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      1 //===-- Host.cpp ------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     10 #include "lldb/lldb-python.h"
     12 // C includes
     13 #include <dlfcn.h>
     14 #include <errno.h>
     15 #include <grp.h>
     16 #include <limits.h>
     17 #include <netdb.h>
     18 #include <pwd.h>
     19 #include <sys/types.h>
     20 #include <sys/sysctl.h>
     21 #include <unistd.h>
     23 #if defined (__APPLE__)
     25 #include <dispatch/dispatch.h>
     26 #include <libproc.h>
     27 #include <mach-o/dyld.h>
     28 #include <mach/mach_port.h>
     30 #endif
     32 #if defined (__linux__) || defined (__FreeBSD__) || defined (__FreeBSD_kernel__)
     33 #include <sys/wait.h>
     34 #include <sys/syscall.h>
     35 #endif
     37 #if defined (__FreeBSD__)
     38 #include <pthread_np.h>
     39 #endif
     41 #include "lldb/Host/Host.h"
     42 #include "lldb/Core/ArchSpec.h"
     43 #include "lldb/Core/ConstString.h"
     44 #include "lldb/Core/Debugger.h"
     45 #include "lldb/Core/Error.h"
     46 #include "lldb/Core/Log.h"
     47 #include "lldb/Core/StreamString.h"
     48 #include "lldb/Core/ThreadSafeSTLMap.h"
     49 #include "lldb/Host/Config.h"
     50 #include "lldb/Host/Endian.h"
     51 #include "lldb/Host/FileSpec.h"
     52 #include "lldb/Host/Mutex.h"
     53 #include "lldb/Target/Process.h"
     54 #include "lldb/Target/TargetList.h"
     56 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
     57 #include "llvm/Support/Host.h"
     58 #include "llvm/Support/MachO.h"
     59 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
     65 using namespace lldb;
     66 using namespace lldb_private;
     69 #if !defined (__APPLE__)
     70 struct MonitorInfo
     71 {
     72     lldb::pid_t pid;                            // The process ID to monitor
     73     Host::MonitorChildProcessCallback callback; // The callback function to call when "pid" exits or signals
     74     void *callback_baton;                       // The callback baton for the callback function
     75     bool monitor_signals;                       // If true, call the callback when "pid" gets signaled.
     76 };
     78 static void *
     79 MonitorChildProcessThreadFunction (void *arg);
     81 lldb::thread_t
     82 Host::StartMonitoringChildProcess
     83 (
     84     Host::MonitorChildProcessCallback callback,
     85     void *callback_baton,
     86     lldb::pid_t pid,
     87     bool monitor_signals
     88 )
     89 {
     90     lldb::thread_t thread = LLDB_INVALID_HOST_THREAD;
     91     MonitorInfo * info_ptr = new MonitorInfo();
     93     info_ptr->pid = pid;
     94     info_ptr->callback = callback;
     95     info_ptr->callback_baton = callback_baton;
     96     info_ptr->monitor_signals = monitor_signals;
     98     char thread_name[256];
     99     ::snprintf (thread_name, sizeof(thread_name), "<lldb.host.wait4(pid=%" PRIu64 ")>", pid);
    100     thread = ThreadCreate (thread_name,
    101                            MonitorChildProcessThreadFunction,
    102                            info_ptr,
    103                            NULL);
    105     return thread;
    106 }
    108 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    109 // Scoped class that will disable thread canceling when it is
    110 // constructed, and exception safely restore the previous value it
    111 // when it goes out of scope.
    112 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    113 class ScopedPThreadCancelDisabler
    114 {
    115 public:
    116     ScopedPThreadCancelDisabler()
    117     {
    118         // Disable the ability for this thread to be cancelled
    119         int err = ::pthread_setcancelstate (PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, &m_old_state);
    120         if (err != 0)
    121             m_old_state = -1;
    123     }
    125     ~ScopedPThreadCancelDisabler()
    126     {
    127         // Restore the ability for this thread to be cancelled to what it
    128         // previously was.
    129         if (m_old_state != -1)
    130             ::pthread_setcancelstate (m_old_state, 0);
    131     }
    132 private:
    133     int m_old_state;    // Save the old cancelability state.
    134 };
    136 static void *
    137 MonitorChildProcessThreadFunction (void *arg)
    138 {
    139     Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_PROCESS));
    140     const char *function = __FUNCTION__;
    141     if (log)
    142         log->Printf ("%s (arg = %p) thread starting...", function, arg);
    144     MonitorInfo *info = (MonitorInfo *)arg;
    146     const Host::MonitorChildProcessCallback callback = info->callback;
    147     void * const callback_baton = info->callback_baton;
    148     const lldb::pid_t pid = info->pid;
    149     const bool monitor_signals = info->monitor_signals;
    151     delete info;
    153     int status = -1;
    154 #if defined (__FreeBSD__) || defined (__FreeBSD_kernel__)
    155     #define __WALL 0
    156 #endif
    157     const int options = __WALL;
    159     while (1)
    160     {
    161         log = lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_PROCESS);
    162         if (log)
    163             log->Printf("%s ::wait_pid (pid = %" PRIu64 ", &status, options = %i)...", function, pid, options);
    165         // Wait for all child processes
    166         ::pthread_testcancel ();
    167         // Get signals from all children with same process group of pid
    168         const lldb::pid_t wait_pid = ::waitpid (-1*pid, &status, options);
    169         ::pthread_testcancel ();
    171         if (wait_pid == -1)
    172         {
    173             if (errno == EINTR)
    174                 continue;
    175             else
    176             {
    177                 if (log)
    178                     log->Printf ("%s (arg = %p) thread exiting because waitpid failed (%s)...", __FUNCTION__, arg, strerror(errno));
    179                 break;
    180             }
    181         }
    182         else if (wait_pid > 0)
    183         {
    184             bool exited = false;
    185             int signal = 0;
    186             int exit_status = 0;
    187             const char *status_cstr = NULL;
    188             if (WIFSTOPPED(status))
    189             {
    190                 signal = WSTOPSIG(status);
    191                 status_cstr = "STOPPED";
    192             }
    193             else if (WIFEXITED(status))
    194             {
    195                 exit_status = WEXITSTATUS(status);
    196                 status_cstr = "EXITED";
    197                 exited = true;
    198             }
    199             else if (WIFSIGNALED(status))
    200             {
    201                 signal = WTERMSIG(status);
    202                 status_cstr = "SIGNALED";
    203                 if (wait_pid == pid) {
    204                     exited = true;
    205                     exit_status = -1;
    206                 }
    207             }
    208             else
    209             {
    210                 status_cstr = "(\?\?\?)";
    211             }
    213             // Scope for pthread_cancel_disabler
    214             {
    215                 ScopedPThreadCancelDisabler pthread_cancel_disabler;
    217                 log = lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_PROCESS);
    218                 if (log)
    219                     log->Printf ("%s ::waitpid (pid = %" PRIu64 ", &status, options = %i) => pid = %" PRIu64 ", status = 0x%8.8x (%s), signal = %i, exit_state = %i",
    220                                  function,
    221                                  wait_pid,
    222                                  options,
    223                                  pid,
    224                                  status,
    225                                  status_cstr,
    226                                  signal,
    227                                  exit_status);
    229                 if (exited || (signal != 0 && monitor_signals))
    230                 {
    231                     bool callback_return = false;
    232                     if (callback)
    233                         callback_return = callback (callback_baton, wait_pid, exited, signal, exit_status);
    235                     // If our process exited, then this thread should exit
    236                     if (exited && wait_pid == pid)
    237                     {
    238                         if (log)
    239                             log->Printf ("%s (arg = %p) thread exiting because pid received exit signal...", __FUNCTION__, arg);
    240                         break;
    241                     }
    242                     // If the callback returns true, it means this process should
    243                     // exit
    244                     if (callback_return)
    245                     {
    246                         if (log)
    247                             log->Printf ("%s (arg = %p) thread exiting because callback returned true...", __FUNCTION__, arg);
    248                         break;
    249                     }
    250                 }
    251             }
    252         }
    253     }
    255     log = lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_PROCESS);
    256     if (log)
    257         log->Printf ("%s (arg = %p) thread exiting...", __FUNCTION__, arg);
    259     return NULL;
    260 }
    263 void
    264 Host::SystemLog (SystemLogType type, const char *format, va_list args)
    265 {
    266     vfprintf (stderr, format, args);
    267 }
    269 #endif // #if !defined (__APPLE__)
