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      1 /*
      2  * This file contains prototypes for the public SSL functions.
      3  *
      4  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
      5  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
      6  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
      8 #ifndef __ssl_h_
      9 #define __ssl_h_
     11 #include "prtypes.h"
     12 #include "prerror.h"
     13 #include "prio.h"
     14 #include "seccomon.h"
     15 #include "cert.h"
     16 #include "keyt.h"
     18 #include "sslt.h"  /* public ssl data types */
     20 #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(IN_LIBSSL) && !defined(NSS_USE_STATIC_LIBS)
     21 #define SSL_IMPORT extern __declspec(dllimport)
     22 #else
     23 #define SSL_IMPORT extern
     24 #endif
     28 /* constant table enumerating all implemented SSL 2 and 3 cipher suites. */
     29 SSL_IMPORT const PRUint16 SSL_ImplementedCiphers[];
     31 /* the same as the above, but is a function */
     32 SSL_IMPORT const PRUint16 *SSL_GetImplementedCiphers(void);
     34 /* number of entries in the above table. */
     35 SSL_IMPORT const PRUint16 SSL_NumImplementedCiphers;
     37 /* the same as the above, but is a function */
     38 SSL_IMPORT PRUint16 SSL_GetNumImplementedCiphers(void);
     40 /* Macro to tell which ciphers in table are SSL2 vs SSL3/TLS. */
     41 #define SSL_IS_SSL2_CIPHER(which) (((which) & 0xfff0) == 0xff00)
     43 /*
     44 ** Imports fd into SSL, returning a new socket.  Copies SSL configuration
     45 ** from model.
     46 */
     47 SSL_IMPORT PRFileDesc *SSL_ImportFD(PRFileDesc *model, PRFileDesc *fd);
     49 /*
     50 ** Imports fd into DTLS, returning a new socket.  Copies DTLS configuration
     51 ** from model.
     52 */
     53 SSL_IMPORT PRFileDesc *DTLS_ImportFD(PRFileDesc *model, PRFileDesc *fd);
     55 /*
     56 ** Enable/disable an ssl mode
     57 **
     58 ** 	SSL_SECURITY:
     59 ** 		enable/disable use of SSL security protocol before connect
     60 **
     61 ** 	SSL_SOCKS:
     62 ** 		enable/disable use of socks before connect
     63 **		(No longer supported).
     64 **
     66 ** 		require a certificate during secure connect
     67 */
     68 /* options */
     69 #define SSL_SECURITY			1 /* (on by default) */
     70 #define SSL_SOCKS			2 /* (off by default) */
     71 #define SSL_REQUEST_CERTIFICATE		3 /* (off by default) */
     72 #define SSL_HANDSHAKE_AS_CLIENT		5 /* force accept to hs as client */
     73                                		  /* (off by default) */
     74 #define SSL_HANDSHAKE_AS_SERVER		6 /* force connect to hs as server */
     75                                		  /* (off by default) */
     77 /* OBSOLETE: SSL v2 is obsolete and may be removed soon. */
     78 #define SSL_ENABLE_SSL2			7 /* enable ssl v2 (off by default) */
     80 /* OBSOLETE: See "SSL Version Range API" below for the replacement and a
     81 ** description of the non-obvious semantics of using SSL_ENABLE_SSL3.
     82 */
     83 #define SSL_ENABLE_SSL3		        8 /* enable ssl v3 (on by default) */
     85 #define SSL_NO_CACHE		        9 /* don't use the session cache */
     86                     		          /* (off by default) */
     88                                           /* by default) */
     89 #define SSL_ENABLE_FDX                 11 /* permit simultaneous read/write */
     90                                           /* (off by default) */
     92 /* OBSOLETE: SSL v2 compatible hellos are not accepted by some TLS servers
     93 ** and cannot negotiate extensions. SSL v2 is obsolete. This option may be
     94 ** removed soon.
     95 */
     96 #define SSL_V2_COMPATIBLE_HELLO        12 /* send v3 client hello in v2 fmt */
     97                                           /* (off by default) */
     99 /* OBSOLETE: See "SSL Version Range API" below for the replacement and a
    100 ** description of the non-obvious semantics of using SSL_ENABLE_TLS.
    101 */
    102 #define SSL_ENABLE_TLS		       13 /* enable TLS (on by default) */
    104 #define SSL_ROLLBACK_DETECTION         14 /* for compatibility, default: on */
    105 #define SSL_NO_STEP_DOWN               15 /* Disable export cipher suites   */
    106                                           /* if step-down keys are needed.  */
    107 					  /* default: off, generate         */
    108 					  /* step-down keys if needed.      */
    109 #define SSL_BYPASS_PKCS11              16 /* use PKCS#11 for pub key only   */
    110 #define SSL_NO_LOCKS                   17 /* Don't use locks for protection */
    111 #define SSL_ENABLE_SESSION_TICKETS     18 /* Enable TLS SessionTicket       */
    112                                           /* extension (off by default)     */
    113 #define SSL_ENABLE_DEFLATE             19 /* Enable TLS compression with    */
    114                                           /* DEFLATE (off by default)       */
    115 #define SSL_ENABLE_RENEGOTIATION       20 /* Values below (default: never)  */
    116 #define SSL_REQUIRE_SAFE_NEGOTIATION   21 /* Peer must send Signaling       */
    117 					  /* Cipher Suite Value (SCSV) or   */
    118                                           /* Renegotiation  Info (RI)       */
    119 					  /* extension in ALL handshakes.   */
    120                                           /* default: off                   */
    121 #define SSL_ENABLE_FALSE_START         22 /* Enable SSL false start (off by */
    122                                           /* default, applies only to       */
    123                                           /* clients). False start is a     */
    124 /* mode where an SSL client will start sending application data before
    125  * verifying the server's Finished message. This means that we could end up
    126  * sending data to an imposter. However, the data will be encrypted and
    127  * only the true server can derive the session key. Thus, so long as the
    128  * cipher isn't broken this is safe. The advantage of false start is that
    129  * it saves a round trip for client-speaks-first protocols when performing a
    130  * full handshake.
    131  *
    132  * In addition to enabling this option, the application must register a
    133  * callback using the SSL_SetCanFalseStartCallback function.
    134  */
    136 /* For SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0, by default we prevent chosen plaintext attacks
    137  * on SSL CBC mode cipher suites (see RFC 4346 Section F.3) by splitting
    138  * non-empty application_data records into two records; the first record has
    139  * only the first byte of plaintext, and the second has the rest.
    140  *
    141  * This only prevents the attack in the sending direction; the connection may
    142  * still be vulnerable to such attacks if the peer does not implement a similar
    143  * countermeasure.
    144  *
    145  * This protection mechanism is on by default; the default can be overridden by
    146  * setting NSS_SSL_CBC_RANDOM_IV=0 in the environment prior to execution,
    147  * and/or by the application setting the option SSL_CBC_RANDOM_IV to PR_FALSE.
    148  *
    149  * The per-record IV in TLS 1.1 and later adds one block of overhead per
    150  * record, whereas this hack will add at least two blocks of overhead per
    151  * record, so TLS 1.1+ will always be more efficient.
    152  *
    153  * Other implementations (e.g. some versions of OpenSSL, in some
    154  * configurations) prevent the same attack by prepending an empty
    155  * application_data record to every application_data record they send; we do
    156  * not do that because some implementations cannot handle empty
    157  * application_data records. Also, we only split application_data records and
    158  * not other types of records, because some implementations will not accept
    159  * fragmented records of some other types (e.g. some versions of NSS do not
    160  * accept fragmented alerts).
