeout (414869965358468080) -->
    492     <skip />
    493     <!-- no translation found for policy_calendar_age (627405158087482302) -->
    494     <skip />
    495     <!-- no translation found for policy_email_age (7144148367145424963) -->
    496     <skip />
    497     <!-- no translation found for quick_1 (3426057697353380951) -->
    498     <skip />
    499     <!-- no translation found for quick_2 (4188036352885736617) -->
    500     <skip />
    501     <!-- no translation found for quick_3 (8061819976353395585) -->
    502     <skip />
    503     <!-- no translation found for quick_4 (3988974084396883051) -->
    504     <skip />
    505     <!-- no translation found for require_manual_sync_message (7777357288642785955) -->
    506     <skip />
    507     <!-- no translation found for confirm_response (9151965975158906286) -->
    508     <skip />
    509     <!-- no translation found for no_conversations (5559527390337162819) -->
    510     <skip />
    511     <!-- no translation found for imap_name (5030473997603483793) -->
    512     <skip />
    513     <!-- no translation found for pop3_name (4037602724794932807) -->
    514     <skip />
    515     <!-- no translation found for folder_picker_title (860241987640527156) -->
    516     <skip />
    517     <!-- no translation found for trash_folder_selection_title (8052880079616386185) -->
    518     <skip />
    519     <!-- no translation found for sent_folder_selection_title (2668629667423320684) -->
    520     <skip />
    521     <!-- no translation found for account_waiting_for_folders_msg (6504836014579036923) -->
    522     <skip />
    523     <!-- no translation found for no_quick_responses (5774427722506187961) -->
    524     <skip />
    525 </resources>