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      1 /*
      2  *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3  *
      4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
      5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
      6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
      7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
      8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
      9  */
     10 #include <assert.h>
     12 #include <algorithm>
     13 #include <sstream>
     14 #include <string>
     16 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
     18 #include "webrtc/base/thread_annotations.h"
     19 #include "webrtc/call.h"
     20 #include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/interface/audio_coding_module.h"
     21 #include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/interface/rtp_header_parser.h"
     22 #include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtcp_utility.h"
     23 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/critical_section_wrapper.h"
     24 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/rtp_to_ntp.h"
     25 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/scoped_ptr.h"
     26 #include "webrtc/test/call_test.h"
     27 #include "webrtc/test/direct_transport.h"
     28 #include "webrtc/test/encoder_settings.h"
     29 #include "webrtc/test/fake_audio_device.h"
     30 #include "webrtc/test/fake_decoder.h"
     31 #include "webrtc/test/fake_encoder.h"
     32 #include "webrtc/test/frame_generator.h"
     33 #include "webrtc/test/frame_generator_capturer.h"
     34 #include "webrtc/test/rtp_rtcp_observer.h"
     35 #include "webrtc/test/testsupport/fileutils.h"
     36 #include "webrtc/test/testsupport/perf_test.h"
     37 #include "webrtc/video/transport_adapter.h"
     38 #include "webrtc/voice_engine/include/voe_base.h"
     39 #include "webrtc/voice_engine/include/voe_codec.h"
     40 #include "webrtc/voice_engine/include/voe_network.h"
     41 #include "webrtc/voice_engine/include/voe_rtp_rtcp.h"
     42 #include "webrtc/voice_engine/include/voe_video_sync.h"
     44 namespace webrtc {
     46 class CallPerfTest : public test::CallTest {
     47  protected:
     48   void TestAudioVideoSync(bool fec);
     50   void TestMinTransmitBitrate(bool pad_to_min_bitrate);
     52   void TestCaptureNtpTime(const FakeNetworkPipe::Config& net_config,
     53                           int threshold_ms,
     54                           int start_time_ms,
     55                           int run_time_ms);
     56 };
     58 class SyncRtcpObserver : public test::RtpRtcpObserver {
     59  public:
     60   explicit SyncRtcpObserver(const FakeNetworkPipe::Config& config)
     61       : test::RtpRtcpObserver(CallPerfTest::kLongTimeoutMs, config),
     62         crit_(CriticalSectionWrapper::CreateCriticalSection()) {}
     64   virtual Action OnSendRtcp(const uint8_t* packet, size_t length) OVERRIDE {
     65     RTCPUtility::RTCPParserV2 parser(packet, length, true);
     66     EXPECT_TRUE(parser.IsValid());
     68     for (RTCPUtility::RTCPPacketTypes packet_type = parser.Begin();
     69          packet_type != RTCPUtility::kRtcpNotValidCode;
     70          packet_type = parser.Iterate()) {
     71       if (packet_type == RTCPUtility::kRtcpSrCode) {
     72         const RTCPUtility::RTCPPacket& packet = parser.Packet();
     73         RtcpMeasurement ntp_rtp_pair(
     74             packet.SR.NTPMostSignificant,
     75             packet.SR.NTPLeastSignificant,
     76             packet.SR.RTPTimestamp);
     77         StoreNtpRtpPair(ntp_rtp_pair);
     78       }
     79     }
     80     return SEND_PACKET;
     81   }
     83   int64_t RtpTimestampToNtp(uint32_t timestamp) const {
     84     CriticalSectionScoped lock(crit_.get());
     85     int64_t timestamp_in_ms = -1;
     86     if (ntp_rtp_pairs_.size() == 2) {
     87       // TODO(stefan): We can't EXPECT_TRUE on this call due to a bug in the
     88       // RTCP sender where it sends RTCP SR before any RTP packets, which leads
     89       // to a bogus NTP/RTP mapping.