    271 void
    272 Host::SystemLog (SystemLogType type, const char *format, ...)
    273 {
    274     va_list args;
    275     va_start (args, format);
    276     SystemLog (type, format, args);
    277     va_end (args);
    278 }
    280 size_t
    281 Host::GetPageSize()
    282 {
    283     return ::getpagesize();
    284 }
    286 const ArchSpec &
    287 Host::GetArchitecture (SystemDefaultArchitecture arch_kind)
    288 {
    289     static bool g_supports_32 = false;
    290     static bool g_supports_64 = false;
    291     static ArchSpec g_host_arch_32;
    292     static ArchSpec g_host_arch_64;
    294 #if defined (__APPLE__)
    296     // Apple is different in that it can support both 32 and 64 bit executables
    297     // in the same operating system running concurrently. Here we detect the
    298     // correct host architectures for both 32 and 64 bit including if 64 bit
    299     // executables are supported on the system.
    301     if (g_supports_32 == false && g_supports_64 == false)
    302     {
    303         // All apple systems support 32 bit execution.
    304         g_supports_32 = true;
    305         uint32_t cputype, cpusubtype;
    306         uint32_t is_64_bit_capable = false;
    307         size_t len = sizeof(cputype);
    308         ArchSpec host_arch;
    309         // These will tell us about the kernel architecture, which even on a 64
    310         // bit machine can be 32 bit...
    311         if  (::sysctlbyname("hw.cputype", &cputype, &len, NULL, 0) == 0)
    312         {
    313             len = sizeof (cpusubtype);
    314             if (::sysctlbyname("hw.cpusubtype", &cpusubtype, &len, NULL, 0) != 0)
    315                 cpusubtype = CPU_TYPE_ANY;
    317             len = sizeof (is_64_bit_capable);
    318             if  (::sysctlbyname("hw.cpu64bit_capable", &is_64_bit_capable, &len, NULL, 0) == 0)
    319             {
    320                 if (is_64_bit_capable)
    321                     g_supports_64 = true;
    322             }
    324             if (is_64_bit_capable)
    325             {
    326 #if defined (__i386__) || defined (__x86_64__)
    327                 if (cpusubtype == CPU_SUBTYPE_486)
    328                     cpusubtype = CPU_SUBTYPE_I386_ALL;
    329 #endif
    330                 if (cputype & CPU_ARCH_ABI64)
    331                 {
    332                     // We have a 64 bit kernel on a 64 bit system
    333                     g_host_arch_32.SetArchitecture (eArchTypeMachO, ~(CPU_ARCH_MASK) & cputype, cpusubtype);
    334                     g_host_arch_64.SetArchitecture (eArchTypeMachO, cputype, cpusubtype);
    335                 }
    336                 else
    337                 {
    338                     // We have a 32 bit kernel on a 64 bit system
    339                     g_host_arch_32.SetArchitecture (eArchTypeMachO, cputype, cpusubtype);
    340                     cputype |= CPU_ARCH_ABI64;
    341                     g_host_arch_64.SetArchitecture (eArchTypeMachO, cputype, cpusubtype);
    342                 }
    343             }
    344             else
    345             {
    346                 g_host_arch_32.SetArchitecture (eArchTypeMachO, cputype, cpusubtype);
    347                 g_host_arch_64.Clear();
    348             }
    349         }
    350     }
    352 #else // #if defined (__APPLE__)
    354     if (g_supports_32 == false && g_supports_64 == false)
    355     {
    356         llvm::Triple triple(llvm::sys::getDefaultTargetTriple());
    358         g_host_arch_32.Clear();
    359         g_host_arch_64.Clear();
    361         // If the OS is Linux, "unknown" in the vendor slot isn't what we want
    362         // for the default triple.  It's probably an artifact of config.guess.
    363         if (triple.getOS() == llvm::Triple::Linux && triple.getVendor() == llvm::Triple::UnknownVendor)
    364             triple.setVendorName("");
    366         switch (triple.getArch())
    367         {
    368         default:
    369             g_host_arch_32.SetTriple(triple);
    370             g_supports_32 = true;
    371             break;
    373         case llvm::Triple::x86_64:
    374             g_host_arch_64.SetTriple(triple);
    375             g_supports_64 = true;
    376             g_host_arch_32.SetTriple(triple.get32BitArchVariant());
    377             g_supports_32 = true;
    378             break;
    380         case llvm::Triple::sparcv9:
    381         case llvm::Triple::ppc64:
    382             g_host_arch_64.SetTriple(triple);
    383             g_supports_64 = true;
    384             break;
    385         }
    387         g_supports_32 = g_host_arch_32.IsValid();
    388         g_supports_64 = g_host_arch_64.IsValid();
    389     }
    391 #endif // #else for #if defined (__APPLE__)
    393     if (arch_kind == eSystemDefaultArchitecture32)
    394         return g_host_arch_32;
    395     else if (arch_kind == eSystemDefaultArchitecture64)
    396         return g_host_arch_64;
    398     if (g_supports_64)
    399         return g_host_arch_64;
    401     return g_host_arch_32;
    402 }
    404 const ConstString &
    405 Host::GetVendorString()
    406 {
    407     static ConstString g_vendor;
    408     if (!g_vendor)
    409     {
    410         const ArchSpec &host_arch = GetArchitecture (eSystemDefaultArchitecture);
    411         const llvm::StringRef &str_ref = host_arch.GetTriple().getVendorName();
    412         g_vendor.SetCStringWithLength(str_ref.data(), str_ref.size());
    413     }
    414     return g_vendor;
    415 }
    417 const ConstString &
    418 Host::GetOSString()
    419 {
    420     static ConstString g_os_string;
    421     if (!g_os_string)
    422     {
    423         const ArchSpec &host_arch = GetArchitecture (eSystemDefaultArchitecture);
    424         const llvm::StringRef &str_ref = host_arch.GetTriple().getOSName();
    425         g_os_string.SetCStringWithLength(str_ref.data(), str_ref.size());
    426     }
    427     return g_os_string;
    428 }
    430 const ConstString &
    431 Host::GetTargetTriple()
    432 {
    433     static ConstString g_host_triple;
    434     if (!(g_host_triple))
    435     {
    436         const ArchSpec &host_arch = GetArchitecture (eSystemDefaultArchitecture);
    437         g_host_triple.SetCString(host_arch.GetTriple().getTriple().c_str());
    438     }
    439     return g_host_triple;
    440 }
    442 lldb::pid_t
    443 Host::GetCurrentProcessID()
    444 {
    445     return ::getpid();
    446 }
    448 lldb::tid_t
    449 Host::GetCurrentThreadID()
    450 {
    451 #if defined (__APPLE__)
    452     // Calling "mach_port_deallocate()" bumps the reference count on the thread
    453     // port, so we need to deallocate it. mach_task_self() doesn't bump the ref
    454     // count.
