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      1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #import "base/mac/objc_property_releaser.h"
      7 #import <objc/runtime.h>
      8 #include <stdlib.h>
     10 #include <string>
     12 #include "base/logging.h"
     14 namespace base {
     15 namespace mac {
     17 namespace {
     19 // Returns the name of the instance variable backing the property, if known,
     20 // if the property is marked "retain" or "copy". If the instance variable name
     21 // is not known (perhaps because it was not automatically associated with the
     22 // property by @synthesize) or if the property is not "retain" or "copy",
     23 // returns an empty string.
     24 std::string ReleasableInstanceName(objc_property_t property) {
     25   // TODO(mark): Starting in newer system releases, the Objective-C runtime
     26   // provides a function to break the property attribute string into
     27   // individual attributes (property_copyAttributeList), as well as a function
     28   // to look up the value of a specific attribute
     29   // (property_copyAttributeValue). When the SDK defining that interface is
     30   // final, this function should be adapted to walk the attribute list as
     31   // returned by property_copyAttributeList when that function is available in
     32   // preference to scanning through the attribute list manually.
     34   // The format of the string returned by property_getAttributes is documented
     35   // at
     36   // http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/ObjCRuntimeGuide/Articles/ocrtPropertyIntrospection.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008048-CH101-SW6
     37   const char* property_attributes = property_getAttributes(property);
     39   std::string instance_name;
     40   bool releasable = false;
     41   while (*property_attributes) {
     42     char name = *property_attributes;
     44     const char* value = ++property_attributes;
     45     while (*property_attributes && *property_attributes != ',') {
     46       ++property_attributes;
     47     }
     49     switch (name) {
     50       // It might seem intelligent to check the type ('T') attribute to verify
     51       // that it identifies an NSObject-derived type (the attribute value
     52       // begins with '@'.) This is a bad idea beacuse it fails to identify
     53       // CFTypeRef-based properties declared as __attribute__((NSObject)),
     54       // which just show up as pointers to their underlying CFType structs.
     55       //
     56       // Quoting
     57       // http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/ObjectiveC/Chapters/ocProperties.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP30001163-CH17-SW27
     58       //
     59       // > In Mac OS X v10.6 and later, you can use the __attribute__ keyword
     60       // > to specify that a Core Foundation property should be treated like
     61       // > an Objective-C object for memory management:
     62       // >   @property(retain) __attribute__((NSObject)) CFDictionaryRef
     63       // >       myDictionary;
     64       case 'C':  // copy
     65       case '&':  // retain
     66         releasable = true;
     67         break;
     68       case 'V':  // instance variable name
     69         // 'V' is specified as the last attribute to occur in the
     70         // documentation, but empirically, it's not always the last. In
     71         // GC-supported or GC-required code, the 'P' (GC-eligible) attribute
     72         // occurs after 'V'.
     73         instance_name.assign(value, property_attributes - value);
     74         break;
     75     }
     77     if (*property_attributes) {
     78       ++property_attributes;
     79     }
     80   }
     82   if (releasable) {
     83     return instance_name;
     84   }
     86   return std::string();
     87 }
     89 }  // namespace
     91 void ObjCPropertyReleaser::Init(id object, Class classy) {
     92   DCHECK(!object_);
     93   DCHECK(!class_);
     94   CHECK([object isKindOfClass:classy]);
     96   object_ = object;
     97   class_ = classy;
     98 }
    100 void ObjCPropertyReleaser::ReleaseProperties() {
    101   DCHECK(object_);
    102   DCHECK(class_);
    104   unsigned int property_count = 0;
    105   objc_property_t* properties = class_copyPropertyList(class_, &property_count);
    107   for (unsigned int property_index = 0;
    108        property_index < property_count;
    109        ++property_index) {
    110     objc_property_t property = properties[property_index];
    111     std::string instance_name = ReleasableInstanceName(property);
    112     if (!instance_name.empty()) {
    113       id instance_value = nil;
    114       Ivar instance_variable =
    115           object_getInstanceVariable(object_, instance_name.c_str(),
    116                                      (void**)&instance_value);
    117       DCHECK(instance_variable);
    118       [instance_value release];
    119     }
    120   }
    122   free(properties);
    124   // Clear object_ and class_ in case this ObjCPropertyReleaser will live on.
    125   // It's only expected to release the properties it supervises once per Init.
    126   object_ = nil;
    127   class_ = nil;
    128 }
    130 }  // namespace mac
    131 }  // namespace base