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      1 page.title=Code Style Guidelines for Contributors
      2 @jd:body
      4 <!--
      5     Copyright 2013 The Android Open Source Project
      7     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      8     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      9     You may obtain a copy of the License at
     11         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     13     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     14     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     15     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     16     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     17     limitations under the License.
     18 -->
     19 <div id="qv-wrapper">
     20   <div id="qv">
     21     <h2>In this document</h2>
     22     <ol id="auto-toc">
     23     </ol>
     24   </div>
     25 </div>
     27 <p>The rules below are not guidelines or recommendations, but strict rules.
     28 Contributions to Android generally <em>will not be accepted</em> if they do not
     29 adhere to these rules.</p>
     31 <p>Not all existing code follows these rules, but all new code is expected to.</p>
     33 <h2 id="java-language-rules">Java Language Rules</h2>
     34 <p>We follow standard Java coding conventions. We add a few rules:</p>
     35 <h3 id="dont-ignore-exceptions">Don't Ignore Exceptions</h3>
     36 <p>Sometimes it is tempting to write code that completely ignores an exception
     37 like this:</p>
     38 <pre><code>void setServerPort(String value) {
     39     try {
     40         serverPort = Integer.parseInt(value);
     41     } catch (NumberFormatException e) { }
     42 }
     43 </code></pre>
     44 <p>You must never do this. While you may think that your code will never
     45 encounter this error condition or that it is not important to handle it,
     46 ignoring exceptions like above creates mines in your code for someone else to
     47 trip over some day. You must handle every Exception in your code in some
     48 principled way. The specific handling varies depending on the case.</p>
     49 <p><em>Anytime somebody has an empty catch clause they should have a
     50 creepy feeling. There are definitely times when it is actually the correct
     51 thing to do, but at least you have to think about it. In Java you can't escape
     52 the creepy feeling.</em> -<a href="http://www.artima.com/intv/solid4.html">James Gosling</a></p>
     53 <p>Acceptable alternatives (in order of preference) are:</p>
     54 <ul>
     55 <li>
     56 <p>Throw the exception up to the caller of your method.</p>
     57 <pre><code>void setServerPort(String value) throws NumberFormatException {
     58     serverPort = Integer.parseInt(value);
     59 }
     60 </code></pre>
     61 </li>
     62 <li>
     63 <p>Throw a new exception that's appropriate to your level of abstraction.</p>
     64 <pre><code>void setServerPort(String value) throws ConfigurationException {
     65     try {
     66         serverPort = Integer.parseInt(value);
     67     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
     68         throw new ConfigurationException("Port " + value + " is not valid.");
     69     }
     70 }
     71 </code></pre>
     72 </li>
     73 <li>
     74 <p>Handle the error gracefully and substitute an appropriate value in the
     75 catch {} block.</p>
     76 <pre><code>/** Set port. If value is not a valid number, 80 is substituted. */
     78 void setServerPort(String value) {
     79     try {
     80         serverPort = Integer.parseInt(value);
     81     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
     82         serverPort = 80;  // default port for server 
     83     }
     84 }
     85 </code></pre>
     86 </li>
     87 <li>
     88 <p>Catch the Exception and throw a new <code>RuntimeException</code>. This is dangerous:
     89 only do it if you are positive that if this error occurs, the appropriate
     90 thing to do is crash.</p>
     91 <pre><code>/** Set port. If value is not a valid number, die. */
     93 void setServerPort(String value) {
     94     try {
     95         serverPort = Integer.parseInt(value);
     96     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
     97         throw new RuntimeException("port " + value " is invalid, ", e);
     98     }
     99 }
    100 </code></pre>
    101 <p>Note that the original exception is passed to the constructor for
    102 RuntimeException.  If your code must compile under Java 1.3, you will need to
    103 omit the exception that is the cause.</p>
    104 </li>
    105 <li>
    106 <p>Last resort: if you are confident that actually ignoring the exception is
    107 appropriate then you may ignore it, but you must also comment why with a good
    108 reason:</p>
    109 <pre><code>/** If value is not a valid number, original port number is used. */
    110 void setServerPort(String value) {
    111     try {
    112         serverPort = Integer.parseInt(value);
    113     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
    114         // Method is documented to just ignore invalid user input.
