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      1 #
      2 # This file contains implementations of the LLDB display panes in VIM
      3 #
      4 # The most generic way to define a new window is to inherit from VimPane
      5 # and to implement:
      6 # - get_content() - returns a string with the pane contents
      7 #
      8 # Optionally, to highlight text, implement:
      9 # - get_highlights() - returns a map 
     10 # 
     11 # And call:
     12 # - define_highlight(unique_name, colour)
     13 # at some point in the constructor.
     14 #
     15 #
     16 # If the pane shows some key-value data that is in the context of a
     17 # single frame, inherit from FrameKeyValuePane and implement:
     18 # - get_frame_content(self, SBFrame frame)
     19 # 
     20 #
     21 # If the pane presents some information that can be retrieved with
     22 # a simple LLDB command while the subprocess is stopped, inherit
     23 # from StoppedCommandPane and call:
     24 # - self.setCommand(command, command_args)
     25 # at some point in the constructor.
     26 #
     27 # Optionally, you can implement:
     28 # - get_selected_line()
     29 # to highlight a selected line and place the cursor there.
     30 # 
     31 #
     32 # FIXME: implement WatchlistPane to displayed watched expressions
     33 # FIXME: define interface for interactive panes, like catching enter 
     34 #        presses to change selected frame/thread...
     35 # 
     37 import lldb
     38 import vim
     40 import sys
     42 # ==============================================================
     43 # Get the description of an lldb object or None if not available
     44 # ==============================================================
     46 # Shamelessly copy/pasted from lldbutil.py in the test suite
     47 def get_description(obj, option=None):
     48     """Calls lldb_obj.GetDescription() and returns a string, or None.
     50     For SBTarget, SBBreakpointLocation, and SBWatchpoint lldb objects, an extra
     51     option can be passed in to describe the detailed level of description
     52     desired:
     53         o lldb.eDescriptionLevelBrief
     54         o lldb.eDescriptionLevelFull
     55         o lldb.eDescriptionLevelVerbose
     56     """
     57     method = getattr(obj, 'GetDescription')
     58     if not method:
     59         return None
     60     tuple = (lldb.SBTarget, lldb.SBBreakpointLocation, lldb.SBWatchpoint)
     61     if isinstance(obj, tuple):
     62         if option is None:
     63             option = lldb.eDescriptionLevelBrief
     65     stream = lldb.SBStream()
     66     if option is None:
     67         success = method(stream)
     68     else:
     69         success = method(stream, option)
     70     if not success:
     71         return None
     72     return stream.GetData()
     74 def get_selected_thread(target):
     75   """ Returns a tuple with (thread, error) where thread == None if error occurs """
     76   process = target.GetProcess()
     77   if process is None or not process.IsValid():
     78     return (None, VimPane.MSG_NO_PROCESS)
     80   thread = process.GetSelectedThread()
     81   if thread is None or not thread.IsValid():
     82     return (None, VimPane.MSG_NO_THREADS)
     83   return (thread, "")
     85 def get_selected_frame(target):
     86   """ Returns a tuple with (frame, error) where frame == None if error occurs """
     87   (thread, error) = get_selected_thread(target)
     88   if thread is None:
     89     return (None, error)
     91   frame = thread.GetSelectedFrame()
     92   if frame is None or not frame.IsValid():
     93     return (None, VimPane.MSG_NO_FRAME)
     94   return (frame, "")
     96 def _cmd(cmd):
     97   vim.command("call confirm('%s')" % cmd)
     98   vim.command(cmd)
    100 def move_cursor(line, col=0):
    101   """ moves cursor to specified line and col """
    102   cw = vim.current.window
    103   if cw.cursor[0] != line:
    104     vim.command("execute \"normal %dgg\"" % line)
    106 def winnr():
    107   """ Returns currently selected window number """
    108   return int(vim.eval("winnr()"))
    110 def bufwinnr(name):
    111   """ Returns window number corresponding with buffer name """
    112   return int(vim.eval("bufwinnr('%s')" % name))
    114 def goto_window(nr):
    115   """ go to window number nr"""
    116   if nr != winnr():
    117     vim.command(str(nr) + ' wincmd w')
    119 def goto_next_window():
    120   """ go to next window. """
    121   vim.command('wincmd w')
    122   return (winnr(), vim.current.buffer.name)
    124 def goto_previous_window():
    125   """ go to previously selected window """
    126   vim.command("execute \"normal \\<c-w>p\"")
    128 def have_gui():
    129   """ Returns True if vim is in a gui (Gvim/MacVim), False otherwise. """
    130   return int(vim.eval("has('gui_running')")) == 1
    132 class PaneLayout(object):
    133   """ A container for a (vertical) group layout of VimPanes """
    135   def __init__(self):
    136     self.panes = {}
    138   def havePane(self, name):
    139     """ Returns true if name is a registered pane, False otherwise """
    140     return name in self.panes
    142   def prepare(self, panes = []):
    143     """ Draw panes on screen. If empty list is provided, show all. """
    145     # If we can't select a window contained in the layout, we are doing a first draw
    146     first_draw = not self.selectWindow(True)
    147     did_first_draw = False
    149     # Prepare each registered pane
    150     for name in self.panes:
    151       if name in panes or len(panes) == 0:
    152         if first_draw:
    153           # First window in layout will be created with :vsp, and closed later
    154           vim.command(":vsp")
    155           first_draw = False
    156           did_first_draw = True
    157         self.panes[name].prepare()
    159     if did_first_draw:
    160       # Close the split window
    161       vim.command(":q")
    163     self.selectWindow(False)
    165   def contains(self, bufferName = None):
    166     """ Returns True if window with name bufferName is contained in the layout, False otherwise.