    455     thread_port_t thread_self = mach_thread_self();
    456     mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), thread_self);
    457     return thread_self;
    458 #elif defined(__FreeBSD__)
    459     return lldb::tid_t(pthread_getthreadid_np());
    460 #elif defined(__linux__)
    461     return lldb::tid_t(syscall(SYS_gettid));
    462 #else
    463     return lldb::tid_t(pthread_self());
    464 #endif
    465 }
    467 lldb::thread_t
    468 Host::GetCurrentThread ()
    469 {
    470     return lldb::thread_t(pthread_self());
    471 }
    473 const char *
    474 Host::GetSignalAsCString (int signo)
    475 {
    476     switch (signo)
    477     {
    478     case SIGHUP:    return "SIGHUP";    // 1    hangup
    479     case SIGINT:    return "SIGINT";    // 2    interrupt
    480     case SIGQUIT:   return "SIGQUIT";   // 3    quit
    481     case SIGILL:    return "SIGILL";    // 4    illegal instruction (not reset when caught)
    482     case SIGTRAP:   return "SIGTRAP";   // 5    trace trap (not reset when caught)
    483     case SIGABRT:   return "SIGABRT";   // 6    abort()
    484 #if  (defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) && !defined(_DARWIN_C_SOURCE))
    485     case SIGPOLL:   return "SIGPOLL";   // 7    pollable event ([XSR] generated, not supported)
    486 #endif
    487 #if  !defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE)
    488     case SIGEMT:    return "SIGEMT";    // 7    EMT instruction
    489 #endif
    490     case SIGFPE:    return "SIGFPE";    // 8    floating point exception
    491     case SIGKILL:   return "SIGKILL";   // 9    kill (cannot be caught or ignored)
    492     case SIGBUS:    return "SIGBUS";    // 10    bus error
    493     case SIGSEGV:   return "SIGSEGV";   // 11    segmentation violation
    494     case SIGSYS:    return "SIGSYS";    // 12    bad argument to system call
    495     case SIGPIPE:   return "SIGPIPE";   // 13    write on a pipe with no one to read it
    496     case SIGALRM:   return "SIGALRM";   // 14    alarm clock
    497     case SIGTERM:   return "SIGTERM";   // 15    software termination signal from kill
    498     case SIGURG:    return "SIGURG";    // 16    urgent condition on IO channel
    499     case SIGSTOP:   return "SIGSTOP";   // 17    sendable stop signal not from tty
    500     case SIGTSTP:   return "SIGTSTP";   // 18    stop signal from tty
    501     case SIGCONT:   return "SIGCONT";   // 19    continue a stopped process
    502     case SIGCHLD:   return "SIGCHLD";   // 20    to parent on child stop or exit
    503     case SIGTTIN:   return "SIGTTIN";   // 21    to readers pgrp upon background tty read
    504     case SIGTTOU:   return "SIGTTOU";   // 22    like TTIN for output if (tp->t_local&LTOSTOP)
    505 #if  !defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE)
    506     case SIGIO:     return "SIGIO";     // 23    input/output possible signal
    507 #endif
    508     case SIGXCPU:   return "SIGXCPU";   // 24    exceeded CPU time limit
    509     case SIGXFSZ:   return "SIGXFSZ";   // 25    exceeded file size limit
    510     case SIGVTALRM: return "SIGVTALRM"; // 26    virtual time alarm
    511     case SIGPROF:   return "SIGPROF";   // 27    profiling time alarm
    512 #if  !defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE)
    513     case SIGWINCH:  return "SIGWINCH";  // 28    window size changes
    514     case SIGINFO:   return "SIGINFO";   // 29    information request
    515 #endif
    516     case SIGUSR1:   return "SIGUSR1";   // 30    user defined signal 1
    517     case SIGUSR2:   return "SIGUSR2";   // 31    user defined signal 2
    518     default:
    519         break;
    520     }
    521     return NULL;
    522 }
    524 void
    525 Host::WillTerminate ()
    526 {
    527 }
    529 #if !defined (__APPLE__) && !defined (__FreeBSD__) && !defined (__FreeBSD_kernel__) && !defined (__linux__) // see macosx/Host.mm
    531 void
    532 Host::ThreadCreated (const char *thread_name)
    533 {
    534 }
    536 void
    537 Host::Backtrace (Stream &strm, uint32_t max_frames)
    538 {
    539     // TODO: Is there a way to backtrace the current process on other systems?
    540 }
    542 size_t
    543 Host::GetEnvironment (StringList &env)
    544 {
    545     // TODO: Is there a way to the host environment for this process on other systems?
    546     return 0;
    547 }
    549 #endif // #if !defined (__APPLE__) && !defined (__FreeBSD__) && !defined (__FreeBSD_kernel__) && !defined (__linux__)
    551 struct HostThreadCreateInfo
    552 {
    553     std::string thread_name;
    554     thread_func_t thread_fptr;
    555     thread_arg_t thread_arg;
    557     HostThreadCreateInfo (const char *name, thread_func_t fptr, thread_arg_t arg) :
    558         thread_name (name ? name : ""),
    559         thread_fptr (fptr),
    560         thread_arg (arg)
    561     {
    562     }
    563 };
    565 static thread_result_t
    566 ThreadCreateTrampoline (thread_arg_t arg)
    567 {
    568     HostThreadCreateInfo *info = (HostThreadCreateInfo *)arg;
    569     Host::ThreadCreated (info->thread_name.c_str());
    570     thread_func_t thread_fptr = info->thread_fptr;
    571     thread_arg_t thread_arg = info->thread_arg;
    573     Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_THREAD));
    574     if (log)
    575         log->Printf("thread created");
    577     delete info;
    578     return thread_fptr (thread_arg);
    579 }
    581 lldb::thread_t
    582 Host::ThreadCreate
    583 (
    584     const char *thread_name,
    585     thread_func_t thread_fptr,
    586     thread_arg_t thread_arg,
    587     Error *error
    588 )
    589 {
    590     lldb::thread_t thread = LLDB_INVALID_HOST_THREAD;
    592     // Host::ThreadCreateTrampoline will delete this pointer for us.