    115         // serverPort will just be unchanged.
    116     }
    117 }
    118 </code></pre>
    119 </li>
    120 </ul>
    121 <h3 id="dont-catch-generic-exception">Don't Catch Generic Exception</h3>
    122 <p>Sometimes it is tempting to be lazy when catching exceptions and do
    123 something like this:</p>
    124 <pre><code>try {
    125     someComplicatedIOFunction();        // may throw IOException 
    126     someComplicatedParsingFunction();   // may throw ParsingException 
    127     someComplicatedSecurityFunction();  // may throw SecurityException 
    128     // phew, made it all the way 
    129 } catch (Exception e) {                 // I'll just catch all exceptions 
    130     handleError();                      // with one generic handler!
    131 }
    132 </code></pre>
    133 <p>You should not do this. In almost all cases it is inappropriate to catch
    134 generic Exception or Throwable, preferably not Throwable, because it includes
    135 Error exceptions as well. It is very dangerous. It means that Exceptions you
    136 never expected (including RuntimeExceptions like ClassCastException) end up
    137 getting caught in application-level error handling. It obscures the failure
    138 handling properties of your code. It means if someone adds a new type of
    139 Exception in the code you're calling, the compiler won't help you realize you
    140 need to handle that error differently. And in most cases you shouldn't be
    141 handling different types of exception the same way, anyway.</p>
    142 <p>There are rare exceptions to this rule: certain test code and top-level
    143 code where you want to catch all kinds of errors (to prevent them from showing
    144 up in a UI, or to keep a batch job running). In that case you may catch
    145 generic Exception (or Throwable) and handle the error appropriately. You
    146 should think very carefully before doing this, though, and put in comments
    147 explaining why it is safe in this place.</p>
    148 <p>Alternatives to catching generic Exception:</p>
    149 <ul>
    150 <li>
    151 <p>Catch each exception separately as separate catch blocks after a single
    152 try. This can be awkward but is still preferable to catching all Exceptions.
    153 Beware repeating too much code in the catch blocks.</li></p>
    154 </li>
    155 <li>
    156 <p>Refactor your code to have more fine-grained error handling, with multiple
    157 try blocks. Split up the IO from the parsing, handle errors separately in each
    158 case.</p>
    159 </li>
    160 <li>
    161 <p>Rethrow the exception. Many times you don't need to catch the exception at
    162 this level anyway, just let the method throw it.</p>
    163 </li>
    164 </ul>
    165 <p>Remember: exceptions are your friend! When the compiler complains you're
    166 not catching an exception, don't scowl. Smile: the compiler just made it
    167 easier for you to catch runtime problems in your code.</p>
    168 <h3 id="dont-use-finalizers">Don't Use Finalizers</h3>
    169 <p>Finalizers are a way to have a chunk of code executed
    170 when an object is garbage collected.</p>
    171 <p>Pros: can be handy for doing cleanup, particularly of external resources.</p>
    172 <p>Cons: there are no guarantees as to when a finalizer will be called,
    173 or even that it will be called at all.</p>
    174 <p>Decision: we don't use finalizers. In most cases, you can do what
    175 you need from a finalizer with good exception handling. If you absolutely need
    176 it, define a close() method (or the like) and document exactly when that
    177 method needs to be called. See InputStream for an example. In this case it is
    178 appropriate but not required to print a short log message from the finalizer,
    179 as long as it is not expected to flood the logs.</p>
    180 <h3 id="fully-qualify-imports">Fully Qualify Imports</h3>
    181 <p>When you want to use class Bar from package foo,there
    182 are two possible ways to import it:</p>
    183 <ol>
    184 <li><code>import foo.*;</code></li>
    185 </ol>
    186 <p>Pros: Potentially reduces the number of import statements.</p>
    187 <ol>
    188 <li><code>import foo.Bar;</code></li>
    189 </ol>
    190 <p>Pros: Makes it obvious what classes are actually used. Makes
    191 code more readable for maintainers. </p>
    192 <p>Decision: Use the latter for importing all Android code. An explicit
    193 exception is made for java standard libraries (<code>java.util.*</code>, <code>java.io.*</code>, etc.)