    167         If bufferName is None, the currently selected window is checked.
    168     """
    169     if not bufferName:
    170       bufferName = vim.current.buffer.name
    172     for p in self.panes:
    173       if bufferName is not None and bufferName.endswith(p):
    174         return True
    175     return False
    177   def selectWindow(self, select_contained = True):
    178     """ Selects a window contained in the layout (if select_contained = True) and returns True.
    179         If select_contained = False, a window that is not contained is selected. Returns False
    180         if no group windows can be selected.
    181     """
    182     if select_contained == self.contains():
    183       # Simple case: we are already selected
    184       return True
    186     # Otherwise, switch to next window until we find a contained window, or reach the first window again.
    187     first = winnr()
    188     (curnum, curname) = goto_next_window()
    190     while not select_contained == self.contains(curname) and curnum != first:
    191       (curnum, curname) = goto_next_window()
    193     return self.contains(curname) == select_contained
    195   def hide(self, panes = []):
    196     """ Hide panes specified. If empty list provided, hide all. """
    197     for name in self.panes:
    198       if name in panes or len(panes) == 0:
    199         self.panes[name].destroy()
    201   def registerForUpdates(self, p):
    202     self.panes[p.name] = p
    204   def update(self, target, controller):
    205     for name in self.panes:
    206       self.panes[name].update(target, controller)
    209 class VimPane(object):
    210   """ A generic base class for a pane that displays stuff """
    212   CHANGED_VALUE_HIGHLIGHT_NAME_TERM = 'lldb_changed'
    216   SELECTED_HIGHLIGHT_NAME_TERM = 'lldb_selected'
    219   MSG_NO_TARGET = "Target does not exist."
    220   MSG_NO_PROCESS = "Process does not exist."
    221   MSG_NO_THREADS = "No valid threads."
    222   MSG_NO_FRAME = "No valid frame."
    224   # list of defined highlights, so we avoid re-defining them
    225   highlightTypes = []
    227   def __init__(self, owner, name, open_below=False, height=3):
    228     self.owner = owner
    229     self.name = name
    230     self.buffer = None
    231     self.maxHeight = 20
    232     self.openBelow = open_below
    233     self.height = height
    234     self.owner.registerForUpdates(self)
    236   def isPrepared(self):
    237     """ check window is OK """
    238     if self.buffer == None or len(dir(self.buffer)) == 0 or bufwinnr(self.name) == -1:
    239       return False
    240     return True
    242   def prepare(self, method = 'new'):
    243     """ check window is OK, if not then create """
    244     if not self.isPrepared():
    245       self.create(method)
    247   def on_create(self):
    248     pass
    250   def destroy(self):
    251     """ destroy window """
    252     if self.buffer == None or len(dir(self.buffer)) == 0:
    253       return
    254     vim.command('bdelete ' + self.name)
    256   def create(self, method):
    257     """ create window """
    259     if method != 'edit':
    260       belowcmd = "below" if self.openBelow else ""
    261       vim.command('silent %s %s %s' % (belowcmd, method, self.name))
    262     else:
    263       vim.command('silent %s %s' % (method, self.name))
    265     self.window = vim.current.window
    267     # Set LLDB pane options
    268     vim.command("setlocal buftype=nofile") # Don't try to open a file
    269     vim.command("setlocal noswapfile")     # Don't use a swap file
    270     vim.command("set nonumber")            # Don't display line numbers
    271     #vim.command("set nowrap")              # Don't wrap text
    273     # Save some parameters and reference to buffer
    274     self.buffer = vim.current.buffer
    275     self.width  = int( vim.eval("winwidth(0)")  )
    276     self.height = int( vim.eval("winheight(0)") )
    278     self.on_create()
    279     goto_previous_window()
    281   def update(self, target, controller):
    282     """ updates buffer contents """
    283     self.target = target
    284     if not self.isPrepared():
    285       # Window is hidden, or otherwise not ready for an update
    286       return
    288     original_cursor = self.window.cursor
    290     # Select pane
    291     goto_window(bufwinnr(self.name))
    293     # Clean and update content, and apply any highlights.