     90       RtpToNtpMs(timestamp, ntp_rtp_pairs_, &timestamp_in_ms);
     91       return timestamp_in_ms;
     92     }
     93     return -1;
     94   }
     96  private:
     97   void StoreNtpRtpPair(RtcpMeasurement ntp_rtp_pair) {
     98     CriticalSectionScoped lock(crit_.get());
     99     for (RtcpList::iterator it = ntp_rtp_pairs_.begin();
    100          it != ntp_rtp_pairs_.end();
    101          ++it) {
    102       if (ntp_rtp_pair.ntp_secs == it->ntp_secs &&
    103           ntp_rtp_pair.ntp_frac == it->ntp_frac) {
    104         // This RTCP has already been added to the list.
    105         return;
    106       }
    107     }
    108     // We need two RTCP SR reports to map between RTP and NTP. More than two
    109     // will not improve the mapping.
    110     if (ntp_rtp_pairs_.size() == 2) {
    111       ntp_rtp_pairs_.pop_back();
    112     }
    113     ntp_rtp_pairs_.push_front(ntp_rtp_pair);
    114   }
    116   const scoped_ptr<CriticalSectionWrapper> crit_;
    117   RtcpList ntp_rtp_pairs_ GUARDED_BY(crit_);
    118 };
    120 class VideoRtcpAndSyncObserver : public SyncRtcpObserver, public VideoRenderer {
    121   static const int kInSyncThresholdMs = 50;
    122   static const int kStartupTimeMs = 2000;
    123   static const int kMinRunTimeMs = 30000;
    125  public:
    126   VideoRtcpAndSyncObserver(Clock* clock,
    127                            int voe_channel,
    128                            VoEVideoSync* voe_sync,
    129                            SyncRtcpObserver* audio_observer)
    130       : SyncRtcpObserver(FakeNetworkPipe::Config()),
    131         clock_(clock),
    132         voe_channel_(voe_channel),
    133         voe_sync_(voe_sync),
    134         audio_observer_(audio_observer),
    135         creation_time_ms_(clock_->TimeInMilliseconds()),
    136         first_time_in_sync_(-1) {}
    138   virtual void RenderFrame(const I420VideoFrame& video_frame,
    139                            int time_to_render_ms) OVERRIDE {
    140     int64_t now_ms = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
    141     uint32_t playout_timestamp = 0;
    142     if (voe_sync_->GetPlayoutTimestamp(voe_channel_, playout_timestamp) != 0)
    143       return;
    144     int64_t latest_audio_ntp =
    145         audio_observer_->RtpTimestampToNtp(playout_timestamp);
    146     int64_t latest_video_ntp = RtpTimestampToNtp(video_frame.timestamp());
    147     if (latest_audio_ntp < 0 || latest_video_ntp < 0)
    148       return;
    149     int time_until_render_ms =
    150         std::max(0, static_cast<int>(video_frame.render_time_ms() - now_ms));
    151     latest_video_ntp += time_until_render_ms;
    152     int64_t stream_offset = latest_audio_ntp - latest_video_ntp;
    153     std::stringstream ss;
    154     ss << stream_offset;
    155     webrtc::test::PrintResult("stream_offset",
    156                               "",
    157                               "synchronization",
    158                               ss.str(),
    159                               "ms",
    160                               false);
    161     int64_t time_since_creation = now_ms - creation_time_ms_;
    162     // During the first couple of seconds audio and video can falsely be
    163     // estimated as being synchronized. We don't want to trigger on those.