    194 and unit test code (<code>junit.framework.*</code>)</p>
    195 <h2 id="java-library-rules">Java Library Rules</h2>
    196 <p>There are conventions for using Android's Java libraries and tools. In some
    197 cases, the convention has changed in important ways and older code might use a
    198 deprecated pattern or library. When working with such code, it's okay to
    199 continue the existing style. When creating new components never use deprecated
    200 libraries.</p>
    202 <h2 id="java-style-rules">Java Style Rules</h2>
    204 <h3 id="use-javadoc-standard-comments">Use Javadoc Standard Comments</h3>
    205 <p>Every file should have a copyright statement at the top. Then a package
    206 statement and import statements should follow, each block separated by a blank
    207 line. And then there is the class or interface declaration. In the Javadoc
    208 comments, describe what the class or interface does.</p>
    209 <pre><code>/*
    210  * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project 
    211  *
    212  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    213  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    214  * You may obtain a copy of the License at 
    215  *
    216  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    217  *
    218  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
    219  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    220  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    221  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
    222  * limitations under the License.
    223  */
    225 package com.android.internal.foo;
    227 import android.os.Blah;
    228 import android.view.Yada;
    230 import java.sql.ResultSet;
    231 import java.sql.SQLException;
    233 /**
    234  * Does X and Y and provides an abstraction for Z.
    235  */
    237 public class Foo {
    238     ...
    239 }
    240 </code></pre>
    241 <p>Every class and nontrivial public method you write <em>must</em> contain a
    242 Javadoc comment with at least one sentence describing what the class or method
    243 does. This sentence should start with a 3rd person descriptive verb.</p>
    244 <p>Examples:</p>
    245 <pre><code>/** Returns the correctly rounded positive square root of a double value. */
    246 static double sqrt(double a) {
    247     ...
    248 }
    249 </code></pre>
    250 <p>or</p>
    251 <pre><code>/**
    252  * Constructs a new String by converting the specified array of 
    253  * bytes using the platform's default character encoding.
    254  */
    255 public String(byte[] bytes) {
    256     ...
    257 }
    258 </code></pre>
    259 <p>You do not need to write Javadoc for trivial get and set methods such as
    260 <code>setFoo()</code> if all your Javadoc would say is "sets Foo". If the method does
    261 something more complex (such as enforcing a constraint or having an important
    262 side effect), then you must document it. And if it's not obvious what the
    263 property "Foo" means, you should document it.</p>
    264 <p>Every method you write, whether public or otherwise, would benefit from
    265 Javadoc. Public methods are part of an API and therefore require Javadoc.</p>
    266 <p>Android does not currently enforce a specific style for writing Javadoc
    267 comments, but you should follow the instructions <a
    268 href="http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/documentation/index-137868.html">How
    269 to Write Doc Comments for the Javadoc Tool</a>.</p>
    271 <h3 id="write-short-methods">Write Short Methods</h3>
    272 <p>To the extent that it is feasible, methods should be kept small and
    273 focused. It is, however, recognized that long methods are sometimes
    274 appropriate, so no hard limit is placed on method length. If a method exceeds
    275 40 lines or so, think about whether it can be broken up without harming the
    276 structure of the program.</p>
    277 <h3 id="define-fields-in-standard-places">Define Fields in Standard Places</h3>
    278 <p>Fields should be defined either at the top of the file, or immediately before the methods that use them.</p>
    279 <h3 id="limit-variable-scope">Limit Variable Scope</h3>
    280 <p>The scope of local variables should be kept to a minimum. By doing so, you increase the readability and
    281 maintainability of your code and reduce the likelihood of error. Each variable
    282 should be declared in the innermost block that encloses all uses of the
    283 variable.</p>
    284 <p>Local variables should be declared at the point they are first used. Nearly
    285 every local variable declaration should contain an initializer. If you don't
    286 yet have enough information to initialize a variable sensibly, you should
    287 postpone the declaration until you do.</p>
    288 <p>One exception to this rule concerns try-catch statements. If a variable is
    289 initialized with the return value of a method that throws a checked exception,
    290 it must be initialized inside a try block. If the value must be used outside
    291 of the try block, then it must be declared before the try block, where it
    292 cannot yet be sensibly initialized:</p>
    293 <pre><code>// Instantiate class cl, which represents some sort of Set 
    294 Set s = null;
    295 try {
    296     s = (Set) cl.newInstance();
    297 } catch(IllegalAccessException e) {
    298     throw new IllegalArgumentException(cl + " not accessible");
    299 } catch(InstantiationException e) {
    300     throw new IllegalArgumentException(cl + " not instantiable");
    301 }
    303 // Exercise the set 
    304 s.addAll(Arrays.asList(args));
    305 </code></pre>
    306 <p>But even this case can be avoided by encapsulating the try-catch block in a method:</p>
    307 <pre><code>Set createSet(Class cl) {
    308     // Instantiate class cl, which represents some sort of Set 
    309     try {
    310         return (Set) cl.newInstance();
    311     } catch(IllegalAccessException e) {
    312         throw new IllegalArgumentException(cl + " not accessible");
    313     } catch(InstantiationException e) {
    314         throw new IllegalArgumentException(cl + " not instantiable");
    315     }
    316 }
    318 ...