    294     self.clean()
    296     if self.write(self.get_content(target, controller)):
    297       self.apply_highlights()
    299       cursor = self.get_selected_line()
    300       if cursor is None:
    301         # Place the cursor at its original position in the window
    302         cursor_line = min(original_cursor[0], len(self.buffer))
    303         cursor_col = min(original_cursor[1], len(self.buffer[cursor_line - 1]))
    304       else:
    305         # Place the cursor at the location requested by a VimPane implementation
    306         cursor_line = min(cursor, len(self.buffer))
    307         cursor_col = self.window.cursor[1]
    309       self.window.cursor = (cursor_line, cursor_col)
    311     goto_previous_window()
    313   def get_selected_line(self):
    314     """ Returns the line number to move the cursor to, or None to leave
    315         it where the user last left it.
    316         Subclasses implement this to define custom behaviour.
    317     """
    318     return None
    320   def apply_highlights(self):
    321     """ Highlights each set of lines in  each highlight group """
    322     highlights = self.get_highlights()
    323     for highlightType in highlights:
    324       lines = highlights[highlightType]
    325       if len(lines) == 0:
    326         continue
    328       cmd = 'match %s /' % highlightType
    329       lines = ['\%' + '%d' % line + 'l' for line in lines]
    330       cmd += '\\|'.join(lines)
    331       cmd += '/'
    332       vim.command(cmd)
    334   def define_highlight(self, name, colour):
    335     """ Defines highlihght """
    336     if name in VimPane.highlightTypes:
    337       # highlight already defined
    338       return
    340     vim.command("highlight %s ctermbg=%s guibg=%s" % (name, colour, colour))
    341     VimPane.highlightTypes.append(name)
    343   def write(self, msg):
    344     """ replace buffer with msg"""
    345     self.prepare()
    347     msg = str(msg.encode("utf-8", "replace")).split('\n')
    348     try:
    349       self.buffer.append(msg)
    350       vim.command("execute \"normal ggdd\"")
    351     except vim.error:
    352       # cannot update window; happens when vim is exiting.
    353       return False
    355     move_cursor(1, 0)
    356     return True
    358   def clean(self):
    359     """ clean all datas in buffer """
    360     self.prepare()
    361     vim.command(':%d')
    362     #self.buffer[:] = None
    364   def get_content(self, target, controller):
    365     """ subclasses implement this to provide pane content """
    366     assert(0 and "pane subclass must implement this")
    367     pass
    369   def get_highlights(self):
    370     """ Subclasses implement this to provide pane highlights.
    371         This function is expected to return a map of:
    372           { highlight_name ==> [line_number, ...], ... }
    373     """
    374     return {}
    377 class FrameKeyValuePane(VimPane):
    378   def __init__(self, owner, name, open_below):
    379     """ Initialize parent, define member variables, choose which highlight
    380         to use based on whether or not we have a gui (MacVim/Gvim).
    381     """
    383     VimPane.__init__(self, owner, name, open_below)
    385     # Map-of-maps key/value history { frame --> { variable_name, variable_value } }
    386     self.frameValues = {}
    388     if have_gui():
    389       self.changedHighlight = VimPane.CHANGED_VALUE_HIGHLIGHT_NAME_GUI
    390     else:
    391       self.changedHighlight = VimPane.CHANGED_VALUE_HIGHLIGHT_NAME_TERM
    392       self.define_highlight(VimPane.CHANGED_VALUE_HIGHLIGHT_NAME_TERM,
    393                             VimPane.CHANGED_VALUE_HIGHLIGHT_COLOUR_TERM)
    395   def format_pair(self, key, value, changed = False):
    396     """ Formats a key/value pair. Appends a '*' if changed == True """
    397     marker = '*' if changed else ' '
    398     return "%s %s = %s\n" % (marker, key, value)
    400   def get_content(self, target, controller):
    401     """ Get content for a frame-aware pane. Also builds the list of lines that
    402         need highlighting (i.e. changed values.)
