1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 2 <!-- 3 ~ Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project 4 ~ 5 ~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 6 ~ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 7 ~ You may obtain a copy of the License at 8 ~ 9 ~ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 10 ~ 11 ~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 12 ~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 13 ~ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 14 ~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 15 ~ limitations under the License 16 --> 17 <resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"> 18 <!-- The digit to be displayed on the 0 key of the dialpad [TRANSLATE FOR FA ONLY] [CHAR LIMIT=1]--> 19 <string name="dialpad_0_number">0</string> 20 <!-- The digit to be displayed on the 1 key of the dialpad [TRANSLATE FOR FA ONLY] [CHAR LIMIT=1]--> 21 <string name="dialpad_1_number">1</string> 22 <!-- The digit to be displayed on the 2 key of the dialpad [TRANSLATE FOR FA ONLY] [CHAR LIMIT=1]--> 23 <string name="dialpad_2_number">2</string> 24 <!-- The digit to be displayed on the 3 key of the dialpad [TRANSLATE FOR FA ONLY] [CHAR LIMIT=1]--> 25 <string name="dialpad_3_number">3</string> 26 <!-- The digit to be displayed on the 4 key of the dialpad [TRANSLATE FOR FA ONLY] [CHAR LIMIT=1]--> 27 <string name="dialpad_4_number">4</string> 28 <!-- The digit to be displayed on the 5 key of the dialpad [TRANSLATE FOR FA ONLY] [CHAR LIMIT=1]--> 29 <string name="dialpad_5_number">5</string> 30 <!-- The digit to be displayed on the 6 key of the dialpad [TRANSLATE FOR FA ONLY] [CHAR LIMIT=1]--> 31 <string name="dialpad_6_number">6</string> 32 <!-- The digit to be displayed on the 7 key of the dialpad [TRANSLATE FOR FA ONLY] [CHAR LIMIT=1]--> 33 <string name="dialpad_7_number">7</string> 34 <!-- The digit to be displayed on the 8 key of the dialpad [TRANSLATE FOR FA ONLY] [CHAR LIMIT=1]--> 35 <string name="dialpad_8_number">8</string> 36 <!-- The digit to be displayed on the 9 key of the dialpad [TRANSLATE FOR FA ONLY] [CHAR LIMIT=1]--> 37 <string name="dialpad_9_number">9</string> 38 <!-- Do not translate. --> 39 <string name="dialpad_star_number">*</string> 40 <!-- Do not translate. --> 41 <string name="dialpad_pound_number">#</string> 42 43 <!-- Do not translate. --> 44 <string name="dialpad_0_letters">+</string> 45 <!-- Do not translate. --> 46 <string name="dialpad_1_letters"></string> 47 <!-- Do not translate. --> 48 <string name="dialpad_2_letters">ABC</string> 49 <!-- Do not translate. --> 50 <string name="dialpad_3_letters">DEF</string> 51 <!-- Do not translate. --> 52 <string name="dialpad_4_letters">GHI</string> 53 <!-- Do not translate. --> 54 <string name="dialpad_5_letters">JKL</string> 55 <!-- Do not translate. --> 56 <string name="dialpad_6_letters">MNO</string> 57 <!-- Do not translate. --> 58 <string name="dialpad_7_letters">PQRS</string> 59 <!-- Do not translate. --> 60 <string name="dialpad_8_letters">TUV</string> 61 <!-- Do not translate. --> 62 <string name="dialpad_9_letters">WXYZ</string> 63 <!-- Do not translate. --> 64 <string name="dialpad_star_letters"></string> 65 <!-- Do not translate. --> 66 <string name="dialpad_pound_letters"></string> 67 68 <!-- String describing the overflow menu button in the dialpad. --> 69 <string name="description_dialpad_overflow">More options</string> 70 71 <!-- String describing the Delete/Backspace ImageButton. 72 Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the button. 73 --> 74 <string name="description_delete_button">backspace</string> 75 76 <!-- String describing the button used to add a plus (+) symbol to the dialpad --> 77 <string name="description_image_button_plus">plus</string> 78 79 <!-- String describing the Voicemail ImageButton. 80 Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the button. 81 --> 82 <string name="description_voicemail_button">voicemail</string> 83 84 85 <!-- The string used to describe a notification if it is the default one in the system. For 86 example, if the user selects the default notification, it will appear as something like 87 Default sound(Capella) in the notification summary. 88 [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> 89 <string name="default_notification_description">Default sound (<xliff:g id="default_sound_title">%1$s</xliff:g>)</string> 90 91 <!-- In-call screen: call failure reason (busy) --> 92 <string name="callFailed_userBusy">Line busy</string> 93 <!-- In-call screen: call failure reason (network congestion) --> 94 <string name="callFailed_congestion">Network busy</string> 95 <!-- In-call screen: call failure reason (client timed out) --> 96 <string name="callFailed_timedOut">No response, timed out</string> 97 <!-- In-call screen: call failure reason (server unreachable) --> 98 <string name="callFailed_server_unreachable">Server unreachable</string> 99 <!-- In-call screen: call failure reason (peer unreachable) --> 100 <string name="callFailed_number_unreachable">Number unreachable</string> 101 <!-- In-call screen: call failure reason (incorrect username or password) --> 102 <string name="callFailed_invalid_credentials">Incorrect username or password</string> 103 <!-- In-call screen: call failure reason (calling from out of network is not allowed) --> 104 <string name="callFailed_out_of_network">Called from out-of-network</string> 105 <!-- In-call screen: call failure reason (server error) --> 106 <string name="callFailed_server_error">Server error. Try again later.</string> 107 <!-- In-call screen: call failure reason (no signal) --> 108 <string name="callFailed_noSignal">No signal</string> 109 <!-- In-call screen: call failure reason (GSM ACM limit exceeded) --> 110 <string name="callFailed_limitExceeded">ACM limit exceeded</string> 111 <!-- In-call screen: call failure reason (radio is off) --> 112 <string name="callFailed_powerOff">Radio off</string> 113 <!-- In-call screen: call failure reason (SIM error) --> 114 <string name="callFailed_simError">No SIM or SIM error</string> 115 <!-- In-call screen: call failure reason (out of service) --> 116 <string name="callFailed_outOfService">Mobile network not available</string> 117 <!-- In-call screen: call failure reason (call denied because of current FDN setting) --> 118 <string name="callFailed_fdn_only">Outgoing calls are restricted by FDN.</string> 119 <!-- In-call screen: call failure reason (call denied because call barring is on) --> 120 <string name="callFailed_cb_enabled">You can\'t make outgoing calls while call barring is on.</string> 121 <!-- In-call screen: call failure reason (call denied because domain specific access control is on) --> 122 <string name="callFailed_dsac_restricted">All calls are restricted by access control.</string> 123 <!-- In-call screen: call failure reason (Emergency call denied because domain specific access control is on)--> 124 <string name="callFailed_dsac_restricted_emergency">Emergency calls are restricted by access control.</string> 125 <!-- In-call screen: call failure reason (Normal call denied because domain specific access control is on)--> 126 <string name="callFailed_dsac_restricted_normal">Normal calls are restricted by access control.</string> 127 <!-- In-call screen: call failure reason (Dialed number doesn't exist) --> 128 <string name="callFailed_unobtainable_number">Invalid number</string> 129 <!-- In-call screen: message displayed in an error dialog --> 130 <string name="incall_error_missing_voicemail_number">Voicemail number unknown.</string> 131 132 </resources> 133