    320 // Exercise the set 
    321 Set s = createSet(cl);
    322 s.addAll(Arrays.asList(args));
    323 </code></pre>
    324 <p>Loop variables should be declared in the for statement itself unless there
    325 is a compelling reason to do otherwise:</p>
    326 <pre><code>for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    327     doSomething(i);
    328 }
    329 </code></pre>
    330 <p>and</p>
    331 <pre><code>for (Iterator i = c.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
    332     doSomethingElse(i.next());
    333 }
    334 </code></pre>
    335 <h3 id="order-import-statements">Order Import Statements</h3>
    336 <p>The ordering of import statements is:</p>
    337 <ol>
    338 <li>
    339 <p>Android imports</p>
    340 </li>
    341 <li>
    342 <p>Imports from third parties (<code>com</code>, <code>junit</code>, <code>net</code>, <code>org</code>)</p>
    343 </li>
    344 <li>
    345 <p><code>java</code> and <code>javax</code></p>
    346 </li>
    347 </ol>
    348 <p>To exactly match the IDE settings, the imports should be:</p>
    349 <ul>
    350 <li>
    351 <p>Alphabetical within each grouping, with capital letters before lower case letters (e.g. Z before a).</p>
    352 </li>
    353 <li>
    354 <p>There should be a blank line between each major grouping (<code>android</code>, <code>com</code>, <code>junit</code>, <code>net</code>, <code>org</code>, <code>java</code>, <code>javax</code>).</p>
    355 </li>
    356 </ul>
    357 <p>Originally there was no style requirement on the ordering. This meant that
    358 the IDE's were either always changing the ordering, or IDE developers had to
    359 disable the automatic import management features and maintain the imports by
    360 hand. This was deemed bad. When java-style was asked, the preferred styles
    361 were all over the map. It pretty much came down to our needing to "pick an
    362 ordering and be consistent." So we chose a style, updated the style guide, and
    363 made the IDEs obey it. We expect that as IDE users work on the code, the
    364 imports in all of the packages will end up matching this pattern without any
    365 extra engineering effort.</p>
    366 <p>This style was chosen such that:</p>
    367 <ul>
    368 <li>
    369 <p>The imports people want to look at first tend to be at the top (<code>android</code>)</p>
    370 </li>
    371 <li>
    372 <p>The imports people want to look at least tend to be at the bottom (<code>java</code>)</p>
    373 </li>
    374 <li>
    375 <p>Humans can easily follow the style</p>
    376 </li>
    377 <li>
    378 <p>IDEs can follow the style</p>
    379 </li>
    380 </ul>
    381 <p>The use and location of static imports have been mildly controversial
    382 issues. Some people would prefer static imports to be interspersed with the
    383 remaining imports, some would prefer them reside above or below all other
    384 imports. Additionally, we have not yet come up with a way to make all IDEs use
    385 the same ordering.</p>
    386 <p>Since most people consider this a low priority issue, just use your
    387 judgement and please be consistent.</p>
    388 <h3 id="use-spaces-for-indentation">Use Spaces for Indentation</h3>
    389 <p>We use 4 space indents for blocks. We never use tabs. When in doubt, be
    390 consistent with code around you.</p>
    391 <p>We use 8 space indents for line wraps, including function calls and
    392 assignments. For example, this is correct:</p>
    393 <pre><code>Instrument i =