    161  */
    162 #define SSL_CBC_RANDOM_IV 23
    163 #define SSL_ENABLE_OCSP_STAPLING       24 /* Request OCSP stapling (client) */
    165 /* SSL_ENABLE_NPN controls whether the NPN extension is enabled for the initial
    166  * handshake when protocol negotiation is used. SSL_SetNextProtoCallback
    167  * or SSL_SetNextProtoNego must be used to control the protocol negotiation;
    168  * otherwise, the NPN extension will not be negotiated. SSL_ENABLE_NPN is
    169  * currently enabled by default but this may change in future versions.
    170  */
    171 #define SSL_ENABLE_NPN 25
    173 /* SSL_ENABLE_ALPN controls whether the ALPN extension is enabled for the
    174  * initial handshake when protocol negotiation is used. SSL_SetNextProtoNego
    175  * (not SSL_SetNextProtoCallback) must be used to control the protocol
    176  * negotiation; otherwise, the ALPN extension will not be negotiated. ALPN is
    177  * not negotiated for renegotiation handshakes, even though the ALPN
    178  * specification defines a way to use ALPN during renegotiations.
    179  * SSL_ENABLE_ALPN is currently disabled by default, but this may change in
    180  * future versions.
    181  */
    182 #define SSL_ENABLE_ALPN 26
    184 /* Request Signed Certificate Timestamps via TLS extension (client) */
    186 #define SSL_ENABLE_FALLBACK_SCSV       28 /* Send fallback SCSV in
    187                                            * handshakes. */
    190 /* Old deprecated function names */
    191 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_Enable(PRFileDesc *fd, int option, PRBool on);
    192 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_EnableDefault(int option, PRBool on);
    193 #endif
    195 /* New function names */
    196 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_OptionSet(PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt32 option, PRBool on);
    197 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_OptionGet(PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt32 option, PRBool *on);
    198 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_OptionSetDefault(PRInt32 option, PRBool on);
    199 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_OptionGetDefault(PRInt32 option, PRBool *on);
    200 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_CertDBHandleSet(PRFileDesc *fd, CERTCertDBHandle *dbHandle);
    202 /* SSLNextProtoCallback is called during the handshake for the client, when a
    203  * Next Protocol Negotiation (NPN) extension has been received from the server.
    204  * |protos| and |protosLen| define a buffer which contains the server's
    205  * advertisement. This data is guaranteed to be well formed per the NPN spec.
    206  * |protoOut| is a buffer provided by the caller, of length 255 (the maximum
    207  * allowed by the protocol). On successful return, the protocol to be announced
    208  * to the server will be in |protoOut| and its length in |*protoOutLen|.
    209  *
    210  * The callback must return SECFailure or SECSuccess (not SECWouldBlock).
    211  */
    212 typedef SECStatus (PR_CALLBACK *SSLNextProtoCallback)(
    213     void *arg,
    214     PRFileDesc *fd,
    215     const unsigned char* protos,
    216     unsigned int protosLen,
    217     unsigned char* protoOut,
    218     unsigned int* protoOutLen,
    219     unsigned int protoMaxOut);
    221 /* SSL_SetNextProtoCallback sets a callback function to handle Next Protocol
    222  * Negotiation. It causes a client to advertise NPN. */
    223 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_SetNextProtoCallback(PRFileDesc *fd,
    224                                               SSLNextProtoCallback callback,
    225                                               void *arg);
    227 /* SSL_SetNextProtoNego can be used as an alternative to
    228  * SSL_SetNextProtoCallback. It also causes a client to advertise NPN and
    229  * installs a default callback function which selects the first supported
    230  * protocol in server-preference order. If no matching protocol is found it
    231  * selects the first supported protocol.
    232  *
    233  * Using this function also allows the client to transparently support ALPN.
    234  * The same set of protocols will be advertised via ALPN and, if the server
    235  * uses ALPN to select a protocol, SSL_GetNextProto will return
    236  * SSL_NEXT_PROTO_SELECTED as the state.
    237  *
    238  * Since NPN uses the first protocol as the fallback protocol, when sending an
    239  * ALPN extension, the first protocol is moved to the end of the list. This
    240  * indicates that the fallback protocol is the least preferred. The other
    241  * protocols should be in preference order.
    242  *
    243  * The supported protocols are specified in |data| in wire-format (8-bit
    244  * length-prefixed). For example: "\010http/1.1\006spdy/2". */
    245 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_SetNextProtoNego(PRFileDesc *fd,
    246 					  const unsigned char *data,
    247 					  unsigned int length);
    249 typedef enum SSLNextProtoState {
    250   SSL_NEXT_PROTO_NO_SUPPORT = 0, /* No peer support                */
    251   SSL_NEXT_PROTO_NEGOTIATED = 1, /* Mutual agreement               */
    252   SSL_NEXT_PROTO_NO_OVERLAP = 2, /* No protocol overlap found      */
    253   SSL_NEXT_PROTO_SELECTED   = 3  /* Server selected proto (ALPN)   */
    254 } SSLNextProtoState;
    256 /* SSL_GetNextProto can be used in the HandshakeCallback or any time after
    257  * a handshake to retrieve the result of the Next Protocol negotiation.
    258  *
    259  * The length of the negotiated protocol, if any, is written into *bufLen.
    260  * If the negotiated protocol is longer than bufLenMax, then SECFailure is
    261  * returned. Otherwise, the negotiated protocol, if any, is written into buf,
    262  * and SECSuccess is returned. */
    263 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_GetNextProto(PRFileDesc *fd,
    264 				      SSLNextProtoState *state,
    265 				      unsigned char *buf,
    266 				      unsigned int *bufLen,
    267 				      unsigned int bufLenMax);
    269 /*
    270 ** Control ciphers that SSL uses. If on is non-zero then the named cipher
    271 ** is enabled, otherwise it is disabled.
    272 ** The "cipher" values are defined in sslproto.h (the SSL_EN_* values).
    273 ** EnableCipher records user preferences.
    274 ** SetPolicy sets the policy according to the policy module.
    275 */
    277 /* Old deprecated function names */
    278 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_EnableCipher(long which, PRBool enabled);
    279 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_SetPolicy(long which, int policy);
    280 #endif
    282 /* New function names */
    283 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_CipherPrefSet(PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt32 cipher, PRBool enabled);
    284 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_CipherPrefGet(PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt32 cipher, PRBool *enabled);
    285 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_CipherPrefSetDefault(PRInt32 cipher, PRBool enabled);
    286 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_CipherPrefGetDefault(PRInt32 cipher, PRBool *enabled);
    287 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_CipherPolicySet(PRInt32 cipher, PRInt32 policy);
    288 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_CipherPolicyGet(PRInt32 cipher, PRInt32 *policy);
    290 /* SSL_CipherOrderSet sets the cipher suite preference order from |ciphers|,
    291  * which must be an array of cipher suite ids of length |len|. All the given
    292  * cipher suite ids must appear in the array that is returned by
    293  * |SSL_GetImplementedCiphers| and may only appear once, at most. */
    294 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_CipherOrderSet(PRFileDesc *fd, const PRUint16 *ciphers,
    295                                         unsigned int len);
    297 /* SSLChannelBindingType enumerates the types of supported channel binding
    298  * values. See RFC 5929. */
    299 typedef enum SSLChannelBindingType {
    301 } SSLChannelBindingType;
    303 /* SSL_GetChannelBinding copies the requested channel binding value, as defined
    304  * in RFC 5929, into |out|. The full length of the binding value is written
    305  * into |*outLen|.
