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      1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 // Use the <code>chrome.copresence</code> API to communicate with other nearby
      6 // devices using Google's copresence service.
      7 namespace copresence {
      8   // Suggestions to copresence on how to do the publication and subscription.
      9   // Note: These are only suggestions. Actual behavior may not always match
     10   // what is requested.
     11   dictionary Strategy {
     12     // Attempt to use low power mode. Defaults to false.
     13     boolean? lowPower;
     14     // Attempt to only broadcast. Using this with onlyScan can result in both
     15     // being ignored. Defaults to false.
     16     boolean? onlyBroadcast;
     17     // Attempt to only scan. Using this with onlyBroadcast can result in both
     18     // being ignored. Defaults to false.
     19     boolean? onlyScan;
     20     // Attempt to use audible audio. Defaults to false.
     21     boolean? audible;
     22   };
     24   dictionary Message {
     25     // The type of message being published. Cannot be empty.
     26     DOMString type;
     27     // The message payload, in raw bytes.
     28     ArrayBuffer payload;
     29   };
     31   dictionary MessageFilter {
     32     // The type of messages to subscribe to. Cannot be empty.
     33     DOMString type;
     34   };
     36   [noinline_doc] dictionary AccessPolicy {
     37     // Only send this message to devices within hearing range.
     38     // Defaults to false.
     39     boolean? onlyEarshot;
     40   };
     42   [noinline_doc] dictionary PublishOperation {
     43     // A unique ID that identifies this publish.
     44     DOMString id;
     45     // The message to publish.
     46     Message message;
     47     // The number of milliseconds for which this publication will be active.
     48     // This is capped at 24 hours. If not provided, a default of 5 minutes is
     49     // used.
     50     long? timeToLiveMillis;
     51     // A policy specifying who can get the message.
     52     AccessPolicy? policy;
     53     // A set of strategies to use when publishing the message. These
     54     // strategies are suggestions to copresence that may or may not be followed.
     55     Strategy? strategies;
     56   };
     58   [noinline_doc] dictionary SubscribeOperation {
     59     // A unique ID that identifies this subscription.
     60     DOMString id;
     61     // Filter that defines which messages we want to subscribe to.
     62     MessageFilter filter;
     63     // The number of milliseconds for which this subscription will be active.
     64     // This is capped at 24 hours. If not provided, a default of 5 minutes is
     65     // used.
     66     long? timeToLiveMillis;
     67     // A set of strategies to use when subscribing with this filter. These
     68     // strategies are suggestions to copresence that may or may not be followed.
     69     Strategy? strategies;
     70   };
     72   [noinline_doc] dictionary UnpublishOperation {
     73     // The ID of a message to unpublish. Required if the operation type
     74     // is 'unpublish'.
     75     DOMString unpublishId;
     76   };
     78   [noinline_doc] dictionary UnsubscribeOperation {
     79     // The ID of a subscription to cancel. Required if the operation type
     80     // is 'unsubscribe'.
     81     DOMString unsubscribeId;
     82   };
     84   // Only one of these can be set.
     85   [noinline_doc] dictionary Operation {
     86     // Publication details. Required if the operation type is 'publish'.
     87     PublishOperation? publish;
     88     // Subscription details. Required if the operation type is 'subscribe'.
     89     SubscribeOperation? subscribe;
     90     // Unpublish details. Required if the operation type is 'unpublish'.
     91     UnpublishOperation? unpublish;
     92     // Unsubscribe details. Required if the operation type is 'unsubscribe'.
     93     UnsubscribeOperation? unsubscribe;
     94   };
     96   // Indicates whether a batchExecute() call succeeded or encountered errors.
     97   enum ExecuteStatus {
     98     // All operations sent to batchExecute succeeded.
     99     success,
    100     // One of the operations sent to batchExecute failed.
    101     failed,
    102     // Contacting the Copresence server failed.
    103     serverError,
    104     // Initializing Copresence failed.
    105     initFailed
    106   };
    108   // Specifies an asynchronous status event sent to the app.
    109   enum Status {
    110     // We attempted to broadcast audio but weren't able to.
    111     audioFailed,
    112     // Contacting the Copresence server failed.
    113     serverError
    114   };
    116   // Callback to return the status of a completed batchExecute() call.
    117   callback ExecuteCallback = void(ExecuteStatus status);
    119   interface Functions {
    120     // Sets the API key to use with the app. This parameter only needs to be
    121     // set to communicate with apps on other platforms. Once the API key is set,
    122     // apps on any platform that are using this API key can publish/subscribe to
    123     // each other.
    124     [nodoc] static void setApiKey(DOMString apiKey);
    126     // Executes a set of copresence operations in one batch. They will either
    127     // all be executed, or none will be executed (due to an error in one or
    128     // more of them). Publish/Subscribe operations are executed in the order
    129     // that they exist in the array. Unpublish and Unsubscribe are processsed
    130     // at the end, again, in the order that they exist in the array.
    131     static void execute(Operation[] operations, ExecuteCallback callback);
    132   };
    134   interface Events {
    135     // Fired when new messages arrive.
    136     static void onMessagesReceived(DOMString subscriptionId,
    137                                    Message[] messages);
    139     // Fired when a new copresence status update is available.
    140     static void onStatusUpdated(Status status);
    141   };
    142 };