    394         someLongExpression(that, wouldNotFit, on, one, line);
    395 </code></pre>
    396 <p>and this is not correct:</p>
    397 <pre><code>Instrument i =
    398     someLongExpression(that, wouldNotFit, on, one, line);
    399 </code></pre>
    400 <h3 id="follow-field-naming-conventions">Follow Field Naming Conventions</h3>
    401 <ul>
    402 <li>
    403 <p>Non-public, non-static field names start with m.</p>
    404 </li>
    405 <li>
    406 <p>Static field names start with s.</p>
    407 </li>
    408 <li>
    409 <p>Other fields start with a lower case letter.</p>
    410 </li>
    411 <li>
    412 <p>Public static final fields (constants) are ALL_CAPS_WITH_UNDERSCORES.</p>
    413 </li>
    414 </ul>
    415 <p>For example:</p>
    416 <pre><code>public class MyClass {
    417     public static final int SOME_CONSTANT = 42;
    418     public int publicField;
    419     private static MyClass sSingleton;
    420     int mPackagePrivate;
    421     private int mPrivate;
    422     protected int mProtected;
    423 }
    424 </code></pre>
    425 <h3 id="use-standard-brace-style">Use Standard Brace Style</h3>
    426 <p>Braces do not go on their own line; they go on the same line as the code
    427 before them. So:</p>
    428 <pre><code>class MyClass {
    429     int func() {
    430         if (something) {
    431             // ...
    432         } else if (somethingElse) {
    433             // ...
    434         } else {
    435             // ...
    436         }
    437     }
    438 }
    439 </code></pre>
    440 <p>We require braces around the statements for a conditional. Except, if the
    441 entire conditional (the condition and the body) fit on one line, you may (but
    442 are not obligated to) put it all on one line. That is, this is legal:</p>
    443 <pre><code>if (condition) {
    444     body(); 
    445 }
    446 </code></pre>
    447 <p>and this is legal:</p>
    448 <pre><code>if (condition) body();
    449 </code></pre>
    450 <p>but this is still illegal:</p>
    451 <pre><code>if (condition)
    452     body();  // bad!
    453 </code></pre>
    454 <h3 id="limit-line-length">Limit Line Length</h3>
    455 <p>Each line of text in your code should be at most 100 characters long.</p>
    456 <p>There has been lots of discussion about this rule and the decision remains
    457 that 100 characters is the maximum.</p>
    458 <p>Exception: if a comment line contains an example command or a literal URL
    459 longer than 100 characters, that line may be longer than 100 characters for
    460 ease of cut and paste.</p>
    461 <p>Exception: import lines can go over the limit because humans rarely see
    462 them. This also simplifies tool writing.</p>
    463 <h3 id="use-standard-java-annotations">Use Standard Java Annotations</h3>
    464 <p>Annotations should precede other modifiers for the same language element.
    465 Simple marker annotations (e.g. @Override) can be listed on the same line with
    466 the language element. If there are multiple annotations, or parameterized
    467 annotations, they should each be listed one-per-line in alphabetical
    468 order.&lt;</p>
    469 <p>Android standard practices for the three predefined annotations in Java are:</p>
    470 <ul>
    471 <li>
    472 <p><code>@Deprecated</code>: The @Deprecated annotation must be used whenever the use of the annotated
    473 element is discouraged. If you use the @Deprecated annotation, you must also
    474 have a @deprecated Javadoc tag and it should name an alternate implementation.
