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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 [
      6   {
      7     "namespace": "pageAction",
      8     "description": "Use the <code>chrome.pageAction</code> API to put icons inside the address bar. Page actions represent actions that can be taken on the current page, but that aren't applicable to all pages.",
      9     "types": [
     10       {
     11         "id": "ImageDataType",
     12         "type": "object",
     13         "isInstanceOf": "ImageData",
     14         "additionalProperties": { "type": "any" },
     15         "description": "Pixel data for an image. Must be an ImageData object (for example, from a <code>canvas</code> element)."
     16       }
     17     ],
     18     "functions": [
     19       {
     20         "name": "show",
     21         "type": "function",
     22         "description": "Shows the page action. The page action is shown whenever the tab is selected.",
     23         "parameters": [
     24           {"type": "integer", "name": "tabId", "minimum": 0, "description": "The id of the tab for which you want to modify the page action."}
     25         ]
     26       },
     27       {
     28         "name": "hide",
     29         "type": "function",
     30         "description": "Hides the page action.",
     31         "parameters": [
     32           {"type": "integer", "name": "tabId", "minimum": 0, "description": "The id of the tab for which you want to modify the page action."}
     33         ]
     34       },
     35       {
     36         "name": "setTitle",
     37         "type": "function",
     38         "description": "Sets the title of the page action. This is displayed in a tooltip over the page action.",
     39         "parameters": [
     40           {
     41             "name": "details",
     42             "type": "object",
     43             "properties": {
     44               "tabId": {"type": "integer", "minimum": 0, "description": "The id of the tab for which you want to modify the page action."},
     45               "title": {"type": "string", "description": "The tooltip string."}
     46             }
     47           }
     48         ]
     49       },
     50       {
     51         "name": "getTitle",
     52         "type": "function",
     53         "description": "Gets the title of the page action.",
     54         "parameters": [
     55           {
     56             "name": "details",
     57             "type": "object",
     58             "properties": {
     59               "tabId": {
     60                 "type": "integer",
     61                 "description": "Specify the tab to get the title from."
     62               }
     63             }
     64           },
     65           {
     66             "type": "function",
     67             "name": "callback",
     68             "parameters": [
     69               {
     70                 "name": "result",
     71                 "type": "string"
     72               }
     73             ]
     74           }
     75         ]
     76       },
     77       {
     78         "name": "setIcon",
     79         "type": "function",
     80         "description": "Sets the icon for the page action. The icon can be specified either as the path to an image file or as the pixel data from a canvas element, or as dictionary of either one of those. Either the <b>path</b> or the <b>imageData</b> property must be specified.",
     81         "parameters": [
     82           {
     83             "name": "details",
     84             "type": "object",
     85             "properties": {
     86               "tabId": {"type": "integer", "minimum": 0, "description": "The id of the tab for which you want to modify the page action."},
     87               "imageData": {
     88                 "choices": [
     89                   { "$ref": "ImageDataType" },
     90                   {
     91                     "type": "object",
     92                     "properties": {
     93                       "19": {"$ref": "ImageDataType", "optional": true},
     94                       "38": {"$ref": "ImageDataType", "optional": true}
     95                      }
     96                   }
     97                 ],
     98                 "optional": true,
     99                 "description": "Either an ImageData object or a dictionary {size -> ImageData} representing icon to be set. If the icon is specified as a dictionary, the actual image to be used is chosen depending on screen's pixel density. If the number of image pixels that fit into one screen space unit equals <code>scale</code>, then image with size <code>scale</code> * 19 will be selected. Initially only scales 1 and 2 will be supported. At least one image must be specified. Note that 'details.imageData = foo' is equivalent to 'details.imageData = {'19': foo}'"
    100               },
    101               "path": {
    102                 "choices": [
    103                   { "type": "string" },
    104                   {
    105                     "type": "object",
    106                     "properties": {
    107                       "19": {"type": "string", "optional": true},
    108                       "38": {"type": "string", "optional": true}
    109                     }
    110                   }
    111                 ],
    112                 "optional": true,
    113                 "description": "Either a relative image path or a dictionary {size -> relative image path} pointing to icon to be set. If the icon is specified as a dictionary, the actual image to be used is chosen depending on screen's pixel density. If the number of image pixels that fit into one screen space unit equals <code>scale</code>, then image with size <code>scale</code> * 19 will be selected. Initially only scales 1 and 2 will be supported. At least one image must be specified. Note that 'details.path = foo' is equivalent to 'details.imageData = {'19': foo}'"
    114               },
    115               "iconIndex": {
    116                 "type": "integer",
    117                 "minimum": 0,
    118                 "description": "<b>Deprecated.</b> This argument is ignored.",
    119                 "optional": true
    120               }
    121             }
    122           },
    123           {
    124             "type": "function",
    125             "name": "callback",
    126             "optional": true,
    127             "parameters": []
    128           }
    129         ]
    130       },
    131       {
    132         "name": "setPopup",
    133         "type": "function",
    134         "description": "Sets the html document to be opened as a popup when the user clicks on the page action's icon.",
    135         "parameters": [
    136           {
    137             "name": "details",
    138             "type": "object",
    139             "properties": {
    140               "tabId": {"type": "integer", "minimum": 0, "description": "The id of the tab for which you want to modify the page action."},
    141               "popup": {
    142                 "type": "string",
    143                 "description": "The html file to show in a popup.  If set to the empty string (''), no popup is shown."
    144               }
    145             }
    146           }
    147         ]
    148       },
    149       {
    150         "name": "getPopup",
    151         "type": "function",
    152         "description": "Gets the html document set as the popup for this page action.",
    153         "parameters": [
    154           {
    155             "name": "details",
    156             "type": "object",
    157             "properties": {
    158               "tabId": {
    159                 "type": "integer",
    160                 "description": "Specify the tab to get the popup from."
    161               }
    162             }
    163           },
    164           {
    165             "type": "function",
    166             "name": "callback",
    167             "parameters": [
    168               {
    169                 "name": "result",
    170                 "type": "string"
    171               }
    172             ]
    173           }
    174         ]
    175       }
    176     ],
    177     "events": [
    178       {
    179         "name": "onClicked",
    180         "type": "function",
    181         "description": "Fired when a page action icon is clicked.  This event will not fire if the page action has a popup.",
    182         "parameters": [
    183           {
    184             "name": "tab",
    185             "$ref": "tabs.Tab"
    186           }
    187         ]
    188       }
    189     ]
    190   }
    191 ]