    306  *
    307  * At most |outLenMax| bytes of data are copied. If |outLenMax| is
    308  * insufficient then the function returns SECFailure and sets the error to
    309  * SEC_ERROR_OUTPUT_LEN, but |*outLen| is still set.
    310  *
    311  * This call will fail if made during a renegotiation. */
    312 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_GetChannelBinding(PRFileDesc *fd,
    313 					   SSLChannelBindingType binding_type,
    314 					   unsigned char *out,
    315 					   unsigned int *outLen,
    316 					   unsigned int outLenMax);
    318 /* SSL Version Range API
    319 **
    320 ** This API should be used to control SSL 3.0 & TLS support instead of the
    321 ** older SSL_Option* API; however, the SSL_Option* API MUST still be used to
    322 ** control SSL 2.0 support. In this version of libssl, SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0 are
    323 ** enabled by default. Future versions of libssl may change which versions of
    324 ** the protocol are enabled by default.
    325 **
    326 ** The SSLProtocolVariant enum indicates whether the protocol is of type
    327 ** stream or datagram. This must be provided to the functions that do not
    328 ** take an fd. Functions which take an fd will get the variant from the fd,
    329 ** which is typed.
    330 **
    331 ** Using the new version range API in conjunction with the older
    332 ** SSL_OptionSet-based API for controlling the enabled protocol versions may
    333 ** cause unexpected results. Going forward, we guarantee only the following:
    334 **
    335 ** SSL_OptionGet(SSL_ENABLE_TLS) will return PR_TRUE if *ANY* versions of TLS
    336 ** are enabled.
    337 **
    338 ** SSL_OptionSet(SSL_ENABLE_TLS, PR_FALSE) will disable *ALL* versions of TLS,
    339 ** including TLS 1.0 and later.
    340 **
    341 ** The above two properties provide compatibility for applications that use
    342 ** SSL_OptionSet to implement the insecure fallback from TLS 1.x to SSL 3.0.
    343 **
    344 ** SSL_OptionSet(SSL_ENABLE_TLS, PR_TRUE) will enable TLS 1.0, and may also
    345 ** enable some later versions of TLS, if it is necessary to do so in order to
    346 ** keep the set of enabled versions contiguous. For example, if TLS 1.2 is
    347 ** enabled, then after SSL_OptionSet(SSL_ENABLE_TLS, PR_TRUE), TLS 1.0,
    348 ** TLS 1.1, and TLS 1.2 will be enabled, and the call will have no effect on
    349 ** whether SSL 3.0 is enabled. If no later versions of TLS are enabled at the
    350 ** time SSL_OptionSet(SSL_ENABLE_TLS, PR_TRUE) is called, then no later
    351 ** versions of TLS will be enabled by the call.
    352 **
    353 ** SSL_OptionSet(SSL_ENABLE_SSL3, PR_FALSE) will disable SSL 3.0, and will not
    354 ** change the set of TLS versions that are enabled.
    355 **
    356 ** SSL_OptionSet(SSL_ENABLE_SSL3, PR_TRUE) will enable SSL 3.0, and may also
    357 ** enable some versions of TLS if TLS 1.1 or later is enabled at the time of
    358 ** the call, the same way SSL_OptionSet(SSL_ENABLE_TLS, PR_TRUE) works, in
    359 ** order to keep the set of enabled versions contiguous.
    360 */
    362 /* Returns, in |*vrange|, the range of SSL3/TLS versions supported for the
    363 ** given protocol variant by the version of libssl linked-to at runtime.
    364 */
    365 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_VersionRangeGetSupported(
    366     SSLProtocolVariant protocolVariant, SSLVersionRange *vrange);
    368 /* Returns, in |*vrange|, the range of SSL3/TLS versions enabled by default
    369 ** for the given protocol variant.
    370 */
    371 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_VersionRangeGetDefault(
    372     SSLProtocolVariant protocolVariant, SSLVersionRange *vrange);
    374 /* Sets the range of enabled-by-default SSL3/TLS versions for the given
    375 ** protocol variant to |*vrange|.
    376 */
    377 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_VersionRangeSetDefault(
    378     SSLProtocolVariant protocolVariant, const SSLVersionRange *vrange);
    380 /* Returns, in |*vrange|, the range of enabled SSL3/TLS versions for |fd|. */
    381 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_VersionRangeGet(PRFileDesc *fd,
    382 					 SSLVersionRange *vrange);
    384 /* Sets the range of enabled SSL3/TLS versions for |fd| to |*vrange|. */
    385 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_VersionRangeSet(PRFileDesc *fd,
    386 					 const SSLVersionRange *vrange);
    389 /* Values for "policy" argument to SSL_CipherPolicySet */
    390 /* Values returned by SSL_CipherPolicyGet. */
    391 #define SSL_NOT_ALLOWED		 0	      /* or invalid or unimplemented */
    392 #define SSL_ALLOWED		 1
    393 #define SSL_RESTRICTED		 2	      /* only with "Step-Up" certs. */
    395 /* Values for "on" with SSL_REQUIRE_CERTIFICATE. */
    396 #define SSL_REQUIRE_NEVER           ((PRBool)0)
    397 #define SSL_REQUIRE_ALWAYS          ((PRBool)1)
    398 #define SSL_REQUIRE_FIRST_HANDSHAKE ((PRBool)2)
    399 #define SSL_REQUIRE_NO_ERROR        ((PRBool)3)
    401 /* Values for "on" with SSL_ENABLE_RENEGOTIATION */
    402 /* Never renegotiate at all.                                               */
    403 #define SSL_RENEGOTIATE_NEVER        ((PRBool)0)
    404 /* Renegotiate without restriction, whether or not the peer's client hello */
    405 /* bears the renegotiation info extension.  Vulnerable, as in the past.    */
    407 /* Only renegotiate if the peer's hello bears the TLS renegotiation_info   */
    408 /* extension. This is safe renegotiation.                                  */
    409 #define SSL_RENEGOTIATE_REQUIRES_XTN ((PRBool)2)
    410 /* Disallow unsafe renegotiation in server sockets only, but allow clients */
    411 /* to continue to renegotiate with vulnerable servers.                     */
    412 /* This value should only be used during the transition period when few    */
    413 /* servers have been upgraded.                                             */
    416 /*
    417 ** Reset the handshake state for fd. This will make the complete SSL
    418 ** handshake protocol execute from the ground up on the next i/o
    419 ** operation.
    420 */
    421 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_ResetHandshake(PRFileDesc *fd, PRBool asServer);
    423 /*
    424 ** Force the handshake for fd to complete immediately.  This blocks until
    425 ** the complete SSL handshake protocol is finished.
    426 */
    427 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_ForceHandshake(PRFileDesc *fd);
    429 /*
    430 ** Same as above, but with an I/O timeout.