    475 In addition, remember that a @Deprecated method is <em>still supposed to
    476 work.</em></p>
    477 <p>If you see old code that has a @deprecated Javadoc tag, please add the @Deprecated annotation.</p>
    478 </li>
    479 <li>
    480 <p><code>@Override</code>: The @Override annotation must be used whenever a method overrides the
    481 declaration or implementation from a super-class.</p>
    482 <p>For example, if you use the @inheritdocs Javadoc tag, and derive from a
    483 class (not an interface), you must also annotate that the method @Overrides
    484 the parent class's method.</p>
    485 </li>
    486 <li>
    487 <p><code>@SuppressWarnings</code>: The @SuppressWarnings annotation should only be used under circumstances
    488 where it is impossible to eliminate a warning. If a warning passes this
    489 "impossible to eliminate" test, the @SuppressWarnings annotation <em>must</em> be
    490 used, so as to ensure that all warnings reflect actual problems in the
    491 code.</p>
    492 <p>When a @SuppressWarnings annotation is necessary, it must be prefixed with
    493 a TODO comment that explains the "impossible to eliminate" condition. This
    494 will normally identify an offending class that has an awkward interface. For
    495 example:</p>
    496 <pre><code>// TODO: The third-party class com.third.useful.Utility.rotate() needs generics 
    497 &#64;SuppressWarnings("generic-cast")
    498 List&lt;String&gt; blix = Utility.rotate(blax);
    499 </code></pre>
    500 <p>When a @SuppressWarnings annotation is required, the code should be
    501 refactored to isolate the software elements where the annotation applies.</p>
    502 </li>
    503 </ul>
    504 <h3 id="treat-acronyms-as-words">Treat Acronyms as Words</h3>
    505 <p>Treat acronyms and abbreviations as words in naming variables, methods, and classes. The names are much more readable:</p>
    506 <table>
    507 <thead>
    508 <tr>
    509 <th>Good</th>
    510 <th>Bad</th>
    511 </tr>
    512 </thead>
    513 <tbody>
    514 <tr>
    515 <td>XmlHttpRequest</td>
    516 <td>XMLHTTPRequest</td>
    517 </tr>
    518 <tr>
    519 <td>getCustomerId</td>
    520 <td>getCustomerID</td>
    521 </tr>
    522 <tr>
    523 <td>class Html</td>
    524 <td>class HTML</td>
    525 </tr>
    526 <tr>
    527 <td>String url</td>
    528 <td>String URL</td>
    529 </tr>
    530 <tr>
    531 <td>long id</td>
    532 <td>long ID</td>
    533 </tr>
    534 </tbody>
    535 </table>
    536 <p>Both the JDK and the Android code bases are very inconsistent with regards
    537 to acronyms, therefore, it is virtually impossible to be consistent with the
    538 code around you. Bite the bullet, and treat acronyms as words.</p>
    540 <h3 id="use-todo-comments">Use TODO Comments</h3>
    541 <p>Use TODO comments for code that is temporary, a short-term solution, or
    542 good-enough but not perfect.</p>
    543 <p>TODOs should include the string TODO in all caps, followed by a colon:</p>
    544 <pre><code>// TODO: Remove this code after the UrlTable2 has been checked in.
    545 </code></pre>
    546 <p>and</p>
    547 <pre><code>// TODO: Change this to use a flag instead of a constant.
    548 </code></pre>
    549 <p>If your TODO is of the form "At a future date do something" make sure that
    550 you either include a very specific date ("Fix by November 2005") or a very
    551 specific event ("Remove this code after all production mixers understand
    552 protocol V7.").</p>
    553 <h3 id="log-sparingly">Log Sparingly</h3>
    554 <p>While logging is necessary, it has a significantly negative impact on
    555 performance and quickly loses its usefulness if it's not kept reasonably
    556 terse. The logging facilities provides five different levels of logging:</p>
    557 <ul>
    558 <li>
    559 <p><code>ERROR</code>: 
    560 This level of logging should be used when something fatal has happened,
    561 i.e. something that will have user-visible consequences and won't be
    562 recoverable without explicitly deleting some data, uninstalling applications,
    563 wiping the data partitions or reflashing the entire phone (or worse). This
    564 level is always logged. Issues that justify some logging at the ERROR level
    565 are typically good candidates to be reported to a statistics-gathering
    566 server.</p>
    567 </li>
    568 <li>
    569 <p><code>WARNING</code>: 
    570 This level of logging should used when something serious and unexpected
    571 happened, i.e. something that will have user-visible consequences but is
    572 likely to be recoverable without data loss by performing some explicit action,
    573 ranging from waiting or restarting an app all the way to re-downloading a new
    574 version of an application or rebooting the device. This level is always
    575 logged. Issues that justify some logging at the WARNING level might also be
    576 considered for reporting to a statistics-gathering server.</p>
    577 </li>
    578 <li>
    579 <p><code>INFORMATIVE:</code>
    580 This level of logging should used be to note that something interesting to
    581 most people happened, i.e. when a situation is detected that is likely to have
    582 widespread impact, though isn't necessarily an error. Such a condition should
    583 only be logged by a module that reasonably believes that it is the most
    584 authoritative in that domain (to avoid duplicate logging by non-authoritative
    585 components). This level is always logged.</p>
    586 </li>
    587 <li>
    588 <p><code>DEBUG</code>:
    589 This level of logging should be used to further note what is happening on the
    590 device that could be relevant to investigate and debug unexpected behaviors.