    593     HostThreadCreateInfo *info_ptr = new HostThreadCreateInfo (thread_name, thread_fptr, thread_arg);
    595     int err = ::pthread_create (&thread, NULL, ThreadCreateTrampoline, info_ptr);
    596     if (err == 0)
    597     {
    598         if (error)
    599             error->Clear();
    600         return thread;
    601     }
    603     if (error)
    604         error->SetError (err, eErrorTypePOSIX);
    606     return LLDB_INVALID_HOST_THREAD;
    607 }
    609 bool
    610 Host::ThreadCancel (lldb::thread_t thread, Error *error)
    611 {
    612     int err = ::pthread_cancel (thread);
    613     if (error)
    614         error->SetError(err, eErrorTypePOSIX);
    615     return err == 0;
    616 }
    618 bool
    619 Host::ThreadDetach (lldb::thread_t thread, Error *error)
    620 {
    621     int err = ::pthread_detach (thread);
    622     if (error)
    623         error->SetError(err, eErrorTypePOSIX);
    624     return err == 0;
    625 }
    627 bool
    628 Host::ThreadJoin (lldb::thread_t thread, thread_result_t *thread_result_ptr, Error *error)
    629 {
    630     int err = ::pthread_join (thread, thread_result_ptr);
    631     if (error)
    632         error->SetError(err, eErrorTypePOSIX);
    633     return err == 0;
    634 }
    636 bool
    637 Host::SetThreadName (lldb::pid_t pid, lldb::tid_t tid, const char *name)
    638 {
    639 #if defined(__APPLE__) && MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED > MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5
    640     lldb::pid_t curr_pid = Host::GetCurrentProcessID();
    641     lldb::tid_t curr_tid = Host::GetCurrentThreadID();
    642     if (pid == LLDB_INVALID_PROCESS_ID)
    643         pid = curr_pid;
    645     if (tid == LLDB_INVALID_THREAD_ID)
    646         tid = curr_tid;
    648     // Set the pthread name if possible
    649     if (pid == curr_pid && tid == curr_tid)
    650     {
    651         if (::pthread_setname_np (name) == 0)
    652             return true;
    653     }
    654     return false;
    655 #elif defined (__FreeBSD__)
    656     lldb::pid_t curr_pid = Host::GetCurrentProcessID();
    657     lldb::tid_t curr_tid = Host::GetCurrentThreadID();
    658     if (pid == LLDB_INVALID_PROCESS_ID)
    659         pid = curr_pid;
    661     if (tid == LLDB_INVALID_THREAD_ID)
    662         tid = curr_tid;
    664     // Set the pthread name if possible
    665     if (pid == curr_pid && tid == curr_tid)
    666     {
    667         ::pthread_set_name_np (::pthread_self(), name);
    668         return true;
    669     }
    670     return false;
    671 #elif defined (__linux__) || defined (__GLIBC__)
    672     void *fn = dlsym (RTLD_DEFAULT, "pthread_setname_np");
    673     if (fn)
    674     {
    675         lldb::pid_t curr_pid = Host::GetCurrentProcessID();
    676         lldb::tid_t curr_tid = Host::GetCurrentThreadID();
    677         if (pid == LLDB_INVALID_PROCESS_ID)
    678             pid = curr_pid;
    680         if (tid == LLDB_INVALID_THREAD_ID)
    681             tid = curr_tid;
    683         if (pid == curr_pid && tid == curr_tid)
    684         {
    685             int (*pthread_setname_np_func)(pthread_t thread, const char *name);
    686             *reinterpret_cast<void **> (&pthread_setname_np_func) = fn;
    688             if (pthread_setname_np_func (::pthread_self(), name) == 0)
    689                 return true;
    690         }
    691     }
    692     return false;
    693 #else
    694     return false;
    695 #endif
    696 }
    698 bool
    699 Host::SetShortThreadName (lldb::pid_t pid, lldb::tid_t tid,
    700                           const char *thread_name, size_t len)
    701 {
    702     char *namebuf = (char *)::malloc (len + 1);
    704     // Thread names are coming in like '<lldb.comm.debugger.edit>' and
    705     // '<lldb.comm.debugger.editline>'.  So just chopping the end of the string
    706     // off leads to a lot of similar named threads.  Go through the thread name
    707     // and search for the last dot and use that.
    708     const char *lastdot = ::strrchr (thread_name, '.');
    710     if (lastdot && lastdot != thread_name)
    711         thread_name = lastdot + 1;
    712     ::strncpy (namebuf, thread_name, len);
    713     namebuf[len] = 0;
    715     int namebuflen = strlen(namebuf);
    716     if (namebuflen > 0)
    717     {
    718         if (namebuf[namebuflen - 1] == '(' || namebuf[namebuflen - 1] == '>')
    719         {
    720             // Trim off trailing '(' and '>' characters for a bit more cleanup.
    721             namebuflen--;
    722             namebuf[namebuflen] = 0;
    723         }
    724         return Host::SetThreadName (pid, tid, namebuf);
    725     }
    726     return false;
    727 }
    729 FileSpec
    730 Host::GetProgramFileSpec ()
    731 {
    732     static FileSpec g_program_filespec;
    733     if (!g_program_filespec)
    734     {
    735 #if defined (__APPLE__)
    736         char program_fullpath[PATH_MAX];
    737         // If DST is NULL, then return the number of bytes needed.
    738         uint32_t len = sizeof(program_fullpath);
    739         int err = _NSGetExecutablePath (program_fullpath, &len);
    740         if (err == 0)
    741             g_program_filespec.SetFile (program_fullpath, false);
    742         else if (err == -1)
    743         {
    744             char *large_program_fullpath = (char *)::malloc (len + 1);
    746             err = _NSGetExecutablePath (large_program_fullpath, &len);
    747             if (err == 0)
    748                 g_program_filespec.SetFile (large_program_fullpath, false);
    750             ::free (large_program_fullpath);
    751         }
    752 #elif defined (__linux__)
    753         char exe_path[PATH_MAX];
    754         ssize_t len = readlink("/proc/self/exe", exe_path, sizeof(exe_path) - 1);
    755         if (len > 0) {
    756             exe_path[len] = 0;
    757             g_program_filespec.SetFile(exe_path, false);
    758         }
    759 #elif defined (__FreeBSD__) || defined (__FreeBSD_kernel__)
    760         int exe_path_mib[4] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_PROC, KERN_PROC_PATHNAME, getpid() };
    761         size_t exe_path_size;
    762         if (sysctl(exe_path_mib, 4, NULL, &exe_path_size, NULL, 0) == 0)
    763         {
    764             char *exe_path = new char[exe_path_size];
    765             if (sysctl(exe_path_mib, 4, exe_path, &exe_path_size, NULL, 0) == 0)
    766                 g_program_filespec.SetFile(exe_path, false);
    767             delete[] exe_path;
    768         }
    769 #endif
    770     }
    771     return g_program_filespec;
    772 }
    774 FileSpec
    775 Host::GetModuleFileSpecForHostAddress (const void *host_addr)
    776 {
    777     FileSpec module_filespec;
    778     Dl_info info;
    779     if (::dladdr (host_addr, &info))
    780     {
    781         if (info.dli_fname)
    782             module_filespec.SetFile(info.dli_fname, true);
    783     }
    784     return module_filespec;
    785 }
    787 #if !defined (__APPLE__) // see Host.mm
    789 bool
    790 Host::GetBundleDirectory (const FileSpec &file, FileSpec &bundle)
    791 {
    792     bundle.Clear();
    793     return false;
    794 }
    796 bool
    797 Host::ResolveExecutableInBundle (FileSpec &file)
    798 {
    799     return false;
    800 }
    801 #endif
    803 // Opaque info that tracks a dynamic library that was loaded
    804 struct DynamicLibraryInfo
    805 {