    431  */
    432 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_ForceHandshakeWithTimeout(PRFileDesc *fd,
    433                                                    PRIntervalTime timeout);
    435 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_RestartHandshakeAfterCertReq(PRFileDesc *fd,
    436 					    CERTCertificate *cert,
    437 					    SECKEYPrivateKey *key,
    438 					    CERTCertificateList *certChain);
    440 /*
    441 ** Query security status of socket. *on is set to one if security is
    442 ** enabled. *keySize will contain the stream key size used. *issuer will
    443 ** contain the RFC1485 verison of the name of the issuer of the
    444 ** certificate at the other end of the connection. For a client, this is
    445 ** the issuer of the server's certificate; for a server, this is the
    446 ** issuer of the client's certificate (if any). Subject is the subject of
    447 ** the other end's certificate. The pointers can be zero if the desired
    448 ** data is not needed.  All strings returned by this function are owned
    449 ** by the caller, and need to be freed with PORT_Free.
    450 */
    451 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_SecurityStatus(PRFileDesc *fd, int *on, char **cipher,
    452 			                int *keySize, int *secretKeySize,
    453 			                char **issuer, char **subject);
    455 /* Values for "on" */
    456 #define SSL_SECURITY_STATUS_NOOPT	-1
    457 #define SSL_SECURITY_STATUS_OFF		0
    459 #define SSL_SECURITY_STATUS_ON_LOW	2
    462 /*
    463 ** Return the certificate for our SSL peer. If the client calls this
    464 ** it will always return the server's certificate. If the server calls
    465 ** this, it may return NULL if client authentication is not enabled or
    466 ** if the client had no certificate when asked.
    467 **	"fd" the socket "file" descriptor
    468 */
    469 SSL_IMPORT CERTCertificate *SSL_PeerCertificate(PRFileDesc *fd);
    471 /*
    472 ** Return the certificates presented by the SSL peer. If the SSL peer
    473 ** did not present certificates, return NULL with the
    474 ** SSL_ERROR_NO_CERTIFICATE error. On failure, return NULL with an error
    475 ** code other than SSL_ERROR_NO_CERTIFICATE.
    476 **	"fd" the socket "file" descriptor
    477 */
    478 SSL_IMPORT CERTCertList *SSL_PeerCertificateChain(PRFileDesc *fd);
    480 /* SSL_PeerStapledOCSPResponses returns the OCSP responses that were provided
    481  * by the TLS server. The return value is a pointer to an internal SECItemArray
    482  * that contains the returned OCSP responses; it is only valid until the
    483  * callback function that calls SSL_PeerStapledOCSPResponses returns.
    484  *
    485  * If no OCSP responses were given by the server then the result will be empty.
    486  * If there was an error, then the result will be NULL.
    487  *
    488  * You must set the SSL_ENABLE_OCSP_STAPLING option to enable OCSP stapling.
    489  * to be provided by a server.
    490  *
    491  * libssl does not do any validation of the OCSP response itself; the
    492  * authenticate certificate hook is responsible for doing so. The default
    493  * authenticate certificate hook, SSL_AuthCertificate, does not implement
    494  * any OCSP stapling funtionality, but this may change in future versions.
    495  */
    496 SSL_IMPORT const SECItemArray * SSL_PeerStapledOCSPResponses(PRFileDesc *fd);
    498 /* SSL_PeerSignedCertTimestamps returns the signed_certificate_timestamp
    499  * extension data provided by the TLS server. The return value is a pointer
    500  * to an internal SECItem that contains the returned response (as a serialized
    501  * SignedCertificateTimestampList, see RFC 6962). The returned pointer is only
    502  * valid until the callback function that calls SSL_PeerSignedCertTimestamps
    503  * (e.g. the authenticate certificate hook, or the handshake callback) returns.
    504  *
    505  * If no Signed Certificate Timestamps were given by the server then the result
    506  * will be empty. If there was an error, then the result will be NULL.
    507  *
    508  * You must set the SSL_ENABLE_SIGNED_CERT_TIMESTAMPS option to indicate support
    509  * for Signed Certificate Timestamps to a server.
    510  *
    511  * libssl does not do any parsing or validation of the response itself.
    512  */
    513 SSL_IMPORT const SECItem * SSL_PeerSignedCertTimestamps(PRFileDesc *fd);
    515 /* SSL_SetStapledOCSPResponses stores an array of one or multiple OCSP responses
    516  * in the fd's data, which may be sent as part of a server side cert_status
    517  * handshake message. Parameter |responses| is for the server certificate of
    518  * the key exchange type |kea|.
    519  * The function will duplicate the responses array.
    520  */
    521 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus
    522 SSL_SetStapledOCSPResponses(PRFileDesc *fd, const SECItemArray *responses,
    523 			    SSLKEAType kea);
    525 /*
    526 ** Authenticate certificate hook. Called when a certificate comes in
    527 ** (because of SSL_REQUIRE_CERTIFICATE in SSL_Enable) to authenticate the
    528 ** certificate.
    529 **
    530 ** The authenticate certificate hook must return SECSuccess to indicate the
    531 ** certificate is valid, SECFailure to indicate the certificate is invalid,
    532 ** or SECWouldBlock if the application will authenticate the certificate
    533 ** asynchronously. SECWouldBlock is only supported for non-blocking sockets.
    534 **
    535 ** If the authenticate certificate hook returns SECFailure, then the bad cert
    536 ** hook will be called. The bad cert handler is NEVER called if the
    537 ** authenticate certificate hook returns SECWouldBlock. If the application
    538 ** needs to handle and/or override a bad cert, it should do so before it
    539 ** calls SSL_AuthCertificateComplete (modifying the error it passes to
    540 ** SSL_AuthCertificateComplete as needed).
    541 **
    542 ** See the documentation for SSL_AuthCertificateComplete for more information
    543 ** about the asynchronous behavior that occurs when the authenticate
    544 ** certificate hook returns SECWouldBlock.
    545 **
    546 ** RFC 6066 says that clients should send the bad_certificate_status_response
    547 ** alert when they encounter an error processing the stapled OCSP response.
    548 ** libssl does not provide a way for the authenticate certificate hook to
    549 ** indicate that an OCSP error (SEC_ERROR_OCSP_*) that it returns is an error
    550 ** in the stapled OCSP response or an error in some other OCSP response.
    551 ** Further, NSS does not provide a convenient way to control or determine
    552 ** which OCSP response(s) were used to validate a certificate chain.
    553 ** Consequently, the current version of libssl does not ever send the
    554 ** bad_certificate_status_response alert. This may change in future releases.
    555 */
    556 typedef SECStatus (PR_CALLBACK *SSLAuthCertificate)(void *arg, PRFileDesc *fd,
    557                                                     PRBool checkSig,
    558                                                     PRBool isServer);
    560 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_AuthCertificateHook(PRFileDesc *fd,
    561 					     SSLAuthCertificate f,
    562 				             void *arg);
    564 /* An implementation of the certificate authentication hook */
    565 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_AuthCertificate(void *arg, PRFileDesc *fd,
    566 					 PRBool checkSig, PRBool isServer);
    568 /*
    569  * Prototype for SSL callback to get client auth data from the application.
    570  *	arg - application passed argument
    571  *	caNames - pointer to distinguished names of CAs that the server likes
    572  *	pRetCert - pointer to pointer to cert, for return of cert
    573  *	pRetKey - pointer to key pointer, for return of key
    574  */
    575 typedef SECStatus (PR_CALLBACK *SSLGetClientAuthData)(void *arg,
    576                                 PRFileDesc *fd,
    577                                 CERTDistNames *caNames,
    578                                 CERTCertificate **pRetCert,/*return */
    579                                 SECKEYPrivateKey **pRetKey);/* return */
    581 /*
    582  * Set the client side callback for SSL to retrieve user's private key
    583  * and certificate.