    591 You should log only what is needed to gather enough information about what is
    592 going on about your component. If your debug logs are dominating the log then
    593 you probably should be using verbose logging. </p>
    594 <p>This level will be logged, even
    595 on release builds, and is required to be surrounded by an <code>if (LOCAL_LOG)</code> or <code>if
    596 (LOCAL_LOGD)</code> block, where <code>LOCAL_LOG[D]</code> is defined in your class or
    597 subcomponent, so that there can exist a possibility to disable all such
    598 logging. There must therefore be no active logic in an <code>if (LOCAL_LOG)</code> block.
    599 All the string building for the log also needs to be placed inside the <code>if
    600 (LOCAL_LOG)</code> block. The logging call should not be re-factored out into a
    601 method call if it is going to cause the string building to take place outside
    602 of the <code>if (LOCAL_LOG)</code> block. </p>
    603 <p>There is some code that still says <code>if
    604 (localLOGV)</code>. This is considered acceptable as well, although the name is
    605 nonstandard.</p>
    606 </li>
    607 <li>
    608 <p><code>VERBOSE</code>:
    609 This level of logging should be used for everything else. This level will only
    610 be logged on debug builds and should be surrounded by an <code>if (LOCAL_LOGV)</code> block
    611 (or equivalent) so that it can be compiled out by default. Any string building
    612 will be stripped out of release builds and needs to appear inside the <code>if (LOCAL_LOGV)</code> block.</p>
    613 </li>
    614 </ul>
    615 <p><em>Notes:</em> </p>
    616 <ul>
    617 <li>
    618 <p>Within a given module, other than at the VERBOSE level, an
    619 error should only be reported once if possible: within a single chain of
    620 function calls within a module, only the innermost function should return the
    621 error, and callers in the same module should only add some logging if that
    622 significantly helps to isolate the issue.</p>
    623 </li>
    624 <li>
    625 <p>In a chain of modules, other than at the VERBOSE level, when a
    626 lower-level module detects invalid data coming from a higher-level module, the
    627 lower-level module should only log this situation to the DEBUG log, and only
    628 if logging provides information that is not otherwise available to the caller.
    629 Specifically, there is no need to log situations where an exception is thrown
    630 (the exception should contain all the relevant information), or where the only
    631 information being logged is contained in an error code. This is especially
    632 important in the interaction between the framework and applications, and
    633 conditions caused by third-party applications that are properly handled by the
    634 framework should not trigger logging higher than the DEBUG level. The only
    635 situations that should trigger logging at the INFORMATIVE level or higher is
    636 when a module or application detects an error at its own level or coming from
    637 a lower level.</p>
    638 </li>
    639 <li>
    640 <p>When a condition that would normally justify some logging is
    641 likely to occur many times, it can be a good idea to implement some
    642 rate-limiting mechanism to prevent overflowing the logs with many duplicate
    643 copies of the same (or very similar) information.</p>
    644 </li>
    645 <li>
    646 <p>Losses of network connectivity are considered common and fully
    647 expected and should not be logged gratuitously. A loss of network connectivity
    648 that has consequences within an app should be logged at the DEBUG or VERBOSE
    649 level (depending on whether the consequences are serious enough and unexpected
    650 enough to be logged in a release build).</p>
    651 </li>
    652 <li>
    653 <p>A full filesystem on a filesystem that is acceessible to or on
    654 behalf of third-party applications should not be logged at a level higher than
    655 INFORMATIVE.</p>
    656 </li>
    657 <li>
    658 <p>Invalid data coming from any untrusted source (including any
    659 file on shared storage, or data coming through just about any network
    660 connections) is considered expected and should not trigger any logging at a
    661 level higher then DEBUG when it's detected to be invalid (and even then
    662 logging should be as limited as possible).</p>
    663 </li>
    664 <li>
    665 <p>Keep in mind that the <code>+</code> operator, when used on Strings,
    666 implicitly creates a <code>StringBuilder</code> with the default buffer size (16
    667 characters) and potentially quite a few other temporary String objects, i.e.
