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      1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "chrome/common/extensions/chrome_extensions_client.h"
      7 #include "base/command_line.h"
      8 #include "base/strings/string_util.h"
      9 #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
     10 #include "chrome/common/chrome_version_info.h"
     11 #include "chrome/common/extensions/chrome_manifest_handlers.h"
     12 #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_constants.h"
     13 #include "chrome/common/extensions/features/chrome_channel_feature_filter.h"
     14 #include "chrome/common/extensions/features/feature_channel.h"
     15 #include "chrome/common/url_constants.h"
     16 #include "chrome/grit/chromium_strings.h"
     17 #include "chrome/grit/common_resources.h"
     18 #include "chrome/grit/generated_resources.h"
     19 #include "content/public/common/url_constants.h"
     20 #include "extensions/common/common_manifest_handlers.h"
     21 #include "extensions/common/extension.h"
     22 #include "extensions/common/extension_api.h"
     23 #include "extensions/common/extension_urls.h"
     24 #include "extensions/common/features/api_feature.h"
     25 #include "extensions/common/features/base_feature_provider.h"
     26 #include "extensions/common/features/feature_provider.h"
     27 #include "extensions/common/features/json_feature_provider_source.h"
     28 #include "extensions/common/features/manifest_feature.h"
     29 #include "extensions/common/features/permission_feature.h"
     30 #include "extensions/common/features/simple_feature.h"
     31 #include "extensions/common/manifest_constants.h"
     32 #include "extensions/common/manifest_handler.h"
     33 #include "extensions/common/permissions/api_permission_set.h"
     34 #include "extensions/common/permissions/permission_message.h"
     35 #include "extensions/common/permissions/permissions_info.h"
     36 #include "extensions/common/url_pattern.h"
     37 #include "extensions/common/url_pattern_set.h"
     38 #include "extensions/grit/extensions_resources.h"
     39 #include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
     40 #include "url/gurl.h"
     42 // TODO(thestig): Remove these #defines. This file should not be built when
     43 // extensions are disabled.
     44 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
     45 #include "chrome/common/extensions/api/generated_schemas.h"
     46 #include "chrome/grit/extensions_api_resources.h"
     47 #include "extensions/common/api/generated_schemas.h"
     48 #endif
     50 namespace extensions {
     52 namespace {
     54 // TODO(battre): Delete the HTTP URL once the blacklist is downloaded via HTTPS.
     55 const char kExtensionBlocklistUrlPrefix[] =
     56     "http://www.gstatic.com/chrome/extensions/blacklist";
     57 const char kExtensionBlocklistHttpsUrlPrefix[] =
     58     "https://www.gstatic.com/chrome/extensions/blacklist";
     60 const char kThumbsWhiteListedExtension[] = "khopmbdjffemhegeeobelklnbglcdgfh";
     62 template <class FeatureClass>
     63 SimpleFeature* CreateFeature() {
     64   SimpleFeature* feature = new FeatureClass;
     65   feature->AddFilter(
     66       scoped_ptr<SimpleFeatureFilter>(new ChromeChannelFeatureFilter(feature)));
     67   return feature;
     68 }
     70 }  // namespace
     72 static base::LazyInstance<ChromeExtensionsClient> g_client =
     75 ChromeExtensionsClient::ChromeExtensionsClient()
     76     : chrome_api_permissions_(ChromeAPIPermissions()),
     77       extensions_api_permissions_(ExtensionsAPIPermissions()) {
     78 }
     80 ChromeExtensionsClient::~ChromeExtensionsClient() {
     81 }
     83 void ChromeExtensionsClient::Initialize() {
     84   // Registration could already be finalized in unit tests, where the utility
     85   // thread runs in-process.
     86   if (!ManifestHandler::IsRegistrationFinalized()) {
     87     RegisterCommonManifestHandlers();
     88 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
     89     RegisterChromeManifestHandlers();
     90 #endif
     91     ManifestHandler::FinalizeRegistration();
     92   }
     94   // Set up permissions.