    806     DynamicLibraryInfo (const FileSpec &fs, int o, void *h) :
    807         file_spec (fs),
    808         open_options (o),
    809         handle (h)
    810     {
    811     }
    813     const FileSpec file_spec;
    814     uint32_t open_options;
    815     void * handle;
    816 };
    818 void *
    819 Host::DynamicLibraryOpen (const FileSpec &file_spec, uint32_t options, Error &error)
    820 {
    821     char path[PATH_MAX];
    822     if (file_spec.GetPath(path, sizeof(path)))
    823     {
    824         int mode = 0;
    826         if (options & eDynamicLibraryOpenOptionLazy)
    827             mode |= RTLD_LAZY;
    828         else
    829             mode |= RTLD_NOW;
    832         if (options & eDynamicLibraryOpenOptionLocal)
    833             mode |= RTLD_LOCAL;
    834         else
    835             mode |= RTLD_GLOBAL;
    838         if (options & eDynamicLibraryOpenOptionLimitGetSymbol)
    839             mode |= RTLD_FIRST;
    840 #endif
    842         void * opaque = ::dlopen (path, mode);
    844         if (opaque)
    845         {
    846             error.Clear();
    847             return new DynamicLibraryInfo (file_spec, options, opaque);
    848         }
    849         else
    850         {
    851             error.SetErrorString(::dlerror());
    852         }
    853     }
    854     else
    855     {
    856         error.SetErrorString("failed to extract path");
    857     }
    858     return NULL;
    859 }
    861 Error
    862 Host::DynamicLibraryClose (void *opaque)
    863 {
    864     Error error;
    865     if (opaque == NULL)
    866     {
    867         error.SetErrorString ("invalid dynamic library handle");
    868     }
    869     else
    870     {
    871         DynamicLibraryInfo *dylib_info = (DynamicLibraryInfo *) opaque;
    872         if (::dlclose (dylib_info->handle) != 0)
    873         {
    874             error.SetErrorString(::dlerror());
    875         }
    877         dylib_info->open_options = 0;
    878         dylib_info->handle = 0;
    879         delete dylib_info;
    880     }
    881     return error;
    882 }
    884 void *
    885 Host::DynamicLibraryGetSymbol (void *opaque, const char *symbol_name, Error &error)
    886 {
    887     if (opaque == NULL)
    888     {
    889         error.SetErrorString ("invalid dynamic library handle");
    890     }
    891     else
    892     {
    893         DynamicLibraryInfo *dylib_info = (DynamicLibraryInfo *) opaque;
    895         void *symbol_addr = ::dlsym (dylib_info->handle, symbol_name);
    896         if (symbol_addr)
    897         {
    899             // This host doesn't support limiting searches to this shared library
    900             // so we need to verify that the match came from this shared library
    901             // if it was requested in the Host::DynamicLibraryOpen() function.
    902             if (dylib_info->open_options & eDynamicLibraryOpenOptionLimitGetSymbol)
    903             {
    904                 FileSpec match_dylib_spec (Host::GetModuleFileSpecForHostAddress (symbol_addr));
    905                 if (match_dylib_spec != dylib_info->file_spec)
    906                 {
    907                     char dylib_path[PATH_MAX];
    908                     if (dylib_info->file_spec.GetPath (dylib_path, sizeof(dylib_path)))
    909                         error.SetErrorStringWithFormat ("symbol not found in \"%s\"", dylib_path);
    910                     else
    911                         error.SetErrorString ("symbol not found");
    912                     return NULL;
    913                 }
    914             }
    915 #endif
    916             error.Clear();
    917             return symbol_addr;
    918         }
    919         else
    920         {
    921             error.SetErrorString(::dlerror());
    922         }
    923     }
    924     return NULL;
    925 }
    927 bool
    928 Host::GetLLDBPath (PathType path_type, FileSpec &file_spec)
    929 {
    930     // To get paths related to LLDB we get the path to the executable that
    931     // contains this function. On MacOSX this will be "LLDB.framework/.../LLDB",
    932     // on linux this is assumed to be the "lldb" main executable. If LLDB on
    933     // linux is actually in a shared library (liblldb.so) then this function will
    934     // need to be modified to "do the right thing".
    936     switch (path_type)
    937     {
    938     case ePathTypeLLDBShlibDir:
    939         {
    940             static ConstString g_lldb_so_dir;
    941             if (!g_lldb_so_dir)
    942             {
    943                 FileSpec lldb_file_spec (Host::GetModuleFileSpecForHostAddress ((void *)Host::GetLLDBPath));
    944                 g_lldb_so_dir = lldb_file_spec.GetDirectory();
    945             }
    946             file_spec.GetDirectory() = g_lldb_so_dir;
    947             return file_spec.GetDirectory();
    948         }
    949         break;
    951     case ePathTypeSupportExecutableDir:
    952         {
    953             static ConstString g_lldb_support_exe_dir;
    954             if (!g_lldb_support_exe_dir)
    955             {
    956                 FileSpec lldb_file_spec;
    957                 if (GetLLDBPath (ePathTypeLLDBShlibDir, lldb_file_spec))
    958                 {
    959                     char raw_path[PATH_MAX];
    960                     char resolved_path[PATH_MAX];
    961                     lldb_file_spec.GetPath(raw_path, sizeof(raw_path));
    963 #if defined (__APPLE__)
    964                     char *framework_pos = ::strstr (raw_path, "LLDB.framework");
    965                     if (framework_pos)
    966                     {
    967                         framework_pos += strlen("LLDB.framework");
    968 #if !defined (__arm__)
    969                         ::strncpy (framework_pos, "/Resources", PATH_MAX - (framework_pos - raw_path));
    970 #endif
    971                     }
    972 #endif
    973                     FileSpec::Resolve (raw_path, resolved_path, sizeof(resolved_path));
    974                     g_lldb_support_exe_dir.SetCString(resolved_path);
    975                 }
    976             }
    977             file_spec.GetDirectory() = g_lldb_support_exe_dir;
    978             return file_spec.GetDirectory();
    979         }
    980         break;
    982     case ePathTypeHeaderDir:
    983         {
    984             static ConstString g_lldb_headers_dir;
    985             if (!g_lldb_headers_dir)
    986             {
    987 #if defined (__APPLE__)
    988                 FileSpec lldb_file_spec;
    989                 if (GetLLDBPath (ePathTypeLLDBShlibDir, lldb_file_spec))
    990                 {
    991                     char raw_path[PATH_MAX];
    992                     char resolved_path[PATH_MAX];
    993                     lldb_file_spec.GetPath(raw_path, sizeof(raw_path));
    995                     char *framework_pos = ::strstr (raw_path, "LLDB.framework");
    996                     if (framework_pos)
    997                     {
    998                         framework_pos += strlen("LLDB.framework");
    999                         ::strncpy (framework_pos, "/Headers", PATH_MAX - (framework_pos - raw_path));
   1000                     }
   1001                     FileSpec::Resolve (raw_path, resolved_path, sizeof(resolved_path));
   1002                     g_lldb_headers_dir.SetCString(resolved_path);
   1003                 }
   1004 #else
   1005                 // TODO: Anyone know how we can determine this for linux? Other systems??