    668 that explicitly creating StringBuilders isn't more expensive than relying on
    669 the default '+' operator (and can be a lot more efficient in fact). Also keep
    670 in mind that code that calls <code>Log.v()</code> is compiled and executed on release
    671 builds, including building the strings, even if the logs aren't being
    672 read.</p>
    673 </li>
    674 <li>
    675 <p>Any logging that is meant to be read by other people and to be
    676 available in release builds should be terse without being cryptic, and should
    677 be reasonably understandable. This includes all logging up to the DEBUG
    678 level.</p>
    679 </li>
    680 <li>
    681 <p>When possible, logging should be kept on a single line if it
    682 makes sense. Line lengths up to 80 or 100 characters are perfectly acceptable,
    683 while lengths longer than about 130 or 160 characters (including the length of
    684 the tag) should be avoided if possible.</p>
    685 </li>
    686 <li>
    687 <p>Logging that reports successes should never be used at levels
    688 higher than VERBOSE.</p>
    689 </li>
    690 <li>
    691 <p>Temporary logging that is used to diagnose an issue that's
    692 hard to reproduce should be kept at the DEBUG or VERBOSE level, and should be
    693 enclosed by if blocks that allow to disable it entirely at compile-time.</p>
    694 </li>
    695 <li>
    696 <p>Be careful about security leaks through the log. Private
    697 information should be avoided. Information about protected content must
    698 definitely be avoided. This is especially important when writing framework
    699 code as it's not easy to know in advance what will and will not be private
    700 information or protected content.</p>
    701 </li>
    702 <li>
    703 <p><code>System.out.println()</code> (or <code>printf()</code> for native code) should
    704 never be used. System.out and System.err get redirected to /dev/null, so your
    705 print statements will have no visible effects. However, all the string
    706 building that happens for these calls still gets executed.</p>
    707 </li>
    708 <li>
    709 <p><em>The golden rule of logging is that your logs may not
    710 unnecessarily push other logs out of the buffer, just as others may not push
    711 out yours.</em></p>
    712 </li>
    713 </ul>
    714 <h3 id="be-consistent">Be Consistent</h3>
    715 <p>Our parting thought: BE CONSISTENT. If you're editing code, take a few
    716 minutes to look at the code around you and determine its style. If they use
    717 spaces around their if clauses, you should too. If their comments have little
    718 boxes of stars around them, make your comments have little boxes of stars
    719 around them too.</p>
    720 <p>The point of having style guidelines is to have a common vocabulary of
    721 coding, so people can concentrate on what you're saying, rather than on how
    722 you're saying it. We present global style rules here so people know the
    723 vocabulary. But local style is also important. If code you add to a a file
    724 looks drastically different from the existing code around it, it throws
    725 readers out of their rhythm when they go to read it. Try to avoid this.</p></p>
    726 <h2 id="javatests-style-rules">Javatests Style Rules</h2>
    727 <h3 id="follow-test-method-naming-conventions">Follow Test Method Naming Conventions</h3>
    728 <p>When naming test methods, you can use an underscore to seperate what is
    729 being tested from the specific case being tested. This style makes it easier
    730 to see exactly what cases are being tested.</p>
    731 <p>For example:</p>
    732 <pre><code>testMethod_specificCase1 testMethod_specificCase2
    734 void testIsDistinguishable_protanopia() {
    735     ColorMatcher colorMatcher = new ColorMatcher(PROTANOPIA)
    736     assertFalse(colorMatcher.isDistinguishable(Color.RED, Color.BLACK))
    737     assertTrue(colorMatcher.isDistinguishable(Color.X, Color.Y))
    738 }
    739 </code></pre>