    403     """
    404     if target is None or not target.IsValid():
    405       return VimPane.MSG_NO_TARGET
    407     self.changedLines = []
    409     (frame, err) = get_selected_frame(target)
    410     if frame is None:
    411       return err
    413     output = get_description(frame)
    414     lineNum = 1
    416     # Retrieve the last values displayed for this frame
    417     frameId = get_description(frame.GetBlock())
    418     if frameId in self.frameValues:
    419       frameOldValues = self.frameValues[frameId]
    420     else:
    421       frameOldValues = {}
    423     # Read the frame variables
    424     vals = self.get_frame_content(frame)
    425     for (key, value) in vals:
    426       lineNum += 1
    427       if len(frameOldValues) == 0 or (key in frameOldValues and frameOldValues[key] == value):
    428         output += self.format_pair(key, value)
    429       else:
    430         output += self.format_pair(key, value, True)
    431         self.changedLines.append(lineNum)
    433     # Save values as oldValues
    434     newValues = {}
    435     for (key, value) in vals:
    436       newValues[key] = value
    437     self.frameValues[frameId] = newValues
    439     return output
    441   def get_highlights(self):
    442     ret = {}
    443     ret[self.changedHighlight] = self.changedLines
    444     return ret
    446 class LocalsPane(FrameKeyValuePane):
    447   """ Pane that displays local variables """
    448   def __init__(self, owner, name = 'locals'):
    449     FrameKeyValuePane.__init__(self, owner, name, open_below=True)
    451     # FIXME: allow users to customize display of args/locals/statics/scope
    452     self.arguments = True
    453     self.show_locals = True
    454     self.show_statics = True
    455     self.show_in_scope_only = True
    457   def format_variable(self, var):
    458     """ Returns a Tuple of strings "(Type) Name", "Value" for SBValue var """
    459     val = var.GetValue()
    460     if val is None:
    461       # If the value is too big, SBValue.GetValue() returns None; replace with ...
    462       val = "..."
    464     return ("(%s) %s" % (var.GetTypeName(), var.GetName()), "%s" % val)
    466   def get_frame_content(self, frame):
    467     """ Returns list of key-value pairs of local variables in frame """
    468     vals = frame.GetVariables(self.arguments,
    469                                    self.show_locals,
    470                                    self.show_statics,
    471                                    self.show_in_scope_only)
    472     return [self.format_variable(x) for x in vals]
    474 class RegistersPane(FrameKeyValuePane):
    475   """ Pane that displays the contents of registers """
    476   def __init__(self, owner, name = 'registers'):
    477     FrameKeyValuePane.__init__(self, owner, name, open_below=True)
    479   def format_register(self, reg):
    480     """ Returns a tuple of strings ("name", "value") for SBRegister reg. """
    481     name = reg.GetName()
    482     val = reg.GetValue()
    483     if val is None:
    484       val = "..."
    485     return (name, val.strip())
    487   def get_frame_content(self, frame):
    488     """ Returns a list of key-value pairs ("name", "value") of registers in frame """
    490     result = []
    491     for register_sets in frame.GetRegisters():
    492       # hack the register group name into the list of registers...
    493       result.append((" = = %s =" % register_sets.GetName(), ""))
    495       for reg in register_sets:
    496         result.append(self.format_register(reg))
    497     return result
    499 class CommandPane(VimPane):
    500   """ Pane that displays the output of an LLDB command """
    501   def __init__(self, owner, name, open_below, process_required=True):
    502     VimPane.__init__(self, owner, name, open_below)
    503     self.process_required = process_required
    505   def setCommand(self, command, args = ""):
    506     self.command = command
    507     self.args = args
    509   def get_content(self, target, controller):
    510     output = ""
    511     if not target:
    512       output = VimPane.MSG_NO_TARGET
    513     elif self.process_required and not target.GetProcess():
    514       output = VimPane.MSG_NO_PROCESS
    515     else:
    516       (success, output) = controller.getCommandOutput(self.command, self.args)
    517     return output
    519 class StoppedCommandPane(CommandPane):
    520   """ Pane that displays the output of an LLDB command when the process is
    521       stopped; otherwise displays process status. This class also implements
    522       highlighting for a single line (to show a single-line selected entity.)