   1006                 g_lldb_headers_dir.SetCString ("/opt/local/include/lldb");
   1007 #endif
   1008             }
   1009             file_spec.GetDirectory() = g_lldb_headers_dir;
   1010             return file_spec.GetDirectory();
   1011         }
   1012         break;
   1014 #ifndef LLDB_DISABLE_PYTHON
   1015     case ePathTypePythonDir:
   1016         {
   1017             static ConstString g_lldb_python_dir;
   1018             if (!g_lldb_python_dir)
   1019             {
   1020                 FileSpec lldb_file_spec;
   1021                 if (GetLLDBPath (ePathTypeLLDBShlibDir, lldb_file_spec))
   1022                 {
   1023                     char raw_path[PATH_MAX];
   1024                     char resolved_path[PATH_MAX];
   1025                     lldb_file_spec.GetPath(raw_path, sizeof(raw_path));
   1027 #if defined (__APPLE__)
   1028                     char *framework_pos = ::strstr (raw_path, "LLDB.framework");
   1029                     if (framework_pos)
   1030                     {
   1031                         framework_pos += strlen("LLDB.framework");
   1032                         ::strncpy (framework_pos, "/Resources/Python", PATH_MAX - (framework_pos - raw_path));
   1033                     }
   1034 #else
   1035                     llvm::SmallString<256> python_version_dir;
   1036                     llvm::raw_svector_ostream os(python_version_dir);
   1037                     os << "/python" << PY_MAJOR_VERSION << '.' << PY_MINOR_VERSION << "/site-packages";
   1038                     os.flush();
   1040                     // We may get our string truncated. Should we protect
   1041                     // this with an assert?
   1043                     ::strncat(raw_path, python_version_dir.c_str(),
   1044                               sizeof(raw_path) - strlen(raw_path) - 1);
   1046 #endif
   1047                     FileSpec::Resolve (raw_path, resolved_path, sizeof(resolved_path));
   1048                     g_lldb_python_dir.SetCString(resolved_path);
   1049                 }
   1050             }
   1051             file_spec.GetDirectory() = g_lldb_python_dir;
   1052             return file_spec.GetDirectory();
   1053         }
   1054         break;
   1055 #endif
   1057     case ePathTypeLLDBSystemPlugins:    // System plug-ins directory
   1058         {
   1059 #if defined (__APPLE__) || defined(__linux__)
   1060             static ConstString g_lldb_system_plugin_dir;
   1061             static bool g_lldb_system_plugin_dir_located = false;
   1062             if (!g_lldb_system_plugin_dir_located)
   1063             {
   1064                 g_lldb_system_plugin_dir_located = true;
   1065 #if defined (__APPLE__)
   1066                 FileSpec lldb_file_spec;
   1067                 if (GetLLDBPath (ePathTypeLLDBShlibDir, lldb_file_spec))
   1068                 {
   1069                     char raw_path[PATH_MAX];
   1070                     char resolved_path[PATH_MAX];
   1071                     lldb_file_spec.GetPath(raw_path, sizeof(raw_path));
   1073                     char *framework_pos = ::strstr (raw_path, "LLDB.framework");
   1074                     if (framework_pos)
   1075                     {
   1076                         framework_pos += strlen("LLDB.framework");
   1077                         ::strncpy (framework_pos, "/Resources/PlugIns", PATH_MAX - (framework_pos - raw_path));
   1078                         FileSpec::Resolve (raw_path, resolved_path, sizeof(resolved_path));
   1079                         g_lldb_system_plugin_dir.SetCString(resolved_path);
   1080                     }
   1081                     return false;
   1082                 }
   1083 #elif defined (__linux__)
   1084                 FileSpec lldb_file_spec("/usr/lib/lldb", true);
   1085                 if (lldb_file_spec.Exists())
   1086                 {
   1087                     g_lldb_system_plugin_dir.SetCString(lldb_file_spec.GetPath().c_str());
   1088                 }
   1089 #endif // __APPLE__ || __linux__
   1090             }
   1092             if (g_lldb_system_plugin_dir)
   1093             {
   1094                 file_spec.GetDirectory() = g_lldb_system_plugin_dir;
   1095                 return true;
   1096             }
   1097 #else
   1098             // TODO: where would system LLDB plug-ins be located on other systems?
   1099             return false;
   1100 #endif
   1101         }
   1102         break;
   1104     case ePathTypeLLDBUserPlugins:      // User plug-ins directory
   1105         {
   1106 #if defined (__APPLE__)
   1107             static ConstString g_lldb_user_plugin_dir;
   1108             if (!g_lldb_user_plugin_dir)
   1109             {
   1110                 char user_plugin_path[PATH_MAX];
   1111                 if (FileSpec::Resolve ("~/Library/Application Support/LLDB/PlugIns",
   1112                                        user_plugin_path,
   1113                                        sizeof(user_plugin_path)))
   1114                 {
   1115                     g_lldb_user_plugin_dir.SetCString(user_plugin_path);
   1116                 }
   1117             }
   1118             file_spec.GetDirectory() = g_lldb_user_plugin_dir;
   1119             return file_spec.GetDirectory();
   1120 #elif defined (__linux__)
   1121             static ConstString g_lldb_user_plugin_dir;
   1122             if (!g_lldb_user_plugin_dir)
   1123             {
   1124                 // XDG Base Directory Specification
   1125                 // http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html
   1126                 // If XDG_DATA_HOME exists, use that, otherwise use ~/.local/share/lldb.
   1127                 FileSpec lldb_file_spec;
   1128                 const char *xdg_data_home = getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME");
   1129                 if (xdg_data_home && xdg_data_home[0])
   1130                 {
   1131                     std::string user_plugin_dir (xdg_data_home);
   1132                     user_plugin_dir += "/lldb";
   1133                     lldb_file_spec.SetFile (user_plugin_dir.c_str(), true);
   1134                 }
   1135                 else
   1136                 {
   1137                     const char *home_dir = getenv("HOME");
   1138                     if (home_dir && home_dir[0])
   1139                     {
   1140                         std::string user_plugin_dir (home_dir);
   1141                         user_plugin_dir += "/.local/share/lldb";
   1142                         lldb_file_spec.SetFile (user_plugin_dir.c_str(), true);
   1143                     }
   1144                 }
   1146                 if (lldb_file_spec.Exists())
   1147                     g_lldb_user_plugin_dir.SetCString(lldb_file_spec.GetPath().c_str());
   1148             }
   1149             file_spec.GetDirectory() = g_lldb_user_plugin_dir;
   1150             return file_spec.GetDirectory();
   1151 #endif
   1152             // TODO: where would user LLDB plug-ins be located on other systems?