     95   PermissionsInfo::GetInstance()->AddProvider(chrome_api_permissions_);
     96   PermissionsInfo::GetInstance()->AddProvider(extensions_api_permissions_);
     98   // Set up the scripting whitelist.
     99   // Whitelist ChromeVox, an accessibility extension from Google that needs
    100   // the ability to script webui pages. This is temporary and is not
    101   // meant to be a general solution.
    102   // TODO(dmazzoni): remove this once we have an extension API that
    103   // allows any extension to request read-only access to webui pages.
    104   scripting_whitelist_.push_back(extension_misc::kChromeVoxExtensionId);
    106   // Whitelist "Discover DevTools Companion" extension from Google that
    107   // needs the ability to script DevTools pages. Companion will assist
    108   // online courses and will be needed while the online educational programs
    109   // are in place.
    110   scripting_whitelist_.push_back("angkfkebojeancgemegoedelbnjgcgme");
    111 }
    113 const PermissionMessageProvider&
    114 ChromeExtensionsClient::GetPermissionMessageProvider() const {
    115   return permission_message_provider_;
    116 }
    118 const std::string ChromeExtensionsClient::GetProductName() {
    119   return l10n_util::GetStringUTF8(IDS_PRODUCT_NAME);
    120 }
    122 scoped_ptr<FeatureProvider> ChromeExtensionsClient::CreateFeatureProvider(
    123     const std::string& name) const {
    124   scoped_ptr<FeatureProvider> provider;
    125   scoped_ptr<JSONFeatureProviderSource> source(
    126       CreateFeatureProviderSource(name));
    127   if (name == "api") {
    128     provider.reset(new BaseFeatureProvider(source->dictionary(),
    129                                            CreateFeature<APIFeature>));
    130   } else if (name == "manifest") {
    131     provider.reset(new BaseFeatureProvider(source->dictionary(),
    132                                            CreateFeature<ManifestFeature>));
    133   } else if (name == "permission") {
    134     provider.reset(new BaseFeatureProvider(source->dictionary(),
    135                                            CreateFeature<PermissionFeature>));
    136   } else {
    137     NOTREACHED();
    138   }
    139   return provider.Pass();
    140 }
    142 scoped_ptr<JSONFeatureProviderSource>
    143 ChromeExtensionsClient::CreateFeatureProviderSource(
    144     const std::string& name) const {
    145   scoped_ptr<JSONFeatureProviderSource> source(
    146       new JSONFeatureProviderSource(name));
    147   if (name == "api") {
    148     source->LoadJSON(IDR_EXTENSION_API_FEATURES);
    150   } else if (name == "manifest") {
    153   } else if (name == "permission") {
    156   } else {
    157     NOTREACHED();
    158     source.reset();
    159   }
    160   return source.Pass();
    161 }
    163 void ChromeExtensionsClient::FilterHostPermissions(
    164     const URLPatternSet& hosts,
    165     URLPatternSet* new_hosts,
    166     std::set<PermissionMessage>* messages) const {
    167   for (URLPatternSet::const_iterator i = hosts.begin();
    168        i != hosts.end(); ++i) {
    169     // Filters out every URL pattern that matches chrome:// scheme.
    170     if (i->scheme() == content::kChromeUIScheme) {
    171       // chrome://favicon is the only URL for chrome:// scheme that we
    172       // want to support. We want to deprecate the "chrome" scheme.
    173       // We should not add any additional "host" here.