    164     if (time_since_creation < kStartupTimeMs)
    165       return;
    166     if (std::abs(latest_audio_ntp - latest_video_ntp) < kInSyncThresholdMs) {
    167       if (first_time_in_sync_ == -1) {
    168         first_time_in_sync_ = now_ms;
    169         webrtc::test::PrintResult("sync_convergence_time",
    170                                   "",
    171                                   "synchronization",
    172                                   time_since_creation,
    173                                   "ms",
    174                                   false);
    175       }
    176       if (time_since_creation > kMinRunTimeMs)
    177         observation_complete_->Set();
    178     }
    179   }
    181  private:
    182   Clock* const clock_;
    183   int voe_channel_;
    184   VoEVideoSync* voe_sync_;
    185   SyncRtcpObserver* audio_observer_;
    186   int64_t creation_time_ms_;
    187   int64_t first_time_in_sync_;
    188 };
    190 void CallPerfTest::TestAudioVideoSync(bool fec) {
    191   class AudioPacketReceiver : public PacketReceiver {
    192    public:
    193     AudioPacketReceiver(int channel, VoENetwork* voe_network)
    194         : channel_(channel),
    195           voe_network_(voe_network),
    196           parser_(RtpHeaderParser::Create()) {}
    197     virtual DeliveryStatus DeliverPacket(const uint8_t* packet,
    198                                          size_t length) OVERRIDE {
    199       int ret;
    200       if (parser_->IsRtcp(packet, static_cast<int>(length))) {
    201         ret = voe_network_->ReceivedRTCPPacket(
    202             channel_, packet, static_cast<unsigned int>(length));
    203       } else {
    204         ret = voe_network_->ReceivedRTPPacket(
    205             channel_, packet, static_cast<unsigned int>(length), PacketTime());
    206       }
    207       return ret == 0 ? DELIVERY_OK : DELIVERY_PACKET_ERROR;
    208     }
    210    private:
    211     int channel_;
    212     VoENetwork* voe_network_;
    213     scoped_ptr<RtpHeaderParser> parser_;
    214   };
    216   VoiceEngine* voice_engine = VoiceEngine::Create();
    217   VoEBase* voe_base = VoEBase::GetInterface(voice_engine);
    218   VoECodec* voe_codec = VoECodec::GetInterface(voice_engine);
    219   VoENetwork* voe_network = VoENetwork::GetInterface(voice_engine);
    220   VoEVideoSync* voe_sync = VoEVideoSync::GetInterface(voice_engine);
    221   const std::string audio_filename =
    222       test::ResourcePath("voice_engine/audio_long16", "pcm");
    223   ASSERT_STRNE("", audio_filename.c_str());
    224   test::FakeAudioDevice fake_audio_device(Clock::GetRealTimeClock(),
    225                                           audio_filename);
    226   EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_base->Init(&fake_audio_device, NULL));
    227   int channel = voe_base->CreateChannel();
    229   FakeNetworkPipe::Config net_config;
    230   net_config.queue_delay_ms = 500;
    231   net_config.loss_percent = 5;
    232   SyncRtcpObserver audio_observer(net_config);
    233   VideoRtcpAndSyncObserver observer(Clock::GetRealTimeClock(),
    234                                     channel,
    235                                     voe_sync,
    236                                     &audio_observer);
    238   Call::Config receiver_config(observer.ReceiveTransport());
    239   receiver_config.voice_engine = voice_engine;
    240   CreateCalls(Call::Config(observer.SendTransport()), receiver_config);
    242   CodecInst isac = {103, "ISAC", 16000, 480, 1, 32000};
    243   EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_codec->SetSendCodec(channel, isac));
    245   AudioPacketReceiver voe_packet_receiver(channel, voe_network);
    246   audio_observer.SetReceivers(&voe_packet_receiver, &voe_packet_receiver);
    248   internal::TransportAdapter transport_adapter(audio_observer.SendTransport());
    249   transport_adapter.Enable();
    250   EXPECT_EQ(0,
    251             voe_network->RegisterExternalTransport(channel, transport_adapter));
    253   observer.SetReceivers(receiver_call_->Receiver(), sender_call_->Receiver());
    255   test::FakeDecoder fake_decoder;
    257   CreateSendConfig(1);
    258   CreateMatchingReceiveConfigs();
    260   send_config_.rtp.nack.rtp_history_ms = kNackRtpHistoryMs;
    261   if (fec) {
    262     send_config_.rtp.fec.red_payload_type = kRedPayloadType;
    263     send_config_.rtp.fec.ulpfec_payload_type = kUlpfecPayloadType;
    264     receive_configs_[0].rtp.fec.red_payload_type = kRedPayloadType;
    265     receive_configs_[0].rtp.fec.ulpfec_payload_type = kUlpfecPayloadType;
    266   }
    267   receive_configs_[0].rtp.nack.rtp_history_ms = 1000;
    268   receive_configs_[0].renderer = &observer;