    523   """
    524   def __init__(self, owner, name, open_below):
    525     """ Initialize parent and define highlight to use for selected line. """
    526     CommandPane.__init__(self, owner, name, open_below)
    527     if have_gui():
    528       self.selectedHighlight = VimPane.SELECTED_HIGHLIGHT_NAME_GUI
    529     else:
    530       self.selectedHighlight = VimPane.SELECTED_HIGHLIGHT_NAME_TERM
    531       self.define_highlight(VimPane.SELECTED_HIGHLIGHT_NAME_TERM,
    532                             VimPane.SELECTED_HIGHLIGHT_COLOUR_TERM)
    534   def get_content(self, target, controller):
    535     """ Returns the output of a command that relies on the process being stopped.
    536         If the process is not in 'stopped' state, the process status is returned.
    537     """
    538     output = ""
    539     if not target or not target.IsValid():
    540       output = VimPane.MSG_NO_TARGET
    541     elif not target.GetProcess() or not target.GetProcess().IsValid():
    542       output = VimPane.MSG_NO_PROCESS
    543     elif target.GetProcess().GetState() == lldb.eStateStopped:
    544       (success, output) = controller.getCommandOutput(self.command, self.args)
    545     else:
    546       (success, output) = controller.getCommandOutput("process", "status")
    547     return output
    549   def get_highlights(self):
    550     """ Highlight the line under the cursor. Users moving the cursor has
    551         no effect on the selected line.
    552     """
    553     ret = {}
    554     line = self.get_selected_line()
    555     if line is not None:
    556       ret[self.selectedHighlight] = [line]
    557       return ret
    558     return ret
    560   def get_selected_line(self):
    561     """ Subclasses implement this to control where the cursor (and selected highlight)
    562         is placed.
    563     """
    564     return None
    566 class DisassemblyPane(CommandPane):
    567   """ Pane that displays disassembly around PC """
    568   def __init__(self, owner, name = 'disassembly'):
    569     CommandPane.__init__(self, owner, name, open_below=True)
    571     # FIXME: let users customize the number of instructions to disassemble
    572     self.setCommand("disassemble", "-c %d -p" % self.maxHeight)
    574 class ThreadPane(StoppedCommandPane):
    575   """ Pane that displays threads list """
    576   def __init__(self, owner, name = 'threads'):
    577     StoppedCommandPane.__init__(self, owner, name, open_below=False)
    578     self.setCommand("thread", "list")
    580 # FIXME: the function below assumes threads are listed in sequential order,
    581 #        which turns out to not be the case. Highlighting of selected thread
    582 #        will be disabled until this can be fixed. LLDB prints a '*' anyways
    583 #        beside the selected thread, so this is not too big of a problem.
    584 #  def get_selected_line(self):
    585 #    """ Place the cursor on the line with the selected entity.
    586 #        Subclasses should override this to customize selection.
    587 #        Formula: selected_line = selected_thread_id + 1
    588 #    """
    589 #    (thread, err) = get_selected_thread(self.target)
    590 #    if thread is None:
    591 #      return None
    592 #    else:
    593 #      return thread.GetIndexID() + 1
    595 class BacktracePane(StoppedCommandPane):
    596   """ Pane that displays backtrace """
    597   def __init__(self, owner, name = 'backtrace'):
    598     StoppedCommandPane.__init__(self, owner, name, open_below=False)
    599     self.setCommand("bt", "")
    602   def get_selected_line(self):
    603     """ Returns the line number in the buffer with the selected frame. 
    604         Formula: selected_line = selected_frame_id + 2
    605         FIXME: the above formula hack does not work when the function return
    606                value is printed in the bt window; the wrong line is highlighted.
    607     """
    609     (frame, err) = get_selected_frame(self.target)
    610     if frame is None:
    611       return None
    612     else:
    613       return frame.GetFrameID() + 2
    615 class BreakpointsPane(CommandPane):
    616   def __init__(self, owner, name = 'breakpoints'):
    617     super(BreakpointsPane, self).__init__(owner, name, open_below=False, process_required=False)
    618     self.setCommand("breakpoint", "list")