    174       if (GURL(chrome::kChromeUIFaviconURL).host() != i->host())
    175         continue;
    176       messages->insert(PermissionMessage(
    177           PermissionMessage::kFavicon,
    178           l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_EXTENSION_PROMPT_WARNING_FAVICON)));
    179     } else {
    180       new_hosts->AddPattern(*i);
    181     }
    182   }
    183 }
    185 void ChromeExtensionsClient::SetScriptingWhitelist(
    186     const ExtensionsClient::ScriptingWhitelist& whitelist) {
    187   scripting_whitelist_ = whitelist;
    188 }
    190 const ExtensionsClient::ScriptingWhitelist&
    191 ChromeExtensionsClient::GetScriptingWhitelist() const {
    192   return scripting_whitelist_;
    193 }
    195 URLPatternSet ChromeExtensionsClient::GetPermittedChromeSchemeHosts(
    196       const Extension* extension,
    197       const APIPermissionSet& api_permissions) const {
    198   URLPatternSet hosts;
    199   // Regular extensions are only allowed access to chrome://favicon.
    200   hosts.AddPattern(URLPattern(URLPattern::SCHEME_CHROMEUI,
    201                               chrome::kChromeUIFaviconURL));
    203   // Experimental extensions are also allowed chrome://thumb.
    204   //
    205   // TODO: A public API should be created for retrieving thumbnails.
    206   // See http://crbug.com/222856. A temporary hack is implemented here to
    207   // make chrome://thumbs available to NTP Russia extension as
    208   // non-experimental.
    209   if ((api_permissions.find(APIPermission::kExperimental) !=
    210        api_permissions.end()) ||
    211       (extension->id() == kThumbsWhiteListedExtension &&
    212        extension->from_webstore())) {
    213     hosts.AddPattern(URLPattern(URLPattern::SCHEME_CHROMEUI,
    214                                 chrome::kChromeUIThumbnailURL));
    215   }
    216   return hosts;
    217 }
    219 bool ChromeExtensionsClient::IsScriptableURL(
    220     const GURL& url, std::string* error) const {
    221   // The gallery is special-cased as a restricted URL for scripting to prevent
    222   // access to special JS bindings we expose to the gallery (and avoid things
    223   // like extensions removing the "report abuse" link).
    224   // TODO(erikkay): This seems like the wrong test.  Shouldn't we we testing
    225   // against the store app extent?
    226   GURL store_url(extension_urls::GetWebstoreLaunchURL());
    227   if (url.host() == store_url.host()) {
    228     if (error)
    229       *error = manifest_errors::kCannotScriptGallery;
    230     return false;
    231   }
    232   return true;
    233 }
    235 bool ChromeExtensionsClient::IsAPISchemaGenerated(
    236     const std::string& name) const {
    237 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
    238   // Test from most common to least common.
    239   return api::GeneratedSchemas::IsGenerated(name) ||
    240          core_api::GeneratedSchemas::IsGenerated(name);
    241 #else
    242   return false;
    243 #endif
    244 }
    246 base::StringPiece ChromeExtensionsClient::GetAPISchema(
    247     const std::string& name) const {
    248 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
    249   // Test from most common to least common.