   1153             return false;
   1154         }
   1155     }
   1157     return false;
   1158 }
   1161 bool
   1162 Host::GetHostname (std::string &s)
   1163 {
   1164     char hostname[PATH_MAX];
   1165     hostname[sizeof(hostname) - 1] = '\0';
   1166     if (::gethostname (hostname, sizeof(hostname) - 1) == 0)
   1167     {
   1168         struct hostent* h = ::gethostbyname (hostname);
   1169         if (h)
   1170             s.assign (h->h_name);
   1171         else
   1172             s.assign (hostname);
   1173         return true;
   1174     }
   1175     return false;
   1176 }
   1178 const char *
   1179 Host::GetUserName (uint32_t uid, std::string &user_name)
   1180 {
   1181     struct passwd user_info;
   1182     struct passwd *user_info_ptr = &user_info;
   1183     char user_buffer[PATH_MAX];
   1184     size_t user_buffer_size = sizeof(user_buffer);
   1185     if (::getpwuid_r (uid,
   1186                       &user_info,
   1187                       user_buffer,
   1188                       user_buffer_size,
   1189                       &user_info_ptr) == 0)
   1190     {
   1191         if (user_info_ptr)
   1192         {
   1193             user_name.assign (user_info_ptr->pw_name);
   1194             return user_name.c_str();
   1195         }
   1196     }
   1197     user_name.clear();
   1198     return NULL;
   1199 }
   1201 const char *
   1202 Host::GetGroupName (uint32_t gid, std::string &group_name)
   1203 {
   1204     char group_buffer[PATH_MAX];
   1205     size_t group_buffer_size = sizeof(group_buffer);
   1206     struct group group_info;
   1207     struct group *group_info_ptr = &group_info;
   1208     // Try the threadsafe version first
   1209     if (::getgrgid_r (gid,
   1210                       &group_info,
   1211                       group_buffer,
   1212                       group_buffer_size,
   1213                       &group_info_ptr) == 0)
   1214     {
   1215         if (group_info_ptr)
   1216         {
   1217             group_name.assign (group_info_ptr->gr_name);
   1218             return group_name.c_str();
   1219         }
   1220     }
   1221     else
   1222     {
   1223         // The threadsafe version isn't currently working
   1224         // for me on darwin, but the non-threadsafe version
   1225         // is, so I am calling it below.
   1226         group_info_ptr = ::getgrgid (gid);
   1227         if (group_info_ptr)
   1228         {
   1229             group_name.assign (group_info_ptr->gr_name);
   1230             return group_name.c_str();
   1231         }
   1232     }
   1233     group_name.clear();
   1234     return NULL;
   1235 }
   1237 #if !defined (__APPLE__) && !defined (__FreeBSD__) && !defined (__FreeBSD_kernel__) // see macosx/Host.mm
   1238 bool
   1239 Host::GetOSBuildString (std::string &s)
   1240 {
   1241     s.clear();
   1242     return false;
   1243 }
   1245 bool
   1246 Host::GetOSKernelDescription (std::string &s)
   1247 {
   1248     s.clear();
   1249     return false;
   1250 }
   1251 #endif
   1253 uint32_t
   1254 Host::GetUserID ()
   1255 {
   1256     return getuid();
   1257 }
   1259 uint32_t
   1260 Host::GetGroupID ()
   1261 {
   1262     return getgid();
   1263 }
   1265 uint32_t
   1266 Host::GetEffectiveUserID ()
   1267 {
   1268     return geteuid();
   1269 }
   1271 uint32_t
   1272 Host::GetEffectiveGroupID ()
   1273 {
   1274     return getegid();
   1275 }
   1277 #if !defined (__APPLE__) && !defined(__linux__)
   1278 uint32_t
   1279 Host::FindProcesses (const ProcessInstanceInfoMatch &match_info, ProcessInstanceInfoList &process_infos)
   1280 {
   1281     process_infos.Clear();
   1282     return process_infos.GetSize();
   1283 }
   1284 #endif // #if !defined (__APPLE__) && !defined(__linux__)
   1286 #if !defined (__APPLE__) && !defined (__FreeBSD__) && !defined (__FreeBSD_kernel__) && !defined(__linux__)
   1287 bool
   1288 Host::GetProcessInfo (lldb::pid_t pid, ProcessInstanceInfo &process_info)
   1289 {
   1290     process_info.Clear();
   1291     return false;
   1292 }
   1293 #endif
   1295 #if !defined(__linux__)
   1296 bool
   1297 Host::FindProcessThreads (const lldb::pid_t pid, TidMap &tids_to_attach)
   1298 {
   1299     return false;
   1300 }
   1301 #endif
   1303 lldb::TargetSP
   1304 Host::GetDummyTarget (lldb_private::Debugger &debugger)
   1305 {
   1306     static TargetSP g_dummy_target_sp;
   1308     // FIXME: Maybe the dummy target should be per-Debugger
   1309     if (!g_dummy_target_sp || !g_dummy_target_sp->IsValid())
   1310     {
   1311         ArchSpec arch(Target::GetDefaultArchitecture());
   1312         if (!arch.IsValid())
   1313             arch = Host::GetArchitecture ();
   1314         Error err = debugger.GetTargetList().CreateTarget(debugger,
   1315                                                           NULL,
   1316                                                           arch.GetTriple().getTriple().c_str(),
   1317                                                           false,
   1318                                                           NULL,
   1319                                                           g_dummy_target_sp);
   1320     }
   1322     return g_dummy_target_sp;
   1323 }
   1325 struct ShellInfo
   1326 {
   1327     ShellInfo () :
   1328         process_reaped (false),
   1329         can_delete (false),
   1330         pid (LLDB_INVALID_PROCESS_ID),
   1331         signo(-1),
   1332         status(-1)
   1333     {
   1334     }
   1336     lldb_private::Predicate<bool> process_reaped;
   1337     lldb_private::Predicate<bool> can_delete;
   1338     lldb::pid_t pid;
   1339     int signo;
   1340     int status;
   1341 };
   1343 static bool
   1344 MonitorShellCommand (void *callback_baton,
   1345                      lldb::pid_t pid,
   1346                      bool exited,       // True if the process did exit
   1347                      int signo,         // Zero for no signal
   1348                      int status)   // Exit value of process if signal is zero
   1349 {
   1350     ShellInfo *shell_info = (ShellInfo *)callback_baton;
   1351     shell_info->pid = pid;
   1352     shell_info->signo = signo;
   1353     shell_info->status = status;
   1354     // Let the thread running Host::RunShellCommand() know that the process
   1355     // exited and that ShellInfo has been filled in by broadcasting to it
   1356     shell_info->process_reaped.SetValue(1, eBroadcastAlways);
   1357     // Now wait for a handshake back from that thread running Host::RunShellCommand
   1358     // so we know that we can delete shell_info_ptr
   1359     shell_info->can_delete.WaitForValueEqualTo(true);
   1360     // Sleep a bit to allow the shell_info->can_delete.SetValue() to complete...