    584  *	fd - the file descriptor for the connection in question
    585  *	f - the application's callback that delivers the key and cert
    586  *	a - application specific data
    587  */
    588 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_GetClientAuthDataHook(PRFileDesc *fd,
    589 			                       SSLGetClientAuthData f, void *a);
    591 /*
    592  * Prototype for SSL callback to get client auth data from the application,
    593  * optionally using the underlying platform's cryptographic primitives.
    594  * To use the platform cryptographic primitives, caNames and pRetCerts
    595  * should be set.  To use NSS, pRetNSSCert and pRetNSSKey should be set.
    596  * Returning SECFailure will cause the socket to send no client certificate.
    597  *	arg - application passed argument
    598  *	caNames - pointer to distinguished names of CAs that the server likes
    599  *	pRetCerts - pointer to pointer to list of certs, with the first being
    600  *		    the client cert, and any following being used for chain
    601  *		    building
    602  *	pRetKey - pointer to native key pointer, for return of key
    603  *          - Windows: A pointer to a PCERT_KEY_CONTEXT that was allocated
    604  *                     via PORT_Alloc(). Ownership of the PCERT_KEY_CONTEXT
    605  *                     is transferred to NSS, which will free via
    606  *                     PORT_Free().
    607  *          - Mac OS X: A pointer to a SecKeyRef. Ownership is
    608  *                      transferred to NSS, which will free via CFRelease().
    609  *	pRetNSSCert - pointer to pointer to NSS cert, for return of cert.
    610  *	pRetNSSKey - pointer to NSS key pointer, for return of key.
    611  */
    612 typedef SECStatus (PR_CALLBACK *SSLGetPlatformClientAuthData)(void *arg,
    613                                 PRFileDesc *fd,
    614                                 CERTDistNames *caNames,
    615                                 CERTCertList **pRetCerts,/*return */
    616                                 void **pRetKey,/* return */
    617                                 CERTCertificate **pRetNSSCert,/*return */
    618                                 SECKEYPrivateKey **pRetNSSKey);/* return */
    620 /*
    621  * Set the client side callback for SSL to retrieve user's private key
    622  * and certificate.
    623  * Note: If a platform client auth callback is set, the callback configured by
    624  * SSL_GetClientAuthDataHook, if any, will not be called.
    625  *
    626  *	fd - the file descriptor for the connection in question
    627  *	f - the application's callback that delivers the key and cert
    628  *	a - application specific data
    629  */
    630 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus
    631 SSL_GetPlatformClientAuthDataHook(PRFileDesc *fd,
    632                                   SSLGetPlatformClientAuthData f, void *a);
    634 /*
    635 ** SNI extension processing callback function.
    636 ** It is called when SSL socket receives SNI extension in ClientHello message.
    637 ** Upon this callback invocation, application is responsible to reconfigure the
    638 ** socket with the data for a particular server name.
    639 ** There are three potential outcomes of this function invocation:
    640 **    * application does not recognize the name or the type and wants the
    641 **    "unrecognized_name" alert be sent to the client. In this case the callback
    642 **    function must return SSL_SNI_SEND_ALERT status.
    643 **    * application does not recognize  the name, but wants to continue with
    644 **    the handshake using the current socket configuration. In this case,
    645 **    no socket reconfiguration is needed and the function should return
    647 **    * application recognizes the name and reconfigures the socket with
    648 **    appropriate certs, key, etc. There are many ways to reconfigure. NSS
    649 **    provides SSL_ReconfigFD function that can be used to update the socket
    650 **    data from model socket. To continue with the rest of the handshake, the
    651 **    implementation function should return an index of a name it has chosen.
    652 ** LibSSL will ignore any SNI extension received in a ClientHello message
    653 ** if application does not register a SSLSNISocketConfig callback.
    654 ** Each type field of SECItem indicates the name type.
    655 ** NOTE: currently RFC3546 defines only one name type: sni_host_name.
    656 ** Client is allowed to send only one name per known type. LibSSL will
    657 ** send an "unrecognized_name" alert if SNI extension name list contains more
    658 ** then one name of a type.
    659 */
    660 typedef PRInt32 (PR_CALLBACK *SSLSNISocketConfig)(PRFileDesc *fd,
    661                                             const SECItem *srvNameArr,
    662                                                   PRUint32 srvNameArrSize,
    663                                                   void *arg);
    665 /*
    666 ** SSLSNISocketConfig should return an index within 0 and srvNameArrSize-1
    667 ** when it has reconfigured the socket fd to use certs and keys, etc
    668 ** for a specific name. There are two other allowed return values. One
    669 ** tells libSSL to use the default cert and key.  The other tells libSSL
    670 ** to send the "unrecognized_name" alert.  These values are:
    671 **/
    672 #define SSL_SNI_CURRENT_CONFIG_IS_USED           -1
    673 #define SSL_SNI_SEND_ALERT                       -2
    675 /*
    676 ** Set application implemented SNISocketConfig callback.
    677 */
    678 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_SNISocketConfigHook(PRFileDesc *fd,
    679                                              SSLSNISocketConfig f,
    680                                              void *arg);
    682 /*
    683 ** Reconfigure fd SSL socket with model socket parameters. Sets
    684 ** server certs and keys, list of trust anchor, socket options
    685 ** and all SSL socket call backs and parameters.
    686 */
    687 SSL_IMPORT PRFileDesc *SSL_ReconfigFD(PRFileDesc *model, PRFileDesc *fd);
    689 /*
    690  * Set the client side argument for SSL to retrieve PKCS #11 pin.
    691  *	fd - the file descriptor for the connection in question
    692  *	a - pkcs11 application specific data
    693  */
    694 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_SetPKCS11PinArg(PRFileDesc *fd, void *a);
    696 /*
    697 ** This is a callback for dealing with server certs that are not authenticated
    698 ** by the client.  The client app can decide that it actually likes the
    699 ** cert by some external means and restart the connection.
    700 **
    701 ** The bad cert hook must return SECSuccess to override the result of the
    702 ** authenticate certificate hook, SECFailure if the certificate should still be
    703 ** considered invalid, or SECWouldBlock if the application will authenticate
    704 ** the certificate asynchronously. SECWouldBlock is only supported for
    705 ** non-blocking sockets.
    706 **
    707 ** See the documentation for SSL_AuthCertificateComplete for more information
    708 ** about the asynchronous behavior that occurs when the bad cert hook returns
    709 ** SECWouldBlock.
    710 */
    711 typedef SECStatus (PR_CALLBACK *SSLBadCertHandler)(void *arg, PRFileDesc *fd);
    712 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_BadCertHook(PRFileDesc *fd, SSLBadCertHandler f,
    713 				     void *arg);
    715 /*
    716 ** Configure SSL socket for running a secure server. Needs the
    717 ** certificate for the server and the servers private key. The arguments
    718 ** are copied.
    719 */
    720 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_ConfigSecureServer(
    721 				PRFileDesc *fd, CERTCertificate *cert,
    722 				SECKEYPrivateKey *key, SSLKEAType kea);
    724 /*
    725 ** Allows SSL socket configuration with caller-supplied certificate chain.
    726 ** If certChainOpt is NULL, tries to find one.