    250   if (api::GeneratedSchemas::IsGenerated(name))
    251     return api::GeneratedSchemas::Get(name);
    253   return core_api::GeneratedSchemas::Get(name);
    254 #else
    255   return base::StringPiece();
    256 #endif
    257 }
    259 void ChromeExtensionsClient::RegisterAPISchemaResources(
    260     ExtensionAPI* api) const {
    261 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
    262   api->RegisterSchemaResource("accessibilityPrivate",
    263                               IDR_EXTENSION_API_JSON_ACCESSIBILITYPRIVATE);
    264   api->RegisterSchemaResource("app", IDR_EXTENSION_API_JSON_APP);
    265   api->RegisterSchemaResource("browserAction",
    266                               IDR_EXTENSION_API_JSON_BROWSERACTION);
    267   api->RegisterSchemaResource("commands", IDR_EXTENSION_API_JSON_COMMANDS);
    268   api->RegisterSchemaResource("declarativeContent",
    269                               IDR_EXTENSION_API_JSON_DECLARATIVE_CONTENT);
    270   api->RegisterSchemaResource("declarativeWebRequest",
    271                               IDR_EXTENSION_API_JSON_DECLARATIVE_WEBREQUEST);
    272   api->RegisterSchemaResource("fileBrowserHandler",
    273                               IDR_EXTENSION_API_JSON_FILEBROWSERHANDLER);
    274   api->RegisterSchemaResource("inputMethodPrivate",
    275                               IDR_EXTENSION_API_JSON_INPUTMETHODPRIVATE);
    276   api->RegisterSchemaResource("pageAction", IDR_EXTENSION_API_JSON_PAGEACTION);
    277   api->RegisterSchemaResource("privacy", IDR_EXTENSION_API_JSON_PRIVACY);
    278   api->RegisterSchemaResource("processes", IDR_EXTENSION_API_JSON_PROCESSES);
    279   api->RegisterSchemaResource("proxy", IDR_EXTENSION_API_JSON_PROXY);
    280   api->RegisterSchemaResource("scriptBadge",
    281                               IDR_EXTENSION_API_JSON_SCRIPTBADGE);
    282   api->RegisterSchemaResource("ttsEngine", IDR_EXTENSION_API_JSON_TTSENGINE);
    283   api->RegisterSchemaResource("tts", IDR_EXTENSION_API_JSON_TTS);
    284   api->RegisterSchemaResource("types", IDR_EXTENSION_API_JSON_TYPES);
    285   api->RegisterSchemaResource("types.private",
    286                               IDR_EXTENSION_API_JSON_TYPES_PRIVATE);
    287   api->RegisterSchemaResource("webstore", IDR_EXTENSION_API_JSON_WEBSTORE);
    288   api->RegisterSchemaResource("webViewRequest",
    289                               IDR_EXTENSION_API_JSON_WEB_VIEW_REQUEST);
    290 #endif  // defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
    291 }
    293 bool ChromeExtensionsClient::ShouldSuppressFatalErrors() const {
    294   // Suppress fatal errors only on beta and stable channels.
    295   return GetCurrentChannel() > chrome::VersionInfo::CHANNEL_DEV;
    296 }
    298 std::string ChromeExtensionsClient::GetWebstoreBaseURL() const {
    299   std::string gallery_prefix = extension_urls::kChromeWebstoreBaseURL;
    300   if (CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(switches::kAppsGalleryURL))
    301     gallery_prefix = CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->GetSwitchValueASCII(
    302         switches::kAppsGalleryURL);
    303   if (EndsWith(gallery_prefix, "/", true))
    304     gallery_prefix = gallery_prefix.substr(0, gallery_prefix.length() - 1);
    305   return gallery_prefix;
    306 }
    308 std::string ChromeExtensionsClient::GetWebstoreUpdateURL() const {
    309   CommandLine* cmdline = CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
    310   if (cmdline->HasSwitch(switches::kAppsGalleryUpdateURL))
    311     return cmdline->GetSwitchValueASCII(switches::kAppsGalleryUpdateURL);
    312   else
    313     return extension_urls::GetDefaultWebstoreUpdateUrl().spec();
    314 }
    316 bool ChromeExtensionsClient::IsBlacklistUpdateURL(const GURL& url) const {
    317   // The extension blacklist URL is returned from the update service and
    318   // therefore not determined by Chromium. If the location of the blacklist file
    319   // ever changes, we need to update this function. A DCHECK in the
    320   // ExtensionUpdater ensures that we notice a change. This is the full URL
    321   // of a blacklist:
    322   // http://www.gstatic.com/chrome/extensions/blacklist/l_0_0_0_7.txt
    323   return StartsWithASCII(url.spec(), kExtensionBlocklistUrlPrefix, true) ||
    324          StartsWithASCII(url.spec(), kExtensionBlocklistHttpsUrlPrefix, true);
    325 }
    327 // static
    328 ChromeExtensionsClient* ChromeExtensionsClient::GetInstance() {
    329   return g_client.Pointer();
    330 }
    332 }  // namespace extensions