    269   receive_configs_[0].audio_channel_id = channel;
    271   CreateStreams();
    273   CreateFrameGeneratorCapturer();
    275   Start();
    277   fake_audio_device.Start();
    278   EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_base->StartPlayout(channel));
    279   EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_base->StartReceive(channel));
    280   EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_base->StartSend(channel));
    282   EXPECT_EQ(kEventSignaled, observer.Wait())
    283       << "Timed out while waiting for audio and video to be synchronized.";
    285   EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_base->StopSend(channel));
    286   EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_base->StopReceive(channel));
    287   EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_base->StopPlayout(channel));
    288   fake_audio_device.Stop();
    290   Stop();
    291   observer.StopSending();
    292   audio_observer.StopSending();
    294   voe_base->DeleteChannel(channel);
    295   voe_base->Release();
    296   voe_codec->Release();
    297   voe_network->Release();
    298   voe_sync->Release();
    300   DestroyStreams();
    302   VoiceEngine::Delete(voice_engine);
    303 }
    305 TEST_F(CallPerfTest, PlaysOutAudioAndVideoInSync) {
    306   TestAudioVideoSync(false);
    307 }
    309 TEST_F(CallPerfTest, PlaysOutAudioAndVideoInSyncWithFec) {
    310   TestAudioVideoSync(true);
    311 }
    313 void CallPerfTest::TestCaptureNtpTime(const FakeNetworkPipe::Config& net_config,
    314                                       int threshold_ms,
    315                                       int start_time_ms,
    316                                       int run_time_ms) {
    317   class CaptureNtpTimeObserver : public test::EndToEndTest,
    318                                  public VideoRenderer {
    319    public:
    320     CaptureNtpTimeObserver(const FakeNetworkPipe::Config& config,
    321                            int threshold_ms,
    322                            int start_time_ms,
    323                            int run_time_ms)
    324         : EndToEndTest(kLongTimeoutMs, config),
    325           clock_(Clock::GetRealTimeClock()),
    326           threshold_ms_(threshold_ms),
    327           start_time_ms_(start_time_ms),
    328           run_time_ms_(run_time_ms),
    329           creation_time_ms_(clock_->TimeInMilliseconds()),
    330           capturer_(NULL),
    331           rtp_start_timestamp_set_(false),
    332           rtp_start_timestamp_(0) {}
    334    private:
    335     virtual void RenderFrame(const I420VideoFrame& video_frame,
    336                              int time_to_render_ms) OVERRIDE {
    337       if (video_frame.ntp_time_ms() <= 0) {
    338         // Haven't got enough RTCP SR in order to calculate the capture ntp
    339         // time.
    340         return;
    341       }
    343       int64_t now_ms = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
    344       int64_t time_since_creation = now_ms - creation_time_ms_;
    345       if (time_since_creation < start_time_ms_) {
    346         // Wait for |start_time_ms_| before start measuring.
    347         return;
    348       }
    350       if (time_since_creation > run_time_ms_) {
    351         observation_complete_->Set();
    352       }
    354       FrameCaptureTimeList::iterator iter =
    355           capture_time_list_.find(video_frame.timestamp());
    356       EXPECT_TRUE(iter != capture_time_list_.end());
    358       // The real capture time has been wrapped to uint32_t before converted
    359       // to rtp timestamp in the sender side. So here we convert the estimated
    360       // capture time to a uint32_t 90k timestamp also for comparing.
    361       uint32_t estimated_capture_timestamp =
    362           90 * static_cast<uint32_t>(video_frame.ntp_time_ms());
    363       uint32_t real_capture_timestamp = iter->second;
    364       int time_offset_ms = real_capture_timestamp - estimated_capture_timestamp;
    365       time_offset_ms = time_offset_ms / 90;
    366       std::stringstream ss;
    367       ss << time_offset_ms;
    369       webrtc::test::PrintResult(
    370           "capture_ntp_time", "", "real - estimated", ss.str(), "ms", true);
    371       EXPECT_TRUE(std::abs(time_offset_ms) < threshold_ms_);
    372     }
    374     virtual Action OnSendRtp(const uint8_t* packet, size_t length) {
    375       RTPHeader header;
    376       EXPECT_TRUE(parser_->Parse(packet, length, &header));
    378       if (!rtp_start_timestamp_set_) {
    379         // Calculate the rtp timestamp offset in order to calculate the real
    380         // capture time.