    727 */
    728 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus
    729 SSL_ConfigSecureServerWithCertChain(PRFileDesc *fd, CERTCertificate *cert,
    730                                     const CERTCertificateList *certChainOpt,
    731                                     SECKEYPrivateKey *key, SSLKEAType kea);
    733 /*
    734 ** Configure a secure server's session-id cache. Define the maximum number
    735 ** of entries in the cache, the longevity of the entires, and the directory
    736 ** where the cache files will be placed.  These values can be zero, and
    737 ** if so, the implementation will choose defaults.
    738 ** This version of the function is for use in applications that have only one
    739 ** process that uses the cache (even if that process has multiple threads).
    740 */
    741 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_ConfigServerSessionIDCache(int      maxCacheEntries,
    742 					            PRUint32 timeout,
    743 					            PRUint32 ssl3_timeout,
    744 				              const char *   directory);
    746 /* Configure a secure server's session-id cache. Depends on value of
    747  * enableMPCache, configures malti-proc or single proc cache. */
    748 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_ConfigServerSessionIDCacheWithOpt(
    749                                                            PRUint32 timeout,
    750                                                        PRUint32 ssl3_timeout,
    751                                                      const char *   directory,
    752                                                           int maxCacheEntries,
    753                                                       int maxCertCacheEntries,
    754                                                     int maxSrvNameCacheEntries,
    755                                                            PRBool enableMPCache);
    757 /*
    758 ** Like SSL_ConfigServerSessionIDCache, with one important difference.
    759 ** If the application will run multiple processes (as opposed to, or in
    760 ** addition to multiple threads), then it must call this function, instead
    761 ** of calling SSL_ConfigServerSessionIDCache().
    762 ** This has nothing to do with the number of processORs, only processEs.
    763 ** This function sets up a Server Session ID (SID) cache that is safe for
    764 ** access by multiple processes on the same system.
    765 */
    766 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_ConfigMPServerSIDCache(int      maxCacheEntries,
    767 				                PRUint32 timeout,
    768 			       	                PRUint32 ssl3_timeout,
    769 		                          const char *   directory);
    771 /* Get and set the configured maximum number of mutexes used for the
    772 ** server's store of SSL sessions.  This value is used by the server
    773 ** session ID cache initialization functions shown above.  Note that on
    774 ** some platforms, these mutexes are actually implemented with POSIX
    775 ** semaphores, or with unnamed pipes.  The default value varies by platform.
    776 ** An attempt to set a too-low maximum will return an error and the
    777 ** configured value will not be changed.
    778 */
    779 SSL_IMPORT PRUint32  SSL_GetMaxServerCacheLocks(void);
    780 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_SetMaxServerCacheLocks(PRUint32 maxLocks);
    782 /* environment variable set by SSL_ConfigMPServerSIDCache, and queried by
    783  * SSL_InheritMPServerSIDCache when envString is NULL.
    784  */
    785 #define SSL_ENV_VAR_NAME            "SSL_INHERITANCE"
    787 /* called in child to inherit SID Cache variables.
    788  * If envString is NULL, this function will use the value of the environment
    789  * variable "SSL_INHERITANCE", otherwise the string value passed in will be
    790  * used.
    791  */
    792 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_InheritMPServerSIDCache(const char * envString);
    794 /*
    795 ** Set the callback that gets called when a TLS handshake is complete. The
    796 ** handshake callback is called after verifying the peer's Finished message and
    797 ** before processing incoming application data.
    798 **
    799 ** For the initial handshake: If the handshake false started (see
    800 ** SSL_ENABLE_FALSE_START), then application data may already have been sent
    801 ** before the handshake callback is called. If we did not false start then the
    802 ** callback will get called before any application data is sent.
    803 */
    804 typedef void (PR_CALLBACK *SSLHandshakeCallback)(PRFileDesc *fd,
    805                                                  void *client_data);
    806 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_HandshakeCallback(PRFileDesc *fd,
    807 			          SSLHandshakeCallback cb, void *client_data);
    809 /* Applications that wish to enable TLS false start must set this callback
    810 ** function. NSS will invoke the functon to determine if a particular
    811 ** connection should use false start or not. SECSuccess indicates that the
    812 ** callback completed successfully, and if so *canFalseStart indicates if false
    813 ** start can be used. If the callback does not return SECSuccess then the
    814 ** handshake will be canceled. NSS's recommended criteria can be evaluated by
    815 ** calling SSL_RecommendedCanFalseStart.
    816 **
    817 ** If no false start callback is registered then false start will never be
    818 ** done, even if the SSL_ENABLE_FALSE_START option is enabled.
    819 **/
    820 typedef SECStatus (PR_CALLBACK *SSLCanFalseStartCallback)(
    821     PRFileDesc *fd, void *arg, PRBool *canFalseStart);
    823 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_SetCanFalseStartCallback(
    824     PRFileDesc *fd, SSLCanFalseStartCallback callback, void *arg);
    826 /* This function sets *canFalseStart according to the recommended criteria for
    827 ** false start. These criteria may change from release to release and may depend
    828 ** on which handshake features have been negotiated and/or properties of the
    829 ** certifciates/keys used on the connection.
    830 */
    831 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_RecommendedCanFalseStart(PRFileDesc *fd,
    832                                                   PRBool *canFalseStart);
    834 /*
    835 ** For the server, request a new handshake.  For the client, begin a new
    836 ** handshake.  If flushCache is non-zero, the SSL3 cache entry will be
    837 ** flushed first, ensuring that a full SSL handshake will be done.
    838 ** If flushCache is zero, and an SSL connection is established, it will
    839 ** do the much faster session restart handshake.  This will change the
    840 ** session keys without doing another private key operation.
    841 */
    842 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_ReHandshake(PRFileDesc *fd, PRBool flushCache);
    844 /*
    845 ** Same as above, but with an I/O timeout.
    846  */
    847 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_ReHandshakeWithTimeout(PRFileDesc *fd,
    848                                                 PRBool flushCache,
    849                                                 PRIntervalTime timeout);
    851 /* Returns a SECItem containing the certificate_types field of the
    852 ** CertificateRequest message.  Each byte of the data is a TLS
    853 ** ClientCertificateType value, and they are ordered from most preferred to
    854 ** least.  This function should only be called from the
    855 ** SSL_GetClientAuthDataHook callback, and will return NULL if called at any
    856 ** other time.  The returned value is valid only until the callback returns, and
    857 ** should not be freed.
    858 */
    859 SSL_IMPORT const SECItem *
    860 SSL_GetRequestedClientCertificateTypes(PRFileDesc *fd);
    863 /* deprecated!
    864 ** For the server, request a new handshake.  For the client, begin a new
    865 ** handshake.  Flushes SSL3 session cache entry first, ensuring that a
    866 ** full handshake will be done.
    867 ** This call is equivalent to SSL_ReHandshake(fd, PR_TRUE)
    868 */
    869 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_RedoHandshake(PRFileDesc *fd);
    870 #endif
    872 /*
    873  * Allow the application to pass a URL or hostname into the SSL library.
    874  */
    875 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_SetURL(PRFileDesc *fd, const char *url);
    877 /*
    878  * Allow an application to define a set of trust anchors for peer
    879  * cert validation.
    880  */
    881 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_SetTrustAnchors(PRFileDesc *fd, CERTCertList *list);
    883 /*
    884 ** Return the number of bytes that SSL has waiting in internal buffers.
    885 ** Return 0 if security is not enabled.
    886 */
    887 SSL_IMPORT int SSL_DataPending(PRFileDesc *fd);
    889 /*
    890 ** Invalidate the SSL session associated with fd.
