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      1 // This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
      2 // for linear algebra.
      3 //
      4 // Copyright (C) 20010-2011 Hauke Heibel <hauke.heibel (at) gmail.com>
      5 //
      6 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
      7 // Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
      8 // with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
     10 #ifndef EIGEN_SPLINE_FITTING_H
     11 #define EIGEN_SPLINE_FITTING_H
     13 #include <numeric>
     15 #include "SplineFwd.h"
     17 #include <Eigen/QR>
     19 namespace Eigen
     20 {
     21   /**
     22    * \brief Computes knot averages.
     23    * \ingroup Splines_Module
     24    *
     25    * The knots are computed as
     26    * \f{align*}
     27    *  u_0 & = \hdots = u_p = 0 \\
     28    *  u_{m-p} & = \hdots = u_{m} = 1 \\
     29    *  u_{j+p} & = \frac{1}{p}\sum_{i=j}^{j+p-1}\bar{u}_i \quad\quad j=1,\hdots,n-p
     30    * \f}
     31    * where \f$p\f$ is the degree and \f$m+1\f$ the number knots
     32    * of the desired interpolating spline.
     33    *
     34    * \param[in] parameters The input parameters. During interpolation one for each data point.
     35    * \param[in] degree The spline degree which is used during the interpolation.
     36    * \param[out] knots The output knot vector.
     37    *
     38    * \sa Les Piegl and Wayne Tiller, The NURBS book (2nd ed.), 1997, 9.2.1 Global Curve Interpolation to Point Data
     39    **/
     40   template <typename KnotVectorType>
     41   void KnotAveraging(const KnotVectorType& parameters, DenseIndex degree, KnotVectorType& knots)
     42   {
     43     knots.resize(parameters.size()+degree+1);
     45     for (DenseIndex j=1; j<parameters.size()-degree; ++j)
     46       knots(j+degree) = parameters.segment(j,degree).mean();
     48     knots.segment(0,degree+1) = KnotVectorType::Zero(degree+1);
     49     knots.segment(knots.size()-degree-1,degree+1) = KnotVectorType::Ones(degree+1);
     50   }
     52   /**
     53    * \brief Computes chord length parameters which are required for spline interpolation.
     54    * \ingroup Splines_Module
     55    *
     56    * \param[in] pts The data points to which a spline should be fit.
     57    * \param[out] chord_lengths The resulting chord lenggth vector.
     58    *
     59    * \sa Les Piegl and Wayne Tiller, The NURBS book (2nd ed.), 1997, 9.2.1 Global Curve Interpolation to Point Data
     60    **/
     61   template <typename PointArrayType, typename KnotVectorType>
     62   void ChordLengths(const PointArrayType& pts, KnotVectorType& chord_lengths)
     63   {
     64     typedef typename KnotVectorType::Scalar Scalar;
     66     const DenseIndex n = pts.cols();
     68     // 1. compute the column-wise norms
     69     chord_lengths.resize(pts.cols());
     70     chord_lengths[0] = 0;
     71     chord_lengths.rightCols(n-1) = (pts.array().leftCols(n-1) - pts.array().rightCols(n-1)).matrix().colwise().norm();
     73     // 2. compute the partial sums
     74     std::partial_sum(chord_lengths.data(), chord_lengths.data()+n, chord_lengths.data());
     76     // 3. normalize the data
     77     chord_lengths /= chord_lengths(n-1);
     78     chord_lengths(n-1) = Scalar(1);
     79   }
     81   /**
     82    * \brief Spline fitting methods.
     83    * \ingroup Splines_Module
     84    **/
     85   template <typename SplineType>
     86   struct SplineFitting
     87   {
     88     typedef typename SplineType::KnotVectorType KnotVectorType;
     90     /**
     91      * \brief Fits an interpolating Spline to the given data points.
     92      *
     93      * \param pts The points for which an interpolating spline will be computed.
     94      * \param degree The degree of the interpolating spline.
     95      *
     96      * \returns A spline interpolating the initially provided points.
     97      **/
     98     template <typename PointArrayType>
     99     static SplineType Interpolate(const PointArrayType& pts, DenseIndex degree);
    101     /**
    102      * \brief Fits an interpolating Spline to the given data points.
    103      *
    104      * \param pts The points for which an interpolating spline will be computed.
    105      * \param degree The degree of the interpolating spline.
    106      * \param knot_parameters The knot parameters for the interpolation.
    107      *
    108      * \returns A spline interpolating the initially provided points.
    109      **/
    110     template <typename PointArrayType>
    111     static SplineType Interpolate(const PointArrayType& pts, DenseIndex degree, const KnotVectorType& knot_parameters);
    112   };
    114   template <typename SplineType>
    115   template <typename PointArrayType>
    116   SplineType SplineFitting<SplineType>::Interpolate(const PointArrayType& pts, DenseIndex degree, const KnotVectorType& knot_parameters)
    117   {
    118     typedef typename SplineType::KnotVectorType::Scalar Scalar;
    119     typedef typename SplineType::ControlPointVectorType ControlPointVectorType;
    121     typedef Matrix<Scalar,Dynamic,Dynamic> MatrixType;
    123     KnotVectorType knots;
    124     KnotAveraging(knot_parameters, degree, knots);
    126     DenseIndex n = pts.cols();
    127     MatrixType A = MatrixType::Zero(n,n);
    128     for (DenseIndex i=1; i<n-1; ++i)
    129     {
    130       const DenseIndex span = SplineType::Span(knot_parameters[i], degree, knots);
    132       // The segment call should somehow be told the spline order at compile time.
    133       A.row(i).segment(span-degree, degree+1) = SplineType::BasisFunctions(knot_parameters[i], degree, knots);
    134     }
    135     A(0,0) = 1.0;
    136     A(n-1,n-1) = 1.0;
    138     HouseholderQR<MatrixType> qr(A);
    140     // Here, we are creating a temporary due to an Eigen issue.
    141     ControlPointVectorType ctrls = qr.solve(MatrixType(pts.transpose())).transpose();
    143     return SplineType(knots, ctrls);
    144   }
    146   template <typename SplineType>
    147   template <typename PointArrayType>
    148   SplineType SplineFitting<SplineType>::Interpolate(const PointArrayType& pts, DenseIndex degree)
    149   {
    150     KnotVectorType chord_lengths; // knot parameters
    151     ChordLengths(pts, chord_lengths);
    152     return Interpolate(pts, degree, chord_lengths);
    153   }
    154 }
    156 #endif // EIGEN_SPLINE_FITTING_H