   1361     usleep(1000);
   1362     // Now delete the shell info that was passed into this function
   1363     delete shell_info;
   1364     return true;
   1365 }
   1367 Error
   1368 Host::RunShellCommand (const char *command,
   1369                        const char *working_dir,
   1370                        int *status_ptr,
   1371                        int *signo_ptr,
   1372                        std::string *command_output_ptr,
   1373                        uint32_t timeout_sec,
   1374                        const char *shell)
   1375 {
   1376     Error error;
   1377     ProcessLaunchInfo launch_info;
   1378     if (shell && shell[0])
   1379     {
   1380         // Run the command in a shell
   1381         launch_info.SetShell(shell);
   1382         launch_info.GetArguments().AppendArgument(command);
   1383         const bool localhost = true;
   1384         const bool will_debug = false;
   1385         const bool first_arg_is_full_shell_command = true;
   1386         launch_info.ConvertArgumentsForLaunchingInShell (error,
   1387                                                          localhost,
   1388                                                          will_debug,
   1389                                                          first_arg_is_full_shell_command);
   1390     }
   1391     else
   1392     {
   1393         // No shell, just run it
   1394         Args args (command);
   1395         const bool first_arg_is_executable = true;
   1396         launch_info.SetArguments(args, first_arg_is_executable);
   1397     }
   1399     if (working_dir)
   1400         launch_info.SetWorkingDirectory(working_dir);
   1401     char output_file_path_buffer[L_tmpnam];
   1402     const char *output_file_path = NULL;
   1403     if (command_output_ptr)
   1404     {
   1405         // Create a temporary file to get the stdout/stderr and redirect the
   1406         // output of the command into this file. We will later read this file
   1407         // if all goes well and fill the data into "command_output_ptr"
   1408         output_file_path = ::tmpnam(output_file_path_buffer);
   1409         launch_info.AppendSuppressFileAction (STDIN_FILENO, true, false);
   1410         launch_info.AppendOpenFileAction(STDOUT_FILENO, output_file_path, false, true);
   1411         launch_info.AppendDuplicateFileAction(STDOUT_FILENO, STDERR_FILENO);
   1412     }
   1413     else
   1414     {
   1415         launch_info.AppendSuppressFileAction (STDIN_FILENO, true, false);
   1416         launch_info.AppendSuppressFileAction (STDOUT_FILENO, false, true);
   1417         launch_info.AppendSuppressFileAction (STDERR_FILENO, false, true);
   1418     }
   1420     // The process monitor callback will delete the 'shell_info_ptr' below...
   1421     std::unique_ptr<ShellInfo> shell_info_ap (new ShellInfo());
   1423     const bool monitor_signals = false;
   1424     launch_info.SetMonitorProcessCallback(MonitorShellCommand, shell_info_ap.get(), monitor_signals);
   1426     error = LaunchProcess (launch_info);
   1427     const lldb::pid_t pid = launch_info.GetProcessID();
   1428     if (pid != LLDB_INVALID_PROCESS_ID)
   1429     {
   1430         // The process successfully launched, so we can defer ownership of
   1431         // "shell_info" to the MonitorShellCommand callback function that will
   1432         // get called when the process dies. We release the unique pointer as it
   1433         // doesn't need to delete the ShellInfo anymore.
   1434         ShellInfo *shell_info = shell_info_ap.release();
   1435         TimeValue timeout_time(TimeValue::Now());
   1436         timeout_time.OffsetWithSeconds(timeout_sec);
   1437         bool timed_out = false;
   1438         shell_info->process_reaped.WaitForValueEqualTo(true, &timeout_time, &timed_out);
   1439         if (timed_out)
   1440         {
   1441             error.SetErrorString("timed out waiting for shell command to complete");
   1443             // Kill the process since it didn't complete withint the timeout specified
   1444             ::kill (pid, SIGKILL);
   1445             // Wait for the monitor callback to get the message
   1446             timeout_time = TimeValue::Now();
   1447             timeout_time.OffsetWithSeconds(1);
   1448             timed_out = false;
   1449             shell_info->process_reaped.WaitForValueEqualTo(true, &timeout_time, &timed_out);
   1450         }
   1451         else
   1452         {
   1453             if (status_ptr)
   1454                 *status_ptr = shell_info->status;
   1456             if (signo_ptr)
   1457                 *signo_ptr = shell_info->signo;
   1459             if (command_output_ptr)
   1460             {
   1461                 command_output_ptr->clear();
   1462                 FileSpec file_spec(output_file_path, File::eOpenOptionRead);
   1463                 uint64_t file_size = file_spec.GetByteSize();
   1464                 if (file_size > 0)
   1465                 {
   1466                     if (file_size > command_output_ptr->max_size())
   1467                     {
   1468                         error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("shell command output is too large to fit into a std::string");
   1469                     }
   1470                     else
   1471                     {
   1472                         command_output_ptr->resize(file_size);
   1473                         file_spec.ReadFileContents(0, &((*command_output_ptr)[0]), command_output_ptr->size(), &error);
   1474                     }
   1475                 }
   1476             }
   1477         }
   1478         shell_info->can_delete.SetValue(true, eBroadcastAlways);
   1479     }
   1480     else
   1481     {
   1482         error.SetErrorString("failed to get process ID");
   1483     }
   1485     if (output_file_path)
   1486         ::unlink (output_file_path);
   1487     // Handshake with the monitor thread, or just let it know in advance that
   1488     // it can delete "shell_info" in case we timed out and were not able to kill
   1489     // the process...
   1490     return error;
   1491 }
   1494 uint32_t
   1495 Host::GetNumberCPUS ()
   1496 {
   1497     static uint32_t g_num_cores = UINT32_MAX;
   1498     if (g_num_cores == UINT32_MAX)
   1499     {
   1500 #if defined(__APPLE__) or defined (__linux__) or defined (__FreeBSD__) or defined (__FreeBSD_kernel__)
   1502         g_num_cores = ::sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
   1504 #elif defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
   1506         // Header file for this might need to be included at the top of this file
   1507         SYSTEM_INFO system_info;
   1508         ::GetSystemInfo (&system_info);
   1509         g_num_cores = system_info.dwNumberOfProcessors;
   1511 #else
   1513         // Assume POSIX support if a host specific case has not been supplied above
   1514         g_num_cores = 0;
   1515         int num_cores = 0;
   1516         size_t num_cores_len = sizeof(num_cores);
   1517 #ifdef HW_AVAILCPU
   1518         int mib[] = { CTL_HW, HW_AVAILCPU };
   1519 #else
   1520         int mib[] = { CTL_HW, HW_NCPU };
   1521 #endif
   1523         /* get the number of CPUs from the system */
   1524         if (sysctl(mib, sizeof(mib)/sizeof(int), &num_cores, &num_cores_len, NULL, 0) == 0 && (num_cores > 0))
   1525         {
   1526             g_num_cores = num_cores;
   1527         }
   1528         else
   1529         {
   1530             mib[1] = HW_NCPU;
   1531             num_cores_len = sizeof(num_cores);
   1532             if (sysctl(mib, sizeof(mib)/sizeof(int), &num_cores, &num_cores_len, NULL, 0) == 0 && (num_cores > 0))
   1533             {
   1534                 if (num_cores > 0)
   1535                     g_num_cores = num_cores;
   1536             }
   1537         }
   1538 #endif
   1539     }
   1540     return g_num_cores;
   1541 }
   1545 #if !defined (__APPLE__)
   1546 bool
   1547 Host::OpenFileInExternalEditor (const FileSpec &file_spec, uint32_t line_no)
   1548 {
   1549     return false;
   1550 }
   1552 void
   1553 Host::SetCrashDescriptionWithFormat (const char *format, ...)
   1554 {
   1555 }
   1557 void
   1558 Host::SetCrashDescription (const char *description)
   1559 {
   1560 }
   1562 lldb::pid_t
   1563 LaunchApplication (const FileSpec &app_file_spec)
   1564 {
   1565     return LLDB_INVALID_PROCESS_ID;
   1566 }
   1568 #endif