    891 */
    892 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_InvalidateSession(PRFileDesc *fd);
    894 /*
    895 ** Cache the SSL session associated with fd, if it has not already been cached.
    896 */
    897 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_CacheSession(PRFileDesc *fd);
    899 /*
    900 ** Cache the SSL session associated with fd, if it has not already been cached.
    901 ** This function may only be called when processing within a callback assigned
    902 ** via SSL_HandshakeCallback
    903 */
    904 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_CacheSessionUnlocked(PRFileDesc *fd);
    906 /*
    907 ** Return a SECItem containing the SSL session ID associated with the fd.
    908 */
    909 SSL_IMPORT SECItem *SSL_GetSessionID(PRFileDesc *fd);
    911 /*
    912 ** Clear out the client's SSL session cache, not the server's session cache.
    913 */
    914 SSL_IMPORT void SSL_ClearSessionCache(void);
    916 /*
    917 ** Close the server's SSL session cache.
    918 */
    919 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_ShutdownServerSessionIDCache(void);
    921 /*
    922 ** Set peer information so we can correctly look up SSL session later.
    923 ** You only have to do this if you're tunneling through a proxy.
    924 */
    925 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_SetSockPeerID(PRFileDesc *fd, const char *peerID);
    927 /*
    928 ** Reveal the security information for the peer.
    929 */
    930 SSL_IMPORT CERTCertificate * SSL_RevealCert(PRFileDesc * socket);
    931 SSL_IMPORT void * SSL_RevealPinArg(PRFileDesc * socket);
    932 SSL_IMPORT char * SSL_RevealURL(PRFileDesc * socket);
    934 /* This callback may be passed to the SSL library via a call to
    935  * SSL_GetClientAuthDataHook() for each SSL client socket.
    936  * It will be invoked when SSL needs to know what certificate and private key
    937  * (if any) to use to respond to a request for client authentication.
    938  * If arg is non-NULL, it is a pointer to a NULL-terminated string containing
    939  * the nickname of the cert/key pair to use.
    940  * If arg is NULL, this function will search the cert and key databases for
    941  * a suitable match and send it if one is found.
    942  */
    943 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus
    944 NSS_GetClientAuthData(void *                       arg,
    945                       PRFileDesc *                 socket,
    946                       struct CERTDistNamesStr *    caNames,
    947                       struct CERTCertificateStr ** pRetCert,
    948                       struct SECKEYPrivateKeyStr **pRetKey);
    950 /*
    951 ** Configure DTLS-SRTP (RFC 5764) cipher suite preferences.
    952 ** Input is a list of ciphers in descending preference order and a length
    953 ** of the list. As a side effect, this causes the use_srtp extension to be
    954 ** negotiated.
    955 **
    956 ** Invalid or unimplemented cipher suites in |ciphers| are ignored. If at
    957 ** least one cipher suite in |ciphers| is implemented, returns SECSuccess.
    958 ** Otherwise returns SECFailure.
    959 */
    960 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_SetSRTPCiphers(PRFileDesc *fd,
    961 					const PRUint16 *ciphers,
    962 					unsigned int numCiphers);
    964 /*
    965 ** Get the selected DTLS-SRTP cipher suite (if any).
    966 ** To be called after the handshake completes.
    967 ** Returns SECFailure if not negotiated.
    968 */
    969 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_GetSRTPCipher(PRFileDesc *fd,
    970 				       PRUint16 *cipher);
    972 /*
    973  * Look to see if any of the signers in the cert chain for "cert" are found
    974  * in the list of caNames.
    975  * Returns SECSuccess if so, SECFailure if not.
    976  * Used by NSS_GetClientAuthData.  May be used by other callback functions.
    977  */
    978 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus NSS_CmpCertChainWCANames(CERTCertificate *cert,
    979                                           CERTDistNames *caNames);
    981 /*
    982  * Returns key exchange type of the keys in an SSL server certificate.
    983  */
    984 SSL_IMPORT SSLKEAType NSS_FindCertKEAType(CERTCertificate * cert);
    986 /* Set cipher policies to a predefined Domestic (U.S.A.) policy.
    987  * This essentially allows all supported ciphers.
    988  */
    989 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus NSS_SetDomesticPolicy(void);
    991 /* Set cipher policies to a predefined Policy that is exportable from the USA
    992  *   according to present U.S. policies as we understand them.
    993  * It is the same as NSS_SetDomesticPolicy now.
    994  */
    995 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus NSS_SetExportPolicy(void);
    997 /* Set cipher policies to a predefined Policy that is exportable from the USA
    998  *   according to present U.S. policies as we understand them, and that the
    999  *   nation of France will permit to be imported into their country.
   1000  * It is the same as NSS_SetDomesticPolicy now.
   1001  */
   1002 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus NSS_SetFrancePolicy(void);
   1004 SSL_IMPORT SSL3Statistics * SSL_GetStatistics(void);
   1006 /* Report more information than SSL_SecurityStatus.
   1007 ** Caller supplies the info struct.  Function fills it in.
   1008 */
   1009 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_GetChannelInfo(PRFileDesc *fd, SSLChannelInfo *info,
   1010                                         PRUintn len);
   1011 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_GetCipherSuiteInfo(PRUint16 cipherSuite,
   1012                                         SSLCipherSuiteInfo *info, PRUintn len);
   1014 /* Returnes negotiated through SNI host info. */
   1015 SSL_IMPORT SECItem *SSL_GetNegotiatedHostInfo(PRFileDesc *fd);
   1017 /* Export keying material according to RFC 5705.
   1018 ** fd must correspond to a TLS 1.0 or higher socket and out must
   1019 ** already be allocated. If hasContext is false, it uses the no-context
   1020 ** construction from the RFC and ignores the context and contextLen
   1021 ** arguments.
   1022 */
   1023 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_ExportKeyingMaterial(PRFileDesc *fd,
   1024                                               const char *label,
   1025                                               unsigned int labelLen,
   1026                                               PRBool hasContext,
   1027                                               const unsigned char *context,
   1028                                               unsigned int contextLen,
   1029                                               unsigned char *out,
   1030                                               unsigned int outLen);
   1032 /*
   1033 ** Return a new reference to the certificate that was most recently sent
   1034 ** to the peer on this SSL/TLS connection, or NULL if none has been sent.
   1035 */
   1036 SSL_IMPORT CERTCertificate * SSL_LocalCertificate(PRFileDesc *fd);
   1038 /* Test an SSL configuration to see if  SSL_BYPASS_PKCS11 can be turned on.
   1039 ** Check the key exchange algorithm for each cipher in the list to see if
   1040 ** a master secret key can be extracted after being derived with the mechanism
   1041 ** required by the protocolmask argument. If the KEA will use keys from the
   1042 ** specified cert make sure the extract operation is attempted from the slot
   1043 ** where the private key resides.
   1044 ** If MS can be extracted for all ciphers, (*pcanbypass) is set to TRUE and
   1045 ** SECSuccess is returned. In all other cases but one (*pcanbypass) is
   1046 ** set to FALSE and SECFailure is returned.
   1047 ** In that last case Derive() has been called successfully but the MS is null,
   1048 ** CanBypass sets (*pcanbypass) to FALSE and returns SECSuccess indicating the
   1049 ** arguments were all valid but the slot cannot be bypassed.
