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      1 // Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "ui/wm/core/transient_window_stacking_client.h"
      7 #include <algorithm>
      9 #include "ui/wm/core/transient_window_manager.h"
     10 #include "ui/wm/core/window_util.h"
     12 using aura::Window;
     14 namespace wm {
     16 namespace {
     18 // Populates |ancestors| with all transient ancestors of |window| that are
     19 // siblings of |window|. Returns true if any ancestors were found, false if not.
     20 bool GetAllTransientAncestors(Window* window, Window::Windows* ancestors) {
     21   Window* parent = window->parent();
     22   for (; window; window = GetTransientParent(window)) {
     23     if (window->parent() == parent)
     24       ancestors->push_back(window);
     25   }
     26   return (!ancestors->empty());
     27 }
     29 // Replaces |window1| and |window2| with their possible transient ancestors that
     30 // are still siblings (have a common transient parent).  |window1| and |window2|
     31 // are not modified if such ancestors cannot be found.
     32 void FindCommonTransientAncestor(Window** window1, Window** window2) {
     33   DCHECK(window1);
     34   DCHECK(window2);
     35   DCHECK(*window1);
     36   DCHECK(*window2);
     37   // Assemble chains of ancestors of both windows.
     38   Window::Windows ancestors1;
     39   Window::Windows ancestors2;
     40   if (!GetAllTransientAncestors(*window1, &ancestors1) ||
     41       !GetAllTransientAncestors(*window2, &ancestors2)) {
     42     return;
     43   }
     44   // Walk the two chains backwards and look for the first difference.
     45   Window::Windows::reverse_iterator it1 = ancestors1.rbegin();
     46   Window::Windows::reverse_iterator it2 = ancestors2.rbegin();
     47   for (; it1  != ancestors1.rend() && it2  != ancestors2.rend(); ++it1, ++it2) {
     48     if (*it1 != *it2) {
     49       *window1 = *it1;
     50       *window2 = *it2;
     51       break;
     52     }
     53   }
     54 }
     56 // Adjusts |target| so that we don't attempt to stack on top of a window with a
     57 // NULL delegate.
     58 void SkipNullDelegates(Window::StackDirection direction, Window** target) {
     59   const Window::Windows& children((*target)->parent()->children());
     60   size_t target_i =
     61       std::find(children.begin(), children.end(), *target) -
     62       children.begin();
     64   // By convention we don't stack on top of windows with layers with NULL
     65   // delegates.  Walk backward to find a valid target window.  See tests
     66   // TransientWindowManagerTest.StackingMadrigal and StackOverClosingTransient
     67   // for an explanation of this.
     68   while (target_i > 0) {
     69     const size_t index = direction == Window::STACK_ABOVE ?
     70         target_i : target_i - 1;
     71     if (!children[index]->layer() ||
     72         children[index]->layer()->delegate() != NULL)
     73       break;
     74     --target_i;
     75   }
     76   *target = children[target_i];
     77 }
     79 }  // namespace
     81 // static
     82 TransientWindowStackingClient* TransientWindowStackingClient::instance_ = NULL;
     84 TransientWindowStackingClient::TransientWindowStackingClient() {
     85   instance_ = this;
     86 }
     88 TransientWindowStackingClient::~TransientWindowStackingClient() {
     89   if (instance_ == this)
     90     instance_ = NULL;
     91 }
     93 bool TransientWindowStackingClient::AdjustStacking(
     94     Window** child,
     95     Window** target,
     96     Window::StackDirection* direction) {
     97   const TransientWindowManager* transient_manager =
     98       TransientWindowManager::Get(static_cast<const Window*>(*child));
     99   if (transient_manager && transient_manager->IsStackingTransient(*target))
    100     return true;
    102   // For windows that have transient children stack the transient ancestors that
    103   // are siblings. This prevents one transient group from being inserted in the
    104   // middle of another.
    105   FindCommonTransientAncestor(child, target);
    107   // When stacking above skip to the topmost transient descendant of the target.
    108   if (*direction == Window::STACK_ABOVE &&
    109       !HasTransientAncestor(*child, *target)) {
    110     const Window::Windows& siblings((*child)->parent()->children());
    111     size_t target_i =
    112         std::find(siblings.begin(), siblings.end(), *target) - siblings.begin();
    113     while (target_i + 1 < siblings.size() &&
    114            HasTransientAncestor(siblings[target_i + 1], *target)) {
    115       ++target_i;
    116     }
    117     *target = siblings[target_i];
    118   }
    120   SkipNullDelegates(*direction, target);
    122   // If we couldn't find a valid target position, don't move anything.
    123   if (*direction == Window::STACK_ABOVE &&
    124       ((*target)->layer() && (*target)->layer()->delegate() == NULL)) {
    125     return false;
    126   }
    128   return *child != *target;
    129 }
    131 }  // namespace wm