    381         uint32_t first_capture_timestamp =
    382             90 * static_cast<uint32_t>(capturer_->first_frame_capture_time());
    383         rtp_start_timestamp_ = header.timestamp - first_capture_timestamp;
    384         rtp_start_timestamp_set_ = true;
    385       }
    387       uint32_t capture_timestamp = header.timestamp - rtp_start_timestamp_;
    388       capture_time_list_.insert(
    389           capture_time_list_.end(),
    390           std::make_pair(header.timestamp, capture_timestamp));
    391       return SEND_PACKET;
    392     }
    394     virtual void OnFrameGeneratorCapturerCreated(
    395         test::FrameGeneratorCapturer* frame_generator_capturer) OVERRIDE {
    396       capturer_ = frame_generator_capturer;
    397     }
    399     virtual void ModifyConfigs(
    400         VideoSendStream::Config* send_config,
    401         std::vector<VideoReceiveStream::Config>* receive_configs,
    402         VideoEncoderConfig* encoder_config) OVERRIDE {
    403       (*receive_configs)[0].renderer = this;
    404       // Enable the receiver side rtt calculation.
    405       (*receive_configs)[0].rtp.rtcp_xr.receiver_reference_time_report = true;
    406     }
    408     virtual void PerformTest() OVERRIDE {
    409       EXPECT_EQ(kEventSignaled, Wait()) << "Timed out while waiting for "
    410                                            "estimated capture NTP time to be "
    411                                            "within bounds.";
    412     }
    414     Clock* clock_;
    415     int threshold_ms_;
    416     int start_time_ms_;
    417     int run_time_ms_;
    418     int64_t creation_time_ms_;
    419     test::FrameGeneratorCapturer* capturer_;
    420     bool rtp_start_timestamp_set_;
    421     uint32_t rtp_start_timestamp_;
    422     typedef std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> FrameCaptureTimeList;
    423     FrameCaptureTimeList capture_time_list_;
    424   } test(net_config, threshold_ms, start_time_ms, run_time_ms);
    426   RunBaseTest(&test);
    427 }
    429 TEST_F(CallPerfTest, CaptureNtpTimeWithNetworkDelay) {
    430   FakeNetworkPipe::Config net_config;
    431   net_config.queue_delay_ms = 100;
    432   // TODO(wu): lower the threshold as the calculation/estimatation becomes more
    433   // accurate.
    434   const int kThresholdMs = 100;
    435   const int kStartTimeMs = 10000;
    436   const int kRunTimeMs = 20000;
    437   TestCaptureNtpTime(net_config, kThresholdMs, kStartTimeMs, kRunTimeMs);
    438 }
    440 TEST_F(CallPerfTest, CaptureNtpTimeWithNetworkJitter) {
    441   FakeNetworkPipe::Config net_config;
    442   net_config.queue_delay_ms = 100;
    443   net_config.delay_standard_deviation_ms = 10;
    444   // TODO(wu): lower the threshold as the calculation/estimatation becomes more
    445   // accurate.
    446   const int kThresholdMs = 100;
    447   const int kStartTimeMs = 10000;
    448   const int kRunTimeMs = 20000;
    449   TestCaptureNtpTime(net_config, kThresholdMs, kStartTimeMs, kRunTimeMs);
    450 }
    452 TEST_F(CallPerfTest, RegisterCpuOveruseObserver) {
    453   // Verifies that either a normal or overuse callback is triggered.