   1050 **
   1051 ** Note: A TRUE return code from CanBypass means "Your configuration will perform
   1052 ** NO WORSE with the bypass enabled than without"; it does NOT mean that every
   1053 ** cipher suite listed will work properly with the selected protocols.
   1054 **
   1055 ** Caveat: If export cipher suites are included in the argument list Canbypass
   1056 ** will return FALSE.
   1057 **/
   1059 /* protocol mask bits */
   1060 #define SSL_CBP_SSL3	0x0001	        /* test SSL v3 mechanisms */
   1061 #define SSL_CBP_TLS1_0	0x0002		/* test TLS v1.0 mechanisms */
   1063 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_CanBypass(CERTCertificate *cert,
   1064                                    SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey,
   1065 				   PRUint32 protocolmask,
   1066 				   PRUint16 *ciphers, int nciphers,
   1067                                    PRBool *pcanbypass, void *pwArg);
   1069 /*
   1070 ** Did the handshake with the peer negotiate the given extension?
   1071 ** Output parameter valid only if function returns SECSuccess
   1072 */
   1073 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_HandshakeNegotiatedExtension(PRFileDesc * socket,
   1074                                                       SSLExtensionType extId,
   1075                                                       PRBool *yes);
   1077 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_HandshakeResumedSession(PRFileDesc *fd,
   1078                                                  PRBool *last_handshake_resumed);
   1080 /* See SSL_SetClientChannelIDCallback for usage. If the callback returns
   1081  * SECWouldBlock then SSL_RestartHandshakeAfterChannelIDReq should be called in
   1082  * the future to restart the handshake.  On SECSuccess, the callback must have
   1083  * written a P-256, EC key pair to |*out_public_key| and |*out_private_key|. */
   1084 typedef SECStatus (PR_CALLBACK *SSLClientChannelIDCallback)(
   1085     void *arg,
   1086     PRFileDesc *fd,
   1087     SECKEYPublicKey **out_public_key,
   1088     SECKEYPrivateKey **out_private_key);
   1090 /* SSL_RestartHandshakeAfterChannelIDReq attempts to restart the handshake
   1091  * after a ChannelID callback returned SECWouldBlock.
   1092  *
   1093  * This function takes ownership of |channelIDPub| and |channelID|. */
   1094 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_RestartHandshakeAfterChannelIDReq(
   1095     PRFileDesc *fd,
   1096     SECKEYPublicKey *channelIDPub,
   1097     SECKEYPrivateKey *channelID);
   1099 /* SSL_SetClientChannelIDCallback sets a callback function that will be called
   1100  * once the server's ServerHello has been processed. This is only applicable to
   1101  * a client socket and setting this callback causes the TLS Channel ID
   1102  * extension to be advertised. */
   1103 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_SetClientChannelIDCallback(
   1104     PRFileDesc *fd,
   1105     SSLClientChannelIDCallback callback,
   1106     void *arg);
   1108 /*
   1109 ** How long should we wait before retransmitting the next flight of
   1110 ** the DTLS handshake? Returns SECFailure if not DTLS or not in a
   1111 ** handshake.
   1112 */
   1113 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus DTLS_GetHandshakeTimeout(PRFileDesc *socket,
   1114                                               PRIntervalTime *timeout);
   1116 /*
   1117  * Return a boolean that indicates whether the underlying library
   1118  * will perform as the caller expects.
   1119  *
   1120  * The only argument is a string, which should be the version
   1121  * identifier of the NSS library. That string will be compared
   1122  * against a string that represents the actual build version of
   1123  * the SSL library.
   1124  */
   1125 extern PRBool NSSSSL_VersionCheck(const char *importedVersion);
   1127 /*
   1128  * Returns a const string of the SSL library version.
   1129  */
   1130 extern const char *NSSSSL_GetVersion(void);
   1132 /* Restart an SSL connection that was paused to do asynchronous certificate
   1133  * chain validation (when the auth certificate hook or bad cert handler
   1134  * returned SECWouldBlock).
   1135  *
   1136  * This function only works for non-blocking sockets; Do not use it for
   1137  * blocking sockets. Currently, this function works only for the client role of
   1138  * a connection; it does not work for the server role.
   1139  *
   1140  * The application must call SSL_AuthCertificateComplete with 0 as the value of
   1141  * the error parameter after it has successfully validated the peer's
   1142  * certificate, in order to continue the SSL handshake.
   1143  *
   1144  * The application may call SSL_AuthCertificateComplete with a non-zero value
   1145  * for error (e.g. SEC_ERROR_REVOKED_CERTIFICATE) when certificate validation
   1146  * fails, before it closes the connection. If the application does so, an
   1147  * alert corresponding to the error (e.g. certificate_revoked) will be sent to
   1148  * the peer. See the source code of the internal function
   1149  * ssl3_SendAlertForCertError for the current mapping of error to alert. This
   1150  * mapping may change in future versions of libssl.
   1151  *
   1152  * This function will not complete the entire handshake. The application must
   1153  * call SSL_ForceHandshake, PR_Recv, PR_Send, etc. after calling this function
   1154  * to force the handshake to complete.
   1155  *
   1156  * On the first handshake of a connection, libssl will wait for the peer's
   1157  * certificate to be authenticated before calling the handshake callback,
   1158  * sending a client certificate, sending any application data, or returning
   1159  * any application data to the application. On subsequent (renegotiation)
   1160  * handshakes, libssl will block the handshake unconditionally while the
   1161  * certificate is being validated.
   1162  *
   1163  * libssl may send and receive handshake messages while waiting for the
   1164  * application to call SSL_AuthCertificateComplete, and it may call other
   1165  * callbacks (e.g, the client auth data hook) before
   1166  * SSL_AuthCertificateComplete has been called.
   1167  *
   1168  * An application that uses this asynchronous mechanism will usually have lower
   1169  * handshake latency if it has to do public key operations on the certificate
   1170  * chain and/or CRL/OCSP/cert fetching during the authentication, especially if
   1171  * it does so in parallel on another thread. However, if the application can
   1172  * authenticate the peer's certificate quickly then it may be more efficient
   1173  * to use the synchronous mechanism (i.e. returning SECFailure/SECSuccess
   1174  * instead of SECWouldBlock from the authenticate certificate hook).
   1175  *
   1176  * Be careful about converting an application from synchronous cert validation
   1177  * to asynchronous certificate validation. A naive conversion is likely to
   1178  * result in deadlocks; e.g. the application will wait in PR_Poll for network
   1179  * I/O on the connection while all network I/O on the connection is blocked
   1180  * waiting for this function to be called.
   1181  *
   1182  * Returns SECFailure on failure, SECSuccess on success. Never returns
   1183  * SECWouldBlock. Note that SSL_AuthCertificateComplete will (usually) return
   1184  * SECSuccess; do not interpret the return value of SSL_AuthCertificateComplete
   1185  * as an indicator of whether it is OK to continue using the connection. For
   1186  * example, SSL_AuthCertificateComplete(fd, SEC_ERROR_REVOKED_CERTIFICATE) will
   1187  * return SECSuccess (normally), but that does not mean that the application
   1188  * should continue using the connection. If the application passes a non-zero
   1189  * value for second argument (error), or if SSL_AuthCertificateComplete returns
   1190  * anything other than SECSuccess, then the application should close the
   1191  * connection.
   1192  */
   1193 SSL_IMPORT SECStatus SSL_AuthCertificateComplete(PRFileDesc *fd,
   1194 						 PRErrorCode error);
   1197 #endif /* __ssl_h_ */