    454   class OveruseCallbackObserver : public test::SendTest,
    455                                   public webrtc::OveruseCallback {
    456    public:
    457     OveruseCallbackObserver() : SendTest(kLongTimeoutMs) {}
    459     virtual void OnOveruse() OVERRIDE {
    460       observation_complete_->Set();
    461     }
    463     virtual void OnNormalUse() OVERRIDE {
    464       observation_complete_->Set();
    465     }
    467     virtual Call::Config GetSenderCallConfig() OVERRIDE {
    468       Call::Config config(SendTransport());
    469       config.overuse_callback = this;
    470       return config;
    471     }
    473     virtual void PerformTest() OVERRIDE {
    474       EXPECT_EQ(kEventSignaled, Wait())
    475           << "Timed out before receiving an overuse callback.";
    476     }
    477   } test;
    479   RunBaseTest(&test);
    480 }
    482 void CallPerfTest::TestMinTransmitBitrate(bool pad_to_min_bitrate) {
    483   static const int kMaxEncodeBitrateKbps = 30;
    484   static const int kMinTransmitBitrateBps = 150000;
    485   static const int kMinAcceptableTransmitBitrate = 130;
    486   static const int kMaxAcceptableTransmitBitrate = 170;
    487   static const int kNumBitrateObservationsInRange = 100;
    488   class BitrateObserver : public test::EndToEndTest, public PacketReceiver {
    489    public:
    490     explicit BitrateObserver(bool using_min_transmit_bitrate)
    491         : EndToEndTest(kLongTimeoutMs),
    492           send_stream_(NULL),
    493           send_transport_receiver_(NULL),
    494           pad_to_min_bitrate_(using_min_transmit_bitrate),
    495           num_bitrate_observations_in_range_(0) {}
    497    private:
    498     virtual void SetReceivers(PacketReceiver* send_transport_receiver,
    499                               PacketReceiver* receive_transport_receiver)
    500         OVERRIDE {
    501       send_transport_receiver_ = send_transport_receiver;
    502       test::RtpRtcpObserver::SetReceivers(this, receive_transport_receiver);
    503     }
    505     virtual DeliveryStatus DeliverPacket(const uint8_t* packet,
    506                                          size_t length) OVERRIDE {
    507       VideoSendStream::Stats stats = send_stream_->GetStats();
    508       if (stats.substreams.size() > 0) {
    509         assert(stats.substreams.size() == 1);
    510         int bitrate_kbps = stats.substreams.begin()->second.bitrate_bps / 1000;
    511         if (bitrate_kbps > 0) {
    512           test::PrintResult(
    513               "bitrate_stats_",
    514               (pad_to_min_bitrate_ ? "min_transmit_bitrate"
    515                                    : "without_min_transmit_bitrate"),
    516               "bitrate_kbps",
    517               static_cast<size_t>(bitrate_kbps),
    518               "kbps",
    519               false);
    520           if (pad_to_min_bitrate_) {
    521             if (bitrate_kbps > kMinAcceptableTransmitBitrate &&
    522                 bitrate_kbps < kMaxAcceptableTransmitBitrate) {
    523               ++num_bitrate_observations_in_range_;
    524             }
    525           } else {
    526             // Expect bitrate stats to roughly match the max encode bitrate.
    527             if (bitrate_kbps > kMaxEncodeBitrateKbps - 5 &&
    528                 bitrate_kbps < kMaxEncodeBitrateKbps + 5) {
    529               ++num_bitrate_observations_in_range_;
    530             }
    531           }
    532           if (num_bitrate_observations_in_range_ ==
    533               kNumBitrateObservationsInRange)
    534             observation_complete_->Set();
    535         }
    536       }
    537       return send_transport_receiver_->DeliverPacket(packet, length);
    538     }
    540     virtual void OnStreamsCreated(
    541         VideoSendStream* send_stream,
    542         const std::vector<VideoReceiveStream*>& receive_streams) OVERRIDE {
    543       send_stream_ = send_stream;
    544     }
    546     virtual void ModifyConfigs(
    547         VideoSendStream::Config* send_config,
    548         std::vector<VideoReceiveStream::Config>* receive_configs,
    549         VideoEncoderConfig* encoder_config) OVERRIDE {
    550       if (pad_to_min_bitrate_) {
    551         send_config->rtp.min_transmit_bitrate_bps = kMinTransmitBitrateBps;
    552       } else {
    553         assert(send_config->rtp.min_transmit_bitrate_bps == 0);
    554       }
    555     }
    557     virtual void PerformTest() OVERRIDE {
    558       EXPECT_EQ(kEventSignaled, Wait())
    559           << "Timeout while waiting for send-bitrate stats.";
    560     }
    562     VideoSendStream* send_stream_;
    563     PacketReceiver* send_transport_receiver_;
    564     const bool pad_to_min_bitrate_;
    565     int num_bitrate_observations_in_range_;
    566   } test(pad_to_min_bitrate);
    568   fake_encoder_.SetMaxBitrate(kMaxEncodeBitrateKbps);
    569   RunBaseTest(&test);
    570 }
    572 TEST_F(CallPerfTest, PadsToMinTransmitBitrate) { TestMinTransmitBitrate(true); }
    574 TEST_F(CallPerfTest, NoPadWithoutMinTransmitBitrate) {
    575   TestMinTransmitBitrate(false);
    576 }
    578 }  // namespace webrtc